Complete First 2nd Edition Wordlist: Unit Headword Part of Speech Example Translation Comments

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Complete First 2nd edition Wordlist

UNIT HEADWORD Part of speech DEFINITION Example Translation Comments

angry and violent
towards another
UNIT 1 aggressive adjective person aggressive behaviour aggressivo
describes a person
who becomes angry
bad-tempered adjective and annoyed easily She's very bad-tempered in the mornings. irascibile
to care for a child until
it is an adult, often
giving them particular
bring up phrasal verb beliefs They brought us up to be very independent.allevare, educare
a city or town or part
of a city or town in
which there is a lot of
business and financial
business centre noun activity Singapore rivals Hong Kong as a regional bcentro degli affari
when you agree to
something which is
not exactly what you
compromise noun want It is hoped that a compromise will be reachecompromesso
concerned adjective worried I'm a bit concerned about her health. preoccupato
an argument against
another argument,
counter-argument noun idea or suggestion He put forward several counter-arguments to
saying that someone
or something is bad
critical adjective or wrong He is very critical of the way I work. critico
feeling energetic
interest in a particular
subject wantingand
desperate adjective something
an verytomuch
eagerness be By two o'clock I was desperate for somethinavere una disperata necessità, avere proprio bisogno di leaving two options - the former is a bit more formal while the latter is more colloquial
enthusiastic adjective involved in it The teacher was very enthusiastic about myentusiasta
If you are impatient,
you get angry with
doing a who
people job seriously
hard-working adjective and with a lot of effort
mistakes or you hate She's a very hard-working student. laborioso, stacanovista
impatient adjective waiting for things. I get very impatient with the children when impaziente
impolite adjective rude I found his questions rather impolite. maleducato

If something is
impressive, you
admire or respect it,
usually because it is
special, important, or
impressive adjective very large. an impressive collection of modern paintingnotevole, d'effetto
connected with
industrial adjective industry an industrial city industriale
in a way that is
intentionally adverb planned or intended I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn' intenzionalmente, di proposito
behaving well, like an
mature adjective adult She seems very mature for 13. maturo
describes a person
who is able to plan
things carefully and
organised adjective keep things tidy An office manager needs to be very organi organizzato
to decide which of a
group of things are
the most important so
that you can deal with
prioritise verb them first You must learn to prioritise your work. stabilire le priorità
fair and showing good
reasonable adjective judgment It's not reasonable to expect people to wor ragionevole

A residential area has

only houses and not
residential adjective offices or factories. This is a residential area. residenziale

to be polite to
someone and show
respect verb that you admire them I really respect my colleagues. rispettare

having good judgment

and the ability to act
correctly and make
decisions on your
responsible adjective feeling sure about
own She'll be fine on her own - she's very respo responsabile
yourself and your
self-confident adjective abilities You need to be self-confident to be a managsicuro di sé
able to understand
what people are
feeling and behave in
a way that does not
sensitive adjective upset them I like him because he's kind and sensitive. sensibile
to ask people
questions in order to
find out about their
survey verb opinions or behaviour Over 75% of the people surveyed were in fafare una ricerca, effettuare un sondaggio

showing sympathy for

someone's problems
or acceptance of the
understanding adjective way they behave Fortunately, my girlfriend is very understandcomprensivo

