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ISSUE 2, DEC – JAN 2012










PG 2 | DEC – JAN 2012
DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 3
Health & Fitness
5. 5 Tips for Healthy Happy

Indy’s Who’s Who

6. Nancy Ford-Winters

8. Iren Golder

Political Corner
9. The Smart Vote

The Blended Family: Making It Work pg.10 14. Classic Style

Co-Founders: Darrell Johnson, Keith

Creative Director/Editor: Christina
Sr. Graphic Designer: Brian Coyle
Staff Writers: Antwon Taylor,
Candice Broadus, Erica Scott,
Juanita F. Carothers, Meisha Wide
Photography: DLH Photography
Sales Associate: Jessica Johnson

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year pg. 12

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the property of GRANDSCALE Magazine.

PG 4 | DEC – JAN 2012

You may still be on a Black Friday buzz
with many retailers trying to stimulate
the economy with deals & steals that they
-- and for many people, the holidays can
drum up a whole treasure chest of feel-
ings, both good and bad.” These feelings
offer trial membership passes, especially
if you are a “displaced” member from an-
other fitness center. Take advantage of the
think you can’t live without, but don’t are natural. Recognize them and reflect free introduction or orientation to speak
forget about giving yourself the gift of on the memories but don’t rely on the with a fitness professional before you start
health while you’re filling your sleigh to food to bring back or cover up those any regimen. If you over do it, you’ll have
bring joy to others. feelings. more of a negative effect than you would
if you take it slow.

This holiday season let’s take a moment Eat MORE fresh food:

(or two, or three) to focus on what it is Don’t settle for the 12 inches that your Each one, teach one: In the spirit
that you can do to improve your health favorite sandwich franchise has to of- of giving, share the wealth of knowledge
or maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you’re fer for $5, find some of the best fresh about these tips with at least one person:
anything like me, it’s sometimes a chal- produce grown right here in Indiana. If your workout partner, a co-worker, or a
lenge to be a little self-centered so I’ve you shop for fruits and veggies that are in loved one. If your goal is to maintain,
given you 5 simple tips that you can in- season you can find yourself saving some share your story about how you achieved
corporate into your life to help you focus money too. Win - win or should I say your goals. You never know whom you
on YOU this holiday season and into the “WINNING!” may inspire. Catching a good attitude this
New Year. season will go a long way.
Visit one of these winter markets: Down-

Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals: Set town-Indy Winter Farmer’s Market (Sat- For more about these tips or advice on
a weight goal for the holidays that is not urdays, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., City Market, health & wellness, reach me on the web by
going to add more stress to your life. 222 E. Market St.), Northwest- Winter email or @
Start small and be sure that you’re creat- Organic Green Market at Traders Point MyWideLens on Twitter.
ing a S.M.A.R.T. goal: Specific, Measur- Creamery (Saturdays, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,
able, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. 9101 Moore Rd., Zionsville), Northeast-
This system of goal setting should also Binford Indoor Holiday market (Satur- Meisha Wide
be used if you’re planning to make life day, December 3rd & 10th, 9 a.m.-noon, Community
changes in 2012. Hawthorn Plaza Shopping Center, 62nd Wellness Consultant

and Binford Blvd)

Check yourself: Recent studies
show that overeating during anytime of Get physical: As much as you may
the year is controlled more by our emo- hear that there are other solutions for
tions than what is in our environment. In weight loss, you cannot achieve the best
Obesity journal Heather Niemeier, PhD, results without including exercise in your
reports “We eat in response to feelings lifestyle. Several local fitness centers will

DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 5

PG 6 | DEC – JAN 2012
INDY’s Who’s WHO??
Nancy Ford-Winters
Nancy Ford-Winters was not your average government employee. As her career in the
Social Security field blossomed, she received a vision to further help disabled individ-
uals overcome the barriers placed in front of them. Years later Nancy stepped outside
of her government job and began her own company called Branches For-Disabilities,
Incorporated. This company quickly proved to satisfy a need within the local com-
munity. Branches For-Disabilities, Inc. provides individuals that are on social secu-
rity with guidance and information on various social security programs, including the
“Plan to Achieve Self-Support” (P.A.S.S.). This program, in particular, gives partici-
pants money with a goal of achieving self-support through career training, continued
education to acquire a degree, assistance starting a business, or any other facets that
would help the participant achieve financial self-support.

