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Rev. Donn R. Arms Institute for Nouthetic Studies

hx 16772, Greenville, SC 29606
office: (864) 2:l[]3297;

99 Questions to Ask Your Wife

1. Whot ore your forrorite five foods, with the most fororite first.
?. Whot ore your fovorite five kinds of meols, with the most fovorite first?
3. Whot ore your five fororite desserts, with the most forrorite first?
4. Whot ore your five favorite restsuronts, with the most fovorite first?
@ Whot is your fovorite color?
6. Whot ore your five fovorite hobbies, with the most fovorite first?
7. Whot ore your five forrorite recre-stions, with the most fovorite first?
8. Whot ore your five fovorite sources of resding, the most fovorite first?
9- Whot gifts do you like?
@ What is your fovorite book of the Bible? Why?
11. Whot is your farrorite ve?se of the Bible? Why?
@. Whot is your fovorite song?
13. Whot ore your five fovorite kinds of music. with the most fovorite first?
14. Whot tnakes you the most fulfilled or hoppiest as a woman?
15. Whot mokes you the most fulfilled or hoppiest os awtfe?
16. What mokes you the most fulfilled or hoppiest os a mother?
17. Whot mokes you soddest as o womon?
18. Whot rnokes you soddest os o wife?
19. Whot mokes you saddest os o nrother?
@ Whot do you f<rrr themost?
?1. Whot other fqrs do you hove?
22. Whot do you look forward to the most?
?3. How much sleep do you ne*d?
24. Whot ore your skills?
25. What is your spirituol gift?
26. Whot ore your weoknesses?
@ Whot things (personol, home, car, etc.) need repoiring?
28. With whot chores and responsibilities do you like my help?
@ Whot coresses do you enjoy the most?
30. Whot coresses do you enjoy the leost?
31. What oction of mine girres you the gre.atest sacuol pleosure?
32, Whot other things stimulote you sacuolly?

34. How cqn that love be shown?

35. \{hct con I do that will make it eosier to discuss and work on oreos or
problems thot are uncomfortoble to you?
36. Whot concerns do you hove thot I do not seem to be interested in?
Whot things do do that irritote you?
38. Whot desires do you hove we hoven't discussed?
39. Whot do you enjoy doing with me, with the most enjoyoble first?
40. Whaf things con I do thar show my oPpreciotion for you?
41. In whot ways would you like me to protect you?
42. In whot woys would you like me to socrificE for you?
43. Whot things qre first in my life? As you look ot me, what do you see? Whot
is your perception of me?
44. Whot unspoken desires ond wishes of yours would you like for me to fulfill?
45. Whot concerns ond interests of yours would you like me to support?
46. How much time would be good for us to spend together eoch doy?
47. fn helping family members to use their skills ond develop their obilities, whot
motivoting foctors would be helpful for me to use?
48. Whot con f do thot provides the greotest comfort and encourogement for
you when you ore hurf, feorful, onxious, or worried?
@. I
Whot personal hobits do hove thot you would like me to chonge?
50. Whot woys demonstrote to you thot you one svery importont person who is
os importont or more importont thon I om?
51. Whot is the funniest thing thot hos ever hoppened to you?
52. Whot is the soddest thing that has ever hoppened to you?
53. Whot is your olltime fovorite television progrum?
54. Whot is your fovorite movie?
55. What do you consider to be your most ottnactive feoturd?
56. Whot obout your oppeoronce would you change if you could?
57. Whot is your fovorite thing we hove ever donetogether?
58. \ffhot person do you admire the most, outside of a relotive?
59. Whot politicion do you most odmire (or despisethe least)?
60. What con f do to best communicote my love?
61. Whot is your fovorite thing you have rerrd?
62. Whot is your fovorite comic strip?
63- Whot things do you like obout our church?
64- Whot things do you dislike obout our church?
65. Whot is your opinion of the designoted hitter rule in the AmericanLe-ague?
66. Do you believe you cre growing in your wolk with the Lord? Why or why not?
57. Do you believel om growing in my wolk with the Lord? Why or why not?
68. Whot frustrctes you the mosf obout our children?
69. Whot frustrotes you the most obout our home?
7A. Whot con I do to make se>( mone enjoyoble for you?
77. Is there something obout our sex life you hove been hesitont to bring up?
fr Whot concerns do you hove obout your heolth?
@ Whot concerns do you hove obout my heahh?
@ If I hqd $15 to spend on you todoy, how wotrld you wont me to spend it?
75. Whot is youn fovorite collegeond pro footboll teom? Boseball? Bosketboll?
76, Whot is your dress sizz-P Shoes? Slocks? Blouse? Bro? Hot? 6loves?
77. Whot country would you most like to visit? Why?
78. Whot is your idea of on ideal vocation?
79. Whot is your fovorite time of day? Of the year?
80. Do you wish we hod o pet (or did not hove the one we do hove)?
81. Con you drive o stick? If not, would you like to leorn?
82. Is therc orfihing you would like to learn to do?
83. If you could live onywhere,where would it be?
84. Do you know whereoll our importont records and popers ore locoted?
85. Do you believewe have enough life insuronce to ccre for your needs?
86. Do we need to moke ony odjustments to our current budgret?
87. Whot is your ideo of o 'romontic evening?'
88. Whot makes you angry?
89. Do you see your porents ond siblings os often os you would like?
90. Do you spend os much time with your friends os you would like?
9t. Do we hove sexuol relotions os often os you would like?
92. Whot things'turn you on" sexuolly?
9_3. Whot things "turn you off" sexuolly?
@ Whot *orld you chonge in our house if you could?
95. Arethere ony woys I con lighten your lood os o mothe? or wife?
96. Whot qre your gools for your life? Your children? Your morrioge?
97. When you ore sick, whot con I do to moke pu feel futter?
98. Where ore you ticklish?
99. Is there anyfhing else I should know?

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