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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 1 Evaluation


Part 1. Listen and write the ages.

a b c

d e

Part 2. Listen and colour. There is one extra


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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 1 Evaluation


Part 3. Circle the ‘s’ words.

Part 4. Listen and tick (3) the box.

1 a b c

2 a b c

3 a b c

4 a b c

5 a b c

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 2 Evaluation


Part 1. Listen and colour.

Part 2. Look at the pictures and circle Yes or No.

1 3 tables Yes No
2 4 monkeys Yes No
3 6 chairs Yes No
4 2 monsters Yes No
5 7 erasers Yes No

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 2 Evaluation


Part 3. Listen and draw.

1 2 3

4 5

Part 4. Listen and write the ages.

a b c

d e

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 3 Evaluation


Part 1. Look and draw lines.

car ball bike train doll

1 2 3

4 5

Part 2. Look at the picture. Listen and circle

Yes or No.

1 Yes No
2 Yes No
3 Yes No
4 Yes No
5 Yes No

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 3 Evaluation


Part 3. Listen and write the numbers.

1 5 + 3 = 4 + 1 =

2 2 + = 5 + =

3 2 + =

Part 4. Circle the ‘t’ words.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 2 of 2 20
Kid’s Box 1 Unit 4 Evaluation


Part 1. Look and draw lines. There is one extra

1 b

2 sister
3 grandmother d

4 brother

5 mother e

Part 2. Listen and circle. There are two

extra pictures.
a b c d

e f g

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 4 Evaluation


Part 3. Look at the pictures. Listen and circle

Yes or No.
1 Yes No
2 Yes No
3 Yes No
4 Yes No
5 Yes No

Part 4. Circle the ‘b’ words.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 5 Evaluation


Part 1. Write the letter and match. There is one

extra picture.
a c
1 _orse b
2 _at
3 _ird
4 _ish e
5 _ouse

Part 2. Look at the pictures and circle Yes or No.

1 A clean dog. Yes No

2 A dirty cat. Yes No
3 An ugly bird. Yes No
4 A long dog. Yes No
5 Two old cats. Yes No

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 5 Evaluation


Part 3. Listen and tick (3) Yes or No.

1 Yes No
2 Yes No
3 Yes No
4 Yes No
5 Yes No

Part 4. Use coloured pencils. Listen and circle.

a b


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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 6 Evaluation


Part 1. Write the letter and match. There is one

extra picture.
1 _outh b c
2 te_th
3 n_se
4 ea_s
5 _air

Part 2. Listen and colour.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 6 Evaluation


Part 3. Listen and draw.

Part 4. Circle the different word.

1 bike train eye ball doll
2 eight pencil seven two four
3 dog mouse horse head fish
4 nose ears mouth teeth train
5 eraser cat book pen table

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 7 Evaluation


Part 1. Read and tick (3) or cross (7).

1 2 3

a crocodile a monkey a snake

4 5

a giraffe an elephant

Part 2. Listen and circle Yes or No.

1 Yes No
2 Yes No
3 Yes No
4 Yes No
5 Yes No

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 7 Evaluation


Part 3. Look at the pictures and circle the

different word.

Part 4. Read and complete the sentences.
There is one extra word.
short teeth mouths arms feet long

1 Crocodiles have got a lot of .

2 Monkeys have got long .
3 Elephants have got noses.
4 Hippos have got legs.
5 Snakes haven’t got legs or .
© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 2 of 2 20
Kid’s Box 1 Unit 8 Evaluation


Part 1. Look at the pictures. Write the words.

shoes T-shirt jacket trousers skirt

1 2 3

4 5

Part 2. Listen and draw.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 8 Evaluation


Part 3. Look at the pictures. Write ‘d’, ‘b’ or ‘p’.

1 2 3

4 5

Part 4. Listen and colour. There are two extra

a b c d

e f g

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 2 of 2 20
Kid’s Box 1 Unit 9 Evaluation


Part 1. Look at the pictures and read. Write the

1 play tennis a b c

2 play the guitar

3 ride a bike
4 swim
d e
5 play football

Part 2. Read and complete the sentences.

tennis play a bike sing ride

1 I can the guitar.

2 I can’t ride .
3 I can play .
4 I can’t .
5 I can a horse.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 9 Evaluation


Part 3. Listen and tick (3) or cross (7).

1 2 3

4 5

Part 4. Read and answer. There is one example.

0 Can you swim? 3 Yes, I can .
1 Can you ride a bike? 7 .
2 Can you play football? 3 .
3 Can you sing? 3 .
4 Can you play tennis? 7 .
5 Can you play the guitar? 3 .

