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Yield Improvement in Temperate Maize is Attributable to Greater Stress


Article  in  Crop Science · November 1999

DOI: 10.2135/cropsci1999.3961597x

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2 authors, including:

Matthijs Tollenaar
The Climate Corporation


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Yield Improvement in Temperate Maize is Attributable to Greater Stress Tolerance
M. Tollenaar* and J. Wu

ABSTRACT to separate, as genotype 3 environment interaction is

A retrospective analysis of the physiological basis of genetic yield a prominent feature of yield improvement in maize.
improvement may provide an understanding of yield potential and Genotype 3 environment interaction effects on grain
may indicate avenues for future yield improvement. Rate of yield yield are almost always significant for comparisons of
improvement of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids in Ontario, Canada has older and newer maize hybrids evaluated under two or
been ≈ 1.5% yr21 during the last five decades. Comparison of short- more different environmental conditions. Duvick (1984)
season hybrids representing yield improvement from the late 1950s showed that differences in grain yield between older
to the late 1980s showed that genetic yield improvement was 2.5%
and newer hybrids were a function of plant population
per year and that most of the genetic yield improvement could be
attributed to increased stress tolerance. Differences in stress tolerance density. Differences between hybrids were small at low
between older and more recent hybrids have been shown for high plant population density and became greater as plant
plant population density, weed interference, low night temperatures population density increased. We have shown that a
during the grain-filling period, low soil moisture, low soil N, and a more recent hybrid was influenced less by weed interfer-
number of herbicides. Yield improvement is the result of more effi- ence than an older hybrid in a 5-yr field study conducted
cient capture and use of resources, and the improved efficiency in in Ontario (Tollenaar et al., 1997). In contrast, differ-
resource capture and use of newer hybrids is frequently only evident ences in grain yield between the two hybrids were not
under stress. Improved resource capture has resulted from increased
significant when the two hybrids were grown under opti-
interception of seasonal incident radiation and greater uptake of nutri-
ents and water. The improved resource capture is associated with
mal belowground conditions (i.e., hydroponically) in the
increased leaf longevity, a more active root system, and a higher ratio field (Nissanka, 1995). Results indicate that a large pro-
of assimilate supply by the leaf canopy (source) and assimilate demand portion of yield improvement in maize may be attribut-
by the grain (sink) during the grain-filling period. Improvements of able to the capacity of newer hybrids to better tolerate
resource use under optimum conditions have been small, as leaf photo- stress conditions.
synthesis, leaf-angle distribution of the canopy, grain chemical compo- The observation that recent single-cross hybrids are
sition, and the proportion of dry matter allocated to the grain at more stress tolerant than open-pollinated varieties and
maturity (i.e., harvest index) have remained virtually constant. Ge-
older hybrids contradicts the notion that genotypic and
netic improvement of maize has been accompanied by a decrease in
plant-to-plant variability. Results of our studies indicate that increased
phenotypic variability are positively associated with
stress tolerance is associated with lower plant-to-plant variability and yield stability. Commercial maize genotypes in the U.S.
that increased plant-to-plant variability results in lower stress tol- Corn Belt evolved from open-pollinated varieties before
erance. the 1930s to double-cross hybrids from the 1930s to the
1960s and single-cross hybrids since the late 1960s. The
evolution of open-pollinated varieties of the 1930s to
single-cross hybrids of the 1990s was associated with an
A verage maize grain yield per hectare in Ontario
has increased at a rate of approximately 1.5% yr21
during the five-decade period since the 1940s, whereas
increase in rate of yield improvement and an increase
in area of adaptation (Troyer, 1996). This evolution was
little or no improvement in grain yield was evident dur- also associated with a decrease in genetic variability
ing the five decades before the introduction of hybrids within and among commercial maize genotypes: hun-
in the 1940s (Fig. 1). Yield improvements of a similar dreds of open-pollinated varieties were grown up to the
magnitude have been recorded for maize hybrids in 1930s in the U.S. Corn Belt, but the parentage of virtu-
the USA and Europe (Tollenaar et al., 1994). Yield ally all relatively recent, commercial U.S. hybrids in-
improvement generally can be attributed to genetic im- volve only six inbred lines or their close relatives (Good-
provement, changes in cultural management, climate man, 1990). The notion that variability within a
change, and the interactions among these factors. The community of plants, including mixtures of cultivars,
genetic improvement can be estimated from side-by- increases yield stability (Wolfe, 1985) suggests that yield
side comparisons of hybrids that are representative of stability of an open-pollinated variety should be greater
the period under study. Estimates of the contribution than that of a single-cross maize hybrid. However, the
of genetic improvement to the overall yield improve- opposite effect is indicated by the increase in area of
ment in maize range from 40 to 100% (e.g., Derieux et adaptation and the increase in stress tolerance in the
al., 1987; Tollenaar, 1989; Duvick, 1992). However, the comparison of older and newer commercial maize varie-
relative contributions of genetic gain and of gains due ties and hybrids. We have found that increases in yield
to agronomic and environmental influences are difficult and stress tolerance of more recent maize hybrids grown
in Ontario are associated with enhanced crop stand uni-
Dept. of Plant Agriculture, Crop Science Division, University of
formity (Wu, 1998).
Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1, Canada. Received 28 Dec. 1998.
*Corresponding author (
Abbreviations: CV, coefficient of variability; PPFD, photosynthetic
Published in Crop Sci. 39:1597–1604 (1999). photon flux density.


