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Issue 1 Volume 1 Number 1

FEATURES Role-PPlay Games
Role-Playing Advice
Comic: Tales
Tales of
of Layonara
Stories of
of Layonara
Cover Artist:
Artist: Phaere
D&D Adventures:
Al Sousa
Gamemaster: Harlas
Player Characters:
Bumblebee & & Enzo
Deity: Pyrtechon
Warhammer Tabletop
Serenity RPG
Contents Chroniclers of the Weave
Letter from the Editor 3 The people who are proud to bring this to you!
Wisdom from the Ranks 4
Editor In Chief
The Gamemasters: 6 Dan Scott (Leanthar)
Four Corners of a Magical 9
Sarah Hunter (Acacea)
World: Pankoki Quest
Andrew Thompson (Creighton)
Warhammer: Tabletop 19 Beverly Scott (Fayith)
Miniatures Warfare
Comic: Tales of 23 Beverly Scott
Layonara Andrew Thompson
Portrait of a Character: 30 Illustrations
Bumblebee Cover Artist and Illustrator: Lisette (Phaere)
Portrait of a Character: 32 Cartographer: Peter Mitchell (Rasterick)
Enzo Player Forum Albums: NwN screen shots & images

Get to Know Phaere: 38 Contributors and Reviewers

Artist/Illustrator Charles Tallman (CHAzz)
Thorsten Jurgensen (Harlas Ravelkione)
Serenity RPG 41 Fernando Espitia (Pankoki)
Deity of Layonara: 43 Phil Lynch (Philhappy)
Andy Mellecker (Guardian452/Enzo)
Jill Price (Honora)
Notes of a Bard: 51 Anthony Beaulieu
Ozymandias Edwin van de Ketterij (EdTheKet)
Jason Williams (Ozymandias)
D&D Adventures: 54 Andrew Thompson
Al Sousa
Tales of Layonara Comic
False Truth - Chapter 1 56
Story - Andrew Thompson
Open Gaming Licenses 62 Artwork - Niels Andersen Dolmer (Niles09)
& Notices
Layonara World Map 64 Bumblebee (PenNPopper) - The Dragon's Whisper
in-game magazine
Dragon’s Whisper Phaere -
Volume 1, Issue 1, Number 1. Al Sousa - D&D Adventures
Published by Layonara Studios.
Reproduction or use of this Websites
material in whole or in part Layonara -
without permission of the Phaere's Artwork -
publisher is prohibited. The D&D Adventures -
views and opinions detailed here-
in are not necessarily those of Advertising and Submissions
Layonara Studios, its executives, Display advertising information and
or other contributors. submission guidelines available upon request.
© 2007 Layonara Studios Email:

Letter from the Editor In Chief
by Dan Scott (Leanthar)

It is with great pride that I write this letter of intro- with this new style of creation because it allowed
duction for the inaugural issue of Dragon’s the players to enjoy themselves and actually feel
Whisper. To get this magazine out to you, it a part of the world. It was, at this time, that I
required a lot of dedication and drive from our started tracking history and lore based around
team. Thank you--all of you! the players and their actions. This continued for
nearly a decade and quite a few players were
I started this magazine because I know it will involved during this process and time frame. Lots
spread word of the World of Layonara and be of of fun! And lots of handwritten documents and
interest to our players. The larger the player base hand-drawn artist I am not.
is for the world, the better the opportunity that the
players in the community have in engaging in In June of 2002, I took a stab at putting Layonara
good role play. Also, perhaps some of the players online for other players to enjoy. I thought the
will find some good world would remain small and mostly unnoticed
friends along the way. but to my surprise it was fairly popular. I made a
lot of mistakes at the beginning as running an
We expect our layout will online community is difficult and time consuming
change as we develop it, to say the least. I am still learning to this day and
and what is now planned will continue to learn.
as a quarterly publication
could, one day, become The world has exploded in popularity, lore, and
a monthly one. However, history ever since putting it online. It is a lot of
our goal is to ensure it is fun to see players enjoy their time inside the
readable online and easy game world and reading the history and lore of
to print for those that pre- the world.
Dan Scott (Leanthar) fer a hardcopy.
I would like to humbly say thank you to all of the
Where to start? great people that have worked on the various
teams at various stages of involvement within the
Layonara started in my head in 1986 when I was game world and the community in general. Every
just starting to play and enjoy games. But gaming single one of you that has been on these teams
was not really enough for me, so I started jotting rock! It is because of your hard work and sacri-
down notes and ideas about various things that I fices through the years that the players have
would like to see in a fantasy world. After a few been able to enjoy their time in a great game
years of this, I then started Game Mastering world full of history and lore.
(GM’ing) and I quickly learned that a few of my
ideas didn’t work and that all of my ideas were To the players…thank you! We all do this for you.
not deep enough to create a really convincing Every one of us enjoys seeing you have fun in a
fantasy world. So, I went back to the drawing game world built for role-playing, which is why
board after my Pen and Paper (PnP) players we work in the community. Without the players,
destroyed the world. A rookie GM mistake—I there is no reason to have a game world and all
have made plenty of them in my lifetime. of us are unmistakably aware of this fact.

When starting over, I created the foundation of a And thank you to my family for your support over
deeper world. Then, I started allowing my PnP the long years. I love you! are awe-
players to change and define the world as they some and I couldn’t have done this without your
traveled to various areas in it. I quickly fell in love support and love. Thank you honey.

Wisdom from the Ranks
Answers to Those Troubling Questions
by Charles Tallman (CHAzz)
Our intention with this feature is to give advice on way to do things; the entire concept is self-inter-
any and all aspects of role playing. pretive. Honestly, can anyone tell me how an elf
acts? Have you ever encountered one down at
While I am aware that for more than just a few of the local corner shop buying a packet of snack
you, Neverwinter Nights (NwN) has been your cakes? Have we ever seen one on television
only experience with role-playing games, and discussing ethnic disparity on a daytime talk
that you might never have stepped up to a pen- show? Of course not, but we all have our own
cil-and-paper, tabletop game in your life, I never- idea of how one would act. And that's the issue
theless wish to include as much of the entire right there. While my elf and your elf will have
industry as possible. Who knows, perhaps your similarities, there will be plenty of differences, if
experiences in Layonara will help you branch out only because of our personal experiences and
into other aspects of the genre. how we look at the material.

Now, before I get too far into this, perhaps a little

bit about myself is in order, if only to help build “When it comes to role playing, the only
some sort of credentials. fast and solid rule is that there really is
no right or wrong way to do things.”
I've been gaming most of my life, since the early
days of Dungeons & Dragons. Ever since that
first taste in 1977 I've gobbled up any system,
setting, or book I could get my hands on. I most Having said all this, I think some generalities
assuredly do not consider myself an expert on would be a good topic for this inaugural issue.
anything. I do, however, consider myself highly So let us start with some basics.
opinionated on just about everything. It is this
vast storehouse of opinion from which I plan to There are essentially four different styles of RPG.
draw my suggestions. I categorize them into: standard RPG’s, such as
D&D or Rifts; Massively Multiplayer Online
No matter how I feel about my opinions and their RPG’s, like Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, or
validity, I am certainly not the end-all, be-all of Ultima Online; Live Action RPG’s like Mind's Eye
geek knowledge. When necessary, I will be Theatre, or NERO; and finally, Miscellaneous
drawing on the massive pool of gamerdom RPG’s; games like Monopoly fit this final
intellect known affectionately as the Layonara category. At this point, two questions have likely
Forums. If I can't figure out how to explain popped into your head, one being how does
something, or if (more likely "when") I find differ- Layonara fit into this model, and two, how is
ing opinions on topics, I will try to cover both Monopoly a role-playing game?
sides, including quotes from the veterans who
have been generous enough to share their Layonara, as a persistent world of Neverwinter
wisdom. Nights, is a cross between a traditional RPG and
an MMO. It definitely has the setup of an MMO.
One challenge to writing an article like this is that You need a computer with some sort of Internet
it would be easy to call it a "how-to." This is a connection, you play with tons of people you've
viewpoint that we are trying to avoid at all costs. never met in real life, and much of the dynamic is
When it comes to role playing, the only fast and handled in a computer game fashion. On the
solid rule is that there really is no right or wrong other hand, there is a higher percentage of role

Wisdom - Continued
playing than in an MMO; we accomplish things submission process helps you make sure your
with actual, if still electronic, die rolls, and we character concept is going to work within the
tend to police ourselves more when it comes to framework of the setting. If this is for a tabletop
non-game issues and topics. As for Monopoly, game, check with the GM to make certain your
think about it for a minute. Monopoly, Life, heck concepts aren't going to clash with his ideas for
even some card games require us to take on a the game. There are very few things more frus-
"role." In Monopoly, we are real estate tycoons, trating than to spend a great deal of time and
in Life, ordinary people. In the card game Lunch effort on a character whose background doesn't
Money, we pretend to be little girls on the ele- matter to the game. And from the other side of
mentary school playground. That's really what the screen, your GM doesn't want to try to jam
our entire hobby comes down to: taking a role. your character into his campaign when it doesn't
fit right.
“Essentially, all we ever do is What I'd really like to accomplish in this article,
improv acting.” aside from hopefully entertaining you with my
rambling style, is to answer specific questions
and issues you might have, regardless of game,
Essentially all we ever do is improv acting. I system, or setting. Heck I'll even try to answer
know I say that like improv is an easy thing and questions about collectable card games and the
all those actors are hacks, but I really mean it in like. To that end, if there is something you are
the reverse. We should feel pretty good about concerned about, or perhaps you want to debate
ourselves for attempting this stuff in the first me on some point or other, I've set up an email:
place. We may not be on stage, but it still can Please feel
be pretty nerve-wracking to pretend to be what- free to send me any and all of your various ques-
ever we play, and hope the others we meet are tions, concerns, comments, and gripes. I'll try to
convinced with our performance. answer the best I can. If I can't help you with an
answer, I'm certain I can find someone who can.
That aside, back to the game.
Until next time, may all your hits be crits.
When starting a new
character, the best
way to start is to
read. Read anything
on the setting you
can get your hands
on. For Layonara,
that's pretty easy.
Everything is in one
spot. Go through
the background,
history, timeline,
maps; all of it. Hit
the forums, read
what others have
posted. The best
thing about the way
Layonara is set up, The Great Library--no longer lost. A great role-playing session in the Soul
is that the character of a Lost Ancient Campaign.

The Gamemasters
Each issue we would like to take the time to let our Gamemasters, in their own words,
introduce themselves to you and tell you a little of who they are, why they do what they
do, and overall give you insights into their perspectives regarding role playing.

So without further ado, allow us to introduce you to one of our own:

Thorsten Jurgensen (Harlas)

I used to be one of the guys who made jokes even mountains.

about role playing, until a friend of mine invited
me to oversee a Pen and Paper (PnP) role-play- Unfortunately, there was a lack of progress,
ing session so I at least would know what I was change, and forward movement on the server, so
making fun of. I came, saw, and was hooked. after two months of exploration I had seen all
there was to see and lost interest.
I played in a fantasy PnP campaign for two to
three years with a group of friends until I felt like Because of this, I started looking for a new serv-
running something of my own making. By then, I er, which was when I stumbled upon Layonara
had read loads of fiction, sci-fi, and middle-age Online on a Google search. The amount of infor-
inspired novels that gave me tons of ideas that I mation on the forums was, at first glance, stag-
was eager to try on my PnP group. At the time, gering. I slowly began working my way through
we played following a custom-made ruleset that the maps, deities, races, and history of the world,
gave much power to the GM in leaving out the then started working on an application for a
use of dice. The GM created the environment, dwarven character, Kobal Bluntaxe, who was
set the boundaries, and gave us an impression promptly approved and received a dream by a
or a feel of the situation, enabling us to make golden wyrm.
qualified judgments on whether what we wanted
was doable or not.
“...Layonara is a dynamic world where
When I moved to a larger city to study, I lost my player interactions shape or create new
old PnP group. Since I was not entirely prepared areas, plotlines, and even history....”
to give up role playing, I started looking for a new
group, which proved easily done. I then contin-
ued GMing and role playing on and off for anoth-
er 3 years, but since it was just not the same as Because Layonara is a dynamic world where
in the old days, I began looking for an alternative. player interactions shape or create new areas,
plotlines, and even history, I had still not yet left
That's when a friend of mine suggested that I the first continent even after playing a month.
look into Neverwinter Nights online. I followed his Furthermore, a development team is continuing
recommendation of a server, logged on, and to come up with yet more implementations to the
made my first character. game that add realism, while writers add further
detail to the history, deities, geography, and crea-
I was fascinated by all the custom materials and tures of the world. Together they work closely
equipment, feats and skills, emotes, appear- with the GM team that runs regular quests, plot
ances and voicesets that were put into beautifully quests, and character development quests. An
made areas of towns, hills, deserts, swamps, and amazing player base also continuously works

The Gamemasters: Harlas - Continued
with the team to add more content and depth to hearing, which makes it more interesting com-
the World of Layonara, which also allows the pared to being a GM in PnP.
players to further immerse themselves into the
world and add depth to their characters.
After playing for about a year, I decided that I “As a GM in Layonara, you are able to
wanted to contribute with my own ideas and shape both a visible and audible
shape threads on my own. Additionally, I wanted environment for players that has a
to give something back to the world, so I decided very realistic feel to it.... [A] GM is
to apply for a GM position and was welcomed enabled to shape the story around a
into the team. group of characters.”

There are great possibilities for a GM using the

NwN GM client compared to being a GM in a
PnP campaign. As a GM in Layonara, you are Obviously, there are also drawbacks, such as the
able to shape both a visible and audible environ- handling of skill checks. However, these draw-
ment for players that has a very realistic feel to it. backs can be circumvented by the GM. An exam-
A GM can build areas, manipulate environments ple is a situation where a character is trying to
like weather conditions and time of day, possess sneak (i.e. using Hide in Shadows + Move
and control NPC’s, and place enemies dynami- Silently) across an area without cover during
cally as the quest unfolds. In short, a GM is broad daylight. The game mechanics does not
enabled to shape a story around a group of char- and cannot take such restrictions into account
acters that does not only appeal to the imagina- when making the skill check. Such situations can
tion of the players but also to their vision and be handled through role play and communication
between player and GM,
and are often much more
rewarding than simply
walking around in stealth

But being a GM on
Layonara is more than
just the running of quests
and throwing groups of
characters into hopeless
situations to see how they
manage to find a way out;
it is also about being part
of a team. Furthermore,
being a GM also requires
dedication to the World of
Layonara and the wish to
contribute to it and
expand it further.

GM duties beyond the

running of quests include
things like helping players
Kobal Bluntaxe (Harlas’ Layonara character) and Hargranar. that have problems in

The Gamemasters: Harlas - Continued
game and answering questions by players on the Layonara who once suffered betrayal as a mortal
public forums. GMs also voice their opinions in and swore vengeance against his betrayer, which
discussions on the GM forums where subjects eventually lead to his ascension.
range from the approval of characters, balancing
issues or bugs, to more complex topics like the Grand gifted a weapon to an orc of his choice.
future of the server. Open-mindedness and paus- This orc was neither the strongest nor the most
ing to consider options go a long way towards cunning of his worshippers, but one who suffered
fulfilling this important part of the job. betrayal of the worst kind. Grand made this orc
his unwilling champion--unwilling because he
My experience has taught me that often, small refused his role but was left no choice by the
stories are the best ones, or stories that start out god. The champion, Grand's Red Raven, was to
as small where room is left for them to evolve. In unite the orcish tribes on the continent and lead
my opinion, the key is to leave things open to the an assault on the dwarven bastions in the civi-
players. Player initiative is rewarding to both GM lized lands, to weaken their god and avenge the
and the group and often leads the quest on old betrayal.
routes one had not anticipated. Such detours
require the GM to have the ability to expand and A group of adventurers sought to unravel Grand's
invent a storyline on the run, interact with the scheme and with the help of a master in trans-
group through the NPC’s along their road, and mutation the group was polymorphed into a band
inventing their personalities and backgrounds of orcs--permanently, as they discovered during
without prior preparation. the ritualistic transformation. Given their new
shapes, the former adventurers were able to infil-
trate the orcish army and eventually befriended
“Instead of choosing magic as a the champion of Grand. The group recognized
relatively “easy” means to explain a phe- the madness that threatened to overwhelm the
nomenon or as a route towards the fulfil- champion due to the increasing pressure laid on
ment of a quest, I often prefer to rely on him by the presence of the god and understood
creative use of skills and the imagination that the champion was fighting against his god's
of the party to pass obstacles or defeat will and lust for blood. Alas, they knew that this
an overpowering foe. In my opinion, the was not a struggle he would be able to win.
"magic" in encountering magic disap-
pears once magic becomes common.” Through careful, smart execution and the help of
an orcish bonecaster from a rogue tribe of orcs,
the party managed to free the champion by
breaking the weapon. At the same time, two
Realism is an important factor, in my opinion-- priests among the party were calling upon the
even in a fantasy setting. Instead of choosing power of their gods to cause the ground to
magic as a relatively "easy" means to explain a shake, causing cave-ins at strategic locations
phenomenon or as a route towards the fulfillment and sealing most of the orcish army into the
of a quest, I often prefer to rely on creative use underground tunnels they had been excavating
of skills and the imagination of the party to pass to launch a surprise attack upon a dwarven set-
obstacles or defeat an overpowering foe. In my tlement.
opinion, the "magic" in encountering magic disap-
pears once magic becomes common. Naturally, the group took losses along the way,
but they came out on top. The characters eventu-
An example of a quest series I have run on ally found a way to regain their former shapes
Layonara was the story surrounding an orcish and sizes; although, some of their orcish traits
champion of Grand. Grand is an orcish deity in remain with them--even to this day.

