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Survey on the Food Habits of UP Diliman Students


1. You are to conduct a survey to find out the usual food experiences of UP Diliman students. The class
will be divided into 7 groups with 8 members each. The survey is to be accomplished outside our FN 1
class schedule. The findings shall be reported in class on the date stated by the Faculty-in-charge
(FIC). There will also be a written report that will be submitted before the oral report.

2. Each group shall be responsible in reproducing the survey questionnaire. You may use the
internet/social media in getting respondents for the survey.

3. Each member will interview 20 UP students (160 respondents in total). You may use any sampling
method in selecting your respondents but make sure that you have a mix of respondents representing a
cross section of the student population – there should be variety in terms of age, sex, degree program,
and year level.

4. Summarize and analyze the results of the survey. Use appropriate graphs and charts to present your

5. The written report shall follow the format stated in the syllabus.

6. The outline of the report is as follows:

I. Introduction – this part should include what the survey is all about, how you selected your
respondents and how you conducted the survey.
II. Profile of Respondents – a brief description of your respondents in terms of age, sex, degree
program and year level.
III. Results – this part should include the summary tables of their responses to the questionnaire.
IV. Analysis of the results – provide a brief write-up of the results of the survey based on the
results of the survey.
V. Implications – this should include what you learned from the survey and its implications to food
choices of UP students.
VI. Conclusions and Recommendations – this section should answer the objective(s) of the
survey and suggest recommendations.
*Observe proper bibliographical entry in citing your references.

7. Submit the written report electronically to the FIC. Compile and submit the answered survey
questionnaires to the FIC by inserting it in a brown envelope. Write the names of the group members
and section on the envelope.

8. Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation of your findings. The schedule of the oral presentation shall be
announced by the FIC.

9. The grading is as follows:

a. Written Report 80%
b. Oral Report 20%

Adopted from the FN 1 Survey Instructions of MPQuerubin for FN 1st Semester A.Y. 2013-2014

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