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I, JANSSEN CORDERO, of legal age, married, living at

Jerusalem corner Betlehem STS., V and G subdivision, Tacloban
City, and the Medico-Legal Officer of the Regioinal Crime
Laboratory Office-Eastern Visayas, Philippine National Police,
Camp R. Kangleon, Palo, Leyte


ATTY: (Formal offer of Testimonial Evidence): Your Honor, I would

like to offer the testimony of Dr. Janssen Cordero, the medico-legal
officer who examined the body of the victim, Jose Dela Cruz. He
will testify as to the fact of death of the victim. He will testify as to
the fact of death of the victim, and that he will testify that the victim
died by gunshot injury and multiple stab wounds.

Q1: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

A1: I do.

Q2: Are you aware that you may face criminal liability for false
testimony or perjury if you will not tell the truth?

A2: I`m definitely aware of such consequences.

Q3: Please state your complete name, age and occupation.

A3: I am Janssens Cordero, 50 years old. I am a Medical Doctor and

a Medico-Legal Officer.

Q4: Dr. Janssen Cordero, where do you work as a Medico-Legal


A4: I am a Medico-Legal Officer with a rank of Police Chief

Inspector at the Regional Crime Laboratory Office-Regional Office
VIII, Philippine National Police, Camp R Kangleon, Palo, Leyte.

Q5: How long have you been practicing your profession as a

Medico-Legal Officer Dr. Dela Amzona?

A5: For 20 years now starting the year I passed the medical board

Q6: Before you became a Medico-Legal Officer of the Philippine

National Police, have you been working as a private medical

A6: Yes I am.

Q7: During your stint as a private medical practitioner, have you

conducted autopsies?

A7: Yes, in private capacity, I have conducted autopsies.

Q8: When did you start practicing your profession as a Medico-
Legal Officer in the Regional Crime Laboratory Office-Cordillera,
Philippine National Police, Dr. Cordero?

A8: From 2008 up to present sir.

Q9: In your capacity as a Medico-Legal Officer of the Regional

Crime Laboratory Office-Regional Office VIII, Philippine National
Police how many cadavers have you conducted autopsies from 2008
up to present Dr. Cordero?

A9: If my memory serve me best, around three hundred bodies.

Q: Is this your first time to testify in court?

A: No, this is not my first time.

Q: To the best of your knowledge how many times have you

testified as an expert witness?

A: I have made 87 testimonies as an expert witness as of this date.

Q: Having been stated these information about your years of

experience as a medical doctor and medico-legal officer, can you
say with absolute certainty that you are qualified to testify as an
expert witness to attest the cause of the death of Jose Dela Cruz?

A: Yes, I am.
Q11: Dr. Cordero, where were you on August 9, 2019 at around 9:00

A11: I was in the Regional Crime Laboratory Office-Regional

Office VIII, Philippine National Police, Camp R. Kangleon, Palo,

Q12: Aside from being the head of your office, what are you doing

A12: I conducted an autopsy requested by Tacloban City Police

Office Tactical Operation Center.

Q13: May I ask to whose remains have you conducted the autopsy?

A13: I conducted the autopsy on the remains of Jose Dela Cruz sir.

Q14: How are you able to identify that the cadaver belongs to one
Jose Dela Cruz.

A14: Aside from his dental records sir, the cadaver was personally
and visually identified by the wife of the victim, Maria F. Dela Cruz.

Q: Was that the first time for you to see the body of Arman Santos?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you describe the body upon seeing it?

A: There were signs of trauma to the different parts of the body. The
head is symmetrical with the injury at the nape or occipital region.
The hair strands are straight, short aand block in color. The lips are
pale and nailbeds are cyanotic. There were signs of sharp trauma to
the chest, abdomen, including the upper extremities.

Q: Can you please discuss the examination you conducted on the

A: I conducted a post-mortem examination of the body to determine
the cause of death.

Q: What were your findings?

A: My findings are as follows:

Q: Based on your findings, what in your best knowledge is the cause

of death of the victim?

A: Cerebral hemorrhage secondary to craniocebral gunshot injury

and stab wounds of the thorax, abdomen, and upper extremitiy.

Q24: Are all your findings reduced in writing Dr. Cordero?

A24: Yes sir, there is an autopsy report.

Q25: Where is the autopsy report?

A25: It is currently in my possession at this moment, sir.

Q26: Am I permitted in marking this “autopsy report” as Exhibit A
and the bracketed signature above the name of Janssen Cordero as
Exh. A-1?

A26: Yes sir.

Q27: Are you the same Janssen Cordero, the Medico-Legal Officer
who conducted the autopsy in this case?

A27: Yes, sir.

Q28: Is the signature affixed in the autopsy report your signature


A28: Yes, the signature affixed in the autopsy report of Mr. Jose
Dela Cruz is my signature.

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