not able to be trusted

unreliable adjective or depended on The trains were noisy, dirty, and unreliable. inaffidabile
to strongly advise
someone to do
urge verb something Financial experts are urging caution. incoraggiare, sollecitare
Unit 2
alleyway noun a narrow road or path b The thieves escaped down an alleyway be vicolo
astonishing adjective very surprising What an astonishing thing to say! sbalorditivo
beg verb to make a very strong aI begged my father to let me go to the party.implorare
clamber verb to climb somewhere with The baby clambered up the stairs. arrampicarsi
competitive adjective wanting to win or be be She's very competitive. competitivo
contribute to phrasal verb to help to cause an evenHis poor diet contributed to his illness. contribuire a
delightful adjective very pleasant or attract We had a delightful evening. incantevole, delizioso
demanding adjective needing a lot of your tima very demanding job impegnativo
depressing adjective making you feel sad andThe news is very depressing. deprimente
distract verb to make someone stop gi The music distracts me from my worries. distrarre
dreadful adjective very bad The journey was dreadful. orribile, orrendo
drive someone to desperation phrase to make someone feel vHer constant demands nearly drove me to dportare alla disperazione
drop someone a line phrase to write someone a shortI hope you'll drop me a line soon. scrivere due righe
economical adjective not costing much mone It's a very economical car. economico
elated adjective extremely happy and exHe was elated at the news. euforico
entertaining adjective interesting and enjoyab an entertaining and informative book divertente
heap noun an untidy pile of things a heap of rubbish cumulo
heartbroken adjective very sad because someI was heartbroken when my boyfriend mov affranto, distrutto
irrelevant adjective not important in a particirrelevant information irrilevante
irritating adjective making you feel annoy an irritating habit fastidioso
make sense phrase to have a meaning or r Suddenly my whole life began to make sen avere (un) senso
passion noun an extreme interest in oHe has a passion for old cars. passione
red-faced adjective having red cheeks becauseA red-faced boy stood next to the broken w rosso in viso, imbarazzato
of embarrassment
superb adjective excellent a superb restaurant eccellente
swap verb to give something to s I often swap recipes with my friends. scambiare
time-consuming adjective needing a lot of time The legal process was time-consuming andche richiede molto tempo
tremendous adjective very large, great, stronga tremendous amount of money enorme, immenso
Unit 3
appreciate verb to recognise how good My trip taught me to appreciate other cultur apprezzare
cope verb to manage to do somethin She has a lot of work but somehow she co far fronte, fronteggiare
daily routine phrase the things that you do My daily routine usually includes going for aroutine giornaliera
drag verb to make someone go witOur parents dragged us to an art exhibition.trascinare
dump verb to get rid of someone, We dumped my little brother and went out. scaricare
fed up adjective bored, annoyed or disapThey were fed up with the same old routine.essere stufo
forthcoming adjective going to happen soon the forthcoming election/visit imminente, prossimo
homeward adjective towards home the homeward journey di ritorno
outward adjective going to wards a particuan outward journey di andata
overland adverb across the land rather t They travelled overland to China. via terra
party to the small hours phrase to enjoy yourself at a paWe were out every night, partying to the smfare le ore piccole
round trip noun a journey from one placThe round trip takes nearly two days. di andata e ritorno
teamwork noun when a group of peopleTeamwork is vital to the success of the proj lavoro di squadra
thrill noun a strong feeling of exc It was a big thrill meeting the stars of the s emozione
tough adjective difficult to do or deal wi Life in such a cold region is very tough. difficile, duro

Unit 4 airy noun open to fresh air airy rooms arioso

attractive adjective causing interest or ple We need to make the club attractive to you attraente
A balanced meal
contains a healthy
mixture of different
balanced adjective types of food. Chocolate and chips is not a balanced mealbilanciato
cheerful adjective describes a place or th The room was painted in cheerful colours. allegro, vivace
convenience food noun food that can be prepar We eat a lot of convenience food. cibi pronti
edible adjective safe to eat edible berries commestibile
elaborate adjective complicated or with a lotan elaborate design elaborato
elegant adjective stylish and attractive an elegant dining room elegante
exceptional adjective very good and better th an exceptional student eccezionale
exclusive adjective expensive and only for pan exclusive private club esclusivo
filling adjective Food that is filling mak a filling meal che sazia, che riempie
genetically modified adjective describes a plant or an genetically modified plants modificato geneticamente
heavy meal phrase a large, rich meal that You shouldn't swim after a heavy meal. pasto pesante
informative adjective giving a lot of useful faca very informative book educativo
isolated adjective not near to other place Living on the island meant that we were verisolato
light meal phrase a small meal that does We had a light meal at midday. pasto leggero
nutrition noun the food that you eat anGood nutrition is essential for growing child nutrizione
organic adjective not using chemicals wheorganic vegetables biologico
protein noun one of many substancesMost of our protein comes from meat. proteina
rushed adjective having to do things veryThe staff were very rushed. affrettato, precipitoso
satisfactory adjective good enough We hope to find a satisfactory solution to t soddisfacente
satisfying adjective making you feel please Clearing out the cupboards is such a satisfysoddisfacente, buono
shortage noun when there is not enou food shortages carenza
source noun where something come Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. fonte
stem cell noun a cell, especially one t Stem cells are very important in biological cellula staminale
supply noun an amount of somethinga supply of water fornitura
welcoming adjective friendly or making you a welcoming smile accogliente, caloroso
well-balanced adjective A well-balanced meal con a well-balanced menu bilanciato, equilibrato

