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News title: Recognising the need for greater regulation for the IoT

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Date: 1/08/2019

News Summary: The article speaks about the need for a greater security measures needed to make
IoT more robust. A combination of increased entry points, limited governance, and a lack of security
by design have all resulted in IoT devices becoming a prime target for hackers. A stricter parameter
can drive the best results while deploying IoT.

News Analysis: Given the potential for hackers to infiltrate networks and gain access to vast amounts
of information, steps must be taken to guarantee that a device, along with the data it generates and
collects, can be trusted. Customers still prioritize performance and accessibility over security, so its
upto the manufacturers of the OEMs to play a major role in standardisation across the industry,
ensuring that each and every device has security capabilities embedded from the point of creation.
The more that manufacturers dedicate to incorporating security features early on, including making
users aware of what they are and how to use them, the less likely the devices will be compromised
later down the line. It is also important for businesses to be proactive, and ensure that information
collected by devices can be encrypted and that digital signing is used to certify the authenticity of
software updates, helping to prevent the introduction of malware. By creating a unique identity that
can be authenticated when a device attempts to connect to a gateway or central service, each
device can be tracked throughout its lifecycle. Should any devices begin exhibiting unexpected
behaviour, their privileges can be revoked and they can be removed from the network altogether.
Implementing these various security procedures may be seen as an obstacle by some, but if
implemented correctly, perform a vital function. As organisations and governments continue to
work to address the security challenges that are holding the IoT back, education will remain key.

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