Nancy guides individuals through the application and appeals processes to help them
get the approval for the program. And while she has helped others accomplish these
tasks regardless of their disabilities, many are shocked to learn that Nancy has her own
disability - blindness. Nancy lost her vision over the years but her disability has not
slowed down her drive to assist others. Utilizing “text to speech” technologies and a
personal assistant, she has helped at least twenty individuals to establish successful
businesses, and countless others acquire the training they need to achieve self-support
through the P.A.S.S. program.

Despite her own disability Nancy has refused to be held back. She herself is a mother,
grandmother, and successful businesswoman. Recently, The National Council for Ne-
gro Woman recognized Nancy by giving her the award of “Accomplished Woman” for
her efforts and successes. Being successful is what drives Nancy to not only continue
her work, but to also expand. The project she is currently undergoing is one that will
utilize information and technology as a means of self-education for others in order to
make social security programs less confusing. Dedicated to this line of work for eigh-
teen years, Nancy’s joy stems from others’ success stating, “There is nothing more
fulfilling than to watch others complete their path.”

by Candice Broadus

DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 7

INDY’s Who’s WHO??
Gold shines best under the spotlight, and contracts, artist development, marketing,
thus we shine the spotlight on Mr. Iren and networking. But he still is not satis-
Golder. Iren, an Indiana native, had an fied with his current success. Currently,
early start in music. Raised in church, Iren is the driving force behind a move-
under his parents’ ministry, his love for ment headed straight for “Naptown”.
music started at a young age. Singing His plan is to come home, build a strong
and drumming for the lord turned that team, monopolize the industry with talent
love into a passion. from Indy, and take over. When asked
what his strategy will be to complete his
As a modern day Renaissance man and plan, he responded,” I’m coming, and
single father, with no formal educa- with God’s divine order and timing, we
tion in the music field, Iren has gained gonna do it!”
national recognition within the music
industry. Currently residing in the ”New -Candice Broadus
Hollywood” better known as Atlanta, he
uses his income and knowledge of the
industry to manage numerous artists in
efforts to help them reach success on a
“grand scale”. Managing local R&B art-
ist D.Golder, assisting his father with his
ministry, and setting an example for his
twelve year old son is only the beginning
brick in his ten year plan to build a musi-
cal empire.

Iren has a vision of something greater -

something more for himself and the local
artists in Indianapolis. Throughout his
early experiences, Iren felt there was a
city wide “crabs in the barrell” mentality.
It seemed as though no one was willing
to help anyone but themselves. But his
love for music motivated him to push be-
yond the local scene, beyond the borders
of Indiana, and on to a national scale.

Despite his early experiences in the local

scene, Iren is now looking to pull others
up. His experiences over the years have
provided multiple lessons in negotiating

PG 8 | DEC – JAN 2012


November 8th, the day of great political 1500 cities globally, with the purpose
participation. This is the day where we, of fighting back against the large banks
as citizens of this nation, are supposed to and corporations with power against the
be energized, eager, and inspired to cast people; and, Wall Street’s role in creating
our votes for our next political leadership. one of the biggest economic downfalls
However, local elections hardly receive this country has seen. It aims to fight
the same type of enthusiasm as does the against the rich who seem to set all the
national elections. Why is this? Does rules for everyone else corrupting the
this mean that we care less? Perhaps, we democratic process. So if people don’t
are undereducated in the ways that our educate themselves as to what is going on
local leadership impacts our lives? Or… within the political arena – both locally
could it be possible, that our lack of vote and nationwide, an uneducated vote could
actually represents our political stance? further a situation that may already be
working against them.
Some so frequently cast an ignorant or a
forced vote because they feel pressured This is not to suggest that we throw in
to do so. They vote even if they have the towel on voting, but this is to say that
limited knowledge on who the candi- political participation comes in many
dates are. They vote even if they do not forms. Be mindful of your options. Be
really approve of any one candidate or mindful of what is taking place in our na-
the other. I am here to say IT’S OK NOT tion and on a local level. Educate yourself
TO VOTE! “No vote” is better than an and know what is right for you and your
ignorant or undesired vote. To be a true neighbor. November 8th may represent
active participant in the political system a day of great national political participa-
is to be honest. tion, but so does every other day that you
spend living and working freely in this
As everyone is aware, many of our country.
country’s young adults are engaged in
one of the greatest acts of civilian politi- Juanita F. Carothers
cal participation - protesting. Occupy
Wall Street (OWS) is a protest that began Photo Credit: Globalization Perspective and
in New York and has spread to over Occupy Wall Street Movement Growth
DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 9