Unit 5 adjustment noun the ability to become fa Moving to a new city meant a huge adjustmadeguamento, modifica
admission noun when someone is givenShe's applied for admission to law school. ammissione
approval noun official permission The project has now received approval fro approvazione
assessment noun when you make a judgmen That's a fair assessment of the situation. valutazione
chaotic adjective in a state of chaos a chaotic situation caotico
confusion noun when people do not undThere seems to be some confusion about who confusione
could do with phrase If you could do with somI could do with some help on this project. volerci
expectation noun what you expect to hap My expectations were a bit unrealistic. aspettativa
have it in for phrase to be determined to har He really has it in for the younger students. avercela con qualcuno
host family noun a family with whom a s I'm living with a host family in Cambridge. famiglia ospitante
impression noun an idea or opinion of w I had the impression he was angry about s impressione
investigation noun when officials try to di to carry out an investigation indagine
involvement noun when someone or somethi She had no involvement at all in the affair. coinvolgimento
job prospects noun your chance of getting aThis
job course
or getting
a better
help job
my job prospects. prospettive di lavoro
make it phrase to manage to go to or arI'm afraid I can't make it to the lesson this farcela (a fare qualcosa)
pass noun a successful mark in a I'm hoping for a pass in my exam. superare
preference noun when you like somethinWe have white and brown bread. Do you hapreferenza
unprepared adjective not made ready or prep I was unprepared for what I found there. impreparato

