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Earth Alliance Special Forces
Part 1: The People
By M Flegal

Overview Earth Ground Forces. She declined; preferring to stay However, all of these units are classified top secret and
As of 2262, Earth Alliance special operations are with SOC and tend to her battered troops as they rebuilt a few are almost unknown outside of their respective
undergoing a much-needed period of recuperation from their units and digested the lessons of the war. SOC organizations. It is not unusual for the majority of an
the terrible losses of the past two years. Earth Alliance and Earth Alliance special operations forces in general organization’s members to not know if one of their
special operations forces served in all theatres, from have come through some extremely difficult times but special operations units truly exists, much less whom
supporting the regular forces at the battle of Proxima III it would be a mistake to dismiss them as depleted forces it reports to.
to hundreds of small, sharp, and bloody actions all over in 2262. While Earth Alliance special operations units
the known galaxy. Operators fought on seceding colony have lost almost 20% of their operators to death, injury, Military Units
worlds, bled and died on alien soils, and grappled hand or retirement in the past five years those who remain
are battle-hardened beyond any previous achieved level, Special Action
to hand in the cold of space. While the Fleet Marines’
assault on the Babylon 5 station is perhaps the best known more so than even during the desperate battles of the Service Regiments
of these operations, tens of thousands of operators died Earth-Minbari war. Before 2262, EarthForce special Special Action Service (SAS) regiments are the best
during the two wars, too often in combat with those who operations forces were recognized as being among the known and second largest group of special operators
had been their brothers and sisters just months before. best in the galaxy. In 2262 it can be argued that they in EarthForce, second only to the Assault Rangers in
The Earth Civil War in particular was a bloody and are the best. size. Their post-Minbari War expansion and reputation
wretched affair, as special operations personnel loyal to is a direct result of their successes during that conflict,
the President Clark’s faction of EarthForce battled those Organization where the SAS provided some of the few bright spots
who broke off to follow General Hague and Captain The majority of the Earth Alliance special forces for Earth during the disastrous conflict. While the Earth
Sheridan. Some special operations personnel defected as personnel operate under an umbrella command, the Alliance fleet was being slaughtered in space, ground-
entire units, others in small groups and some as single Special Operations Command (SOC), which reports based operations were the only area where the Minbari
individuals. When the Special Operations Command’s directly to the Chief of Staff Earth Ground Forces, were successfully resisted, even if only long enough to
(SOC) commander, General Natalia Murnikova, cast placing most of EarthForce’s special operations units evacuate civilians and essential personnel. Yet while
her lot with Captain Sheridan in 2260 this pace picked into the Ground Forces Command structure. EarthForce GROPOS troops and Fleet Marine forces fought several
up dramatically and by the final battles of the Civil War special operations units outside of SOC include the Fleet successful, albeit costly, delaying actions SAS personnel
over 60% of SOC’s personnel had joined her to help Marines, who report to the Chief of Fleet Operations, were amongst the few who often defeated the Minbari
liberate Earth. and the Special Activities Task Force, reporting to the outright. SAS personnel struck blow after blow against
Director of Military Intelligence. Outside of EarthForce, the Minbari juggernaut; ambushing relief columns,
When Clark’s forces were defeated President Luchenko the various Intelligence Directorate and Psi-Corps units sniping high-ranking Minbari officers, destroying
offered General Murnikova the position of Chief of Staff, report through their appropriate command structures. ammunition dumps, and coordinating resistance
operations on fallen colony worlds.

When the war ended, only the valiant Starfury pilots ranked higher in the public’s
esteem. More importantly, EarthForce realized that for the foreseeable future Earth’s
potential enemies included those who could sweep their tanks from the ground and
their warships from space. Special operations had more than proven their worth in the
face of those types of threats. The special operations budget in general and the SAS
budget in particular were greatly increased after the war and SAS units were expanded
as rapidly as possible, a process that was accelerated when a celebrated SAS officer was
promoted to the commanding general of SOC. General Murnikova’s influence has
been great, not the least because she proved an extremely skilled in-fighter amongst
the hierarchy in EarthDome as well as being a personal friend of the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs, General Jennifer Romano.

Telepaths in Special Operations

Telepaths do not serve outside of Psi-Corps control except in the Blue Berets.
Experiences in the Earth-Minbari war showed that telepaths attached to regular
special operations units under EarthForce command for long periods often became
accepted as team members and began to lose their distrust of mundanes. Since this
camaraderie ran counter to the desires of Psi-Corps these long-term postings ended
shortly after the war. By 2258, members of Psi-Corps, usually from the Department
of Military Affairs, were assigned on a mission-by-mission basis to existing special
operations teams. Care is taken to frequently rotate telepaths through these units
to minimize the development of personal bonds, although this is not completely
effective. Typically, the telepath is assigned a specific mission such as scanning or
subverting enemy personnel while a team of mundane operators provides protection
during the operation. It is commonly understood that telepaths above P7 are
rarely used for these duties, although P10’s and even P12’s are occasionally sent
on missions of the highest priority. At least that is what Psi-Corps high command
tells EarthForce. In reality, many covert telepaths have served in special operations
units over the years without any but their Psi-Corps handlers knowing that they
were telepaths and many more have been represented as having a low P-ranking
when their actual level was far higher. While this is generally done to keep tabs
on the special operations community, darker missions have taken place as well. In
recent years several telepaths of P10 or higher have served secretly as mundanes or
masqueraded as P3-P5’s in various special operations units to surreptitiously install
‘Asimov’ blocks in special operations personnel as well as conduct loyalty scans and
build a database of weaknesses in high ranking operators. When Psi-Corps makes
its move to take control of the Earth Alliance, it intends to keep the various special
operations forces from being an obstacle.

In many ways the SAS are the closest to the public The primary exception to this structure are SAS sniper for SAS personnel to carry 50-80 kilos of equipment on
stereotype of special operators, engaging in ambushes, squads, which consist of 2-3 snipers, generally with one their back for dozens of miles, it is even more difficult
sabotage, sniping, capture of enemy personnel, experienced primary sniper and 1-2 less experienced for a combat swimmer to drag that equipment behind
reconnaissance, and the training of other resistance snipers who assist with observation and provide extra him while fighting a 5 knot current. These difficulties
forces. The typical squad consists of one officer, a warrant firepower during contact and extraction. are magnified by present sensor technologies that make
officer, and 11 enlisted operators. This warrant officer is even Minnow dive vehicles prone to detection and
generally a former NCO with several years of experience Combat Swimmer Flotillas small surface craft almost suicidal to use. Thus, the
in a SAS squad who often mentors new officers assigned The ‘Killer Whales’ are the maritime version of the SAS, vast majority of combat swimmer infiltrations involve
from selection. The enlisted operators are typically of commandos tasked with operating from water. While swimming long distances underwater. Because of this,
higher rank than in an equivalent GROPOS squad, due there are many similarities between the two units, most missions involve quick and aggressive direct action
both to the requirement that applicants for selection there are also some significant differences that should such as destroying a high value target, ambushing
have a minimum of 2 years in line units before applying be recognized. While the SAS specializes in missions an enemy unit, or capturing enemy personnel. The
as well as the high retention rates in special operations. lasting from weeks to months, the combat swimmers primary exceptions are sniper teams and small six-person
These 11 enlisted operators usually consist of at least generally plan missions lasting a few days at most. reconnaissance teams who operate much like their SAS
one medic, one or two heavy weapons specialists, one While this is partly due to a desire to prevent mission counterparts in missions that can last from 1 to 2 weeks.
sniper, one communications specialist, and the rest a mix overlap it is also due to the fact that, as difficult as it is The most common team organization involves 12 men
of assault, demolition, and reconnaissance specialists. with one officer and 11 enlisted operators organized into
swim-teams of 2 operators tasked with watching out for
each other during long swims or ruck-marches. This
buddy system is almost holy writ to combat swimmers,
beaten into them from the first day of training due to
the serious dangers of swimming in the murky depths.
It is incredibly rare for an odd number of operators to
go out on a mission, in the event that specialists such
as telepaths are assigned to the team, one member is
either left behind or added to provide standard swim
teams (and baby-sit the specialist). Players wishing to
play a combat swimmer must maximize their Swim
skill ranks for each level before allocating skill points
to other skills. In addition, a player choosing a combat
swimmer character automatically gains the Swim skill as
an extra class skill so long as they are serving in a combat
swimmer unit.

There are a few reasons why, in spite of the added

difficulties of operating from water, combat swimmers
exist. The most obvious is that most populated worlds
have surface water, often in the form of rivers or
coastlines that provide ideal routes for small teams to

SAS Selection and Training
All of the Special Forces units have their own challenging training processes and the more elite the unit, the more difficult the process. SAS training, for example, has an
82% failure rate with many of these candidates being Assault Rangers who have already survived that fierce unit’s own selection and training process. However, while each
unit has different selection processes, SAS training is a useful standard for comparison.

Once accepted for SAS Selection, the applicant will undergo three weeks of physical training to build them up for what’s to come. During this period, applicants spend
over 14 hours a day, six days a week, running obstacle courses, tabbing long distances cross-country, weapons training, and suffering intensive calisthenics. At the end of
this period, Selection truly begins. This weeklong ordeal consists of non-stop solo cross-country marches against a timer, with the distances getting longer and the times
shorter each day. Once back to camp the applicants spend quality time performing more physical training such as calisthenics, swimming, weapons’ drills, and generally
avoiding sleep. The week culminates in a 35 mile march across mountains, rivers, and thick brush to be done in under 20 hours. Those few who exceed the secret time
cut-off move onto the next phase.

The week after Selection is spent primarily in the classroom, studying small unit tactics and guerilla warfare. The primary purpose is to provide a week’s worth of rest for
sprains, abrasions, and wrenched muscles and tendons to heal. For the next 18 weeks, the trainees learn and practice small unit tactics in various terrains. One week might
be in the blistering desert, the next on a polar ice cap. The final 5 days consists of the students planning and executing a typical SAS mission against their instructors. While
Selection itself accounts for over half the washouts, it must be remembered that fierce testing continues for the rest of training and many students are drummed out all of
the way to the end of the process.