Four Corners of a Magical World
What follows is a documentation of a quest series
by the very GM that created and administrated it:
Fernando Espitia (Pankoki)
As stories go, and legends are important of them all, was a set lives would change both for the
made, many find themselves of scrolls, four in total, each one better, and the worse. Friend-
wanting to fight off the evil that representing an element. The ships would rise, enmities would
lurks around their worlds, while premise of the Scrolls of swell, and the very fabric of
others seek treasure and delve Melizaphei was the ability to mold magic was to be flavored with a
into the deepest dungeons where and shape each element to the unique touch.
they fight ancient beasts to find it, point of being one with them. She
and still others just pick a road believed in the good that these The High Forest is a place where
and simply start walking it. For a scrolls could be used for, but she Unicorns once roamed, where
small group of Dragoncalled, this also understood the level of risk the land spoke through the many
was not so; this story practically that was involved should they fall tenders of its heart, and where
fell into their laps as they rested into the wrong hands. In anticipa- the balance of dark and light was
and talked in the middle of a tion of this, she used many of her a thin one that shifted with every
small town named Hlint. skills to put several fail-safe season. Many rangers and druids
devices on the scrolls, some of had gathered there in Katia's
Rushing out of magical gates which remain a mystery to this Grove to see a strange black
came a slight elf (Felimian was date." box. It was rumored that it held a
his name), bearing the urgent treasure that had been kept in
news of a distant land known to their fold for many years, and that
very few. He claimed his roots in it was now no longer safe under
Voltrex (the Tower of Earth, to be their green canopies and instead
precise), and his accent and pos- awaited the return to its master.
ture spoke of his honesty. With
the melodic speech so often pos- When the Dragoncalled arrived, it
sessed by elves, he told our 'hap- was clear to the nature folk that
less heroes' of a woman named something had gone wrong.
Melizaphei. There were four wizards appear-
ing less-than-friendly, two priest-
"Melizaphei Hilliaraname was a esses with a reputation for short
very powerful elven wizard that tempers, and a bard with more
was raised and tutored in the strings than a spider's web.
Tower of Nature. She showed When they heard the names
promise over the arcane arts at a attached to each face, it did
very young age and excelled in His story, however, was not to seem that things were getting
all her teachings much earlier end properly. As Felimian told worse by the moment. Yet the
than expected. Eventually she them this, a circle formed around druids were bound by pact, and
came into her power and became him. Abject terror filled his face the group presented all that was
a vital member of the elven wiz- and he hurriedly told the group needed to claim the box. With a
ard community. The matters that that if they wished to avoid a ter- sense of relief, Legodia, Keeper
she researched were simply rible future for this land they of The High Forest, presented
amazing. All her experiments should seek the keepers of the them with the burden the forest
were beyond their time and peo- High Forest. A powerful ray of could no longer bear. Without
ple truly wondered how she was magic struck him and then he knowing what they were stepping
able to produce such marvelous was no more. into, it was taken by the young
effects in the Weave. priestess of Lucinda. With deter-
That is how this saga was born, mination in her expression, she
"Her last project, and the most for after that point in time all their was the first to come in contact

Four Corners - Continued
with the Scroll of Earth. The Kuo-Toa, as they call them-- research--a simple note found
a strange mix of frog and things stating that two agents of an
"This is the source of the earth, that should perhaps remain forev- unknown society wished to meet
the spirit of the stone, the soul er unknown, normally hostile to and discuss the matters of the
of the solid air. Within lies the any land dweller, all stood their scrolls. One would be found in
sphere of the one corner that swampy grounds as the presence the woodland province of Vale, in
controls that which binds the of one of the Scrolls was the Forest of Mists, and the other
planet. This is the third scroll of acknowledged. After struggling to not too far from it, in Orc's Watch.
Melizaphei. You who read this communicate, a spell was placed
are now bound to defend it. The on the scroll bearer and soon
scroll will answer to you; join it more dire news began flowing. Kelor
with his brothers to dismiss this
power or seek forever to be Xhalixkkia was the name of the
chased by its suitors." leader. A Kuo-Toa of legendary
age who spoke to them at great
Did she feel confusion? Perhaps length, and was eventually dis-
bewilderment? Whichever it was, covered to be the bearer of the
the young priestess changed Scroll of Water, keeper of the
from that day on. Like a newborn ebbs and flows, grace of the
child, the scroll began to explore deep, and ward to a place of
her mind, learn from her and her greater power, a place where all
from it; a being held within that the four were linked to a balance
was now freed to her mind, per- set by the cunning of the elven
haps even her soul. Curious as race. A place that was not too far By this time however, Kelor's
all followers of the Lady of Spells from his home, and once the four minions were already on their
are, she opened to it and the scrolls were gathered, was where tails. Sporadic encounters with
world began taking shapes of they were to be returned--a place creatures of the elements were
earth and steel. of power where their fate was to normal things, yet each
be determined. Though he was encounter was a test of their met-
Felimian's warning lingered, how- cryptic to no end, what was clear tle that took sweat and tears to
ever. There were three more to of his speech was the simple survive. Magic flew, prayers were
be found and an evil wizard urgent warning to gather the oth- answered, song lingered, and
named Kelor with a clear advan- ers before the balance was jeop- blades or hammers struck the
tage over them. The conscious- ardized. forces of the elements, which
ness of the scroll they had, lov- only showed the control over fire
ingly named Stone, guided them It was easier said than done, for possessed by the elf who com-
towards the nearest of the ones no clear clues to a direction exist- manded them. Perhaps driven by
remaining. ed, as the other two scrolls were purpose, or perhaps luck, they
found to be either behind extra- survived this battle and many
Their next stop was to be the planar walls or hidden in very more to come.
island of Alibor in the Kingdom of powerful magic. So following
Roldem. Of course no journey is Xhalixkkia's advice, they instead Vale is a serene spiritual forest
ever safe, least of all one into a made for Dregar, a place where outpost in the deep heart of the
land that was facing a war from the history of the scrolls had Forest of Mists, protected by a
undead factions, Mad God follow- migrated to once it had left chest-high wall of stone; a place
ers, and the very few trying to Voltrex, which would hopefully be where those that revere nature
fight them. Purpose drove our lit- the place to find the clues they make pilgrimages to fulfill vows or
tle group despite that. They wove needed to locate the other two, if renew spirits. This is where the
small illusions or fought the small cunning heads prevailed. group met a gentle elven
groups they could handle until enchantress by the name of
they reached the end of their The first sign of progress was Elmilindalethiaratan Elnatioanna,
journey where the strangest of found in Pranzis after many who thankfully allowed herself to
creatures awaited. weeks of intensive, fruitless be called simply Elmi. She was a

Four Corners - Continued
figure that had appeared before What of the Holder of Earth? The ensued, walls seemingly the only
in the lives of those now tasked young priestess slowly learned of options of movement (meaning
with the procurement of Meli's the scroll. It held memories of its none at all of course), until a day
work. previous owner, memories of that they were once more collect-
murder and loss at the hands of ed in Pranzis. As they gathered
Elmi's previous line of work had cared ones. She learned of a around a fountain, the water took
placed her in the way of the name: Kailia, Kelor's sister. The shape into a being of grace, and
scrolls, and she was aware of story unfolded slowly, and in a message was given from a
Melizaphei and her family line every dark corner, something weakening Xhalixkkia. Corax
and the amazing research per- more tenebrous came through. In Lake.
formed by the Hilliaraname dur- time, she will learn of the true
ing her life on Voltrex before her horrors behind the scrolls. Deep Lake is another name for
disappearance. She spoke great- the body of water named after
ly of how advanced Melizaphei's Xora is a mysterious woman who the half-orc Corax, as it was
research was and how most of it controls a powerful tower of called before he performed a leg-
wasn't even understood by those magic near the northern forests endary dive in a local festival. A
in her time. Eventually, the next of Dregar. She is rumored to be a mysterious lake, which is said to
step was found. Elmi's husband, great wizard who trusts no one be bottomless and full of myster-
the second contact, a mysterious but herself, with an expression ies. Now, it served as the meet-
man named Boroin told them of that at times reveals a small ing place for a dying scroll bearer
odd occurrences near the River glimpse of sadness that is quickly and a group of adventurers hun-
of Shadows: trolls running away replaced with a stern look and a gry for information. Anything.
from their home in O'taogor and resolute demeanor. This is where
odd activity within the caves. the group met, now expanded in The war in Alibor had finally
number after the story had taken its toll on the Kuo-Toa and
spread through the Dragoncalled. it was now time for Xhalixkkia to
Boroin and Elmi
pass unto deeper ponds. As
By now, their suspicions of Kelor such, he was tasked to entrust
possessing the Scroll of Fire the Scroll of Water to a worthy
were well founded. They had successor, and it was within this
faced nothing but flames in their group that such person would be
confrontations and the scroll felt found.
warded to Stone, the being within
the Scroll of Earth. Thus the con- Uncomfortable glances were
versation with Xora revolved exchanged; the wizards within
around the location of the missing the group, their desires often less
scroll, Air. Excitement filled their than savory, were perhaps hop-
Mucking through the bug infest- expressions when she confirms ing to control the more destruc-
ed, serpent-riddled troll home that she has ways to reach it, but tive Fire Scroll, while others were
was likely the least of their it is quickly staunched when she perhaps afraid of the duality the
desires, but their sacrifices were affirms the fact that only if they scrolls imposed, or maybe simply
well rewarded--for after removing found the amulet of The had no desire to be associated
the large amount of elemental Harvester of Souls, or any infor- with the element. Thus, it was an
beings that then guarded the mation regarding its location, enduring soul named Dal'Venus,
caves, they discovered Kelor's would she allow passage to the a Hammer of Dorand, who with a
first mistake: a summoning circle realm in which the scroll hid. stout resolution took it upon her-
left unattended. In it a shimmer- Amusement was in short supply self to protect and bond with the
ing visage of a helpful yet suffer- that day and with a warning from scroll, opposite in nature but with
ing man who gave them the the mysterious lady they left with an understanding of the impor-
knowledge that Xora, the lady in a heavy sigh and a lack of direc- tance of such a role.
the northern tower, would grant tion.
them insight beyond belief. "This is the source of the
Weeks of endless investigation water, the flowing sight, the

Four Corners - Continued
blood of the world. Within lies more suited for the eyes of a him as the same. No words could
the sphere of the one corner halfling; a middle-aged male with be exchanged before magic
that infuses the planet with life. flowing white hair framing an whisked him to safety, but the
This is the first scroll of arrogant expression; a young Dragoncalled now had the face of
Melizaphei. You who read this woman with short hair as black their enemy in mind.
are now bound to defend it. as night and deep blue eyes
The scroll will answer to you; seeming to consume the world They spoke with the Rangers of
join it with his brothers to dis- with their curiosity; another the Glade to unearth some infor-
miss this power or seek forever female, though this one in a flow- mation about the strange elf that
to be chased by its suitors." ing gown that clearly appraised to once practiced magic within the
numbers better left unsaid; a forest, to find out about Kailia.
After giving them the scroll, dark-haired young male that Fortunately, the elven mind is not
Xhalixkkia informs them of an old appeared aloof in his posture, often prone to forgetfulness, and
relative of Melizaphei, now living with an imperturbable expression so her home was identified as the
in the small desert city of containing hints of shadow; and now overrun Deathgate Goblin
Saudiria. finally a young girl that had clear- hideout. The streak of good for-
ly not yet reached adulthood, with tune went even further still, as
Saudiria is the mysterious oasis her innocence still evident in her when they inspected the goblin-
on the coast of Dregar. A place of face. infested site, they discovered a
enticing natural rhythms and invit- magically sealed entrance…and
ing windblown lullabies where Amongst the belongings therein its key the one they had found in
many seek refuge from the shift- was a jewel box containing parts Saudiria. Kailia's old deserted
ing dunes of the desert, and of an amulet, a stone key that study was now open to them, and
pointed to as home of was hidden under the folds, and within it, a collection of her
Melizaphei's brother, who they a more mundane-seeming house diaries.
found to be long dead. key that was found attached to
the back of the portrait. The mys- The diaries were bound in hard
The sad news was quickly tery was unveiling slowly with leather that seemed to have been
replaced with hope when they new clues to old problems. exposed to heavy enchantments
discovered that the elf's half- with its red-tinted pages clearly
human daughter is the current The findings coaxed more memo- made from the beautiful elven
owner of the place, and that she ries from Stone, but with another trees of yew. On them, the words
was in the middle of moving out scroll bearer added to the group were written in a flowing hand-
and getting rid of all the "junk" they also had a larger target writing.
her father had kept around. painted on their backs. Because
Eager to learn about the figures of that, this is also where they "I don't understand why he made
that have eluded them for so began moving with a stronger me come to this forest. As much
long, they pleaded with her to let sense of purpose and determina- as I love the natural setting of my
them explore within, and since tion. The portrait and the key led homeland, my duty was always in
she clearly didn't mind the them back to the Forest of Mists, Arabel. I am no druid; my magic
chance to get rid of more collect- where Kailia was rumored to is wasted in defending myself
ed dust, they stumbled upon the have lived in the past, but not against pigs and badgers. A sad
first image of Melizaphei they before finally meeting their day, this is.
were to have. enemy.
I found the tree house he told me
It was a portrait--a family portrait, It was before the gates of Pranzis about; it was interesting to see
no less. They looked upon the that they saw his image wreathed how he enchanted the place to
elves and saw the faces to the in flames and draped in a dark have two entrances, one seem-
names for the first time: a female crimson mantle that exuded ingly a house devoid of living, the
with a friendly, curious demeanor unnatural fires. This elf's appear- other, his true abode that was
despite seeming a figure of ance bore little resemblance to warded against all kinds of intru-
imposing authority, with an the one in the portrait, yet it car- sion. It took me a good three
adventurous gaze that was nearly ried distinct features that marked days to figure out how to open it!

Four Corners - Continued
Silly me, forgetting the stone key typical wizard look; she is beauti- ed from their users, but I do not
in my pocket. ful, smart, and polite. My father is want to get into detail so early, for
a lucky elf. it will probably confuse you. All
The place is huge!! I have no you need to know now is that you
idea how I'm going to keep it all She addressed me in common, must seek your cousin in Arabel.
organized but I'll do my best of which means someone else was Felimian has established a link
course. Still, why in the middle of listening to us--the ever-polite with the locals, and they can lead
nowhere? There's not a single Voltrexian. This was a secret you to understanding. This is my
soul in this place except the odd code to us, no one else knew it, gift to the world; within the end of
ranger passing here and there. I but it meant to watch our this passage I will leave what
will need to get some sort of bath tongues. And so she spoke of may be useful in the future. I
placed here. All in time.…" roses and the new spring and have linked our amulets so that
some other subjects that really only the two of us can open this
Her entries continue to describe didn't fit the reason we met. And I place, although you would need
how, day by day, she adapted the knew she meant that she had the other three scrolls to open
house to her needs, with exten- finally finished her work, and that them…."
sive shopping lists for basic she was ready to show it to me
necessities, and recounts of her as soon as we were alone. I was lost. She seemed hurried
experiences traveling within the somewhat, very unlike her. But I
forest. She showed to me four simple took the scroll. She is my mother,
scrolls…they were beautiful. One I trust her; she knows what I'm
"Well, it has been awhile since I stored in a small glass casket capable of and what my limits
wrote in this little book of mine. I with a slight blue tint to it. are.
was called back home and forgot Another bright red one appearing
to grab it when I left. Then again, to be actually in flames. One in a On my way back, the thing start-
that's normal of me, forgetting cylindrical tube rolled neatly and ed talking to me! It was like a
things like that. surrounded by a liquid. The final baby asking all sorts of ques-
one, a slab of flat stone with tions; I asked for a name, he said
The trip back home was a pleas- runes inscribed on it. he didn't have one. I called him
ant one. The welcoming gates of Laanela, seemed fitting. We
Saida are just the right thing one She explained to me what they talked about everything. He
needs to relax from scribing and did and their importance. I knew asked so much, and I talk too
magicking. As usual, the family she wasn't lying for I've seen her much. A good companion he has
wards were waiting for me and power and what she can create. become.
led me to our home in Saida. I In her own words, "They are safe
really wanted to go straight to the while I remain, or at least my For now, I have to pack my things
tower and visit my mother, but I conduit. They are powerful Kaila, and go to Arabel. My old teacher
would feel bad not saying hello to and many will seek them for said that I could leave this forest
my fading father, so I spent a few that." when I found out how to stop
days with him as he withered time. Old blabber, I miss him
away in his bed. I love him with She meant it--I already knew of a sometimes but I couldn't wait until
all my heart, but sometimes you little rat that was probably schem- I could STOP TIME, so I left for
simply need to let go. ing to get a hold of them. Then Arabel to meet my cousin.
she surprised me, as she usually Besides, I heard he is getting
After a few days, my mother does. She held the stone tablet married, so I wouldn't mind meet-
called and without a seconds and gave it to me. "Kaila, protect ing his beloved wife."
notice I was running for the this one, it is the primal key to the
tower. others and is no easy responsibil- More clues, more places to dis-
ity. It will test you in many ways cover, more history to the myth.
She was her usual self, her light and I fear that it will take its toll The Rangers of the Glade had
blue and earthen gown flowing on you. You see my child, I've also spoken of a tribe of barbar-
freely in the windy night. My placed a defense around the oth- ians living in the mountains to the
mother never fell into that stereo- ers. They are somewhat protect- north that worshiped the winds

Four Corners - Continued
and spoke of legends rang true of planet with breath. This is the the world. Hooded in her dark
the essences of the scrolls. second scroll of Melizaphei. realm, she offered them informa-
You who read this are now tion for a simple item exchange.
Thunder Peaks is a land of con- bound to defend it. The scroll With her usual twist of words, she
flict between displaced Granite will answer to you; join it with lied to the party, saying that Kailia
Giants and local shamanic bar- his brothers to dismiss this was part of the guild while mak-
barian tribes, mountains where power or seek forever to be ing sure she wasn't precise about
storms are born and given direc- chased by its suitors." which guild it was, and that in her
tion, and the place where the abrupt death something of
tides were truly to turn in their In a brief, sidetracked interlude, Sharina's was left with Kailia's
favor. they met with the wizard body. She wanted only a set of
Moraken, who saw fit to meet daggers in exchange for direction
Our heroes were smart enough to with them. Likely he knew the on where to find more about her.
approach the normally secluded true importance of the scrolls,
tribes with peace and a friendly and so he provided gruff guid- Seeing nothing wrong with this,
demeanor, ending some of the ance, perhaps hoping that the they agreed and Shadon's temple
giants that lurked their holy young adventurers wouldn't blow in Arabel became a stop on their
grounds as a gift. After speaking up the world. He spoke of the two list in the future.
at length of their purpose, it was different approaches to using the
the tribal leader that accepted power of the scrolls-control and Arabel is city of terrors and
them as a piece of destiny and bonding. The first provided fast demons, tyrannical home of tor-
presented them with a simple results but would litter the magic ture, suffering, disease, famine
whistle that had been given to with conflict in the long run, while and violence of all kinds…and the
him many seasons ago. It would the second took more time but entrance to the underground
open the door to realms enabled the bearer to exact more guild that was once led by Kailia
unknown. power over the element in ques- Hilliaraname: a passage found
tion. He advised them to speak with the temple of The
They suspected that they had with a man named Ozlo on the Irrepressible Scamp.
finally located the way to Air, and continent of Xantril; not only was
it was time for an elf to take he learned in matters of planar Though they were warned of the
charge of it. An archer named magic, but he was also the men- strange creatures below, the bat-
Talan Va'lash, who had recently tor to Kailia when she was alive. tle-hardened group was confused
joined them in the exploration of at how fiercely the earthy crea-
the fabled scrolls, was curious However, before they headed to tures guarded the old caverns,
about its magic and perhaps its Xantril, Lueanne Lightfinger, a wondering what they could be
relation to the elven sanctuary of halfling with a not-quite-clean protecting with such urgency. It
Voltrex. He blew the instrument slate, but perhaps just a victim of was not until they came to the
on the highest peak, and with a circumstance, offered the group central chamber that the answer
clap of thunder, a flash of light, an option she had heard from and the treasure were found.
he was gone from this world. Branderback's finest. Of course,
the origins of this information Melizaphei called them
What happened then? Perhaps were mostly left out of the con- Multidimensional Planar Cavity
only Talan will ever know. When versation, but in some strange Folding Crystals. To Stone, what
he came back, he was a changed manner typical to halflings, she they found it was simply a stor-
elf, bearing the third of convinced her friends to go to age gem, but in reality it held a
Melizaphei's four scrolls and with Dregar and enter the den of what far greater impact. The beautiful
control of the element coming they will eventually discover to be oversized emerald contained not
naturally to him. Shadow Thieves. only Kailia's physical belongings,
but many of her memories as
"This is the source of the air, the Sharina Shadowfang, leader of well, passed onto it through
spirited voice, the ether of the the Shadow Thieves, and per- magic. It was at this moment that
world. Within lies the sphere of haps the most feared figure of the young Lucindite was instilled
the one corner that infuses the the underground movements of with the memories of the elf, a

