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Studio Reference
A digital sound standard that delivers
the same accurate studio reference
sound on all speakers and headphones

Technical Overview / June 2018

Table of contents

1. Introduction 2

2. The problem of translation 5

2.1. Background 5
2.2. Sound translation and the music industry 6
2.3. How do audio professionals cope? 7
2.4. The impossibility of translation in the current state of affairs 8

3. The Sonarworks solution 9

3.1. The Sonarworks SR standard 9
3.2. Speaker and room frequency response capture 11
3.3. Headphone frequency response capture 13
3.4. Audio signal processing 15

4. Conclusion 17

References 18

Contents Page 1
1. Introduction
Speakers and headphones have been designed primarily for reproducing
recorded audio. However, when a recorded piece of audio is played back
through various sets of speakers and headphones, the listening experience
varies due to the their individual designs. In the case of speakers, the
environment they are placed in plays a major role in the produced sound
quality. These factors contribute to speakers and headphones exhibiting
varying frequency response (FR), which is a measure for describing how well
a playback system reproduces the frequency spectrum of recorded audio.




Amplitude, dB



100 1000 10 000

Frequency, Hz

Beats Studio 2 Sennheiser HD800 Apple Earpods 30 different headphone models

Figure 1: Frequency response variation of headphones

33 different headphone models

Introduction Page 2



Amplitude, dB



100 1000 10 000
Frequency, Hz

KRK V4 Adam S1X with sub Yamaha NS10 30 different speaker pairs

Figure 2: Frequency response variation of studio speakers

33 measured studio speaker pairs in various listening enviroments




Amplitude, dB



100 1000 10 000
Frequency, Hz
Amazon Alexa Focal Chorus 807 with sub Macbook Air 13 different home speaker systems

Figure 3: Frequency response variation of home speakers

16 home speaker pairs in various listening enviroments

Introduction Page 3
As variations in playback systems’ FR have always been present and
unavoidable, it has been accepted as a norm by both audio content creators
and audio consumers.

Artists and sound engineers, whose work is most affected by this state of
affairs, have incorporated compromise into their workflow. By learning
multiple sets of speakers and headphones and cross-referencing their work
on them, they accept that a certain amount of compromise in favor of
consumer sound systems is necessary to achieve good translation of their
work across devices. Audio consumers, on the other hand, are perpetually
confused by the question of whether their system sounds good or not.

We believe that this should not be the case. Digital technology has developed
to the point where its power can push the quality of the sound of speakers
and headphones beyond their analogue limitations, unlocking a venue of
new possibilities and breaking the current paradigm of compromise in audio
recording and reproduction. However, to have any chance of solving this
problem at scale, the technology must be usable by anyone, its
implementation for any playback system must be quick and seamless.

This paper proposes a vision for what the new paradigm of sound quality
could and should become. Based on digital sound processing technologies
developed by Sonarworks, a standard for speaker and headphone
calibration is proposed with the aim of eradicating the ever-present issue of
poor sound translation across audio playback devices.

Introduction Page 4
2. The problem of translation
2.1. Background

Most of us have listened to the same song on different playback systems, be

it different headphone models, laptop speakers, home entertainment
system or car speakers. Even for people who do not listen to music on a daily
basis the difference in how these devices sound is obvious. But which
version of the song you experienced is the one you were meant to hear, the
artist’s true intent? The answer is quite simple - none. The acoustic
properties of a music listener’s playback system more often than not have
little similarity with the setup the artist used when creating the song. Some
of the music always gets lost in translation.

Furthermore, this is not a question on the audio consumer’s part on how

much to invest in headphones or speaker setup to be able to hear the artist’s
true vision - the retail price of headphones does not correlate to accuracy of
sound reproduction1 and even the best speaker performance can be
significantly reduced depending on their position in a room, the listening
position relative to the speakers and the acoustic properties associated
with the listening environment (Fig 4).

Measurement in an anechoic chamber Same speaker of speakers in four

(no room acoustics) different studios
10 10

5 5
Amplitude, dB

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10
100 1000 10 000 100 1000 10 000
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz

Figure 4: Speaker FR changes significantly when placed in a room

No correlation between headphone frequency response and retail price, Jeroen Breebaart,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, EL526 (2017)
The problem of translation Page 5
2.2. Sound translation and the music industry

The main purpose of great sound translation is the exact delivery of the
artist’s intent to the listener. In the current state of the music industry (in
terms of devices made for audio playback), successful translation is highly
unlikely, as artists create their work on different sounding studio speakers
and production rooms and the end user experiences the audio on different
sounding consumer speakers and headphones. For successful audio
translation the acoustic properties of both the artist's and end-listener's
playback systems and listening environments must be accounted for - a
supposedly impossible task.