Following a week of space training in zero-G and a week studying water assault tactics trainees are assigned a terrain specialty. While the student’s own choice is given some
weight, their training scores in the various terrains and where the SAS needs warm bodies takes precedence. Trainees are assigned to desert, jungle, arctic, high-gravity,
mountainous, or zero-G/space specialties and spend a further 5 weeks perfecting their skills in their new specialty. After 30 weeks of intensive training, trainees graduate in
a tradition rich ceremony and are given 1-2 weeks of leave to visit their families. Finally, these men are assigned to a SAS unit where they move to the bottom of the team’s
roster. Generally, each unit has its own culture and methodologies and so the new members spends a further 6-8 weeks of training in the unit’s own practices before they
are finally assigned to a squad and truly begin their SAS career.
infiltrate into enemy territory. Waterways are also more While every special operations unit conducts away. Radvedchik teams must infiltrate unnoticed
difficult to monitor, especially beneath the surface. reconnaissance missions, the Radvedchik are the masters before conducting observations or, in some cases,
Many races also place sensitive installations underwater of them. Shunning direct action, these brave men and sneaking into the enemy’s facilities to physically gather
for reduced detection or increased protection and SOC women sneak into extremely hostile territory unnoticed, intelligence. It was a Radvedchik team that spent eleven
is not about to leave them alone. Finally, there is a gather their intelligence, and then leave as quietly as days sheltered in a 3 by 4 meter stand of trees and brush
prime psychological reason as well. Aside from the few they came. Generally, any Radvedchik mission that within a Minbari headquarters camp during the Earth-
truly aquatic races such as the Abbai who are at home ends in a firefight is a failure on some level because the Minbari war. One can only try to imagine the stress on
in the water, most races are quite uncomfortable off of enemy was alerted to their presence. They are the eyes these operators as the Minbari walked about and even
dry land. For most troops, having a large body of water and ears of Earth Alliance forces and typically operate occasionally trod upon the team members hiding in the
at their back means no line of retreat. To the combat under EarthForce Military Intelligence control, though foliage.
swimmers, that same body of water is sanctuary. they report through SOC. While the uninformed may
look at these ‘typical’ missions as uneventful, they are In the event of detection, the Radvedchik are more than
fraught with tension and danger as these teams are often capable of exfiltrating under fire and breaking contact.
The Radvedchik Regiment surrounded by vastly larger enemy forces only meters Even more so than other units, the last is the most

important. They have to carry everything that they need during the assault. performance and capabilities. It takes a special person
for a multi-week patrol, so ammunition tends to run to parasail into freezing water, swim 7 kilometers, hike
out fairly quickly in a firefight. They can ill afford to try Unlike other special operations units, their equipment for another 50, patch up a wounded pilot, and carry
to slug it out toe to toe, they need to break contact and tends to be heavier than a Sigurd AFV or two. Several him back to safety. CSR operators are highly trained
escape before they are overrun. As it is, the normal load Nomad AFV’s are typically deployed to provide mobile for land, water, and even space rescues. All are trained
for an individual Radvedchik is 60-80 kilograms, heavy response and evacuate casualties. Turret-mounted EF- combat medics and all are highly trained in stealth and
enough that when they collapse on their side for a break 449’s are also common and Rangers carry a significant small unit combat with their mandate being to get the
during a ruck-march they need assistance to stand back number of Hammer and Yellowjacket missiles as well. injured to safety at all costs.
up. Needless to say, these packs are dropped in the first They also tend to have a fairly high number of heavy
moments of a firefight. weapon operators to lay down a thick wall of firepower. The typical six-person CSR team is made up of a varying
number of officers and enlisted personnel. While all are
The typical team structure is 6-9 operators, one officer As befits their mission profile, Rangers have Condor medics, many teams have at least one qualified combat
and the rest enlisted. Usually one member is a qualified transports and Magni VTOL transport aircraft physician as well. CSR teams shun direct action but
medic and a heavy-weapons specialist is often included integrated into their organization. Presently, several will fight ferociously to get to an injured person and
to assist in breaking contact. The rest of the team are Okinawa class space transports are also assigned to the get him back out to safety. There is a legend that the
predominantly reconnaissance specialists with a mix of Rangers with the idea to provide them a self-contained Earth Alliance will fall if a CSR operator ever has to buy
communications, demolitions, and assault specialists assault transport elements. her own drink in a special-ops watering hole. This is
making up the rest of the team. Because of their skill open to debate, as it’s never been tried; the ‘Mothers’, as
in remaining undetected, telepaths that go into the A typical Ranger company consists of a three 36 operator they are affectionately known, always have their drinks
field to surreptitiously scan enemy personnel are often assault platoons, a 30 person heavy weapons platoon, bought for them. After all, when highly trained SAS or
supported by a Radvedchik platoon. and a headquarters platoon of 14 officers and high- Radvedchik operators are fighting to get away from an
ranking enlisted troops. It is also worth mentioning that enemy, CSR operators are fighting to get in to patch
Assault Ranger Regiments the Rangers are a recognized ‘breeding ground’ for other them up!
The hammer of EarthForce special operations, these special operations units and a disproportionate number
are the largest group of special operators in the Earth of operators in other special operations units proudly The Forward Air and
Alliance, usually operating in full company strength of wear their Ranger flash along with their unit insignia. Space Control Regiment
152 operators. These men and women are the premiere FSAC personnel truly came into their own during
assault force in the Earth Alliance, tasked with seizing The Combat Search and Rescue the Earth-Minbari war. Prior to this, they were often
spaceports, command structures, and supply dumps. Regiment derided as ‘air-traffic controllers’ who practically needed
They hit fast and hard, seizing airheads and holding Fighter pilots are an expensive resource, with a great to be carried into battle. After all, while they carried a
them for hours until relieved by regular troops or Fleet deal of time and millions of credits expended in their rifle for self-defense, their primary weapon was a radio
Marine assault companies. Optimized for rapid response, training. The CSR regiment was initially formed with transmitter. During that war, this all changed.
they can be expected to deplete their ammunition and one mission, to find those pilots stranded behind enemy
supplies in several hours, leading to serious problems lines and bring them home. In the Earth Minbari war, When superior Minbari forces threatened to overrun
if left unsupported long enough for the enemy to with the Minbari overrunning positions and extraction Ranger companies or SAS teams, the sight of a badly
regroup and counter-attack. Usually, regular troops and support difficult, CSR teams became tasked with wounded FSAC controller calmly directing airstrikes
begin landing and expanding the held areas within 2-4 aiding special operations and guerilla teams far behind and even orbital bombardments onto enemy positions
hours. In addition, Thunderbolt, Wraith, and Heimdall enemy lines. In many ways, CSR operators are the elite only tens of meters away changed a lot of minds in a
fighter-bombers typically provide close air support of the elite, second only to the hostage rescue teams in hurry. The Rangers had always seen their worth, as they

depended on these controllers to establish an airhead able to get more range and power out of a unit than even amplification. These same pilots will fly into a swarm of
at their positions to bring in reinforcements. However, the designers intended. In the absence of good comms missiles and ground fire to retrieve a team pinned down
for the rest of the special operations community it was gear it often seems that with a pocket calculator, helmet by enemy fire.
a revelation. Within months of the start of the war, comms, and 10 meters of wire they can get a signal to a
FSAC went from being mild jokes to having demand Nova Dreadnought in near orbit for a fire-suppression While the pilots get the public recognition, everyone
far outstrip their small force. Today, most any unit that mission. As should be obvious, FSAC members must in the special air wings are exceptional. The mechanics,
expects a warm reception requests a FSAC be attached have at least one rank as a communications specialist. the loadmasters, the gunners; all have had to fight hard
to their unit. Not that every team doesn’t have operators Special Air Wings to become a part of SAW and all must fight hard to
highly trained in calling stay there. Excellence has to
in support, it’s simply that be the norm, for anything less
FSAC are the experts. leads to a smoking hole in the
ground where several million
This illustrates one of the credits worth of men and
unique features of FSAC machine have been wasted.
personnel; they deploy as
attached individuals and not Counter-Terrorism/
as teams. In larger Ranger Hostage Rescue
assaults several FSAC
operators may be assigned Regiments
to the company but this is The CT/HRT (commonly
the exception to the rule. shortened to HRT) are the
Realizing that camaraderie cream of the crop, the best
is the life-blood of special of the best. Only the elite
ops, FSAC operators are of EarthForce make it into
typically assigned to a SOC and only 2% of those
team for several months fearsome soldiers make it
or even longer, becoming through the training to
a true member of the join these regiments. The
team. Capable of handling reason is simple; while most
themselves in a fight, they special-ops units choose
are not quite up to the when and where they strike,
combat standards of the SAS or combat swimmers. Several cuts above the average Frigga or Valkyrie HR teams typically have to
While those groups spend extra time practicing small pilot, the men and women of the special air wings are assault a group of trained terrorists who are expecting
unit actions, FSAC operators spend time practicing an integral part of SOC, charged with transporting and prepared for them. Beyond that, it takes a special
orchestrating fire support mission and the difficult operators to their destinations and providing immediate person with extensive training to swarm into a room
task of bringing 30 Magni VTOL transports into a 2 fire support when needed. It takes a special type of and immediately identify and kill the terrorists within
acre field in two hours. As experienced a loadmaster as person to maneuver a Frigga at 100 mph between the without harming hostages. The minimum rank to apply
any transport crew chief, they are also communication trees 2 meters off the ground to prevent detection, in to this group is sergeant, 5 years of military experience
experts. A FSAC operator is a maestro with comms gear, pitch black with all sensors turned off save passive light is barely adequate.