Four Corners - Continued
new person born once more as the place had been recently with summons provided from
personalities mix and past abandoned. Thankfully for their other planes. That way, the old
becomes present. Sharina's sakes, it was the latter. link was nurtured, allowed to
request was fulfilled, the grow and maintain a balance,
weapons passed onto the halfling There was little of importance to and Weave-gifted around the
with little knowledge of the dam- be found amongst the pieces of world would still be able to call for
age that would be done. Thus, debris. Kelor had officially moved help through their magic.
did they keep their word to the to Xantril in pacts with greater Melizaphei gladly took this duty
ones in shadows. forces, and so they found only upon her shoulders. The scrolls
trivial laboratory annotations dic- held lesser powers that were
A powerful hit of the Weave sur- tating savage experiences when used as diplomats to the essence
rounded them, called by some attempting to control the Scroll of of what linked those planes. She
primordial force as in the Lake of Fire and a solid cube of some would eventually fade into the
Salt, a desert within the harsh- strange alloy. Though they were realm of balance, there to exist
ness of Xantril, they found Kelor's not able to piece or dismantle it, until a replacement was found or
servants trying to dislodge their Weave senses told them the power was spread amongst
Kailia's petrified corpse from the that something lay hidden within. bearers of the scrolls.
sands it had melted in. With their Somewhat disappointed in the
fortune, however, the Fire Giants results, they left the premises and The news bore heavy on those
were defeated, and from her turned back to Xantril. that listened with mouths agape--
body they retrieved the last part the rest of their discussion with
of the amulet they had discov- The Great Forest is the heart of Ozlo was casual compared to
ered in Saudiria, the key to the Layonara, the home of the most what he had just shared. A sad
place where the scrolls would be powerful druids in the world, and story unfolded when he opened
united, and now missing only the the grounds on which rested the the box brought from Kelor's lab;
Scroll of Fire. tower of Ozlo, a mysterious figure its contents had belonged to
whose nature had as many Yimliara, Kailia's youngest sister.
Firesteep is a volcanic nightmare rumors as leaves in the forest, A pair of weapons she used in
of an island in the northern region and the place where they would her life, mostly as toys, but show-
of the world, an unholy place of finally come to understand the ing promise in their handling, and
destruction to Pyrtechon. And reality of the scrolls. a red storage gem, much like the
home to the Ancient King of one they had found in the caves
Dragons--Fisterion. This is where In times past, summoners would under Arabel, with this one
Lueanne's contacts in the conjure elementals of all kinds instead holding Yimliara's belong-
Shadow Thieves had labeled when seeking aid of extra planar ings. The allegiance and corrup-
Kelor's laboratory when the matter. They had many options, tion between the siblings was
exchange was made for informa- but were mostly limited to the very clear at this point.
tion. inert elements. After the many
wars in the world began, these They thought the true sadness
By this time, the three that car- links began to weaken, and a behind Yimliara's story was that
ried scrolls now controlled their group of powerful individuals the group had just learned where
elements more skillfully, and gathered to fix this problem. A she lived, and now they were on
could protect their presence by conclusion was reached from the their way to end her. Youth
working with one another to cloud research of these wizards, corrupted by the persuasive
Kelor's attempts at spying if they Melizaphei among them. If the capability of age.
focused enough on it. They came links were not balanced and its
to the mountains of fire where energies re-strengthened, sum- It was in the Roughlands, an area
they found a hidden passage mons would no longer work in the of Xantril that remains in the
leading them to the studies of the world at all. As such, it was ruinous ecology that once cov-
corrupted elf, but when they decided that she would tend to ered the continent, full of ruins
arrive within, they met so little the balance of the links of the and hidden secrets, where they
resistance they just knew they inner planes with her scrolls, found the youngest member of
were either walking into a trap or while the rest of the world dealt the seemingly cursed family. It

Four Corners - Continued
was here where they would find elven home and trusting them to these things go, they assumed it
themselves fighting harder than do so. was the latter.
ever before. Kelor's training on
such bright minds showing in Voltrex is heaven to the elves Alaamiathela
truthfulness as steel and magic that retreated there from the rest
tore against creatures made of of the world, a place of virgin
living magma. The group had beauty and a conflicted past,
grown now, both in numbers and home to the graceful race that
in ability, and every challenge wishes to shut out everything not
was met with resolution and a contained within its borders…and
desire to put an end to this elon- now the place were a group of
gated saga. Dragoncalled would bang on the
doors of the Hilliaraname house-
In the final chamber, they faced hold. They bore so many artifacts She brought clarity to a subject
Yimliara's mummified body and evidence of Melizaphei's that had been troubling them for
trapped in undeath. With skillful work that admission to their home sometime, which was the reason
use of the element, she was was granted, perhaps reluctantly, that the scrolls seemed to have
taught every swath of fire that but full of curiosity, seemingly a sentience within. Stone in Earth,
spewed from her magic left scars common trait in the family. It was Alaamiathela in Water, and
that while perhaps not showing Kailia's nephew who greeted Fezeeaka in Air. The raw energy
on the bodies of each struck, them, intrigued. of the scrolls needed to flow
may have marked their souls through a sentient being in order
instead. But they endured, and For long hours, they shared all to be properly translated into
after ending her corrupted mock- the knowledge they held, now functioning magic; and thus, the
ery of life, they recovered two truly desperate to find an end to it spirits within them. Finally,
items from her decomposing all. In a twist of good fate, the last Feawen makes sure that they
body: the blade of a sword, and a member of the family in the por- know and understand the need to
sundered Scroll of Fire. The sight trait, Kailia's older sister, Feawen, exploit Kelor's weakness. He is
of the ripped parchment of flames made her appearance to the not beyond making pacts with
bore heavily on their spirits, even group. She offered the last piece powerful creatures to gain immu-
though it kept functioning through of the puzzle needed to defeat nities, but there is one thing he
magic. Darkness settled upon Kelor and restore the broken cannot fight--his own blood.
them before the situation was to Scroll of Fire.
turn again. Stone
Feawen explained that by ripping
Their adventure finally led them the scroll in two, it meant that
to where it all started--Voltrex. either Kelor had truly lost his
The Bard of Ages recommended mind, or that he had found a way
that they speak with an elf named to penetrate Melizaphei's realm
Elrohir, a sage of great repute without needing the other four
that resided in Vale. He would be scrolls. Of course, knowing how
able to open the gate of the elven
kingdom to this group, if they Feezeeaka
could present a valid enough rea- This was to be shown in a
son. Of course, having recently weapon made by Melizaphei her-
destroyed one of Sinthar's self for her daughter Kailia, a
Bloodpools within said continent weapon of sound. The Singing
was just that. After they appealed Sword. Love and care were
to Elrohir on the advise of instilled in its crafting with the
Ozymandias, he was both friend- magic of the family clear within its
ly and forthcoming regarding their runes. It was time for it to be
request, asking only for their dis- reforged.
cretion when they were at the

Four Corners - Continued
The blade they had recovered part. It was within that they would hand to damage and distract
from Yimliara and other pieces be challenged both physically Kelor as much as he could.
hidden within the storage gem and mentally. Kelor, at the height Serenity, now called Eldárwen,
that was found in Arabel. All they of his power, did not fear the the young priestess of Lucinda
needed was a quartz crystal. Not 'secret weapon' that the group grown into a greater role, pierced
any quartz naturally, but a partic- wielded, and taunted them for pure sound into their hated
ular one that could only be found their whole climb through the enemy.
in caves deep within Voltrex, tower. Many of his servants that
underground where the old tun- they had been forced against for When the dust settled and the
nels now stand empty. The Scroll so long were to now face them sweat streamed from all around,
Bearers and their companions for the last time. a blade was stuck in his corrupt-
took the last steps towards end- ed heart. Kelor lay deep in a pool
ing the madness of an elf whose Beings were called from distant of his own blood, his witch with a
life had been tainted with a lust places, elemental aspects that short sword driven through her
for power. The Quartz of Sound were so pure and violent that back.
was recovered and the reforging their mere auras seemed to
of The Singing Sword was com- exude a sense of dread. Kelor's Calls to the Weave were made,
pleted upon the highest peaks of constant taunting helped not at and the bodies of those lost to
Voltrex, its magic merging with all, but it was eventually at the battle were restored by the grace
the blade to be held in the hands summit of his tower where they of the Lady of Spells. As they
of the few who could confront were to confront him and his Azer recovered from the onslaught,
The Betrayer. witch. With Singing Sword in the those who were able searched
hands of the young Lucindite, for the missing half of the Scroll
Giants Run Mountains is the and everyone else fully spelled of Fire and, after joining it with its
southwestern part of the great for the worse, they were aware mate, liberated the being within:
mountain range that covers the that not all would make it from Jaldrix, a powerful Azer Chieftain
mid-eastern Xantril and home to the tower alive. that had suffered far too long in
clans of fierce Giants, these the hands of the wicked.
mountains are best avoided if In the very first charge against
one does not want to end either the pair, the witch drained two of Jaldrix
dead or slave to a Giant. Even the Scroll Bearers, removing all
dwarves do not tread these the liquids from their bodies and
mountains lightly in their search leaving dry heaps on the floor--
for ore. It was here that Kelor Talan and Dal'Venus had fallen.
Hilliaraname had made his new Lueanne's quick hands and feet
home, in a tower erected from kept her busy trying to aim for the
magic that emitted enough power nimble halfling, and while they
to make it easily identifiable by battled magic against sheer dex-
the Bearers. terity, the others faced Kelor.

It was a foreboding sight that From the frail Ozymandias a

made some wonder if it would be baleful dirge pierced his ears and
the last they would ever see. weakened him greatly, while he
Though they certainly didn't look was stripped of the enchantments What had Kelor been attempting?
forward to what they would find that were crippling the group by The answer may never be
within, the many years of struggle Ramanon's dark magic. A seem- known--perhaps he truly had
that they had now gone through, ingly harmless goblin named gone mad. Yet the fact that so
all beginning from a story that Bilvikki aided those he could with many, so powerful, had aided
was dropped from the skies, gave his spells, speeding the pace of these adventurers along the way
them enough steel to take odds battle and pouring pure force to perhaps indicates the importance
that seemed insurmountable. the targets he could make. A con- of what was risked.
flicted Drow paladin, the anomaly
Entering the tower was the easy Synal'dur clove with blade in After this battle and a brief

Four Corners - Continued
respite, it was time to return to of finality to them that was difficult centuries, or embrace the links
the place of balance, back to to ignore. themselves, liberate the scrolls
Alibor, by the magic of the ele- and allow Melizaphei to rest.
ments. Jaldrix was free of the What happened when those
scroll and holding the magic questions were answered? Were The latter was a heavy toll, yet
through sheer self-determination, they right? Were they wrong? Did after so long bearing the scrolls
but was unable to use it to its full the good guys "win"? Those are and coming to know the beings
potential without a Bearer. thoughts that will always linger within, it was impossible for them
Instead, he could only keep it in with the Bearers of the Scrolls of to let go. They took on a respon-
check. Melizaphei. Yet in the end, they sibility that for all they knew might
managed to move past the be theirs forever, even after
Within the realm of balance, reali- guardians, to finally meet the death. Melizaphei was freed, but
ty took a new shape. The area Mad Sparkler, Melizaphei as her soul was seen fading, the
was an extension of Melizaphei Hilliaraname. touch of Lucinda was felt in the
and her work, and it now served chamber, and the Creator of the
to test the Bearers one last time Her form was that of the leg- Scrolls was restored to have a
in order to see how much of the endary Baelnorn of old. Undead, second chance at a life that she
magic they could hold, who they not of a desire to spread evil or a had missed in service.
were, and what they were capa- hunger for power, but a need to
ble of. To know them through preserve the forces she kept in And thus the saga of Melizaphei's
magic. check. She had been locked in scrolls ended. New bearers of
the chamber for a few centuries magic were forever bound
Four Primal Elementals stood protecting the links that allowed through blood, tears, and happi-
guard within this chamber. They Layonara to contact summons ness. From there on, each of the
asked questions intended to from beyond. She was nearing Bearers were to become gates to
judge character, knowledge, and her last days, her form slowly a realm beyond, and with them,
intent. Each Scroll Bearer was fading into the Weave. It was in the elemental creatures called
confronted with queries that test- the group's hands to either return The Weird were to protect the
ed their minds after so much the scrolls to Melizaphei and with links of summoning.
effort--questions that were it the energy and their power,
answered alone and with a sense fueling her soul for a few more But that is another story....

Pictures from Pankoki’s Album

Tabletop Miniature Warfare
Reviewed by Phil Lynch (Philhappy)

The army of the Byrnak Clan Dwarves stood and waited for the invaders to arrive.
It would not be long now. The sound of drums and the shrieks and cries from the
Crooked Moon Night Goblins had carried on the wind for some time now. Once again, the
gold mines at Skull Pass were under threat, but the hearts of dwarves are firm and their
axes sharp; their resolve to win would not be shaken today. Despite the black clouds that
covered the sky, the armor of the Dwarven Hammerers and Thunderers gleamed;
adorned with gold cut from the very mines they stood to protect. As the Night Goblins
banners slowly came into view, the Dwarven Thane gave the order to move forward.
The army of the Crooked Moon Tribe was strong in numbers and this gave them
the confidence to attack. The occasional bout of squabbling would break out within the
ranks, but a scream of rage from the Big Boss would quickly get them back in line. The
regiment of Spider Riders was eager though. There was a good chance they would break
and attack the first thing they saw. A sudden increase in shouts and screams from the
front line of goblins meant the dwarves had been spotted. The Big Boss gave the order to
quicken the pace. A loud bellow came from the huge troll that accompanied them and
echoed around Skull Pass. The ground around them shook as the trolls’ feet pounded into
it at the increased speed.
As the armies drew closer to each other, their momentum increased, driven on by
four thousand years of mutual hatred. A volley of arrows from the Night Goblins spurred
the dwarves into a charge. The battle cries of dwarf and goblin alike slowly rose in vol-
ume until it explodes in a clash of steel, accentuated by the boom of dwarven cannons
and the roar of the troll as it hurled boulders....

So, begins the Battle for Skull Pass, another skirmish in a world of perpetual
war in the land of Warhammer.

