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Starting Excel

• Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to All Programs on the Start menu,
point to Microsoft Office on the All Programs submenu, and then point to Microsoft
Office Excel 2003 on the Microsoft Office submenu

• Click Microsoft Office Excel 2003

• If the Excel window is not maximized, double-click its title bar to maximize it

Fig 2.1
Customizing the Excel Window
• Right-click the Language bar

• Click Close the Language bar

• Click the Getting Started task pane Close button in the upper-right corner of the task pane

• If the toolbars are positioned on the same row, click the Toolbar Options button

• Click Show Buttons on Two Rows

Entering the Worksheet Titles
• Click cell A1

• Type Extreme Blading in cell A1 and then point to the Enter box in the formula bar

• Click the Enter box to complete the entry

• Click cell A2 to select it. Type Second Quarter Sales as the cell entry. Click the Enter
box to complete the entry

Fig 2.3
Entering Column Titles
• Click cell B3

• Type Direct Mail in cell B3

• Press the RIGHT ARROW key

• Repeat the last two steps for the remaining column titles in row 3, as shown on the
following slide

Entering Row Titles
• Click cell A4. Type Inline Skates and then press the DOWN ARROW key

• Repeat the previous step for the remaining row titles in column A, as shown on the
following slide

Fig 2.5
Entering Numbers
• Click cell B4

• Type 58835.35 and then press the RIGHT ARROW key

• Enter 97762.50 in cell C4, 71913.73 in cell D4, and 85367.37 in cell E4

• Click cell B5

• Enter the remaining fourth quarter sales provided on the next slide for each of the three
remaining product groups in rows 5, 6, and 7

Fig 2.6 and 2.7

Summing a Column of Numbers
• Click cell B8

• Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar

• Click the AutoSum button a second time

Fig 2.8
Copying a Cell to Adjacent Cells
in a Row
• With cell B8 active, point to the fill handle

• Drag the fill handle to select the destination area, range C8:E8

• Release the mouse button

Fig 2.9
Determining Multiple Totals
at the Same Time
• Click cell F4

• With the mouse pointer in cell F4 and in the shape of a block plus sign, drag the mouse
pointer down to cell F8

• Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar

• Select cell A9 to deselect the range F4:F8

Changing the Font Type
• Click cell A1 and then point to the Font box arrow on the Formatting toolbar

• Click the Font box arrow and then point to Arial Rounded MT Bold

• Click Arial Rounded MT Bold

Increasing the Font Size of a Cell Entry
• With cell A1 selected, click the Font Size box arrow on the Formatting toolbar

• Click 24 in the Font Size list

Changing the Font Color of a Cell Entry

• With cell A1 selected, click the Font Color button arrow on the Formatting toolbar

• Click Violet (column 7, row 3) on the Font Color palette

Centering a Cell Entry across Columns by Merging Cells

• With cell A1 selected, drag to cell F1

• Click the Merge and Center button on the Formatting toolbar

Formatting the Worksheet Subtitle
• Select cell A2

• Click the Font box arrow on the Formatting toolbar and then click Arial Rounded MT

• Click the Bold button on the Formatting toolbar

• Click the Font Size box arrow on the Formatting toolbar and then click 16

• Click the Font Color button on the Formatting toolbar

• Select the range A2:F2 and then click the Merge and Center button on the Formatting

Fig 2.13

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