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Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


This is not included only to complete the formalities as per tradition.

Because, everything important in life can be achieved only as a result of team
work or collective efforts perseverance, inspiration and motivation have always
played a key- role in success of any venture. At this level; of understanding, it is
often difficult to understand the wide spectrum knowledge without proper
guidance and advice.
It is great sense of accomplishment to express our sincere gratitude to
our respected Project Guide Prof.Mr.Gaikwad Abhijit Assistant professor in
civil engineering for her constant interest, encouragement and valuable guidance
during completion of project.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Prof.Mr.Chavan Ashok, H.O.D
(Civil) who gave us valuable suggestion and Dr.Ajay Radke, Principal for
providing the required facilities in accomplishing the desired task.

Mangore Pritam Krishna

Bhanushali Prasad Ramesh
Nikam Vaibhav Anandrao
Mane Ashish Prakash

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


The construction industry is the largest consumer of natural resources

which led to depletion of good quality natural sand (Fine aggregates). This situation led us to
explore alternative materials and granular slag a waste industrial byproduct is one such
material identified for utilization it as replacement of natural sand and manufactured sand.
This paper highlights upon the feasibility study for the utilization of granular slag as
replacement of natural sand and manufactured sand in construction applications (Masonry &
plastering). This investigation is to find out the effect of replacement of manufactured sand by
Gbs sand with reference mix of 100% manufactured sand and 40%-60%,50%- 50% and 60%-
40% of Manufactured sand and Gbs sand on hardened properties of cement Concrete. The
experimental work includes the casting, curing and testing of specimens. Mortar mix is
prepared with proportion of 1:4 with water cement ratio of 0.45 respectively. Three trials are
carried out for each concrete and mortar mix proportion. As per the IS 10262 : 2009 it states
that the Compressive Strength of concrete and mortar after the curing of 7 days should be 67
% , and after the 14 days and 28 days of curing it should be 80% and 100% respectively.

Keywords : Compressive Strength , Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. , Replacement Of

manufactered Sand , water- cement ratio (w/c).

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

1 Introduction 6
1.1 General 7
2 Aims And objective 9
2.1 Aim 10
2.2 Objective 10
2.3 Scope 10
3 Literature review 11
3.1 Literature Review 12
3.2 Critical Literature Appraisal 13
4 Materials And Methods Of Testing 15
4.1 Materials Used 16
4.1.A Cement 16
4.1.B Manufactured Sand 17
4.1.C Coarse Aggregate 17
4.1.D Granulated Blast Furnance Slag 18
4.2 Mix Proportion 19
4.3 Test On Cement 19
4.3.1 Fineness By Sieve Analysis 20
4.4 Test On Aggregate 20
4.4.1 Specific Gravity Of Aggregate 20
4.5 Test On Sand 21
4.5.1 Sieve Analysis 21
4.6 Test On Concrete 21
4.6.1 Test On Fresh Concrete 21
1 Slump Cone Test 21
4.6.2 Test On Hardened Concrete 22
1 Compressive Strength 22
5 Concrete Mix Proportion 24
6 Result And Discussion
7 Conclusion
8 Refrences

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Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



Table 1: Physical Properties of Manufacturing Sand. 14
Table 2: Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate 20mm Size. 15
Table 3: Physical Properties of GBS. 16
Table 4 : Table for Mix Design. 17
Table 5 : Sieve Analysis. 20