September 2006 marked two major releases tory of the land and the fifteen different armies
from Games Workshop, the seventh edition of that constantly fight there), the Warhammer
the Warhammer Fantasy Battles Rulebook and Hobby (everything you need to know about paint-
the box set, Battle for Skull Pass. The box set is ing and assembling of miniatures) and a
a very nice and affordable collection of minia- “Gaming” section that contains three scenarios
tures for anyone already engrossed in the world and ideas on different ways to play and expand
of tabletop battles and also stands as a perfect your own games.
entry level kit for anyone wanting to get started.
The box contains everything needed to start The game itself is played on any suitable surface
playing: a Starter Booklet, a pocket-sized (a 6' by 4' table being a good example) by two or
Condensed Rulebook, dice, scenery, and over more players who wage war with their chosen
100 miniatures featuring an army of dwarves and army of miniatures. Armies of orcs, goblins,
an army of Night Goblins. dwarves, elves, undead, skaven, lizardmen, etc.,
battle it out to either complete objectives or just
The new Rulebook stands as a complete guide annihilate the enemy.
to Fantasy Warhammer; included in the book are
all the in-depth rules of the game as well as sec- The game play is turn based, and follows a pat-
tions on the Warhammer World (detailing the his- tern of troop movements, a ranged shooting

WARHAMMER - Continued
round, magic casting round and a combat round. playing, and of course the more you play the
Combat is worked out via a unit's stats, number more complicated the rules can get. This seems
of creatures in the unit and dice rolls. If a to be true of all aspects of Warhammer and
squadron of 20 goblins attack some dwarves and indeed Games Workshop; the more you put in
the goblins stand in a formation with six at the the more you get out of it. Games Workshop put
front, six D6 are rolled to see how many of those a lot of time and effort into creating quality prod-
gobbos hit; goblins might be pretty nimble so ucts and keeping their stores friendly and family
they only need to roll a two or higher to do this. If orientated.
four of the green skins hit, then four D6 are rolled
to see how many of the hits cause wounds on The story of Games Workshop starts in an apart-
the dwarves (individual characters within a unit ment in London back in 1975, where Ian
can receive one wound, once they receive it they Livingstone, Steve Jackson, and John Peake
die, larger figures like heroes or trolls can have started the company with the intention of making
two or more wounds). and selling new games. They started off as a
mail-order company and manufactured wooden
board games like Backgammon right there in the
“...the more you put in the more flat. They wrote and published their own maga-
you get out of it.” zine, Owl and Weasel, in the hopes that it would
get their name known and generate some busi-
ness. Somewhere along the line, a copy fell into
the hands of Gary Gygax, co-creator of a brand
Goblins may be nimble but they sure aren't new and highly original game…Dungeons &
strong, rolls of four or higher are needed to Dragons. D&D had been turned down by all the
cause wounds and only three of the four hits major game companies in the U.S. and so Gygax
make contact. Next the defending dwarves get a was trying to distribute the game himself from an
chance to roll three D6 to try and block the three apartment in Wisconsin under the name TSR
wounds; dwarves are tough and only need to roll Hobbies. A review copy of D&D was sent to
a two or higher to see the goblin swords bounce Game Workshop and immediately Livingstone
off their armor. At the end of the round, one dwarf and Jackson were hooked. They ordered six
falls to the ground dead and the rest of them get copies of the game, dedicated an issue of Owl
ready to start swinging with axes and hammers. and Weasel to the game, signed a three year
Once the dwarves have taken their turn, the two deal for the European distribution rights, and the
opposing units weigh up the skirmish by compar- orders started to flood in.
ing the difference in points gained in the battle.
Points are gained for how many of the enemy
are killed, carrying a confidence building banner
and/or outnumbering their foe. Dice are again
“The story of Games Workshop
rolled based on these points, to see if the two starts in an apartment in London
units continue to fight it out in the next round or if back in 1975....”
one of the units panics and runs. Fleeing troops
roll dice to see how far they can run and then try
to regroup, while the other unit has the option to The role-playing game has taking the world by
chase them down and try to finish them off, or storm and more and more companies were jump-
move off to engage another unit. ing on the bandwagon and creating new RPG's.
Games Workshop was picking up the distribution
Ok, so this is a very simplified (and probably right for Europe and the next logical step was to
wildly inaccurate) run down of the game play but open a shop. To help advertise the new shop
it gets the point across of how easy it is to start Livingston and Jackson decided to create a new

WARHAMMER - Continued
magazine dedicated to the world of RPG's and Over the years, the Warhammer universe has
gaming. In the summer of '77, the first issue of continued to expand in different forms. New
White Dwarf was printed and in the spring of '78 miniatures are constantly designed and released
the first Games Workshop store opened. People by Citadel, a science fiction version of the game
were traveling from all over Europe to visit the is available called Warhammer 40,000, there's a
shop and more and more stores had to open to Warhammer fantasy role-playing game, as well
meet the increasing demand for fantasy gaming. as hundreds of novels set in this land of eternal
conflict. There are individual source books and
Also, at this time, the use of small, metal minia- collectors guides for each of the different armies
tures while playing RPG's was on the increase, available, giving detailed histories of the race and
so Livingston and Jackson started another com- the miniatures available. The popularity of the
pany to design and manufacture them called Lord of the Rings movies has drawn more people
Citadel Miniatures. These figurines, depicting all into the world of fantasy gaming, and Games
manner of fantastical creatures, quickly caught Workshop secured the rights for the tabletop bat-
the publics' eye and became highly collectable. tle version and a series of miniatures based on
the designs used in the film.
Livingston and Jackson's next big brainstorm
was the idea to merge the interactive aspect of
an RPG with a book and so the Fighting Fantasy “The Warhammer hobby encourages
Gamebook was born in 1981. Titles like "The people to collect and paint their armies
Warlock of Firetop Mountain" and "Deathtrap for use on the battlefield. The more
Dungeon" sold by the thousands and introduced you put into your army, the more
even more people to the world of fantasy gam- effective it becomes in the game.”
ing. The demand for these game books gradually
made Livingston and Jackson move away from
Games Workshop so they could concentrate on It really is the miniatures that draw people into
writing; and the years after that, saw them slowly Warhammer; a fully painted army of orcs or elves
move into the world of computer games where placed on a well-built tabletop landscape is an
Livingston helped to introduce the world to a impressive sight. The Warhammer hobby encour-
young woman named Lara Croft. ages people to collect and paint their armies for
use on the battlefield. The more you put into your
While Livingston and Jackson were creating the army, the more effective it becomes in the game.
Fighting Fantasy series, Citadel Miniatures was The rules keep the game balanced though.
quickly becoming the biggest miniature selling Before each battle the players agree on a num-
company in the world. People were constantly ber of points that can be spent on an army, say
buying and painting all the models they could. 2000, and each regiment of troops has it own
While these models were being used a handful at point value; a unit of 20 tough Dwarven
a time in RPG's, Games Workshop decided it Hammerers might cost over 300 pts to place on
would be a good idea to devise a set of rules that the table and the goblin army could spend the
would allow players to use all the miniatures they same amount of points on 30 Night Goblins and
had in one giant battle; and so in 1983, the first a unit of 10 Wolf Riders. Owning more miniatures
edition of Warhammer was released. It became won't give a player an advantage by outnumber-
immensely popular and quickly began to out sell ing with strong troops, but having a better selec-
all other games on the market. Its popularity led tion to chose from at the start might. A good
Games Workshop to stop selling other gaming choice of units and how they are deployed and
products and the magazine White Dwarf exclu- moved in the battle will make or break it for the
sively covered the same range. player. Luck plays a big part in the game (look on

WARHAMMER - Continued
and laugh as your opponent rolls eight dice, only The following images are
to see eight little snake eyes looking back up at from the Games-Workshop/
them) but a good battle strategy can be hard to Warhammer website:
beat. The simplicity of the rules means the game
never becomes long, drawn out or boring, in fact
the battle can move along at a furious pace.

The best way to experience the Warhammer uni-

verse is to go to your local Games Workshop
and have a look. The staff are eager to tell you
all about the world of table-top battles and will
run you through the basic rules and have you
playing a trial game in no time. Games Workshop
run regular competitions and in-store events for
both long-time hobbyists and beginners alike.

“...if you are looking to get started,

you really can’t go wrong with the
Battle for Skull Pass set: rules, dice
and two armies ready to charge into
battle.... Waaagh!

The stores are always a hive of activity, with peo-

ple playing games and painting miniatures.
Games Workshop maintains a friendly and fami-
ly-oriented atmosphere and run beginners days
for children. Once you played a quick rules game
you can book yourself in for a game session,
where they will run you through a full battle and
explain all the rules to you in detail. Then it's just
a matter of picking the army of miniatures you
want to start collecting and battling your oppo-
nents with. Of course, if you are looking to get
started, you really can't go wrong with the Battle
for Skull Pass set: rules, dice and two armies
ready to charge into battle.… Waaagh!

If you're interested in Warhammer, Citadel

Miniatures or any of the Games Workshop prod-
ucts, all the information needed can be found at:

Special thanks to Paul Hickey and Rob Riley at

Games Workshop in Dublin, Ireland, for all the

Portrait of a Character
Here we take a little time to spotlight the very ones without whom there
would be no role-playing games at all--the characters! This issue we’ll
begin with our own Phil Lynch (Philhappy) as he spends a few moments
with an enterprising Brownie from the World of Layonara:
He may be a brownie and only stands 20 inches tall, but what he lacks in stature he
makes up for with a hearty laugh and some big ideas. He takes a low bow and introduces
himself: Poaspmihpihih…or Bumblebee, in the common tongue.

Bumblebee was raised by his parents in the attic of a grain merchant in Prantz. It was
here that he learned the skills to survive; killing rats with a single shot from his small
bow and staying out of the sight of the tall folk. His inquisitive nature led him out of the
attic and into the shadows of Prantz where, perched on a crate or sitting in a dark corner,
he watched and learned the ways of the tall folk in the city.

As his confidence and skill with the bow increased, so did his desire to travel and seek
out adventure. And so, bidding farewell to his family, Bumblebee set off for the city of
Lor, looking for high adventure and news of other brownies in the land. However, the path
he took, led him to dreams of dragons and a small town called Hlint. It was here that
Bumblebee created The Dragons Whisper. Originally started as a way of trying to find
more brownies, The Dragons Whisper has grown to become the biggest selling newspaper
on Layonara. Bumblebee's skills at staying unnoticed helped secure stories and informa-
tion that would have otherwise gone unheard and The Dragons Whisper is now essential
reading for adventurers across the land.

We were able to talk him out of a few moments of his busy schedule to sit down with us
for more to his fantastic tale....

WHAT IS LIFE LIKE AS A BROWNIE? Dragon's Whisper grew in reputation and sub-
scribers, my purpose became one of preserva-
It is actually quite lonely. Lasting relationships tion. The war with Bloodstone was raging during
with fellow brownies, dispersed by events on the these years, and I felt that this period of history
Serpent Isle of Daraghan, are few and far ought to be recorded for future generations of all
between. I had expected to find more of my kin races. That continues to be my goal: to record
during my own journeys; others seeking answers the doings of those that will one day be recalled
to their own personal questions. Alas, in my five in legends and lore.
years away from home I have come across but a
single hand's count of them. THE DRAGONS WHISPER HAS BECOME AN
Really it began as a way to find more brownies.
My first issues, written on the back of previously Perhaps the largest obstacle to increasing the
used parchments, were short and included a number of readers is my own lack of salesman-
message for them. Not a single one, though, ship. I am not a skilled orator, nor am I a skilled
responded to my queries. After a time, as The storyteller for that matter. During the first year of

Portrait: Bumblebee - Continued
the newsletter, I had not the confidence to HOW DID YOU GET IN TO ADVENTURING?
approach many travelers. We brownies are a ISN'T IT A LITTLE DIFFICULT GETTING THE
reclusive folk: I was raised to stay out of sight. RESPECT OF SOME OF THE NEFARIOUS
Gradually, I knew and recognized more of the CREATURES AND FELLOW ADVENTURERS
people that if not residents at least were com- OUT THERE GIVEN YOUR STATURE?
monly seen in Hlint. I would approach a few
mentioning the newsletter and ask for tales to be Absolutely. I have neither the skills nor the con-
shared. Some would purchase a newsletter per- stitution to address many of the problems that
haps paying for several issues in advance. arise during travel. That, I leave to the ones that
make there living doing such things. Though I
It would have been impossible for any of this lend what aid I may, of course, I do not pretend
without falcon messengers. Their reliability is leg- to be more than an assisting hand. More than
endary, as I am sure you are aware, and I used once I have made my excuses and returned to
them exclusively. Even during my first year when trails known to be safe.
coins went for parchment while I went hungry.



Truly, the most difficult thing is completing a tale.

Often a whisper will reach my ears only to go no
further. A tale without an ending will not become
a legend of much regard. The town criers, though
well connected, deal in such hints and innuen-
dos. My greatest challenge is weaving the many
whispers together until their conclusion.

To make up for my own shortcomings as a story-

teller, I often implore more seasoned travelers to
part with tales already complete. Some do will- Part of an announcement of a past Special
ingly, others do with much cajoling, but most Edition of The Dragon’s Whisper.
share nothing. It is understandable since these
travelers daily bread consists of surviving to
greet the next day. It is because I know some will WHAT ARE YOUR HOPES FOR THE FUTURE,
fall with stories untold that I continue to strain to BOTH FOR YOURSELF & THE NEWSPAPER?
hear the whispered tale of legend on the air.
With continued support from patrons and sub-
WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT RUNNING scribers, perhaps someday The Dragon's
A NEWSPAPER? Whisper will become more than myself. The tales
will continue with or without their recording for
The most? I get to see all of the world. Every permanence. Now that you mention it, perhaps
corner contains a relic of the past, a story in my legacy will be a newsletter that will, decades
need of recovery. How many crumbling ruins of from now, still be referred to by the bards of
castles are passed without a glance? How many tomorrow for their material. If you would like to
chasms with hints of a stairway beckon one purchase The Dragons Whisper or start a sub-
downward? And what better excuse to venture scription, contact Bumblebee or take a look at
forth with other travelers than to seek out these the notices in the Wild Surge Inn. It is available
stories? What I like most is the inherent excuse for 100gp an issue and is delivered by messen-
for travel. ger falcon.

Portrait of a Character
We continue now with one of the characters in his player’s own words
describing his first visit to the hamlet of Hlint. Here is:
Andy Mellecker (Guardian 452/Enzo)

As Enzo passes through the small frontier town the room; at one table, a husband and wife were
of Hlint, he notices a halfling and a man dressed discussing the possibility of a third child; at
in green speaking to Granvil about his trade another, two men were making snide comments
routes. He watches for a moment and blinks, his about their waitress. An old man at yet another
mind transporting him to a similar scene, to the table had been complaining that his food wasn't
day he arrived in Hlint so many years ago. prepared in the exact way he ordered it. Enzo's
Instead of this halfling, there is Merry Thorn, the mind had left all of these conversations as soon
Halfling Ranger who took Enzo out to help slay as they reached his ears, but one topic caught
the leader of the goblins that plague Granvil's his attention. It seemed then that some adventur-
trade routes. In the back of his mind he can hear ers were discussing what god each of them
Merry say, "I don't know how to hide…it's you tall served. He heard all the names he'd heard
folk who don't know how to look!" He remembers before, like Lucinda, Dorand, and Ilsare, but a
fondly all the things that Merry taught him about quiet ranger mentioned a name that Enzo had
using the shadows before the memory recedes heard but rarely on the lips of other rangers. The
once more and the halfling is again a stranger. name was Folian S'pae. Enzo finished his meal,
tossed a generous amount of coin on the table,
Enzo shakes his head with his usual half-grin and walked over to the ranger to ask him if they
and enters the Wild Surge Inn, making his way to could talk a moment. The ranger nodded and the
a table and sitting as usual with his back against two moved to a quieter table, where Enzo cut
the wall. The muted talk of other patrons blurs right to the chase and asked about the name
together, and the familiarity of the scene sends Folian S'pae. The ranger just grinned and asked,
him back to replay the day he got up the nerve to "What of him?" Enzo asked all kinds of ques-
ask about The Prince of Wolves. He had been tions, one right after the other, and in such num-
sitting alone, listening to the conversations about bers that the ranger hardly had a chance to
answer. Finally, the ranger held out
his hand and said, "You won't find
him, no matter how hard you look. I
don't care if you can track a
snowflake through a blizzard, you
won't find him. But if you hold to the
path and do not stray from what you
believe, he just may find you."

He looks up as the waitress

approaches his table, and after a
moment to clear his mind he orders
his meal.

Meeting New Friends

We find Enzo today at his desk at

the Wolfswood Ranger
Enzo Reynolt. Headquarters. Stacked in front of

Portrait: Enzo - Continued
him are duty rosters and other documents that Stay forever and not go back.
await his signature. He sighs as he looks at the And remove the weight of the world from
large pile and picks up the first sheet; it is a my back.
report on a patrol of the Eastern edge of the
Wolfswoods Forest from 2nd Lieutenant Duran When she puts her hand in mine.
Melden. The name swims in front of him as he is It's as if she stops the sands of time.
reminded of his dwarven friend Duran Axehaft
and of his other friends: Plenarius, Arenis, In her arms I feel safe and warm.
Rhizome, and Elrond…"The Red Caps," they had In those arms none can bring me harm.
called themselves.
She knows of my hopes and all of my fears.
Enzo glances at a worn and dented helmet of She says she can taste them in my tears.
adamantium sitting next to his desk and smiles
slightly, remembering the day Plenarius had How will I make through each day?
handed him that helmet and how proud he had It's in those eyes I shall find my way.
felt wearing it amongst his peers. As images of
past Red Cap adventures dance in his head, he He looks through the parchment without seeing it
imagines for a moment that he can hear clearly as he remembers when he had to let her go
Duran's famous battle cry… "For Me Pal, Vorax!" because she wanted to be with Rhizome. He had
Enzo grins and actually laughs out loud (though always told her that it didn't bother him, but it
thankfully he was alone in the building at the always had…he never felt right traveling with the
time). His mind drudges up an image of Rhizome both of them. In time he could not suppress his
as Enzo remembers meeting him for the first feelings any longer, and he finally confronted
time, and how the two of them grew to become Nawen, only to find out that she shared his feel-
the best of friends. Even the love of the same ings. Rhizome had been furious when he found
women did not sever the friendship they had out.... Corath take you!!" he had shouted in his
formed. As he realizes that he's still holding the friend's face. Enzo had won his love back…but it
report in his hand, the memories fade and the had cost him his dearest friend--or at least that is
Commander of the Wood reluctantly goes back what he had thought at the time. In time Rhizome
to work. came to accept what took place, and they all
continued on…and then one day she was gone.
A few days have passed now, and after digging No letter, no goodbye…just…gone. Where could
some sand on the shore of Lake Alon, Enzo sits she have gone? The memory and the question
next to the creek that feeds the lake to take a retreat to the back of his mind for the day and
much-needed break. As he drifts in and out of a Enzo stands to call for the hawk he had seen cir-
doze, he cannot help but remember the day he cling overhead. He gives it the tattered poem and
first met Nawen, an elven druid, in this very spot. instructs the hawk to seek out a certain elven
He reaches into a pocket of his clothing and pulls woman and deliver it to her.
out a worn, tattered piece of parchment. On it is
the poem he was inspired to write about his first Finding His Father
In his home in the Ranger's Vale, Enzo leans
As she walks by I stop and stare. back in his chair and looks to the fireplace and
Her face and smile so soft and fair. his bow leaning beside it. His family had been
attacked by a pack of wolves, long ago…he can
In her eyes I can drift away. still see the image of the wolf sinking its teeth
It's in those eyes that I wish to stay. into his father's arm, and his mother being
mauled to death by another, but try as he might,

Portrait: Enzo - Continued
he cannot recall the moment that he took his stake thrust into her chest by his own hands. As
father's bow into his own hands and drew back he relives the event in the present, his mind
its mighty string to kill the wolves that had becomes a red haze and the vampire he was
attacked them. Above the fireplace still hangs a stalking is slain and a stake driven into its heart.
shield used by his father Wellman Reynolt when
he was a member of the Wolfswood corps. The Broken Forest
Wellman had lost his right arm below the elbow
in that fight, and Enzo had looked after his father Enzo skirts the places of devastation in the
from then on, and can still remember the day the Broken Forest, slipping unseen past the vicious
senior Reynolt had vanished. Enzo had tracked crawling vines that now lurk within these woods.
him for days before eventually losing his trail, He can't help but think back on how it used to be,
and then he'd found himself in Hlint, being taken recalling a time where every inch of these woods
around town by Merry Thorn. Years had passed was crawling with undead. He pauses to rest
and Enzo had focused on a new task--defeating against one of the trees as he takes stock of its
Sinthar Bloodstone, though he had never given current state, slowly merging it in his mind with
up on finding his father. It was years ago that he its past and the events that occurred here.
finally had--he and Rhizome had discovered "Triba...." he whispers. The "Lil' Ranger" Triba,
Wellman in Lar, and Enzo can visualize the right Enzo, Rhizome, Ozy, and others had helped to
cross he'd landed on his father's jaw after walk- remove that heavy taint of undead from this for-
ing up to him. He'd been so upset that he'd just est years ago, all but the one area… Selian had
up and vanished. In time, he grew to accept his appeared and asked that they not disturb the
father's way of telling Enzo that it was time for grave that lay in the clearing. Seeing the now
him to move on. Seemingly spurred into action disturbed grave and knowing now the purpose it
by this memory, Enzo grabs his bow and heads had served, he says quietly aloud, "I can see
out the door into the Sielwood Forest. why you didn't want us to mess with it now...."

