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I have been in hiatus for the past months, because I am too busy at work and a lot of things. The next
generation of Thesis Defenders are in the run for tips and advice from the graduates. I personally admit that I
had my own cold feet and “I almost gave up” moments. But as a successful defender, and now a graduate, here
are some of the things that I learned from my experience, and from my fellow graduates as well:

1. Get Up, Dress Up & Show Up.

This is the basic. If you really want to pass and graduate, don’t you dare do the “NO SHOW” thing when it is your
time to defend your thesis. You’ll surely panic on the day itself, most especially if you’ll do the binding, printing,
plotting, and everything you need to prepare beforehand. Even if you’re in the run, keep yourself together- tight.
Believe that you will make it, even if you think you are running late, still go.
These “Parang di na ako aabot”, “Parang di ko yata kaya”, “Baka hindi ako pumasa”, “Ayoko na”, etc. kind of
mentality will just kill your vibe. Always be optimistic. Don’t let your fear overpower the hard works and
sleepless nights you’ve been through for more than a year.

2. Know Your Thesis By Heart.

A good presentation is not only based on your realistic renders, design solutions, strategies, planning, and the
like; it is deep in your heart.
You surely are the one who made your plans right? You have your research with you. You may not run over all
the information and facts, but you have the basic knowledge on what your thesis is.
That’s why you were given the chance to choose your thesis, it is in order for you to dedicate your heart on what
you think is your calling.
Show your jury that you are confident enough on what you are telling them. Show them your burning passion.
Even if you may not know some of the answers to their questions, you will get through it if you know your thesis
by heart. Come on, believe in yourself and your thesis. That’s the major key.

3. Don’t Compare Yourself

So what if there are a lot of your fellow students that can make realistic renders? While yours are too basic.
So what if you are in line with the design competition champions? Do you consider yourself as a mediocre? Or a
So what if the guy/girl before you got flat 1.00? Do you need to beat it? How sure are you that you can’t have the
same thing?
5 years is a tear jerk roller coaster ride, it’s hard and painful. You will slowly realize that your knowledge and
skills are not good enough, but never ever compare yourself. Each one of us have our own ways in coping and
surviving college life, you are already a step away from your dreams- will you just give up? Really?
No plans are made 100% identical. Neither is your thesis. So are you.
Smile, yours is unique in its own tiny ways.

4. Carry Confidence.
You will surely get some cold feet, hands and a shaky body. I know it’s hard to keep calm, but you need to. Or
just hide it with your confident smile. Stand straight, and do it like a pro. If there will come a time that it is really
hard for you to make an eye contact, look at their foreheads. At least you won’t be bothered by the facial
expressions they make to distract you.
Just be confident. Like you know what you are saying, and you mean it.

5. Eat
No sleep? or worst… No Ligo(Bath)?
I have seen a lot of students who showed up restless, tired, oily, stressed, and name it all- they exist. But even if
you’re cram skills and clutch tendencies arrive (and evident), don’t forget to eat! At least eat a single piece of
bread, drink water, and gather yourself together.
The worst thing that can happen is you passed out.

6. Have A Checklist!
Do not forget anything at home! Even if you look like a backpacker ready to climb a mountain with the amount
of things you need to bring with you, don’t mind. Just bring everything.
Back up files! Not just one or two, but three or more. Flash drive, External Hard Drive, CD, MicroSD, put your
thesis in it. You’ll never know when will the PC drive nuts over a single presentation. There are a lot of people
who failed due to technical reasons.
Bring your own laptop. Even if the Dean’s Office/Faculty provide one.
Thesis Book, Print Outs, A3, 15x20 copies, Boards, Etc., Bring what you need and probably would need.

7. Listen Eagerly.
When it is the Q&A part already, always keep your ears and mind together. Listen well to the questions. While
you listen, make use of that opportunity and time to think at that moment. If you understand well the question
thrown at you, you can respond at your best. Just Focus.

8. Pray.
When all else fails… No you will not fail. So does a prayer. :) Send your heart out, and pray that things will go
well. All Is Well.

Whatever is the result of your defense, at the end of the day you will just thank everyone, and everything you’ve
been through. Finally, it is over. Hard works do pay off. You have proven that all through the years that you are
in an architectural school, you have sum it up with a single idea that will matter- for you, for your audience,
family, friends, and to the nation. (LOL)
But seriously, what matters most is YOU DID IT! :)

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