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November, 2016


MULTEK CHINA UNVEILS NEW INTERNAL 2016 held between 21-23 Sep 2016. Peter Yu, B1 Frontline Leadership Progra m Review
POSTERS Senior Director of Strategy, Marketing & Pric-
ing, Chris Chor, Senior Director of Sales, and The Frontline Leadership Program wrapped up
With a few deliberate exceptions, Multek has successfully for all B1 frontline supervisors
Sathish Ravi, Assi stant Manager - Multek
revamped all internal posters in keeping with a and leaders on October 14th in B2B. This in-
Sales, participated in the exhibition. This pro-
common Multek design & identity. Read more volved 3 months, 4 sessions, and 8 days, for a
vided a good forum for Multek to introduce
MULTEK WINS BEST P APER AWARD itself to India’s PCB buyers. Read more total of 64 training hours. Read more

Multek won the best paper award for Customer Wins & Customer Interactions Multek New Employee Engagement (NEE)
“Reinvigorating Product Strategy” at IPC India Activities Review for FY17 Q2
During the month of October, we had the nu-
held in September 2016. IPC had invited full In FY17 Q2, Multek’s Buddy Program in total
merous customer wins. CONGRATULATIONS received 65 new IDL employees and 14 new
paper submission in the IPC Conference at to Multek’s Sales and other team members
managers. A review of these FY17 Q2 NEE
electronica India & productronica India 2016. who were instrumental for these wins. We on- activities is given below. Read more
Read more boarded 4 new customers: Nicoventures, Trim-
ble, Chronos and Texa. Read more Effective Communication Training Re view
DEVELOPED & ON DISPLAY In October, Multek met with Sierra Wireless’
Effective communication training completed
Senior Vice President of Global Purchasing and
Regional GM for Asia-Pacific, along with his on Sep. 22 in a happ y atmo sphere. All train-
Multek has developed and deployed Multek
360 Suite, the online dashboards providing Strategic Sourcing leads. Read more ees realized the importance of communication
easy and inst ant access to critical, real-time through this training. Read more
business intelligence. Read more
B3 Qua n Lin One -Day Trip Held Successfully
GenMark awards Mul tek employee
Multek customer GenMark recently awarded B3’s Quan Lin One-Day Outdoor Field Trip was
Multek employee Sophie Nie in appreciation of held successfully on October 1st, where more
Multek completed its Annual Customer Satis- her great contribution. Sophie has demonstrat- than 900 employees took part in various team
faction Survey in August 2016 and sent 603 ed model behavior that truly reflects Multek’s building activities. Read more
invitations out of which we received 130 re- customer-centric culture. Read more
sponses. Read more Multek Management Outing
Employee Suggestion Progra m — Sept. 2016 On October 14th, a Multek Management out-
ing was organized following the quarterly seg-
The September Employee Suggestion Pro-
Electronica India ment review meetings. Read more
gram in received 1,314 suggestions and gave
Multek participated in the Electronica India, 39 Encouragement Awards were. Read more



MULTEK CHINA UNVEILS NEW  Global Citizenship Strategy & Corner- Non-asterisked posters are bilingual and
stones contain both English and Chinese.
 Total Productive Maintenance Below are some of the new posters, you
Multek has revamped its internal posters
can click HERE to view all the posters.
in keeping with a common Multek design  Basic First Aid Knowledge
Questions or requests related to internal
and identity. The following posters have
employee posters may be directed to
been created or redesigned:  Personal Protective Equipment for China or Na-
 Quality Policy*  Safety Notes for Maintenance
outside of China.
 Environmental, Health and Safety  Fire Safety Knowledge
At the same time, the below posters re-
 Hazardous Substance Free Policy* mained unchanged for now:
 Labor and Human Rights Policy*  Mission statement*

 Get Lean*  5 value posters

 Lean Office, Lean Supply Chain*  Zero Defects finger touch poster

 Lean Basics* All facilities should leverage the above

new posters and replace older editions.
 Integrity: Ethics Hotline
Those that are asterisked have separate
 Proper Handling English versus Chinese versions so re-
quests need to be specified accordingly.
 6S