These teams are also unique in that they have Psi-Corps 4 snipers. The snipers are critical to the unit’s success aboard to destroy critical systems or seize the command
personnel assigned to them for 2-year tours. Despite as they provide surveillance during the operation and center and casualties are often high. The opposite is also
much early resistance, even Psi-Corps had to admit that at least one sniper is always positioned to watch the true, even an Omega destroyer carries a scant three-
these teams needed time to bond and gain familiarity hostages and their captors. dozen Marines, yet those few men are expected to defend
with each other. The fact that several hostages died in the ship against alien breaching pods. Marines are also
botched actions to demonstrate this is generally not Psychological the most highly trained special operations personnel in
talked about. Once the decision was made, Psi-Corps Operations Regiment space borne operations, often slipping onto installations
embraced it for PR purposes. Telepath operators are This unit is an interesting fit into SOC. For the most or warships undetected in their armored spacesuits
held up to the public as examples of the good works of part, these people aren’t operators. Rather, they are after deploying from Zeebrugge assault shuttles. While
Psi-Corps; the photo of Lucas Josephs staggering badly intelligence specialists who sift through mounds of most ground assaults by Fleet Marines are conducted
wounded out of a Martian dome clutching a crying 4- data, from classified enemy documents to public by the on-board complement of a single vessel, Fleet
year old girl to his chest may have done more to better entertainment to prisoner interrogations to get a feel for Operations Command was uncomfortable having all
the Psi-Corps in the public eye than any other single what the enemy and potential allies think so that they planetary assault operations being conducted under
event in their recent history. The fact that he put his can lead them in directions favorable to EarthForce. GROPOS command, so the Tantalus and Okinawa-
own body between the PPG blasts and the hostages has However, there are several missions that require this class assault ships dedicated to the Fleet Marines serve
been carefully publicized by Psi-Corps in articles and expertise in the field, from planting false and implicating as mobile fire-centers for the fleet. One unique facet of
movies. However, it is almost unknown for any telepath information to negotiating with potential allies in the the Fleet Marines is that they field armor such as the
higher than P7 to be assigned to the teams, as Psi-Corps midst of hostile territory. While the SAS and combat Thor, Loki, Odin, and Frey MLRS systems on their
is unwilling to let its most capable be contaminated by swimmers are well trained in working with indigenous assault ships, giving them heavier punch than the
that much exposure to mundanes. In addition, on paper forces PsychOps operators are the experts and frequently Assault Rangers and allowing longer term missions and
the telepaths report to Psi-Corps controllers and not go in with a SAS team to swing groups to their cause or garrisoning abilities.
their team leaders. convince enemy personnel to defect or surrender. These
operators are assigned individually to existing teams for On-board ship, Marines are generally assigned in 6
The average team consists of 30 operators, subdivided important missions. member teams consisting of one officer or senior non-
into an A-team and B-team of 15 operators each. commissioned officer and 5 enlisted operators. It is very
Typically, hostage situations are long, drawn out affairs rare for smaller teams to be deployed; larger teams are
with hours, days, or even weeks of negotiation taking Fleet Marine Companies generally made up of multiple 6-person teams. Each
place before an assault occurs. While one team rests, the One of two units in EarthForce outside of Ground assault company consists of 134 Marines made up of
other is ready to go within mere minutes if terrorists command, the Fleet Marines are the only special-ops unit 20 6-person assault teams and a 14-member command
start killing hostages. While each sub-team has it’s serving directly in the fleet. These men and women act group. It is worth noting that, while Marine personnel
own commander, each operator is expected to think as shipboard security onboard warships, crew breaching are equivalent in skill to other special operations
for himself or herself and not hesitate to deviate from pods, and act as fleet-borne assault forces for limited units, their gear is not. Fleet Command has forced the
orders if the situation unfolds differently from what was surface actions. Frequently dismissed by the public as Marines to operate somewhat on the cheap, with their
expected. In order, their decision tree is simple; save the mere security personnel, they are actually an elite unit gear typically the same as that carried by the GROPOS.
hostages, kill the terrorists, protect your teammates, that often operates in the most dangerous environment As an example, the DRC-34A-6 integrated helmet
and finally protect yourself. A character must possess of all, the depths of space. When breaching pods are and communications system didn’t start showing up
the marksman feat to serve in the CT/HRT and assault deployed, the few dozen Marines aboard are expected to in Marine footlockers as general issue until 2262, long
specialists make up the bulk of these units, although hold their own on a station or ship crewed by hundreds after it was the standard in SOC. Marine armorers have
each team has a few reconnaissance specialists and 3- or thousands. Relief is rare, they must fight their way worked miracles getting the most out of the gear that

Civilian Intelligence Units
Special Action Teams
Special Action Teams serve under the auspices of the
External Security Branch’s Department of Operations
in the Civilian Intelligence Directorate. Colloquially
referred to as Earth Alliance Intelligence the CID acts
primarily to gather intelligence both inside and outside
the Earth Alliance. However, there are times when
something a little more overt is needed than the standard
intelligence officer. This is where the Special Action
Teams come in. When the CID needs a traditional
special operations mission conducted, it usually transfers
over personnel from SOC. However, when the risk of
disclosure is too great, SAT are used. SAT are organized
similarly to the SAS teams and in fact many of them
are former SAS. Typically, they will use indigenous
weapons, equipment, and uniforms to provide some
degree of anonymity. In these situations, SAT’s often rely
on physical disguise kits or even reconstructive surgery
to assist in the subterfuge. One anomaly that has been
of great value is that with prosthetics or surgery humans
can easily be made to look like most other humanoid
they do have and the Marines take a perverse pride in had been recruited by Vice Admiral Singh and given races, at least to the casual inspection.
being less well-equipped then the rest of their special- a small group of people and almost unlimited budget
ops brothers and sisters. to police EarthForce for disloyal elements and conduct Psychological Operations
research into mechanical and biological augmentation On the CID organizational chart they are listed as
Special Activities Task Force of operatives. Less than a dozen people in EarthForce Psychological Operations, known around the directorate
The EarthForce Intelligence Corps operates a small Intelligence are even sure of their existence. as Psy-Ops. The pun is amusing and probably somewhat
clandestine force known as the Special Activities Task risky, as Psychological Operations is an operations
Force, also known as 13. Acting as a sort of ‘dirty Structure is rather free and operators are unranked. unit made up entirely of unregistered telepaths. Most
tricks’ squad, the 39 operators serve as reconnaissance Operational assignment is based on which operator(s) are former blips whose P rating attracted CID early
commandoes, assassins, saboteurs, and whatever else 13 are best suited to the task and how many need to go. enough to slip them out of the telepath registration
needs them to do. 13 has acted as a shadow organization While the research arm of 13 is generally kept separate system, a very few are turned Psi-Corps personnel. Few
in EarthForce, actively supporting President Clark and from the operations group, operators often act as control are higher than a P5 and only two members are of P10
even coordinating with some Psi-Corps programs, personnel when the latest biomechanical monster from level. Nicknamed the Blue Berets, their missions run
primarily under Department Sigma. Psi-Corps probably Research gets deployed. the gamut of special-ops and they are trained to the
would have been most interested to find out that the head standard of the SAS. They also uniformly despise the
of 13 was a Psi-Cop that they thought dead. Instead, she Psi-Corps and are considered an ace in the hole when

the inevitable war with Psi-Corps erupts. Personnel scan terrorists, the ST squads are expected to apprehend During the Shadow and Civil Wars, Alfred Bester’s
each other continually to discover any Psi-Corps agents them while ensuring the safety of the hostages. As can Psi-Corp faction deployed Alpha Unit in support of
in their midst. The few that have been discovered met be expected, this not only creates a different mindset, Captain Sheridan’s forces on several occasions. Needless
rather unpleasant ends. it makes things significantly more difficult. Fortunately, to say, this partnership abruptly ended when Clark
outside of the various separatist groups, most Earth- was removed from power and even Sheridan was kept
The average team consists of 4 operators; one bound terrorists are simply criminals who have taken unaware of exactly what form Bester’s help took. The
commander and 3 lower ranking agents. Equipment hostages and are in way over their heads. They don’t want few rumors of Alpha Unit outside of the Psi-Cops
is lavish, training is extensive, and the pay is excellent. to die, which gives the STS some leverage. Regardless, typically refer to them a special operations force made
Some of the telepaths are rather unsavory, enjoying it often makes operations more stressful and requires up of P5’s and such. The truth is far worse for those who
psychic assault and even murder in their off hours. So instantaneous decision making from STS operators. would oppose Psi-Corps.
long as they don’t draw attention to Psy-Ops or foul
their own nest, CID covers up for them when needed. Psi-Corps Units Direct Action Teams
Often, they hide within the cover of other groups, several The Psi-Corps Department of Military Affairs fields
SAT missions have actually been made up of Blue Beret Alpha Unit
The Psi-Cops are the elite of Psi-Corps. The Alpha unit is their own special operations unit, the direct action
teams; news reporters who investigate the operation teams. Regarded as secret to the public, these teams often
deeply enough attribute it to the shadowy SAT group. their elite. Quite possibly the most fearsome force in the
Earth Alliance, it is perhaps fortunate that their numbers work in conjunction with EarthForce. This makes them
Those who delve deeper generally stop soon after, for a a bit of an open secret amongst EarthForce personnel.
variety of reasons. are so few, numbering less than 30 operators with every
member a P12 level telepath. At that level, Alpha group This is desired, since rumors of the Direct Action Teams
can simply walk into an enemy encampment, deep scan provide cover for Alpha Unit when needed.
Special Tactics Squads their commanders, plant Asimovs in all enemy personnel
The Federal Investigative Service (FIS) acts as the Earth that they encounter, and just walk back out without Made up of telepaths P5 and higher, each team consists
Alliance wide law enforcement body. As such, they are anyone noticing. The best surveillance gear in the world of 6 platoons of 7 operators. Generally each team
often the first responders to terrorist actions. While is useless when the operator isn’t reading it correctly, or commander is the one with the highest P-number,
SOC HR teams are theoretically allowed to operate has been placed in a fugue state. From a strictly combat at least on paper. However, in the absence of a true
on Earth, they are usually stretched thin just covering skill standpoint, these operators don’t measure up to the command system, each member is expected to make
Earth Alliance colonies, space stations, and EA hostages skills of the SAS or even Psi-Corp’s Direct Action Teams. his voice heard in the team, especially during mission
on alien ruled worlds. Thus, on Earth it is the FIS’s However, their telepathic skills more than make up for planning. On an actual mission, everyone on the team
Special Tactics Squads in the Counter-Terrorism Group any deficiencies in small arms tactics. Because of their knows who the team looks toward for leadership and
that rescues hostages and assaults possible terrorist safe- low numbers and high P rating, Alpha Unit primarily that member becomes the defacto commander of the
houses. For the most part, these 12 member squads are focuses on assassination and information gathering team. If Psi-Corps doesn’t like a P8 taking orders from
quite capable, if not up to SOC levels. Since the average where their high telepathy levels allow them to get close a lowly P5, that is just too bad. Typically, these teams
terrorist has spent only a few weeks at a training camp to heavily protected people and either kill or scan them. fulfill the more traditional special operations operations
this isn’t much of a problem. Because of this, the reconnaissance specialist prestige for Psi-Corp than the Alpha unit. As an example, the
class is generally chosen for these operators. In general, constant Psi-Corps incursions onto Deneth are often
However, the mission parameters for FIS are quite members of Alpha Unit have served time commanding run by small DAT units. To date, none have returned.
different than those in SOC. At least until the worst one of the Psi-Corp hostage rescue teams before moving
abuses of the Clark administration all suspects were into the unit. Hostage Rescue Teams
considered innocent until proven guilty. So, while a When it comes to mundane hostages, telepath support
SOC team will storm the house and kill all suspected of hostage rescue can be limited. No telepaths serve with