Tainted Blood Enzo in the desert.

Another day, and in another place, the

far-traveling ranger spies something in
the distance while passing through the
Dark Forest of Dregar. His hand
clenches tightly around his bow, mak-
ing the leather of his glove crackle as
he says in a flat, hushed voice:
"Vampire...." A silver-tipped arrow is
nocked while he watches it from a dis-
tance, remembering his duel with the
Dark Dawn Hunter years ago. Enzo
was bitten by him and found himself
slowly becoming what he most
despised. His vision centers on his
target as he recalls how "The Red
Caps" had come to his aid then, and how he had Becoming a Wolfswood Ranger
triumphed over the Dark Dawn Hunter in a sec-
ond duel. The images in front of him contort Now a hot summer day, Enzo stops in the
against his will to the memories of Nawen lying in Wolfswood Forest as he spies a Dire Bear a hun-
his arms, tainted with vampiric blood and with a dred yards or so away. As he studies the animal

Portrait: Enzo - Continued
from a distance, he remembers Scratch, the As Enzo makes the climb to the snowy little town
enormous dire bear Dimitri (an outcast member of Lar, he is, as always, reminded of when he
of the Wolfswood Elite Ranger Corps) had trav- had come to his father's home there and found it
eled with. Dimitri was forced to leave the corps ransacked, his father missing. The drow had kid-
after slaying the son of a nobleman. Enzo had napped him and used Gordon Flint as some kind
learned about him from Johan the fur trader; of cover up…with the help of his friends he found
Dimitri had a reputation that left this ranger in his father in Flint's home and freed him, but
awe. The nobleman Gordon Flint had hatched a those events had only furthered the hatred for
sinister plan to kill Dimitri and destroy the drow still present in Enzo, encouraging him to
Wolfswood Forest in the process, all to avenge spend much time studying them, learning their
the death of his son. His mind replays the events weaknesses, and learning to take full advantage
that unfolded for him, and then he sees her…his of them in battle.
first love Nawen, her identity so hard to accept
because it couldn't have been her, she was…a Goodbye to an Old Companion
vampire. Enzo's eyes close as he sees again
Nawen lying in his arms. She had been about to Enzo stood in a densely wooded section of the
sink her teeth into Rhizome's neck, his friend Wolfswoods forest with his companion at his
who was unconscious beside them. He had the side, Thornas, a wild boar that Enzo had rescued
heart-wrenching choice of Rhizome's life or the years before, all the way back to when he was
stake. If he wished to save his friend, he would first called by the golden dragon.
have to kill his first love.... He had made his
choice, if it could even be called that, and the The ranger sat himself on a stump and patted his
stake was driven through Nawen's chest. As she thigh for Thornas to move closer. The boar nuz-
lay in his arms, she started to change…looking zled his snout under Enzo's hand and had his
more like her old self. She thanked Enzo for set- nose scratched in return. Enzo couldn't help but
ting her free, and with a single touch she revived notice that the hairs around his friend's nose and
Rhizome, and freed the Wolfswood from the eyes had grayed significantly in the past year.
curse the Baron Flint had set upon it…and then
she was gone. For helping the forest, Enzo was "It is that time old friend.... It's time for you to go
granted membership into the Wolfswood Ranger back to the woods again." Thornas tilted his head
Corps, but Nawen was no less gone. to look up at Enzo. "You're gettin' too old to be
runnin' off with me on my half-baked adventures.
He shakes his head to clear his mind of nostalgia It's time you settled down, while you still can."
and continues through the Wolfswood Forest
until he realizes he is just about to enter the part Thornas shifted his feet as he looked up at Enzo,
of the woods where the nymph resides. He grins who could sense that his old friend was asking
as he recalls the day he was taken deep within something like, "Why now?" Why Enzo would
her tree and shown the true meaning of passion, want him to go now, after all that time together. "I
though he hadn't realized until his friends can't stand the thought of seeing you hurt
informed him later that he was lucky to have sur- because of the things I drag you into, my old
vived. With an amused glance in that direction, friend. You know as well as I do that you're no
he says to himself, "Better not go through here, match for some of the things I face these days.
not sure I can handle that a second time…hmm, Hells, sometimes I'm not a match for it myself."
but what a way to go!" Enzo chuckles to himself Thornas seemed saddened, but the ranger could
and takes a different route through the forest. see that he understood what Enzo was telling
him. "Now, don't you think I will be forgettin' you.
Rescuing His Father From the Drow I will come to see you from time to time as I pass
through the Wolfswoods."

Portrait: Enzo - Continued
Enzo slid off the stump he had been sitting on, just enough to observe the figure, he watches it
and gave the boar a hug. "Now, go on and find lower its hands to the ground and then in a trem-
some goblins ta pester." He smiled while scratch- bling motion raised them skywards as if com-
ing the boar's head. Thornas snorted and rubbed manding something from the earth itself. The
his nose on Enzo's face, and then he slowly ground shakes in response, and a mass of skele-
walked off into the forest, stopping every few tons drags itself out of it a moment later. Enzo
yards to look back at his old comrade. Enzo can see that these are nothing like the walking
managed to get a few words out for him. "It is for bones in the crypts of Hlint…these are more dan-
the best…goodbye, my friend." With that, he got gerous by far. The dark figure then points down
up and walked away, vanishing into the forest. into the Mosscrypt, snaps his fingers, and then
from out of it comes an enormous golem, the
Now, we find Enzo deep in the tainted woods of likes of which Enzo has seen maybe only once
the Dark Forest. He easily goes unnoticed in the before. Its entire body glimmers with a metallic
forest as black as pitch, sticking always to the sheen similar to that of a polished suit of
shadows as he slinks along the wood line. He adamantium. The summoner points again to one
passes enormous spiders and dark treants as he direction and then another; the skeletons leaving
cautiously makes his way to a swampy section one by one to where they are commanded.
within the forest. There he avoids numerous spi-
ders, each one seeming more powerful than the Enzo crawls back to the wood line before getting
last. He dares not give away his position to any up and following one skeleton eastward…it
of them. approaches a few panthers that are huddled in a
corner of the clearing. The summoned
creature just walks right up to one of
Enzo at the edge of a cliff. them with the sound that only walking
bones can make, and in one fell swoop
of its staff slays it. Enzo's hand instinc-
tively grasps his sword as he flinches,
but then the skeleton turns and also kills
a nearby spider. This puzzles the ranger
somewhat, but before he has time to
think about it, the undead has turned
again and killed the second of the pan-
ther trio. At this, Enzo creeps forward
slightly, waiting until just before the last
panther is to be struck down before
leaping from the shadows. He is not
fully prepared for the battle that he has
started, and suffers for it, taking a beat-
ing from the powerful skeleton until he
He makes his way to a stone entrance jutting up sees the panther lunge from behind him to strike
from the dark soil and thinks to himself, "This as well. Seeing this helps Enzo to draw upon an
must be Mosscrypt that I have heard of. Some inner strength, and he puts all his might behind
say it is the cause of the taint in these woods." his blade to finally best his enemy.
As Enzo approaches the crypt from the rear, a
figure emerges from its shadowed entrance. His sword drops to the ground as his hand auto-
Enzo can sense that this is a being of significant matically grasps at a gaping wound in his side.
power and instinctively hits the deck, hiding While applying what bandages he has to stop the
behind the ledge of the entrance. Peering over it bleeding for now, he notices that the panther is

Portrait: Enzo - Continued
still standing there watching him. gather his belongings to set out. Looking over his
shoulder he asks, "Well, come on Shadow--are
Enzo speaks to the panther in a deep, saddened you coming?" The panther leaped to his feet in
voice. "I'm sorry I could not save your friends, response and rubbed his body against Enzo's
sleek one." The panther looks up at him and legs, nearly knocking him down as his new friend
gives a nod of its head before streaking off into chuckled and scratched his head.
the thick forest cover and vanishing. As for Enzo,
he heads back the way he came from looking for "Come on now, you and I have a lot to get
a place to rest and recover from the wounds he done...." The two of them enter the forest togeth-
was dealt in the battle. As he walks, though, he er and vanish after just a few yards.
can sense that he is being watched from the tree
cover, a stalker that follows his steps. He finds a Enzo's Loves
quiet spot a few hundred yards away from the
swamp and settles down to recuperate; but all Enzo catches a glimpse of men gathered outside
the while, he can sense his silent watcher. and in curiosity, he gets up from his desk to look.
He notices that an elven female has stopped in
As Enzo relaxes by the small fire he has set and the outskirts and is talking with them. He cracks
slowly nods off into a light doze, a twig snaps his half-grin when he realizes it is Ireth. They are
behind him. In an instant he is alert again, but like children trying to show off to their friends in
not yet acting--keeping his body still and his eyes front of her, and she just smirks at them. Ireth
closed. A few seconds pass, and another snap is looks off towards the headquarters and spies
heard, closer than the last. His hand slides down Enzo watching from the window. She gives him a
to his sword in a silent, subtle motion as his fine- playful wink and goes back to talking with the
ly tuned senses catches the sound of movement men clustered around her. Watching Ireth, he
that can't be more than five feet from him. He thinks idly of the women in his life: of Nawen and
waits for a few more seconds for it to come yet how much he had loved her; of Ly'Sylria, another
closer, then in a flash whips around with his elven druid that he had loved, who had also van-
sword in hand, only to find, standing inches from ished; of Brisbane, and how he had nearly lost
the tip of his blade, the last of the three panthers, her as a friend when they thought they were
the one he had intervened for. It stares at him becoming more than that. He glances over at this
with unblinking eyes that glint green in the fire- elf and mumbles to himself, "This one isn't a
light, and Enzo slowly lowers his sword and druid, you know...." At that, he grins and returns
extends his hand. Slowly the sleek feline Ireth's wink before going back to his pile of
approaches him, sniffing the hand before coming papers.
right up beside him and lying down between
Enzo and the fire. Enzo

"Well, I'm glad to see you made it out of that

swamp; it looks like you're as good as me at hid-
ing in the shadows." He scratches the panther's
head and strokes his hand down the fur of its
back. The ranger cuts off a shank of meat that he
had over the fire, and sets it down in front of the
panther, who takes his time sniffing it before eat-
ing the offering, purring loudly as he does. They
sit together by the fire for a few hours until the
sun begins to crest the tree line in the morning.
Enzo gets up to cover the fire with sand and

Get to Know Phaere
Cover Artist and
Illustrator for
Dragon’s Whisper
and other
Layonara Projects

* I made the face in Facegen

with my own picture.
So it sort of looks like me,
but it also does not. <Smiles>

YOU HAVE A FANTASTIC TALENT IN ILLUS- of the Arts) where I could get a bachelor's
TRATION. HOW DID YOU GET STARTED AND degree in teaching fine arts and design. I was a
WHY? little disappointed with what I learned at this
school, and they never allowed me to paint and
I've always had a passion for drawing. I have draw what I really wanted. During my first year, I
been painting and drawing since I was a little took a Photoshop course. I got to know the pro-
kid, and I still love it as much as I did then. gram and highly appreciated it. In my last year, I
When I was young, I used to draw all sorts of did an extra assignment working with a Wacom
things, varying from people to scenes and land- tablet for the first time. I was immediately
scapes. I would also copy characters from intrigued by the idea of painting digitally, and I
Donald Duck or Asterix comics. When I was a knew I had to get a tablet myself.
teenager, I was crazy about Manga films and
comics and used to draw in that style; I was not I got to know the World of Dungeons & Dragons
very good at it. because of my boyfriend. He and his friends had
played Pen and Paper adventures for several
After I received my high school diploma, I decid- years and I was invited to join the group. It
ed I wanted to do more with drawing. However, inspired me to play games like Baldur's Gate
I did not feel confident enough for the big and Icewind Dale. And when I knew Neverwinter
schools. I went to a private art school for two Nights (NwN) was being released, I just had to
years where I learned to paint and learned all have it--because of the toolkit.
types of art and the history of art. After that, I
attended a higher art school (Amsterdam School When I graduated from school, I got my own

Phaere - Continued
tablet and in my free time I was trying to learn The designing of the costume takes place in that
how to make my own module in NwN. I was not stage--I invent it as I go along, but sometimes I
good at it---I did not have the patience for it. I change things along the way.
made a few custom portraits in Photoshop, and
after a while all I was doing was making portraits At last, I will paint the background with special
for modules I was planning to make one day. made brushes and textures. When the back-
ground is finished, I will try to merge the charac-
Now, three years after graduation at the age 26, ter and background as best I can. Usually, by
I am still making portraits. I think I have made aligning the colors and lighting of the two. That's
over 200 portraits since I first started. it. Then usually it's done.

Usually when I start work on a character, either
from a description or from my own imagination, I Well, I have had my diploma for over three
picture the character in my head. At that point, I years now. Right now, I know I want to improve
already have an idea of how I want the portrait my digital creations and get further with that. As
to be. When I start work, when all goes well, I for teaching, not right now. Maybe in the future,
usually take a day. But if the picture involves who knows? But nothing's planned so far.
complex armor or lots of decorations, which
take more work, it could be up to two days of I work as a telephonist at a customer care serv-
work. ice for a company to earn my money. In my free
time, I work on my digital art.
My technique has changed a lot since I first INVOLVED?
started. I will describe the way I work right now. I
usually start with either the head or the body. I got interesting
With the head, I will start with a 3-D face from in NwN after
the program FaceGen. I make the face as I want playing the first
it, and adjust lighting and save it as a jpg. As Bioware games
base for the body, I use the program Poser. I like Baldur's
pose the body the way I want the character to Gate. What inter-
be, adjust lighting to match the face, and render ested me most
it. was the option to
make your own
Then the most work begins. In Photoshop, I will games because
put the head on the body and then I have my they provided
base on top of which I can start painting. the game engine
Usually, I start by painting the hair, or I start with the game.
repainting and editing the face. I rework the skin Phaere illustration at
and add new lighting and colors. After all that, I I bought NwN http://phaere-tail.tri-
will paint in basic colors for the costume/armor. sometime in

Phaere - Continued
2003. I soon got to know as a word is always: practice.
great community where people worked hard to
give the game a little extra. When I saw people With every portrait, I feel I have learned some-
were also making their own custom portraits, I thing new.
was immediately interested to get involved. I
decided it would be fun to make my own por-
traits and add them to the vault. Though honest-
ly, these first portraits were really bad. I mean,
really bad, but it was a start. I cannot say I am
perfectly happy right now, but I like where I'm
headed. NOTE: To see some of Phaere's work,



When I looked
around on the
website and
saw the
Handbook I
knew this was
a great world to Look for more of
work with--
designed. It's
Phaere’s work in
also a great
challenge to
our next issue.
provide images
for an entire
legion of gods. I
was immediate-
ly inspired when
I read their



I started making portraits for the fun of it, but I

found over these last years it is so rewarding
when you are improving and people appreciate
your work. I have had so many emails from peo-
ple, sometimes just to let me know they like my
work. I still feel I need to improve but the key-

Review: The Serenity Role-Playing Game
From the Dark Ages to the Outer Reaches of the Universe
by Charles Tallman (CHAzz)
For fans of the show, or Browncoats as they are culture, so everything
commonly known, I'm not going to need to do is a mixture of
much in the way of background. But for those of American and
you who haven't been exposed to Firefly, don't Chinese.
worry, I've got you covered. Keep in mind, how-
ever, that this is a review of the RPG, and not the The setting is techni-
television show, or its silver screen companion. cally space-opera
As such, I will endeavor to keep the spoilers to a style science fiction,
minimum, and only touch on things that become with a heavy dose of
apparent after perhaps the first third of the pilot western flavor. You
episode. I'm also not going to be discussing my get plenty of laser
opinions of, or making comparisons between, the guns, spaceships,
film and series. I'll save that for a future article. futuristic medical
equipment, an over-
Serenity the RPG is based on the film of the bearing interplanetary
same name, which is further based on the wildly government, and also
popular yet short lived Sci-Fi/Western television a heavy dose of
series by Joss Whedon. Published by Margaret horses, cattle rustling,
Weis Productions, Ltd., and written by Jamie six-shooters, and bar
Chambers, it includes short fiction pieces by brawls. For the twist,
Margaret Weis. there's a space-age
quasi Geisha charac-
ter class, instead of
“Serenity the RPG is based on the film whisky people drink
of the same name, which is further sake, and everybody
based on the wildly popular yet short speaks both English
lived Sci-Fi/Western television series and Mandarin
by Joss Whedon.” (although the latter
tends to be heavily
accented with cowboy
The premise is that humanity has left its galactic
cradle after "Earth got used up.” Having migrat- The basic game
ed in huge generational starships to a new solar mechanic used is a
system in which we terraform everything we can. simple attribute die
At some point in developing our new multi-planet plus skill die roll, ver-
civilization, war breaks out between those who sus a difficulty set by
want a centralized government and those who the GM. Dice used
want independent planet-states. The game is set are d2, d4, d6, d8, Image from http://www.
after this conflict, in which the faction for inde- d10, and d12.
pendence, known as Browncoats, have lost. Conspicuously miss-
Another point of interest, is the emphasis of the ing is the d20, probably to separate this game
two surviving super-powers from "Earth-that-was" further from the current d20 trend. Attributes
have had the most influence on the developing and skills are assigned die codes, increasing up

Serenity - Continued
to d12 and then adding a second die, starting is portrayed in the book, but that certainly is easy
from d2 and moving up the list again. to fix in-game. The asset/complication system,
while interesting and certainly helpful to fleshing
Character creation is a fairly straightforward out characters, can unbalance things. I also got
point-buy system; the GM sets a "heroic level," the impression that quite a bit was being left to
which determines how many points you get to the discretion of the GM. Certainly any game
spend on attributes, you get further points for should give the GM leeway to maneuver within
skills. Finally, there is an asset/complication sys- its ruleset; though, I prefer a little bit more codifi-
tem similar to that used in White Wolf's World of cation, just to help give direction with things. The
Darkness system. book runs to just over 220 pages, and while
average in length for a hardcover nowadays, the
The writing style is very informal with lots of "wild $40 price tag seems a bit steep to me, no matter
west" slangy type stuff thrown in to spice it up; as how many books Wizards cranks out at that
if you were having a conversation with an old same price and page count. And as a final note,
spacer in a bar somewhere. The story bits at the the aforementioned dictionary does contain some
beginning of each chapter are interesting and language not entirely suitable for tender ears and
certainly help convey a feel for the setting. The mouths, so a word of caution to parents and
book has plenty of stock NPC’s as well as sever- those with younguns in their group, as with any
al specific NPC’s from the film. There are also product check it out before buying it to make
stats and brief write-ups for the crew of Serenity sure you approve of and are comfortable with the
as well as the boat herself. As I already men- content.
tioned, character building is a snap, and the book
also has a section on ship and vehicle building.
There is a generous history and background sec- “...character building is a snap, and the
tion and write-ups on the planets. Also included book also has a section on ship and
is a slang and Chinese dictionary. vehicle building. There is a generous
history and background section and
Seeing as the book was timed to release along- write-ups on the planets.”
side the film, it contains plenty of references and
NPC’s from Serenity. What it lacks, however, is
more than only passing references to the televi- Overall, I was pleased with the book; any flaws
sion show, most in the form of flavor text. I really were overshadowed with the ease of playability,
wanted a few NPC’s, say Badger at the very and as a fan of both Firefly and Serenity, I cer-
least. I also got the impression from the series tainly think Mr. Chambers did a fine job translat-
that the 'Verse as its called, was larger than what ing the 'Verse into RPG form.