MULTEK WINS BEST PAPER  Market Trends in the PCB industry

AWARD including IoT, Digitization, and
Multek won the best paper award in the
 How expertise across various verti-
Manufacturing and Assembly category at
IPC India’s 2016 conference held in Sep- cals can help customers “connect the
dots” to realize new opportunities.
tember in Bangalore, India. IPC invited
full paper submissions for their technical Click HERE to read the detailed paper or
conference, co-located and concurrently the Power Point version. We extend
held with India’s electronica & produc- congratulations to Peter Yu for the
tronica shows. award.
The paper, entitled “Reinvigorating Prod- Multek ac-
uct Strategy” and authored by Multek’s cepts the IPC
Sr. Director of Strategy & Marketing, India Best Pa-
Peter Yu, was submitted to a delegate per Award
audience of key judges, technical person- from Mr. A.
nel and executives from major segments Vijayendra,
of the electronics industry. The presenta- IPC India’s
tion provided an opportunity to meet Managing Di-
prospective customers attending this rector, as Am-
PCB-focused gathering. ba Prasad,
Tejas Net-
The topics covered in Peter’s paper in- works PCB
cluded : Design Head,
 A brief introduction about Multek announces
and Flex each winner.




Multek has developed and deployed the
Multek 360 Suite, comprised of online
dashboards for providing easy and instant
access to critical business information. It
includes the following:
 Factory360 – KPIs and actionable
knowledge for Operations teams
 OTD360 – Real-time On-time Deliv-
ery data summarized for everyone
 Customer360 – Comprehensive single
-source-of-truth for Customer info.
 Sales360 – Driving wins and orders for
Sales teams
The status and performance of all Multek
activities related to a particular customer
or factory are now easily accessible by Employee having a look at the Factory360 online dashboard in B2F
Customer Support Teams, Management,
Program Managers, Sales and Operations.
Internal communication inefficiencies are
now significantly reduced and account
teams can serve customers with unprece-
dented speed, using data-driven deci-
sions, and in a proactive manner.
For example, users are now able to know
their Customer’s key orders, including
which one are most delinquent, at risk, or
have quality issues, etc. Access to see and

drill into details are available 24/7, with

most of the data linked to online systems
like Baan and SGP.
In addition, Multek China now has desig-
nated experts from Program Manage-
ment and Customer Service to demon-
strate our 360 dashboards during custom-
er visits. So far, customers who have seen
a demo are pleased with the way we are
using data to improve performance and
consider the 360 Suite a key Multek differ-
entiator compared to other PCB vendors.

Trained specialist demonstrating Customer360 with touch display



MULTEK CUSTOMER SATISFAC- Customers indicated that Quality, Reliabil-  Communication/Responsiveness: 12%
TION SURVEY ity and Delivery were the top 3 most im- Some other observations from the survey:
portant factors for a PCB supplier. Multek
Multek conducted its Annual Customer has been performing above average in
 Speed & time to market is becoming
Satisfaction Survey in August 2016 and these areas.
more important for customers.
sent 603 invitations out of which we re-
ceived 130 replies. The survey had 26  87% of OEMs and 89% of CEMs indi-
Based on respondents, our top 3 most
questions covering various focus areas. cated it is easy to do business with us.
often cited strengths are:
The format was in English and was deliv-
ered online.  Technical Expertise: 21% Thanks to all customers who completed
 Service: 20% this survey and help us serve them better.


