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OF Litopenaeus vannamei USING


Leovigildo Rey S. Alaban

Valeriano L. Corre Jr.

1Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia, Iloilo

2University of the Philippines Visayas, Miag ao, Iloilo


Era of Aquaculture

The era of aquaculture brings hope to the

idea of a food secure future
However, constraints should be addressed
to enable the aquaculture sector to meet the
present and future needs and challenges

Nitrogenous Waste Sequestration

In aquaculture, it is most ironic that food in the

form of feeds is the major source of waste

NH4+ + 1.18C6H12O6 + HCO3- + 2.06O2 C5H7O2N + 3.07 CO2

Figure 1: Heterotrophic pathway for carbon nitrogen conversion.
The stoichiometric equation was taken from Ebeling et. al (2006)

The Concept of Biofloc

Figure 2. Biofloc structure. Figure on the left shows the components of

biofloc while the figure on the right shows a protozoan grazing on the biofloc.
Photos from De Schyver et. al. (2008)

Research Framework

Figure 3. The conceptual framework discusses the direct and indirect (through
biofloc formation) effect of carbon addition in a BFT culture system.

Experimental Inputs

Litopenaeus vannamei Post Larvae (0.38+0.01 g) were

purchased from a local hatchery and subjected to
pathogen screening
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in a recirculating
system and acclimated to saline water were used in
greenwater production
Carbon sources were purchased from local suppliers.
Commercial feed was used. The carbon sources and feed
were subjected to proximate analysis.

Experimental Treatment

Table 1. Carbon Sources Evaluated in the Study

Treatment Variable Protocol
Control Standard Water Change 50% water change every sampling period
RB Rice Bran Balanced with Feed
Tap Tapioca Balanced with Feed
Mol Molasses Balanced with Feed
COMBI Molasses + Rice Bran 50% addition each based on Carbon

Experimental Set-up

The system was designed to be

‘self-contained.’ Thus, the tanks were covered
with prefabricated transparent plastic.

Water change (Control) and water addition

(treatment) to account for water loss due to
evaporation was done with overhead flume.

Airlift aerators were placed at the sides and

center for aeration, circulation and solids

Figure 4. BFT culture system used in the experiment


Carbon Nitrogen Balance

Table 2. Equations for Balanced Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio

Eq. 1 PTAN = F x PC x 0.144 (taken from Ebeling et. al. 2006)
PTAN = ammonia production (Kg/day or g/day),
F = feeding rate (kg/day)
PC = protein content of feeds and 0.144 = constant for closed system
Eq. 2 Carbreq = (PTAN x 15.17) – (F x Carbfeed)
Carbreq (g) = amount of carbohydrates needed to balance the
PTAN, 15.17 = amount of carbohydrates required for 1 unit of ammonia produced and
Carbfeed = carbohydrate content of feeds
Eq. 3 Carbadd = Carbreq/Carbcon
Carbadd is amount of carbon source to be added in the tank (grams)
Carbcon = Carbohydrates in carbon source – [(crude protein in carbon source/6.25)
x 15.17] or the available carbohydrates in the carbon source

Carbon Constant (Carbcon)

Table 3. Values for Carbon-Nitrogen Balance

Sample Tap Molasses Rice Bran Feeds
Crude Protein 2.7 2.0 12.8 36.3
Carbohydrates 87.0 64.0 42.1 30.45
Carbcon 80.45 59.15 11.0

Experimental Parameters

The parameters taken include the Dissolved Oxygen,

Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN), and Nitrite Nitrogen
Growth and yield parameters taken include: Average
Body Weight (ABW), Specific Growth Rate (SGR),
Survival and Biomass
Other Physico-chemical parameters were also taken
at regular interval and maintained at optimum
BFT as Zero-water Exchange
Culture System

a b c

Figure 5. Nitrogenous waste- Total Ammonia Nitrogen (b) and Nitrite Nitrogen
(c), and Dissolved Oxygen (a) values obtained in the experiment

BFT as Viable Culture System

Table 4. Growth and Yield Parameters

Treatment Final ABW (g) SGR Survival Total Biomass
(percent) (g/m3)
Control 6.62(+0.306) 4.75 96.90(+1.88)a 958.64(+050.73)a
Mol 6.71(+0.432) 4.77 95.48(+3.77)a 950.02(+041.95)a
Tap 7.39(+0.130) 4.94 99.50(+0.50)a 1,111.90(+029.47)a
RB 8.22(+1.155) 5.08 5.36(+3.81)b 61.85(+046.61)c
COMBI 7.94(+0.985) 5.03 25.59(+9.39)b 307.36(+126.75)b
Mean Values(+SEM), n = 4 except Final ABW and SGR for RB and COMBI where n = 3
Superscripts indicate significance (α = 0.05) ONE-WAY ANOVA

Growth of Cultured Organism

Days of Culture (DOC)

ABW (grams)

Days of Culture (DOC)

Figure 6. Average Body Weight (ABW) for each treatment for the entire culture period. Mean
ABW values based on n = 4 except for RB and COMBI in the final sampling where n = 3.
BFT as Biosecure and Climate
Resilient Culture System
During the conduct of the experiment, outbreaks of
wssv occurred in adjacent ponds. However, the
experiment was not affected. The very minimal
requirement for water (water addition to account for
evaporation) enabled an effective biosecure strategy
The use of green house also prevented possible
infection as it renders the system ‘self-contained’
Being self contained does not only lead to biosecurity;
it also becomes a climate resilient system


In BFT culture, the feed which becomes waste is

converted back into food in the form of biofloc.

BFT as Zero-water Exchange Culture System

BFT as Viable Culture System

BFT as Biosecure and Climate Resilient Culture System



The study showed that locally available plant-

based products and by products with high
carbohydrate content and low crude protein
content can be viable carbon sources
Further, the study provides the first practical
formula in achieving a balanced C/N ratio for
the BFT based culture of L. vananmei.


Economic evaluation of BFT system should be

conducted to determine the cost of carbon
sources used and the cost of increased energy use
There should be refinements in the technology,
such as the water aeration and circulation as well
as the dosing of carbon sources
Other carbohydrate-rich materials should also be
evaluated, such as those without or with low
economic value

Avnimelech, Y. 2012. Biofloc technology- a practical guide book (second edition).

The World Aquaculture Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Corre, V.L, Caipang, C.M., Janeo, R., Calpe, A. 1999. Sustainable shrimp culture
techniques: use of probiotics and reservoirs with ‘green water.’ Philippine Council
for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna and
University of the Philippines Visayas, Miag ao, Iloilo. 32 pages.
De Schryver, D., R. Crab, T. Defoirdt, N. Boon and W. Verstraete. 2008. The basics of
bio-flocs technology: The added value for aquaculture. Aquaculture 277: 125-137
Ebeling, J.M, Timmons, M.B., Bisogni, J. 2006. Engineering analysis of the
stoichiometry of photoautotrophic, autotrophic, and heterotrophic removal of
ammonia-nitrogen in aquaculture systems. Aquaculture 257: 346-358.
Triiodothyronine (T3 ) and Diet Enhance Metamorphosis
of Snubnose Pompano Trachinotus blochii

Jomel Guadalquiver Baobao

Research Specialist

Bohol Island State University Calape

5th BFAR- NFRDI Scientific Conference 10.15.2013

Snubnose pompano
Trachinotus blochii (Lacepede, 1801)
Potential for aquaculture:

– easier and faster to grow in

floating cages
– more resilient to diseases and
erratic changes in the
– commands good price
Improvement of larviculture
Know the interactive effects of triiodothyronine
(T3) and different diet types (Artemia, artificial
diet and combination of these diets) in
snubnose pompano larvae on
a. morphology and metamorphosis
b. survival & larval growth (AGR, SGR, total length)
Production of thyroid hormones

The cascade of thyroid hormone production (Yamano, 2005)

TH is a small liposoluble molecule with two bioactive forms,

tetraiodo-L-thyronine (thyroxine, T4) and triiodo-L-thyronine (T3)
TH role in metamorphosis

Changes in thyroid hormone levels during flounder metamorphosis (Yamano, 2005)

Materials and Methods
Experimental design
Six treatments with three replicates each run in a CRD in a
factorial set up
Feed/Hormone T3 (0) T3 (0.01 ppm)
Artemia Artemia Artemia + T3
Artificial Diet Artificial Diet Artificial Diet + T3
Artemia + Artificial Diet (50/50) Artemia + Artificial Diet Artemia + Artificial Diet + T3

Morphology and metamorphosis

Daily sampling from 16-30 DAH
Set up 1 (preopercular spine, pigmentation, total

Initial sampling (16 DAH)

Final sampling (30 DAH)
Growth (absolute growth rate and specific
Set up 2 growth rate)
Survival (total stocks less mortality)
Hormone preparation

T3 (3,3’,5-triiodo- 0.01 ppm = (980 ppm X

L-thyronine 0.612 ml) / 60,000 ml
sodium salt -
Sigma, USA-T-
2752, 98% 10% or 1% or 0.1% or 980
purity) 98,000 9,800 ppm ppm
Experimental larval rearing
14 dah 16 dah 30 dah
hormone treatment

14 dah larvae were stocked at 2 ind l-1 in the 60-l oblong-shaped

fiber glass tanks
Water management

Water quality maintenance (30 ppt; 25-30oC; DO 5-6

mg l-1) , daily water change at 80% and cleaning of
Feeding and hormone treatment

• Feeding – 8 am, 12 pm & 4 pm (Artemia) 8 am, 9:30 am,

11 pm, 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm (artificial diet)
• Daily of application of hormone until full metamorphosis
of stocks
Feeding scheme (daily)
DAH/Feed Types Artemia naupli & Artemia naupli & Artificial diet
metanaupli metanaupli+
artificial diet
16 – 19 dah 8 ind ml-1 4 ind ml-1 + 0.35 g 0.7 g tank-1
20-25 dah 8 ind ml -1 + 0.5 ind 4 ind ml + 0.5 ind 1.1 g tank-1
ml-1 ml-1 biomass + 0.55
g tank-1
26-30 dah 8 ind ml -1 + 1.0 ind 4 ind ml + 1.0 ind 1.3 g tank-1
ml-1 ml-1 biomass + 0.65
g tank-1
Ingredients and dietary composition of
the artificial diet (250 microns)
Ingredients Composition Ingredients Composition
(g/100g) (g/100g)
Danish fish meal 38.13 Ķ-carrageenan 2.00
Shrimp meal (Acetes sp.) first 5.00 ß carotene 0.025
Soybean concentrate 20.00  tocopherol 0.01
Squid meal 5.00 Rice bran 7.335
Bread flour 6.00 Proximate composition by dry weight analyzed
Cod liver oil 6.00 Crude protein 49.46
Soybean oil 2.00 Crude fat 11.32
Vitamin & mineral mix 5.00 Crude fiber 2.15
Vitamin C 0.5 Nitrogen free extract 21.67
Lecithin 3.00 Ash 15.40
Morphological observation