Dragons from
Player Albums

Deity of Layonara
Each month, we would like to spotlight one of the Deities, be they Diabolical or
Divine, from the pantheon of the Layonara mythos. If this whets your appetite
as we hope it will, be on the lookout for the Layonara Handbook, soon to be
released, that will have the information on ALL of the deities that will be dis-
cussed here, as well as any and all the information you are clamoring for about
the ins, outs, how-tos and why-fors of the world! Each Deity may also be
found in the Layonara Campaign Handbook that is being constantly
updated by Edwin van de Ketterij (EdTheKet) and the Project Team.

by Jill Price (Honora) & Anthony Beaulieu

Aliases: The Destroyer, The Raging One flames. Glory in destruction. Do not cease until
Race: Dragon all life is extinguished.
Alignment: CE
Worshippers: Clergy Attire
Worshippers of Clerics of Pyrtechon
Pyrtechon are primarily show no particular favor
human with a few elves toward one weapon
or dwarves. Pyrtechon type, seeing all as tools
also has a significant fol- to achieve the ends of
lowing among the mon- their dark god. Weapons
strous races. are made to kill and are
Cleric Alignments: CE, all considered to be wor-
CN, NE thy of use. Indeed, many
Domains: Fire, Clerics of Pyrtechon are
Strength, War, skilled in the use of a
Destruction, Evil range of weapons, far
Governs: Destruction, beyond the followers of
Chaos other deities.
Weapons are often
Dogma enchanted with fire to
Consign Layonara and emulate Pyrtechon's
all of its attendant races breath.
to oblivion. Do not pre-
serve; preservation is Clerics are normally
not the way of heavily armored for bet-
Pyrtechon. ter protection in combat,
which they often see.
Only in the purity of Flame-red plate mail and
absolute destruction can splint mail are highly
the world be cleansed. Image of Pyrtechon created by Phaere. favored as both are con-
sidered representative of
The fires of The Destroyer will purge this place. the scaled hide of Pyrtechon.
Life plays no part beyond its brief dance in the

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
Clerics often wear a necklace of basalt (always forefinger absently tapping the book. Some of the
chipped from the statue of Pyrtechon held in the adolescents shift uneasily.) He is called
central worship hall) carved into the representa- Pyrtechon, and he is death. If you were to see
tion of a talon wreathed in flames of gem dust. this dragon deity in his chosen form, it is written
The more powerful the cleric, the more valuable (he opens the book to a page marked with a
the gem dust of the wreath; with ruby considered cloth strip) Pyrtechon would appear a monstrous
to be at the pinnacle. Beyond ornamental pur- crimson dragon with tremendous wings and great
poses, these charms are used by Pyrtechonites black horns. You might also see him as a huge
to evaluate each other's abilities; with challenges half-dragon, half-human, with a cloak of flames,
not uncommon for those considered to be exag- but this is supposition based on a madman's tes-
gerating their powers. timony. (He closes the book.) He, more than any
other, is our enemy. Can anyone tell me why
Hierarchy Pyrtechon did not leave when most of the drag-
In a long, narrow room, a wall of arched windows ons fled Layonara and their gods with them?” A
let in a flood of late afternoon sunlight. Sixteen brown-haired girl raises her hand shyly, eyes
bright-eyed, young men and women wearing tal- fixed on her teacher. “Yes, Milanda?”
berds depicting a compass sit at wooden desks,
chatting softly and passing notes. An elderly She speaks hesitantly but clearly. "Because…
man, wrinkled and thin but not the least bit because he didn't want good to win and he knew
stooped, walks in and sits in the simple stone the Lord Protector was staying to watch our
chair facing the desks. He clears his throat sev- world."
eral times with effort: the result of a lifetime of
pipe smoking. His gnarled, spotted hands caress The man gives her a closed-mouth smile but his
a bound leather book that appears to be newly eyes are warm. “True. In every record, true. But.
made; the brown stained leather is barely But…there is another theory, and this is what you
scratched and there is only a token crease in the will learn today. (The youths lean forward as his
binding. The youths grow quiet, and he speaks. voice lowers to just above a whisper.) It has been
proposed…that The Destroyer, The Raging One,
stayed to watch Bloodstone Sinthair destroy the
If you were to see this dragon deity world. That he, the dragon of death and terror
in his chosen form, it is written... and hatred, was the driving force behind
“Pyrtechon would appear a monstrous Bloodstone's change…that he was the whisper in
crimson dragon with tremendous wings Bloodstone's ear that drove a general of great
and great black horns.” ability into a maniac bent on destroying what he
could not control. (He pauses again, and some of
the listeners sit back, hands to chin or brows fur-
rowed as they digest his words. He speaks now
"Eons ago...dragons walked, fought, and wor- in normal tones.) True or not? We don't know
shipped on our World of Layonara. They followed for sure. But if it is true…then he could do it
gods as the races they created someday would; again and again. Gods do not know time and
paying tribute and creating temples to venerate have patience and memories we mortals lack;
them. This magnificent race of creatures was old these are dark times for our world; fertile ground
before they sailed wing and claw into our for desperation and evil to grow. Even now there
air...and so too were their gods. Some today still could be another Bloodstone, somewhere, fight-
worship the mighty dragon god Rofirein (he ing for a cause that is being twisted and turned to
pauses here to smile at them) and some…some, evil in their minds. Now. Questions?” A sea of
follow the other dragon god to stay and watch arms shoot into the air, hands extended heaven-
our sphere in the stars. (He pauses here, right ward....

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
There is no structured "Church" of Pyrtechon; 1317 set a record for shortest time in power with
The Raging One's desires and designs are far six Blood Lords in a row between sunrise and
too chaotic for that kind of organization. sunset. It is not uncommon for a new Blood Lord
However, small cells of followers, usually lead by to be replaced within a week.
a charismatic and powerful individual, work fairly
well...until they don't. Given the extreme nature The Blood Lord is also Pyrtechon's most power-
of followers of Pyrtechon, power is seized, not ful cleric. All things related to the Cathedral are
worked toward, and held until it cannot be held their responsibility. Making notes on every indi-
anymore. This leads to a very short and very vidual to take a piece of the statue, making sure
skinny clergy tree. On top is the Blood Lord, the that damage to the Cathedral is repaired and the
High Priest of the Crimson Cathedral; he or she proper ritual suicide/sacrifice done afterwards,
who has the power to command the entirety of and overseeing the rites--all fall under their
what exists of Church structure. Beyond that, domain. The current Blood Lord, Savilk
are the leaders of the strongest groups that exist Flamehand, has held onto power for three years
in Pyrtechon's name, and populating the bottom thus far.
are the small but steady trickle that willingly fol-
low them. Savilk Flamehand is a human cleric. He is mid-
dle-aged and seems mild-mannered and almost
Clerics of Pyrtechon are a motivated lot that cling meek when met outside the Crimson Cathedral.
to their numbers to aid in their goal. The clergy's Inside, he's a focus of calm and quiet evil in a
desire for the destruction of all life unifies them shrieking charnel house of blood and pain. It is
with a common purpose; however, though most his measured ways combined with his clever use
of the faithful look upon their brethren with a kin- of his trustworthy, quiet appearance that has kept
dred mindset, each still maintains that in the end him in power for so long as Blood Lords go since
even allies must die. Followers of Pyrtechon tend he is easy to underestimate by the ambitious and
to be solitary individuals in the public world and has not yet shown the true extent of his power.
they make great efforts to hide their faith from He does only as much as is needed to remove a
the rest of the community. problem--keeping his cards tight to his chest.

Elections and Organizations According to Rofirein records, Savilk is known to

have been born in Krandor. His parents died
The Blood Lord; High Priest of the Crimson presumably natural deaths some years ago, and
Cathedral he was an only child. He spent eight years as a
The strongest. The meanest. The most powerful. clerk in Spellguard then disappeared from the
And that's it. There is no additional qualifier other public eye. He resurfaced a decade and a half
than approval from Pyrtechon himself. later as a clerk to the previous Blood Lord Barna
Whomever can hold the power of the Church Gravehand and
may do so only as long as they can fight off their seized power the
competitors. A Blood Lord takes power and year after that. He
changes Church structure to suit themselves; all has put his soft,
the while keeping a watch for intrigue and back- brown eyes; gentle,
stabbing until finally their vigilance fails for even tenor voice; and ton-
a second and a new Blood Lord climbs to the top sured head to good
of the heap over their bleeding corpse. The use in bringing
longest a Blood Lord reigned was twelve years in young, tender sacri-
the case of Omuh Kensentay some three hun- fices to The
dred years ago; this was also a low point in Destroyer's alter.
Pyrtechon membership. The Day of Lords in

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
Sects They are selectively active on Dregar destroying
As noted, most sects devoted to Pyrtechon exist everything in their path. Led by the force of
as small cells, doing what damage they can and Ramas' zealotry, his followers will stop at nothing
retreating, or as individuals worshipping secretly. until all life is ended. Ramas himself has stated
A few groups make a bolder mark however. that he wishes to be the last thing on Layonara
that Pyrtechon feeds upon before the end of the
The Daughters of Rage world. The Reapers share a confidence that is
The Daughters of Rage are a hushed secret fed by their belief that Ramas has the power to
around Roldem and the coast of Alindor. Striking challenge the Blood Lord.
at remote villages, they focus on destruction
rather than death; the exception being men. Reapers are expected to destroy everything that
While their activities would seem to be destined is not essential to their immediate needs. Living
to attract law enforcement, the truth is much less conditions are expectedly primitive as a result;
black and white. Most of the members are the bulk of the estimated 30 or so followers are
woman--almost all of whom have suffered humili- considered to have mental problems based on
ation or emotional and physical abuse at the this and other requirements of the sect. It is
hands of family and society. The Daughters have known that Ramas castrated himself with his
slowly built under the leadership of Betsy scythe to ensure that if he did any raping before
Inglewood, and while there are a few men in the the pillaging and burning, and by some miracle
group, the predominant gender makeup coupled the girl or woman survived, no life would ensue.
with a strong feeling of guilt in the communities He also requires all members of the Reapers to
seems to be preventing a full-scale extermination do the same. Anyone that gets as far as induc-
of this Pyrtechon sect, at least for now. Their tion and then refuses to complete the ritual with
numbers are unknown but estimated at about 50. castration is immediately turned into a sacrifice to
Pyrtechon. There are no women in the Reapers.
Betsy Inglewood is a spinster in her 40's.
Rejected most of her life, her rage built slowly as Ramas claims to have dealings with the red
she was passed over by prettier sisters, cousins, dragon, Fisterion, and maintains that the great
friends, and classmates for just about everything. wyrm would aid The Reapers were it ever neces-
After 31 years of rejection, she was approached sary. But whether this is a fact or deranged rav-
by a follower of Pyrtechon and, for the first time, ings has yet to be seen.
saw a place for her anger. In true Church form,
she slew the one who introduced her and took Ramas Mourgrym is a very tall human, always
over his secreted temple space. Since then, she clad in red scale mail layered with black robes.
has slowly built a following of mainly spurned, His outfit sports a deep hood that completely
angry, or insane women. A great deal of these hides his face. His actual face has not been seen
women have no idea what they are really signing by anyone outside the sect as yet. His mental
up for; so, she enjoys occasionally letting a state is speculated to be twelve bricks short of a
"weak" one get caught to absorb the blame for wall--even among his flock he's considered crazy.
the Daughters' massacres. She is squat and However, he took the path of a weapons master
plump with a flat face and a square jaw, bristly in the scythe before pledging his soul to
hair, and bulging eyes that gleam with hatred. Pyrtechon and has since gained great clerical
powers. It's rumored that he will eventually make
The Reapers a play to become the next Blood Lord and put a
This fanatical group is led by a crazed priest of scorched-earth policy into effect for the continent.
Pyrtechon named Ramas Mourgrym. The
Reapers seek to please The Raging One by Ramas is also known for the vicious scythe that
leaving nothing but smoking ruins behind them. he bears. The weapon is the preferred weapon

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
and a symbol of death among the Reapers, and young giant now to any other meat. How he
Ramas' scythe has achieved near artifact status came under Ignist's sway is again unknown; but
with his followers. Aside from the details above, with Ignist's council, Mag'ruk leads Sunset's
nothing else is known about Ramas or his past. Dawn at this time.

Sunset's Dawn He is tall for a half-giant, over ten feet, but leanly
Across Belinara, small, violent clans and individu- built. He has a particular odor that has only got-
als have been contacted by a half-giant named ten worse as he shifted his diet more and more
Mag'ruk. Charismatic for giant kin, Mag'ruk has to his own kind. He seems very intelligent for a
built a rag-tag smattering of angry giants into a half-giant and commands respect from his clan
clan of respectable size, calling them Sunset's with his mastery of unarmed fighting and light-
Dawn in anticipation of Pyrtechon's plans for ning-fast movements.
Layonara. The clan follows Mag'ruk fanatically
as he has dangled in front of them visions of the Ignist Caveborn of Rikart presents himself as a
world empty of other races except for giants, warm and friendly follower of Grannoch. He
cleansed of the taint of elves and humans and tends to the sick and speaks endlessly of
dwarves and the like. The clan has few rules: "Grannoch's" plans for her people. What is not
might is right, take what you will, and leave noth- known, except to a select few, is that Ignist actu-
ing behind that can be used to rebuild or re-grow. ally worships Pyrtechon. He sends his orders
This includes bodies. Sunset's Dawn are canni- through Mag'ruk and has been using Sunset's
bals. Dawn to aid other governments in exchange for
large sums of gold and other payment.
What the clan does not know is that Mag'ruk
takes his orders from another. On Mag'ruk's per-
son at all times, is a flat, black stone roughly ten “...a new threat has appeared; a solitary
inches in diameter that allows him to communi- threat, siding into vulnerable villages
cate, whenever needed, with Son of Earth Ignist and small towns....”
Caveborn of Rikart. Ignist is financing and lead-
ing the clan secretly from his position as Son of
Earth in the Kerekk of Grannoch.
Miakosha Takashi
The clan has been spotted in and near the Recently around Mistone and coastal areas on
Forest of Fog on Dregar. For what purpose, is Alindor, a new threat has appeared; a solitary
not known. threat, sidling into vulnerable villages and small
towns and sneaking out again leaving only bloat-
Mag'ruk is a half-giant of unknown origin. He ed, grey-green bodies behind. She seems to
was first spotted as a young adult, scavenging to have rogue training or powerful illusionist training
survive. Rejected by human society for his horri- as she has been undetected and only recognized
ble smell and frightening appearance. He turned by one individual. Her agenda is yet unknown,
to brute force against homesteads and small but a good deal is known of this woman's past,
clans of any race around Belinara to get what he and certainly of why she is capable of the acts
needed to survive. He became adept at she commits.
unarmed fighting, using his unusual agility and
speed to tip a fight in his favor. After a very long Miakosha Takashi is from a peasant family on
winter of near starvation, he found a clan of Corsain. Information gathered by the Church of
giants dead from a battle with a rival clan, and Rofirein has this to say about her. Her father had
tried cannibalism to fill his screamingly empty tiefling blood but was a hard-working and basi-
stomach. He liked the taste and is said to prefer cally decent man. Her mother was, by all

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
accounts, a kind and loving woman. Miakosha Firesteep Volcano known as the Crimson
had a younger sister as well. But her close fami- Cathedral.
ly and tight-knit community in Taim could not
overcome what Miakosha is. As a baby, she bit Being the only official structure dedicated to The
her mother's nipple until it bled then laughed as Raging One, the first impression one gets is that
she suckled it. As a toddler, she deliberately it's not as large as expected; but this only lasts
broke every rule without concern. She tortured until one gets inside--for the true size of the
animals as a girl; and by the time she was an building is hidden in the basalt. Building the orig-
adolescent, her parent's marriage had broken inal (since modified and expanded) Cathedral
apart from the strain of caring for her and her sis- took seven years and 1,612 workers. A good
ter running away. When three small children portion of those workers expired from being
went missing in the village and she was the last worked to death. Those that did not die while
person seen with them, she was driven from the building the Cathedral were sacrificed in the
island. The years she spent away are unac- Sanctuary; and that has since become custom
countable; but when she surfaced again, she for Pyrtechonites. If anything lasting must be
was leaving a very visible trail of corpses and created, following the construction, the creator
magic-burned land in her wake. She has consid- must sacrifice either the craftspersons responsi-
erable power as a spellcaster; where or from ble, or, if the item in question is not for his use,
whom she learned spellcasting is not known. commit ritual suicide in atonement.

