Implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme A Case Study of Select Districts of U.R

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Implementation of National Rural Employment

Guarantee Scheme A Case Study of Select Districts of U.R

Sharma G. L., Bajpai S. K.

The government of India passed the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, in September 2005, which
came into force in 200 selected districts of February 2,2006 and will be extended to the rest of the districts
within five years of its notification. The Act provides enhancement of livelihood security, giving at least 100
days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household, whose adult members
volunteer to do unskilled manual work. Panchayats at districts, intermediate and village levels will be principal
authorities for planning and implementation of the Act. The NREG Act 2005 can provide basis of a permanent
social security system and even act as an instrument for planned and equitable rural development. It is hoped
that this will be an instrument of major socio-economic benefit for rural India. Initially, the government
identified 22 districts as backward in U.P. for implementation of NREGS but it has increased 17 more backward
districts in U.P. and 130 districts in the country since April 1, 2007 for implementing this scheme however, we
have selected four districts, namely, Barabanki, Raebareli, Sitapur and Unnao for our survey based study having
modest objectives as stated below.

The principal thrust of the survey is to understand whether

i. There is general awareness about the scheme among the villages

ii. The scheme is providing jobs to the applications without hassles

iii. The beneficiaries and the village people appreciate the implementation of the scheme

iv. The project has potential to create job opportunities in the area and

v. To make suggestions for effective implementation of NREGS to benefit the poor people living the in
rural areas

Kailash Chandra Mishra

Dr Kailash Chandra Mishra is known as a management teacher, orator, researcher and writer.
Institutionally he is involved in the banking, insurance, capital market, energy, oil, power
transmission, commodity, marine, aviation and education sectors. His seminal work in areas like corporate
governance, manpower planning, micro and macro interface, risk management, turn
around management, commoditization of service and regulatory arbitrage are extensively cited. He is an
institution builder, having created several institutions both inIndia and in other countries. Currently he is
involved in action research relating to public policy interventions as the concurrent Director of Lal Bahadur
Shastri Research Centre (LBSRC), New Delhi.

His books include The Game is changing: Insurance Reloaded; Insurance Demystified: Reading beyond
the lexicon; Medical Informatics: An exploration; Finance for family managed business and Financial
Management: In the era of reforms. He is a newspaper columnist and writes a popular column every
Saturday in DNA - Money - Comments. He has more than three hundred published papers in various
national and international management journals. In 2008 he has published eight textbooks through
Cengage learning (Previously Thomson learning) in New Delhi. These books include: Insurance Business
Environment and Insurance Company operations; Life Insurance  : Principles & Practice; General
Insurance : Principles & Practice; Financial Management & Insurance Accounting; Elements of Actuarial
Science; Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Insurance; Basics of Personal Financial Planning; and Life
Insurance Underwriting. Each of these books was coauthored by one of his doctoral students or
management associates. He has also published in 2008 two other books through ICFAI Publication,
namely "Enjoying IIT-Jee" and Organizational Adaptaion - A tag study of General Insurance TAC in India".

Management frameworks

He is credited with creating cited management frameworkslike "Mishra's Seven A framework of insurance
management", first published in his book Insurance Reloaded ICFAI Publication, hyderabad, India, "APES
framework for insurance organization", first published in USA, Chamber and Partners' journal,
"Mishra theory of preference dynamics in investment", first cited in his D.Litt. thesis "Mutual Funds in the
emerging market", "Seven P framework of underwriting", first published in "Asia Insurance Post, Mumbai,
india and "3L framework of retrocession planning", first published in the journal "Bima Quest", Pune, India.
His cost-based underwriting work has been adopted as standard for determining trend-based pricing of risk
management products. He founded a student driven journal called "Pravartak" for propagating innovations
in physical risk management requiring financial mitigation. He was executive editor of the journal till he
relinquished his official position as the Director of National Insurance Academy, a post he held for a
decade. After accepting directorship of LBSIM, he has accepted editorship of LBSIM journal dedicated to
cause of management and IT as also public policy interventions.

Extramural innovations

In various management schools he has founded, he has introduced some extramurals like BEAD (Business
Etics Advancement and Development), MID (Management Intrapreneurship Development), STUDENT
(Structuring The Unstructured by Discussion, Evolution, Negotiation and Training), POY (Power of You)
and INLAB (Insurance Laboratory). At SPJIMR, ASCI and NIASOM, he introduced the concept of self-audit
for management students - where the students takes responsibility for a part of his syllabus, topic, teacher,
examination and examiner. Students' participation in management of business school is his avowed ideal.
When enquired as to why he has not started any further experimentation at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of
Management (LBSIM), of which he is the current Director, he has an interesting response. Lal Bahadur
Shastri's Himalayan legacy runs at LBSIM. Lal Bahadur Shastri was known for his simplicity, honesty,
integrity and assertiveness. Anyone understanding these values and internalizing the principles as a way of
life does not need any further extramurals.