sion is directly related to amount of dry matter parti-

tioned to the leaves. Leaf photosynthetic rate did not
differ between the two hybrids (Tollenaar et al., 1991;
McCullough et al., 1994) and, consequently, plant dry
matter accumulation and rate of leaf area expansion
during early development were inversely related to the
root/shoot ratio.
Senescence. Delayed leaf senescence or “stay green”
is associated with yield improvement of maize hybrids
in North America (e.g., Crosbie, 1982; Tollenaar, 1991;
Duvick, 1997). Most of the differences in dry matter
accumulation between older and newer hybrids can be
attributed to the grain-filling period (Tollenaar, 1991;
Tollenaar and Aguilera, 1992). The “stay-green” charac-
teristic of the newer hybrid compared with an older
hybrid was associated with a larger source/sink ratio
during the grain-filling period (Rajcan and Tollenaar,
Nutrient and Water Uptake. Nutrient uptake is re-
lated to root mass and energy supply. Limited data on
root mass during later phases of maize development
Fig. 1. Mean maize grain yield (0% moisture) in Ontario from 1892
to 1997, from Agriculture Statistics for Ontario, Ontario Ministry
have been reported in the literature. A comparison of
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Queen’s Printer of Ontario, the older hybrid Pride 5 with the newer hybrid Pioneer
Toronto, ON, Canada. 3902 grown in a hydroponic system (Tollenaar and Mi-
gus, 1984) in the field in 1992 and 1993 showed that the
We will analyze the physiological basis of genetic root/shoot ratio was ≈20% greater in the newer than in
improvement in maize in general and specifically for the older hybrid during the grain-filling period (Nis-
short-season maize hybrids grown in Ontario. Yield im- sanka, 1995). Higher source/sink ratio in the newer hy-
provement is the result of more efficient capture and brid (Rajcan and Tollenaar, 1999a) may imply that as-
use of resources, and factors involved in the improved similate supply to the roots is greater in the newer
efficiency will be reviewed. Second, the effect of stress hybrid. Rajcan and Tollenaar (1999b) reported that the
tolerance and stand uniformity will be discussed because proportion of grain N derived from postsilking N uptake
improved efficiency in resource capture and utilization was 60% for the newer hybrid and 40% for the older
of newer hybrids is frequently only evident under stress. hybrid. Continuous N uptake during the grain-filling
Finally, we will speculate about the potential for genetic period has been associated with the ability to maintain
improvement of maize in the future. root growth after silking (Mackay and Barber, 1986),
which may be a function of assimilate supply. Water
uptake also may be related to root mass. Nissanka et
Resource Capture and Use al. (1997) showed that decline in plant photosynthesis
Resource Capture during a drying cycle occurred on average 1 d earlier
in the older hybrid compared with the newer hybrid,
Resource capture entails interception of incident so-
and the recovery of canopy photosynthesis after rewa-
lar radiation by the maize canopy and uptake of nutri- tering was greater in the newer than in the older hybrid.
ents and water by the roots. Seasonal interception of
incident solar radiation, or photosynthetic photon flux
density (PPFD), can be enhanced by extending the pe- Resource Use
riod during which 95% or more of incident solar radia- There are four avenues for increasing resource utiliza-
tion is intercepted, which can be achieved either by early tion: an increase in gross leaf photosynthetic rate, an
canopy closure, delayed leaf senescence, or both. increase in gross canopy photosynthetic rate, a reduction
Canopy Closure. Whereas enhanced seedling vigor in plant respiration, and an increase in harvest index
advances time of canopy closure and increases seasonal (i.e., grain yield as a proportion of total aboveground
PPFD interception, our results with short-season maize dry matter at maturity).
hybrids show that total aboveground dry matter before Gross Leaf Photosynthetic Rate. An increase in gross
the 12-leaf stage of a newer hybrid was less than that leaf photosynthesis may be the result of either an in-
of an older hybrid in growth-cabinet studies (Tollenaar crease of photosynthesis at saturating PPFD (i.e., Pmax),
et al., 1991; McCullough et al., 1994), and aboveground an increase of photosynthesis at low PPFD (i.e., quan-
dry matter of newer hybrids was lower than that of tum yield), or both. Differences in leaf net photosynthe-
older hybrids in a field study that involved six hybrids sis between older and newer hybrids were not significant
(Tollenaar, 1996, unpublished data). Results of the under optimal conditions (Crosbie, 1982; Dwyer and
growth-cabinet studies indicated that lower early vigor Tollenaar, 1989).
was associated with a greater root/shoot ratio. Root/ Gross Canopy Photosynthetic Rate. A more uniform
shoot ratio can influence rate of dry matter accumula- distribution of incident solar radiation across the crop
tion during early development, because leaf area expan- canopy can result in an increase in gross canopy photo-