Miakosha has a reputation as being without even From Rofirein notes on Pyrtechon, one eyewit-
a hint of a soul. It is said that she sacrificed both ness account does exist of the Sanctuary, taken
her children to Pyrtechon directly from her womb from a halfling who by some miracle survived his
to increase her spellcasting power and enjoys trip there. Found in a pile of bodies left near
bathing in the blood of lovers when she is done Silgar, Peldon Wheathresher was part of a group
with them. She is petite, barely five feet tall, and of farmers abducted for sacrifice from Easthome
slender. Her tiefling blood manifests in her ruddy while on a trading trip.
red skin and two small, black horns in her fore-
head. Her natural appearance is said to be His account is classified due to the extreme
greatly pleasing to The Raging One but she nature of his ordeal; but from what is known, the
masks it with strong illusion magic when she inside of the Sanctuary is a dullish red-brown
could be seen by others. from the blood of previous sacrifices never
cleaned and shards of bone puncture bare feet.
The heat and smell of death are nearly unbear-
“...the pinpoint of Pyrtechon worship is able; open flames are everywhere. A single stone
in the great structure in Firesteep block is the only alter and is surrounded by a
Volcano known as the Crimson moat of fire. The witness noted roughly half a
Cathedral. dozen bodies, some charred, which were his
travel mates. Further information regarding his
description is restricted to Church officials.

Temples to Pyrtechon His survival was apparently due to a medical

Given the dogma of the Church, creation of condition he has where his heart beats very
standing edifices in veneration goes against the slowly when stressed, and he must have been
grain. However, it was acknowledged four cen- assumed dead at some point during his torture.
turies ago that some focal point of devotion Mr. Wheathresher was healed at a local temple
needed to exist. As a result, the pinpoint of and returned home after his discovery and inter-
Pyrtechon worship is in the great structure in view; but, later, tragically committed suicide.

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
Prayers holy books difficult since they would seek to
Prayers vary widely by race of worshipper. But in destroy them. However, there are two relics that
the Crimson Cathedral, there is only one prayer Pyrtechonites holds sway to. First, the massive
entitled "Existence's End." basalt stature of Pyrtechon located in the
Crimson Cathedral is seen as holy, regardless of
"Pyrtechon, I walk in your wake. And as how many amulets the faithful chisel from it--it
my heart yearns to please you, I seek to still appears undamaged. This, combined with
quench your thirst. Let all life die. Let the unearthly, life-like quality to the ruby eyes,
the world end. Send them to oblivion on makes some believe that Pyrtechon himself is
the edge of my weapon and bask in the linked to the sculpture.
revelry of death that I bring you. Drink
the blood I let, feast on the flesh I cleave. Also, within the fiery miasma of the Crimson
And when I have ended the world, Cathedral, at the very end of the Halls of Chaos,
choked the breath from the last being; rests a burning brazier within which the Living
then drink and feast on me." Flame crackles and spits. It is to this Flame, said
to be linked directly to the burning lair of
Holy Days Pyrtechon, that sacrifices are often made in the
30 Junar, 30 Jular, and 30 Augra are considered name of chaos and 'He who would destroy all.'
holy days for Pyrtechon. These represent the None may approach the Living Flame except the
beginning, middle, and end of summer--both the Blood Lord and even then, should they do so
hottest times of the year and the longest days in without proper tribute, the Flame will lash out and
which to commit acts of wanton destruction. consume them.
These are not adhered to strictly, but merely a
guideline for when tribute is expected and sacri- At certain times, the Blood Lord is able to draw a
fices should be made. ‘liquid fire’ from the Living Flame. This liquid fire
is used to bind people to the order. The person
There are no holy days in winter, as most folks who drinks the liquid is subject to a powerful
are bundled up inside and therefore harder to geas as commanded by the High Priest. Should
kidnap. Plus, the rain and snow makes sustained they fail to accomplish their mission, the liquid
combustion of buildings difficult. fire they have consumed rises up slowly, burning
the victim from within until the fire erupts from
Constellation every pore of their body and consumes them.
Pyrtechon's constellation, The Eternal Flame,
consists of nine stars making up the rough shape Relationships with Other Races and
of a small flame. All the stars of this constellation Churches
carry a light red hue and glow brightest at dusk While allied to three other gods of chaos and
when most clerics of Pyrtechon prefer to pray. death, it is only with Corath that the Church will
have extended dealings as it suits them. Verified
Many of the prayers directed towards this con- from a now-deceased Corathite, is the knowl-
stellation come in the form of a cleric of high rank edge of an alliance--a small piece of burning
tracing the outline of the constellation in the dirt flame was delivered to a Corathite temple on
with a sword of flame. However, being as secre- Mistone to reflect it.
tive as many of the followers of Pyrtechon are,
little is known about just why they do that. It is said that should either side break the
alliance then the flame will instantly die within the
Reliquary of Pyrtechon Corathite temple and the High Priest in the
The view of destruction that the faithful of Pyrtechonite temple will also be aware that the
Pyrtechon have, makes keeping artifacts and alliance has been broken.

Deity: Pyrtechon - Continued
Pyrtechon and Fisterion they create a fearsome duo that threatens all.
It is widely believed that Pyrtechon is somehow
linked to the red dragon, Fisterion. This ancient Allies and Enemies
red dragon makes its home in Firesteep, the isle Allied: Corath, Baraeon Ca'Duz , Grand
where Pyrtechon centers his faith. Also, the Friendly: Shadon, Branderback, Mist,
sheer power of Fisterion leads to the conclusion Vierdri'ira
that he is not an ordinary dragon. Neutral: Aragen
Unfriendly: Ilsare, Goran, Shindaleria, Sulterio
Some believe that Fisterion is in fact Pytechon's Enemy: Rofirein, Vorax, Dorand, Aeridin,
son or his very first spawn. Others believe that Deliar, Toran, Lucinda, Katia, Az'atta,
Fisterion is Pyrtechon bound in a mortal body or Kithairien, Beryl, Xeen, Folian S'pae, Prunilla,
that Fisterion is merely Pyrtechon's earthly Grannoch
avatar. Regardless of the rumors, the reality is
that if a connection between the two does exist,

Notes of a Bard: Ozymandias
by Jason Williams (Ozymandias)

Across the lands of Layonara is one name that one can be assured of hearing often.
Ozymandias is often sought for his aid, his wisdom, and his sense of humor.

He has taken upon himself the daunting task of chronicling the events that shape the
world, watching and listening, taking a hand when he feels that balance is usurped.

What follows are his words. An account of one such world-changing event--one that will
forever affect the lives of all the denizens of the World of Layonara.

Rain spattered upon the cobbles of Arabel as a Bitter was the dawn that rose as the party first
small group of cowled individuals gathered near entered the tower where Demons and the last
the docks. There they beheld a sight that was vanguard of Devils stood before them to enter
strange even by Arabel's standards; a dwarven the fray. Each room was filled with opposition;
ship bearing the flag of the Ulgrids approached traps of spikes and fire were scattered through-
the docks. Once it had landed, they gathered out the halls. Each time the group took a
near shielding themselves as best they could moment to rest, it seemed as though Blood's
from the oppressive downpour. The dwarves set mocking laughter filled their heads; nightmares
forth from their ship carrying precious heavy foreboding his ultimate victory. Yet they did not
cargo: a great dragon skull with glowing emer- turn back and flee, instead they pressed forward
alds and rubies pressed within the sockets of to do battle against those guarding the path to
eyes and nostrils. the well. At last they reached the highest point of
the tower to see the glow of the Bloodwell itself,
There the group was informed that through great cruelly guarded by Fiends of Shadow and
expense and effort, Lord Rainstorff had fash- Flame.
ioned the one thing capable of destroying the
Bloodwell, Bloodstone's greatest and most As they entered the top floor, the glare from the
wicked of artifacts. From it poured six demons Bloodwell was blazing brightly, nearly blinding
every minute, which then began their fateful them. With their senses feeling the magic heavy
march upon both Pranzis and the Great Oak. in the air, they proceeded. The battle for the
The duty of the group was simple, yet suicidal-- Well was short and chaotic as from all sides the
to attack and capture the Bloodwell, then hold it fiends came to attack unprotected flanks and
while half of the party attacked Blood. Led by frail casters. They found the protector of the
Kobal Bluntaxe, the Steward of the Crescent Well, born of Shadow and Flame, to be an army
Moon, the group set forth. unto himself. Every strike against him seemed to
be healed instantly as he unleashed fell magic
They found that Bloodstone had set forth guards of rejuvenation. Once he had fallen, however,
to impede their travel--making their progress the party realized that their journey had only just
slow and bloody. However, they persevered until begun. For through the Well, they saw the
they came unto the Demon Tower. Long had it never-ending horrors of the Abyss and an army,
stood as the gateway into the impassable millions strong, marching to enter the gate of the
realms of Blood, and now it functioned as his Well.
greatest of weapons. For atop the glowing spire,
lights of red, orange, and yellow flickered with Two groups were formed from that of one: the
the unrivaled power of the Bloodwell. The party first to hold the Well and prevent the infernal
entered, aware and ready for the start of their beasts from recapturing it, and the second
true adventure. tasked with the singular suicidal assignment of

Ozymandias - Continued
slaying Sinthar Bloodstone himself in his throne gressed. After passing the place of silence, they
at the Masterpool. For indeed, as long as Blood came to the next floor, just below the top level of
lived and his pool remained, the Bloodwell Blood's twisted fortress. His gaze looked upon
would remain invincible, feeding off the power of them as they stood before two great statues:
the remaining pools to protect itself from any appearing of dragons gold and silver. To their
disaster. horror, they realized that these dragons had
once been alive, perhaps ones that had once
When the group sent to slay Blood departed opposed him and instead were now frozen:
from the Tower of Demons, they wished well petrified there for Blood's amusement. They
their comrades fighting the tide. As they came passed the statues uneasily and progressed
before the fortress of Blood, they found a ghast- ever further before coming to a passageway
ly sight awaiting them, striking fear into their whose end glowered in red and yellows.
very bones.

From the sky, a cascade fell onto parched soil-- “From all sides, the heroes of Layonara
not of any natural rain, but one of blood. The swarmed Bloodstone; blade, magic,
Fortress of Blood was aptly named, it seemed, bow and hammer alike seeking to keep
with a moat of burning fire and a host of fiends his attention from one in the shadows.”
standing ready for a last desperate attack.

Though every step of the path was slick with

blood, the party pressed onward shadowed by As they entered the chamber of the Masterpool,
the looming tower and the screams within. As Blood's words met their ears. Dark and menac-
the great gates opened and a wailing choir of ingly calm they echoed throughout the tower:
pleas for mercy met their ears, they each took a "Now you all die." Undeterred by his cold
deep breath to prepare themselves before threats, they met Bloodstone's personal guard.
pressing upwards. Flight upon flight of stairs Fiends of ancient times wearing armor etched in
they climbed upwards, the power of the fire raged in battle atop the tower. As the last
Masterpool felt with each passing step. Those fiend fell, darkness gathered, pouring from each
demons that had first sworn fealty to Bloodstone stone and lit as though alive by the infernal radi-
in ages past, guarded his dark tower and were ance of the Masterpool. There, before the pool,
determined to not let a single person pass. stood Bloodstone, garbed in robes and holding
a scythe. He looked to the group surrounding
As they ascended into the Throne of Blood, a him and sneered, lifting his hands to scatter the
dark wind swept around them with the force and party with four great blasts of fire as he pre-
fury of the hells. Accompanying the dread wind, pared to do battle with his most hated of nui-
were screams of suffering that were amplified sances.
ever further as they battled on--growing deaf to
all but the sounds of the infernal tower. But as From all sides, the heroes of Layonara swarmed
they pressed upwards, they came to a place Bloodstone; blade, magic, bow and hammer
where there was no sound at all; where silence alike seeking to keep his attention from one in
itself seemed a cacophony. To scream was to be the shadows. The group pressed upon Blood,
a whisper there. A sickly, green light lit each step waiting for the one weapon able to maim him to
taken. The bones of the dead stood to enter the have a chance to strike: The Blade of Shadows,
battle as protectors of the Pools they had drawn forged by Dorand's chosen and granted power
near. through an ancient soul and the silver vein. A
halfling unassuming to any eye darted forward,
Yet the trials continued further as they pro- known best as The Sneak. Her blade struck

Bard Ozymandias - Continued
true, burying itself into the backbone of Blood, into the sky with dread certainty. A dark cloud
and almost melted; it twisted and crumpled as served as Bloodstone's grave, and it circled the
all its magic destroyed even its mithril form. Yet world as they watched. Bloodstone's death
even over the sound of the blade's transmuta- marked the end of the third age of Layonara,
tion, was a howl of pain that shook the tower, as bringing about a Dark Age of starvation and
Bloodstone first felt his inevitable defeat. chaos. The shroud of ash surrounded the globe
Overwhelmed by spell and sword, Bloodstone and blotted out the sun. Death would visit crops,
felt his life drifting away into oblivion, the voices people, and animals before the skies would
of those he had slain so long ago screaming for clear. Many might question if the actions taken
revenge in his ears. He twisted and fell, a great were the right ones, but whether wrong or right,
explosion flying forth as with his last dying so ended one chapter of Layonara for another to
breath he struck out, slaying two of his most begin.
hated tormenters. As the dust settled, the power
of the pool seemed weakened if even slightly.
Realizing that it was then or never, they cast the Pictures from
vial into the Masterpool. All around, the ground Ozymandias’ Travels
shook and the walls began to crumble. The
tower itself was sinking into the ground slowly.
Running as swiftly as they could, the walls
shook--crumbling with the death throes of the

The ground beneath their feet shook, dust rising

from it, and just as the party reached the great
gates of the fortress of Blood, an enormous
explosion engulfed them. The earth, the land,
and the very air were sucked dry as great
cracks appeared on the Demon Tower for but an
instant before it was consumed in the blast. Just
as their last gasping breath came to them, they
felt shadows surround them, pulling them into a
cold void of darkness.

Aid had come from a most unexpected source

holding them in a chilling embrace. The Veil had
called upon the most ancient and hated ene-
mies of Bloodstone: the Lumbral. From the safe-
ty of the shadows the reunited halves of the
party watched in awe and horror as the moun-
tain upon which they had stood moments
before, completely disintegrated in the energy of
the Bloodwell's death. A great black chasm
extended outwards to form a valley where
mountains used to loom. From utter chaos the
chasm grew to four miles in length, nearly two
miles wide and a half-mile in depth.

As the shadows receded, the party looked up

D&D Adventures:
An Interview with Al Sousa
by Dan Scott (Leanthar)
Our Editor in Chief interviewed Al Sousa, creater/owner of the popular role-player’s
website D&D Adventures, and took down some of Al’s wisdom for posterity.

TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF. manner from adventures to spells. Each

resource is designed so that DM’s can expand
I was born in Brazil in 1967. My parents moved the story to fit their campaign. I also accept
to the USA when I was young, but I am more material submitted by others and review it for
gringo than anything else. I started playing D&D originality--turning down over 80% of material
around the age of 15 and loved it. I was fortu- submitted. I try to upload only material that is
nate to have three very good DM’s that focused original, useful, or interesting. Of course, I have
on originality and content more than anything other resources to assist DM’s and players in
else. I work for myself running a game and enter- making the game easier to manage such as
tainment website company, which owns 12 web- character sheets, PC utilities, and comprehen-
sites. Unfortunately, I do not have as much time sive sheets of data. I also place up articles for
as I would like to game anymore with a wife and DM’s and players alike. The site has over 300
a baby on the way. I really enjoy games and the pages of material with thousands of links.
mental challenge they bring.



As a test hobby site for when I was learning web- Al Sousa

site design on my own. I figured I would do the (Picture from
site on something I really loved to motivate me. www.dndad-
I always meant the site to be an adventure
resource for D&D’ers--good adventures are hard
to come by.


Since July 2001. There were many D&D sites

back then but some of the larger ones died out. IS RUNNING THE SITE DIFFICULT?
I somehow ended up listed at the top of search
engines and didn't even realize it. Running the site, no; coming up with good con-
tent, yes. I am fortunate that at this point the site
WHAT TYPES OF RESOURCES ARE AVAIL- pays for itself through various advertisers. I also
ABLE? have several administrators that run the site's
forum for me. They are good people, and I really
My emphasis for the site is on original story and appreciate the time they devote.
background not power and amazing character.
What makes a good D&D game is the story that WHY DID YOU CREATE A FORUM?
unfolds within your head in the realms of imagi-
nation. I create everything for the site in this It was a suggestion of a friend. I never figured it

Al Sousa - Continued
would amount to much but it attracted gamers things you can do besides adventure. You can
who love D&D as much as I do. learn a skill like bow making or gain experience
in potion making or scroll making. There is never
HOW MANY FORUM MEMBERS ARE THERE? a time I said to myself, "Well, I have nothing else
to do..." like some of the pay-for-online worlds.
Over 3000 registered members; however, every Everything in the world is tough, nothing is easy.
year I purge ones that are not active over a peri- That's what I love about it. When you gain a
od of a year. It is quite active with over 20 level, it is a real accomplishment. If you gain a
games running at once. magic item, it took a major effort to do so. The
players in the world role play their characters
ARE YOU SURPRISED AT HOW THE FORUM well. You feel like you are in a fantasy realm. The
HAS DEVELOPED OVER THE YEARS? owners placed a lot of hard work into the game
at just the right level that keeps you coming back
Yes, I am. The forum also created the opportunity for more. Also, I enjoy the fact they have real
to get feedback on material within the site. It is DM’s for players and scheduled events.
also a gathering place for questions and discus-
sions on more than D&D. The forum has really Layonara is simply the best NwN world out there
grown the site. and it's free. How can you beat that?



Well, this was an idea a friend of mine came up

with. How often do you see a female gamer? So, Visit this great site at:
I figured I would ask for submissions, and I was
amazed at the response. I think it adds a little
something extra to the site that no one has.
According to a post Sousa
WHY DO YOU SUPPORT LAYONARA WHEN made September 15, 2006,
gets 2000-3000 visits a day.
Layonara is a well-built world emphasizing on "It is ranked very well in
role playing not the accumulation of power. Google (1st pages) for
There is an original story line that goes with the many D&D key phrases."
game. The quests are unique and always chal-
lenging. The first few levels are challenging to Sousa has been playing for
get through, but beyond that, it becomes much over 25 years. One major
more difficult, which creates a sense of accom- project he worked on is
plishment. You have to earn those higher levels posted at http://www.dndad-
and it's not by power gaming. There are a lot of
details that I do not see on other NwN worlds: paigns.html. Check it out.
the adventures are hard and items difficult to Here you'll find some cam-
come by. Adventures take coordination, timing, paign ideas, materials to
tactics, and patience. There is no "lets run start a campaign, and a full
through this real quick for XP" feeling I got from campaign ready to go.
other online RPG’s. There are also many other

False Truth: An Untold Story of Layonara
e by Andrew Thompson (Creighton)
r On
p t e Layonara, a world filled with adventure and intrigue…
a where any day can be one of glorious victory or ignoble death.
Even within its past, the world holds many legends, many tales,
many grand epics of mighty warriors, horrible evils, and unselfish goodness.