the FIS’s STS squads and SOC’s HR teams are lucky to Skills: Balance 6 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, automatically gains the Alertness feat.
have a single telepath assigned to each squad. It’s a very Move Silently 8 ranks.
different story when it comes to telepath hostages. The Undetected: The Reconnaisance Specialist gains a
department of Psi-Security operates teams specifically Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative +2 competence bonus on all Hide and Move Silently
oriented to rescuing telepath hostages and disrupting checks.
those terror groups who wish to do telepaths harm.
Class Skills Disappear: At this level, the character is a master of
Operating in 12 person teams of P5’s to P10’s, these The Reconnaissance Specialist’s skills (and the key concealment and camouflage. Besides gaining a further
teams are extremely well trained and equipped. Although ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), +2 competence bonus (on top of his Undetected ability)
technically under the same legal constraints as the FIS, Concentration (Con), Gather Information (Cha), Hide on all Hide checks, once per day the player can create
terrorists have a surprisingly high rate of suicide by cop (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), a successful diversion as if a successful Bluff check was
when it comes to taking telepath hostages. A P12 Psi- Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim conducted, allowing an immediate Hide check for
Cop commands each team and teams tend to remain (Str). himself. At 9th Level up to 3 other characters can also
together for years, leading to an extremely high level of benefit from this diversion and make Hide checks, and
institutional experience. While the existence of telepath Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier at 10th Level this limit increases to 8 other characters.
HR teams are well known, few outside of the Psi-
Corps know that they are more than standard P2-P4’s Class Features Assault Specialist
with special tactics training. Were the full details to be All of the following are class features of the The Assault Specialist is generally what the lay-being
known, people might wonder why the benevolent Psi- Reconnaissance Specialist prestige class. has in mind when thinking of special operations.
Corps doesn’t provide more powerful telepaths to the While stealthiness is important in getting to the site
other hostage rescue groups. A character must possess Hit Points Per Level: 2 of action, assault characters live for breaking things, be
the Marksman feat to serve in the HRT.
The Reconnaisance Specialist
Classes Hidden: At first
level, Reconnaissance Base
Reconnaissance Specialist
S p e c i a l i s t s Attack Fort Ref Will Defence Class
The Reconnaissance Specialist excels at undetected
automatically receive Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Features
movement and observation. Data gathering is their 1 +0 +1 +2 +1 +0 Hidden
primary purpose and a mission that ends in combat is two free ranks in the
Hide skill, (to the 2 +1 +2 +3 +2 +1 Aware
usually a failure. Almost always greatly outnumbered
and outgunned, these operators thrive in environments normal maximum 3 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1
where the slightest misstep can lead to a quick and ranks by level). With 4 +3 +2 +4 +2 +2 Bonus Feat
painful death. each successive level 5 +3 +3 +4 +3 +2
reached, one extra skill
6 +4 +3 +5 +3 +3 Undetected
To qualify to become a Reconnaissance Specialist, a rank is allocated to
Hide before any other 7 +5 +4 +5 +4 +3
character must fulfill all the following criteria:
skill points are spent. 8 +6 +4 +6 +4 +4 Disappear
Abilities: Dexterity 12+, Wisdom 12+, Will save +6 9 +6 +4 +6 +4 +4
Aware: At second 10 +7 +5 +7 +5 +5
level, the character

they inanimate objects or enemy personnel. In many Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier grenade, either thrown or fired.
ways, they are the opposite of reconnaissance personnel
since their missions revolve around engaging the enemy
instead of avoiding them. Class Features Rapid-Fire Mastery: At 8th Level, the Assault Specialist
is so skilled with automatic weapons that he receives
All of the following are class features of the Assault a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls when firing a
To qualify to become an Assault Specialist, a character Specialist prestige class. weapon in rapid-fire mode.
must fulfill the following criteria:
Hit Points Per Level: 3
Abilities: Dexterity 12+, Strength 13+ Heavy Weapons Specialist
Gun Readiness: At 1 Level, an Assault Specialist who The Heavy Weapons Specialist is the linchpin of any
Skills: Balance 6 ranks, Climb 6 ranks, Tumble 6 has a rifle readied when combat breaks out receives a special operations squad. When contact is initiated,
ranks. +4 competence bonus to his initiative check in combat. a special operation team is almost always outgunned
This bonus is increased to +6 at 4th level, +8 at 7th level, and out-numbered. Skilled use of heavy weapons such
Feats: Endurance, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot. as the EF-492 Light Machine Gun, EF-749/AC-SO1
and +10 at 10th level.
‘Harbinger’ Automatic PPG, and EF-449 Heavy PPG
Class Skills Rapid-Fire: At 3rd Level, an Assault Specialist has allow a small team to send out a massive amount of
weapons-fire at the enemy, highly useful both in slicing
The Assault Specialist’s skills (and the key ability for each mastered automatic weapons and no longer takes
skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration penalties for firing in rapid-fire mode. down large numbers of enemy troops as well as making
(Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Move Silently them keep their heads down when the team is breaking
(Dex), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex). Weapon Mastery: At 4th Level, the Assault Specialist is contact. What sets these men apart is that they can take
so skilled with standard firearms that he can hit almost a generally inaccurate weapon and turn it into an almost
anything that he aims surgical tool of destruction.
The Assault Specialist at. He receives a +2 To qualify to become a Heavy Weapons Specialist, a
Base competence bonus to character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Attack Fort Ref Will Defence Class his attack with any rifle
Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Features or sidearm weapon, so Abilities: Dexterity 13+, Strength 14+, base attack
1 +1 +2 +1 +0 +0 Gun Readiness long as it is not rapid- bonus +5 or higher
fired. This bonus does
2 +2 +3 +2 +0 +1
not apply to grenades. Skills: Balance 6 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks,
3 +3 +3 +2 +1 +1 Rapid-Fire
Technical 5 ranks.
4 +4 +4 +2 +1 +2 Weapon Mastery Grenade Mastery: At
5 +5 +4 +3 +1 +2 6th Level, the Assault Feats: Endurance, Point Blank Shot
6 +6 +5 +3 +2 +3 Grenade Mastery Specialist is so skilled

Class Skills
7 +7 +5 +4 +2 +3 with grenades that
he can hit almost
Rapid-Fire The Heavy Weapons Specialist’s skills (and the key
anything that he aims
8 +8 +6 +4 +2 +4 Mastery ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str),
at. He receives a +2
9 +9 +6 +4 +3 +4 competence bonus to Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
10 +10 +7 +5 +3 +5 his attack with any Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Technical (Int), and
Tumble (Dex).

Light as a Feather: At To qualify to become a Communications Specialist, a
The Heavy Weapons Specialist 4th Level the character character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Base can select one heavy
Attack Fort Ref Will Defence Class weapon and designate Abilities: Intelligence 12+, Wisdom 13+, Dexterity
Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Features it as his ‘favourite’. 11+
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 Quick Fire For encumbrance
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 +1 Rapid-Fire purposes, the weight Skills: Computer Use 6 ranks, Technical 8 ranks
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 +1 of the weapon and
its ammunition is Feats: Alertness, Data Access
Light as a
reduced by ½, with
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 +2 Feather
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 +2
fractions rounded
up. At 6th Level, the Class Skills
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 +3 Undetected effective weight is The Communications Specialist’s skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Computer Use
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 +3 reduced to ¾ of the
(Int), Concentration (Con), Drive (Dex), Knowledge
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 +4 Accurate Fire original weight.
(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int),
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 +4 Spot (Wis), and Technical (Int)
Accurate Fire: At 8th
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 +5
Level the character
may use the standard Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int modifier
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier
aimed fire rules with the rapid fire weapon designated as
his ‘favourite’. At 10th Level, the character may use the Class Features
Class Features standard aimed fire rules with any rapid-fire weapon. All of the following are class features of the
All of the following are class features of the Heavy Communications Specialist prestige class.
Weapons Specialist prestige class. Communications Specialist
As a general rule, Special Operations units are always Hit Points Per Level: 2
Hit Points Per Level: 3 outmanned, outgunned, and one mistake away from
destruction. Because of this Special Operations teams Covert Communications: At 2nd Level, the character
Quick Fire: At 1st Level the character automatically are firm believers in both maximizing firepower as will be able to maintain contact with friendly forces at
receives the Rapid Shot feat. At 4th Level the two attacks well as getting rapid extraction when compromised. all times so long as there is not active enemy jamming
no longer suffer the –2 penalty. These depend on dependable communications to call going on. In game terms, this means that a character
in air strikes, reinforcements, and extraction. It is the will always be able to make a call for fire support and
Rapid Fire: At 2nd Level the character has gained Communications (Comm) Specialists who perform extraction, although the GM can decide whether their
proficiency in firing his weapons on full automatic fire. these duties. In addition, their skills with electronics request is granted or not.
The rapid-fire penalty is reduced to –2 instead of –3. make them invaluable when accessing communications
Further, at 4th Level this is reduced to –1 and at 6th Level and data systems. However, it must be remembered that Intercept: At 4th Level, the character has the skills to
the Rapid Fire penalty is eliminated. These reductions these operators are special operations personnel first and tap enemy communications with a fair degree of skill,
apply to ‘spraying’ his target as described in the Babylon foremost and are expected to hold their own with the allowing them to better pinpoint enemy movements. In
5 rulebook. rest of the unit. game terms, this means that once per day the character’s
knowledge of enemy positioning allows them to reverse

