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Summary of chapter 2 and 3 :

In the last chapter we had a gist translation of ‫ معلقة لبيد‬in which interlinear
translation was used although there are changes that we made to the English
grammar to make it easier for the TL reader to understand .

These changes that we have used are :

 The symbol (~) that referes to the words that fell between them in English
represent one Arabic word original text .
 The symbol ( - ) that means that the words that fell between them in
English represent two Arabic words in the original text.

As in the below example :

‫زدق الرواعد جودها فرهامها‬ ‫رزقت مرابيع النجوم وصابها‬

Were~fed spring~rains the-stars and-struck-them // rain the-thunderclouds

downpour-their and-shower-their

There are several uses of interlinear translation , as mentioned below :

1. Used in descriptive linguistics . when the translator needs to convey a

certain text that the TL reader will not be familiar with .
2. Used to focus more on the structure of the ST .
3. It is also used in language teaching .

Idioms are shown in senses :

 The first sense: is an expression that cannot be understood from the

meaning of its own words or grammatical relations of these words .
 He knows his onions / knowledgeable about a subject
 That’s a different kettle of fish / different things altogether

 The second sense: linguistic usage that is grammatical in the context in

which it is used and sounds natural to the native speaker of a language.

 According to the second sense , these expressions are no idioms since their
meaning is predictable from the words containing it and their grammatical
relations .

 But almost all expressions are idioms in both senses.

 Idiomizing translation is related to the second sense of the idioms .

 Idiomizing translation use typical phonic and rhythmic patterns .

Generalizing translation: means that the TT expression wider and less

specific denotative meaning than the ST expression.

Particularizing translation: means that the TT expression has a narrower

and more specific denotative meaning than the ST expression

Omission translation: is omitting un necessary words by the translator to reduce

the specifity of a person , thing or process .

Addition translation : is adding words by the translator to add specifity of a

person , thing or process .

There are cultural differences that forms a difficulty for the translator
An example of these differences is the Arabic word ‫كريم‬that is according to Sells is
used in the pre-Islamic times .
This word is rendered in English al “generous” or “noble” but, it is an
untranslatable word because this translation does not contain the same ethical
and religious importance as indicated to it by the Qur’an .

In calque translation it is important to pay attention to the form

In addition to the normal translation in :

 Shed the light on

‫القى ضوءا على‬

 We must focus on the form as in :

‫سلط االضواء على‬

Practice 2.3

1. Literal translation because using word for word translation makes the
meaning confusing for the TL reader due to the various differences between the
sourse language and target language.

2. Literal translation because focusing on the word structure makes the

translation almost impossible , there are words that have no matching
equivalent so it renders in other words that explains the SL expression .

3. Literal translation due to the fact that maintaining the grammatical

structure makes the T text almost unreadable , each language has its on
grammatical structure that varies significantly than other languages such as the
ordering of subjects and verbs in English and Arabic is totally the opposite .

4. Free translation, here the translator is focusing on the meaning so the TT

will be understandable and acceptable by the readers .
5. Literal translation because , in translating a verse , as we mentioned in
chapter one , we are using the interlinear translation which applies the
translation in literal form .

Practice 3.3

 ‫ شيخ‬in Arabic has a richer meaning in religion and is explained a lot more
in the word rather than its English equivalent “religious teacher “.

 ‫ تحلق‬translated as “gathered” which experienced loss in meaning of the

circular form that is represented in Arabic .

 ‫ ضارعة‬this word in Arabic is specialized in asking God with sorrow and

begging and it is used only in events alike while the englidh word “woefully” have
no such specialization .

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