Unit 6 badly-paid adjective If a job is badly-paid, It was a badly-paid job with long hours. mal pagato
brighten up phrasal verb to make something more Some yellow paint will brighten up this roo ravvivare
climax noun the most important or exc His act was the climax of the show. culmine
cool adjective calm and not emotional She seemed cool and confident. freddo, calmo
duty roster noun a list of people's name She pinned the duty roster to the wall. ordine di servizio
fascinating adjective extremely interesting a fascinating person/place affascinante
forbidding adjective unfriendly He had a forbidding expression. ostile
grab verb to take hold of someth A mugger grabbed her handbag as she wasafferrare
improvise verb to invent or make sometI hadn't prepared a speech, so I had to imprimprovvisare
live up to expectations phrase if something lives up to The hotel certainly lived up to expectations.essere all'altezza delle aspettative
lose your temper phrase to become angry very qShe lost her temper and shouted at the chil perdere le staffe
make full use of phrase to use something as muWe made full use of the sports facilities. sfruttare a pieno
manual adjective involving physical work unskilled manual labour manuale
more than you bargained for phrase more than you were expThe job was more than I bargained for. più di quanto pattuito
over the rate phrase If someone is paid over She pays me over the rate for babysitting. tariffa superiore alla media
potential noun someone's or something' She showed great potential as an writer. potenziale
shift noun a period of time when I'm on the night shift this week. turno
skilled adjective having the abilities nee a highly skilled photographer esperto, competente
stare verb to look at someone or Don't stare at people like that, it's rude. fissare
take pleasure in phrase to find something enjoy He takes pleasure in seeing his students s trarre piacere
uncompromising adjective If people or their beli an uncompromising attitude senza compromessi
wander verb to walk somewhere withWe all wandered back to the hotel. vagare
well-paid adjective If a job is well-paid, th She can afford expensive clothes because sben pagato
under pressure phrase If you do something unde He doesn't work well under pressure. sotto pressione
worthwhile adjective useful and enjoyable, deShe considers teaching a worthwhile careerutile, proficuo
Unit 7
athletic adjective strong, healthy and gooShe looks very athletic. atletico
be around phrasal verb If something has been ar This technology hasn't been around for longessere in circolazione
blister noun a painful, raised area o I've got a blister on my toe. vescica
civilised adjective polite and behaving in The meeting was very civilised. civilizzato
come across phrasal verb to find something or s I came across the book in the library. imbattersi
cushion verb to make the effect or fo My thick coat cushioned the blow. attutire, ammortizzare
drop out phrasal verb to stop doing somethingHe dropped out of university. abbandonare
endurance noun the ability to keep doinga race to test athletes' endurance resistenza
eternity noun a very long time The wait seemed like an eternity. eternità
extreme adjective the most unusual or theextreme weather conditions estremo
furious adjective extremely angry I was late and he was furious with me. furioso, furibondo
guarantee verb to make certain that so You will be guaranteed a good night's sleep garantire
hallucination noun an experience in which She began to experience hallucinations. allucinazione
hazardous adjective dangerous These roads are hazardous for cyclists. pericoloso
heighten verb to increase or make somHis words heightened the tension in the ro aumentare
hop verb (informal) to go somewhWe hopped on the bus. saltare
keep up phrasal verb If you keep up with somThey walked so fast, I couldn’t keep up wit tenere il passo
learning curve noun the rate of someone's prIt's a steep learning curve when you start a curva d'apprendimento
little in the way of phrase If someone or something The town has little in the way of entertainm avere poco in quanto a
made up of phrase consisting of a team made up of past champions consistere di
methodical adjective done in a careful, well a methodical approach metodico
opponent noun someone who you compe Her opponent hurt his leg. opponente, oppositore
pace noun the speed at which so a slow/fast pace passo
rough adjective dangerous or violent a rough part of town difficile
run into trouble phrase to start to experience difWe ran into trouble when our car broke dowmettersi nei guai
safety-conscious adjective very careful to be safe The race organisers have to be very safety attento alla sicurezza
set verb If you set yourself a goaHe set himself a target of running 20 miles porsi, prefiggersi
spectator noun someone who watches an They won 4-0 in front of over 40 000 cheeri spettatore
trophy noun a prize, such as a silve He's an excellent snooker player, but he's trofeo
turn out phrasal verb to have a final, often su The truth turned out to be stranger than we diventare

Unit 8 abandon verb to stop doing an activit The match was abandoned at half-time becaabbandonare
adore verb to like something or s I adore horses. adorare
a step ahead of phrase slightly better prepare The filmmaker manages to keep a step ahead un passo avanti rispetto a
aware adjective having knowledge of s She needed to make people aware of the d consapevole
brutal adjective cruel and not consideri Her criticism was brutal. spietato, brutale
cause verb to make something hapHer actions caused us a lot of problems. causare
chance of a lifetime phrase a great opportunity that This competition is the chance of a lifetime l'occasione di una vita
compulsory adjective If something is compulso Swimming was compulsory at my school. obbligatorio
contestant noun someone who competesIn tonight's quiz, our contestants have comeconcorrente
disturb verb to interrupt someone in Their loud music disturbed our peace. disturbare, turbare
fulfil verb to do something that is I know I will fulfil my dreams one day. esaudire, realizzare
gain experience phrase to get knowledge or ski I took a summer job to gain some experien acquisire esperienza
geek noun a person, especially a He's such a geek. imbranato (sfigato, colloquial)
get your first taste of phrase to experience somethingShe got her first taste of success in that sh assaporare per la prima volta
hooked adjective enjoying something so m I'm hooked on spy movies. patito di
intense adjective extreme and forceful or intense cold/heat/hatred intenso
intimidated adjective frightened or nervous b I was intimidated by all those clever people intimidito
invaluable adjective extremely useful Her help was invaluable. inestimabile
launch verb to make something begto launch a career lanciare
media noun the internet, newspaperThe media are covering the speech tonight.mass media
nerve-wracking adjective causing a lot of worry I find giving talks absolutely nerve-wrackingsnervante
having a face that
looks attractive in
photogenic adjective photographs She's very photogenic. fotogenico
privacy noun someone's right to keepThe new law is designed to protect people'sprivacy
pursue verb If you pursue a plan, actHe decided to pursue a career in television.intraprendere, inseguire
realise an ambition phrase to do something that y He realised his ambition of becoming a doctrealizzare un'ambizione
release verb If a film is released, it His new movie is due to be released next fare uscire, mettere in circolazione
scandal noun (an action or event tha a financial/political/sex scandal scandalo
sensation noun someone or something tThe book was a sensation. effetto, gran successo
someone's … days are behind t phrase used to say that someonMy travelling days are behind me now. sono passati i giorni di
strip away phrasal verb to remove or peel someShe stripped away his mask of confidence. togliere, togliersi
stuck in traffic phrase unable to drive at the I'm sorry I'm late - I was stuck in traffic. bloccato nel traffico
tabloid noun a type of popular news I read all the gossip in the tabloids. tabloid, giornale scandalistico
turn down phrasal verb to refuse to accept somShe turned down the job. rifiutare
voluntary adjective done, made or given willThe extra homework is voluntary. facoltativo