Electronica India
Multek participated in the Electronica In-
dia, 2016, held September 21-23. Chris
Chor, Senior Director of Sales, Peter Yu,
Senior Director of Strategy, Marketing &
Pricing, and Sathish Ravi, Assistant Man-
ager of Sales Support participated in the
exhibition. This provided a great chance
for Multek to introduce ourselves to India’s
PCB buyers. There were ~100 visitors to
Multek’s booth during the event. Top Left: Peter
Multek’s sales team leveraged electroni- Yu, Sathish Ravi
ca’s Buyer and Seller forum, where exhibi- and Chris Chor at
tors could meet buyers directly and dis- Multek’s booth
cuss their requirements. This was one of
the highlights in the exhibition. Below are
Top Right: Buyer-
just a few of the customers we met to in-
troduce Multek. Seller Forum at
electronica India
 ABB - Bangalore
 Dell – Bangalore
Left: visitors at
 Continental – Bangalore
the conference
 Salcomp – Chennai
The conference was a great opportunity to showcase Multek’s products & abilities.



Customer Wins approved nicotine products that pro-

vide a consumer-acceptable alternative
Customer Wins — October 2016
to cigarettes without the real and seri-
During the month of October, we had the ous health risks of smoking.
following customer wins. CONGRATULA-
Congratulations to Ivan Chu and team
TIONS to Multek’s Sales and other team
for winning this new customer.
members who were instrumental for these
wins. We acquired 4 new customers: Trimble, headquartered in Califor-
Nicoventures, Trimble, Chronos and Texa. nia, was established in 1978. It is en-
gaged in making Global Positioning
Nicoventures, set up by British Ameri-
System receivers, laser rangefind-
can Tobacco in 2011, focuses exclusive-
ers, unmanned aerial vehicles, inertial
ly on the development and commercial-
navigation systems, and a variety of
ization of innovative, regulatory-
software processing tools.
Congratulations to Mike Gravelle and
team for bringing on board this new
Cai and their team for this new customer.
TEXA, headquartered in Italy, was
Chronos, headquartered in San Francisco,
formed in 1992 by its current CEO, Bruno
focuses on bringing technology to the
Vianello, with his friend and partner, Ma-
watch industry by discreetly transforming
nuele Cavalli. TEXA is a global leader in
any watch into a fully-connected time-
the design, development and production
piece. Co-founded by Mark Nichol, CEO,
of multibrand diagnostic tools, exhaust
and Luke Fromowitz, CTO, Chronos is a
gas analyzers, air conditioning recharge
graduate of the Highway1 incubator pro-
stations and tele-diagnostic devices for
cars, bikes, trucks, boats and farm ma-
Chronos disc integrates modern notifica- chinery.
tion and tracking technology with the
Congratulations to Alberto Garavelli and
watches you actually wear.
team for bringing to us this new customer.
Congratulations to Stephen Sims, Jack

Customer Interactions tor of Sales, Robert Ho, and Assistant bilities.

Sales Manager, Kenny Wong.
SW was so impressed with our leading-
For those who don’t know, Sierra Wireless edge technical capabilities that they were
In October,
are a leading technology provider and eager to know Multek better. Even prior
Multek met
builder of the Internet of Things (IoT). to this October meeting, SW’s Purchasing
with Sierra
With a 20-year history of innovation in the SVP had mentioned this to Peter, during
Wireless’ Senior Vice President of Global
wireless space, SW have been first to mar- an informal chat while both attended a
Purchasing and Regional GM for Asia-
ket with many technology solutions, such Mobile industry conference. Thanks to
Pacific, along with his Strategic Sourcing
as modules and sensors. In fact, Multek Franck’s & Robert’s convincing presenta-
leads. While Sierra Wireless is headquar-
CTO Dr. Joan Vrtis recently co-presented tion about our engagements, SW agreed
tered in Canada, their procurement lead-
with SW’s office of the CTO at the Sierra to include Multek on new program RFQs
ership is based in Hong Kong, just a short
Innovation Summit. The presentation and we now have an opportunity to take
drive from Multek. The Multek team at
focused on the collaboration between volume from one of their existing suppli-
the meeting included President Franck
them and Multek to deliver a System in ers. This reflects great teamwork be-
Lize, Senior Director of Strategy/
Package (SiP) IOT module, and demon- tween Multek’s Technology, Sales, and
Marketing/Pricing, Peter Yu, Senior Direc-
strated Multek’s advanced technical capa- Marketing functions.