PG 10 | DEC – JAN 2012

According to The Merriam-Webster line of open communication. Essentially finger of blame. While it is instinctive
dictionary, a blended family is defined as when it is easier for everyone to under- to protect your own children, all family
a family that includes children of a previ- stand each other, it is easier to create an members and their opinions need to be
ous marriage of one spouse or both. The atmosphere absent of tension. All family considered equally. This helps to avoid
year 2010 accounted for thirty-eight per- members in the blended family can then the common problem of unbalanced dis-
cent of blended family marriages in the be on the same page, remain involved, cipline. Finally, DONT allow the children
United States, and that number increased and can help in situations where deci- to cause confusion in the relationship.
exponentially in 2011. “Blended families sions are made as a family - helping Confusion between the parents will cause
“or “Step families” have been an ever everyone to feel respected. the creation of sides, putting the parents
growing trend in this country. Of course, against one another.
there are the associated stereotypes with The high expectations for uniting fami-
this trend such as “the wicked stepparent” lies typically add stress, as it is crucial Always remember that communication
or “evil sibling,” but the more com- that the union is successful. With that between all members of a blended family
mon these types of is essential. Al-
families become, the lowing everyone
more those stereo-
types begin to fade. “The high expectations for to express their
opinions and
thoughts, at the
The blended fam-
ily scenario has a uniting families typically right time, will
establish a sense
history of complica- of unity and the
tions due to a lack
of the two families’
add stress, as it is crucial guidelines for
respect. Quality

that the union is successful.”

ability to mesh - but time as a family
quitting is not an and between the
option! The “golden spouses shows
rule”, do unto others the children that
as you would have there is a mutual love and respect for
them do unto you, is one of the main in mind these simple, but rarely applied everybody. All family units have differ-
concepts that should be applied heavily “DONTs” need to be considered. It is ent personalities that can clash; however
in these delicate situations. Teaching the important for the children, regardless of sharing the love and putting God first
children how to correctly apply this will age, to see a united front. DON’T address helps to place them all on common
help them to “blend” gracefully into one spousal disagreements in front of the ground.
family. Stressing the importance of all children. Following this rule will help
parties respectfully speaking and listen- the children feel a sense of unity within -R. Shelton
ing to each other will help establish a their new family. Next, DON’T point the -Candice Broadus

DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 11

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
The holidays have made it around once And a happy new year! Making it through
again. Once all your shopping is done, another year was the task, and with the
the mistletoe hung, and the presents are completion of that quickly approaching, its
wrapped, you don’t have to sit around wait- now time to plan your celebration. Don’t
ing for Santa to come sliding down your have any ideas on how you want to ring in
chimney. Get out and enjoy what Indy’s your new year. We’ve got a few!
holiday season has to offer.
This year there seems to be a party for
Be sure that everyone dresses in layers and everyone. Dave and Busters, in its popular
takes their mittens with them to Pan Ameri- Castleton location, is offering a package deal
can Plaza for a spin around the ice skating of games, food, and beverages, with no need
rink. Located near the heart of Downtown, for a designated driver, as a shuttle to your
the Pan American Plaza is full of fun activi- hotel room is also included in the package!
ties for the novice to the expert skaters.
The “grown and sexy” party this year will be
Want the holiday experience without the held at the Chase Bank Tower with a Ciroc
frost bite? The Indianapolis Children’s Mu- sponsorship. This party pledges the “best
seum offers warm fun for the entire family of the best” for the most memorable New
at their annual “Jolly Days Winter Won- Year’s party ever!
derland” where ice skating requires only a
clean pair of socks! The “fairytale evening” this year is located
at the Hyatt. The available packages include
At the Indianapolis Zoo not all the animals a romantic four course meal at the pres-
are hibernating. The dolphins are wide tigious Eagles Nest restaurant, a “fantasy
awake and in the holiday spirit as they put casino” players lounge, accommodations,
on their show. Although you can bring your live music, and a massive balloon drop at the
own camera to capture memories of the in- stroke of midnight.
door exhibits, the zoo offers photo ops with
Mr.Claus himself in Santa’s Village. Whether you welcome 2012 at a public cel-
ebration, private celebration, or at your local
Put a great ending to a great evening and place of worship, we at GrandScale wish
head down to the Canal, White River State you a happy and safe new year!
Park, and Monument Circle to be marveled
by beautiful light displays. From our family by Candice Broadus
to yours we wish you a Merry Christmas...
PG 12 | DEC – JAN 2012
First off I would like to thank everyone ate the current industry. Identify what the with is QUALITY. Over the years I have
for the overwhelming response to the game is missing and channel your energy recorded thousands of songs for many
Inaugural issue of Grandscale Magazine. in that direction. There is already a Lil artists, and the relationships I have built
This section of the magazine will be used Wayne, Nikki Minaj, Drake, and Gucci were because I never sold beats, I never
to reach out to the Independent Artists, Mane. Another major problem that I see sold music, I SOLD QUALITY. Having
and Producers trying to break through the with artists’ product is the time invested. a SUPERIOR PRODUCT comes down
barriers and red tape to get their foot in Bottom line, If you have only recorded to the QUALITY of the product. Con-
the door. I hope that this information can 2 songs in your entire career - chances sumers want to feel like they are getting
be used by all as a baseline to evaluate are you are not ready to put out a CD. If a PRODUCT worth their hard earned
their current situation, and as a means for you are planning to release a 15 track CD $$$. To the artists I say “NEVER CUT
improvement of their product. With that and you only have 15 tracks and a skit CORNERS”. There is a PROCESS to
said, this month we will fo- making good music. This
cus on just that PRODUCT.

“...THE PROBLEM THAT I SEE WITH A process involves having a
good PRODUCT to start
Do you think you can rap?
Do you think you can sing?
process, the MIXING pro-
Do you have the hottest MUCH OF IT SOUNDS THE SAME.” cess, and the MASTERING
tracks in town? Chances process. One of the easiest
are that you have answered YES to one of recorded - chances are your PRODUCT ways to separate your music from the
these questions. The problem with that is not ready. I advise artists to record rest is to always follow these processes.
is EVERYONE thinks they can rap, sing, at least 50 songs and from there choose Never take shortcuts and approach each
dance, and make the best fried chicken. only the best. PRACTICE MAKES process individually so that all attention
As of this rapping, current market value PERFECT! It takes years for an artist to and focus can be given to the PRODUCT.
on aspiring rappers is about a dime a develop their craft - their SOUND. As With the advent of digital technology,
dozen. So to each of these artists I ask an engineer, I think of the artist vocal artist’s no longer need 6 figure record-
the question, “What separates YOUR track as another instrument and it takes ing budgets to make quality recordings.
music from everyone else?” In this over- practice for the artist to be able to utilize However, spending the extra time and
saturated market of sub-par talent, the their voice in such a manner to bring a money to make sure that your project is
supply is much greater than the demand. different vibe and tone to each track. I mixed and mastered by a qualified engi-
The bottom line is - no artist, business, or like to say that by the time you have neer will only enhance the overall quality
corporation can survive without a solid recorded 70 or 80 songs, then you should of the PRODUCT. In conclusion, there
“Product.” be comfortable enough to make a Record. is no template or formula to becoming a
By RECORD I mean PHYSICALLY successful artist in the music business.
From a producer’s standpoint, the prob- RECORD ON A MICROPHONE INTO However focusing on having a qual-
lem that I see with a lot of “product” A MULTITRACK ENVIRONMENT. ity PRODUCT can only improve your
these days is much of it sounds the same. You can rap in circles and ciphers, in chances of being a successful entertainer.
Instead of being cutting edge and ground- bathrooms and bars as long as you want, Twon Taylor
breaking, artists are finding it easier to but until you actually start RECORDING
mimic the sound of commercial artists. you will never truly know how GOOD or If you would like to have your music
To those artists I tell you that you must BAD you sound. reviewed please submit your recording in
be able to fill a void. By that I mean that MP3 format to TwonTaylor@grandscale-
you must do your homework and evalu- One of the final things I will leave you

DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 13

With an objective to “help educate the
market on hair, fashion and music,” Clas-
sic Style, established in 2006 by Keith
Potter of “The Real Cut Above Barber
Shop” and Tazae Hughes of “Blades
Entertainment”, has achieved all that, and

This year’s installation of this annual

event took place on October 23 at Cloud
9 Bar and Grill. Complete with energetic
and appealing hosts, a variety of salons,
barbers, stylists and models, Classic Style
provided its attendees with a look into a

works and various vendors, Classic Style

attended to your hearts desires. The
show also allowed for designers such
as Kevin West and “thrifters” including
Fly’s Nest to display their pieces.