a successful enemy Spot check or a failed Spot check on add to the experience.
his team’s side. Intelligence can be The Communications Specialist
incomplete or non- Base
Language Fluency: At the 5th and 7th Levels, the existent, prompting Attack Fort Ref Will Defence Class
character may select one foreign language and master the players to start Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Features
it. This allows him to talk with other races in their own a separate mission 1 +0 +1 +1 +1 +0
language as well as make sense of enemy transmissions to gather the Covert
that are intercepted. In combination with the Intercept intelligence needed 2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 Communications
skill, the player may be assumed to be ‘reading the to adequately prepare 3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1
enemy’s mail’ and once per day may reverse a failed for a raid. Intelligence
4 +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 Intercept
Hide or Spot check for his team. can be wrong or
contradictory, forcing Language
players to improvise 5 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2 Fluency
Running Special 6 +4 +3 +3 +3 +3
and think on the run.
Forces Games Obviously, there are Language
Special operations characters can be played fairly simply a host of other things 7 +5 +4 +4 +4 +3 Fluency
as an exciting PC variation, possessing interesting skills players might wish to 8 +6 +4 +4 +4 +4
and exotic equipment. In addition, a squad of special think about: did they
operations NPC’s to back up a group of PC’s can allow 9 +6 +4 +4 +4 +4
plan for air support,
more difficult missions to be performed. However, 10 +7 +5 +5 +5 +5
what happens if the
for those interested , a special operations mission can extraction transport
provide an interesting and unique experience. challenging, although a well-planned one might involve
gets shot down, and so on.
no combat at all. The danger is that it is far too easy
First of all, real special operations missions are quite to get so wrapped up in the intricate and impossible
A good gamemaster can also load on the tension in a
intricately planned before execution, something that mission requirements that the players stop having fun.
special operations campaign. Remember that special
allows the gamemaster to both inject an air of realism Since fun has to the primary objective one needs to
operations units are small and usually surrounded by
into play but also provide players with the opportunity gauge the players’ involvement and react accordingly. If
vastly larger enemy forces. Shooting everything that
to bolster their chances of success. While it is unlikely players get frustrated or trapped, offer them a way out.
moves often leads to a rather abbreviated evening as all the
that players will have any interest in a real-world 48 Remember, the bad guys make mistakes too! Also, don’t
PC’s are slaughtered. Players should be sweating during
hours of planning before they finally play their mission get too enthused with realism. Real units operate by
the mission as enemy patrols wander by, surveillance
each plan should include the method of infiltration, a the KISS principle, for ‘Keep it Simple, Stupid’. A real
craft fly overhead, or bursts of startled animals give away
rough idea of how they will execute the mission and operator wouldn’t paraglide down 10 miles to land on
their position. A really good gamemaster can have the
deal with resistance, and methods and alternate plans the back of a moving vehicle. However, players usually
players agonize over every movement as they try not give
for extraction. This in itself leads to possibilities. For want to do impossible things for the sheer fun of it.
themselves away. Throw in mines and booby traps and
example, it is quite unwise to simply leap into a mission Why not give them the leeway to do it?
just getting to the mission objective can be a challenging
without knowing the situation that one is dropping into. and involving experience.
Hence, intelligence is needed to give an idea of the size Next month: the toys. Game statistics for
and capabilities of the enemy, the terrain to go through In addition, never forget that special operations gets more guns, grenades, vehicles and spaceships
to get there, the layout of the base/buildings/warship, this name because its members do things that most than your special forces team is ever likely
etc. This provides several avenues for the gamemaster to soldiers can’t. These missions should be difficult and to need.

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S&P Roleplayer 42
March 2007
MGP 5542R
Earth Alliance Special Forces
Part 2: The Toys
By M Flegal

Handguns brush, light armor, and interior walls and is thus far inaccurate this is due to a cheap design in the closed
EF-21 Ballistic Assault Handgun: Old but reliable, more useful planetside than the more standard EF-7. bolt mechanism. For elite units, EarthForce procures
the 9.2 mm EF-21 is the standard ballistic sidearm of the Mk.2 version which utilizes a more robust firing
EarthForce. A replacement for the Coleman’s classic EF-328 Assault PPG Handgun: A cousin to the EF- mechanism. Prized by planetside counter-terrorism
EF-SA-4 series, the EF-21 was the first new military 749/AC ‘Harbinger’ Automatic PPG this PPG was the forces it fires standard ballistic ammo, frangible
ballistic sidearm in almost 80 years. To be sure, PPG first PPG pistol in EF service to offer greater penetration rounds to minimize over-penetration, and even highly
weapons are excellent and reliable weapons, but the and damage than the EF-7. Although somewhat experimental (and dangerous) tranquilizer rounds
fighting during the Narn incursions at Epsilon and outdated, it is still a very capable sidearm and is fairly from its 32 round magazine. While the latter have
Erandi demonstrated that PPGs suffered in ground prevalent in many units’ armouries. This pistol was proven disappointing due to variable effects, there are
warfare due to poor penetrative properties. The EF- briefly used for station and warship security personnel promising developments in drug-administering darts
SA-4 pistols were quickly brought into wider use for from 2253 to 2257 but its high degree of penetrative that will prove lethal only to specific species. As with
planetside actions against the Narn. Unfortunately, power caused it to be phased out in favor of the EF-7. the EF-21, silenced versions of the Rattler are available
these pistols demonstrated an unfortunate tendency to which, while significantly lowering the range due to
jam in lower gravity situations and also were too weak EF-X PPG Handgun: This sidearm has just begun to the use of subsonic ammunition, allow fairly quiet fire.
to cause acceptable damage to the thick-skinned Narn. enter the Earth Alliance inventories. While this sidearm When using the Mk.2 Rattler, remove the –1 penalty to
After a protracted development process the first EF-21 doesn’t offer greater power than the EF-7, it does have attack rolls of the standard rattler.
pistols were fielded in 2237. These sidearms have proven the advantages of rapid fire and more efficient power
to be excellent weapons with great reliability and high usage. Furthermore, its small size in relation to other Automatic and
accuracy. A refined recoil suppressor allows adequate sidearms makes it a favorite for intelligence missions
accuracy even during full auto fire. The SOC model has and the like where firearms can’t be openly carried. Semiautomatic Rifles
a standard 13 round magazine but can be fitted with a Concealed operatives also like its smooth shape as the EF-40A Ballistic Rifle: This bullpup-style assault rifle is
larger 32 round snail-drum magazine, useful during full EF-7 demonstrated an annoying and occasionally fatal the standard ballistic rifle in EarthForce. While causing
automatic fire. A silencer and subsonic ammunition are tendency to get caught in clothing when drawn. slightly less damage than a PPG blast, this is compensated
available for covert work. for by the system having a heavier punch when a target
is hit. Being a modular weapons system, the receiver,
Submachine Guns barrel and magazine attachments can be swapped out
EF-334 Heavy PPG Handgun: While the ubiquitous EF-76 Mark 2 ‘Rattler’ 6.5 mm Ballistic SMG: The
EF-7 is more common in general Earth Alliance usage, for replacements that allow the basic weapon to fire
6.5 mm Rattler has a reputation as being a highly any standard EF ammunition, from 6.5 to 8.1 mm.
this PPG pistol is the most common energy sidearm inaccurate weapon. While it is true that these weapons,
for SOC. A fairly powerful PPG, it will punch through However, swapping the parts out takes approximately
when issued to standard GROPOS units, tend to be 5-10 minutes and is not especially useful in the heat of a

firefight, although it can be quite useful on long patrols races such as the Centauri and Minbari. To reflect this, EF-801 12.3 mm Anti-Materiel Rail Gun: A rather
where only one ammunition type is readily available. characters must spend 10 minutes each day maintaining large and heavy rifle, this has the power to destroy light
The default 7.8 mm configuration is equipped with and caring for the weapon. If this routine maintenance armored vehicles at ranges up to 1600 metres. What it
an 18 round magazine. For greater firepower, the fore- is not performed, each time that the weapon is fired does to enemy troops is better left to the imagination.
stock can be replaced with an integrated EF-G42 30 on the following day there is a 10% chance that the However, its usual use is in disabling civilian vehicles,
mm grenade launcher under the barrel. power coils will fuse, ruining the shot and the rifle. light AFV’s, and atmospheric shuttles and fighters on the
Every successive day without maintenance increases the ground. Being quite heavy and unwieldy, it is typically
EF-749A3 PPG Carbine Rifle: While the standard chance of failure by 10%. broken down and carried by two operators in the field,
EF-PR PPG rifle is a relatively effective (and cheap) although one person can carry it for short distances.
rifle for the EF rank and file its range and damage have EF 7 Mk.9 Grenade Launcher/Shotgun: Often
long been deemed lacking by SOC. The standard EF- overlooked by the public, this weapon is prized in SOC, Automatic Weapons
PR was modified with integrated optics, a folding stock, where it is a standby for counter-terrorism teams. Along EF-492 8.1 mm Light Machine Gun: An essential part
and an enhanced power charge to make the standard with standard grenade rounds, this weapon can also fire of any patrol, this ballistic light machine gun is capable
PPG rifle for special operations. While slightly longer a very potent canister round which is essentially a large of being fired by one man from the shoulder or waist
than the EF-749, especially with the folding stock, it shotgun round. There is also a sabot round, in essence a from its 48 round box-type magazine. This weapon is
provides better performance at longer range. While large metal arrow encased in propellant, which provides extraordinarily useful in maximizing the firepower of
capable of mounting the EF-G42 single-shot, muzzle- more range and also packs quite a wallop. These two a small unit of operators. Rifles and sidearms simply
loading 30 mm grenade launcher, it also possesses a rounds allow a grenadier to also function as a member cannot produce enough fire to deter a large group of
barrel attachment that allows individual grenades to be of the fire team while on patrol. energy forces but this relatively light machine gun
mounted on the barrel, greatly expanding the destructive allows a special operations team to force the enemy to
power of a SOF team. EF-G42 Grenade/Canister Launcher: This weapon is keep their heads down while the team breaks contact
a favorite for shipboard operations and urban combat. and escapes.
EF-43 7.84 mm Ballistic Sniper Rifle: The standard Firing a 30 mm projectile, this versatile weapon can fire
ballistic sniper rifle of SOC fires the tried and true 7.84 any of the standard inventory of launched EF grenades, EF-749/AC-SO1 ‘Harbinger’ Automatic PPG: This
mm round from an 8 round magazine. Capable of as well as canister (shotgun) and sabot rounds. A variety is the PPG counterpart to the Browning EF-492.
accurate long-range fire due to its integrated ballistics of non-lethal rounds can also be fired, including glue The most powerful one-man PPG in the EarthForce
computer, this weapon provides the ability to target and rubber shot. inventory is carried to provide suppressing fire for a
the enemy at long range quite effectively. With its flash fire team. Its main deficiencies lie in its reduced range
suppressor, enemy further than 20 metres away will EF-996 Laser Sniper Rifle: Although more delicate and firing rate compared to the EF-492 but it’s lighter
have no visual cue where the shot came from, allowing than the EF-40A, there are certain operations where energy cells compared to the EF-492’s heavy magazines
the sniper to remain undetected. the line-of-sight path of a laser is useful, as well as make it an attractive choice for longer missions. The
the near-instantaneous impact on target. The only weapon in use with SOC has been modified to provide
EF-17G Laser Rifle: A fairly rare part of the EarthForce commonly fielded laser in the EarthForce inventory, it a stronger barrel, integrated optics, and a more robust
inventory, this rifle has a deserved reputation as being is typically used for sniping at ranges over 1000 metres. power cell over the older version in use on space stations
delicate and unwieldy. While true, this rifle also allows Due to inefficiencies in EA laser technology, it requires such as Babylon 5.
highly accurate long-range fire and has impressive a much larger power-source than comparable Centauri
penetrative characteristics upon impact. However, there or Minbari weapons, the power cell being worn on the EF-449 Heavy PPG: Normally mounted on a remote
is no denying that the rifle is heavy and the technology back. turret, this heavy PPG can be disassembled and carried
is deficient compared to similar weapons fielded by by two men and used on a tripod. It also has a sling

