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1. Your limitation—it’s only your imagination.

. Push yourself, because no one else is going

to do it for you.
3. Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.

I still gave up on things that didn’t matter, but I decided I was going to hold true to what
did. I’ve seen a slow change and experienced a deepening and a wonder that I didn’t
know existed. 1. We are unique.

We’ve heard this so much we’ve forgotten what it really means.

The American poet, Walt Whitman, once wrote, “I am large, I contain multitudes.”
We have hundreds of layers. These layers shift and blend. They form new permutations every
We like this and we don’t like that. We are good at this and we are bad at that. We’ve been here
and not there. We know this and we don’t know that.
For this reason, and this reason alone, we can’t give up. The complexity of our character means
there will never be another us. Ever. That’s incredibly precious.
What are we going to create from us?
2. Some things are worth fighting for.
Isn’t that what we said when we started this journey? There’s an imbalance and we wanted to
right it. There’s beauty that’s yet to be explored. There’s a breakthrough that hasn’t broken
Guess what? This hasn’t happened yet.
We can’t give up because it’s up to us to change the world. There are misguided or ignorant or
arrogant people who are doing things to hurt. There are dear people in need of beauty,
kindness, and revelation.
There’s also us.
We wanted to make our lives better. If we give up things won’t change.
The unique beauty will be lost. The imbalance will remain. We won’t be able to see the ripples of
our actions because we took our hands out of the water.

3. We are part of a beautiful world.

Yes, there is suffering. There are those that hurt. But there is also a beautiful world.
Profound valleys. Rain on our fingers. Cloud creatures. Kind gestures.
It’s worth saving, protecting, enjoying.
If we keep going we can touch others. Touch the sky. Rescue the earth. Explore for the rest of
our lives. So let’s not give up.

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