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CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, 13, 137-149 137

TRYCAT Pathways Link Peripheral Inflammation, Nicotine, Somatization

and Depression in the Etiology and Course of Parkinson’s Disease
George Anderson*,1 and Michael Maes2

CRC, Rm: 30, 57 Laurel Street, Glasgow, Scotland
Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Abstract: Increased depression, somatization, gut inflammation and wider peripheral inflammation are all associated with the
early stages of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Classically such concurrent conditions have been viewed as “comorbidities”, driven
by high levels of stress in a still poorly understood and treated disorder. Here we review the data on how oxidative and
nitrosative stress in association with immuno-inflammatory responses, drives alteration in tryptophan catabolites, including
kynurenine, kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid that drive not only the ‘comorbidities” of PD but also important processes in
the etiology and course of PD per se. The induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, leading to the driving of tryptophan into
neuroregulatory tryptophan catabolite products and away from serotonin and melatonin production, has significant
implications for understanding the role of nicotine, melatonin, and caffeine in regulating PD susceptibility. Tryptophan
catabolite pathway activation will also regulate blood-brain barrier permeability, glia and mast cell reactivity as well as wider
innate and adaptive immune cell responses, all relevant to the course of PD. As such, the “comorbidities” of PD such as
depression, somatization and peripheral inflammatory disorders can all be conceptualized as being an intricate part of the
biological underpinnings of both the etiology and course of PD. As a consequence, the data reviewed here has treatment
implications; relevant to both the course of PD and in the management of L-DOPA induced dyskinesias.
Keywords: Parkinson’s, depression, somatization, tryptophan, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, nicotinic, melatonin, inflammation,

INTRODUCTION Here we look at the role of the tryptophan catabolite

(TRYCAT) pathways in linking the wider aspects of PD,
With no current approved drugs capable of reducing
including somatization, depression and peripheral
disease progression, but only inhibiting the expression of
inflammation, with the induction and course of PD, as well
motor symptoms, the development of treatment that tackles
as in the protection afforded by nicotine and caffeine. This
the underlying neurodegenerative process in Parkinson’s
gives a wider systemic perspective on PD; emphasizing the
disease (PD) is a matter of extensive investigation. The delay role of the immune system in driving alterations centrally,
in effective treatment challenges researchers to better clarify
especially via neuronal regulation by immune and glia cell
the etiology and course of PD.
derived TRYCATs. First we review the data on the wider
Many susceptibility factors have been proposed, aspects of PD presentations and the indicants that these give
including environmental toxin exposure e.g. fungicides, to the underlying biological processes that drive this still
herbicides, pesticides, and metals [1, 2]. Mutations in a poorly understood and managed disorder.
number of genes are associated with both familial and
sporadic forms of PD, including alpha-synuclein, Parkin and PARKINSON’S: SOMATIZATION AND MDD
many others [3-6]. How such environmental and genetic risk
factors drive the etiological and biological underpinnings of Comorbid psychiatric conditions are common in PD [7],
PD, such as oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), having a significant impact not only on quality of life and
mitochondrial dysfunction, peripheral and central resilience [8], but also disease outcome. Much of the focus
inflammation, as well as immune driven changes awaits of psychiatric comorbidity has been on later stages of PD.
clarification. The primary conceptualization of the disorder However, high levels of comorbid somatization (67%),
has linked such risk factors and biological changes directly depression (36%), anxiety (27%) and obsessive-compulsive
to atrophy of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra (SN). symptoms ((53%) have also been found in the early motor
However, an early biomarker has remained elusive, meaning stages of PD, in non-demented patients [9]. These symptoms
that people only present when considerable damage has are highly intercorrelated and thought driven by adrenergic
already occurred, with symptoms predominantly involving and serotonergic dysfunction, mediated by early
SN atrophy. A wider perspective on the processes involved degeneration in brain stem nuclei, as shown by Braak [10].
in PD may help to not only improve treatment, but to provide Level of depression correlates with global cognitive
an early biomarker allowing preventative intervention. function, suggesting depression as an early marker of wider
brain dysfunction in PD 10]. The overlap of depression and
neurodegenerative processes is highlighted by the 2%
*Address correspondence to this author at the George Anderson, CRC, Rm 30,
57 Laurel St. Glasgow G11 7QT, Scotland; Tel: +447 505 623 759;
decrease in some cognitive measures occurring with every
E-mail: depressive episode, linking to recent conceptualizations of

1996-3181/14 $58.00+.00 © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers

