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Explorer Country Years Known For Why in Impact of Impact on Additional

Exploring Texas Expedition Texas Notes

Spain 1492 Exploring the Did not go to Failure-didn’t Started Spanish Sailed west in
Columbus West Indies, Texas find a faster exploration of the hopes of
and New World route to Asia. North America finding a faster
Success-he sea route to
opened up the Asia.
New World to

Spain 1519 Creating maps He was Success- 1st to observe

Pineda exploring new Mapped the and map the
territories, and coast of Texas. Texas coast.
looking for a Failure-Failed to
new route to find new route
Asia to the Pacific.

Cortez Spain 1521 Conquering Did not go to Success- Inspired others Destroyed the
Mexico and the Texas. Conquered the to explore more Aztec capital
Aztec Empire Aztecs, and territory in North and build the
became the first America. new city of
Governor of Mexico City on
New Spain it’s ruins.

Spain 1528-1536 Shipwrecked on Heading to Failure-Found Told tales of Was enslaved

Cabeza de the Texas Florida, and no gold, or cites of gold-led by the
Vaca coast. shipwrecked in glory. He did to more Karankawas for
route. meet the exploration. several years,
(Accident) Karankawas.1st until he
explorer in escaped.
Texas, 1st
author of
Explorer Country Years Known For Why in Impact of Impact on Additional
Exploring Texas Expedition Texas Notes
Spain 1540-1542 Exploring the Looking for the Failure-Found Told about Remember
Coronado Panhandle Seven Cities of no gold, no buffalo, villages, Coronado was
region of Texas Gold. settlements. Texas lands in near Colorado.
Crossed the the Panhandle.
Sea of Grass,

Spain 1542-1543 Exploring East Looking for Failure-no gold, 1st European in
Texas gold, took over did find East Texas
the expedition petroleum
Moscoso when the leader

France 1685-1687 1st French He was lost, Established the Made the Murdered by his
La Salle explorer in looking for the settlement of Spanish own crew after
Texas. Mississippi Fort St. Louis- paranoid-the ship sank.
River. claimed Texas Spanish got Remains of ship
for France for more serious are now at the
two years. about settling Bob Bullock
Texas, not just Museum.

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