Unit 9 appropriate adjective suitable or right for a p appropriate to your age appropriato
a variety of factors phrase many different things th A variety of factors influence our choice of puna serie di fattori
breathless adjective not able to breathe easiWe were breathless after the steep climb. senza fiato
complement verb to make something elseStrawberries and cream complement each ot completarsi
consistent adjective in agreement with otherWhat the witness said in court was not conscoerente
count verb to have value or import I've always believed that happiness count contare
devote your life to phrase to spend all your life d She devoted her life to her family. dedicare la vita a
dominating adjective A dominating person likeHe tends to be rather dominating. dominatore, dominante
give and take phrase willingness to accept All marriages rely on a bit of give and take. dare e ricevere
go to extremes phrase to do something in the Just do a little bit of exercise - there's no fare cose estreme
have little to do with phrase to hardly be connected Our problems had little to do with his fame. avere poco a che vedere con
have something in common phrase to share interests, expeWe don't have much in common. avere qualcosa in comune
immeasurably adverb in a way that is so grea The damage from the 1956 hurricane was i incommensurabilmente, infinitamente
irrational adjective not using reason or cleaIt's totally irrational, but I'm frightened of mi irrazionale
irritable adjective becoming annoyed veryShe was irritable with the children. irritante
now you come to mention it phrase used when something sNow you come to mention it, he wasn't at wora che lo dici
opening gambit noun the first thing you say I tried to think of a clever opening gambit. mossa iniziale
outgoing adjective (of a person) friendly a Sales reps need to be outgoing, because t estroverso, socievole
overall adverb considering everything Overall, I think the meeting went well. complessivamente
pager noun a small device that you I always have my pager with me. cercapersone
point out phrasal verb to tell someone somethiI pointed out that Tom already had a lot of wsegnalare, indicare
put up with phrasal verb to accept or continue t I can't put up with her rudeness any longer. tollerare, sopportare
recurring adjective experienced repeatedly a recurring dream ricorrente
row noun a noisy argument I heard my neighbours having a row.
discussione, lite
statistically adverb using information basedStatistically, young men are more likely t statisticamente
stimulate verb to make someone exciteThe film was intended to stimulate and amustimolare
take for granted phrase If you take someone forMy husband is starting to take me for granted. dare per scontato
threatening adjective expressing a threat of The situation soon became threatening. intimidatorio, pericoloso
time well spent phrase a period of time in whi The time it took to correct the essay was ti tempo ben speso
tremble verb to shake slightly, usual She trembled as she stood up to address thtremare