• Daily sampling (3 larvae tank-1)

• Photographed in Cole Palmer stereo camera microscope
• Observed the resorption of preopercular spines, pigmentation and
measured total length
• Growth rate - absolute growth rate (AGR) as g/day,
specific growth rate (SGR) as %BW/day (Hopkins,
1992) and total length evolution
– AGR = (FBW-IBW) / ∆t
– SGR=[(ln FBW – ln IBW)/D] × 100,
• FBW is final body weight (g), IBW is initial
body weight (g) and D = number of days

• Remaining fish were counted

• 30 fish per tank were sampled for final length and weight
Statistical analysis
• All data were subjected to two-way ANOVA.
Differences were considered significant at
the p < 0.05 level.

preflexion flexion postflexion

• Premetamorphic
o dark
o elongated

• Metamorphic larvae
o silvery
o completely or
nearly resorbed

Artemia Artemia+Artificial Diet Artificial Diet Artemia+T3 Artemia+Artificial Diet+T3 Artificial Die+T3

1st week – no apparent variation among the treatment


Artemia Artemia+Artificial Diet Artificial Diet Artemia+T3 Artemia+Artificial Diet+T3 Artificial Die+T3

2nd week – variation was evident

Behavioral changes

A phase of being pelagic and becoming benthic after transformation



Difference in the morphology after 30 dah. Left to right: Artemia, Artemia+Artificial

Diet, Artificial Diet, Artemia+T3 , Artemia+Artificial Diet+T3, Artificial Diet+T3
Absolute Growth Rate

Specific Growth Rate

Total length
c c


T3 is appropriate for acceleration of
metamorphosis, enhancement of growth
and improvement of survival in snubnose
pompano larvae fed with Artemia and
combination of Artemia + artificial diet.
Hormone preparation
a. µg/ml = 1 ppm
b. mg/l X (1000µg/1g) x (1 l/1000ml) = mg/l
c. 1g/10ml = 100,000 ppm (10%)
d. 1 ml x 100,000 ppm/ 10 ml= 10,000 ppm(1%)
e. 1 mlx10,000 ppm/10 m ml=1000 ppm (.1%)
Computation of dry weight
naupli metanaupli
weight of petridish 43.6189 42.3146
with wet artemia 66.7638 65.4123
with dry artemia 45.2074 44.3573
net weight of artemia 1.5885 2.0427
density of artemia (1 l) 1100000 200000
weight of ind. artemia 1.44409E-06 1.02135E-05

weight of the artificial diet

total artemia requirement total artemia requirement equivalent to dry weight artemia
4 ind/ml (1100/ml) 240000 0.35 g 6 g/ton
8 ind/ml (1100/ml) 480000 0.69 g 12 g/ton
.05 ind/ml (200/ml) 30000 0.31 g 5 g/ton
1 ind/ml (200/ml) 60000 0.61 g 10 g/ton



A paper presented during the 5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference

Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila
October 14 – 15, 2013
Most scientific work on phytases have been done
employing microbes as sources, specifically
those from filamentous fungi

Bacteria are also a source of phytase and Bacillus

subtilis is the most studied species in this respect.

We have previously studied and compared the

biochemical characteristics of four Bacilli phytases,
namely: B. pumilus, B. megaterium, B. coagulans,
and B. licheniformis .
The crude phytases were optimally active between
pH 5.5 and 7.0 at 37oC, with high activity
retention at temperatures up to 80oC, and with
remarkably high thermo- and pH stability.

These properties indicated that the Bacillus

phytases appear to be suitable for animal feed
supplementation in aquaculture to improve the
bioavailability of phosphorus.

Bacterial phytases from Bacillus are an alternative to

fungal enzymes because of their high thermal stability,
calcium-phytate complex, substrate specificity, pH
profile, and proteolytic resistance .
The phytases from Bacillus are suitable as feed
additives for animals with neutral digestive tracts,
such as some aquatic species.

Phosphorous (P) is an essential nutrient for

growth, skeletal development (Asgard & Shearer,
1997) ) and reproduction (Hardy & Shearer, 1985)
in fish.

Phosphate uptake from water is negligible in fish

and dietary P are more important than water to
satisfy P requirement.
P is a critical pollutant in bodies of water. Excessive
P levels are the most common cause of
eutrophication of rivers, lakes and reservoirs
(Correll, 1999)

Researches on incorporating microbial

phytases in fish diets are driven by the need to
reduce P excretion and its loss into the
environment, where P pollution threatens
water quality.

Knowledge of the effects of different sources of

bacterial phytase in fish is lacking.
To our knowledge, this is the first time that
comparison of efficacy of phytases from three
Bacillus species was done in fish.


This study aims to compare the effects of

phytases from various Bacillus species on
growth, feed efficiency and deposition of
minerals in sex-reversed Oreochromis
Table 1. Formulation and proximate compositions of plant-based and commercial
diets for the sex-reversed Oreochromis mossambicus (gkg-1 DM)

Ingredient Negative Bacillus Bacillus Bacillus Commercial

(g kg-1 as fed basis) control pumilus megaterium licheniformis Diet (ComD)
Diet (NaP) Diet (BaP) Diet (BaM) Diet (BaL)
Fish meal 150 150 150 150
Soybean meal 410.9 410.9 410.9 410.9
Corn meal 349.1 349.1 349.1 349.1
Cassava leaf meal 50 50 50 50
Cassava starch (binder) (50) (50) (50) (50)
Cod liver oil 20 20 20 20
Vitamins/ mineral mix 20 20 20 20
Bacillus pumilus 500 FTU
Bacillus megaterium 500 FTU
Bacillus licheniformis 500 FTU
Prize Catch
The experimental set – up
P, Ca and Mg analysis in whole body and scales

Flame AAS for Ca & Mg Flame AAS monitor

whole body

samples ready for

acid digestion
scales dried at 1100C

550 0 C for 4h measured at 430 nm for P

P, Ca and Mg analysis in bone and vertebrae

samples Flame AAS for Ca & Mg Flame AAS monitor

dried at 110 0C

samples ready for

acid digestion

Steam for 15 min

immersed ethyl
Bone & vertebrae 550 0 C for 4h
alcohol for 1wk measured at 430 nm for P
Analytical Procedure

Proximate analysis of feeds, fish and feces were

conducted at SEAFDEC/AQD Fish Nutrition

Phosphorus was determined using ammonium –

molybdate method (AOAC, 1975) at the Institute of
Aquaculture Research Laboratory of the UPV

Calcium and magnesium were analyzed using Flame

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after wet ashing and
acid digestion at the CAS of the UPV
Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of

variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey’s test if
there are significant differences for the different
means. Results were considered significant at 5%
level of significance (P˂0.05).
Table 2.Growth performance of sex reversed O. mossambicus fingerlings fed
commercial diet, plant-based diet alone or supplemented with Bacillus phytases
for 60 days.
Diets Initial Final Feed Weight Specific Survival Feed Protein Protein
ABW (g) ABW (g) Intake Gain (g) Growth Rate Conversion Efficiency Retention
Rate Efficiency Ratio
NoP 3.50 ± 0.57 24.20 ±1.08 29.5±1.9 22.92 ± 0.98 3.34 ± 0.04 93.3 ± 4.62 80.9 ± 1.3b 2.33 ± 0.11b 49.42±0.16

BaP 3.50 ± 0.36 26.48 ± 0.87 27.3±4.0 20.70 ± 0.91 3.23 ± 0.08 96.0 ± 6.93 82.10 ± 1.0b 2.30 ± 0.12b 48.58±0.13

BaM 3.56 ± 0.16 26.51 ± 0.93 27.6±0.8 22.95 ± 0.75 3.40 ± 0.15 98.6 ± 2.31 89.46 ± 1.0a 2.54 ± 0.05a 52.84±0.22

BaL 3.61 ± 0.36 25.47 ± 1.23 28.4±2.5 21.81 ± 0.90 3.26 ± 0.10 98.7 ± 4.04 82.67 ± 1.0ab 2.35 ± 0.14ab 48.90±0.23

ComD 3.56 ± 0.13 26.49 ± 0.43 29.5±0.8 22.93 ± 0.32 3.35 ± 0.05 100 ± 0.00 83.32 ± 1.0ab 2.36 ± 0.06ab 47.10±0.17

P NS NS NS NS NS NS P ˂0.05 P ˂0.05 NS

Values are means of triplicate groups, values in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05)
Table 3. Final concentration (g kg-1 DM) of ash, P, Ca and Mg in scale and bone of sex-reversed O.
mossambicus fingerlings fed commercial diet, plant-based diet alone or supplemented with
Bacillus phytases for 60 days.

Diet Scales Bone & vertebrae P

Ash P Ca Mg Ash P Ca Mg

NoP 32.8 ± 0.51c 3.1 ± 0.08c 11.8 ± 0.27b 0.44 ± 0.03b 44.8 ± 0.76 3.7 ± 0.18c 15.4 ± 0.38d 0.68 ± 0.02b 1.35 ± 0.06c

BaP 34.1 ± 1.08bc 3.8 ± 0.19ab 12.3 ± 0.32ab 0.46 ± 0.03b 45.6 ± 2.00 4.5 ± 0.25b 16.4 ± 0.15c 0.71± 0.03b 1.1 ± 0.02ab

BaM 35.9 ± 0.11a 4.2 ± 0.24a 13.4 ± 0.61a 0.48 ± 0.01b 48.1 ± 3.20 5.0 ± 0.15a 19.0 ± 0.10a 0.83 ± 0.01a 0.87 ± 0.14a

BaL 35.7 ± 0.69ab 4.0 ± 0.23a 13.2 ± 0.22a 0.56 ± 0.01a 47.9 ± 1.41 4.8 ± 0.19ab 18.2 ± 0.13b 0.81 ± 0.01a 0.93 ± 0.07a

ComD 34.4 ± 0.45abc 3.3 ± 0.33bc 11.5 ± 0.69b 0.46 ± 0.003b 45.1 ± 2.18 4.6 ± 0.04ab 15.9 ±0.22cd 0.69 ± 0.03b 1.2 ± 0.03bc

P P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 NS P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05

Values are means of triplicate groups, values in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05)
Table 4. Body composition (g kg-1 DM) of sex reversed O. mossambicus fingerlings fed commercial
diet, plant-based diet alone or supplemented singly with a Bacillus phytase for 60 days.
Diets Moisture Crude Protein Crude Fat Ash P Ca Mg

NoP 750.5 ± 7.2 626.7 ± 18.3ab 222.3 ± 5.0 126.4 ± 3.2b 13.4 ± 0.4b 28.5 ± 0.9b 2.26 ± 0.10

BaP 745.9 ± 3.6 626.1 ± 10.4ab 220.9 ± 9.9 125.1 ± 2.6b 14.6 ± 0.3ab 39.0 ± 2.9a 2.44 ± 0.10

BaM 754.3 ± 10.2 627.9 ± 2.7a 221.2 ± 6.7 132.7 ± 2.7a 17.2 ± 2.2a 40.7 ± 0.7a 2.63 ± 0.20

BaL 744.5 ± 8.3 622.9 ± 8.4ab 222.0 ± 9.4 129.6 ± 4.4ab 16.2 ± 1.5ab 39.5 ± 1.1a 2.51 ± 0.10

ComD 733.9 ± 7.6 601.9 ± 1.7b 239.5 ± 9.3 127.3 ± 0.5b 14.2 ± 0.1ab 39.0 ± 1.8a 2.40 ± 0.30

P NS P<0.05 NS P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 NS

Values are means of triplicate groups, values in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05)

1. Bacillus megaterium phytase improved the feed

utilization efficiency of the diet the most.
2. All the Bacillus phytases improved the final carcass
3. Carcass ash was improved the most by B.
megaterium and B. licheniformis phytases while
carcass P and Ca were increased by all three
Bacillus phytases.
4. Scale ash was increased the most by both B.
megaterium and B. licheniformis phytases while
scale P and Ca by all three Bacillus phytases.