synthetic rate (Tollenaar and Dwyer, 1998). An increase ated either by management practices that influence the
in leaf angle results in a more uniform distribution of causal factor or by modifying the plant such that the
solar radiation across the canopy, and an increase in impact of the causal factor on plant grain yield is re-
leaf angle has been reported for Corn Belt hybrids be- duced. Effects of stress in a production environment
tween 1930 and 1990 (Crosbie, 1982; Duvick, 1997). (i.e., yields .2–3 Mg ha21) may be quite different from
Effect of leaf angle on canopy photosynthesis can be those in a survival environment (i.e., yields ,2–3 Mg
estimated from the change in PPFD distribution across ha21). Frey (1971) cited results of experiments con-
the leaf canopy and the photosynthesis-PPFD response ducted in Colorado in which an open-pollinated variety
curve. Our estimates indicate a yield improvement in yielded 40% less than a maize hybrid in a production
the order of 20% when leaf angle increases from 30 to environment with irrigation (i.e., 8.0 vs. 13.3 Mg ha21),
608 (Tollenaar and Dwyer, 1998). In contrast with maize whereas yields did not differ under rainfed conditions
hybrids in the U.S. Corn Belt, canopy architecture of (i.e., 2.1 Mg ha21 for each of the two entries). Our
short-season hybrids in Central Ontario had not discussion on effects of stress on grain yield will be
changed by the late 1980s (Tollenaar and Aguilera, limited to maize grown in a production environment
1992), although leaf angle seems to have increased in (i.e., yields .2–3 Mg ha21). Stresses that can influence
hybrids introduced during the 1990s (Tollenaar, 1996, plant grain yield in a production environment are low
unpublished data). soil moisture, low soil N, low absorbed PPFD, and low
Respiration. The two major components of respira- or high air temperatures. An increase in either the num-
tion are growth respiration, which is a function of the ber of maize plants per unit area (i.e., plant population
composition of the plant dry matter, and maintenance density) or the number and size of weeds within a maize
respiration, which is a function of the energy required stand will enhance the competition among plants for
to maintain plant function and structure (Penning de resources within the maize canopy and, consequently,
Vries et al., 1974, 1975). Little has been reported on stresses of this nature are termed compound stresses.
changes in plant composition associated with yield im- Grain-yield per unit area of a maize crop shows a curvi-
provement in maize. Vyn and Tollenaar (1998) reported linear response to plant population density, with a maxi-
that changes in grain composition associated with yield mum yield at the optimum plant population density.
improvement in Ontario were minor and Duvick (1997) Grain yield per unit area increases with increasing plant
reported that grain protein concentration of U.S Corn population density until the increase in yield attribut-
Belt hybrids declined by 1.8% yr21 from the 1930s to able to the addition of plants is not greater than the
the 1990s. A decline in protein concentration will result decline in mean yield per plant and, consequently, high
in a reduction of growth respiration per unit grain, but yield per unit area and plant stress are inevitably linked.
no data have been reported on total plant respiration Results of our studies with short-season hybrids rep-
and its components. Earl and Tollenaar (1998) reported resenting grain-yield improvement in Central Ontario
a strong negative correlation between mature-leaf respi- have shown that newer hybrids are more tolerant to
ration during the growing season and total seasonal dry stress than older hybrids. The differential response to
matter accumulation among three older and three newer stress between older and newer hybrids has been shown
Ontario maize hybrids. for low night temperature during the grain-filling period
Harvest Index. The different responses of grain yield (Dwyer and Tollenaar, 1989), low soil moisture in the
to plant population density among maize hybrids repre- field (Dwyer et al., 1992), and under controlled-environ-
senting various eras of breeding have led some to con- ment conditions (Nissanka et al., 1997), low soil N
clude that harvest index has been positively associated (McCullough et al., 1994), and the herbicide bromoxynil
with genetic improvement in maize (Russell, 1985). Har- (3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile, a Photosystem II
vest index declines when plant population density is inhibitor) (Tollenaar and Mihajlovic, 1991). We also
increased beyond the optimum plant population density have shown that tolerance of compound stresses such
for grain yield in maize, and the optimum plant popula- as plant population density (Tollenaar, 1992) and weed
tion density for grain yield is lower for older hybrids than interference (Tollenaar et al., 1997) is greater in newer
for newer hybrids, which may explain the association than in older hybrids.
between harvest index and era of release for hybrids It has been suggested that selection under high plant
grown at high plant population density (Tollenaar et population density has been a key component in grain
al., 1994). Harvest index did not differ among hybrids yield improvement in corn (Troyer and Rosenbrook,
when maize hybrids representing three decades of yield 1983) and, consequently, changes in stress tolerance may
improvement in Ontario were adjusted for optimum have been the result of indirect rather than direct re-
sponses to selection. One could speculate that such indi-
plant population density (Tollenaar, 1989).
rect responses resulted from either or both (i) progres-
sively higher plant population densities in yield testing
The Role of Stress Tolerance and Stand programs and (ii) wide area testing , which has enabled
Uniformity in Resource Use the evaluation of hybrids under a wide range of environ-
Stress Tolerance mental conditions.
We define stress as a factor that causes, through either
its presence or its absence, a reduction in plant grain Stand Uniformity
yield. Consequently, stress is defined in terms of the Although stand uniformity of field crops has long
plant’s response to a causal factor. Stress can be allevi- been recognized as an important aspect of high-yielding

