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Element B2

Assessing Risks

Element B2
Assessing Risks

 MHSWR Reg 3
 General requirement to assess

 COSHH 2002
 CLAW 2002
 CAR 2006
 Assess risk to health from hazardous substances

 Risk Assessment Process

 5 steps

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Hazardous properties
 Substances may have more than one
 Toxic effect on liver and be carcinogenic
 Irritant effect and sensitising

 Level of exposure
 Amount and concentration used
 Higher level concentration – more likely to be taken into body
 Increased likelihood
 Form
 Airborne, volatile liquids, dusts etc.
 Dictates route of entry and protective measures needed
 May have more than one state – e.g.. liquid and vapour

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Nature of the task

 Specific methods being used
 E.g. brush or spray application
 Can influence other factors
 Number of people exposed
 Sprayed instead of brush – more particles dispersed
 Type of exposure
 Spray – wide range of body parts exposed
 Brush – maybe only hands
 Controls available
 Not only those using are affected – consider maintenance etc.
 Morphology
 How a substance may change in a process
 Mixed etc or exposed to hot air

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Number of people
 One of the simplest factors influencing level of risk
 If number can be controlled and reduced – great influence

 Type and duration of exposure

 Many substances – cumulative effect
 Consider job rotation for high exposure

 Frequency of exposure
 Exposure may be acceptable if infrequent
 Allows body to recover before additional exposure takes place

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Effects of mixtures
 Antagonism
 Combined effect of two chemicals is less than effects of each
administered separately
 Antagonistic interaction – basis of antidotes for poisons

 Additive effect
 Combined toxic effect is equal to individual effects

 Potentiation
 First has no toxic effect, but when simultaneous exposure with
second occurs, toxicity of second is enhanced

 Synergistic effect
 Combined effect is greater than sum of effects of each chemical
given alone

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 High exposure activities

 Includes those where accidental release of chemical
 Where stored or handled – important to consider
accidental release due to spillage etc.
 Consider maintenance etc –
 Servicing LEV, no usual protection
 Opening or decanting substances into process vessel

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Thresholds of exposure
 Some substances may have discernable threshold
 Others may have no safe level

 WEL’s listed in EH40 indicate thresholds

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Effectiveness of existing controls

 Priority to collective / engineering controls

 E.g. effective LEV instead of use of respirators

 R/A consider actual effectiveness of controls

 Surveillance and monitoring

 Health surv. and exposure monitoring – info on effectiveness of
 Info on actual harm – higher risk than expected
 ID groups of vulnerable people

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Individual susceptibilities of people

 Allergies / sensitisation
 Sex
 mineral oil – cancer of scrotum
 Women more susceptible to fat soluble toxins – greater fat to
lean body ratio
 Children
 Less well developed
 Ratio of size to exposure

Element B2
Factors to consider - assessment

 Legal factors
 Specific regulatory requirements

Element B2
Control Measures

 Adequate control of carcinogens,

mutagens, and asthmagens

 COSHH reg 7
 General principles of good practice
 Specific requirements for certain substances
 Reducing exposure as low as is reasonably

Element B2
Control Measures

 Adequate control of carcinogens,

mutagens, and asthmagens

 Amount needed for sensitivity varies between

 Once person develops hypersensitivity to asthmagen,
it is irreversible.

Element B2
Principles of Good Practice

 Preferred method of prevention =


 Reg 7 (3)
 Controls if substitution not reasonably practicable

 Design and use of processes, systems and

engineering controls
 Control of exposure at source

Element B2
Principles of Good Practice

 Schedule 2A
 Design and operate processes and activities to minimise emission,
release and spread of substances hazardous to health.
 Take into account all relevant routes of exposure – inhalation, skin
absorption and ingestion – when developing control measures.
 Control exposure by measures that are proportionate to the health risk.
 Choose the most effective and reliable control options which minimise
the escape and spread of substances hazardous to health.
 Where adequate control of exposure cannot be achieved by other
means, provide, in combination with other control measures, suitable
personal protective equipment.
 Check and review regularly all elements of control measures for their
continuing effectiveness.
 Inform and train all employees on the hazards and risks from the
substances they work with and the use of control measures developed
to minimise the risks.
 Ensure that the introduction of control measures does not increase the
overall risk to health and safety.