5. Scale Mg was increased the most by B. licheniformis.

Bone ash was unaffected by all the dietary treatments
while bone P and Mg were increased the most by B.
megaterium and B. licheniformis phytases; bone Ca
was increased the most by B. megaterium.
6. P load were the lowest when all Bacillus phytases
were added to the diet while the N load was most
reduced by the B. megaterium phytase.

7. All the Bacillus phytases were effective in

reducing the fecal P of tilapia. Thus, the B.
megaterium and B. licheniformis phytases were
most effective in hydrolyzing phytate P and in
ameliorating water quality.
F E LY D . L A U R E N O , G L E N D A S . S A L E S ,
A L M A R . B A S M AY O R , R E D E N T O R L . B U E T R E

Partido state university , sagnay campus

Nato, sagnay, camarines sur

 Organic fertilization is environment friendly.

 Organic fertilizer contain less of N, P, K and
introduces carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.
 Organic aquaculture is cost effective.
 Republic Act 10068 - “Organic Agriculture
Act of 2010,” meant for the development and
promotion of Organic Agriculture of the
General Objective

Determine the growth performance,

and survival of Tilapia (GET EXCEL)
using rice straw and cow dung as
organic fertilizers.
Specific Objectives
1. Determine the growth rate of Tilapia (GET
EXCEL) in pond after 90 days culture period
using rice straw and cow dung.
2. Determine the survival rate of Tilapia (GET
EXCEL) in pond using organic fertilizers.
 Experimental Research utilizing Parallel – group
 The control pond was the pond stocked with tilapia
without the application of any fertilizer,
 The experimental groups were those ponds that
utilized the decomposed rice straw and cow
manure as fertilizers.
Table 1:The Experimental Treatments and Stocking

TREATMENTS Stocking Density

R1 R2 R3
T1 Decomposed rice straw 221 221 221
T2 Cow Manure 221 221 221
Control No fertilizer 221 221 221
Plate 1. Experimental Site
Preparation of the Experimental Pond
Application of decomposed rice straws
Application of cow manure.
Water management
Plate 2. The Experimental Set-up
Data Gathering

Collecting Samples
Growth Rate.
Growth Rate = Wf-Wi ÷ days of culture (1)
Where :
Wf = final weight
Wi = Initial weight
Survival Rate.
% Survival = No. of survival x 100/original
number of stock (2)
Statistical Tool Used

 The mean weight every sampling was

 Gathered data were analyzed using T-
test in order to determine the significant
difference between treatment.
Results and Findings
Table 2 . Average Growth Rate of Tilapia in Grams
every 15 days of culture

Sampling Result of sampling weight (g)

Decomposed Cow manure Control
rice straw
1 9 7.88 8.26
2 10 9.4 8.4
3 10.8 10.6 8.74
4 12.8 12.3 10.3
5 15.6 14.7 12.1
6 19.3 17.8 15.0
Mean(X) 12.92 12.11 10.46
Growth 2.15/15 days 2.01/15 days 1.7/15 days
Table 3. Percent Survival of Tilapia after 90 days
culture period
Treatments Initial Stock 90 days %
T1 Decomposed rice straw 663 606 91
T2- Cow manure 663 579 87
Control 663 553 83
Figure 1 .Mean Weight per sampling of Tilapia every
fifteen days (15 days)



15 cow dung
rice straw
10 control

15 30 45 60 75 90

Days culture
16 14.3
14 12.8
T1 T2 C
Table 4.T – Test Table

Between Treatments t- value Result

Decomposed rice straw VS Control 2.77 Ho rejected

Cow Manure VS Control 3.96 Ho rejected

Manure VS Decomposed rice straw 1.60 Ho accepted

 Tilapia in pond fertilized with decomposed rice

straw got the highest growth rate of 14.3 gms.
 With this the researchers could conclude that
decomposed rice straw is a good organic fertilizer
comparable with cow manure .
 Tilapia cultured in pond fertilized with Decomposed
rice straw got the highest survival.
 Fish culture using organic fertilizer is a promising
 There exist a significant difference in growth of
tilapia in pond fertilized with decomposed rice straw
and in pond fertilized with cow manure with that of
tilapia growth in pond with no fertilization.

 More verification trials be made on the growth and

survival of tilapia using organic fertilizers considering
the season, water quality and the water source.
 For further study the authors recommended to use
four treatments using Treatment 4 as the
combination of T2 and T3.
 Study on economic viability of using organic fertilizer
is vital.

 BFAR- Region V
 Regional Soils Laboratory- Naga City
 PSU-Sagnay Administration
 BSF students
Effect of Photoperiod and Salinity Levels on
the Hatching Rate of Cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) Eggs

Arthur L. Panganiban, Jr.

College of Fisheries and Applied Sciences

Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology
Fort Pilar, Zamboanga City, 7000, Philippines
• Cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) belongs to Class Cephalopoda under
Phylum Molusca. It is economically important.

• In the Philippines, production of cuttlefish is solely

derived from the capture fisheries utilizing various
fishing gears and none from the aquaculture sector.

• Cuttlefish posses desirable biological characteristics that

make them a potential species for high-saline pond
aquaculture, mariculture, stock enhancement and sea
Why cuttlefish?

• First, juveniles can be mass produced in the hatchery

(large hatchlings easy to rear; mortality to adulthood negligible; can be cultured to
several consecutive generations – Forsythe, Derusha and Hanlon, 1994)

• Secondly, cuttlefish eat a variety of live and dead feeds

(Derusha et al., 1989; Lee et al., 1991)
and accepts surimi and pelleted diets
(Hanlon, Turk and Lee, 1991; Castro and Lee, 1994; Castro et al., 1993)

• Thirdly, it grows fast

(at rates 3-4% of body weight/day – Hanlon, Turk and Lee, 1991)
• Fourthly, it can tolerate crowding
(can be group cultured in high densities - Forsythe, Derusha and Hanlon, 1994;
Hanlon, Turk and Lee, 1991)

• Fifthly, it tolerates ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH

(similar to the levels for tropical fishes and invertebrates - Forsythe, Derusha and
Hanlon, 1994)

• Sixthly, it is tolerant to handling and shipping

(Forsythe, Derusha and Hanlon, 1994; Hanlon, Turk and Lee, 1991)
• There is no documented research on cuttlefish
aquaculture in the country yet to date.

• Growout culture in ponds, pens or cages require a steady

and sustainable source of post juveniles.

• Thus, this study primarily aimed to improve the

production of cuttlefish during egg incubation.
• Specific Objectives:

a. To determine the duration of hatching cuttlefish eggs

incubated at varying photoperiod and salinity levels;

b. To determine the interaction effect of photoperiod and

salinity levels to the hatching rate of cuttlefish eggs; and

c. To relate some of the physical and chemical water quality

parameters to the hatching rate of cuttlefish eggs.
2.1 Source and Transport of Cuttlefish Eggs

• Cuttlefish eggs belonging to the same batch were purchased

from the cuttlefish catchers of Barangay Bolong, which is
located 35 km east of Zamboanga City

• The eggs were transported in plastic bags with oxygenated

water and placed inside Styrofoam boxes (Travel time was
about one hour by land)

• Upon arrival at the ZSCMST Hatchery and Wet Laboratory,

the eggs were acclimated gradually to the new water in a
wooden tank before distribution to glass aquaria
2.2 Experimental Set-Up

• The study adopted the completely randomized design,

in 2 x 6 factorial arrangement with two replications,
totaling 24 glass aquaria

• The glass aquaria each measured 30cm x 60cm x 30cm,

were filled with 40L water each with its desired salinity,
and provided with an aeration system

• Each aquaria was stocked with 35 cuttlefish eggs,

and incubated in ambient temperature
Figure 1. Incubating cuttlefish eggs in a glass aquarium.
• Factor A were the two levels of photoperiod:
12 hours dark and 24 hours dark,
were simulated using an opaque sheet of jute sack
material to cover the aquaria

Figure 2. Experimental set-up covered with jute sack material.

• Factor B were the six levels of salinity:
25ppt, 30ppt, 35ppt, 40ppt, 45ppt, and 50ppt

• Salinity was adjusted by dilution with freshwater to obtain

the lower salinity levels

• To obtain the higher salinity levels, common table salt

(NaCl) was added

• Salinity was adjusted using the following formula:

S1V 1 = S2V 2
Where: S1 – Initial salinity; V1 – Initial volume;
S2 – Final salinity; V2 – Final salinity
Figure 3. Experimental set-up without the jute sack cover.
2.3 Water Maintenance and Monitoring

• Fifty percent of the incubating water was changed once a


• Marine water used in the study passed through the sand

filter of the HWL and stocked in a reservoir tank

• Freshwater for dilution was tap water stored in a reservoir

tank and aerated for at least 24 hours before use

• Water quality parameters were monitored twice daily at

7:00am and 5:00pm
Table 1. Water Quality Parameters Measured

Parameter Frequency Instrument/

Salinity Twice daily Refractometer (Model SA10T,
Today’s Instruments Co, Ltd.)
Temperature Twice daily Alcohol thermometer

pH Twice daily pH meter (Model 300i/SET,

WTW Wissenschaftlich –
Technische Werkstatten)

Ammonia One day before Spectrophotometer/Strictland

stocking; and Once and Parsons
a week before water
2.4 Egg Hatch Monitoring

• Hatched eggs were checked every day at 7:00am

• Newly hatched cuttlefish are counted and placed on a

floating plastic tray within the same aquarium to allow the
counting of those yet to hatch

• Hatching was computed following the formula:

Hatching Rate (%) = Total number of hatched eggs x 100

hatched + unhatched eggs
2.5 Statistical Analysis

• The effect of the different combinations of photoperiod and

salinity levels on the egg hatching rate was evaluated
statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
completely randomized design (CRD) in a factorial set-up.

• Arcsine or square root transformation was used on

percentage data before computing for ANOVA.

• Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used for

treatment comparison.

• All statistical analyses were done at 5% level.

3.1 Incubation and Hatching

• The cuttlefish eggs started to hatch on the 17th day of

incubation and continued to hatch up to the 21st day.

Figure 4. Newly hatched cuttlefish placed in a floating plastic tray.

• This result is similar with the study on the embryonic
development and post hatching survival of the sepiolid
squid under laboratory conditions (Arnold, Singly and Williams, 1972).

• Table 2 show the combinations of factors A and factors B

with the mean cuttlefish eggs hatched, hatching rate,
arcsine values and statistical difference.

• Factor A – photoperiods: 12 hours dark, 12 hours light

24 hours dark, 0 hour light

• Factor B – salinity levels: 25ppt, 30ppt, 35ppt,

40ppt, 45ppt, 50ppt
Table 2. Cuttlefish hatching rates in relation to factors.
Mean Eggs Hatching Rate
A B Hatch (%)
Photoperiod Salinity (ppt) (in duplicates)
(hours dark)

12 25 0 0 0.77b
24 25 0 0 0.77b
12 30 28.5 81.42 65.31a
24 30 32.5 92.85 83.50a
12 35 33.5 95.71 86.09a
24 35 29.5 84.28 68.93a
12 40 32 91.42 73.23a
24 40 31 88.57 70.36a
12 45 0 0 0.77b
24 45 0 0 0.77b
12 50 0 0 0.77b
24 50 0 0 0.77b

* Means having the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level.
• Factor A – photoperiods at 12 and 24 hours dark, were
found not significantly different between each other

• This indicates that the presence or absence of light have no

effect on the hatching rate of cuttlefish eggs

• Factor B - at 25ppt, 45ppt and 50ppt NOT ONE cuttlefish

egg hatch

• at 30ppt, 35ppt and 40ppt have high hatching rates

(ranging from 81.42% to 95.71%) that were not
significantly different among each other
• The high hatching rate at 30ppt, 35ppt and 40ppt indicate
that the embryonic fluids and ions are isosmotic and
isotonic with the marine water environment

• The zero hatching rates at 25ppt, 45ppt and 50ppt shows

that the embryos were unable to maintain osmotic
equilibrium with seawater

• No interaction effect of both factors (photoperiod and

salinity levels) on the hatching rates of cuttlefish eggs was

• Table 3 show the water quality measured readings/range

Table 3. Range of Water Quality Parameters.

Parameter Measured Reading/Range

Salinity Maintained with designated treatment salinity

(25ppt, 30ppt, 35ppt, 40ppt, 45ppt & 50ppt)

Temperature 24oC – 30oC

pH 6.38 – 8.33

Ammonia 0.1855ppm – 0.336ppm

• Salinity in designated aquaria were maintained by dilution
or addition of NaCl during water replenishment

• The partial water change in the glass aquaria every week

could have kept the water quality parameters within
tolerable limits especially for water pH and ammonia

• Dissolved oxygen was not a factor as aeration was provided

throughout the study
• Cuttlefish eggs could be hatched under controlled conditions

• The presence or absence of light have no effect on the

hatching rate of cuttlefish eggs

• Salinity levels inhibited hatching of egg at 25ppt (hypotonic

seawater condition) and at 45ppt and 50ppt (hypertonic
seawater condition)
• Cuttlefish eggs can only tolerate a short range of water
salinity (stenohaline) of 30ppt to 40ppt

• No interaction effect between photoperiod and salinity

• The water pH, temperature and ammonia levels were within

the tolerable range for cuttlefish embryo
• A similar study simulating the natural coastal waters where
the cuttlefish eggs are laid, such as a flow-through or
recirculating water system, could be carried out to improve
hatching rate to probably 100%

• The species of the cuttlefish eggs should be ascertained in

future studies as it is believed that several species of
cuttlefish abound the coastal waters of Zamboanga City
• The presenter is indebted and thankful to the following
persons who helped in the conduct of the study:

• Prof. Mateo T. Ontolan†

• Prof. William M. Asuncion
• Dr. Rosalio D. Tenorio
• Mr. Adonis P. Bendaño
• Ms. Monera I. Agpa

• The study was made possible through the financial support

provided by the Department of Science and Technology
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga City, Philippines.
1. FAO, 2010. Global Capture Production. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Department. Online:

2. Pauly, D., R. Watson, and J. Aider, 2005. Global trends in world fisheries:
impact on marine ecosystems and food security. Philos Trans R Soc
B Biol Sci., 360 (1453): 5-12, Jan, 2005.

3. DENR, 2001. Philippine Coastal Management Guidebook No. 6: Managing

Municipal Fisheries. Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the
Department of Agriculture, and Department of the Interior and Local
Government, 2001. Coastal Resource Management Project of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Cebu City,
Philippines, 122p. Online:
crm guidebook6.pdf

4. BFAR, 2009. Philippine Fisheries Profile. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
lications/ pdffiles/2009 FisheriesProfile(final print).pdf
5. FAO, 2013. Food and Agriculture Glossary of Aquaculture.

6. Focus On, 2011. The Ocean and the World in Creatures of the Deep.
Manila, Philippines: WS Pacific Publications, Inc., p. 6.

7. Forsythe, J.W., R.H. Derusha, and T.T. Hanlon, 1994. Growth,

Reproduction and Life Span of Sepia officialis (Cephalopoda:
Mollusca) Cultures Through Seven Consecutive Generations. J. Zool

8. Derusha, R.H., J.W. Forsythe, F.P. Dimarco, and T.T. Hanlon, 1989.
Alternative Diets for Maintaining and Rearing Cephalopods in
Captivity. Lab. Anim. Sci. 39: 306-312.

9. Lee, P.G., J.W. Forsythe, F.P Dimarco, R.H. Derusha, and R.T. Hanlon,
1991. Initial Palatability and Growth Trials on Pelleted Diets for
Cephalopods. Bull. Mar. Sci. 49: 656-667.

10. Hanlon, R.T., P.E. Turk, and P.G. Lee, 1991. Squid and Cuttlefish
Mariculture: An updated Perspective,” J. Ceph. Biol. 2(1): 31-40.
11. Castro, B.G. and P.G. Lee, 1994. The Effects of Semi-Purified Diets on
Growth and Condition of Sepia Officialis L. Mollusca: Cephalopoda.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 109A: 1007-1016.

12. Castro, B.G., F.P. Dimarco, R.H. Derusha, and P.G. Lee, 1993. The Effects
of Surimi and Pelleted Diets on the Laboratory Survival, Growth, and
Feeding Rate of the Cuttlefish, Sepia officialis L. J. Exp. Mar. Biol.
Ecol. 170: 241-252.

13. Strictland, J.D. and T.R. Parsons, 1972, A Practiucal Handbook of

Seawater Analysis, 2nd edition, Ottawa, Canada, Fisheries Research
Board of Canada, 1972, 310p.

14. Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez, 1976. Statistical Procedures for
Agriculture Research with Emphasis on Rice, Los Baños, Laguna,
Philippines: International Rice Research Institute, 1976, 680p.

15. Arnold, J.M., C.T. Singly and L.D. Williams, 1972. Embryonic development
and post hatching survival of the sepiolid squid, Euprema scallops,
under laboratory condition. Development Biology, pp.198-206.
16. Odum, E.P., 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia. W.B.
Saunders Company. p.229.

17. Stoskope, M., 1993. Fish Medicine, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders

Company. p.48-57.

18. Palmegiano, G.B. and M.P. D’Apote, 1983. Combined effects of

temperature and salinity on cuttlefish (Sepia oficinalis L.) hatching.
Aquaculture, vol.35, pp.259-264.
Thank You for Listening
Cuttlefish eggs & hatchlings:
Cuttlefish hatchlings and juveniles:
Rapid Assessment
of Angelwing Clam
Resource of Kalibo,
Remia A. Aparri1, Joel T. Abalayan1, Ma.
Lissette F. Permocillo1 and Joelyn M. Sentina2

1Regional Fisheries Research and Development

Center, BFAR Regional Office 6, Iloilo City
2INFOFISH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

5th BFAR – NFRDI Scientific Conference

Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila ● October 15, 2013
• Angelwings
– marine bivalve molluscs belonging to Family Pholadidae

– highly-specialized bivalves adapted to burrowing into relatively

hard substrate of stiff clay, limestone, sandstone or wood.

• Three Pholadid species found in the Philippines

– Pholas orientalis, which is the most commercially exploited;

– Barnea dilatata now barely found in the local market;

– B. manilensis which is declared as a threatened species.

• Natural beds of are
found in few coastal
areas in the
provinces of Negros
Occidental, Capiz,
Iloilo and Aklan.
• Natural habitat:
– associated with
areas near river
mouth located along
littoral to sublittoral
– sticky to compact
sandy mud rich in
silt and detritus.
• “Diwal” is sought after for
its excellent flavor,
attractive white shell,
large size and believed to
be an aphrodisiac.
• It is marketed either fresh
or dried
• Highly valued for their
meat and being exported
to Hong Kong and Taiwan.
• Angelwing became highly exploited in the
early 90’s which also marks the depletion of
the traditional grounds.
• Since the late 1990’s it have been extremely
hard to find in the fish markets in the
– Overfishing
– Habitat destruction
• Strategies undertaken to restore natural
– Studies on reproductive biology
– Hatchery potential and stock enhancement
– Reseeding
– Local ordinances
• The oriental angelwing is identified as one of the
priority fisheries commodities of Region 6 in the
RIRDEAP 2011 – 2016.
• During consultation with LGU-Aklan and Kalibo, it
was identified to be present in Kalibo, Aklan.
– The LGU-Kalibo has an existing ordinance to regulate
the gathering of angelwing that was passed in 2009 as
precautionary measure to manage the resource.
– The LGU identified that despite the existence of the
Municipal Ordinance it has limited baseline data of
the resource.
• The conduct of resource assessment was
identified by the LGU and BFAR 6 – Regional
Fisheries Research and Development Center
(RFRDC) to generate data on the current
status of the resource.
• Establish baseline information of angelwing
clam resource at Kalibo, Aklan.
– Collate primary and secondary information related
to the angelwing clam fishery of Kalibo, Aklan
– Quantitatively describe the natural beds of
angelwing clam
– Come up with strategies for the comprehensive
• Structured interview
• Focused Group Discussion
• Resource Mapping
• Area mapping
• Structured interview and FGD
– Used to obtain qualitative
information on oriental
angelwing resource with local
people as key informants.
– Thirty (30) oriental angelwing
gatherers were invited to be the
respondent of the survey using a
guide questionnaire on January
25-26, 2011.
– Resource mapping was
performed by the respondents
during the focused group
• Area mapping
– Visual presentation of
resource information in maps
– Map is the most efficient
method of displaying the
necessary resource
– Site survey
– Water and soil sampling
– Documentation of harvest
– Sampling of harvested
• 28 diwal gatherers are male and 2 are female
• Age bracket: 15 – 66 years old
• Mostly are married (63%) and at their late 20’s
and older.
• Majority (70%) has 4-6 household members
• 80% identified fishing as their major livelihood
• Oriental angelwing was seen in Kalibo as early
as 1970’s and gathering began in the 1990s.
• Most of the respondents (79%) actively
engaged into gathering in 2002 – 2006
• Oriental angelwing are harvested manually
with bare hands aided by a piece of bamboo
• Current gathering is only in coastal waters along Brgy.
Pook, Kalibo, Aklan
• Seasonal Calendar
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Harvest Period Lean