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



Fig 1 : Formation of Granulated Blast Furnace Sand. 7

Fig 2 : Ordinary Portland Cement. 13

Fig 3 : Manufactured Sand. 14

Fig 4 : Coarse Aggregate. 15

Fig 5 : Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. 16

Fig 6 : Sieve Analysis Of Cement 19

Fig 7 : Slump Cone Test On Fresh Concrete 21

Fig 8 : Compressive Strength On Concrete Cube 22

Fig 9 : Water Permeability Test On Concrete 23

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

1.1 General

The industrial growth is associated with many hazards. The generation of waste from
the industries is an unavoidable evil. Disposal method has been advocated for hazardous
industrial waste a better waste management technique can solve the problem. Use of non-
hazardous waste in mortar and concrete is one of the techniques which can consume huge
quantity of waste. Attempt is hereby made to utilise the GBS ( Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
) from Steel Industry in mortar and concrete[1] Concrete is prepared by mixing various
constituents like cement, aggregates, water, etc. which are economically available. Concrete is
a composite material composed of granular materials like coarse aggregates embedded in a
matrix and bound together with cement or binder which fills the space between the particles
and glues them together. Over time, the cement forms a hard matrix which binds the rest of
the ingredients together into a durable stone-like material with many uses. Concrete is used in
large quantities almost everywhere mankind has a need for infrastructure. The amount of
concrete used worldwide ton for ton is twice that of steel, wood, plastics and aluminium
combined. Concrete usage in the modern world is exceeded only by that of naturally
occurring waste
We can reduce the pollution effect on environment by increasing the usage of
industrial by-products in our construction industry [2]. In India, natural river sand (fine
aggregate) is traditionally used in mortars and concrete. However, growing environmental
restrictions to the exploitation of sand from riverbeds have resulted in a search for alternative
sand, particularly near the larger metropolitan areas [3]. This has brought in severe strains on
the availability of sand forcing the construction industry to look for an alternative construction
material. To overcome from this crisis, partial replacement of natural sand with industrial by-
product is economic alternative. Usually used supplementary cementing materials are
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Fly Ash (PFA), Silica Fume (SF), Metakaolin (MK)

This work focus on investigating behavior of partial replacement of fine aggregate by

Granulated blast furnace slag ( GBS ). GBS is obtained by quenching the same slag to the size
of fine aggregate. The granulated blast-furnace slag is sand-type slag manufactured by
spraying high-pressure water jets on a blast-furnace molten slag.[4]

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Fig 1 : Formation of Granulated Blast Furnace Sand

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

2.1. AIM
Comparative study on partial replacement of Manufactured sand by Granulated blast
furnace slag ( GBS ).

The main objective of the present work is to systematically study the effect of water
cement ratio and percentage replacement of Manufactured sand by GBS sand as 0.40 and
40%, 50% and 60% respectively on the strength propertied of concrete.
Manufactured sand can be used as fine aggregate, but it has to satisfy the technical

 To evaluate the properties of GBS in the manufacturing of concrete blocks.

 To evaluate the GBS based concrete blocks for its mechanical properties as per IS
 We can reduce the pollution effect on environment by increasing the usage of
industrial by-products in our construction industry
 Scarcity of river sand and M-sand is not utilize as per GBS
 To study the proportion of GBS
 To study concrete Mix design as per IS 10262.
 To study the different properties of cement , aggregate and concrete.


The Importance of work is to utilize the industrial waste as an alternative material

Manufactured Sand, so that the scarcity of natural raw materials can be reduced to some
 The water absorption of GBS is lower than sand and hence it can be used as a
substitute material for sand.
 The specific gravity of GBS being lower adds to more coverage of surface area in
 By utilizing this type of steel industry waste product we can reduce the consumption
of natural sand followed by decrease in embodied energy, carbon foot print and other
environmental issues

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Literature Review

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


Production of concrete has considerably increased in last few decades and it is

further expected to increase. Its ingredients sand and coarse aggregates are natural materials.
All natural materials have limited availability. Their availability is decreasing at a fast pace in
many areas and they are required to be transported from distances which affects the cost and
the environment due to transportation. Cement also consumes natural materials and it its
manufacturing process is highly energy intensive. Therefore, several efforts are being made to
make concrete more durable and sustainable by using waste products in different areas mainly
as part of replacement of natural sand. The industrial waste products are produced in huge
quantities and causing environmental problem due to their disposal.[7]
This scarcity of natural sand because of environmental issues leads to usage of manufactured
sand (M-Sand) and crusher dust. In the present study, granulated blast furnace slag (GBS)
which is a by-product of steel manufacturing plant is used by replacing partially and
completely for manufactured sand (about 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Characterizations
of all materials were carried out to know the properties and behavior in solid concrete cubes
during its fresh and hardened state

Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GBS) are by-products obtained from the blast-furnace used to
produce iron respectively. With a view to preserve natural materials like river sand and high
energy consuming cement efforts are made to explore the possibility of replacing them with
alternate materials including the industrial solid waste materials in the production mortar and
concrete. It is in this context the setting time and the workability of mortar are examined with
these replacements. In the present investigation 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of Sand (S) by
GBS. Normal consistency and setting time increased with increasing replacement of cement
with fly ash. However, the addition of 2% Calcium Chloride reduced the setting time of all
pastes. Also, the results indicated that cement with upto 50% of FA can be considered without
seriously jeopardizing the setting time. The workability test on 1:3 mortar on all combinations
were performed to get a flow value of 110 + 5 as per IS 2250 -1981. To enhance the
workability and consequently increase their strength 2% of super plasticizer has been
incorporated. The water cement ratio increased with increase in replacement of sand by GBS.
The replacement by FA upto 50% did not reduce the water cement ratio of normal cement
mortar. Also, workability tests on mortar samples have shown that, GBS can be used up to
50% of sand.[8]

Chetan Khajuria, Rafat Siddsique1, “Use of Iron Slag as Partial Replacement of natural Sand
to Concrete”, 2014.Iron slag is one of the industrial byproduct from the iron and steel making

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

industries. In this paper investigation, the compressive strength of the iron slag concrete was
studied. The results confirm that the use of iron slag overcome the pollution problems in the
environment. The results shows that the iron slag added to the concrete had greater strength
than the plain concrete.