attachment for use by a single (and typically rather strong) a 5 metre radius, creating massive damage from burns.
Grenades, Mines, team-member although the excessive weight prevents its These grenades are designed to be sueful both planetside
and Explosives carry for any useful distances by one operator. However, and in space, and will detonate normally even in the
Grenades designed to be thrown are constructed it is ideal for ambushes where medium armored vehicles absence of oxygen.
quite differently than those designed to be fired might be expected.
from a launcher and this provides an opportunity Mk16 Teargas Grenade: These cylindrical grenades
for gamemasters to inject a note of realism into create a cloud of noxious gas ten metres in diameter.
play. When specifying their pre-mission equipment,
Explosive Ordnance In still air the gas disperses in a minute or so. The gas
Mk.3A Fragmentation Grenade: The standard anti- is treated as a contact poison (rather than an inhaled
players should determine whether a chosen grenade
personnel grenade in the Earth Alliance, this small egg- one) with a save DC of 18 and a primary and secondary
is for throwing or use in a launcher and keep track
shaped grenade has a 5 metre blast radius and can be set damage of 1d4 Strength and 1d4 Dexterity. Every round
of them during play. Grenades constructed for
for either standard detonation after a 5 second interval of exposure forces a new set of saving throws.
throwing will not fit into a launcher and can only
or can be set to airburst 3 metres above the ground.
be thrown. Grenades designed for launchers can be
Either way, a lethal cloud of shrapnel fills the 10 metre EFGr4 Minigrenade: These small, 2 cm diameter high-
thrown, but due to the general poor design for this
circle, killing or wounding all within the blast radius explosive grenades create a blast radius of 2 metres.
purpose range increments should be halved.
Mk8 Disorientation Grenade: More commonly called EF-ED-17 Antipersonnel Mine: These large, disc-
Mines and explosives provide another opportunity
a flash-bang, this cylindrical grenade creates an extremely shaped mines have fairly sophisticated on-board AI
for a gamemaster to provide interesting challenges
loud noise and bright flash of light upon detonation, and passive sensors, allowing fairly complex detonation
for the players. Directional mines allow a small group
causing pain and disorientation. Anyone within the parametres to be set, allowing detonation for certain
of players to maximize their firepower in an ambush
5 metre blast radius must make a Fortitude save (DC sized groups, specific races, and specific weights (so
or defensive position. Conversely, poorly planned
20) or be Dazzled and Deafened for 3d6 rounds. A vehicles won’t cause a detonations while a foot patrol
mine positioning can put the player characters in
successful save means the character is only Dazzled and will). When using this function, players should specify
serious and unnecessary danger. Beyond this, the
Deafened for 1 round. the types of targets the mine is programmed to recognize.
enemy has mines roughly comparable to what
EarthForce characters will have and players might Of course, this 15 metre blast radius mine can also be
Mk12B1 Smoke Grenade: These cylindrical grenades set to simply explode whenever anything disturbs it.
have to contend with various traps laid out against
create a dense screen of smoke and radar-reflective metal
them. As an example, players moving at more than
fragments that covers an area 20 metres in diameter and EF-ED-22 Anti-vehicle Mine: This large, hemispherical
¼ to 1/3 of their maximum movement speed can
3 metres high. The cloud lasts for 5 minutes in still air, mine has similar AI to the EF-ED-17, allowing it to
be judged as moving too rapidly to spot mines,
but high wind speeds or efficient air purifiers can disperse be set to detonate for specific types of vehicles or even
tripwires, and the like. ‘The easy approach is always
it more quickly. All lines of sight drawn through the specific vehicles based on typical noise-profiles. It can
mined’ is a special operations axiom for a reason.
cloud are blocked, unless the character is using advanced also be set to detonate after a certain number of targets
sensors and makes a DC 20 check with the appropriate have been counted, allowing it to explode only when
skill (Operations (Sensors), for example). Anyone using the fifth Shriek tank passes, for example.
Minbari technology (or something similarly advanced)
gains a +4 bonus to this check. EF-ED-25 Directed Antipersonnel Mine: Cheap and
simple, this directed weapon discharges its pellets in a
Mk14 Incendiary Grenade: These nasty spherical 120 degree arc when triggered. This makes this mine well
grenades explode into a cloud of burning chemicals in suited for covering a retreat or instigating an ambush,

since personnel outside the arc will not be harmed. It MA-8 Load-Bearing Body Armor: This lighter Worn as a backpack it weighs 17 kg
triggers when its passive sensor detects movement within version of the standard MA-6 is equipped to act as a and can transmit to a ship in near-
10 feet of its ‘trigger face’. When placed, characters must load-bearing vest, enabling the various pouches and orbit. It also has extensive anti-
determine which direction its active face is oriented in. equipment draped over the typical SOF member to be jamming capabilities and can
It takes 1 round to place the weapon. clipped directly to the armor. broadcast a disruptive carrier
signal that will blanket the EM
EF-ED-S7 Satchel Charge: Special forces personnel by KR-4/BX Hostile Environment Armor: While not spectrum with noise, cutting off
and large like to blow things up. The ‘S-Seven’ has been a full-fledged spacesuit, this armored suit is extremely all communication within a
the standard demolition pack for 10 years and shows no useful in hazardous planetary environments where 10 km radius. While
signs of being replaced. Taking three rounds to set up, the air and liquid itself can be lethal. It also allows this will kill the team’s
it is simple, foolproof, and reliable. Until the detonator submerged breathing for up to 6 hours. communications as
is inserted, PPG blasts, bullets, explosions, and being well the enemy’s it
dropped ‘accidentally’ from 20,000 feet won’t set it off. FBL-54/CBT Combat Spacesuit: This armored is effective even on
spacesuit is the gear of choice for ship and station assault Minbari portable
EF-ED-L2 Limpet Mine: The underwater counterpart teams. This suit contains extensive integrated stealth communication gear.
to the S7, this explosive allows combat swimmers to capabilities (+1 to Stealth checks) and allows for up to A Communications
attack ships, docks, and underwater structures. All other 72 hours of independent operation before the oxygen Specialist character
characteristics are the same as the S7. runs out. requires one of these
to use his Intercept and Fire
EF-ED-N17A Nuclear Satchel Charge: By far the DRC-34A-6 Helmet/Communications Headset: Support class abilities.
most powerful man-portable explosive in the EarthForce While most EF personnel are equipped with the DRS-
inventory, this is also a fairly delicate device. Due to this 28B headset, the integrated helmet communications Mark 7 Combat Scuba Suit: This is the
fragility and high-yield it is generally reserved used for system is the standard communications gear of SOC. standard wetsuit in EF service. This suit has an integral
warship sabotage and other high-priority targets. When The system’s chin-piece is actually a complicated receiver full-face mask and oxygen cracking unit, allowing
used in the field, there is a 20% chance that the device that can detect sub-vocal dialog from the wearer with continuous submerged operations for up to 2 weeks.
will simply fail because the delicate electronics have whispered or muttered dialog picked up and transmitted Although the suit is flexible, its on-board computer can
been jostled the wrong way. to team members as if it were spoken in a normal tone of inflate tiny honeycomb bladders in the fabric to make
voice. The helmet also has a miniaturized holo-emitter it rigid enough to enable dives up to 400 metres. The
Equipment that can project information to the eye of the wearer suit is also highly resistant to chemicals and toxins; one
EN-BNC5 Infrared Binoculars: Similar in function to (terrain, text, mission instructions) and is controlled can swim through raw sewage seeded with plutonium
the EN-PNV4 infrared goggles, these binoculars have by a system of eye motions and blinks. The system has and survive for short periods of time. On land, this suit
better thermal resolution and can provide magnification mild anti-jamming abilities. It has the capability for 20 offers no advantages over typical combat gear. However,
up to 40X. They can also provide real-time sharing of Gigabytes of stored information; typically each member in the water it is relatively invisible to all sensors and
video imagery to teammates and back to headquarters will have specific info downloaded at base (medics will enemy Notice checks suffer a –2 penalty.
via encoded signal transmission. These binoculars follow have walk-throughs of common emergency procedures,
the same rules as the EN-PNV4 infrared goggles in the snipers will have windage tables, and so forth). CJF-A1 Body Suit: Almost as ubiquitous in SOC as a
Earth Alliance Fact Book with the exception that a +3 is good pair of boots, this thermal spandex style suit with
added to Spot and Search checks. FL-COM-42 Communications Set: This is the balaclava-style hood is worn under the fatigues and
standard long-range communication gear for SOC. serves two purposes. The first is to minimize the wearer’s

thermal emissions as well as breaking up Vehicles
the EM outline, limiting detection during EF-TAC17 Ablative
operations. It also serves to help regulate
temperature, being effective from –20 to 50
Drop Pod
These pods are the vehicle of choice for
C while also providing water reclamation
clandestine orbital insertions. Dropped
for the wearer. While capable of processing
by converted freighters or attached to
liquid waste it is ineffective with solids.
third-party freighters and warships these
pods can sustain a single operative for
MMF-B1 Camouflage Suit: This very rare
up to 4 days, although at the expense
suit is effectively a changeling net, although
of 200 lb. of cargo carrying ability.
never termed that due to the illegality of
However, 2-4 hours is a more common
the technologies under Earth Alliance
mission timeframe. The pod enters
jurisdiction. Tremendously expensive,
the atmosphere, registering a minimal
usually only the most elite SOF units even
radar-signature that is generally filtered
have them in inventory, much less are able to
out as micrometeorite ‘noise’. Once
draw them for a mission. They allow the user
in the atmosphere, the operator can
to mimic most other humanoid species well
disengage the pod, which breaks up into
enough to fool even standard military-grade
72 fragments, 10 of which are powered
security systems, although state of the art
and will generate a thermal and radar
human and Centauri systems will penetrate
signature equivalent to the operator’s
the illusion and only civilian-grade Minbari
EFPG-4 parafoil and act as decoys. For
sensors will be fooled. Use for more than
general game purposes, only Minbari
12 hours is strongly discouraged due to the
and Centauri level sensors will pick up
effects of its EM field on the wearer.
the drop pod even 50% of the time
and then only after it separates into
C7-3 Target Designation System: The
the fragments. Even then, they will be
standard unit for target designation, this
unable to distinguish which of the 11
system utilizes a pulsed-frequency, low-
powered signals is the actual parafoil.
powered laser to illuminate targets for
missile fire, indirect AFV fire, fighters, and Large Spacecraft; hp 12; DV 10 (-1 size,
orbital bombardment. When aimed at a +4 agility); DR 4; SPD 45; Acc 10; Dec
target using standard weapon aiming rules 4; Han +6; Sensor +4; Stealth 28; Cargo
it imparts these same bonuses to the aircraft, 500 lb.; 1 Pilot
AFV, or spacecraft firing at the target.