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 2 of 2 20
Kid’s Box 1 Unit 10 Evaluation


Part 1. Look at the pictures. Write the words.

1 2 3

4 5

Part 2. Listen and colour the pictures.

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 10 Evaluation


Part 3. Look and draw lines.

flying riding driving

1 2 3

4 5

Part 4. Look at the pictures and complete the

flying driving flying driving riding

1 I’m a plane.

2 I’m a motorbike.

3 I’m a bus.

4 I’m a helicopter.

5 I’m a car.
© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Page 2 of 2 20
Kid’s Box 1 Unit 11 Evaluation


Part 1. Read and look at the pictures. Write the

letter in the box.
a b c

d e

1 I’m in the bedroom. 4 I’m in the dinning room.

2 I’m in the hall. 5 I’m in the kitchen.
3 I’m in the bathroom.

Part 2. Listen and draw lines.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 11 Evaluation


Part 3. Read and complete the sentences. There

are two extra words.
having listening watching sitting
drawing eating reading

1 He’s a book.
2 She’s to music.
3 They’re a picture.
4 He’s on a chair.
5 She’s TV.

Part 4. Complete the words. Write ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, or ‘o’.

1 2 3

w_rdr_b_ b__kc_s_ t_y b_x

4 5

l_mp w_nd_w

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 12 Evaluation


Part 1. Listen and draw lines. There is one


Part 2. Listen and colour. There is one example.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 12 Evaluation


Part 3. Look at the pictures and read.

Write Yes or No. There is one example.

0 A girl is reading a book. Yes

1 A girl is drawing.
2 Two girls and a boy are listening to music.
3 There are two boys sitting on the floor.
4 A boy is playing the guitar.
5 A girl is riding a bike.

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Kid’s Box 1 Unit 12 Evaluation


Part 4. Look at the pictures. Write the words.

There is one example.

0 _b _
a _
n _
a _
n _
a anbaan

1 ____ dahn

2 _____ nseka

3 ____ kace

4 _____ gtire

5 ________ rotsures

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Kid’s Box 1 Answer Key

20 marks per Evaluation, 5 marks per part. Part 2 Part 4

1 Yes 1 c circled in brown
2 No 2 d circled in yellow
Unit 1 Evaluation 3 Yes
4 No
3 a circled in blue
4 b circled in green
Part 1 5 No 5 e circled in purple
a. 4
b. 7
Part 3
Unit 6 Evaluation
c. 5 22+3=5
d. 6 32+4=6 Part 1
e. 10 4 9 + 1 =10 1 mouth - f
54+5=9 2 teeth - e
Part 2 3 nose - a
3 = green Part 4 4 ears - b
9 = purple Circled: two, train, toy box, ten, table 5 hair - c
2 = pink
5 = orange
1 = blue
Unit 4 Evaluation Part 2
blue hair
purple nose
Part 3 Part 1 black teeth
Circled: snake, six, seven, star, standing up 1c
orange ears
Part 4 a pink eye
1a 4e Part 3
2a 5b These features drawn in:
3b 3 small eyes
4c Part 2 2 big mouths
5c 1c
4 big ears
Unit 2 Evaluation 3g
5 teeth
long hair
5a Part 4
Part 1
1 eye
pencil = yellow Part 3 2 pencil
table = orange 1 Yes
3 head
book = red 2 Yes
4 train
eraser = pink 3 No
5 cat
chair = green 4 Yes

Part 2
5 No
Unit 7 Evaluation
1 Yes Part 4
2 No Circled: bat, bag, ball, bike, box Part 1
3 No 13
4 Yes Unit 5 Evaluation 27
5 No 37
Part 1 43
Part 3
1 horse - c 53
1 drawing of 3 pens
2 drawing of 1 chair 2 cat - a
Part 2
3 drawing of 4 erasers 3 bird - f
1 No
4 drawing of 2 tables 4 fish - b
2 No
5 drawing of 5 books 5 mouse - d
3 Yes
Part 2 4 No
Part 4
1 Yes 5 Yes
a. 8
b. 9 2 No
Part 3
c. 7 3 No
Circled: snake, ears, eight, horse, leg
d. 6 4 Yes
e. 3 5 No Part 4
1 teeth
Unit 3 Evaluation
Part 3 2 arms
1 Yes
3 long
2 Yes
4 short
Part 1 3 No
5 feet
1 car 4 Yes
2 ball 5 Yes
3 bike
4 train
5 doll