M C Nataraja, P G Dileep Kumar, A S Manu and M C Sanjay2, 2013, “Use of Granulated

Blast Furnace Slag as Fine Aggregate in Cement Mortar” .In this investigation, cement mortar
mix 1:3 and GBFS at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% replacement to natural sand for constant w/c
ratio of 0.5 is considered. The work is extended to 100% replacements of natural sand with
GBFS for w/c ratios of 0.4 and 0.6. The flow characteristics of the various mixes and their
compressive strengths at various ages are studied. From this study it is observed that GBFS
could be utilized partially as alternative construction material for natural sand in mortar
applications. Reduction in workability expressed as flow can be compensated by adding
suitable percentage of super plasticizer.

M.S.Rao and U.Bhandare3, 2014.The paper highlights a “case study of Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag (GBFS/GBS) as a partial substitute of Crushed Stone Sand (CSS) in cement
concrete” . Laboratory Studies were conducted for different grades of concrete viz. M30 to
M70 using blend of crushed stone sand and granulated slag sand in the ratio of 50:50 of total
fine aggregate in concrete. From this study it is observed that GBS sand and CSS blend could
be used as alternative construction material for natural sand in cement concrete

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

4.1 : Materials Used

Materials used in this work includes cement, M-sand, coarse aggregate

and GBS. Cement used was ordinary Portland cement with specific gravity 3.1. M-sand
is used as fine aggregate which comes under Zone II as per IS 383-1970. Specific gravity
of M-sand was 2.5. Coarse aggregate used was crushed stone with maximum size 20mm.
GBS used was collected from local suppliers in Calicut confirming to Zone III as per IS
383-1970. Specific gravity of GBS was 2.58.

Ordinary Portland cement of 53 Grade conforming to IS 8112 -1989 9, and
the specific gravity of cement was found to be 3.15. The cement used for the work is OPC
53 grade cement.

Fig 2 : Ordinary Portland Cement

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


Manufactured Sand is available at nearby source. It is procured and tests

were carried for its physical properties as per IS 383:1970 and results are tabulated in
Table 1.

Fig 3 : Manufactured Sand

C. Coarse Aggregate :

Coarse aggregate is considered to be the strongest and least porous

component of concrete. It is also a chemically inert material. Locally available
crushed granite aggregate of 20mm down size conforming to IS 383-1970 was used.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Fig 4 : Coarse Aggregate.

D. Granulated Blast Furnace Slag :

GBS is an industrial byproduct obtained from the steel manufacturing

industry. The consumption of slag in concrete not only helps in reducing green
house gases but also helps in making environmentally friendly material. During
the production of iron and steel, fluxes (limestone and/or dolomite) are charged into
blast furnace along with coke for fuel. The coke is combusted to produce carbon
monoxide, which reduces iron ore into molten iron product. Fluxing agents separate
impurities and slag is produced during separation of molten steel. Slag is a
nonmetallic inert waste byproduct primarily consists of silicates, alumino silicates,
and calcium-aluminasilicates.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Fig 5 : Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

4.2 : Mix Proportion

The mix design is carried out as per IS 10262:2009. The grade of concrete adopted
for this study is M25 and M30. Maximum size of aggregate taken is 20mm and grading of
sand is zone II. The mix designation of materials required for each are given in Table 4

Concrete of M25 grade Concrete of M30 grade

w/c ratio 0.45 w/c ratio 0.45

Mix 1 (Refrence Mix) Mix 1 (Refrence Mix)

100 % of Manufactured Sand 100 % of Manufactured Sand

Mix 2 Mix 2
( 40% M-Sand & 60% GBS) ( 40% M-Sand & 60% GBS)
Mix 3 Mix 3
( 50% M-Sand & 50% GBS) ( 50% M-Sand & 50% GBS)
Mix 4 Mix 4
( 60% M-Sand & 40% GBS) ( 60% M-Sand & 40% GBS)