Production Lean Season
Peak Season from May to September Season

Sizes of oriental
1-2 inches 2-5 inches Spawning

Amihan Habagat Amihan
• Volume of daily harvest during peak season is
averaged at 5.33 kg.
– Smallest harvest volume is 1 kg and largest is 15
• They go out to harvest oriental angelwing 4
times a week and spend 4-6 hours per day.
• Market
– Kalibo Public Market, restaurant in Kalibo and
Boracay or through middlemen who marketed it in
• Market price: PhP 80.00 to PhP 100.00 per
• Problems encountered
– Unfavorable environmental conditions
– Flooding
– itchy water
– siltation
– lessening of harvest.
Area Mapping

11.6 ha
Pook (528.5 m x 219. 5 m)



SL 2

RV 2
a3 SL 1 RV 1

HS 2
a4 11.6 ha a1
(528.5 m x 219. 5 m)

HS 1
Code N E
A1 11°41"49.14' 122°23"49.54' Legend:
A2 11°41"52.45' 122°23"56.28' a2
A3 11°41"34.61' 122°23"58.70'
A4 11°41"37.35' 122°23"5.08' 400 m PP
HS 1 11°41"50' 122°23"54'
HS 2 11°41"38' 122°24"01'
SL1 11°41"47' 122°23"49'
SL2 11°41"35.09' 122°23"56.30'
RV 1 11°41"49' 122°23"47'
RV 2 11°41"43' 122°23"50'
MC 11°41"55' 122°23"44'
PP 11°42"04' 122°23"50'
Physico-Chemical Parameters
Parameters Water Soil
Salinity (ppt) 32.5
DO (ppm) 1.7
pH 6.55 5.67
% Organic Matter 7.18
• nipa and mangroves fringing the upper
• sandy beach parallel to the oriental angelwing
• rocky bottom are dominated with oyster and
• Going seaward, the area is barren with no sign
of floral assemblages
• Fishing with gears such as
fish coral and hook & line.
• Coastal water of Pook and
adjacent barangays of
Caano, Buswang, Bakhaw
and Mabilo are natural fry
grounds of milkfish and
Sampling Coordinates Shell Shell Width Density
Point Length (cm) (cm) (ind./m²)
1 11°41"50'E
122°23"54'N 10.10 3.16 7
2 11°41"38'E
122°24"01'N 8.12 2.72 12
Taxonomic Identification: Pholas orientalis

• Thin shell whitish in color with prominent ridge of short spines

in the anterior region.
• External accessory: trigonal; long and narrow.
• Internal apophysis present
• Oriental angelwing, is called“parros” by the
• Exploitation of the species in 1990’s coincides
with the same period of active harvesting at
traditional beds in Negros, Iloilo and Capiz.
• At present the traditional beds are now
overexploited as manifested by the erratic
production and population depletion.
• Natural oriental angelwing population is still
present in Kalibo when other natural beds
were already restocked in order to revive the
population of the species.
• Natural population of the species in Pook,
Kalibo was able to sustain active harvesting.
• Potential source of broodstock
– average clam density of 7 per sq meter of size 92
mm SL (SEAFDEC-AQD, 2009).
• In other areas, the resource is threatened by
– stock enhancement activities were already
undertaken to restore the population.
• Though stock enhancement initiatives resulted
into successful recruitment, still the effective
management of natural populations of the
species can never be outweighed by any
technological intervention (Junio-Meñez, 2004).
• The area covered where oriental angelwing
can be found is computed at 11.6 ha.
• The area is relatively large compared to other
– Roxas City: 700 m² to 4 ha and area covered by
diwal population in
– Negros Occidental: 150 m² to 30 ha
• Area mapping showed that there are 2 rivers in Pook
that empties in the area where oriental angelwing
– In Negros Occidental, occurrence of oriental angelwing is
concentrated near river mouth (Laureta et al, 2011).
– Laureta et al (2011) suggest that the fluctuating changes in
water quality that the river may bring into the growing are
favorable to the population.
– Nutrient control hypothesis: euthrophic environment are
dominated by oyster and mussel in rocky shores and
burrowing gastropods in soft bottom (Berthou et al,
• Water parameters in the site is comparable to
that in Negros with salinity of 29- 31 ppt, 7.4 –
7.6 pH and DO of 1.32 – 2.39 ppm.
• Oriental angelwing thrives in a productive
environment however accessible and
subjected to various human activities.
• The area is a multiple use zone
– Fishing with hook and line and fish corral
– Natural fry grounds of milkfish and shrimp
– Recreational site/ beach area
– Fish landing site
• Threats to the resource
– Environmental conditions: coastal erosion, flooding
– Anthropogenic factors: coastal development, upland
• In shellfish fishery, suitable environment is more
critical than population size to obtain successful
recruitment and sustainable population (Berthou
et al, 2005)
– Capiz shell – rebounds after stock enhancement
– Angelwing – recruitment after reseeding

• Oriental angelwing in Kalibo is a million peso

– Annual computed harvest: is 12,780 kg.
• Estimated daily harvest: 5.33 kg
• 4 harvest days per week.
• 5 months of open season
• There are 30 oriental angelwing gatherers in Kalibo
– Valued at PhP 1.5 million.
• Local market price is averaged at 90.00 per kilo.
• Highest production of Negros Occidental in
2009 was valued at 25.11 million.
• 65 MT was harvested in Capiz in 2005
• Production in Kalibo is comparatively low
– Production maybe underestimated due to lack of
official statistics
– There is limit in the number of fisherfolk that were
given permit to gather angelwing
• Oriental angelwing can be considered as high
value marine species
– local market price of 80.00 to 100.00 per kilo and
may reach as much as 350.00 per kilo in other
– Common bivalves (green shell, oyster, nylon shell)
that are sold locally fetch a price of less than
100.00 per kilo
• Seasonality of the resource was observed by the
– Spawning is observed during the onset of amihan or
Northeast Moonsoon
– Give chance for the spawning population to contribute to
the recruitment.
– Oriental angelwing are lecitotrophic species and have
reduced planktonic stage and restrict dispersal
– Spawning pattern in Negros Occidental is observed during
June to July (Laureta et al, 2005) which Habagat prevails
and brings strong waves and current.
– This spawning pattern needs further investigation in order
to establish correlation.
• Harvest size of 2 inches is small and
considered as immature based on the
minimum shell length of matured oriental
angelwing at 5.9-6.4 cm for male and female
(Laureta and Marasigan, 2000), respectively.
• Ordinance No. 2009-007 imposed an
allowable harvest size of 3 inches (7.62 cm).
• The oriental angelwing resource of Kalibo
supports the livelihood of the local fisherfolk
and provides income to the household.
– There is a high dependence to the resource as
80% of the gatherer derives income from
harvesting and selling of the shellfish during
harvest season.
• It is a male dominated fishery. However, it
does not hinder participation of women in a
physically demanding form of fishing activity.
• Oriental angelwing is a valuable resource of
– endemic in the area
– economically important
– Social value
• Highly vulnerable
– Sedentary species
– Occurs in inshore waters
• The local angelwing clam resource should be
managed effectively in order to sustain the
social and economic benefits derived from the
– The existing ordinance must not be a stand-alone
measure to manage the resource.
– It must be coupled with effective implementation
and technical intervention.
• Develop the aquaculture potential of the species
• Conduct of comprehensive stock assessment –
determination of recruitment abundance, spatial
distribution, population size
• Assess and scout nearby areas or with past
known occurrence of oriental angelwing for
possible reintroduction
• Creation of management plan for the oriental
angelwing resource.
Thank you
Morphomeristics and Observations
on Growth of Rock Flagtail Kuhlia
rupestris (Lacepede, 1802), An
Indigenous Species in Catubig River,
Northern Samar, Philippines

AA Salvador and RC Salvador*

Fisheries Department, College of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Natural Resources
University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman, Northern
Kuhlia Morphomeristics


Genetics/ Species Behavioural

Molecular data data

Physiological Ecological
data data
Indigenous Species : an important
component of biodiversity
 food of the rural residents in riparian zones.

 also called native species

 species naturally occurring in a local
 not placed or introduced by humans, either
intentionally or accidentally, in the ecosystem
or community in which they naturally occur
Introduction: Kuhlia Morphomeristics

Taxonomic classification of Kuhlia rupestris

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Kuhliidae
Genus Kuhlia
Species rupestris

Common name Rock flagtail

Identification characteristics of Kuhliidae
Single, deeply notched dorsal fin with Dark bands/blotches in
x spines and 9-12 soft rays caudal and dorsal fins

Photo by: EB Moyar & RC Salvador

2 spines on opercle Black-edged scales Anal fin with III spines

and 9-13 soft rays

(Carpenter, 2001)
Distribution of Kuhlia rupestris

36 countries (Africa to Asia and

Oceania: East Africa to Samoa,
north to the Ryukyu Islands,
south to Queensland, Australia
and New Caledonia)
Reported use:
subsistence/commercial Source: Froese and Pauly (2011)
fisheries, aquarium
Kuhlia rupestris Country Information : Philippines
Common Name No common name
Occurrence Native
Salinity Freshwater
Abundance Ref
Importance Ref.
Aquaculture Never/rarely
Regulations Ref.
Uses No recorded uses
Comments Recorded from Malatgaw River, Palawan (Ref. 41640).
Specimens in VisCA museum collected from Kawasan
waterfall in Cebu (Ref. 7223). Reported from Lake Taal (Ref.
80679, 13446) and Lake Naujan (Ref. 13446)
National Checklist
Country Information https/
National Fisheries Authority
Main Ref Randall, JE and H.A. Randall (2001)
National Database
Kuhlia rupestris Country Information : Philippines (Froese and Pauly, 2011)
Year Collector Identifier Catalog No Depth Locality Source
No year Thompson, JC - SU 28621 - Zambales Province Portal: FB
Source: SU
No year Herre,Albert W - SU 27298 - Dumaguete

No year Herre,Albert W - SU 27297 - Tanjay, near

No year Herre,Albert W - SU 27296 - Concepcion,
No year McGregor, Richard C. - SU 20521 - -
No year R.B. Fox - CAS 51736 Villar, Portal: FB
Source: CAS
No year F. Millan JE Randall / CAS 210346 2 Elev. 800 ft; deep
Aug 2000 pools
No year A.W. Herre CAS 127298 - Dumaguete
No year CAS 210346 - Elev. 800 ft; deep Portal: GBIF
pools Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data
index-original values

1935 Herre ded. 12.XI.1935 ZMH 14234 - San Ramon, Portal : FB

Zamboanga Source:ZMH
1962 Fox, R.B. Umali, A.F. NMI 4397 - Portal : FB
Source: NMI
1996 346690.5253418 - Quezon, Gen Portal: GBIF
Nakar, Agos River, Source: USNM
Bgy Anoling Data from GBIF data
index-original values
Kuhlia rupestris Country Information : Philippines

Number of species found 1

Number of records found 2
Number of records with coordinates 0

No. Collection name Country Locality Year Catalog No.