138 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 Anderson and Maes

psychiatric conditions as neuroprogressive disorders [11]. associated with an increased risk for other conditions,
Other studies report similar rates of psychopathology in PD including Alzheimer’s, whilst the IL-18 induction of IFN-γ,
[12], with striatal dopamine transporter levels and is the main driver of wider immuno-inflammation. Increased
dopaminergic tone correlating with depressive and anxiety O&NS, evident in PD, contributes to Nod-like receptor
symptoms [13]. Single nucleotide polymorpisms (SNPs) in family containing pyrin domain (Nlrp)3 inflammasome
the circadian clock controlled gene thyrotroph embryonic activation [34]. As such inflammasome activation is likely to
factor (Tef) associate with depression in PD, suggesting interact with PD susceptibility genes in driving immuno-
overlaps with the circadian dysregulation evident in PD [14]. inflammation both centrally and periphery, in co-ordination
Overall psychiatric comorbidities may predate motor with alterations in oxidant status and wider immuno-
symptoms, correlate positively with motor symptoms, inflammation.
negatively with cognition and are linked to changes in
circadian regulation. CNS Inflammation
Increased cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2), IFN-γ, TNF-α and
IL-1β are found in postmortem PD brains [35]. Increased
A high prevalence of nocturnal nondipping blood vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is evident in PD
pressure (BP), defined as less than a 10% decrease at night and PD models [36]. VEGF increases blood-brain barrier
versus day BP, is evident in PD [15]. Nondipping in this permeability (BBBp) [37], as found in PD [38] and PD
study occurred irrespective of orthostatic hypotension, models [39], including the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
coexisting arterial hypertension or antihypertensive tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model, where the increased
treatment. Lewy bodies are evident in peripheral and central BBBp is attenuated by caffeine [40]. Increased BBBp allows
structures involved in autonomic regulation [16], and the extravasation of monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils
alterations in the autonomic nervous system, in association and T-cells into the CNS. Increased CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells
with circadian dysregulation, occur in the early stages of PD are found in the SN in PD models, with CD4+ T-cells driving
[10, 17]. Increased TRYCAT pathway activation decreases dopaminergic toxicity [41]. Along with resident glia,
melatonin, often evident in PD [18], contributing to infiltrating leukocytes are a significant source of pro-
nondipping nocturnal BP. inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α and IL-1β, which
have synergistic effects in the apoptosis of dopamine
PARKINSON’S: INFLAMMATION neurons [42]. The over-expression of α-synuclein in the
CNS increases microglia activation, priming pro-
Serum and CSF levels of proinflammatory cytokines and inflammatory responses, but only in the SN, suggesting
CD4+ and CD8+ Tcells are increased in PD [19-23]. Genetic region specific α-synuclein effects [43]. Peripheral
variations in these cytokine and immune factors associate inflammation enhances such α-synuclein priming of
with PD risk [24, 25]. Chronic users of some nonsterioidal microglia [44]. Also the loss of dopamine and
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) show diminished PD norepinephrine (NE) in PD will impact in the CNS more
incidence [26], suggesting a significant role for inflammation widely [45], altering patterned CNS interactions.
in the etiology of PD. Loss of function mutations in Parkin
are associated with PD, with inflammation decreasing Parkin
Peripheral Inflammation
levels not only in neurons but also microglia and
macrophages [27]. Decreased Parkin enhances levels of The first observable manifestations of PD may occur
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1b and peripherally, with increased levels of α-synuclein being
inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA in activated present in the intestine [46], leading to the suggestion that
macrophages, suggesting that inflammation mimicks Parkin colonic mucosal biopsy may provide a biomarker of
mutations, and likely interacts with Parkin mutations to premotor PD. Likewise alterations in the intestine occur
regulate levels of inflammatory response. Combinations of prior to dopamine neuron loss, in α-synuclein over-
proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-α, IL-1beta (IL-1β) and expressing mice [47]. Infection with helicobacter pylori (Hp)
interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) also impact on levels and is associated with the course of idiopathic PD [48, 49] and
localization of glia α-synuclein and tau, suggesting wider not necessarily confined to those with current infection [50].
interactions of inflammation with other PD associated The eradication of Hp improves brady/hypokinesia but
proteins [28]. worsens rigidity [51]. Antimicrobial resistance can
complicate Hp symptoms and treatment [52], with failure to
Inflammasome activation leads to IL-1β and IL-18
eradicate aggravating the effects of infection in PD [53].
production and release. Remarkably little data is available on
Bladder dysregulation similarly predates motor dysfunction
the role of the inflammasome in PD, despite the well proven
in PD models [54]. Both bladder and bowel dysregulation
role of IL-1β in peripheral and central inflammation, as well
as the genetic link of IL-18 SNPs to sporadic late onset PD are associated with wider autonomic alterations. Peripheral
inflammation potentiates nigrostriatal dopamine neuron loss
[29]. PINK1, a susceptibility gene for autosomal recessive
in PD models [55-57]. As such peripheral inflammation is an
familial PD, regulates IL-1β activation [30], whilst α-
integral part of PD presentations, relevant to both etiology
synuclein enhances IL-1β induced interferon-γ inducible
and course, as well as the quest for an early premotor
protein-10 (CXCL10), a proinflammatory and neurotoxic
chemokine in astrocytes [31]. Combined SNPs in TNF-α and
IL-1β modulate the susceptibility to PD [32], although not Gastro-intestinal dysregulation commonly occurs early in
all studies show IL-1β SNP links to PD [33]. IL-18 SNPs are PD, with a history of constipation being a significant PD risk
TRYCAT Pathways Link Peripheral Inflammation CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 139