cultivars and breeders have been pursuing it since the to counterbalance losses (Pendleton and Seif, 1962;
beginning of modern agriculture, it also has frequently Glenn and Daynard, 1974; Hoekstra et al., 1985; Fasoula
been claimed that cultivar mixtures can give higher and and Fasoula, 1997). Pendleton and Seif (1962) studied
more stable yields than pure lines in cereal crops (Wolfe, the effects of competition between a tall maize hybrid
1985). However, Marshall and Brown (1973) empha- ‘US 13’ and its near-isogenic dwarf version. All combi-
sized that blends of highly adapted cultivars will seldom nations of tall and dwarf plants produced lower yields
be more stable than the best or better component. Re- than tall and dwarf plants grown alone. A row of tall
ports of mixtures of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with maize plants bordered by dwarf plants yielded 6% more
yields higher than the highest yielding component were than when bordered by tall plants. A row of dwarf plants
very few (Jedel et al., 1998). In most previous studies, bordered by tall plants yielded 30% less than when
yields of mixtures have been neutral, in other words bordered by dwarf plants. A study by Glenn and Dayn-
about the same as, or slightly higher than, that of the ard (1974) on the effects of plant-to-plant variation on
weighted means of their components (Wolfe, 1985; Joki- maize grain yield demonstrated that plant-to-plant vari-
nen, 1991). Hoekstra et al. (1985) compared all two- ation per se lowered grain yield. They suggested that
component mixtures of seven maize hybrids with their cultural procedures designed to encourage uniform
pure stands under different densities. In both years, plant establishment, like uniform seed bed and constant
no mixture at a standard agronomic plant population planting depth, should maximize maize grain yield. Ford
density yielded significantly more than either of the and Hicks (1992) observed a 5% yield reduction in
two highest yielding hybrids in pure stand. In a 7-yr maize when half of the stand was delayed in sowing by
experiment in Nepal comparing barley cultivar mixtures 7 d, and a 12.8% yield reduction when half of the plant
with pure lines, it was found that even during epidemic stand was delayed by 14 d of late sowing. The reduction
years of yellow rust, the disease reduction in the mixture in yield increased both with an increase in the propor-
was not enough to significantly increase the yield of the tion of the stand that was delayed and with an increase
mixture above that of the mean yield of the components in plant population density.
(Pradhanang and Sthapit, 1995). Results of our studies indicate that stand uniformity
Size differences within plant communities can be and stress tolerance are highly associated (Wu, 1998).
caused by several factors, some of which affect plant In the first experiment, the relationship between stand
growth rates, while some affect size in other ways. Size uniformity and stress tolerance was investigated in an
variation in plant communities may develop because of older and a more recent hybrid grown at two plant
(i) age differences; (ii) genetic differences; (iii) environ- densities, 3.5 and 11 plants m22. At each density seeds