Table 4 : Table for Mix Design

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

4.3. Test On Cement :

4.3.1. Fineness By Sieve Analysis :
So we need to determine the fineness of cement by dry sieving as
per IS: 4031 (Part 1) – 1996.The principle of this is that we determine the
proportion of cement whose grain size is larger then specified mesh size.
The apparatus used are 90µm IS Sieve, Balance capable of weighing 10g
to the nearest 10mg
Sieve Analysis Of Cement

Test Sample ACC ( OPC )

Weight Of Sample 100 gm
Weight Retaining On 90 Micron 3 gm
% weight Retain 3%
% Finer 97%

Fig 6 : Sieve Analysis Of Cement

4.4. Test On Aggregate :

4.4.1. Specific Gravity Of Aggregate :
The specific gravity of fine aggregate is required to calculate the total
weight of fine aggregate in concrete mix design and for calculation of volume yield of

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

concrete.specific gravity is nothing but the ratio of mass of a substance to the mass of
refrence substance for the given volume.

4.5. Test On Samd :

4.5.1. Sieve Analysis On Sand :

IS Sieve Cumulative. % IS IS

Designation Weight passing % 383 : 1970 383 : 1970

M-Sand GBS
Zone I Zine II
4.75 mm 98.4 99.076 90-100 90-100

2.36 mm 92.6 96.016 60-95 75-100

1.18 mm 73 82.186 30-70 90

600µ 39.4 31.510 15-34 35-59

300µ 20.4 10.406 5 to 20 8 to 30

150µ 0.8 1.488 0 -10 0-10

Table 5 : Sieve Analysis

4.6. Test On Concrete :

4.6.1. Test On Fresh Concrete :
1. Slump Cone Test :
The test measures consistency of concrete in that specific batch. It is performed to
check consistency of freshly made concrete. Consistency refers to the ease with which
concrete flows. It is used to indicate degree of wetness.

Consistency affects workability of concrete. That is, wetter mixes are more workable than
drier mixes, but concrete of the same consistency may vary in workability. The test is also
used to determine consistency between individual batches.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

The test is popular due to the simplicity of apparatus used and simple procedure.
Unfortunately, the simplicity of the test often allows a wide variability in the manner in which
the test is performed. The slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches of
concrete under field conditions

Fig 7 : Slump Cone Test On Fresh Concrete

4.6.2. Test On Hardened Concrete :

1. Compressive Strength :
Compression test is the most common test conducted on hardened
concrete as per the IS 516 : 1959 , partly because it is easy test to perform and partly because
most of desirable characteristic properties of concrete are qualitatively related to its
compressive strength. Compression test is carried out on specimens of cubical shape. The
standard size of specimen is 150mm×150mm×150mm.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Fig 8 : Compressive Strength On Concrete Cube

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Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



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Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS



“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

M30 Refrence
Slum while casting 116 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(gm) 8656 8664 8672 8718 8715 8599 8655 8645 8946
Load(KN) 444.15 444.825 446.85 548.1 551.475 559.57 810 816.75 823.5
Strength(KN/m2 ) 19.74 19.77 19.86 24.36 24.51 24.87 36 36.3 36.6
Avg (KN/m ) 19.79 24.58 36.3
%Strength 65.96 81.93 121

M30 40 - 60
Slum while casting 111 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8829 8846 8878 8745 8745 8795 8567 8975
Load(KN) 455.625 456.3 461.7 576.45 589.95 605.475 837 843.75 850.5
Strength(KN/m2 ) 20.25 20.28 20.52 25.62 26.22 26.91 37.2 37.5 37.8
Avg (KN/m2) 20.35 26.25 37.5
%Strength 67.83 87.5 125

M30 50 -50
Slum while casting 113 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8835 8845 8793 8643 8648 8765 8785 8792 8798
Load(KN) 452.925 454.275 454.275 609.525 620.325 623.025 857.25 864 870.75
Strength(KN/m2 ) 20.13 20.19 20.19 27.09 27.57 27.69 38.1 38.4 38.7
Avg (KN/m2) 20.17 27.45 38.4
% Strenght 67.23 91.5 128

M30 60 - 40
Slum while casting 110 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8703 8716 8719 8739 8740 8751 8762 8746
Load(KN) 450.225 450.9 452.25 630.45 637.875 639.9 884.25 897.75 904.5
Strength(KN/m2 ) 20.01 20.04 20.1 28.02 28.35 28.44 39.3 39.9 40.2
Avg (KN/m ) 20.05 28.27 39.8
%Strength 66.83 94.23 132.67