factor [58]. Animal models of gastro-intestinal disorders, in current or previous smokers [75]. Of the thousands of
including ulcerative colitis, potentiate central atrophy in PD chemical products in cigarette smoke, nicotine affords the
models [59]. Such work has led to the suggestion of a predominant protection in PD. Other cigarette smoke factors
particular role for gastro-intestinal inflammation in the also provide protection, including 2,3,6-trimethyl-1,4-
etiology of idiopathic PD [60]. Other gastro-intestinal naphthoquinone (TMN), a monoamine oxidase (MAO) A
changes occur in PD, including increased Lewy body and B inhibitor, which decreases dopamine metabolism and
pathology [61], serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding MAO activation of endogenous neurotoxins [77]. Rasagiline,
protein [62], small intestinal bacterial overgrowth [63] and an MAO B inhibitor and PD treatment, similarly prolongs
gut permeability. The latter correlating with enhanced E. coli the action of dopamine [78].
intestinal mucosa staining, α-synuclein and oxidative stress.
Cigarette smoking also produces 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-
Increased gut permeability also allows gram-negative dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), which activates the aryl
bacteria to translocate into the blood, leading to a IgM-
hydrocarbon receptor (AHr). Interestingly the AHr, via AHr
mediated immune response [64].
response element III (AHRE-III) directly activates the
As to how these changes drive central alterations awaits tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene, increasing TH mRNA and
clarification. LPS leads to the atrophy of SN dopaminergic protein [79], suggesting that activation of the AHr, and its
neurons [65], partly via microglia activation, which is also modulation by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP),
evident in depression [66]. Ulcerative colitis increases C- phosphodiesterases (PDE) and circadian genes, will directly
reactive protein (CRP) [67], which increases BBBp [68], modulate levels of dopamine and NE produced [80]. The
contributing to central changes. Melatonin is protective in role of the AHr in PD, especially in TH derived dopamine
ulcerative colitis, preventing the CRP increase [67], and NE, will be important to determine. Two TRYCAT
suggesting a role for melatonin regulation of peripheral products, kyn and kynurenic acid (KYNA) are known to
influences on central PD processes. As well as peripherally regulate the AHr. However, different AHr ligands can have
derived cytokines and decreased microglia reactivity differential effects on AHr driven gene induction. As such
threshold [66, 69, 70], peripherally derived kynurenine (kyn) TCDD may have differential effects from kyn or KYNA.
has central consequences in PD, as detailed below. Also cAMP, known to induce KYNA in astrocytes [81], is
an important activator of the AHr, with the transactivation of
Inflammation and Early Development the B2-adrenoceptor induction of cAMP being necessary for
some other ligands to activate the AHr [82]. The cAMP
Given the role of central and peripheral inflammation in regulation of the AHr is co-ordinated with circadian gene
PD, early developmental factors regulating immuno- (Period 1 and 2) induction, suggesting interactions of TCDD,
inflammatory responses will modulate the susceptibility to, kyn and KYNA with cAMP/AHr/circadian genes, including
and course of, PD. Prenatal maternal infection increases the in the regulation of dopamine and NE. That said, smokeless
toxicity to 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in adulthood [71]. tobacco also affords protection against PD [83].
Decreased dopamine neurons levels or activity possibly
mediate this [42], given dopaminergic hypoacitivity Nicotine is protective of dopamine neurons to different
increases adult LPS inflammation [72]. Such an early ongoing toxicities, including MPTP, 6-OHDA and
developmental influence on subsequent immuno- aminochrome [84], but not after damage has already
inflammation overlaps to the early developmental priming occurred [85]. Short term administration of a low dose of
for comorbid depression and somatization in the etiology of nicotine improves cognition and anti-oxidant status after 6-
schizophrenia [11]. As well as priming for schizophrenia and OHDA lesions, with cognitive improvements positively
its comorbidities, prenatal viral infection increases the adult correlating with increased anti-oxidant status [86]. Multiple
levels of the Alzheimer’s associated peptide amyloid B [73]. subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChr) are
This highlights the relevance of early immune responses to evident in the nigrostriatal pathway, including the α4β2,
adult neurodegenerative processes. Immunolocalization of α4α5β2, α6α4β2β3, and α6β2 β3 subunits, as well as
the influenza virus is evident in SN neurons and homomeric α7 [87]. All may be involved in the protective
macrophages of PD patients [74], suggesting a direct impact effects of nicotine in PD [88], although the α7nAChr is less
of infection in SN dopamine neurons in PD, including densely expressed in SN dopamine neurons, being more
possibly within an early developmental context. evident in SN astrocytes and GABAergic interneurons [89].
Nicotine also has wider cognitive benefits relevant to PD
[90], including increasing long-term potentiation (LTP). Of
PARKINSON’S: PROTECTIVE FACTORS the two phases of hippocampal LTP, early and late, the
A lack of history of cigarette smoking, having a family α7nAChr increases both, whilst α4β2 agonism increases the
member with PD and a history of constipation are the three early phase [91]. This is suggestive of wider cognitive
major risk factors for PD, each more than doubling the risk protection by nicotine in PD.
[58]. A number of protective factors are evident in PD, The SN receives ACh inputs from the pedunculopontine
including nicotine and caffeine [75, 76], giving important nucleus, an area subject to atrophy in PD. Nigrostriatal
clues as to the relevant processes driving PD. damage by MPTP decreases nAChr levels generally, except
the α7nAChr [92], with non-α7nAChr mediating direct
Nicotine protection in D neurons and PD models [93]. The α4β2 also
has anti-inflammatory effects [94]. Nicotine via the
Smoking decreases the incidence of PD, and SNPs in
α7nAChr activates a number of pathways, including the
nicotinic cholinergic receptor gene cluster, CHRNA5-
cAMP, extracellular kinase (ERK)1/2 and
CHRNA3-CHRNB4 modulate the age of development of PD
140 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 Anderson and Maes

phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt paths [95]. These The α7nAChr stimulation of RegTcells immuno-
diverse pathway activations decrease apoptosis and increase suppression also has consequences for how peripheral
trophic factor production [96]. Overall this suggests a direct inflammation modulates PD. In the colon, cytokine induced
protective effect of nicotine via non-α7nAChr on D neurons, alterations in the α7nAChr in CD4+ Tcells mediate the
with non-dopamine neuron protection by the α7nAChr. dichotomous response to nicotine in Th1/Th17 versus Th2
driven colitis [113]. IL-4 increases, whereas IL-12 decreases,
Nicotine decreases L-DOPA induced dyskinesias in the
α7nAChr levels. As a consequence, in inflammatory bowel
6-OHDA model by 50% [97], involving the β2 nAChr [98]
disorders, nicotine ameliorates ulcerative colitis, increasing
and partly dependent on dopamine terminal function [99]. In
RegTcells, but worsens Chrohn’s disease, increasing Th17
about 50% of trials nicotine has direct motor symptom
cells. As to whether these cytokines have opposing effects on
benefits, possibly reflecting PD heterogeneity [100].
the α7nAChr in other cells relevant to PD, including
astrocytes and mast cells requires investigation. Overall, as
Non-Neuronal Impacts of Nicotine well as regulating leukocyte extravasation, nicotine will
modulate the peripheral driven immuno-inflammatory
Glia and Mast Cells
responses that interact with the course of PD.
As well as direct nicotinic effects on dopamine neurons,
nicotine effects in other cell types are also thought protective Autoimmunity
in PD, including immune cells, microglia and astrocytes Recent conceptualizations of many disorders, including
[101]. In the MPTP model α7nAChr protection is via the depression have emphasized a role for O&NS induced
inhibition of astrocyte activation [101], decreasing MPP+ or damage in the induction of autoimmune responses, including
LPS induced p38, ERK1/2 and TNF-α. ERK1/2 and p38 are to serotonin [114]. Autoimmunity is relevant in PD [115].
involved in the activation of astrocytes, increasing iNOS, Increased autoantibodies are evident in PD, being
COX2 and cytokine production [102]. An increase in striatal particularly associated with dyskinesia and depression [116].
and SN glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is evident in Neuromelanin is highly expressed in dopamine neurons,
PD and astrocyte activation is concurrent to neuronal death contributing to α-synuclein induced neurotoxicity [117].
in the MPTP model [103]. α7nAChr activation also High levels of anti-melanin antibodies are evident in PD,
decreases MPTP induced microglia activation [101]. being recognised by dendritic cells [118] and contributing to
Increased levels of activated microglia are found in the SN in autoimmunity [115]. Increased O&NS contributes to the L-
PD post-mortems [104]. DOPA induction of neuromelanin [119], suggesting a role
Cigarette smokers are also less likely to develop some for O&NS in interaction with L-DOPA in the induction of
inflammatory and allergic disorders [105], partly via nicotine autoimmunity. Both neuromelanin and α-synuclein are
effects at the α7, α9, and α10 nAChRs on mast cells [106]. increased in SN dopamine neurons over normal ageing
Nanomolar nicotine concentrations inhibit inflammatory [120], highlighting how ageing associates with PD
effluxes from rat mast cells, including TNF-α and IL-1β, autoimmune responses. α-synuclein increases neuromelanin
driven by decreased nuclear factor kappaBeta (NF-κB) [121], increasing microglia activation by neuromelanin
[106]. Nanomolar effects of nicotine in mast cells are far [122]. Loss of olfaction occurs early in PD, driven by
lower than that required to produce action potentials, autoimmunity [123].
suggesting that the combination of subunits is important in In attenuating central inflammation, nicotine decreases
modulating nicotine sensitivity. autoimmunity [124]. Melatonin decreases α-synuclein and
Mast cells and especially astrocytes are crucial regulators oxidants, suggesting protection against autoimmunity in PD.
of BBBp, including via TNF-α and IL-1β efflux, which Autoimmunity may also have protective effects, as
nicotine inhibits. This suggests that nicotine will evidenced by increased IgG against α-synuclein [125].
significantly impact on BBBp and associated leukocyte
extravasation, important to the CNS degeneration occurring CAFFEINE/ADENOSINE
in PD.
Caffeine consumption decreases PD risk [76], and is
Adaptive and Innate Immunity protective against MPTP, where, like nicotine it decreasing
BBBp [40, 126]. Caffeine decreases melatonin metabolism
As well as modulating immune cells access to the CNS, by cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A2 [127]. As such, caffeine
nicotine directly regulates immune responses. Adaptive and efficacy in PD [128] may be partly mediated by melatonin,
innate immunity activation is evident in PD, with immuno- in turn increasing the α7nAChr [129], potentiating nicotine
suppression by regulatory T cells (RegT) affording effects. Nicotine and caffeine protection in carriers of PD
protection to MPTP [107], including via the inhibition of T- SNP gene susceptibilities [130] may therefore be partly
helper (Th)17 induced damage [108]. α7nAChr stimulation regulated by melatonin.
in murine RegT cells potentiates their immuno-suppressive
capacity [109], highlighting nicotine protection via immune However, caffeine efficacy is also via adenosine A1r and
regulation [88]. Potentiating RegT cell immuno-suppression A2Ar inhibition, supported by the protection afforded by
decreases the damage arising from elevated CD4+ and CD8+ istradefylline, an A2Ar antagonist, when used as an
T cells in PD. The α7nAChr also directly dampens adjunctive to L-DOPA [131]. As well as the role of
proinflammatory production [110], including in T-cells [111] adenosine in the striatum in the course of PD, cortex ecto-5-
and macrophages [112]. nucleotidase (Ecto-5N) increases over ageing, elevating
adenosine, which normally contribute to night-time
TRYCAT Pathways Link Peripheral Inflammation CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 141