mental heterogeneity; (iv) maternal (seed size) effects; were sown either all on the same day to produce uniform
(v) differential effects of herbivores, parasites, or patho- stands (control), or on alternative sowing dates of three
gens; or (vi) competition. In most cases, size variation to produce nonuniform stands (treatment). At physio-
will be the result of interactions among these factors. logical maturity a significant (P , 0.05) density 3 treat-
Bonan (1988) showed in a model that competing ment interaction was observed for grain yield, total
plants have a higher size inequality than noncompeting aboveground dry matter, and coefficient of variability
plants. He interpreted these results as indicating that (CV) of the individual plant yield and dry matter. The
the greater degree of size inequality among competing CV is the most widely used parameter to quantify vari-
plants than among noncompeting plants reflects, in part, ability among individual plants of a crop stand (e.g.,
variation in relative growth rates induced by neighbor- Edmeades and Daynard, 1979; Barnes, 1982; Fasoula
hood competition. Bonan (1991) further proposed that and Fasoula, 1997). At the lower density, stands of uni-
increased plant-to-plant variability at higher plant densi- form sowing and nonuniform sowing did not differ in
ties is a direct manifestation of neighborhood compe- leaf area index, total aboveground dry matter, and grain
tition. yield, nor did they differ in the plant-to-plant variability
for these traits. At the higher plant population density,
higher plant-to-plant variability in stands of both hy-
Stand Uniformity, Yield, and Stress Tolerance
brids was observed. Nonuniform stands yielded less than
Resource use efficiency of a crop is inversely related uniform stands in both hybrids at the higher plant popu-
to plant-to-plant variability because the response of lation density. The difference in grain yield between the
photosynthesis and grain yield plant21 to input of re- newer and the older hybrid was 30% in the uniform
sources (i.e., PPFD, N, water) is curvilinear (i.e., the stand and 46% in the nonuniform stand (Fig. 2). Overall,
law of diminishing returns). For instance, Edmeades stand uniformity declined with an increase of interplant
and Daynard (1979) reported a curvilinear relationship competition, and its impact on grain yield was greater
between assimilate flux plant21 at anthesis and grain in the older than in the newer hybrid. In a second experi-
yield plant21, with a positive threshold for assimilate ment, the association between genetic improvement and
flux at which grain yield was zero. In nonuniform stands stand uniformity among six maize hybrids released from
of field crops, bigger or taller plants have a competitive 1959 to 1995 was explored. Hybrids were grown at two
advantage over the smaller or shorter ones. There is plant population densities (7 and 11 plants m22) and
much evidence that interactions between plants of the two soil N levels. Results depicted in Fig. 3 show that
same genotype at commercial production densities are CV was not associated with yield when CV of the crop
always undercompensatory; gains from competition fail stand was ,30%, which indicates that changes in stan-