Unit 10 bargain noun something on sale at a lThis coat was half-price - a real bargain. affare
awkward silence phrase an uncomfortable pauseWhen I asked if he was married, there was silenzio imbarazzato
bitter adjective describes a person whoI feel very bitter about my childhood and al triste, amareggiato
brand noun a type of product made This isn't my usual brand of deodorant. marca
check out phrasal verb to have the cost added I put a load of food in my trolley and checkepagare alla cassa
competitive adjective Competitive prices, servThe store has very competitive prices. conveniente, concorrenziale
consumer noun a person who buys goods The new telephone rates will affect all con consumatore
counter noun a long flat narrow surfa There was nobody behind/on the counter whsportello, bancone, cassa
debit card noun a small rectangular pie I don't have any cash - can I put this on m carta di debito, bancomat
do excellent/good, etc. business phrase If a company does excell We do excellent business in Japan. fare ottimi, buoni, ecc. affari
errand noun a short journey either t I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands to commissione
gap-toothed adjective having a noticeable sp a gap-toothed kid dai denti radi, sdentato
grocery list noun a shopping list I lost my grocery list. lista della spesa
head out phrasal verb to begin a journey He headed out to meet his friends. partire
hit the gym phrase (informal) to go to the After work, I usually hit the gym. andare in palestra
in stock phrase available to be bought There are no more blue skirts in stock. in giacenza
kick up a fuss phrase (informal) to show a lot Mum kicked up a fuss about us being late fare tante storie
masses plural noun (informal) a large numb There were masses of people there. un mucchio, tantissimo
mismatched adjective If things are mismatchedThe furniture was old and mismatched. spaiato, scoordinato
mold verb to change or influence to mold the character of a child plasmare,modellare
out of stock phrase If goods are out of sto We are out of stock in this item. esaurito, non disponibile
outskirts noun the outer area of a city They live in the outskirts of Manchester. periferia
oversimplify verb to describe or explain s Her article oversimplified the situation. semplificare eccessivamente, fare troppo facile
purchase noun something that you hav I took my purchases home. acquisto
purchase verb to buy She purchased her first house with the monacquistare
redesign verb to design something so T t hey have redesigned the seating area. ridisegnare, riprogettare
sidewalk noun a path with a hard surf Keep to the sidewalk Rosie, there's a good g marciapiedi
spill out phrasal verb to flow or fall out of a c Her long hair was spilling out of her hat. fuoriuscire
sweat verb to have salty liquid comWe were all sweating in the hot sunshine. sudare
tanned adjective Tanned skin is brown fr She stretched out her tanned legs. abbronzato
unavailable adjective If something is unavailab This information was previously unavailablenon disponibile
wrinkled adjective wrinkled skin has small his wrinkled face rugoso

Unit 11 anatomy noun the scientific study of An understanding of human anatomy is impo anatomia
cell biology noun the scientific study of a book about cell biology biologia cellulare
check-up noun a medical examination to She goes to her doctor for regular check-upcheck-up, controllo
clinical adjective connected with medical clinical tests/training clinico
dermatology noun the scientific study of He specialises in dermatology. dermatologia
disability noun an illness, injury, or co a physical/learning disability disabilità
functioning adjective If something is functioniThe country does not yet have a functionin funzionante
get over phrasal verb to get better after an ill It took me weeks to get over the virus. rimettersi, guarire
high point noun The high point of an eveHis performance was the high point of the momento clou
inability noun lack of ability to do so Inability to use a computer is a serious di incapacità
informal adjective not formal or official The two groups agreed to hold an informal informale
inspire verb to make someone feel tHis confident leadership inspired his follow ispirare
investigate verb to examine a problem, cThe doctor investigated his symptoms. analizzare, esaminare
misdiagnose verb to be wrong about the tyHer cancer was misdiagnosed as stress. sbagliare la diagnosi
module noun one of the units that t We do a module on Shakespeare. modulo
neurology noun the study of the structu She works in the neurology department. neurologia
neuroscience noun the study of the structu He wants to study neuroscience. neuroscienze
occasional adjective not happening or done oI enjoy the occasional curry. saltuario
on duty phrase at work, doing your job He was suspended from the force for sleepidi turno
operating theatre noun a room in which surgicaThey took him down to the operating theatr sala operatoria
overlook verb to fail to notice or con I think there is one key fact that you have sottovalutare
persist verb If an unpleasant feeling If the pain persists, consult a doctor. persistere
practising adjective actively involved in a jo She's a practising lawyer. praticante
put on weight phrase If someone puts on wei I've put on a lot of weight recently. mettere su peso, ingrassare
supplementary adjective extra The website includes some supplementary aggiuntivo
surgery noun the treatment of injuri The patient had/underwent surgery on his hoperazione, intervento chirurgico
time-intensive adjective using or needing a lot oLearning a language is very time-intensive. che richiede tempo
treatment noun the use of drugs, exercifree dental treatment terapia, trattamento
unaware adjective not understanding or re He was unaware that the police were watchinconsapevole, ignaro
uptight adjective worried or nervous and She's a bit uptight about her exams. agitato, preoccupato
ward noun one of the parts or larg a geriatric/maternity/psychiatric ward reparto, corsia

