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Reactive Public Relations Communication Strategies

In responding to outside forces, organizations should develop objectives

such as gaining public understanding, maintaining and restoring reputation, and rebuilding
trust and support.

The classical term for a communication response to negative situations is apologia, a formal
defense that offers a compelling case for an organization's opinions, position or actions

suggests a threefold approach: persuasive accounts offering (1) an explanation and if
necessary a defense, (2) statements of regret and (3) disassociation tactics to separate the
organization from the problem.
Offensive Response Strategies
Public relations planners sometimes use offensive response strategies such as attack,
embarrassment or threat in response to criticism
Attack. An attack is an offensive response strategy of claiming that an accusation of
wrongdoing is an attempt to impugn the organization's reputation by an accuser who is
negligent or malicious

Embarrassment. A related offensive strategy deals with embarrassment, in which an

organization tries to lessen an opponent's influence by using shame or humiliation

Shock. Sometimes, in an effort to make a point, embarrassment may take a turn toward

Threat. Making a threat is another offensive strategy, involving the promise that harm will
come to the accuser or the purveyor of bad news. The threatened harm may be in the form of
a lawsuit for defamation
Defensive Response Strategies
Denial. Denial is a defensive strategy in which the organization refuses to accept blame,
claiming that the reputed problem doesn't exist or didn't occur, or if it did, that it's not related
to the organization.
Excuse. A commonly used defensive strategy is excuse, in which an organization tries to
minimize its responsibility for the harm or wrongdoin
Justification. Another defensive strategy is justification, which admits the organization id
the deed but did so for good reason

Concession. Concession is a diversionary strategy by which the organization tries tom

rebuild its relationship with its publics by giving the public something it wants
Ingratiation. Another diversionary strategy, one of rather questionable ethical standing, is

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