So now, my friends, let me tell you one such tale…

a tale from many hundreds of years ago.

T'was to be a grand day in the The grandfather himself, how- Hands, the peacekeepers of
city of Ronwyn. ever, did not seem so jovial. Thaal.
Grantham shifted in his seat,
Already, the trumpeters took Lord Grantham Havelrox, aged his face an emotionless mask as
their places on the raised plat- hero of the lands of Dregar, sat he stared across the square.
form next to the city gates, their quietly in his ornate chair. Attendants quickly moved to his
last minute tunings sounding like Perched high between the battle- side, but he waved them away.
a cacophony of bits of song; as if ments of his modest palace (gen- The two handmaidens looked at
they were fragments of different erously donated by the Church of each other sadly; for the last ten
melodies stolen from the air and Thaal in honor of his courage), years, many believed that old age
put back in place there in the he indeed had the best seat in was finally taking its toll on the
square. The men-at-arms of the the house. Fully in front of the mighty warrior. He spoke little,
city milled about in their polished main gates and forty feet above and carried on only activities that
best, standing tall and throwing the ground, the terrace upon mandated his presence, such as
back their shoulders with pride in which he sat would afford the this one. Privately, he was
the occasion. The throngs of greatest view of the festivities known to do little else than sit
adoring citizenry competed for about to occur. And why should it and read, but it was rumored that
their places on the streets, vying be any other way? It was, after the pages were never turned in
for a close spot by the cobble- all, the grandson of this great the great, ancient bound tome
stone to catch a glimpse, or per- hero who now was lionized by that he stared into for hour after
haps even shake the hand, of the people as their conquering hour. The servants would shake
their hero. The city's flags hung beacon of hope; the one who their heads in sorrow at such
furled at their places about the would finally put down the squab- rumors. Havelrox was a beloved
walls, ready to dance in the bling masses still clinging to poly- man.
breeze caught in the great corri- theism in the wake of the Wars.
dors formed by the mountains After his son had fallen not in Down below, the city's bells
when the time was right. glory but to an illness (long began to ring, and the trumpeters
The overwhelming feeling in thought to have been brought stopped their practice and took
the air was one of celebration about by filthy Elvish druids), it up their positions. The flags
and, to some extent, awe. was feared that the name of were unfurled, the noble colors of
Greyson Havelrox, the grandson Havelrox would pass into history Ronwyn set now with the holy
of Lord Havelrox, who was one of with him. However, at an early symbol of Thaal, freed to the
the most celebrated heroes of the age, Greyson showed great wind that wound through the
Race Wars, was returning at the promise, excelling in his studies mountain passes.
head of his army. From the news in the academy of war and the
of the falcons, his foray to claim seminary of Thaal. From thence, Lord Havelrox emitted a low
more followers of Thaal from he went on to become the grunt, but was it recognition,
lands southward was a resound- youngest paladin ever ordained or...despair? The nearest atten-
ing success. by the Order of the Clasped dant leaned over him, thinking

False Truth - Continued
perhaps he wished to stand, but file in behind him, their battle the crowd began to repeat it as a
again, he waved her off, and she pennants fluttering with their chant while Greyson and his sol-
resumed her position behind him motion. The music rang with a diers pumped their fists into the
with a sad smile, assuming that poignant tone of joy as the peo- air, the feast and celebration offi-
this was the best emotion he ple began to push forward, shout- cially beginning.
could muster for the joy that was ing praise and adoration for
surely upon him. Greyson. Children threw confetti The handmaiden on the terrace
as the procession moved slowly watched as the smile she thought
The rest of the assembled citi- on, and when he neared the main she had seen on the face of the
zens, however, began to see that intersection of the square, elder Havelrox suddenly faded
the time was near. Greyson was Greyson lifted his visor and away, if it was ever really there.
approaching! The murmur of the looked toward the terrace of the She stepped back to her place,
crowd settled quickly to one of palace that was his hereditary the faint hope she had held for
hushed reverence, all eyes turn- home with a smile of victory. his recovery from this state gone.
ing to the large gates as the Seeing his grandfather sitting
portcullis slowly began to rise. there, the young man felt a surge Had she stayed a moment
The guards now stood at erect of pride fill him, and he again longer, she would have been sur-
attention, their swollen pride puff- raised his hand in salute. prised to see a single tear trail
ing their chests even more in this The crowd hushed immediately, down the lined cheek of the once
moment, as the conquering arm and for a moment, all was again expressionless face.
of the god they served returned, silence, all watching the
just days behind the news of his exchange between the genera- Scores of miles away, the
victories in the south. tions of the revered clan. windswept walls of Lands End
The tower guard lowered his Nodding to his elder, Greyson prison glowered balefully into the
pennant in a signal, and two took a deep breath. cloudy evening over the rocky
teams of oxen began to open the coast. The rays of the setting
iron-bound gates. Almost as one, "Ronwyn!" he shouted with sun, falling wildly through gather-
the crowd leaned forward, all pride. ing clouds, shone starkly on its
wanting to be the first to witness salt-swept walls, which from a
this joyous homecoming, as the "RONWYN!" the soldiers and distance almost looked white in
musicians began playing the vic- crowd echoed, the sound rever- the afternoon rays of a sunny
tory anthem of the Order of the berating over the walls and day.
Clasped Hands. throughout the rocky spires. Many felt that those who sat
imprisoned within these high and
Moments passed. Through the "Havelrox!" Greyson called out. guarded walls did not deserve
open gates the cloud of dust such an edifice. Those that the
could be seen roiling up through "HAVELROX!" The masses kingdom deemed the blackest of
the rocky pass that was the again shouted to the skies. criminals usually found them-
approach to Ronwyn. The selves here; executions had,
ground began to tremble with the Lord Havelrox seemed to stir in since the Race Wars, been
hoof beats of many horses, and his chair, the light of his esteem looked upon with some disdain.
the sounds of a force on the glinting in his eyes, and the hand- This disdain led the new govern-
move began to ring in the ears of maiden watched him closely; was ment to place the penal system
the throng. that a smile on his lips? under the administration of the
church; only the vilest and most
Finally, with a triumphant smile Down in the square, the unspeakable blasphemies now
visible beneath his helm, younger Havelrox again raised met with death. As a result of
Greyson Havelrox rode at a trot his voice in tribute and victory for this, the walls of Land's End
through the gates, and applause his lands and his god. swelled with the most wretched of
and accolades exploded through souls, living like animals under
the square. The young knight "Thaal!" his voice resounded. the lash of the guards who saw
raised his hand in gratitude, as their assignments as either pun-
his general and troops began to "THAAL!" went up the cry, and ishment or sadistic enjoyment. It

False Truth - Continued
could be said with truth that many the condemned were sweat, one of what he believed to be
of the inmates would prefer death waste, and blood. Man, dwarf, justice; a crime that would not
to remaining alive in this hell. elf, and rodent vied equally for have been a crime in the eyes of
the gruel that served for suste- Vorax, the god of battle…but
The master of this haven of nance, and the putrid pails of Vorax had yielded sway to the
despair was Archibald Bronna, water that was their drink often one true god: Thaal.
known often by the name he carried a film of algae or carried
earned in the Race Wars: Dwarf- worms in its bottom. Or so they wished him to
Cleaver. Lord Bronna, a massive The cells nestled close togeth- believe.
brute of a man, seeming almost a er, very tightly, descending in
dwarf himself grown to human concentric circles on many floors. He spat into the corridor, the
proportions, seemed to relish his These stretched from the top of thought of Thaal again entering
position as overseer of the the structure (those convicted of his mind. He hadn't broken, he
prison. This was an oddity to "lesser" offenses) to several thought, a smile curling his lips.
many; generally, the feeling was dozen feet beneath the earth Their long hours of preaching
that after his performance in the (condemned or "special" prison- (often accompanied with the most
Wars, and his subsequent service ers). exquisite of pain, right there
to the Church, he deserved a It was here, in the main atrium below in that contraption of tor-
much loftier position. It was a of the structure, in full view of ture) had not converted him; he
long standing and much debated most of the tiered circle of cells, held on to his beliefs, the beliefs
topic of conversation at the tav- and easily in earshot of them all of his tribe, with all of his being.
erns and gambling houses in (thanks to the echoes that the
Gothar, the nearest city to the chamber produced) that Lord Heretic then, was his label.
point of rock that Land's End sat Bronna kept his "interrogation"
upon (some thirty miles to the apparatus. Indeed, in all the And thus, his cell here on the
west). It was often said (in prison proper, it was the only ground floor.
hushed tones; it was known that well-lit area found in the whole of
the Inquisitors, the investigative the place; he wanted all under his He wore harsh, biting irons
force of the Church, often milled stewardship to see what came to even in his cell, which was
about in disguise) that Bronna those being questioned or pun- unusual; but even more unusual,
enjoyed his sadistic practices. ished. the guards insisted, was his brute
strength, and they insisted upon
A squall had risen up this eve, Eruk Nustall stood with his face this further discomfort for their
and rain and wind began to pressed against the rough iron own safety. Amongst all the
pound the walls with unyielding bars of his cell, gazing into the inmates here on the ground, he
fury, as if Nature itself (some low light of the walkway. He noted with pride that he alone
would say Katia, but the mention chose not to let his eyes fall upon stood proud at the bars, not con-
of that name would mean incar- the scene beginning in the atrium tent to grovel and lament hiding
ceration, re-education, and some across from him. He was not in the darkness of the small, dirty
believed, death) wished to wash squeamish of blood, mind you; he rooms.
this blemish of humanity from the wouldn't have been on the last His eyes flickered around as
face of Layonara. tier of this forsaken pit if he were they did every day, trying to pen-
of a gentle sort. No indeed; with etrate the gloom to see if a new
The dark dungeon, flickering his bare hands, he had crushed crop of others had been brought
torches teasing the inmates with the life from four assailants, one here, but more so to see if any-
glimpses into the shadows that of whom had been an Inquisitor, one, anyone else, had at least
dominated their world, knew who had accosted him for the the glimmer of courage. In this
nothing of this storm; the stone religious symbol he wore. This, place of despair, he was always
walls held defiantly as they had to Eruk, was offense of the high- disappointed.
for many years, sealing off those est; in his tribe, to blacken the
unfortunate enough to be here name of the Father was to turn Until today.
from even the hint of fresh air. your back on all you and your
Indeed, the only odors to greet fathers believed. His crime was From the left, where the stair-

False Truth - Continued
case from above opened onto the Eruk a plan for escaping and this tomb for the living), Eruk
lowest walkway, three guards returning with help to free all again found himself, much
were bringing a new prisoner into those here, whom the logic of the against his will. He had learned
the lowest tier. Eruk could see Wood Elf saw as unnatural at not to struggle with the guards,
the man's face plainly as they best. however; that had gotten him one
brought him through the doorway, Eruk also saw the failure of this too many times on the machine,
the torches there illuminating a plan, just across from his cell, and even his sturdy frame and
look of both contempt written forever in the spiraling stout heart could take only so
and…something else. A kind of pattern of blood that sprayed much of that. Begrudgingly he
cunning, perhaps, as if the man's forth from his friend as he died, sat on the wooden pew, his head
eyes were taking in everything he horribly and without mercy. He swiveling gently around to see
saw, and the mind behind those still recalled the guttural laughter the same faces as always.…
eyes was already planning an of Bronna as he worked the …until he turned to his left to
escape. levers and pedals of the machine find the face of the stranger he
Eruk had seen that look that ripped first the flesh from had seen led in days before. The
before…his friend from long ago, Caliban's bones, then the soul man seemed to be smiling, but
Caliban, had found his way here from his body. not smiling; it was as if his face
before Eruk. When they were were stern, hopeful, and smug,
younger, he and Caliban had He snorted in disgust as the all at the same time.
often spent time with Caliban's guards brought the man past.
parents, raiding caravans for Keep your planning up, smart Leaning over, the stranger
food. The end of the Wars had one, he thought. whispered.
left the elves impoverished and Soon, t'will be your blood I see "I noticed your ill temper at
starving; Eruk and his tribe did fanning the beams. being brought here, brother," he
not see helping the Wood Elves said. His voice was calming, yet
(who despite tensions with "civi- Disgruntled and troubled yet held the tint of command; as
lized" men, were never consid- again by his memories, Eruk though he were used to people
ered enemies by Eruk's tribe) as walked to the rough mat that was listening to him.
criminal. Indeed, they saw it as his bed and sat, staring at the "I am not your brother," Eruk
survival for their longtime forest- same crack in the stone floor that answered.
dwelling friends. The young elf he had for many moons, knowing A true smirk crept across the
was a wily and quick-witted one; that it was raining from the water man's features.
he often was able to formulate that slowly gathered in it. "Are we not all brothers in
quick, on the spot plans for taking Thaal?"
only that which was needed, fre- With those deemed heretics to Eruk turned sharply, his face
quently without their ever being the religion of Thaal, some con- beginning already to redden.
seen by those they pilfered. cern for saving their souls still "Hold your tongue," he hissed
Other times, the brash and remained, even within Land's through clenched teeth, "or I will
resourceful Caliban was able to End. To facilitate this, those con- remove it!"
simply talk the people out of victed of heresy "enjoyed" one "Such rage in a house of the
some of their wares, using sym- hour per week out of their cells, one true god," the stranger mum-
pathy and clever dialogue. but only to the chapel that served bled, looking away.
Eruk had admired his friend, as a small temple of Thaal. Eruk sighed heavily, resting his
and believed he would be roam- These inmates were closely arms on the pew in front of him
ing the forest telling tales of his guarded and allowed only to and his head on his arms. Who
youthful adventures for hundreds speak softly to one another, hop- did this man think he was?
of years, so he was quite sur- ing that the constant prayers Talking to him in such a fashion;
prised to find him here, at Land's offered up by the clerics on duty indeed, perhaps his initial belief
End, when he arrived some would spark their souls to salva- that this man was cunning was a
months ago. As always, Caliban tion. mistake; perhaps he was simply
used his guile to try to get into crazy.
the good graces of the guards, In this small yet ornate room Eruk allowed himself to glance
and, failing this, made known to (clearly the most lavish room in to the side to see if the man

False Truth - Continued
remained at his side, and sure stepped the onrushing brute, and guards forced the stranger out
enough, he still sat, perhaps even with a simple gesture, tripped first, he strained enough to get
closer. him. Eruk's head impacted with close to Eruk one last time.
"Leave me be," Eruk said. the pew, cracking the wood. "What you know, I know. Now
"I wish only to find the path to "AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHH- know this." He said, and Eruk felt
goodness…is that not why you HHH!" he screamed in anguish, a pat on his chest. He paid it no
are here?" turning with fire in his eyes and a mind at the time.
Eruk raised his head and speed denying his large size. He "To hells with you," he spat.
answered only with a frown. The again lunged at the smaller man, With a bit of a struggle that
stranger was unimpressed. and the stranger again dodged; seemed, at least on the part of
"Or I suppose a savage such but this time, Eruk allowed for the arrogant man to be a bit over-
as yourself still worships the this, and caught him by the ly done, the keepers took him
sticks and the stones, eh?" With prison tunic. With a mighty tug, from the room, his weekly privi-
this statement, the man let out a he heaved the man to him, lege revoked.
low, condescending chuckle, and grasping him by the throat and Eruk sighed, knowing it meant
turned his eyes back to the pulpit. hefting him into the air. a trip back downstairs as well,
The large barbarian was out- "By Vorax's law, I shall kill you but looking about, he knew in his
raged. Before he thought, he for those words!" heart he would be glad to be out
seized the man by the arm. "It The man struggled, but not in a of what he thought of as a blas-
would be best if you kept your way that Eruk was used to. By phemous place.
mouth shut around me, berk," he now, the guards had intervened,
growled. "I am a follower of the fearing a death on their watch, in Once the stranger was gone, it
Father of Battle, and I will hear the temple, no less; but Eruk's was his turn to be walked by the
no more of your mockery!" mighty strength made it all but guards back to his small hole of a
With an over exaggerated man- impossible for them to loosen his cell. After a few minutes, his
ner, the man turned and locked grip…although his grip…didn't daily meal was pushed carelessly
eyes with the larger man. " feel right. through the bars, and then the
"Ah," he began to speak, no "Vorax has no law for murder, guards settled themselves in for
longer whispering, "You seem my friend," the man spoke too their own meals.
much too large to worship the easily, though he should not be
god of the dinks." able to breathe. "But I do not Only then did he take out the
Before he even thought about suffer from such hindrances." scrap of folded parchment the
it, Eruk released the man's arm With this said, Eruk felt a point man had slipped him there at the
and backhanded him across the pressed into the soft spot end of their confrontation, but for
mouth. The stranger seemed to beneath his throat, and saw that many hours he would ponder
lift up off the pew and tumble the man had, from where he had what it said--after he had eaten it,
backwards, but even enraged no idea, produced a small, of course.
Eruk knew that he had not hit him needlelike dagger and placed it
that hard; indeed, the blow did there. He looked up into the My friend:
not land as solidly as he thought eyes of the man, but was sur- I apologize whole-heartedly for
it should have. prised to see no hate; only cer- what I have to do, but I have to
The guards quickly moved in to tainty. know if you are with me or
contain the situation, but in typi- He set the man down and against me…if you are reading
cal fashion, appeared to be will- immediately the guards dragged this, then I have decided you are
ing to let the two men fight it out the two apart, but he noticed that with me.
rather than intervene. the dagger, or whatever it was, If you are with me, we shall be
Rubbing his chin, the man was gone. Of course, he would free of this place. I cannot con-
climbed easily to his feet. "You not mention it to their keepers; he vince you this is not a trick, but
follow Vorax, and that is the best might consider this man to be his do I need to?
you can do?" enemy, but as such, he deserved If you are interested, we shall
Eruk charged over the pew like the test of combat, not punished speak again in the so-called tem-
a bull, but the man was suddenly by the guards like a child who ple next week. Make it look like
not there; he had deftly side- had let his crops wither. As the you are repenting, and wish to

False Truth - Continued
apologize. meaning. One so clever just may be too
Sleep as well as you can, and What to make of this? He clever, he thought.
may whatever god is yours watch wasn't sure. Or he may be one to listen to.
over you and give you strength.
But he would give it careful He finished his salty, tasteless
Eruk sat with his brow fur- thought. He remembered the paste of unidentifiable food and
rowed, several of the words were dagger that appeared at his then lay down on his mat to think.
unfamiliar to him, but he had throat, and just as quickly van-
been able to discern the overall ished without a trace. To be continued….

More Layonara Pictures from Player Albums

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Layonara World Map
Cartographer: Peter Mitchell (Rasterick)


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