Transport Capability:

EFPG-4 Parafoil Initial versions were unarmed but, as is somewhat Weapons:
The standard airborne insertion equipment for Earth standard in special operations, the troops quickly None
Alliance forces, this stealthed parafoil includes a radar- modified the vehicle to better suit their needs. The most
absorbing wrap for the operator, giving a minimal standard configuration includes an open swivel mount Transport Capability:
radar cross section for the entire unit. Although several with an EF-749/AC or EF-492 side by side with an None
prototype powered units have been developed by EF-667 automatic grenade launcher. Experiments have
EarthForce, a desire for simplicity as well as technical been made with mounting a 45mm BilPro cannon but Minnow Swimmer
difficulties with stealthing the power units have led the combination of the increased weight and negligible Delivery Vehicle
to the general use of this unpowered parafoil. By armor of the vehicle have made this variant quite Simple and dependable are the two words commonly
triggering three quick release clamps the unit can be unpopular. used to describe the Minnow SDV. Capable of carrying
converted to a parachute configuration, allowing a safe 4 combat swimmers inside its tubular hull the craft, by
and vertical final decent. While the tubular structure Large Surface Vehicle; hp 18; DV 13 (-1 size, +4 agility); heating the water around the divers, allows significantly
must be concealed, the foil itself is impregnated with DR 3; SPD 26; Acc 4; Dec 6; Han +3; Sensor +0; Stealth longer submerged times. Its hold also carries 900 lb. of
chemicals so that the operator can quickly dissolve the 13 (16 if immobile); Cargo 100 lb.; 1 Driver, 3 Special cargo, allowing extended operating times. During the
vast majority of the unit to prevent detection. Capable Ops infantry Earth-Minbari war it was not unknown for teams to
of carrying a significant amount of cargo and heavily operate from submerged Minnows grounded on the
stealthed, this versatile craft allows groups of special Weapons: riverbed for a week or two at a time, returning to sleep
operations personnel to land en masse in a coordinated Turret EF-667 automatic grenade launcher (magazine within the heated water in its hull.
attack. of 24 grenades, fires once per round) and either a EF-
749/AC or EF-492 Large Watercraft; hp 18; DV 8 (-2 Size, +6 Agility); DR
Large Aircraft; hp 4; DV 4 (+6 agility); DR 2; SPD 25; 4; SPD 22; Acc 3; Dec 2; Han +6; Sensor +6; Stealth
Acc 4; Dec 2; Han +8; Sensor +0; Stealth 24; Cargo 250 Transport Capability: 24; Cargo 900 lb.; 1 Pilot, 3 Passengers
lb.; 1 Pilot None
Weapons: M645 Nomad Light ATV None
None Based on a strengthened Sliepner chassis, this is the
workhorse of SOC, serving the role of small armored SVA-4A3 Piranha
Transport Capability: battlefield taxi. Most commonly used by Rangers and
None Fleet Marines, it is capable of mounting the same types Assault Submarine
of weaponry as the Sigurd. The Nomad carries an A mini-submarine in use by the combat swimmer
flotillas, this craft allows several months of continuous
M107A2 Sigurd Light Special adequate amount of armor for its size and is surprisingly
nimble, allowing troops to cross obstacles to strike where operation for its crew of 12. The A3 variant dispenses
Operations Vehicle Mark II with many of the weapons systems to provide greater
For the most part, once dropped in place from their least expected.
stealth capabilities for these prolonged covert operations.
Frigga assault ships special operations forces walk The reactor allows the cracking of fresh water even
wherever they need to go. However, in some instances Large Surface Vehicle; hp 25; DV 16 (-1 size, +4
agility); DR 6; SPD 20; Acc 5; Dec 6; Han +4; Sensor from highly contaminated seawater, although on-board
ground transportation is advantageous and for this role provisions are generally limited to 4 weeks of supplies.
the Sigurd is ideal. Heavily stealthed and quieted, it +2; Stealth 12; Cargo 1000 lb. if no troops carried; 1
Driver, 6 Passengers Beyond their use by the combat swimmer flotillas,
provides reliable transportation for its four-man crew. these dependable little craft are often used to support

dive-qualified members of other Special giving the craft some teeth. The Fleet
Operations teams such as the SAS and Marine Corps make the most use of
Radvezchiks in a similar manner. these craft by far for shipborne covert
surveillance and assault. However, it is
Gargantuan Watercraft; hp 85; DV 6 (-4 rumored that both the Blue Berets and
size); DR 9; SPD 30; Acc 4; Dec 4; Han the Psi-Corps Alpha Team have access to
+2; Sensor +4; Stealth 21; Cargo 4,000 lb.; these craft, which in combination with
6 crewmen, 12 Combat Swimmers their telepathic interference makes them
a serious threat even to the Minbari.
Two CPPG Antipersonnel/Antiaircraft
Guns; 1 Front, 1 Rear, (surface use only); Statistics:
Attack +2; Damage 1d10+6; Critical 19- Gargantuan Spacecraft; hp 50; DV 9 (-4
20; Range 3 size, +4 agility); DR 7; SPD 25; Acc 6;
Four Torpedo Launchers; 2 Front; 2 Rear; Dec 4; Han +4; Sensor +4; Stealth 30;
Attack +2; Guidance 2; Damage 3d10; SQ Atmospheric Capable; Cargo 2,500
Critical 19-20; Speed 6; Fuel 6; Reloads 24; lb.; 1 Pilot, 5 Passengers
Water Targets Only
Transport Capacity: Twin-linked Uni-Pulse Cannon;
200 lbs. of cargo space can be replaced with Boresight; Attack +4 (targeting
a passenger for up to 1,200 lbs. However, computer); Damage 4d8; Critical 19-20;
each 200 lbs. of space sacrificed takes 2 Range 1
days of endurance away from the mission
Zeebrugge 2,500 lbs.
Assault Shuttle
A variant on the standard Earth Alliance
light shuttle this craft features an extreme Hades
amount of stealthing technology as well as Assault Shuttle
the facilities for locking in and out space- Larger than even the Magni heavy lifter
suited personnel. While Minbari sensors the Hades is the most capable assault
can generally discover these craft even their shuttle that EarthForce has, allowing the
range is severely degraded, allowing assault rapid drop of an entire company of Fleet
teams to get fairly close to Minbari warships Marines or Assault Rangers. While the
and bases before discovery, if carefully Condor is even larger, that wallowing
flown. The shuttle also carries a respectable transport is unsuited for landing in the
armament of twin-linked uni-pulse cannon, face of opposition. The Hades can also

carry a platoon of 4 vehicles in place of the company of -1 Valkyrie, Frigga, Heimdall, or Wraith aircraft, ready Banshee is invaluable in providing prolonged support
troops. In addition, the Hades is the only Earth Alliance for combat. for Assault Ranger and Fleet Marine companies on the
shuttle that can deploy troops via parafoil while in flight, ground. While the Wraith, Thunderbolt, and Heimdall
allowing massed airborne attacks. The Hades carries a Wraith Fighter Bomber fighter-bombers can provide missile support, their
respectable armament but it should be used sparingly as While the Heimdall fighter bomber is better known, the capacity is relatively small. The Banshee can saturate a
the shuttle is a fairly easy target to enemy fire. older Wraith is still a viable aircraft and is extensively target with missiles and provide the close air support
used by the Fleet Marines. It requires an 80 metre that allows assaults to succeed. Four missiles can be fired
runway to take off and land but it need not be paved. per round.
Gargantuan Spacecraft; hp 80; DV 9 (-4 size); DR 10;
SPD 25/14 in VTOL mode; Acc 4/3 in VTOL mode; While the aircraft is quite capable of strafing runs with
Dec 3/2 in VTOL mode; Han +1/+2 in VTOL mode; its light particle guns, it more commonly uses missiles
fired from a distance. One missile can be fired per round Gargantuan Aircraft; hp 50; DV 20 (-3 size, +2 agility);
Sensor +2; Stealth 5; SQ Atmospheric Capable; Cargo
and the Wraith cannot strafe and use a missile during DR 14; Spd 25; Acc 4; Dec 3; Han +1; Sensor +4;
16,000 lbs. (if not carrying troops or vehicles); 3 Pilots,
the same round. Stealth 8; Ejection Seat; cargo 250 lbs. lbs.; 2 Pilots, 1
1 Navigator, 1 Flight Engineer
Navigator, 1 Weapons officer
Two Twin-linked Uni-Pulse Cannon; Boresight; Attack Huge Aircraft; hp 30; DV 16 (-2 size, +4 agility); DR
10; Spd 32; Acc 5; Dec 5; Han +3; Sensor +2; Stealth 5; Weapons:
+4 (targeting computer); Damage 4d8; Critical 19-20;
Range 1 SQ Afterburners, Ejection Seat; cargo 50 lbs.; 1 Pilot, 1 Eight Fighter Missile Racks; Boresight; Guidance 2;
Weapons officer Damage 15+1d10; Critical 20; Speed 5; Fuel 3; Reloads
Two Yellow Jacket Missile Racks; Boresight; Guidance 2;
8 (each)
Damage 4d10; Critical 19-20; Speed 6; Fuel 3; Reloads
8; Cannot engage targets within 2 Weapons:
Eight Mjolnir Cruise Missiles per the Earth Alliance Two Twin-linked Light Particle Guns; Boresight; Attack Alternate Missile Types:
Fact Book +0; Damage 2d8; Critical 20; Range 1 Per the Earth Alliance Fact Book Heimdall Fighter
Transport Capability: Four Fighter Missile Racks; Boresight; Guidance 2; Bomber entry
A Hades can carry any one of the following: Damage 15+1d10; Critical 20; Speed 5; Fuel 3; Reloads
4 (each, for a total of 16 missiles) Okinawa Assault Ship
-4 tanks or AFV’s of any type, ready for combat While the Hyperion-Gamma is the most common
-1 company of infantry and all of their equipment (one Hyperion variant used as an assault ship, there exists
turret per platoon, ready for combat) Alternate Missile Types: an extensive Hyperion conversion in use with the Fleet
Marines; the Okinawa class assault ship. During the
-2 Idun truck cabs with 8 pallets, four cabs with three Per the Earth Alliance Fact Book Heimdall Fighter Earth-Minbari War, many Hyperions were damaged
pallets, or 20 pallets Bomber entry severely enough that they were going to be written off
-14 Skirnir recon bikes; along with appropriate drivers, and sold for scrap following the war. Not having the
turrets, and sidecars Banshee Bomber funds to commission a dedicated assault ship the Fleet
Marines cooperated with the Assault Rangers on Project
-2 Valkyrie or Frigga VTOLs, 2 Heimdall or Wraith The Banshee is a large craft designed from the outset Anvil whereby they appropriated these hulls and had
fighter bombers, or 1 Banshee bombers in disassembled as a missile carrier. Loitering over the battlefield, the them extensively modified. The refurbished warships