1. Kuhlia rupestris Philippines -blank locality- 1962 NMI 4397
More info | Plus d'info | Mais info FishBase

San Ramon, Zamboanga,

2. Kuhlia rupestris Philippines 1935 ZMH 14234
Prov. Mindanao,
cfm script by eagbayani, 20.03.00 , php script by celloran, 20.04.10 , last modified
by cmilitante, 21.09.11

(Froese and Pauly, 2011)

L= 46 km
E= 14 m above MSL
Max. D=25.3 m
12o31’13.26” N
Kuhlia Morphomeristics
Collection areas
of K. rupestris in
Catubig River


Width (m): 24 - 57 Upstream

Depth (m): 0.52 – 11.3
Salinity (ppt): 0
Alkalinity (ppm): 172-202
Hardness (ppm): 237- 302
Total dissolved solids (ppm): 240-280
pH: 7.1 – 7.2
Temperature (0C): 25 - 26
Substrate type: rocky to sandy loam
Max. elevation (m above MSL) : 14
Kuhlia Morphomeristics
Subsistence fisheries
of Catubig River
CBF Project 1- Database of riverine fauna
and flora

Total collections
 Indigenous fish species - 68
 Introduced fish species - 1
 Indigenous palaemonids - 14
 Indigenous crabs -2
 Gastropods – 2
 Bivalves – 3
 Macroflora - 6
Kuhlia Morphomeristics
This study was conducted to:

confirm taxonomic identification of K.

rupestris collected from Catubig River
using morphometric and meristic data

determine landmark distances as

benchmark information for K. rupestris

evaluate potential of K. rupestris in

aquaculture based on morphological
data and growth performance in
captivity and in-mixed species culture.
Kuhlia Morphomeristics

o Collection of specimens
(August 2010- December 2011)


o Measurement of morphometric

1.5 cm
Standard Length (SL)
Fork Length (FL)
Total Length (TL)


o Measurement of morphometric characters

Pre-dorsal Length



Head Length (HL)

Pre-pelvic Length
Pre-anal Length

o determination of meristic characters

Dorsal fin rays

Caudal fin

Pectoral fin rays

Anal fin rays

Ventral fin rays


o determination of meristic characters

Lateral dorsal scales
Predorsal scales
Lateral peduncle
Lateral line

Lateral ventral

o Measurement of landmark distances

8 10

3 5

Midsaggital anatomical landmarks 7 - anterior base of the first anal fin ray
1- upper tip of premaxilla at symphysis 8 - posterior base of the last dorsal fin ray
2- anterior edge of frontal lobe 9 - posterior base of the anal dorsal fin ray
3- anterior base of the first ventral fin spine 10 - anterior base of the first dorsal
4- anterior base of the first dorsal fin spine procurrent caudal fin ray
5 – anterior base of first anal fin spine 11- anterior base of the first ventral
6- anterior base of the first dorsal fin ray procurrent caudal fin ray

(Gorospe and Demayo, 2013; Strauss and Bond, 1990)


o Search for information

o Species identification

o Culture in tanks (for 120 days)

Specific growth rate = InWf - InWi 100
Kuhlia Morphomeristics

Morphology of K. rupestris

Body coloration :
Silvery, scales dorsally on body with black edges, those on
side with a black bar or spot.

Body shape : fusiform

( Reference : Keith et al., 1999, as cited by Froese and Pauly, 2011)

Scale type : cycloid

Morphology of K. rupestris

Caudal fin morphology :

Emarginate, lobes somewhat rounded; each lobe with a large, white-

edged black spot (Keith et al., 1999, as cited by Froese and Pauly, 2011).

Shallow emargination and bluntly rounded lobes, median rays more than
half length of the outer rays; with oblique blotch across each lobe or broad
dark bar across posterior part of fish (Allen, 1991, as cited by Froese and
Pauly, 2011).
Morphology of K. rupestris

Mouth form :
Large, maxilla reaching below posterior half of eye (Keith et al., 1999)

Maxilla extending to below middle of eye or beyond (Allen, 1991).

Morphometric data of K. rupestris
K. rupestris collected from Catubig river FishBase Data
Characteristics (Froese and
Mean (n=10) Range Pauly, 2011)
Size (cm) 11.75 SL 18.6 SL, 23.1 TL
Total length (TL) 14.34 cm 11.5-16.5 cm 583 pixels
Standard length (SL) 81.85 %TL 86.1 % TL
Fork length 95.42 %TL 11.0-16.0 cm 96.7 % TL
Pre-anal length 57.77 %SL; 47.01%TL 50.3 % TL
Pre-dorsal length 43.10 % SL; 35.21 %TL 31.4 % TL
Pre-pelvic length 49.93 % SL; 40.79 % TL 30.5 % TL
Pre-pectoral length 36.58 % SL; 29.89%TL 25.0 % TL
Body depth 38.38 % SL; 31.24 % TL 30.9 % TL
Head length (HL) 26.64 % TL 25.9 % TL
Eye diameter 25.65 % HL 22.5 % HL
Pre-orbital length 23.89% HL 26.5 % HL
Aspect ratio of caudal fin 1.90729
Body weight (g) 48.90 20.0-85.0
Meristic data of K. rupestris
Characteristics K. rupestris collected from FishBase Data (Froese
Catubig river (n=10) and Pauly, 2011)
Lateral line scales 43 -44 38-45
Gill rakers on lower limb of 17 - 18 17-19
1st branchial arch
Gill rakers on upper limb of 8-9 7-9
1st branchial arch
Dorsal fin spines, soft rays 10, 10-11 10, 10-12
Number of dorsal fin 1 (notched) 1 (notched)
Anal fin, number 1 1
Anal fin spines, soft rays 3, 10-11 3,9-11
Pectoral fin spines, soft rays 0, 11-12 0, 13-14
Pelvic fin spine, rays 0, 6 ----
Predorsal scales 12 - 13 -----
Lateral dorsal scales 31 - 34 -----
Lateral ventral scales 21 - 24 ------
Lateral peduncle scales 8 - 12 ------
Landmark distances in K. rupestris collected from Catubig River, N. Samar
Anatomical Landmarks Landmark distances
From To (mm)
1 2 8.0
(upper tip of premaxilla at symphysis) 3 65.3
2 3 60.5
(anterior edge of frontal lobe) 5 104.3
4 57.0
3 4 59.0
(anterior base of the first ventral fin spine) 5 43.8
4 5 76.5
(anterior base of the first dorsal fin spine) 6 49.0
7 79.0
5 6 61.8
(anterior base of the first anal fin spine) 7 11.0
6 7 59.5
(anterior base of the first dorsal fin ray) 8 34.6
9 57.0
7 8 56.6
(anterior base of the first anal fin ray) 9 35.2
8 9 31.0
(posterior base of the last dorsal fin ray) 10 26.3
11 41.4
9 10 34.2
(posterior base of the last anal fin ray) 11 23.6
10 11 23.4
(anterior base of the first dorsal procurrent caudal fin ray)
(anterior base of the first ventral procurrent ccaudal fin ray)

o Landmark distances
Q2 8 10
1 Q1
3 5

Figure __. Truss network of measured distances between

midsaggital anatomical landmarks in K. rupestris consisting
of four truss cells (non-overlapping quadrilaterals).
Growth data
 Initial weight (g)* = 45 g
 Final weight (g) * = 228.2 g (max. = 430 g)
 Culture period = 120 days
 Survival rate = 100 %
 Culture system = mixed-species culture (5/30; 5
individuals/m3) in concrete tanks (reared with 4 other
indigenous species collected from Catubig river)
 Specific growth rate (% day-1) = 1.35%
*Mean of n=5
Kuhlia Morphomeristics
 Samples collected from Catubig river correctly identified as
Kuhlia rupestris
 Kuhlia rupestris is a promising aquaculture commodity
- good taste
- white meat (meat yield = 78.57% of TBW)
- can be grown in polyculture/ IMTA systems
- maximum reported weight = 2.7 kg (Froese & Pauly, 2011)
- can be cultured in IMTA/polyculture systems

subsistence sustainable- commercial

fishery aquaculture
Kuhlia Morphomeristics

 Promote Kuhlia rupestris and other indigenous
species as an aquaculture commodity
 Shift in aquaculture R and D thrusts in the
technology import Development of
(+ alien species) technologies for breeding
and sustainable culture of
ex. Pangasius sp.
indigenous species
More Recommendations…
 Stock assessment of Kuhlia rupestris (size
structures, abundance)
 Reproductive biology studies and development
of breeding/hatchery techniques
 Conduct grow-out experiments in ponds or
cages, in IMTA or monoculture systems, or in
rice-fish farming systems
Kuhlia Morphomeristics

Food security and

Preservation of improvement of the
ecological integrity quality of life of fisherfolk
Thank you
Community-based Participatory Action
Research (CPAR) on Seaweed Culture in
Panobolon, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras
Remia A. Aparri1, Joel T. Abalayan1, Ma. Lissette Permocillo1 and Joelyn M. Sentina2
1Regional Fisheries Research and Development Center, BFAR Regional Office 6, Iloilo City;
2INFOFISH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

5th BFAR – NFRDI Scientific Conference ● Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila ● October 15, 2013
• The fisheries have been a recognized sector that
contributes significantly to the country’s

– Philippines ranked 6th among the top 10 fish

producing countries in the world (Fisheries
Profile, 2010)

– The total production of 5.08M MT of fish,

crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants
(including seaweeds) contributes 3.12% to the
Despite the performance of 162.8M MT total world production
the Philippine fisheries, the
– Seaweeds production of the Philippines, that
country’s main fish species
and marine organisms are ranked third 3rd after China and Indonesia,
showing signs of overfishing accounts for 10.03% (or 1.74M MT) of world
(Green et al, 2003) production.
• Community-based Participatory Action
– One of the flagship programs of BAR
– Generating significant information by verifying the
technical and economic feasibility study of mature
– Develop support mechanism for sustainable
agriculture- based development of selected
– A collaborative approach to research with community
• Discussion of BFAR – RFRDC 6 with the LGU
and fisherfolk come up with a collaboration in
order to address the issue in the community.
• Participatory Rural Appraisal
– Conducted in 2008 at Panobolon, Nueva Valencia,
– The community is dependent to fishing as their
main livelihood.
– Problems identified: low fish catch  low income
• Seaweed culture is one of the existing
supplemental livelihood of the fisherfolk
– -Productive period is six (6) months (Aug to Feb)
– Seaweed has short gestation period
– Has stable market –as source of raw materials for
- positive impact to the environment
– easily adapted by the fisherfolk
• Solar salt making is also one of the existing
livelihoods in the barangay during summer
season (March to May).
– It is one of the post harvest system that can
reduce reliance on fishing during off season of
– Responsive to the needs of fish drying in the
– Requires minimal capital

