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To gain a position as a new nurse at a Bon Secours Mercy
ellen_longes t@bs hs i.or g Health Hospital; com ing to put to good use solid education
and training achievements to provide quality healthcare to
Ric hm ond, VA patients while trying to m ak e a difference and further the
goals of the organizat ion.

B o n S e c o u r s M e m o r i a l Co l l e g e o f Nu r s i n g
B achel or of Scienc e in Nu rsing ;
J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 – E xp e c t e d De c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center –
G P A: 3.6
Emergency Department
ED Technician
Ja mes M adis on Un i ve rsi t y
Mechanicsville, VA | December 2018 – Current
B achel or of Scienc e in Hea lth Scie nces ;
A ugus t 201 3 – Ma y 2 016
• Prioritize patient care within the Emergency
G P A: 3.0 Department.
• Monitor and document vital signs and other health
LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS • Perform specimen and lab collections.
• Assist nurses and physicians with bedside procedures.
BLS/First Aid Certified • Assist nursing staff to perform patient care.
Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center –
PO CT Cert ified Interventional Cardiology Unit
Nursing Student, Immersion
Connect Care T raining Complet ion Mechanicsville, VA | August 2019 – current
• Provide all aspects of nursing care under the supervision
of registered nurse including medication administration,
documentation, and assessments

SERVANT LEADERSHIP Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital – 5 South Joint

Replacement Unit
Patient Care Technician
Mi ssio n T ri p – Na i robi , K en ya Richmond, VA | January 2017 – November 2018
S pe n t t wo we e k s i n N a i ro b i s e r vi n g • Assisted with activities of daily living and companionship.
c h i l d r e n a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s , wh i l e • Prioritized patient care on a 28 bed unit.
t ea c h i n g V a c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l
• Assisted nursing staff to perform patient care.
Am e ric an Can ce r S ociet y • Monitor and documented vital signs and other health
P ro vi d e d f u n d ra i s e r f o r t h e A m e r i c a n data.
C a n c e r S o c i e t y a t J MU, a s we l l a s b e i n g a • Oriented new staff to position and unit processes and
l ea d e r o f a t e a m .

Al l Amer ica n Chee r i ng

S er v e d a s a v o l u n t e e r c o a c h t o g i rl s wi t h s p e c i a l

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