Contrary to the belief that the ending of a

show is to be lackluster, the final pre-
sentations proved to be the best! Ebony
“E-Styles” Stroder’s performance spot-
lighting Breast Cancer Awareness and the
acrobatics presented by “B Extravagant”
salon brought the crowd to its feet! Being
an attendee of previous Classic Styles’,
this year proved to be “different”, in its
efforts to reach the audience, through dif-
world many of us are not regularly privy ferent forms of entertainment. The show,
to. From start to finish, the show pre- again, succeeded in showcasing a wide
sented enough entertainment to keep you variety of artists, with different styles, ex-
tuned in. VIP guests were also treated pressing themselves, without constraints.
with gift bags, containing various edibles Much applause to Keith Potter and Tazae
and products from a wide range of spon- Hughes for continually bringing an event,
sors. Providing guests with stellar perfor- containing a wide variety of outlooks on
mances from acclaimed artists including life.
Lee’A Ro, Big Dave, Young Tone, and
A’nem, spoken word, Christian-themed ~Nicky Mac

PG 14 | DEC – JAN 2012


Big Dave was born March 12, 1982 in Indianapolis, Indiana to a single mother. He was intro-
duced to Hip Hop at the young age of six, deriving his early inspiration from the likes of Dana
Dane, Kool Moe D, LL Cool J, N.W.A., Ice Cube, and Snoop Dog, as well as
others. Starting off just playing around when he was seven, Big Dave began to take rapping
serious in 1997 and released two albums with his local group, Controversy.

After losing fellow group member and close friend, Lloyd Price Jr. aka B.L.A.D.E.S., in a car
accident in December 2001, Big Dave released his first solo album entitled, “I Was Made for
This.” In 2003, he entered and won Star Quest and followed this success with three more al-
bums: The Take Over (2005), Alive and Well (2007), and Coalition (2008). Currently, Big Dave
is working on his seventh album, 3850, and a Hip Hop project, Grown Man Music .

It is one of Big Dave’s goals to not only be a great artist, but also to be a great man and touch as
many lives as he can with his music, inspiring others to live for their dreams despite what life
might throw at them. Not only does Big Dave want to excel in his craft, but he also wants to
excel as a businessman and hopes to bring notoriety to hishome town.

Lee’a Ro
Lee’a Ro, born Leah Rowe, is an Indianapolis native who started singing at
the very young age of three years. Inspired by her mother, a gospel singer who
often devoted her vocals to those hospitalized, Lee’a always knew singing was
what she was meant to do. “Everything! I love everything about singing and
always wanted to do it since I was a little girl.”

At the age of 12, a dear friend who has since passed encouraged her to not only
express herself vocally, but to try her hand at writing as well. She’s been writing
honest, passionate lyrics that are sincere and captivating ever since. “It’s always
been an outlet for me. There’s just something in me that I have to let out. It’s my
story, and I have to tell it.”

After stepping away from her craft for three years to focus on becoming a moth-
er, Lee’a Ro is back, continually growing, writing, performing and capturing life
as only she can with sultry and powerful vocals mixed with edgy soulfulness
laid over beats that definitely make you get up and dance. Look for her debut
album, The Lee’a Ro Show, coming soon!

DEC – JAN 2012 | PG 15


5pm - 9pm Location TBA

JANUARY 15, 2012

The Real Cut Above Barbershop
will be Celebrating it’s 20 year Anniversary!
This will be a Black Tie Affair by invitation & with RSVP only.
So if you’ve been down with The Real,
come Celebrate a milestone in our community.
16 | DEC –Don Potter
JAN 2012 P ski or NaShay Ransom via Facebook for more information

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