• The farming of seaweed is one of the successful,

productive and environment friendly form of
livelihood among coastal communities (Trono,

• Seaweed farming was shown to be compatible

with traditional and subsistence used of the
inshore marine environment such as fishing
(South, 1993 as cited by Lal and Vuki, 2010,
Zamroni and Yamao, 2011).
• The CPAR project aims to establish and promote
improve production system among fisherfolk in
Panobolon for increased productivity and profitability
– increase seaweeds production by 25% and solar salt
production for marketing;
– provide supplemental livelihood to the fisherfolk;
– encourage community participation in project
operationalization and sustainability;
– empower and strengthen fisherfolk organization; and
– increase the number of fisherfolk adapting the technology
• Project Title: Community-based Participatory
Action Research (CPAR) on Seaweed Culture in
Panobolon, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras
• Project Cost: PhP 1 million
• Implemented in 2009 to 2012
• Project Partners: BAR, BFAR 6, Local Government
Unit (LGU) of Nueva Valencia, PLGU-Guimaras
and Panobolon Seaweed Growers and Traders
Association (PSGTA)
Project Site
Legend: Municipality
Nueva Valencia
San Lorenzo
Sibunag Provincial Capitol

Municipal Hall

Seaweed Trading Center


Project Cooperators
• Members of the Panobolon Seaweed Growers and Traders
Association (PSGTA).
– PSGTA is registered with DOLE on February 9, 2006.
– There are fourteen (14) families that served as project cooperator.
– Each family is represented a family head.
– One family is consisting of 2-3 seaweed farmer members.
– The project directly involved a total of 36 seaweed growers.
• The association has expressed their willingness to counterpart for
the project implementation primarily the cost of labor.
• The members were also willing to learn and share their knowledge
and experiences.
Phase I Phase II Phase III
Consultation with LGU Proposal Submission Project
and Community to BAR and Funding Implementation

Conduct of Formulation of CPAR Provision of Project

Participatory Rural Pre-implementing Inputs
Appraisal Guidelines
Technical assistance,
Data Presentation and Conduct of Project Monitoring, Data
Validation Orientation Collection

Development of Capability Building Conduct of Meetings

Project Proposal and FGDs
Training on Seaweed
Proposal Validation Culture and Solar Salt Data Collation and
and Finalization Production Report Writing
Scheme of Project Implementation
• Provision of project input was conducted in two
batches based
– First batch: 7 project cooperators covers a project period
of August 2009 to July 2011
– Second batch: 7 cooperators for the second batch covers
project period of August 2010 to July 2012.

• Based on the seasonal calendar

– Seaweeds culture with fishpot was first operationalized
– Solar salt production was implemented after the planting
season of seaweeds. (March –May)
Project Components
• 3 Components: seaweed culture, solar salt
production and fishpot
Seaweed Culture Component


• One module of seaweed farm with an area of ¼ ha was

managed by one family.
• The fixed-off bottom method is the culture method being
practiced by the CPAR project cooperator.
Kappaphycus spp “Barako” Kappaphycus striatum “Sacol”
(brown and green color
Fixed Off-Bottom Farm Layout
Clockwise: 1) Section of cultivation
line showing few days old planted
seaweeds; 2) CPAR seaweed farm
exposed during low tide; 3) CPAR
seaweed farm at high tide wherein
the floater keep the seaweeds
suspended along the water column
Solar Salt Production Component
• One (1) solar salt
production module is
managed by 2
• Each module has an
area of 120 m².
• Total aggregate area
of solar salt beds is
1,680 m².
Fishpot Component
• Local design and
specification of
fishpot in Panobolon.
• Made up of bamboo
• Rectangular shape
with dimension of 50
cm x 35 cm x 20 cm
with single opening
• Each project
cooperator was
provided with 60
units of fishpots.
Data gathering and Monitoring
• A CPAR Team was
organized for the
implementation of the
• The BFAR-RFRDC 6 staff
spearheaded the conduct
of project monitoring,
data gathering, FGDs and
data consolidation.
• A technical staff was
assigned to provide
technical assistance,
coordination and
monitoring of the project
Seaweed Production and Value
Fresh Seaweeds Dried Seaweeds
Quantity Quantity
Project Cycle (kg) Value (kg) Value Total Value
2009 August –
2010 July1 10,315 123,780 9,678 406,476 530,256
2010 August –
2011 July2 29,219 350,628 25,195 1,113,364 1,463,992
2011 August –
2012 July3 5,751 68,858 6,004 224,085 292,943

Total 45,285 543,266 40,877 1,743,925 2,287,191

1Modules 1-7 operationalized with 1.75 ha total area
2Modules 1-14 operationalized with 3.5 ha total area
3Only production of modules 8-14 was accounted with 1.75 ha total

Results: Seaweed Culture
• Production
– -Seaweed production increased by 62% from 2MT to 4MT
– Year-round production of seaweed culture during the operationalization of CPAR project.
– There was a change in the weather patterns in the area that favors culture of seaweeds during
off-season period of the past years.

• Diseases
– The seaweed culture experienced recurring occurrence of ‘ice-ice’ diseasess during the whole
project cycle.
– Epiphytism was also observed and caused damaged to seaweed stocks on the first and second
quarter of CY 2012.
– Cooperators transferred the cultivation line to other areas when they observed occurrence of
farm malaise.
– During extreme conditions, they do emergency harvest.
Results: Seaweed Culture
• Cultured Species:
– Cultured species shifted from majority of
“sacol” during the start of the project to
‘barako’ in the third project cycle.
– “Barako” was observed to thrive well and has
more robust thallus than ‘sacol’.
– An estimated 80% of seedlings that were
source out from outside Panobolon was
Results: Seaweed Culture
• Marketing:
– Selling of dried seaweed in Sibunag prior to and during the first
year of project implementation.
– Buying and consolidating of dried seaweeds produced in
Panobolon by 4 residents of Panobolon.
• Other product form
– The cooperators were able to produce 80 kg of seaweed pickles.
– Average price: PhP 200.00/kg
– Brought to exhibits, served in local restaurant and some even
brought abroad as local delicacy.
• Production and Value: Solar Salt
Module Salt Production No. of Market Price Value
(kg) Sacks (per sack)
1* 150 6
2 1,850 74 300.00 22,200.00
3* 34 1.36
4 2,000 80 300.00 24,000.00
7 300 12 300.00 3,600.00
Total 4,334 173.36 49,800.00
*Modules 1 and 3 production was utilized for family consumption
Modules 5 and 6 not able to set-up solar salt production beds
Result: Solar Salt Production

Operationalized for one season only, from February to

May 2010
• Production was not continued during the second and
third production cycle due to changes in the weather
– Rainfall was frequent during summer months of 2011 and
2012 that hinders successful salt production.
• The cooperators purchased fishing net and seaweed
seedlings from the fund intended for solar salt
Results: Operation of fish pot
• Production and Value: Fish
– Total production: 75 kg
– Species caught: ‘samaral’ (siganid, big), ‘moy-moy’
(parrotfish), ‘palata’ (damselfish), ‘ngisi-ngisi’ (siganid,
small), ‘kilawan’ (emperor fish), sulay bagyo’ (triggerfish),
‘lokos’ (squid), ‘palad’ (flatfish), ‘bukaw-bukaw’ (big eye),
‘butiti’ (pufferfish).
Result: Fishpot
• Cooperators observed that smaller fish thrives
in the seaweed culture in shallow areas and
cannot be caught with fishpot due to large
mesh size.
• Fishpot were transferred to deeper areas.
• Annual Income of Cooperator
Annual income gained by each
cooperator is PhP 62,836.25 ± 50,655.86
Result: Rollover and Adoptors
• The roll-over scheme of the project engaged
the other members of the association to
participate in the CPAR project.
– First batch rolled-over to 23 members of
– Second batch rolled-over to 27 members
• In 2011, there are 49 adoptors of the seaweed
culture and have established seaweed farms
in Panobolon.
• Seaweed culture component of the CPAR project is the
one that was sustained and recorded a positive result.
– The seaweed culture has a positive result with 41 MT dried
and 45 MT fresh seaweeds
– Annual average yield of CPAR seaweed farms of 6.0 MT dry
weight per hectare
– Increase in dried seaweed production: from 2.5 MT to 4.0
MT per ha
– Field experiment of fixed-off bottom seaweed culture in
Caluya, Antique at 8.0 MT dry weight per hectare at 60
days culture period (Hurtado et al, 2001)
• PhP 5,000.00 -10,000.00 annual income per
family was noted in 2008.
• 71% of cooperators still fall below the average
annual regional family income of PhP
99,000.00 (NSCB, 2009).
• Most successful seaweed farms are those that
are tended with skill, diligence and a "green
thumb“ (Neish, 2008).
Discussion: impact on production
• Seaweed farming area in Panobolon expanded
from 15 hectares in 2008 to 30 hectares in 2012.
• Relatively larger compared to other major
seaweed farming areas in Guimaras
– Sabang, Sibunag- 16.5 ha

– Sebaste, Sibunag - 12.1 ha

– Nadulao Island - 4.5 ha

Discussion: impact on production
• The roll-over scheme has also contributed to the increased
in production as well as in the expansion of seaweed farms
– From 36 initial cooperators to 86 cooperators

• In 2011, there are 49 identified adoptors of the seaweed

culture and have established seaweed farms in Panobolon.
– Adoptors are either residents of Panobolon or private investors
that ventured into seaweed farming as motivated by the
positive performance of the seaweed culture project.
Discussion: impact on production
• The support of the leaders in Panobolon also
contributed to the success of the CPAR project
and the rest of the seaweed farming in the
• This positive effect of leadership was also
noted among seaweed farming village in
Pacific Islands (Namudu and Pickering, 2006).
Discussion: impact on production
• The solar production, though, was not sustained
can also be a source of additional livelihood.
– The CPAR project demonstrated that fisheries-based
livelihood can complement with each other given the
proper timing of season.

– It also shows that with proper financial management,

the fisherfolk can diversify into other projects that are
complementary to seaweed culture.
Discussion: impact on production
• The fishpot component was not able to serve its
purpose as deterrent to grazing and for fish
– The effect of grazing becomes negligible due to the
increase of seaweed farms.

