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Site Plan/Development

 Drainage system is design to hold a 500 years flood

 First city in the country that provides a separate lanes/roads for pedestrians, bike
users and vehicles.

 NCC/NGAC are based on a 65m elevation above sea level compare to manila
which just only 13m.

 Nestled between two mountain ranges, the sierra madre mountain of the east
and the zambales mountain ranges to the west which offered a natural protection
from typhoons.

 NCC/NGAC is located 35 kilometers away from the nearest shorelines in Botolan

Zambales. The mountain ranges in Zambales and 65 meters high elevation
likewise makes the destructive effect of Tsunami impossible.

 The type of soil at the NCC/ NGAC is classified as solid sandstone bed rock,
unlike the sandy and clayey material prevalent in low lying areas near the shore
and rivers that becomes soft like jelly when subjected to ground shaking like
earthquake. Structures built on top of grounds susceptible to liquefaction, tend to
sink or tilt during earthquake.

 The type of soil present at the NGAC area is capable of carrying 8,000 pounds
per square foot. Normal soil foundation has bearing capacity of 3,500 pounds per
square foot.

 the terrain in the NCC/NGAC is gently rolling and no steep slopes and deep
ravines. The possibility of landslide is very remote.

 the NGAC is located 35 kilometers away from from the known active volcano
Mount Pinatubo which last erupted in 1991 after 460 years. The NGAC may be
affected by ash fall but not from lahar flow due to its relatively high elevation.

 Aquatic center is design & build with an unsupported length of beam as the width
size of SLEX which is X meters.

 All buildings and structures in NGAC are designed based on National Structural
Code of the Philippines which can hold an average of 7-8 magnitude earthquake.
 In terms of ash fall due to volcanic eruption, NGAC buildings are designed to
hold/carry an ash fall of as much 70cm thick.

 NGAC buildings is design to absorb stronger wind speed up to 270 kph that can
hold even the most devastating storm in the PH having a wind speed of Yolanda
which is only 230kph.

 Ingeniously, developers are making use of one of the most devastating results of
volcanoes – lahars. Builders will combine local lahar material with cement to
build the city. Removing lahar material can also enhance the profile of the stream
and river beds that it flowed down, which further benefits flood resilience,
irrigation and water quality. Manufacturing cement usually consumes a large
amount of water and energy, meaning that the associated carbon emissions are
very high. By adding lahar to the cement, the builders can reduce the amount of
water and energy needed.

 NGAC facilities has a rain water harvesting system to minimize the use of
commercially available water for fire protection and industrial use.

Green characteristics
 Floral and Fauna are being sustain in the green development of the project.

 Out of 9,450 hectares area of development only 30% are being develop and
the rest are all green spaces.

 Skylight roof design of the Aquatic center gives off an additional illumination
within the structures limiting the use of electrical powered lights during the

 NGAC facilities has a rain water harvesting system to minimize the use of
commercially available water for fire protection and industrial use.

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