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VIA:Japan is known as the land of the rising sun its bcoz form china it appears the sun rises

from the
direction of japan.they also called ther country as nippon or nihon which literally means as the source of
the sun. The Japanese bow one another as a greeting, a parting gestures, a way of expressing humility,
respect or apology

JESSA:(work in japan)(if one can do it, i can do it. if no one can do it, i must do it.)this motto for business
mans makes Japan one of the most progressive country in the world. and one of there techniques in
facing a client is by exchange of business card (meishi)it is an essential part of japanese business
etiquette. after a person has intorduced him/herself and bowed, the business card ceremony begins.
offering the business card w/ both hands will demonstrates greater respect and the card must be facing
upwards toward the recipient. Japanese expect you take time to to carefully read & memorize all
pertinents information. people should be address by their titles and their family names, not by first
names cause it considered presumptious, too familiar & rude.(PAUSE)and here comes the faher who
came from work,

VIA:(family in japan) traditional Japanese family was called 'ie' and consisted mostly of close relatives.
the father works 6 days a week, late into the night & he is also treated as a guest in his own home. he
turns the salary over to the mother so that she can do the budgeting & allocating for the family.the
mother of the family is in charge of the childrens well being & education.& very seldom for her to leave
her children w/ babysitter, or a daycare provider. if a mother cannot care for her children, their
grandmother is the next best option.motherhood & nurturing of childrens are valued highly in japanese
society considered to be one of the most importance.

JESSA:(religion in japan )japanese has to main religion namely the shinto and buddism.shintoism is
japans indeginous is believed that every living things in nature contains kami or their gods.
buddism to japan by the way of china, tiet vietnam and korea. the shinto idea is directly affected
japanese identify w/c japanese respect natures and ancestors. japanese idea of religion is not based on
the faith, but based on the respect. when they pray it is not showing the great faith to their Gods, it
shows great respects to their Gods.they dont pray at home only at main shrine. Here are the rules when
you are at shrine:

* Take off the hat or cap

* Throw coins into offertory box

*Ring the bell, when take off shoes before entering the main shrine. This is how they should pray and the
main shrine: 2 deep bowing. Make a wish in your heart. Clap twice and one more deep bow.

VIA:(Marriage in japan)Before a marriage takes place the families of the bride and groom have a couple
of meetings. First to determine if the families are compatible. the second set is the terms for wedding
ceremony and decides who pays for what.the families sometimes investigate potential in-laws to make
sure there are no indication of scandal.traditional wedding costumes worn by women often includes a
large white veil it symbolized her resolve to become a gentle, obedient wife. white has traditionally
been the color of wedding kimonos because white is a symbol of purity and mourning. the latter is a
reference to the fact that the bride is upset over leaving her family. the couples blessing is by a shinto
priest,and the formal ceremony began when all peolpe are all present they bow together towards the
alter,the priest gives a short speech and waves the HARAIGUSHI ( a branch of a sacred tree w/ white
linen or paper streamers attached)a symbol of purification.then, they sip sake and say few word and
wear the ring followed by the signing of certificate of marriage.the priest then chants an invocation,
addressing several deites, and proclaims the bride and groom united

JESSA:(FOOD in japan).When it comes to food the japanese are among the most enthusiastic and
passionate of any race. Rice and noodles are two primary staples of the japanese diet. Rice either boiled
or steamed, served at every meal. Green tea is the national beverage of japan. Chopsticks are used to
eat most kinds of japanese foods, Some restuarants in japan have low tables and cushion. Shoes and
slippers have to be removed before stepping on tatami floor. Oshibori ( Wet towel) are provided at most
restuarants to clean their hands before eating. before they eat They will say(itadakimas i gratefuly
received . When eating from small bowls,it is correct manner to pick up the bowl w/ your hand and lead
it close to your mouth when eating from it:however larger types of dishes should generally not picked
up. Blowing your nose at the table ,burping and audible munching are considered bad manners in Japan.
After they eat, they will say (Gochisosama Deshita-thank you for the food). In drinking beverages, do not
start until every body at the table has a drink and the glasses are raised for drinking salute.,w/c is
Kampai. When drinking alcoholic beverages, icustomary to serve each other rather than for your own

VIA:(how japan care for the sick)once these individuals become seriously ill, they become unsure as to
whether they really wish to have the truth or not.often seriously ill patients feel that it would not be of
any use even if they learned the truth in details because completely recovery is no longer an option. why
would it be worth to hear depressing bad news while in their terminal state. it is thought that it would
be better for patients in there terminal stages to spend the remaiinder of their time with even some
vague hope that some miracle might happen to save them.they would be rather than suffer from the
emotional upset of hopelessness. this psycological reaction is rather common among them severely sick
patients in japan. in general, japanese people are not accustomed to making medical decision regarding
their own disseases by the themselves without consulting the family. this is because of their deep regard
and repsect for the opinions and feelings of the family. when one memeber the family becomes sick, it is
the resonsibility of the entire family to look after him/her. the main person among people among family
memebers who looks after the sick individually is usually a female member who takes care of the
household on a daily basis. the family knows that the care of the sick memeber is a family matter.

JESSA:(burial in japan)

the ceremony is now rarely performed , and may be limited to rural areas where older traditions are
maintained.whether or not the encoffininf ceremony is performed, a deceased female is dress in white
suit or a kimono.the body is put in a casket.items such as a white kimono, a pair of shoes, six coins for
crossing for crossing the river of three crossings, and burnable items of which the deased is fond of are
place in the casket which is the put on a altar for the wake. held after the death, ajapanese wake is called
as (tsuya) lit.passing the night. all funeral guests should wear black dresses or black kimonos.
aset of prayer beads is place on the crossed of the deceased female called juzu. at the end of of the
funeral ceremony, the guest and family may place flowers in the casket around the deceased head and
shoulders before casket is sealed and carried to the crematorioum where cremation happen. the coffin is
placed in a tray in the crematorioum.the family witness the sliding of the body into the cremation
chamber.cremation takes about two hours, and the familly returns at a schedule time when the
cremation has been completed.the ashes may be divided among more than one urn.some ashes got to a
family grave and some go to temple or even to a company grave or to a burial space.

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