– Increasing seaweed biomass wherein any effect of

grazing pressure becomes insignificant to total
biomass and production is the widest method of
dealing with grazers (Neish, 2008).
Discussion: impact on organization
and community
• The CPAR on seaweed culture project provide
supplemental livelihood of the seaweed
– The CPAR cooperator can now afford to have solar
panels that is a source of electricity of the
– Purchase of motor engine for paddled banca
Discussion: impact on organization
and community
• Promote cooperation among members of the
association and strengthen unity in the
– Members of the association shares seedlings to
other members.
– Collectively contribute to the overall production of
seaweed and produce large quantity that is
attractive to buyers.
Discussion: impact on organization
and community
• As observed, the cooperators are now easier
to mobilize during meeting and discussion.
– There are perceptions before that they just attend
meeting or participate in the project because of
the free assistance or incentives.
– Now, they already have the will and are motivated
to participate during meetings and group
Discussion: impact on organization
and community
• The trainings and interaction with technical persons
widens their understanding of the technology being
imparted to them.
– They become more aware of the technical considerations
of the project, thus they are able to mitigate the negative
impact of diseases and unfavourable environmental

• Some cooperators were already invited by BFAR to

participate in the conferences and even share their
experiences to others.
• Constraints: Limited capability on financial
– Training and assistance are required to develop
financial management skills or the association to
develop into an enterprise
• Importance of community organizing
• Presence of extension officers is vital to the community
in providing technical services
• Seaweed culture is a sustainable viable livelihood for
the fisherfolk
• Development of value chain road map for seaweeds,
that is the integration of production and post
production operation of seaweed growers.
• Positive impact to the environment
– Reduce fishing pressure
– Mitigating measure to climate change
Summary and Conclusion
• The CPAR on Seaweed Culture in Panobolon, Nueva Valencia,
Guimaras project was able to realized its objectives.
– It provided additional income to the fisherfolk

– Expanded production area from 15 ha to 30 ha

– It contributed to the increase in seaweed production of the

community by 62%

– The cooperators and the community have now the will and are
motivated to sustain the project.

– The members of the fisherfolk association have developed the values

of sharing of resources and knowledge.
Summary and Conclusion
• The CPAR project was able to create tangible
result to the community and provide venue
for learning research in the community.
Thank you
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

(October 14-15, 2013)

Manila Ocean Park

Luneta, Manila

“Exploring new opportunities

through fisheries research and development”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

2 in 1 plus Mariculture Farming System

(A Livelihood Development Strategy for Coastal Families)

Valentino V. Prado, Gerry N. Galvez*, Richard N. Rivera

Ida C. Junio, Enone V. Tepait, and Lourdes P. Bisco

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Project Location of
2 in 1 mariculture farm
Coastal Waters of Balaoan, La Union
the Balaoan, La Union.

The intertidal zone

of this locality was known to
have a coralline, seaweed
and seagrass beds.

DMMMSU North La Union Campus

Fisheries Research & Training Institute
2517 Balaoan, La Union

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Country/Area Seaweed World

(million tons) Production(%)

China 4.093 50

Korea 0.771 11

Japan 0.737 10

Philippines 0.404 6

Far East Countries 6.283 90

Production of Norway 0.185 2.6
Seaweed Chile 0.182 2.6
No.31CEVA, USA 0.116 1.6
France 0.079 1.1

European countries 0.302 4.3

Total 6.941

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union …..overview

Trend on
from 1997–
(Source: DA-
from BAS)

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

production by
Region, 2002
(Source: DA-

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union …..overview

Sea urchin
-belongs to Class Echinoidea
Tripneustes gratilla
*It is small and spiny sea creature found in oceans
- edible
- good source of vitamins and minerals
- a high-valued fishery commodity

its roe is expensive in foreign market;

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Coastal farming of sea

urchin provides employment
opportunity, thus contributes
in alleviating poverty among
coastal dwellers…

T. gratilla as a fishery industry

should be sustainable
5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013
“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union …..overview

 World production declining Sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla

1995 = 119,647 mt fresh wt

1998 = 89,918 mt

 Local production
1992 = 1,100 mt fresh wt
1998 = 392 mt
-due to overexploitation 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995

-loss of multimillion pesos fisheries

and source of livelihood of numerous
coastal families
source:Juinio-Menez et al., 1997

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

seafarming practices

seaweed farming
- monoline
- bamboo

urchin farming
- cage
- ranching

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Current marketing practice

Public /direct consumers


restaurants / other buyers

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Current marketing practice

Processor / cooperative/s

Public /direct consumers


5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Generally, the paper
aims to present the potential of
farming both seaweed and sea
urchin in a 200 square meter
coastal farm or space.
It specifically seeks to
describe the farming system for
production and processing as
integral activity of a coastal
family to increase their

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

A holistic farming system on the culture in
of seaweed at the upper water surface 1
column, sea urchin culture at the bottom in a
200m2 coastal space and, the processing of
(200m2 )
both was developed. The technology Seaweed
maximizes the potential use of a limited (water surface)
mariculture space.
Experimental trials and demofarm results
on the culture, production and processing
technologies of seaweed and sea urchin were
analyzed (Junio,2006; Tepait,2007; Prado and
Tepait, 2007). Said technologies and farming
practices were used to come up an integrated
mariculture farming system where a coastal
family may explore to optimize productivity
of the household. Return on expenses of
Sea urchin
respective technologies were established.

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

2 in 1plus Mariculture Farming System

• is an innovative livelihood strategy
for coastal families

 the technology
 -optimizes use of limited coastal space
- lessens navigational conflicts among fisherfolks
 -increases family productivity
 -promotes better social interaction among family

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union
…..overview of the 2in1plus FS

2 integrated mariculture system in 200m2

1 culture area

Post-harvest technologies

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

fresh seaweed

2 in 1
fresh urchin

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

results… Seaweed culture (fresh seaweed) Sea urchin culture (fresh urchin) (roe)
Number of Crops/year 4 Number of Crops/year 2 2

Culture days 50-60 Culture days


Production Area/m² 200 Production Area/m² 200

No. of Culture Modules 2 No. of Cages(2x1x..5m) 4

No. of Culture Lines/Module 10 Stocking Density/Cage 500

Initial weight(g) of seedlings/hang 150 Total Stockings(pcs) 2000

No.of hangs/line 50 Mortality rate(10%) 200

Total Weight of seedlings(kg) Harvest

per line(kg) 7.5 pc. 1800 1800

per module(kg) 75 kg. 200 18kg roe

module x2(kg) 150

@7%growth rate/day 900 Yield Php50/kg 10000.00

Net Yield 750 Php 200/kg roe 14400.00

FarmGate Price(Php) 35.00 Sales/year 20000.00 28800.00

Sales/Cycle(Php) 22,500.00

Sales/Year(Php) 90 000.00

Less: Less:

Production Cost(Php) 47 950.00 Production Cost(Php) 15600.00 17200.00

a. Labor 14 400.00 Cost of Cages(Php) 8000.00 8000.00

b. Seedlings 21 600.00 Cost of Stocks(Php) 4000.00 4000.00

c. Cost of Materials 11 950.00 Labor 3600.00 5200.00

NET INCOME 42 050.00 NET INCOME 8000.00 11600.00

Return-on-Expenses: 87% 28.00% 67.44%

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities Luneta, Manila
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Particular Cost Technology Yield Cost ROE%

results… Product (Php) Description (Php) Remarks

750 kg 107.14 kg Fresh Seaweed (FSW) to

FSW 22 500.00 DSW 4 821.00 (-) Dried Seaweed (DSW)

DSW-dried seaweed
Table 2. 107.14 kg 4 821.00 Sun-drying of newly 35.7kg BSW 5,355.00¹ 24.3 ¹@150/kg
DSW to harvested seaweeds for 2- 7,140.00² 65.7 ²@200/kg
The plus BSW 3days with a moisture BSW prevailing market
technology content ranging from 28-
35% (3 man-days)
price is PhP500.00
Labor cost -150/man-day
options for
female family Dried seaweeds are @0.90/gram
household 35.7kg
BSW to
7,140.00 washed thoroughly with
fresh potable water to
24 451.20 23 Flakes prevailing price is
members. Flakes remove salt , dirt and A new product from
fishy odor then sun dried seaweed used as binder,
for 2 days (2 man-days) wrapper, thickener and
main ingredient in the
preparation of

Mixture of seaweed
35.7kg 7,140.00 gel,milk.sugar,fruit 28.3kg 5 600.00 ¹ @200/kg
BSW to cooked until thick. 73 580 183 950.00 14.4 ² @2.50/pc
Candies (30 man-days) candies prevailing price is 3.00/pc

Mixture of seaweed, 1 440

35.7kg 7.140.00 vinegar, sugar, salt, bottles of 50 400.00 56 @35.00/bot. (prevailing
BSW to carrots, onions, ginger, seaweed price P40.00/bot.)
Pickles bell pepper & chili pickles

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities Luneta, Manila
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union
return on expenses

(post-harvest) 65.7

bleached seaweed


processed roe
5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013
“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union




5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union


c 56%
n 23%
5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013
“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

as binder


as main ingredient

80% iodine candy Shanghai

Fruit shake Meatballs

Ice cream as thickener


Maja Special Noodles

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union
Summary / Conclusion

The 2 in 1 plus mariculture technology involves the 1)

production of seaweed e.i. kappaphycus or eucheuma
spp. In combination with sea urchin (T.gratilla) in a 20x10m2
coastal space and product development of the produce
particularly on seaweed. Considering the production area
of 200m2 a family optimizes productivity while maximizing
the potential use of limited space.
Direct benefits derived from the 2 in 1 (simultaneous
culture of seaweed and sea urchin) is a return-on-
expenses of about 87% and 28-67% respectively, and plus
value-added technologies ranging from 14%-65%. Indirect
benefit includes social progression within the family in
particular and the community in general hence, resulting to
community productivity.

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

Target beneficiaries: Families = Communities

2 in 1 plus


other families
5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013
“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union


As to the foregoing, pilot implementation of the 2 in 1 plus

mariculture farming system as a coastal family livelihood
opportunity in specific areas of the region is recommended with
the involvement of key players. A strong partnership and
cooperation among key players and stakeholders particularly
government implementing fisheries and coastal development in the
region is necessary to attain sustainable family-based 2 in 1plus
technology adoption.
With appropriate training and market assistance, adoption of the
2 in 1plus technology commodities promotes family enterprise in
particular and consequently, the community in general.

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

System for Technology Adoption

of the 2 in 1plus Mariculture Technology for coastal families

input / process Output

Piloting of *Community-based
GOs Seaweed-Sea Urchin
2 in 1 Farming Processing NGOs Production & Processing

Technical Market
(Family enterprise)
assistance/ assistance/
trainings promotions


5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

“ Exploring new opportunities
Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila
through fisheries research and development ”
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
North La Union Campus
Fisheries Research and Training Institute
Balaoan 2517 La Union

2 in 1plus
“ Exploring new opportunities
through fisheries research and development ”

5th BFAR-NFRDI Scientific Conference October 14-15, 2013

Manila Ocean Park, Luneta, Manila Luneta, Manila

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