tiredness. cAMP increases astrocyte Ecto-5N and adenosine NMDAr inhibition. These effects highlight the role of the
[132]. As indicated above, the cAMP pathway also regulates NMDAr in driving toxicity in these models. However,
the AHr, circadian genes and TH, as well as tryptophan KYNA inhibition of the NMDAr is unlikely to be achieved
catabolism. As such cAMP may have a role in co-ordinating by physiological variations in kyn. Given elevated peripheral
PD processes. inflammation and somatization in PD, it is of note that KAT-
1 is decreased in PD red blood cells, coupled to decreased
PARKINSON’S AND TRYCATs plasma KYNA [141]. Peripheral KYNA is antinociceptive
via G-protein coupled receptor (GPR)-35 activation [142].
TRYCATs As to whether decreased peripheral KYNA reflects an
Tryptophan is the precursor necessary for serotonin and increase in the kyn/KYNA ratio, with links to peripheral
melatonin synthesis. Over 95% of tryptophan is taken down inflammation and somatization, as suggested by increased
the kynurenine pathway, leading to various neuromodulatory neopterin and kyn/tryptophan ratio in PD [143], requires
TRYCATs, including kyn, KYNA and quinolinic acid investigation. Pharmacologically increasing KYNA lessens
(QUIN). TRYCAT production is driven by indoleamine 2,3- L-DOPA induced dyskinesias in monkeys [144], suggesting
dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO). central benefits from KYNA analogs that cross the BBB,
IDO is predominantly induced by IFN-γ, although other unlike peripheral KYNA. However, such benefits are via
proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β, TNF-α and IL- NMDAr inhibition, and may require adjunctive,
18 also contribute [133]. TDO is increased by cortisol [134] compensatory nicotine or an α7nAChr agonist.
and perhaps cAMP, as indicated by cAMP induction of Peripheral kyn can also be converted to other TRYCATs,
astrocyte KYNA [81]. IDO activation produces all including QUIN, 3-hydroxykyurenine (3-HK), 3-
TRYCATs, whereas astrocyte TDO is limited to kyn and hydroxyanthranillic acid (3-HA) and picolinic acid (PA). At
KYNA production. Kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT) the NMDAr, QUIN is excitotoxic and PA excitatory. Both 3-
catalyzes KYNA from kyn. In the CNS, TDO is HK and 3-HA decrease mitochondrial complexes I and II,
predominantly expressed in astrocytes and some neurons, with 3-HK additionally inhibiting complex IV [145]. This
whereas IDO is expressed in microglia and infiltrating suggests that peripheral inflammation and somatization
leukocytes. induced kyn contributes to wider neuronal susceptibility in
PD, via mitochondrial inhibition by 3-HA and 3-HK.
TRYCATs and Parkinson’s Melatonin increases mitochondrial complexes I, II and IV,
and would be expected to inhibit such 3-HK and 3-HA
Elevated peripheral and central inflammation in PD mitochondrial toxicity [146].
increases IDO, driving down serotonin and melatonin and
contributing to depression and circadian dysregulation. We
recently showed that increased peripheral kyn/KYNA ratio is TRYCATs: Neurogenesis and LTP
specifically associated with somatization, across a number of Astrocyte and mast cell IL-1β induction modulates
disorders, including depression and myalgic BBBp, as well as inhibiting neurogenesis. IL-1β effects are
encephalomyelitis [135, 136]. Somatization and depression via IDO and downstream TRYCAT products, including kyn
levels are high in PD, including in the earliest stages [9], and and kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO) [147]. KMO
can predate PD motor symptoms, sometimes by decades. inactivation prevents IL-1β inhibition of neurogenesis,
This indicates altered TRYCAT levels and patterning. Over suggesting a powerful role for IDO and the TRYCAT
60% of CNS kyn is peripherally derived, being readily pathway in driving inflammation induced decreased
transported over the BBB. In the CNS, kyn is catalyzed by neurogenesis. TDO and IDO activation decreases mast cell
astrocyte and neuronal TDO and KAT into KYNA. KYNA, serotonin production, also important to dentate gyrus
at physiological levels, is an antagonist of the α7nAChr and neurogenesis, as well as learning and mood [148]. Such data
will therefore inhibit the protection afforded by nicotine at emphasizes the importance of the TRYCATs in mediating
the α7nAChr, including in: immuno-inflammatory responses depression/somatization associations with degenerative and
by astrocytes and mast cells, cytokine induced BBBp [137] regenerative processes in PD. TDO activation decreases
and leukocyte extravasation and activation, as well as direct neurogenesis, whilst increasing anxiety [149].
immune cell regulation. Increased KYNA will inhibit these
Nicotine, via the α7nAChr, increases early and late LTP
manifold nicotine protections in PD, contributing to wider
presentations. As such peripheral inflammation, and [91], suggesting that peripheral derived kyn and central
KYNA conversion contributes to PD cognitive deficits, as
associated somatization and depression may not simply be
evidenced in schizophrenia models [150]. As such nicotine’s
incidental comorbidities of PD, but may be intimately
wider cognitive and neuroregenerative benefits [90] will be
involved in its etiology and course.
inhibited by peripheral inflammation induced kyn.
Following 6-OHDA there is a relative loss of KAT-I in Variability in nicotine benefit in PD studies may therefore be
surviving dopamine neurons, although increased KAT-I in a confound derived from somatization and peripheral
astrocytes and microglia [138]. However, the resultant inflammation induced TRYCATs.
increase in glia KYNA is insufficient to inhibit the N-methyl
d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr), but rather will inhibit the TRYCATs and Wider Immuno-Inflammation
α7nAChr, potentially increasing BBBp and neuronal
toxicity. Pre-treatment with high dose L-kynurenine Wider immune changes are evident in PD, linking to
attenuates 6-OHDA and MPTP induced toxicity [139,140], increased inflammation. Increased natural killer (NK) cells
being mediated by conversion to KYNA, with resultant [151], IL-1β, and decreased IL-1RA occur in PD, correlating
142 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 Anderson and Maes