Element B2
Principles of Good Practice

 Hierarchy of control

 Elimination
 Change the form
 Modify process
 Engineering controls
 Isolation
 Enclosure
 Ventilation
 Minimise number exposed

Element B2
Additional Controls for Carcinogens and

 Reg 7(5)

 Totally enclosing process and handling

 Prohibition of eating, drinking, smoking
 Cleaning floors, walls, other surfaces
 Designating areas, sufficient warning signs
 Storing, handling, disposing carefully

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Anyone carrying out work on

 Asbestos insulation
 Asbestos coating
 Asbestos insulating board (AIB)

 Needs a license issued by HSE

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Reg 3(2) – exemptions

 If employee exposure is sporadic and low intensity

 The work involves short non-continuous activities
 Materials being removed are in cement form
 Encapsulating or sealing of asbestos which is in good
 Air monitoring and control, collection and analysis of

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Non licensed includes

 Knowingly disturbing low risk asbestos materials
 Maintenance and supervision

 Even if license not required, rest of CAR to prevent

exposure must be complied with

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Licensable duties

 Notify authorities at least 28 days before work begins

 Designate the work area (Reg 18)
 Prepare specific asbestos emergency procedures
 Pay for employees to undergo medical surveillance

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Asbestos Essentials HSG210

Element B2

 Identification and Assessment

 Before carrying out any work, employer must ensure

thorough assessment
 ID types of asbestos
 Determine nature and degree of exposure
 Steps required to prevent or reduce exposure to the lowest
level reasonably practicable
 Reviewed regularly and revised accordingly

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Airborne exposure limit (Control Limit)

 0.1 fibres per cm3

 For all types

 CL = max concentration in the air, averaged over any

continuous 4 hour period
 Must not be exceeded

Element B2

 CAR 2006

 Short term exposure must also be strictly controlled

 Worker exposure must not exceed 0.6 fibres per cm3

 Over any continuous 10 minute period

 Use RPE if exposure cannot be reduced significantly

using other means

Element B2

 Plan of Work

 Employers must prepare suitable plan before any

work is undertaken

 Retained for the duration of the work

 Address location, nature, expected duration, handling

methods, protection, decontamination

 Asbestos R/A and Plan of Work must be kept on site

Element B2

 Info, Instruction, Training

 Provided to employees who are exposed

 To understand risks and precautions
 Also to:
 Employees who carry out work under control of CAR

 Refresher training must be provided (Reg 10)

Element B2

 Prevention or reduction of exposure

 Wherever possible the employer must prevent

exposure to employees
 Where not Reasonably Practicable – must reduce to
lowest level other than by using RPE
 Ensure number exposed is minimised

 Reg 11 (2)

 RPE must comply with PPE Regs

Element B2

 CLAW 2002

 Protect people at work exposed to lead by controlling


 Applies to any work situation

 Exposure must be assessed by employers

 Take adequate control measures
 Good washing facilities
 Provision of RPE and constant medical surveillance

Element B2

 CLAW 2002

 Prohibits employment of young persons, women of

reproductive capacity
 From some manufacturing, smelting and refining processess

Element B2

 CLAW 2002

 Assessment
 Level of risk dictates the measures to be taken

 Exposure is significant if:

 Exposure exceeds half the OEL for lead
 There is substantial risk of ingesting lead
 Risk of skin coming into contact with lead alkyls or any other
form of lead that can be absorbed through the skin
 E.g. napthenate

Element B2

 CLAW 2002

 Assessment
 Must be made before work commences
 Revised as appropriate

 Where exposure “significant”

 Control by means other than PPE
 Any PPE must conform to PPE regs

Element B2

 CLAW 2002

 Employees have a duty to make full and proper use of


 Including return of PPE after use and report defects

Element B2

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