Fig. 2. (A) Grain yield and (B) coefficient of variation (CV) for individual plant grain yield of an older (Pride 5) and a newer (Pioneer 3902)
maize hybrid grown at two plant population densities and two levels of stand uniformity at Elora, Ontario in 1997. Values are means of four
replications. Capped bars show standard error.

dard deviation were proportional to changes in yield mixtures and maize stands with uneven emergence. In
(i.e., CV 5 standard deviation/mean). In contrast, a studies reported by Hoekstra (1981) and Ford and Hicks
small decline in yield was associated with a steep in- (1992), yield reduction of hybrid mixtures and uneven-
crease in CV when CV of the crop stand was .30%. emergence stands of maize increased with the increase
In both studies density-tolerant hybrids exhibited less of plant population density (Fig. 4). Maize breeders
plant-to-plant variability than nontolerant ones at plant have obtained significant yield gains when they selected
densities close to or higher than their optimum densities. for reduced barrenness (Troyer and Rosenbrook, 1983;
The association between stand uniformity and stress Troyer, 1994) and a reduced anthesis-to-silking interval
tolerance in our studies is supported by studies on hybrid (Bolaños and Edmeades, 1993a, 1993b, 1996; Beck et

Fig. 3. The relationship between grain yield per unit area and coeffi-
cient of variation for individual plant grain yield at physiological
maturity for six maize hybrids grown in four environments. Data
points include four hybrids at 11 plants m22 at Cambridge, Ontario
in 1996; six hybrids at 7.0 plants m22 at two soil nitrogen levels at
Cambridge, Ontario in 1996; 11 plants m22 at Cambridge, Ontario
in 1997; and two hybrids at 11 plants m22 at Elora, Ontario in 1997.
The hybrids Pride 5, Warwick 263, Pioneer 3902, and NK 2555
were used in the test at Cambridge in 1996 and 1997; PAG SX111
and Pioneer 3893 were included at Cambridge in 1997. Pride 5
and Pioneer 3902 were used for the test at Elora, and CV values
were taken from four replications for each hybrid.