with levels of fatigue and depression [152]. NK cells in PD PDE2 inhibitors may change the AHr activation and gene
express decreased inhibitory NKG2A receptor levels, inductions by other AHr ligands. Given the role of the AHr
indicative of priming for activation [153]. Regulated on in regulation of TH, dopamine and NE, this will be important
activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) to clarify. PDE inhibitors are an area of active investigation
is also increased in the PD serum, suggesting increased in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, including
monocytes, macrophages and Tcells chemoattraction [154]. PD [162].
Increased gamma delta (γδ) Tcells occur in PD blood and
CSF [155]. In vitro, γδTcells and NK cells can be neurotoxic TRYCATs and Stress
via astrocytes [156]. Such inflammatory processes increase
cytokine production, in turn inducing IDO, kyn and KYNA, PD is a stressful condition, with unexpected symptoms
with KYNA inhibiting the α7nAChr benefits in many cell and comorbidities/wider presentations often emerging.
types and processes. Within the animal literature chronic unpredictable mild
stress (CUMS) is known to increase depression, with effects
The α7nAChr is a treatment target for many being mediated by increased peripheral kyn, driving raised
inflammatory conditions, including ulcerative colitis [157], levels of excitotoxic QUIN in the amygdala and striatum
suggesting KYNA regulation of nicotine modulation of coupled to a trend increase in cortex KYNA [163,164].
peripheral inflammatory effects in PD. As such the absolute, Excitatory activity in the amygdala, coupled to KYNA
as well as local, levels of KYNA would be relevant. The inhibition of cortex acetylcholine, dopamine and glutamate
inability of peripheral inflammation to potentiate SN atrophy suggests increased affective processing at the expense of
in PD models, when monocytes are depleted [59], highlights higher order cognition [165]. Stressful life events are major
the importance of increased BBBp and infiltrating susceptibility factors for the emergence of depression,
leukocytes. An increase in infiltrating Tcells in the SN is including in PD [166]. As such stress, as with peripheral
evident in PD patients [158]. inflammation, mediates its effects in the CNS, at least in
part, via conversion by glia into neuronal regulating
Given that different AHr ligands, including kyn, KYNA
and cAMP, can have differential effects on AHr induced Alexithymia
transcriptions, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) but Other PD comorbidities may be similarly related. Up to
also NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf-2) induced endogenous 20% of people with PD show symptoms of alexithymia, with
antioxidants, it will be important to determine how different altered emotional recognition and expression leading to
endogenous and exogenous ligands modulate TH levels, and deficits in empathy and the emotional aspects of social
how cAMP and circadian genes interact with this. A role for interactions [167]. In PD patients, alexithymia is associated
the AHr suggests that cigarette smoke, which contains high with cognitive deficits [168], linked to decreased cortex
levels of TCDD, may have impacts on PD processes, as well α7nAChr level and activity [165]. Alexithymia also
as the known effects of nicotine. The interactions of the AHr, associates with increased impulsivity [169], although not
cAMP and circadian genes can be relevant to the course of correlating with measures of depression in PD [170].
peripheral inflammation, including in gastro-intestinal However, alexithymia is classically associated with
disorders [80]. Given the role of such peripheral somatization [171], and it requires investigation as to
inflammatory disorders in PD, and their possible etiological whether alexithymia in PD associates with increased
importance, the regulation of the AHr, peripherally and peripheral kyn/KYNA ratio.
centrally, requires investigation. Developmental exposure to
AHr ligands can impact on TH levels and dopamine
production [159], and may mediate early TRYCATs and Melatonin
developmental/epigenetic driven changes relevant to PD Melatonin affords protection in the MPTP and 6-OHDA
etiology. As such TRYCAT variations may interact with the models [172, 173]. The driving down of melatonin levels,
AHr, circadian genes and cAMP in the regulation of central including pineal but also local glia/leukocyte melatonin in
dopamine and NE, as well as in peripheral and early the SN [18], by enhanced IDO and TDO activation in PD,
developmental PD factors. means not only the loss of melatonin’s potentiation of
Interestingly the activation of the AHr can increase IDO, α7nAChr levels and effects. Melatonin is an anti-oxidant,
leading to TRYCAT induction [160]. This suggests that kyn anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive and increases
[161] or KYNA activation of the AHr could induce a mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation [146]. Melatonin
positive feedback loop via the induction of IDO. Given the also increases activity induced dentate gyrus neurogenesis
important role of TRYCATs in PD, neuronal regulation, and new cell survival [174]. Melatonin receptors are
excitotoxicity and BBBp, it will be important to determine if decreased in the SN in PD, suggesting a loss of local
this occurs and what are the feedback paths that inhibit this melatonin effects, given that melatonin increases its own
kyn/KYNA-AHr loop. It may be that the prolonged receptors. Decreased melatonin will contribute to the sleep
activation of cAMP paths leading to PDEs is relevant to the disturbance and circadian dysregulation common in PD [18].
inhibition of such a putative positive feedback loop. PDE2 Melatonin receptors are negatively coupled to adenylyl
can bind to one of the cytosolic factors that associate with cyclase, leading to cAMP inhibition. As such melatonin may
the AHr, the hepatitis B virus X-activating protein 2 (XAP2), inhibit any cAMP induction of TDO/KYNA, as well as
preventing AHr nuclear translocation and transcription regulating AHr activation and circadian gene inductions. As
inductions. In modulating cAMP regulation of the AHr, such, variations in melatonin can be intimately associated
TRYCAT Pathways Link Peripheral Inflammation CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 143