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Answer key Evaluations Units 1–7
Kid’s Box 1 Answer Key

Unit 8 Evaluation Unit 10 Evaluation Unit 12 Evaluation

Part 1 Part 1 Part 1
1 shoes 1 bus Lines showing:
2 jacket 2 plane 1 apple next to bag
3 T-shirt 3 boat 2 eraser on computer
4 skirt 4 lorry 3 ice cream under a chair
5 trousers 5 train 4 doll next to train
5 bird on book
Part 2 Part 2
Suzy: sock in one of her hands, a book on her 1 motorbike in number 2 = blue Part 2
head and a ball on T-shirt. 2 car in number 3 = red Colours as follows:
Simon: snake on trousers and pencil in one of 3 boat in number 6 = purple 1 hair = orange
his hands. 4 helicopter in number 5 = green 2 T-shirt = blue
5 lorry in number 4 = yellow 3 eyes = green
Part 3 4 socks = brown
1p Part 3 5 nose = yellow
2d 1 driving
3b 2 riding Part 3
4b 3 flying 1 Yes
5d 4 flying 2 Yes
5 driving 3 No
Part 4 4 No
1 b blue T-shirt on chair Part 4 5 Yes
2 a pink fish 1 flying
3 e socks on chair: one black, one purple or 2 riding Part 4
stripey black and purple 3 driving 1 hand
4 c brown mouse 4 flying 2 snake
5 f green shoe under chair 5 driving 3 cake
4 tiger
Unit 9 Evaluation Unit 11 Evaluation 5 trousers

Part 1 Part 1
1d 1a
2e 2d
3b 3c
4a 4e
5c 5b

Part 2 Part 2
1 play Lines showing:
2 a bike 1 fish in bedroom
3 tennis 2 ball in living room
4 sing 3 doll in bathroom
5 ride 4 computer in kitchen
5 shoes in dining room
Part 3
13 Part 3
23 1 reading
37 2 listening
47 3 drawing
53 4 sitting
5 watching
Part 4
1 No, I can’t. Part 4
2 Yes, I can. 1 wardrobe
3 Yes, I can. 2 bookcase
4 No, I can’t. 3 toy box
5 Yes, I can. 4 lamp
5 window

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Answer key Evaluations Units 8–12
Kid’s Box 1 Recording scripts

Unit 1 Evaluation b
Boy How old is he? Unit 5 Evaluation
Girl He’s nine.
Part 1 c Part 3
Listen and write the ages. You will hear each Boy How old is she? Listen and tick yes or no. You will hear each
question twice. Girl She’s seven. question twice.

a I’m four. d 1 Birds fly.

b I’m seven. Boy How old is your friend? 2 Fish swim.
c I’m five. Girl He’s six. 3 Horses fly.
d I’m six. 4 Cats walk.
e I’m ten. e 5 Mice run.
Boy How old is she?
Part 2 Part 4
Girl She’s three.
Listen and colour. You will hear each Use coloured pencils. Listen and circle. You
question twice. will hear each question twice.
Unit 3 Evaluation
Colour number three green. 1 Brown. I take my cat to the vet.
Colour number five orange. Part 2 2 Yellow. I walk my cats.
Colour number one blue. Look at the picture. Listen and circle yes or 3 Blue. I walk my dog.
Colour number two pink. no. You will hear each question twice. 4 Green. I brush my horse.
Colour number nine purple. 5 Purple. I feed my fish.
1 The doll is in the toy box.
Part 4
Listen and tick the box. You will hear each 2 The
3 The
train is on the table.
ball is under the table.
Unit 6 Evaluation
question twice.
4 The bag is on the chair.
Part 2
5 The car is next to the computer.
1 Sit down, please. Listen and colour. You will hear each
2 Pick up your book, please. Part 3 question twice.
3 Close the door please. Listen and write the numbers. You will hear
4 Listen to the CD, please. each question twice. 1 I’ve got blue hair.
5 Open the door, please. 2 I’ve got a purple nose.
1 What’s five and three? 3 I’ve got black teeth.
Unit 2 Evaluation 2 What’s
3 What’s
two and three?
two and four?
4 I’ve
5 I’ve
got orange ears.
got a pink eye.
4 What’s nine and one?
Part 1 Part 3
5 What’s four and five?
Listen and colour. You will hear each Listen and draw. You will hear each question
question twice. twice.
Unit 4 Evaluation
The pencil is yellow. 0 My name’s Wilbert and I’m a monster.
The table is orange. Part 2 1 I’ve got three small eyes.
The book is red. Listen and circle. You will hear each question 2 I’ve got two big mouths.
The eraser is pink. twice. 3 I’ve got four big ears.
The chair is green. 4 I’ve got five teeth.
1 She’s old. 5 I’ve got long hair.
Part 3
2 He’s happy.
Listen and draw. You will hear each question
twice. 3 He’s sad.
4 He’s ugly.
Unit 7 Evaluation
5 She’s young.
1 Draw three pens. Part 2
2 Draw one chair. Part 3 Listen and circle yes or no. You will hear
3 Draw four erasers. Look at the pictures. Listen and circle yes or each question twice.
4 Draw two tables. no. You will hear each question twice.
5 Draw five books. 1 Snakes have got four legs.
1 The grandfather is old. 2 Elephants are small.
Part 4
2 The mother is beautiful. 3 Crocodiles have got long tails.
Listen and write the ages. You will hear each
3 The father is sad. 4 Monkeys have got short arms.
question twice.
4 The brother is young. 5 Birds have got feathers.
5 The grandmother is happy.
Boy How old are you?
Girl I’m eight.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Recording scripts Units 1–7

