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BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 1: Workout 1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deficit Bulgarian split squat 2 x 10

One-arm db bench press 2 x 10

Single-leg prisoner 45-degree hyperextension

2 x 12

One-arm row 2 x 10

Single-leg db hip thrust 2 x 10

Standing cable hip abduction 2 x 12

Constant tension stiff leg deadlift 2 x 8

Week 1: Workout 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Braced single-leg RDL 2 x 10

Military press 2 x 12

Assisted step down 2 x 10

Chin-up / assisted chin-up 2 x AMRAP / 4

Cable kickback 2 x 12

Seated hip abduction machine 2 x 30

Constant tension back squat 2 x 8

Week 1: Workout 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deadstop shoulder- and foot-elevated

single-leg hip thrust 2 x 10

Db incline press 2 x 10

Single-leg db deadlift 2 x 10

Seated row 2 x 12

Single-leg gliding leg curl 2 x 10

Standing ankle weight hip abduction 2 x 10

Constant tension barbell hip thrust 2 x 8

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 1: G l u te D a y 1 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

Frog pump 30

Extra range side-lying hip abduction

20 each leg
Band hip hinge abduction (3-second pause)

Squat pulse 20

Knee-banded glute bridge 20

Week 1: G l u te D a y 2 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

RKC plank :30 seconds

Reverse lunge 10 each leg

Single-leg hip thrust 10 each leg

Band side-lying hip abduction 12 each leg

Knee-banded side-lying clam 12 each leg

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 2: Workout 1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deficit Bulgarian split squat 2 x 10

One-arm db bench press 2 x 10

Single-leg prisoner 45-degree hyperextension

2 x 12

One-arm row 2 x 10

Single-leg db hip thrust 2 x 10

Standing cable hip abduction 2 x 12

Constant tension stiff leg deadlift 2 x 8

Week 2: Workout 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Braced single-leg RDL 2 x 10

Military press 2 x 12

Assisted step down 2 x 10

Chin-up / assisted chin-up 2 x AMRAP / 4

Cable kickback 2 x 12

Seated hip abduction machine 2 x 30

Constant tension back squat 2 x 8

Week 2: Workout 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deadstop shoulder- and foot-elevated

single-leg hip thrust 2 x 10

Db incline press 2 x 10

Single-leg db deadlift 2 x 10

Seated row 2 x 12

Single-leg gliding leg curl 2 x 10

Standing ankle weight hip abduction 2 x 10

Constant tension barbell hip thrust 2 x 8

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 2: G l u te D a y 1 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

Frog pump 30

Extra range side-lying hip abduction

20 each leg
Band hip hinge abduction (3-second pause)

Squat pulse 20

Knee-banded glute bridge 20

Week 2: G l u te D a y 2 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

RKC plank :30 seconds

Reverse lunge 10 each leg

Single-leg hip thrust 10 each leg

Band side-lying hip abduction 12 each leg

Knee-banded side-lying clam 12 each leg

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 3: Workout 1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deficit Bulgarian split squat 2 x 10

One-arm db bench press 2 x 10

Single-leg prisoner 45-degree hyperextension

2 x 12

One-arm row 2 x 10

Single-leg db hip thrust 2 x 10

Standing cable hip abduction 2 x 12

Constant tension stiff leg deadlift 2 x 8

Week 3: Workout 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Braced single-leg RDL 2 x 10

Military press 2 x 12

Assisted step down 2 x 10

Chin-up / assisted chin-up 2 x AMRAP / 4

Cable kickback 2 x 12

Seated hip abduction machine 2 x 30

Constant tension back squat 2 x 8

Week 3: Workout 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deadstop shoulder- and foot-elevated

single-leg hip thrust 2 x 10

Db incline press 2 x 10

Single-leg db deadlift 2 x 10

Seated row 2 x 12

Single-leg gliding leg curl 2 x 10

Standing ankle weight hip abduction 2 x 10

Constant tension barbell hip thrust 2 x 8

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 3: G l u te D a y 1 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

Frog pump 30

Extra range side-lying hip abduction

20 each leg
Band hip hinge abduction (3-second pause)

Squat pulse 20

Knee-banded glute bridge 20

Week 3: G l u te D a y 2 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

RKC plank :30 seconds

Reverse lunge 10 each leg

Single-leg hip thrust 10 each leg

Band side-lying hip abduction 12 each leg

Knee-banded side-lying clam 12 each leg

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 4: Workout 1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deficit Bulgarian split squat 2 x 10

One-arm db bench press 2 x 10

Single-leg prisoner 45-degree hyperextension

2 x 12

One-arm row 2 x 10

Single-leg db hip thrust 2 x 10

Standing cable hip abduction 2 x 12

Constant tension stiff leg deadlift 2 x 8

Week 4: Workout 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Braced single-leg RDL 2 x 10

Military press 2 x 12

Assisted step down 2 x 10

Chin-up / assisted chin-up 2 x AMRAP / 4

Cable kickback 2 x 12

Seated hip abduction machine 2 x 30

Constant tension back squat 2 x 8

Week 4: Workout 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3

Deadstop shoulder- and foot-elevated

single-leg hip thrust 2 x 10

Db incline press 2 x 10

Single-leg db deadlift 2 x 10

Seated row 2 x 12

Single-leg gliding leg curl 2 x 10

Standing ankle weight hip abduction 2 x 10

Constant tension barbell hip thrust 2 x 8

BO O T Y B Y BRE T M O N T H 6 – J a nua r y / F e br ua r y 2019

Week 4: G l u te D a y 1 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

Frog pump 30

Extra range side-lying hip abduction

20 each leg
Band hip hinge abduction (3-second pause)

Squat pulse 20

Knee-banded glute bridge 20

Week 4: G l u te D a y 2 R ou n d 1 R ou n d 2 R ou n d 3

RKC plank :30 seconds

Reverse lunge 10 each leg

Single-leg hip thrust 10 each leg

Band side-lying hip abduction 12 each leg

Knee-banded side-lying clam 12 each leg

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