with TRYCAT regulation and will impact on many aspects activation increases subventricular zone neurogenesis via the
of PD and its associated presentations. induction of fibroblast growth factor-2 [186], whereas
chronic nicotine decreases new neuron survival in the
The regulation of astrocyte melatonin production,
dentate gyrus [187]. As to whether differential regulation of
including by available serotonin and MAOA/B, will be
important to determine in PD. neurogenesis or the lack of optimized temporal activation of
the α7nAChr is relevant to some of the mixed results
regarding melatonin efficacy in PD models requires
Melatonin’s inhibition of oxidative stress, inflammation,
α-synuclein and nociception, coupled to its increase in Caffeine decreases the risk of PD [76] and also decreases
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, neurogenesis and melatonin metabolism by CYP1A2 [127]. As such, some of
new cell survival, as well as its induction of the α7nAChr the efficacy of caffeine in the treatment of PD [128] may be
[129], all suggest benefits in PD. Melatonin would decrease mediated by its influence on melatonin and nictotine at the
the high levels (88%) of nocturnal non-dipping hypertension α7nAChr [129]. Caffeine, like nicotine at the α7nAChr,
in PD [15]. Melatonin also decreases ageing associated decreases BBBp [126]. The effects of caffeine in PD may
decrements in neurogenesis [175]. Melatonin decreases then be linked to alterations in the TRYCATs, as well as via
nigrostriatal neurodegeneration, behavioural motor deficits adenosine receptors.
and mitochondrial dysfunction, as well as maintaining TH
and dopamine transporter levels [172]. In comparison to L- Vitamin D
DOPA, melatonin treatment can improve performance on
motor tasks, with no dyskinesias evident [176]. Importantly Hypovitaminosis D associates with neurodegeneration,
melatonin decreases α-synuclein induced neurotoxicity, including PD [188], leading to vitamin D being proposed as
whilst inhibiting α-synuclein protofibril formation, an adjunctive treatment for PD [189]. Vitamin D is also a
oligomerization, and secondary structure transitions [177], significant regulator of neurogenesis, both in the dentate
including SN α-synuclein induced by amphetamine [178]. gyrus and subventricular zone, generally decreasing
proliferation but increasing the neuron/astrocyte ratio [190,
Sleep dysregulation is common in PD and in animal 191]. Vitamin D is also a significant immune regulator, and
models contributes to the disease process [179]. Melatonin, a therefore a decrease in vitamin D is likely to contribute to
key circadian entrainer, improves sleep regulation [18]. the role of peripheral and central immuno-inflammation in
Melatonin has anti-depressant effects, including potentiation PD. As to how vitamin D interacts with TRYCATs requires
buspirone efficacy [180]. N-acetylserotonin, the immediate investigation.
precursor of melatonin, has similar beneficial effects,
including via the activation of tyrosine kinase receptor-beta,
the brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor [181]. Anti-Inflammatories
Melatonin’s protection in ulcerative colitis, preventing the Chronic use of NSAIDs associates with decreased PD
CRP rise and subsequent BBBp [67], highlights how the incidence [26], suggesting a significant role for inflammation
prevention of inflammatory processes in peripheral disorders in the etiology of PD. However, later data shows that the
will modulate the etiology and course of PD. protection afforded by NSAIDs is mediated primarily by
ibuprofen [192], supported by a meta-analysis of all NSAID
Nicotine and Melatonin Combined studies [193]. Meloxicam, an oxicam NSAID, affords
protection in the MPTP model, increasing TH levels and
Nicotine affords some benefits in PD, including on motor prosurvival pathway activation, independent of COX
symptoms in some studies. The lack of clarity as to how it is inhibition [194]. The NSAIDs, tolmetin and sulindac,
best administered (patches, gum, intermittent versus chronic decrease levels of hepatic TDO, suggesting an impact on
etc) seems somewhat amiss, and requires clarification. Also peripheral TRYCATs [195]. Although increasing
it will be important to determine the most beneficial dose of hippocampal serotonin, these NSAIDs also decrease striatal
melatonin for the induction of the α7nAChr in PD [129], dopamine levels; with potential adverse effects in PD.
especially in astrocytes and mast cells, and therefore on NSAID use may also inhibit antidepressant response [196].
BBBp. Melatonin modulates the LPS regulation of the No evidence suggests a benefit from aspirin.
α7nAChr mRNA in astrocytes [182]. As to whether a
combination of melatonin and nicotine/α7nAChr agonist Some of these studies are confounded by increased
would prevent or delay the development of PD, is hard to NSAID use in the years immediate to a PD diagnosis [197],
test, given the lack of an early biomarker. However, it is where increased peripheral inflammation may be intimately
likely that such a combination would, at the very least, have associated with PD. Such data therefore confounds
immediate benefit in offsetting L-DOPA induced dyskinesias preventative effects with impacts on the early course of
[183]. degenerative processes, and possibly with indirect, non-
identifiable early course PD symptoms. As a consequence an
However, not all studies using PD models have found increase in PD incidence has been associated with NSAID
benefits of melatonin [184,185], raising questions as to use in some studies [197]. Gastric dysregulation is
whether variations in experimental protocol, including heightened in depression, with NSAIDs exacerbating gastric
detrimental effects of very high levels of melatonin, mediate disorders, including acid secretion and ulcer formation [198].
such lack of protection. Intermittent nicotinic receptor Given the putative role of gastro-intestinal disorders in PD,
144 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 1 Anderson and Maes