Kid’s Box 1 Recording scripts

Unit 8 Evaluation Unit 11 Evaluation Part 2

Listen and colour. There is one example. You
will hear each question twice.
Part 2 Part 2
Listen and draw. You will hear each question Listen and draw lines. You will hear each Woman Look at the trousers.
twice. question twice. Boy Yes.
Woman Colour the trousers black.
1 Suzy has got a sock in her hand. 1 The fish is in the bedroom. Boy Black?
2 Simon has got a snake on his trousers. 2 The ball is in the living room. Woman Yes.
3 Suzy has got a book on her head. 3 The doll is in the bathroom.
4 Simon has got a pencil in his hand. 4 The computer is in the kitchen. Can you see the trousers are black? This is
5 Suzy has got a ball on her T-shirt. 5 The shoes are in the dining room. an example. Now listen and colour.
Part 4
Listen and colour. You will hear each Unit 12 Evaluation 1
Woman Can you see the hair?
question twice.
Boy The hair? Yes.
Part 1 Woman Colour it orange.
1 The T-shirt on the chair is blue. Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Boy OK, orange.
2 The fish is pink. You will hear each question twice.
3 The socks on the chair are black and
purple. Now look at the picture. Woman Now the T-shirt.
4 The mouse is brown. Woman Put the car on the table next to the
Boy OK.
5 The shoe under the chair is green. pen. Woman Colour the T-shirt blue.
Boy Sorry? Put the car where? Boy Blue?
Unit 9 Evaluation Woman On the table, next to the pen.
Boy OK.
Woman Yes.

Part 3 3
Can you see the line? This is an example. Woman Now the eyes.
Listen and tick or cross. You will hear each Now listen and draw lines.
question twice. Boy Yes?
Woman Colour the eyes green.
Woman Put the apple next to the bag. Boy Yes, green.
Boy Where do I put the apple?
Woman Hello, can you play basketball?
Woman Next to the bag. 4
Girl Yes, I can play basketball. Boy Yes, OK. Woman Can you see the socks?
2 Boy Yes.
Woman Can you ride a bike? Woman Colour the socks brown.
Woman Now put the eraser on the
Boy Yes, I can ride a bike. Boy Brown?
computer. Woman Yes.
Boy Sorry? Put the eraser where?
Woman On the computer.
Woman Can you play tennis? 5
Boy OK. Woman Now the nose.
Girl No, I can’t play tennis.
Boy Can I colour it?
4 Woman Yes. Colour it yellow.
Woman And now, please put the ice cream
Woman Can you swim? Boy OK. The yellow nose.
under the chair.
Boy No, I can’t swim. Boy Where?
Woman Put the ice cream under the chair.
Boy Yes, I’m drawing the line.
Woman Can you play football?
Girl Yes, I can play football. 4
Woman Now the doll. Put it next to the
Unit 10 Evaluation Boy
The doll?
Woman Yes, put it next to the train.
Part 2
Listen and colour the pictures. You will hear Boy OK.
each question twice.
1 The motorbike in number two is blue. Woman And now put the bird on the book.
2 The car in number three is red. Boy Where?
3 The boat in number six is purple. Woman Put the bird on the book.
4 The helicopter in number five is green. Boy Yes, OK.
5 The lorry in number four is yellow.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 PHOTOCOPIABLE Recording scripts Units 8–12

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