In general, translation problems lead to a lot of compromises being made

along the audio production cycle. Since nobody in the cycle, neither the
artists, nor engineers, nor listeners, have access to an objective reference
point for how things should ideally sound, there is a lot of back and forth
exchange of feedback that in large part is caused by each of the arguing
parties having differently sounding playback equipment. For one of the
parties the bass might be too punchy, for another it might not be there at all!

10 10 10
Amplitude, dB

5 5 5

0 0 0

-5 -5 -5

-10 -10 -10

100 1000 10 000 100 1000 10 000 100 1000 10 000
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz


Feedback Feedback


Figure 5: The cycle of compromise

Since nobody has access to a consistent sound standard, audio production is a
continuous cycle of compromise

The problem of translation Page 6

A similar idea has been described as 'The circle of confusion' by Floyd Toole
in his seminal book Sound Reproduction: Loudspeakers and Rooms. At
no point in the cycle of audio production is the hardware or music evaluated
using a consistent standard for how things should sound. As a result, audio
professionals can never be sure their work will translate on the listeners’
systems and successfully convey their artistic vision. In general,
professionals are intimately familiar with the sound translation problem,
while the end audio consumers by and large remain unaware - it is
considered as a natural state of things.

2.3. How do audio professionals cope?

Things being as they are, the general consensus among audio professionals
is that working on a neutral-sounding system leads to best results. A
neutral or ‘flat’ sounding system reproduces recorded sound as it is,
without adding any unwanted FR coloration. Such systems yield better
results not only because they allow hearing sound content accurately in
terms of FR, but also because they reveal additional detail that can
otherwise be masked by poor acoustics. Because the resulting sound
material is not affected by the system it has been produced on, it, on
average, sounds better on most other systems.

There are several approaches audio professionals use to strive for neutral
sound. Applying acoustic room treatment is a common method for taming
acoustics issues. Other more subjective methods include getting feedback
from friends and family as well as the laborious process of learning the
sound of their speakers by both listening to lots of reference material and
listening to their own material on different systems - be it their car, club
systems or their kitchen stereo.

The problem of translation Page 7

Most audio engineers agree that acoustical treatment of the production
room and the performance of the sound monitoring system are equally
important in achieving a neutral-sounding system (Mixing Secrets, Mike
Senior, 2011, p.17). Dampening the production room certainly helps, but to a
limited extent. Not every studio owner has the significant financial
resources required to eliminate all of the room’s acoustic issues through
room treatment. Even the top range studios with considerable investment in
room treatment still have issues with acoustics, for instance, due to changes
in studio environment caused by new gear being added to the studio.

Engineers then spend years learning the peculiarities of remaining

acoustics issues to be able to mentally compensate for the sound coloration
added to the mix. As mentioned above, a common approach is
cross-referencing the mix on many different systems in many different
environments to find the balance at which the audio track sounds ‘equally
good’ on all systems. Note: good, not great. This method, while widely
accepted and adapted by audio engineers, is flawed. Even the most
super-human among sound engineers can only get an imperfect
approximation of their system's performance and, more often than not,
compromising between multiple playback systems leaves the final creation
sounding sub-par to the artist’s personal high standards.

2.4. The impossibility of translation

in the current state of affairs

With engineers accepting the need for compromise and creating records to
be optimally enjoyable on the majority of the playback systems, the
released version can differ drastically from the complete message the artist
wanted to convey. Having the most neutral-sounding production room in the
world still does not solve the translation problem due to the unpredictable
effects the end-listener’s system can have on the sound content.

The problem of translation Page 8

Artists and audio professionals shape the sound of their work based on
imaginary impressions about what the average playback system sounds
like. Many get stuck in endless iteration cycles tweaking the sound of their
work just to find out it sounds horrible in their car which lead to more tweaks
just to find out that their friends’ headphones fail to reproduce the sonic
impact they intended. There is no single standard to follow to tackle the
problem of sound translation, both on professional audio industry and
consumer side, and it is our goal at Sonarworks to remedy this problem once
and for all. We also hope to raise awareness of the problem of sound
translation in the audio industry and educate the end audio consumer on a
solution to a problem most consider a natural state of things.

3. The Sonarworks solution

3.1. The Sonarworks SR standard

Sonarworks SR (Studio Reference) is a digital technology solution

for delivering consistently accurate studio reference sound across all
existing speakers and headphones. It includes in itself a solution for
measuring the speakers and headphones as well as a sound processing
engine for correcting the audio signal ensuring that the listeners hear
accurate sound free from all unwanted coloration no matter what speakers
or headphones they use. The Sonarworks SR standard sets the frequency
response target to be completely neutral for speaker-based playback
systems, i.e. a flat FR curve across all audible frequencies as perceived by
the listener in the listening position. The headphone FR target is designed to
emulate neutral-sounding speakers.

