Intention and Nature Final

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-Intended end (Good) or goal of the agent

-Actual intention

- it is the act of the will by which man conforms himself to this fundamental openness and
orientation to the good

-proximate goal or end decided upon by man in view of the good or the final end

-Choosing to do what one sees to be the good alternative, the good proximate goal and means to that

Choosing to follow one’s judgement of Going against the judgement of one’s conscience.
Choosing a goal or means that one knows to be
bad and against one’s fundamental orientation to
the good.

Erroneous conscience or erroneous practical

judgement of conscience in which it is the wrong
concluding judgement consequent upon some
lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of the
principles of morality.

May also come from lack of knowledge oe wrong

assessment of the alternatives or of the
circumstances of the given situation during the
derivative phase.

Exception: Invincible ignorance

Nature and Object of the Ac

The concrete norm of morality is the personal nature and dignity of man in his three structural

1. Acts which of their very nature are against the nature and dignity of the human person/ morally
2. Acts which affirm and promote the human person
3. Acts which are morally neutral

"The end does not justify the means."

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