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by Frater 493

April 26, 2013ev

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Apollo is the ancient Greek god of the sun, light, truth, prophecy, healing, and music. He is said
to drive a lustrous chariot. Four celestial horses, representing the four cherubic elements, draw
this chariot across the sky from sunrise to sunset. Artemis, the goddess of the Moon, is Apollo’s
sister by their father Zeus/Jupiter. The Chariot of the Sun has obvious allusions to the Chariot
Atu of Thoth. Apollo, as the personification of the Sun, finds his greatest strength during
summer, when the Sun is in the constellation of Cancer. This also represents the Chariot Atu. The
Sun is the charioteer, the fiery and masculine carrier of the Holy Grail, which is none other than
the sanctified female reproductive system and the blood therein. Thus, we have the Sun and the
Moon conjoined. In these ideas are suggested the possibility, and the means thereto, of elevation
of the human being to a divine and immortal state. Students of Thelema will immediately
recognize the Sun as the center of Our System, the Earthly representative of our divine and
spiritual nature. The emblem of this is the Mark of the Beast of Τὸ Μεγα Θηρίον, which we
include here:

Ichor is the golden, celestial fluid that is the blood of the Greek Immortals. The immortals do not
consume human food or drink but the divine sustenance called Ambrosia. It is for this reason that
they are exempt from death. Therefore, theoretically, if humans can transmute their earthly
sustenance to divine nourishment, we could achieve immortality. This possibility is illustrated by
the Heroes of ancient Greece, who were said to be borne of human mothers and divine fathers
and possessed strength, intelligence, cunning, wisdom, intuition, and longevity superior to that of
their ordinary human counterparts.
Similar to Ichor and Ambrosia is the Star Fire of the ancient Sumerian culture, which greatly
preceded classical Greece. Legend has it that Star Fire was a substance given to the kingly and
priestly rulers as a dietary supplement. Originating with the Annunaki, the divine race of beings
that lived among and ruled the ancient Sumerians, Star Fire bestowed upon its recipients the
same gifts as the possessed the Greek Heroes. The Annunaki are identical to the Nephilim
written about in the Old Testament.

One of these Annunaki, Enki, who is the same Adonai of the Old Testament, mated with the
human woman Eve, initiating a succession of god-men, similar again to the Greek Heroes, and
no doubt the inspiration, thousands of years later, for the common Greek and Roman myths.
These god-men became the kings and pharaohs of the ancient world. To sustain their divinity and
longevity, the early patriarchs were weaned on Star Fire, which was an extract of menstrual
blood from the Annunaki goddess Nin-khursag. In Egypt, this divine Mother was called Isis. In
temples throughout the Sumerian kingdom, virgin were bred for the specific purpose of
providing their menstrual fluid for production of the Star Fire. These divine priestesses were
called Scarlet Women.

The bloodline of the divine Priest-Kings was sustained by this extract of menstrual blood, which,
as we know through more modern research, contains essential endocrinal hormones from the
pineal and pituitary glands. This is further paralleled in the modern age with the discovery of
mitochondrial DNA, which is the blood of the woman, carrying the prominent gene of lineal
succession. True kingship was transferred through the female. Menstrual blood also contains
essential enzymes and over 300 unique proteins not found in venous female blood.

The Star Fire was symbolically represented by a red cross surrounded by a black circle, which
was the biblical “Mark of Cain.” This would later become the symbol of the Rose Cross. The
former emblem was used in the mystery schools of Egypt, around c. 2710 BCE, by the prince-
priest Ankh-f-n-Khonsu. The Star Fire and its emblems were also central to the Egyptian mystery
school called the Great White Brotherhood of pharaoh Tuthmosis III (c. 1450 BC). This was but
one incarnation of this spiritual hierarchy of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The Great White
Brotherhood is so-called because of a preoccupation with a mysterious white powder called
Ormus, or monatomic gold. This group of priests, metallurgists, theurgists, and likewise initiated
men sought a substitute for the Star Fire, which for reasons obscure was becoming more difficult
to obtain. It is speculated that the Scarlet Women, despite all efforts to keep the divine bloodline
pure, diminished in the potency of their menstruum. The goal of the work of the fraternity was to
produce from metallic gold a substance easily ingestible that would produce enlightenment,
longevity, and a transformation to a divine state, thus replacing the Star Fire. This is the
Philosopher’s Stone familiar to students of Alchemy.

As a jealous and fear-inspiring God not wanting any heavenly competition from the humans,
Jehovah deemed the consumption of blood a forbidden practice. This may be an additional factor
in the search for a Star Fire substitute. The Christian faith is especially concerned with the
consumption of blood, through the sacrament of Holy Communion, where the wine and wafer
are transubstantiated into the Blood and Body of Jesus Christ. This represents the blood of the
line of Messiahs (Anointed Ones). Thus, the Holy Grail itself is the female reproductive organs,
the Chalice from which the Blood of the Saints is passed to future generations. Early Christian
writers, in their typical fashion of taking that which raises mankind to divinity and declaring it
evil and detrimental, referred to Ichor as the puss from putrid and oozing wounds.

the haoma of the Iranians, or the soma of the ancient Hindus,

Talk about the Catholic church and substantiation. The bread and wine being the literal body and
blood of Christ during the Eucharist

In the religious philosophy of Thelema, the Cakes of Light contain the most exalted form of the
Star Fire, or Ichor: the Semen, which is the symbol of the life force, the Blood, which is another,
and Wine, yet a third. This may form the three essentials of Alchemy, or at the very least is the
manifestation of the supreme spiritual force in the three realms of Spirit (Semen), Soul (Blood),
and Body (Wine).