With the introduction of the Sonarworks SR standard we aim to solve the

translation problem at its core. Our solution is not the first acoustics
measurement and correction solution out there.

The Sonarworks solution Page 9

We believe, however, that it is the first one that is capable to successfully
tackle the translation problem at scale. All other solutions for measuring
and improving the frequency response of sound playback systems have
some serious drawbacks that prevent their mass adoption. These solutions
have either not been able to deliver consistent results across devices, are
developed to cater only for speakers or only headphones, or are simply too
complicated or expensive.

We believe that in order to achieve wide adoption, the technology must meet
the following specification:

• Consistency:
The sonic results delivered by the system should be consistent between
• Different speakers and headphones.
• Different rooms the speakers are placed in.
• Different people operating the software.

• Unified standard for speakers and headphones:

the same FR standard should be applied for speakers and headphones
to ensure translation between these two modes of listening.

• Ease of use:
Its use must be convenient and intuitive to the end-user. It should
require no prior training or specialist knowledge.

• Transparency:
The sound processing engine should not add any audible artefacts.

Sonarworks SR is a unique technology that meets the above mentioned

criteria, introducing a standard in sound recording and reproduction across
all sound playback platforms and listening environments. The standard
enforces consistent sound delivery between sound reproduction devices by
removing human error from the measurement process and remaining easy
to implement, maintain and operate without any prior training.

The Sonarworks solution Page 10

The implementation of Sonarworks SR standard is designed to perform
consistently between playback devices and work behind the scenes with
ease in order to allow the user to focus on what matters - creating and
experiencing recorded sound without any loss to its sonic character.

3.2. Speaker and room frequency response capture

In order to attain neutral frequency response for speaker systems, their FR

first needs to be measured. There are three main problems for measuring
speaker’s FR in the listening environment:

• Problem 1:
The frequency response of a speaker in a room is highly uneven.Two
different measurements taken 10cm (~4 inches) apart produce
considerably different FR results. (See Fig 6)


Amplitude, dB

-5 6dB

A B 100 1000 10 000

Frequency, Hz
Note: A +/- 10dB change is perceived
by humans as either twice as loud or twice as quiet A B C

Figure 6: Speaker FR is uneven in a room

The same speakers measured in three different studio positions (10 cm apart)

The Sonarworks solution Page 11

• Problem 2:
Human beings do not perceive sound the same way a measurement
microphone does. Whereas for a measurement mic the room’s FR
changes significantly as it moves around (see above), it normally sounds
much more even for a human listener due to brain interpretations of the
sounds that we hear.

• Problem 3:
Not all of the rooms acoustic phenomena can be solved through a digital
calibration2. Things like standing waves can not be ‘equalized out’ of the
room and must be dealt with by changing room acoustics.

The main challenge is developing a tool for consistently measuring FR of the

speakers in listening environment in a manner that effectively deals with the
problems mentioned above.

The unique solution that Sonarworks SR brings to solve this challenge is by

taking speaker measurements across multiple points, while simultaneously
recording coordinates of those measurements. As a result the software
sees the individual measurements in context and builds itself a map of the
room acoustics. Seeing the room’s acoustic map enables our software to
build a smart average of the individual measurements in a manner that is
similar to how the human brain perceives the room acoustics as well as
excludes attempts to correct for acoustic phenomena that cannot be
corrected on a software level. On top of that the location of microphone with
each measurement allows for precise user guidance during the process
ensuring consistent results between independent measurements.

The Measurement and Calibration of Sound Reproducing Systems, Floyd E. Toole,
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 63, No. 7/8, p517, July/August 2015
The Sonarworks solution Page 12
The Sonarworks SR measurement solution currently captures a map of 37
measurement positions which yields a maximum error of +/- 0.9 dB
between different measurements (Fig. 7).


Maximum error, dB

Sonarworks SR 0.70


20 30 40 50
Measurement position count

Figure 7: Sonarworks SR speaker measurement accuracy

A measurement of 37 points around the listening spot yields a maximum error of 0.94 dB

As a result, the Sonarworks SR solution delivers consistent repeated

acoustic measurements of unique audio playback environments and equal
sonic experience across all systems calibrated according to the standard.

3.3. Headphone frequency response capture

Headphones exhibit the same translation problems that speakers do, with
the exception of room influence to some extent. Headphone frequency
response capture is more complex than measuring speakers due to the
close proximity of the headphone driver to the ear canal. Consequently, the
position of the measurement microphone relative to the headphone driver
and the seal the headphone under test has with the measurement rig
heavily affects the measurement results.