are capable of carrying an entire Fleet Marine or Assault Tantalus Assault Ship 1 Front and 1 Rear; Attack +2 (targeting computer);
Ranger company along with two Magni VTOLs, one This is the standard assault transport for EarthForce. Damage 10+2d10; Critical 19-20; Range 4; Rapid Fire
Hades assault shuttle, and 3 Zeebruge assault shuttles. It While fairly lightly armed, it carries a staggering 16 Five Mk 1 Interceptors; 3 Front/Left/Right, 2 Rear/
also carries 2 Thunderbolts to provide close air support. Hades assault shuttles which allows four battalions of Left/Right; Attack +3 (targeting computer); Damage
Up to four Frigga assault transports can also be carried troops to be delivered to a planetary surface in a single 10+2d10; Critical 20; Range 1; Rapid Fire
in stored condition and transported to the planetary trip. In addition, 12 Thunderbolts are carried for close
surface. air support (CAS) Generally, this warship is used by Craft:
regular GROPOS units for massed planetary assault. 2 Magni Heavy Lifters, 2 Zeebruge Assault Shuttles,
Colossal II Spacecraft; hp 500; DV 6 (-10 size, +6 However, both the Assault Rangers and Fleet Marines 16 Hades Assault Shuttles, 2 Light Shuttles, 12
agility); DR 18; SPD -; Acc 2; Dec 1; Han +1; Sensor have used them on occasion. Thunderbolts
+3; Stealth 14; SQ Jump Point, Long-Ranged; Cargo
225,000 lb.; 14 Officers, 14 Pilots, 10 Sensor Operators, Colossal II Spacecraft; hp 500; DV 6 (-8 size, +4 agility);
48 Crewmen DR 20; SPD -; Acc 1; Dec 1; Han +1; Sensor +3; Stealth
16; SQ Jump Point, Long-Ranged; Cargo 500,000 lb.;
Weapons: 22 Officers, 54 Pilots, 14 Sensor Operators, 75
Two Twin-linked Heavy Laser Cannon; Boresight; Crewmen
Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 80+8d10;
Critical 19-20;Range6 Weapons:
Two Medium Pulse Cannon; 1 Left and 1 Right; Attack Two Medium Pulse
+2 (targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10; Critical Cannon;
19-20; Range 4; Rapid Fire
Twin-linked Medium Plasma Cannon; Boresight; Attack
+2 (targeting computer); Damage 30+6d10;
Critical 19-20; Range 2
Tri-Linked Particle Beams; Boresight;
Attack +2 (targeting computer)
Damage 10+3d10; Critical 20, Range
3 Mk 1 Interceptors; 2 Front/Left/
Right, 1 Rear/Left/Right; Attack +3
(targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10;
Critical 20; Range 1; Rapid Fire

2 Magni Heavy Lifters, 3 Zeebruge Assault Tantalus Assault Ship
Shuttles, 1 Hades Assault Shuttle, 2 Light Shuttles,
2 Thunderbolts

Weapon Cost Damage Critical Ammo Increment Size Weight Type
Auricon EF-7 600 cr 2D8 19-20/x2 12 60 ft Small 1 lb Energy
EF-21 Ballistic Pistol 600 cr 2D8 19-20/x2 13/32 40 ft Small 1 lb Projectile, Rapid Fire
EF-X PPG pistol 1200 2D8 19-20/x2 18 40 ft small 1 lb Energy, Rapid Fire
EF-334 Heavy PPG pistol 725 cr 2D10 19-20/x2 8 60 ft small 1 lb Energy
EF-328 Assault PPG pistol 950 cr 2D8+2 20/x3 10 80ft small 1 lb Energy
Submachine Guns
EF-76 ÔRattlerÕ 6.5 mm Ballistic SMG 1000 cr 2D6 20/x3 30 50 ft Medium 6 lb Projectile, Rapid Fire
EF-76 ÔRattlerÕ 6.5 mm Ballistic 1200 cr 2D6 19-20/x3 30 50 ft Medium 6 lb Projectile, Rapid Fire
Rifles and Shotguns
EF-40A Ballistic Rifle 1,200 cr 2D6+1 20/x3 18 150 ft Large 4 lb Projectile
EF-PR PPG Rifle 800 cr 2D8 19-20/x2 24 150 ft Large 4 lb Energy, Rapid Fire
EF-749A3/AC PPG Carbine Rifle 1,300 cr 2D8 +2 19-20/x2 24 200 ft Large 5 lb Energy
EF-17G Laser Rifle 2,000 cr 2D6 17-20/x2 6 500 ft Large 8 lb Piercing
EF-7 Mk IX Grenade Laucher-Shotgun 750 cr n/a n/a 10 50ft Large 6 Lb Projectile
EF-G42 Underslung 500 cg n/a n/a 1 40 ft Small 1 lb Projectile
Grenade Launcher/Shotgun
Cannister Shotgun Round 8 cr 2D10 18-20/x2 n/a 20 ft Tiny Negligible Projectile
Sabot Shotgun Round 10 cr 2D8 18-20/x3 n/a 50 ft Tiny Negligible Projectile
Westlake EF-36V BillPro Chemical 800 cr 2D4 20 4 20 ft Medium 3 lb Energy (sprays a target with
Shotgun explosive chemicals)
EF-43 7.84 mm Sniper Rifle 1100 cr 2D10 18-20/x2 8 500 ft Large 5 lb Projectile
EF-996 Laser Sniper Rifle 1250 cr 2D8 20/x2 6 750 ft Large 12 lb Energy
EF-801 12.3 mm Anti-Material Rail Gun 1300 cr 2D12 17-20/x2 5 400 ft Large 9 lb Projectile
EF-G42 Underslung 500 cg n/a n/a 1 40 ft Small 1 lb Projectile
Grenade Launcher/Shotgun
Heavy Weapons
EF-492 8.1 mm Light Machine Gun 1600 cr 2D10 18-20/x2 48 150 ft Large 9 lb Projectile, Rapid Fire
EF-749/AC-SO1 ÔHarbingerÕ 2200 cr 2D10 19-20/x2 60 100 ft Large 8 lb Energy, Rapid Fire, Burst Fire
Automatic PPG
EF-449 Heavy PPG 5000 cr 2D10+3 17-20/x2 50 150 ft Large 20 lb Energy, Rapid Fire, Burst Fire

Area of Range
Weapon Cost Damage Effect Critical Ammo Increment Size Weight Type
Explosive Ordnance
Mk.3A Fragmentation Grenade 95 cr 1D10 20 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1 lb Projectile
Mk8 Flashbang Grenade 60 cr Special 30 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1 lb Projectile
Mk12B1 Smoke Grenade 25 cr n/a 30 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1 lb Projectile
Mk14 Incendiary Grenade 80 cr 2D6 20 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1 lb Projectile
Mk16 Teargas Grenade 75 cr n/a 20 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1 lb Projectile
EFGr4 Minigren/ade 25 cr 1D4 10 ft n/a n/a 20 ft Tiny 1/4 lb Projectile
EF-ED-17 Antipersonnel Mine 175 cr 3D10 30 ft n/a n/a n/a Small 3 lb Projectile
EF-ED-22 Antivehicle Mine 250 cr 4D10 30 ft n/a n/a n/a Large 4 lb Projectile
EF-ED-25 Directed Antipersonnel Mine 175 cr 2D10 30 ft cone n/a n/a n/a Small 3 lb Projectile
EF-ED-S7 Satchel Charge 250 cr 5D10 20 ft n/a n/a n/a Large 4 lb Projectile
EF-ED-L2 Limpet Mine 250 cr 5D10 20 ft n/a n/a n/a Large 4 lb Projectile
EF-ED-N17A Nuclear Mine n/a 6D20 + 100 2500 ft n/a n/a n/a Large 4 lb Projectile
EF-40A rounds (18) 75 cr. Negligible
EF-36V Rounds (4) 50 cr 1 lb
EF-17G/EF-996 Power Pack (6 shots) 100 cr Negligible
EF-749A3/AC PPG Cap (24 shots) 90 cr Negligible
EF-7/EF-G42 Shotgun Round 10 cr Negligible
EF-21 Ballistic Pistol rounds (13) 50 cr
EF-76 rounds (30) 75 cr Negligible
EF-334 PPG Cap (20 shots) 125 cr Negligible
EF-328 PPG Cap (16 shots) 100 cr Negligible
PPG Cap (18 shots with EF-X, 8 shots 60 cr Negligible
with EF-334, 10 shots with EF-328)
EF-43 Rounds (8) 120 cr Negligible
EF-801 Rounds (5) 125 cr 1 lb
EF-492 Rounds (48) 200 cr 3 lb
EF-749/AS-SO1 PPG Cap (60) 250 cr 1 lb
EF-449 PPG Cap (50 shots) 250 cr 2 lb


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