Unit 12 at the top of your voice phrase very loudly He was shouting at the top of his voice. a squarciagola
ban verb to refuse to allow someth Cycling is banned inside the shopping centrvietare
bark verb (of a dog) to make a lo The dog kept barking. abbaiare
brief verb to give someone instrucWe had already been briefed about what weriassumere
cactus noun a desert plant, usually cactus leaves cactus
commitment noun something that you mustfamily/work commitments impegno
dare verb to be brave enough to dI didn't dare (to) cross the river. osare
deny verb to not allow someone t Nobody should be denied a good educationnegare
eyesight noun the ability to see good/bad/poor eyesight vista
fade verb to lose colour, brightne The light was fading. sbiadire, smorzarsi
fragile adjective easily damaged, broke Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile. fragile
gross adjective (informal) extremely un Your feet are gross! disgustoso, nauseante
habitat noun the natural environmentthe natural habitat of the fox habitat, ambiente
intruder noun someone who is in a plaI feel like an intruder when I visit their homeintruso
keep an eye out phrase to watch for something Keep an eye out for the postman. tenere gli occhi aperti per
mark verb to show where somethinThe route is clearly marked. segnare
melt verb When ice melts, it turnsThe snow usually melts by the end of Marc sciogliersi
numb adjective If a part of your body is I had been lying awkwardly and my leg ha insensibile, intorpidito
orphan verb if a person or animal is She was orphaned at the age of five. orfano
penultimate adjective next to the last the penultimate scene of the play penultimo
pick out phrasal verb to recognise, find, or They hope to pick out future champions. selezionare, identificare
prick noun a small hole made by s I felt a little prick. puntura
rule out phrasal verb to decide or say that so to rule out the possibility of error eliminare
run for your life phrase to run away to save yourThe captain told us to run for our lives. correre per salvarsi la vita, scappare a gambe levate
serve a purpose phrase to be useful in some w I suppose this knob must serve some purpoavere uno scopo
species noun a set of animals or pla Mountain gorillas are an endangered speci specie
spine noun a long, sharp point like a cactus spine spina
tangle verb to form a twisted mass My shoelaces were tangled. ingarbugliarsi, attorcigliarsi
to the untrained eye phrase to someone without the To the untrained eye, these insects all look all'occhio inesperto
trample verb to step heavily on som Somebody trampled all over my flowerbed! calpestare, schiacciare
trunk noun the long, tube-shaped nElephants use their trunks to drink, wash a proboscide
wild animal noun an animal that lives ind We saw lots of wild animals. animale selvatico