The Sonarworks solution Page 13

Although there are a couple of devices out on the market designed for
headphone measurement, they do not allow for a consistent measurement
of headphones FR in a way that fulfills the goals described in this paper.
The problem with existing headphone measurement tools (head and torso
simulators, etc.) is that historically their main design goal has been to
allow hardware manufacturers to comply with loudness and safety
standards. While they can be used for frequency response measurement
these tools can’t achieve consistent sound across different headphone
types and models.

Sonarworks has developed proprietary hardware and software analysis

tools capable of consistently mapping headphone features. The target of
headphone calibration is an internally developed speaker-to-headphone
transfer curve, which has been rigorously tested with audio professionals,
i.e. the people actually capable of evaluating the sound of playback systems.

The Sonarworks SR headphone measurement system:

• Yields accuracy of +/- 0.9 dB for each individually calibrated

headphone pair.

• Yields +/- 3 dB accuracy for averaged profiles of a headphone model.

The lower accuracy of averaged headphone measurements is caused
by differences between different headphone pairs of the same model.
See Figure 8 for maximum error of averaged headphone profiles by
frequency band.

• Compensates for Left / Right channel loudness differences.

• Accounts for real-world headphone usage by compensating for various

ways over-ear headphones can be positioned relative to the ear. Also,
bass leakage effects due to improper seal around the ear are
accounted for.

• Is compatible with all headphone types, both in-ear and over-ear.

The Sonarworks solution Page 14

3.0 3.0


Error, dB

Bass Low mids High mids Treble

Frequency band

Figure 8: Maximum error of averaged headphone profiles, dB

Listening test results for averaged measurement profiles of 80 headphone models tested by
trained listeners for how closely they match the Sonarworks SR sound standard

For consistent results, all headphones are individually tested by in-house

engineers specifically trained for critical listening. All headphone profiles
published by Sonarworks have gone through this rigorous testing protocol
and are in compliance with SR standard.

3.4. Audio signal processing

Knowing your playback system is underperforming and what the particular

problems are in objective detail is only a part of the battle. The objective is
achieved only when the problems are eradicated, and in the field of audio
playback consistency, this is done by the Sonarworks SR filter DSP engine.
The main functionality of the filtering engine is conditioning the playback
system to a target sound profile and doing so accurately. Any processing
carried out by the filtering engine must be transparent to the listener and true
to its purpose - processing an audio signal exactly to the specification without
any addition of unwanted artefacts.

The Sonarworks solution Page 15

Processing audio signals in real time to correct for playback system’s FR
coloration effects is a resource-intensive process. Depending on the target
application, e.g. mixing a track, real-time session monitoring or simply
listening to music, a balance must be found between the required processing
resolution, CPU load, effects of added phase distortion and the amount of
maximum allowable latency to be added in the signal playback chain. For live
monitoring, CPU load and latency minimization takes precedence whereas
for mixing session latency is of lesser concern and processing resolution and
phase distortion minimization takes over. The filter engine, as a consequence,
must be adaptive to the purpose the audio signal is processed for.

Sonarworks solution implements cutting edge Finite Impulse Response (FIR)

filter technology. The filter engine is of high precision, highly efficient and
transparent to the listener when engaged. Supporting sampling frequencies
up to 192kHz, Sonarworks filter technology adapts to the relevant use case,
be it live monitoring or simple audio playback. Regardless of the operation
mode, audio is processed at high resolution to capture the FR specifics of the
playback system without any unwanted audio artefacts added to the signal
due to signal processing. Currently implemented on Windows, MacOS, iOS
and Android platforms, Sonarworks SR standard is designed to be easily
integratable into virtually any audio signal processing and playback chain.

The Sonarworks solution Page 16

4. Conclusion
The advances in audio digital processing technologies have allowed the
problem of sound translation to potentially become a thing of the past.
Sonarworks intends to make this happen and introduces the Sonarworks SR
standard to form a common ground in music producer and consumer sonic

Already tested by tens of thousands of audio engineers and endorsed by

Grammy-winning engineers, Sonarworks SR standard offers a scalable
solution for audio translation in a single multi-functional package.

Here’s to the future where

everyone can hear music the
way it was meant to be!

Conclusion Page 17
1. “Factors that Influence Listeners’ Preferred Bass and
Treble Balance in Head phones”,
Sean E. Olive, Todd Welti, Convention Paper 9382, AES, NY, USA, 2015

2. “No correlation between headphone frequency

response and retail price”,
Jeroen Breebaart, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, EL526, 2017

3. “Sound Reproduction: Loudspeakers and Rooms”,

Floyd E. Toole, Focal Press, MA, USA, 2013

4. “Acoustics and Psychoacoustics”,

4th Edition, David M. Howard, Jamie A.S. Angus, Focal Press, MA, USA, 2009

References Page 18

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