al. 1996) in stressful environments, which could be con- Fig. 4. Grain yield comparison between uniform and nonuniform
sidered specific aspects of the general phenomenon of stands. (A) Grain yield of United 106 and Pride 116 in pure stands
plant-to-plant variation. If stand uniformity and grain and their mixtures of different proportions (7:1, 6:2, 5:3, 4:4, 3:5,
2:6, 1:7) at three plant population densities at Elora in 1978 and
yield are highly correlated across a wide range of geno- 1979. Data from Hoekstra (1981). (B) Grain yield of uniformly
types and environments, selection for stand uniformity sown stands and non-uniformly sown (50% plants sowed 7 d earlier
may be a means to increase plant tolerance to environ- and 50% plants sowed 7 d later relative to uniform stands) stands
mental stresses. at four plant population densities averaged over 5 yr in Minnesota.
Data from Ford and Hicks (1992).
The Potential for Future Genetic Improvement through biotechnology fall in this category. Ledent and
A retrospective analysis may show factors that have Stoy (1988) showed that 70 yr of wheat (Triticum aesti-
contributed to the genetic yield improvement, but not vum L.) breeding in Sweden did not seem to have im-
all of those factors may be able to contribute to future proved grain yield potential as yield among cultivars
yield improvements. The initial yield improvement of representing 70 yr of breeding did not differ when dis-
maize hybrids over open-pollinated varieties was due eases were controlled by chemical means and lodging
to a large extent to heterosis, i.e., an average yield in- was prevented. In a similar vein, improvement in some
crease of 15% is commonly attributed to heterosis (cf., physiological traits may constitute a one-time improve-
Frey, 1971), but it is not clear whether heterosis has ment in yield potential (e.g., erect leaf-angle distri-
contributed beyond the initial increase and whether it bution).
will contribute in the future. Duvick (1984) showed that In contrast, some of the factors that have shown either
rate of yield improvement has been similar for inbreds no or little improvement in the past may contribute to
and hybrids in the U.S. Corn Belt, suggesting that heter- future yield improvement. For instance, early plant
osis did not contribute to yield improvement after the vigor, possibly combined with cold tolerance, could in-
introduction of commercial hybrids. The incorporation crease PPFD interception during early phases of devel-
of a defensive trait (e.g., pest resistance) is a one-time opment. Also, maize researchers in China (Zhao and
contribution to yield and a continuous breeding effort Li, 1998) have selected for high Pmax and reported that
may be required to maintain yield potential at the same Pmax during the growing season was 15% greater in se-
level in order to stay one step ahead of the pest organism lected lines than in the control, which was associated
as it circumvents the plant’s resistance. Several single- with an increase in grain yield. In addition, harvest index
gene traits that have recently been introduced in maize could increase if the increase in grain yield would be

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Yield of Wheat in the United Kingdom: Recent Advances and Prospects

R. B. Austin*

ABSTRACT period since about 1950. The improvement has been

From 1948 to the present, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yields in found to be associated with the greater use of N fertil-
the UK have increased by an average of 110 kg ha21 each year. This izer, the development of shorter and lodging-resistant
rate of increase has been at least maintained in recent years. The cultivars, the use of crop protection chemicals, improved
greater yields have been associated with the adoption of cultivars of and more timely cultivation (especially earlier sowing),
shorter stature, which are resistant to lodging and reach anthesis ≈ 1 wk and beneficial interactions between the effects of these
earlier than old cultivars. In the last two decades, most of these factors. During the period of rapid increases in yield,
cultivars have carried the rht D1b dwarfing gene. The full yield benefits the question was often asked: can the rate of increase in
from modern cultivars have depended on high rates of N fertilization
and the use of herbicides and effective fungicides. Data from recent
yield be sustained? The evidence is in the yield statistics.
trials with candidate cultivars and F1 hybrids suggest that further Allowing for year to year variation in yield, wheat yield
genetic gain in yield will be achieved during the next decade. Improved in the UK has increased by 110 kg ha21 each year since
crop protection through chemicals may also enable farmers to obtain 1950, and the rate of increase shows no sign of decreas-
greater yields. In the longer term, substantial genetic gain in yield ing. Nevertheless, many argue that there must be a bio-
may be achieved if breeders are able to produce cultivars with faster logical limit to yield; that weed, disease, and pest control
growth rates and greater biomass at maturity. One way to achieve cannot be better than complete (as it already is on sub-
this would be to modify the photosynthetic enzyme rubisco so that stantial areas of the UK wheat hectarage); and that
its oxygenase activity is reduced. However, cultivars with potentially farmers are already applying close to the optimum rates
faster growth rates would require even more N fertilizer if their greater
of fertilizer N, P, and K. My aim here is to examine the
yield potential is to be realized.
evidence on the basis of recent improvements in wheat
yields, and to speculate about whether substantial fur-
ther improvements could be made and if so, by what
I n the United Kingdom, as in many other countries,
yields of wheat have increased steadily during the
means. The paper is not concerned with wheat quality,
but it is taken that future production must have at least
the same spectrum of quality characteristics as at
R.B. Austin, 15 Wingate Way, Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 2HD, present.
UK. Received 28 Dec. 1998. *Corresponding author (r.b.austin@dial.
Abbreviations: LAI, leaf area index; NIAB, National Institute of
Published in Crop Sci. 39:1604–1610 (1999). Agricultural Botany; NL, national list; RL, recommended list.

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