By qualification he is M.Sc in solid-state physics with three gold medals, MBA, CAIIB and Doctor of
Literature (D.Litt)in Financial Management. In 2001, International Biographer's Association gave him the
Best Citizen of India award (he was one of the ten recipients). On 27 May 2008 UK Higher Education
Minister Mr Ramell awarded Dr Mishra UK India Education and Research Initiative or UKIERI award
"Technical and Professional Skills award 2007-08". The award was jointly shared by Mishra as the Director
of National Insurance Academy, India with the Regional Director of Park Lane College (now called City
College Leeds), Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

Institution building

Major institutions he has founded include NIASoM (A school of Management), NIASEE (A school for
executive education), NIASPD (A school for producers' development), NIAPRI (A school for Pension
research), Siam Takhsila Management Institute in Thailand (in collaboration with Chowla Insurance),
Training Institute in Dubai (in collaboration with local Insurers), and WAII (West African Insurance Institute
at Benjul for social security in collaboration with eight West African countries). He has propounded
concepts like Parametric Insurance and Transinsurance. He has developed an insurance product in the
style of "Cleanup Insurance" for AIDS patients. He has designed the catastrophic reinsurance model for
South Asia at the behest of World Bank and is engaged in Earthquake, Tsunami and Agro-risk predictive
modelling. He has contributed largely to organizations like Bank of India, S P Jain Institute of Management
and Research, Administrative Staff College of India, National Insurance Academy, Loss Prevention
Association of India, Maharastra State Cooperative Deposit Guarantee Corporation, Unit Trust of India
Asset Management Company, UTI Ventures and Doha Bank Assurance Company. He has been a visiting
Professor at international universities likeColumbia University, University of
Connecticut, CPCU Atlanta, Wharton's Aresty Business School, Yale University,S P JAIN CENTER OF
MANAGEMENT (dubai & Singapore), andManchester Business School, among others. Recently he took
charge of first whistle blowing Ombudsperson of Mutual Funds at UTI. He was appointed by Government of
India to be a special invitee equivalent of a Board member for CAG Audit of PSU Insurance Companies -
the finding is available at CAG website as submitted to the President of India. Another institution he holds is
Technical Director of Doha Bank assurance Company and Audit Committee Chairman of the company,
which is regulated by Qatar Financial services Authority (QFSA). He is also technical director of a venture
capital company at Bangaluru (UVS) and advisor to the Chairman situated in Turkey of one of the largest
MNC intermediary Marsh with office in India. He is an expert committee member of EPFO for pension
reforms and is also associated with RBI and SEBI in regulatory best practices. This makes him one of the
most versatile experts in financial sector of India. As the Director of LBSIM, he also oversees other
activities associated with Lal Bahadur shastri Trust, most important of which is Lal Bahadur Shastri
Research Centre (LBSRC) undertaking public policy research both at National and international levels.

Dr Mishra is from a village called Sriramachandrapur in Puri, a district of Orissa. Currently he advises
several ministries of the Government of India and he has advised eight different ministries of the
Government of India in the past. His concern for Micro finance and micro-insurance have been his
strongest points apart from professional management education. In May 2008 Dr Mishra was appointed as
a member of Planning Commission of India subgroup on Weather Insurance for Agriculture. During 2009
convocation at his last institution National Insurance Academy, he announced in the august presence of the
Vice President of India that India's accession to super economic league lies in providing employment to 13
million Indian youth who enter into working life every year in the demographic scene of this nation
comprising of highest layer of young people. For this every Indian statesman and innovator should strive for
generating employment. This needs a private public partnership of highest order and Dr Mishra wants to
dedicate rest of his life to this cause in some way or other.

Seminar is, generally, a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a
commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring
meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to
actively participate. This is often accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue with a seminar leader
or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research. Normally, participants must not be
beginners in the field under discussion (at US universities, seminar classes are generally reserved for
upper-class students, although at UK and Australian universities seminars are often used for all years). The
idea behind the seminar system is to familiarize students more extensively with the methodology of their
chosen subject and also to allow them to interact with examples of the practical problems that always occur
during research work. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be
raised and debates can be conducted. It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system of
academic instruction.

Symposium originally referred to a drinking party (the Greek verb sympotein means "to drink together") but
has since come to refer to any academic conference, or a style of university class characterized by an
openly discursive format, rather than a lecture and question–answer format.

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