Making The Change

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Making the change – Sh. Omar Suleiman

I would to conclude Omar Suleiman lectures about making the change. Allah Has said in
Alqur’an that if we don’t want to change our self, so we must make effort by our self, don’t
worry Allah always help us. And who love Allah in every singgle day, Allah will love him too.
Once more, every problem that we face, there is specific solution and Allah always guid us.

There are some point that show how to making the change:

1. Eliminate all of the diseases or poisons in our selves, in our heart that are not allowing us ti

When we shalaah or prayer, we have difficult to khusyu’. There is no feeling that present
in our shalaah/prayer just soul in there but heart and mind not to Allah. We think all day and all
of a sudden we are going to prayer to prayer and prayer is going to be okay. Get rid our heart to
remember anything except Allah. So, excelling our relationship with Allah.

2. An ounce preventation is better than pound of cure.

Stop our selves from anything that can outmanoeuvre to bad thing or to a useless thing, like
maksiah. Stop ourselves before we fal into those situation.

3. Keep it in simple sunnah

Find the small thing in our life that we can do. It’s better one small goodness we do everyday
than big goodness that we do onces in a year. Everything the small goodness thing we do and
istiqomah that might be the cause of us entering into jannah.

4. Think progress

Think progress don’t think backwards. Because syaitan always pulls us in this way. And Allah
always calls us forward.

5. be ourselfves on our way to becoming a good muslim, don’t become a crappy human being

Becoming a more religious person, it should not make us like a jerk, it should not make our
character worse, not make us condescending toward other people. But it should make us more
humble, more loving, more compassionate, more caring to other. So, let’s continue to becoming
a better muslim, change our selves be better than before.
Achieving the Goal of life- Sh Omar Suleiman

I would conclude Omar Suleiman lectures about Achieving the goal of life. He read an ayat ‘
wassari u ila maghfiratimmirrobbil’alamin wajannatin ardhu wassamaaiwal ardh’ Allah has
promised that Alah will give forgiveness to who ask the forgiveness and llah will entire who is
takwa to Him into paradise.

We need to know how to became a ihsan person. Before achieve it, we must have takwa first,
because people who is takwa, it’s meaning he has submission just to Allah with his deep heart.
Want to do anything because Allah.

There are three level or thing that we need to achieve a happines:

1. Something to do

2. Something to love

3. Something to look forward to.

A happines is a hoping all of human, so that we life in this world. we need a goal or purpose in
our life. Many of people have something to do but they have not something to love an so on, so
that they feel they life like there is no meaning. So we need to have three thing in above.

To achieve takwa and then ihsan. Get rid all of about world. A person who have takwa. All of
they do becouse Allah. All of they love is because Allah. And they are hoping to come into His
Jannah. Ihsan is who avoid the sin and afreid to Allah, so that he never do something worse.

From the ayat that sh. Omar has read it’s has relationship with three thing in above. I mean Allah
has said fisrt in al qur’an: ‘ wassari u is something to do, ila maghfiratimmirabbil’alamin, to this
ayat Allah give the forgiveness of our sin, it’s something to love. And wajannnatin ardhuhu
wassamaa u wal ardh and paradise that the garanted to us who takwa to Allah.

So, we get to acvhieve takwa, we get to achieve ihsan and we get to achive His jannah. And
Allag has garanted to us that He love us.

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