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS




Avg. strength KN/sq.m



Age in days

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

M25 Refrence
Slum while casting 105 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8691 8645 8713 8695 8785 8545 8754 8465 8796
Load(KN) 360 368.43 370.57 481.5 464.06 469.68 699.75 686.25 693.56
Strength(KN/m2 ) 16 16.375 16.475 21.4 20.625 20.875 31.1 30.5 30.825
Avg (KN/m2) 16.28 20.97 30.8
%Strength 65.12 83.88 123.2

M25 40 - 60
Slum while casting 108mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8778 8781 8736 8777 8754 8766 8856 8452 8465
Load(KN) 372.82 374.06 375.07 489.93 499.5 504.56 705.37 717.75 747.56
Strength(KN/m2 ) 16.575 16.625 16.675 21.775 22.2 22.425 31.35 31.9 32.225
Avg (KN/m ) 16.625 22.13 31.825
%Strength 66.5 88.52 127.3

M25 50 - 50
Slum while casting 110 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8894 8874 8823 8855 8755 8812 8785 8775 8945
Load(KN) 382.5 384.18 387 505.68 518.06 524.25 746.43 7584.31 758.25
Strength(KN/m2 ) 17 17.07 17.2 22.475 23.02 23.3 33.175 33.525 33.7
Avg (KN/m ) 17.09 22.93 33.47
%Strength 68.36 91.72 133.88

M25 60 - 40
Slum while casting 118 mm
Age 7 Days 14 Days 28 Days
Weight(kg) 8568 8574 8537 8520 8564 8420 8785 8647 8974
Load(KN) 389.25 390.93 440.1 509.62 537.75 549 729 731.25 743.62
Strength(KN/m2 ) 19.56 17.37 17.3 22.65 24.9 24.4 32.4 32.5 33.05
Avg (KN/m2) 18.08 23.98 32.65
%Strength 72.32 95.92 130.6

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS




Avg. strength KN/sq.m



Age in days

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Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

Conclusion :
This experimentation is to find out the effect of replacement of manufactured sand by Gbs
sand with reference mix of 100% manufactured sand and 40%-60%,50%- 50% and 60%- 40%
of Manufactured sand and Gbs sand on hardened properties of cement Concrete. The
experimental work includes the casting, curing and testing of specimens. Three trials are
carried out for each concrete and. As per the IS 10262 : 2009 it states that the Compressive
Strength of concrete after the curing of 7 days should be 67 % , and after the 14 days and 28
days of curing it should be 80% and 100% respectively. It is observed that the compressive
strength of concrete can be improved by partial replacement of M-sand by GBS for fine
aggregate. From the above experimental results it is proved that, GBS can be used as partial
replacement for the M-Sand , and the compressive strengths are increased as the percentage of GBS is
increased up to optimum level. As we increases the proportion of GBS with respect to M-sand it
increases the compressive strength of concrete.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS


“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”
Comparitive Study On Partial Replacement Of Manufactured sand By GBS

[ 1 ] S N Desai And H S Patil : “Utilization of Industrial Waste In Mortar And Concrete” S
V National Institute Of Technology Surat India.
[ 2 ] Palaniappan, A.; Vasantha, S.; Sivaprakakasan, S.; Prabhu, S. (2013): GGBS as an
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pp. 190-195

[ 3 ] Nataraja, M. C.; Dileep, P. G.; Manu, A. S.; Sanjay, M. C. (2013): Use of granulated
blast furnace slag as fine aggregate in cement mortar. IJSCER, 2(2), pp. 59-68.

[ 4 ] Swaroop, A. H. L.; Venkateswararao, K.; Kodandaramarao, P. (2013): Durability studies

on concrete with fly ash and GGBS. IJERA, 3(4), pp 285-289


of Civil Engg., Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.

[ 6 ] Sunil N Manjunath1, P V Sivapullaiah2, M Prasanna Kumar3 : IMPLICATION OF


[ 7 ] Dr . A. Misra, Dr.K S Babu Narayan, Dr. S C Yaragal and Prof. S N Desai : VALUE

[ 8 ] Sunil N Manjunath1, P V Sivapullaiah2, And M Prasanna Kumar : IMPLICATION OF

AND WORKABILITY OF MORTAR. M.Tech Students, Department of Civil Engineering,
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India

[ 9 ] U. Vamsi mohan1,Dr.K.Nagendra Prasad2, S. Praveen Kumar Reddy : Studies on

Strength Characteristics of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Sand with Granulated
BlastFurnace Slag . , Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of
Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.

“Department of Civil Engg., VOGCE”

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