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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School

Advanced Curriculum Development

Mid-Term Examination
(2nd Semester 2017-2018)


1. What role does each of the educational foundations play in curriculum

There are four Educational Foudations of Education that plays a role in Curriculum
First is Philosophical Foundation wherein John Goodl and defined Philosophy as
"the beginning point in curriculum decision making and is the basis for all
subsequent decisions regarding curriculum." It serves as the spine in Curriculum
Development. This foundation of education offers solutions to various problems by
helping the people involve in Curriculum Development come up with strong and
effective decisions.
Next is the Historical Foundation which pertains to the history of the country which
can affect its educational system and the kind of curriculum it has. The kind of
Curriculum that will be developed should also nurture the history of the country of
the learners.
With Psychological Foundation of Education, Psychology has a great influence as
well to Curriculum Development. It gives information about the teaching and
learning process and pursue to answer how curriculum should be systematized for
students to achieve maximum learning.
Sociological Foundation being the last foundation of education plays a role in
Curriculum Development as the two has mutual relationship. It has a mutual
relationship with Curriculum Development as the two both provide learning
experiences to students. Both influences people specially in behavior. Under
Curriculum Intent, in the construction of Aims, Goals and Objectives, one of the
factors that should be considered is Analysis of Culture which falls under society.
The values and norms are considered.
2. If you were to develop a new curriculum or revise an existing one, which of
the various curriculum development models, would be appropriate and
Of the three Curriculum Development Models namely, Ralph Tyler Model, Hilda
Taba Model and Galen Saylor and William Alexander Model, I would choose the
GALEN SAYLOR and WILLIAM ALEXANDER Model of Curriculum Development.
The diagram below shows the structure of Saylor and Alexander Model of

Bases (external variables)

Goals, Objectives
and Domains

Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum

Designing Implementation Evaluation

The bases (external variables) are not clearly determined or specified. It is

important to have a set of goals, objectives and domains in curriculum
development but how these are identified should be specified. Under Curriculum
Intent, in the construction of Aims, Goals and Objectives for a curriculum,
different factors are considered. These involves the analysis of culture where
taking into consideration the values and norms of the learners is important as
it plays a big role in their development as learners. Next is the present status of
the learner which pertains to the knowledge the learners have already
acquired, his characteristics and the things he is ready to perform. Lastly, our
knowledge of the subject matter where the content is examined if this contains
things that are of real value to the learner and society. The external factors
should be considered in the development of curriculum to truly address the
needs of the society which is the real purpose of curriculum development. The
involvement of the stakeholders and teachers as well in the development of
curriculum is deemed necessary as they are the people who has closer
interaction with the learners and the society they are in.

- Society, Learners Knowledge, New
Developments in Knowledge
Stakeholders and

Goals, Objectives
and Domains

Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum

Designing Implementation Evaluation

3. Differentiate between planned, implemented, achieved and hidden

curricula. Discuss the significance of the hidden curriculum.
Planned Curriculum or Intended Curriculum is a set of objectives specified
at the beginning of any curricular plan. It forms the goal, the specific purposes
and the direct objectives to be attained. It answers what the curriculum makers
wants to achieve.
Implemented Curriculum are the practices, activities, and institutional
arrangements within the school and classroom that are designed to implement
the goals of the system. It is the taught curriculum being observed in schools.
These are different learning activities or experiences of the learners for the
intended curriculum to be achieved. Its purpose is to accomplish the set
objectives intended in the intended curricular outcomes.
Achieved Curriculum are the products or output of schooling. It is the learned
or attained curriculum. These are the outcomes based curriculum and is
considered as the product of Planned and Implemented Curriculum. It should fit
with objectives and activities conducted. It indicates the performance, the
objectives and the different activities. This is type of curriculum is usually
described by test results or other performance indicators measured by
evaluation tools.
Hidden Curriculum are referred such because these are lessons taught
informally and unintentionally in school. These are referred to values which
may include behaviors, perspectives and attitudes that students gain while they
are in school. It usually begins in early education of a child. They learn to
develop opinions and ideas about the environment they are in and about the
people they have in their lives while studying such as their classmates. They also
learn the things that are expected from them. Hidden Curriculum are absorbed
and internalize through natural observation and participation in classroom
and social activities.
What is the significance of Hidden Curriculum?
Hidden Curriculum is significant because it teaches the learners the most
basic yet important knowledge. These set of knowledge may not be about how
to construct a correct complete sentence or solve a mathematical problem, this
curriculum will aid our learners in facing the different challenges in their day to
day lives which is more important. These are values which can never be equated
to academics. This is the most important type of curriculum as the learners
acquired through are the things that employers and other people in the real
world are looking for. These are the essential skills that each learner will apply
in facing the real world.
4. Among the many definitions of curriculum, which would best fit the
curriculum you are handling? Cite the source of the definition you have
chosen and explain why it is most suitable?
Of the many definitions of Curriculum, the definition that will best fit to ICT
Curriculum is the definition by Daniel Tanner (1980) of Curriculum as “the
planned and guided learning experiences and intended learning
outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of
knowledge and experiences, under the auspices of the school, for the
learner's continuous and willful growth in personal social competence.” I
chose this definition for ICT Curriculum because, ICT is similar to a curriculum
which is formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and
experiences. Similar to curriculum, ICT undergoes continuous systematic
reconstruction or improvements to meet the demands of the society. Curriculum
continuously improves because of the changing and increasing needs of our
society which can be equated to the continuous and never ending development
in technology. Apart from that, curriculum is intended for the learner’s
continuous and willful growth in personal and social competence. This can be
related to ICT Curriculum as well. As ICT changes drastically to meet the
demands of the society, so as the need to equip our learners with the knowledge
in coming up with innovations and solutions to be competent in this field to
address the needs of our growing and improving society.
5. Of the varied types of curriculum design, which would best fit the
curriculum you have chosen? Expound on your answer.
There are three Curriculum Design namely, Subject-Centered Curriculum,
Learner-Centered Curriculum and Society-Centered Curriculum. If I am to decide
what curriculum design will best suit on my chosen curriculum which is ICT, I
would prefer to have a combination of Learner-Centered and Society-Centered
Curriculum Design.
Learner-Centered Curriculum Design from the name itself is focused on the
learner. This curriculum design is meant to empower learners. It gives them the
freedom to form their education through choices. With this type of curriculum
design, learners are taught on the manner that are conducive to them. What
interest the learners are given importance in this type of curriculum design.
Society-Centered Curriculum Design or Problem-Centered Curriculum Design is
curriculum design which aims to produce learners who can be agents of social
change. With this curriculum design, it focuses on teaching students on how to look
at problems and come up with a solution. It is considered a genuine form of
learning because it exposes the learners to real-life issues which helps them the
skills that they will be using in the real world.
I would opt to have a combination of both Learner-Centered and Society-
Centered Curriculum Design for ICT Curriculum. Learner-Centered because,
students nowadays are dependent in using technology. It interests them when they
hear of new innovations and how they are developed. With this, comes the Society-
Centered Curriculum. Defined as a type of curriculum design which focuses on
teaching students on how to look and come up solutions to problems, Society-
Centered Curriculum fits with ICT Curriculum. We are all aware of the drastic
development of technology. It has affected many things and a large portion of
transactions from education to office and business are dependent to technology.
With the current innovations we have nowadays which have helped improve every
transaction, a better innovation is still necessary to address other issues in our
society where ICT is needed.

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