By creating the cakes of light, we are encapsulating the essential life force (find a better term for
this) and sealing it into a Eucharist. This matter, then, becomes a sort of talisman, but is like an
inactive battery. Not to say that it is useless or ineffective as is, but after the consecration and
“charging” of the cake during the mass of the phoenix, we are activating once again its spiritual
properties. By the incantations during the final rays of the sun, we are capturing the spiritual light
into the cake, and we are anointing it with our living blood. Thus, we charge the cake and
activate its energies. We then consume this to our own spiritual benefit and empowerment. We
recycle the energy we have put into it, yet it works in a more exalted way because of the process.
This is very alchemical. We took the elements of blood wine and semen and combined it into a
new being, and then we activated that being through ritual consecration. Now it is a holy
medicine that we consume for spiritual power.

The communion, which is similar to the baptism we have written about in Liber Gnavitas, acts as
the seed of spiritual life. It may at first seem dormant (insert some Theophan here, particularly
the manner by which the sacrament works within the aspirant. Crowley writes about the results
of the sacrament being a possible mystic grace leading to samadhi or a more material benefit.
Theophan writes about taking the communion after you have the grace-filled awakening (which I
liken to the impetus to become a Probationer) you should immediately take the sacrament which
essentially binds that state of grace to your soul, though it remains hidden and inactive until your
body and soul are sufficiently purified by works of asceticism and penance.

The Catholic Church has preserved the secrets of the true Gnostic Mass in their exoteric
teachings. This can be studied in the Canon of the Mass and the Roman Missal and the chapter
on Defects.
er, etc. also insert notes here about the Eucharist and communion. (Communicative union,
Blood is the medium by which the spiritual energies are dispersed through the body. Light
crystallized in our blood, fulfilling us of resurrection. I have written before that the blood is the
link between the body and the spirit, which means that the blood is the carrier of the soul, it
contains our DNA, which is the blueprint for our unique soul, and it has the role of the
messenger and transporter of vital nutrients throughout the body. Blood carries our spiritual ideas
through the body, converting physical matter into spiritual matter in the inner alchemical

Preparations for taking the sacrament include Chastity, fasting, and Aspiration.
Consume the mass every day. It is a full circle. Any magical force expended is completely
reabsorbed, and what is more is that with each communion, the physical matter, the Body of the
magician is slowly replaced by the Holy Spirit, the Divine body. This is the true meaning of
transubstantiation. That there is so much argument among the Christians these days is proof of
the schism and confusion that has plagued those poor damned souls for ages. If Christ has said
that the Wine and Bread will become his Blood and Body, and that the pious needs consume this
in order to fulfill God’s Will (which is union with Christ), it stands to reason that consuming the
consecrated Eucharist facilitates this union, this change from Man to God. It seems a very simple
thing, and one that Crowley says is the most important to the Aspirant working toward the
attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Indeed, in the
prayers of This Aspirant, it is called upon for the Light of God to “crystallize itself in my blood,
fulfilling me of resurrection.”

We must consider what is spiritual nourishment, divine sustenance.

It is similar to the way a pelican will tear at its own chest to feed to its young its own blood. In
addition, the phoenix is resurrected from the ashes of its own immolation. It is a symbolic and
literal sacrifice of our lower nature to serve the higher.

Semen is the element by which our spiritual power can manifest into the universe itself, outside
of our body. The nature of our soul is contained in the Semen, which we know due to DNA as
well as the effects that our thoughts, lifestyle and nutrition have upon the quality of our sperm
and the final outcome (a child). It is a pure emission, leaving one exhausted yet utterly satisfied
upon completion. Active process.

Wine, therefore, is the element by which the spiritual powers outside of our selves can manifest
within us, so it is a pure reception, leaving one energize, exalted and utterly satisfied upon
imbibing. The grape and the wine is of the Sun and consuming properly prepared wine or wine
products is itself a communion. Passive process.

Knowledge and conversation with God, HGA). Notice that this symbol resembles a chalice,
another interpretation of the Grail, which collected the divine blood of Christ as the Crucifixion.
As we will soon discover, blood is an essential ingredient in the Sacrament and in immortality.

Treatise on the mass of the phoenix and the meaning of the Eucharist using some notes from
Saint Theophan the Recluse.

44 is the Hebrew gematria for Blood, to burn, conceal, to absorb, and is also rigidity in matter,
the four elements expressed in a dualistic world. It is the doomed tower, which must fall to make
room for the construction of the New Aeon. According to the Book of Lies, 44 is a special
number of Horus, being 4*11, the Magical expression of Chesed. 44 is EQ for AEONS. The
word of the Aeon is ABRAHADABRA which is 418=13=4 and 4*11=44.

4444 is Chesed expressed through the Four Qabalistic worlds, and also represents the four
elements present, in varying degrees of density, throughout the four worlds.

Mass of the Phoenix

Mysteries of Blood.

1.5cups of wholewheat flour
1 tablespoon of wine leavings
7 tablespoons of Honey
6 tablespoons of olive oil
7 drops Abramelin oil
Fresh blood as needed for consistency
Other ingredient (see AL III, 23 & 24)

Procedure: Collect the leavings of red wine from alchemical experiments with the Grape.

Preheat the oven to 300º F (150º Celsius). In a mixing bowl add the flour, honey, wine goo, olive
oil, Abramelin oil, and other ingredient. Knead until it becomes cookie dough - this takes a
while. Add more flour if it's too sticky.

Roll out the dough on to a floured surface. Flour the rolling pin and your hands too. When the
dough has been flattened out, cut into cakes using a small circular cutter - a pill bottle top or
lipstick top is ideal.

Place cakes on floured sheet and bake them in the oven for no more than five minutes. Usually 3
- 4 minutes is enough. The cakes won't look done when you take them out - just let them cool for
a while.

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