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The Undiscovered



The completion of this project could not have been possible without the participation of my
loved ones


I dedicate this story of my life to my ever loving Family. I love you FAM. To my wonderful
friends who are there to support me when I’m down. And lastly to those who inspired me to
strive better and keep fighting, to never give up in every challenges in our life. Thank You guys I
dedicate this to you.

Shaira Phoemela Cambri

A 10th Grade Student

Named after her Mother’s favorite artists

Who is Happy, Silly, Imaginative and Witty

Lover of Wattpad, Fun and Adventures

Who feels

Who needs Love, Time and Hugs

Who would like to see her father, her family as one and

lastly her favorite kdrama couple.

Who dislikes pretentious persons, complications and dramatic acts


Human Life is a priceless gift from God. Every moment in our human life gives us an
opportunity to do great and wonderful things for all in life

Prayer of Gratitude

Almighty Father, Thank you for the gift of life in we are forever grateful for the

They say people come and go. Some made its way to our hearts and will leave a mark. However
people in our life are not permanent because some will leave sooner or later. Some will teach us
to be stronger and fiercer. God sent these people to test us, so we are able to develop into a
mature human.

Prayer for my Family

Lord God I pray to you eternal grace. Guide my Family and inspire us to be more generous and
kind to other people. Bless our hearts with your merciful acts so we may also give mercy to those
people who have hurt us. Let your unconditional love be our strength whenever we face
challenges and problems in our life. These I asked in Jesus name. Amen.

Introduction: In life we have a calling by God in which we

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