Unit 13 breathe down someone’s neck phrase to stay close to someonI don't want my parents breathing down my a nvere il fiato di qualcuno sul collo
calm down phrasal verb to stop feeling upset, a He calmed down a bit when we explained calmarsi
cellar noun a room under the groundWe keep our gardening tools in the cellar u cantina
chatter noun conversation about thin I can't concentrate with Ann's constant chattchiacchiericcio
close to nature phrase in a situation in which When you go camping, you really feel closevicino alla natura
customary adjective traditional In my village, it is customary for a girl to consueto, abituale
drop in phrasal verb to visit a person or a pl I'll drop in on my way home. passare, fare un salto da
fetch verb to be sold for a partic The horse fetched £50 more than it cost. fruttare
gibber verb to speak quickly in a w Stop gibbering, and tell us what you saw! farfugliare
handrail noun a long narrow bar of woMake sure you hold the handrail. corrimano
haunted adjective describes a place wher a haunted castle stregato
hi-tech adjective using the most advanc This weapons system is an affordable, hi-tehi-tech, tecnologicamente avanzato
holler verb (informal) to shout loud He was hollering something about seeing astrillare
invasion noun when an army or countryThey were planning an invasion of the northinvasione
jumbled adjective mixed in an untidy and a jumbled mass of toys mucchio
make up phrasal verb to form a particular th This book is made up of a number of differen essere composto di
oak noun a large tree that is com a mighty oak quercia
pale adjective describes someone's facI go pale at the sight of blood. pallido however, the example would be translated with the verb "impallidire"
pop in phrasal verb (informal) to go to a pla My friend popped in for five minutes. fare un salto, una capatina
regard verb to consider or have an They regarded her as their friend. considerare
renew verb to increase the life of Every year I renew my membership of the srinnovare
shutter noun a wooden cover on the oWe closed the shutters at night. persiane, serrande
steep adjective (informal) (of a price) Those prices are too steep for me. costoso, caro
storey noun a level of a building a three-storey house piano
supernatural phenomena phrase things that cannot be e She does not believe in supernatural phen fenomeni soprannaturali
tell off phrasal verb to speak angrily to so It was about time that someone told him off.rimproverare, dirne quattro
ups and downs phrase the mixture of good andLike most married couples, we've had our alti e bassi
warehouse noun a large building for sto The goods have been sitting in a warehous magazzino, deposito
well noun a deep hole in the grou We went to the well every day. pozzo

Unit 14 catch your breath phrase to stop or rest until yo I stopped at the top of the hill to catch my b prendere fiato
commemorate verb to remember officially a We gathered to commemorate those who lost commemorare
disguise noun something that someoneShe was wearing a disguise. travestimento
dizziness noun the feeling that everyth The ear infection caused me a lot of dizzinestordimento
dress up phrasal verb to wear your best cloth They were dressed up for the parade. vestirsi elegante
drizzle noun rain in very small light Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rapioggerella
finalise verb to make a final and certWe'll finalise the date nearer the time. finalizzare, concludere
gather verb to come together in a g Let's gather round the fire and sing. radunare
harvest noun crops which are cut andThere was a good harvest this year. raccolto
hold verb to make something suchCould we hold a meeting to discuss this to tenere, organizzare
juggle verb to throw several objectsHe was juggling with burning torches. fare il giocoliere
let off phrasal verb to make something suchThey were letting off fireworks in the streetsaccendere
let your hair down phrase to allow yourself to be Why don't you let your hair down for once? lasciare i capelli sciolti
living noun the money that you earnWhat do you do for a living? guadagnare da vivere
make a fool of phrase to trick someone or to She only asked me the question to try to marendere ridicolo
makeshift adjective temporary and of low q Thousands of refugees are living in makeshimprovvisato, di fortuna
make your way phrase to go to a place We made our way to the station. dirigersi
mist noun small drops of water in The mountains were covered in freezing misfoschia
myth noun an ancient story or set ancient myths mito
overlook verb to provide a view of, e Our hotel room overlooked the harbour. affacciarsi
palpable adjective so obvious that it can Her joy was palpable. palpabile
parade noun a large number of people a victory parade sfilata, parata
stunt noun an exciting action that an acrobatic stunt acrobazia
symbolise verb to represent something The key symobolises knowledge. simboleggiare
unwind verb to relax and allow your Yoga helps me to unwind after work. distendersi, rilassarsi
vantage point noun a place, especially a h We could see the riders from our vantage poin punto di vantaggio, a favore
wave noun a sudden strong feeling a wave of panic onda
wide-brimmed adjective A wide-brimmed hat hasShe wore a wide-brimmed hat to keep the su a tesa larga
wind your way phrase to go somewhere by a rou They wound their way back down the valleypercorrere una strada tortuosa

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