this could be another route for NSAID interactions with PD IFN-γ = Interferon-gamma
etiology and course.
IL = Interleukin
COX-2 inhibitors may also increase neuroinflammation,
KAT = Kynurenine aminotransferase
Th1 responses and lipid peroxidation, as well as decreasing
antioxidants and damaging mitochondria [199]. COX-2 Kyn = Kynurenine
inhibitors may therefore negatively modulate the course of KYNA = Kynurenic acid
PD and depression. Importantly for PD, COX-2 inhibitors
may potentiate bacterial translocation via enhanced Th1 LPS = Lipopolysaccharide
effects. Overall, the conceptualization of PD in the context LTP = Long term potentiation
of wider immuno-inflammatory processes, does not lead
simply to treatment with classical anti-inflammatories. MAO = Monoamine oxidase
MPTP = 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
PDE Inhibitors NE = Norepinephrine
PDE inhibitors are being extensively investigated for NK = Natural killer cells
their efficacy in the treatment of a range of
neurodegenerative disorders, including PD [162], affording NMDAr = N-methyl d-aspartate receptor
protection in the MPTP model [200] and on BBBp [201]. NSAID = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PDE4 inhibitors will also increase night-time melatonin
levels [202]. PDE2A inhibitors are under extensive research O&NS = Oxidative and nitrosative stress
in the treatment of inflammatory processes [203], which as PD = Parkinson’s disease
indicated above would have significance in PD and therefore
PDE = Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
in peripherally derived TRYCATs, as well as on AHr
regulation. QUIN = Quinolinic acid
How the various treatments highlighted would interact RegT = Regulatory T cells
with TRYCATs and biological processes in PD will be
SN = Substantia nigra
important to determine. A number of future research
directions are suggested by including TRYCATs in the SNP = Single nucleotide polymorphism
etiology and course of PD. Perhaps the most fruitful to TCDD = 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
clarify will be the role of local melatonin production by SN
glia. TDO = Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
Th = T-helper
TH = Tyrosine hydroxylase
The role of altered TRYCATs in PD in driving the TNF-α = Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
effects of inflammation, stress/CUMS and somatization has
implications for the conceptualization and treatment of PD. TRYCAT = Tryptophan catabolites
Peripheral inflammation and somatization may not be simple
comorbidities, but rather an intimate part of the processes CONFLICT OF INTEREST
driving the etiology and course of PD. A combination of
melatonin, nicotine/α7nAChr agonist, vitamin D and Neither author has any conflicts of interest to declare.
caffeine are likely to have interactive benefits at different
sites and cells, both peripherally and centrally. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Declared none.
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Received: February 20, 2013 Revised: May 25, 2013 Accepted: May 29, 2013

PMID: 23844687

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