The Customer wins are exclusively for internal reference only

GenMark awards Multek employee
Multek customer GenMark recently
awarded Multek employee Sophie Nie in
appreciation of her great contributions.
Sophie has demonstrated exemplary be-
havior which reflects Multek’s culture. Be-
low are her own words reflecting on this
I am Sophie Nie from Multek ITC (Zhuhai).
I joined Multek as a fresh graduate with a
Master degree from Dalian University of
Technology in 2010. My main responsibil-
ity in the lab is failure analysis and process
improvement analysis. I highly recognize
Multek’s cultural behavior code and per-
form all my duties under them. I have had
opportunities to get involved in special Dave Hunter with GenMark FAME (For A Magnificent Employee) awardee, Sophie
projects in many plants, as assigned by
management under Multek’s “One Multek
One Team” spirit. Very recently, I was result of $100M in revenues — I was recog- more competitive and more successful
nized by the customer for building trust tomorrow!
honored to be chosen as a member of a
and empowering others. Like our VP Da-
tiger team to focus on GenMark — a very I myself always get inspired by this sen-
important customer. By collaborating with vid Hunter said “Everyone in the company
tence and hope you can get some momen-
has opportunities to develop. This is key
GenMark on Design of Experiments (DOE) tum from this too: “Success is achieved
for the company as well as each individu-
and fast & reliable data analysis — both of and maintained by those who try and keep
which positively impacted GenMark’s key al.” I hope that I can contribute more in
the future. I also hope Multek will become

Employee Suggestion Program — Sep- The details regarding September’s sug-

Building Dept. Award
tember 2016 gestions and the awards given are listed
below : B1 FQC 1st place
The September Employee Suggestion
Program in received 1,314 suggestions # Sugges- Encourage- B1 ETS 2nd place
and 39 Encouragement Awards were giv- Plant
tion ment Award
en. There were 129 suggestions on quality B3 WSM 3rd place
B1 249 15
(about 9.8%) and 9 suggestions on OTD
B2F 118 8 Special thanks to all the participants for
(about 0.7%). We will continuously focus
on product Yield/Quality, OTD, and NPI B3 357 2 making Multek’s Employee Suggestion
improvement. B4 13 0 Scheme a continued success.
B5 526 14 For more information, please click below
Please continue to give your valuable sug-
gestions and submit more ideas to im- Corp. 51 0 path: \\mcnnt109\HR-everyone\Other Pro-
prove product quality, shorten delivery Total 1,314 39 ject\Suggestion Program
times and accelerate supplying samples of
high quality. Many more large rewards are Details regarding the FY17 Q1 Excellent
team are as follows :
waiting for those who dare to think out of
the box, so take action immediately!



B1 Frontline Leadership Program


The Frontline Leadership Program

wrapped up successfully for all B1
frontline supervisors and leaders on
October 14th, at B2B. This Program
involved 3 months, 4 sessions, 8 days,
and total of 64 training hours. The
training was created based on B1
management’s training needs and
after discussions with Multek’s Learn-
ing & Development (L&D) team.
In each training module, trainers pre-
sented the content, ran role-playing
exercises, facilitated case analysis,
encouraged experience sharing, and  Time, priority & conflict management their team communication, cooperation
brainstormed with the class. Such experi- and conflict management skills. At the
ential learning activities engaged trainees  Team recognition and incentives. same time, they hoped that this kind of
and provided all kinds of challenges, man- training would be promoted going forward
agement traps, bottlenecks in team man- to help improve the overall performance
of more teams.
If you have similar training needs, please
contact YaQing Peng or Qiyuan Zheng
from L&D. All training can be tailored t
precisely fit your training needs and try to
help you build a better team. For more
class photos, click on http://

agement, and simulated work expecta-

The training helped all participants to en-
tions. All of trainees participated shared
hance the teamwork, cooperation and
and explored actively. They were moti-
mutual respect. It also helped the train-
vated by the course curriculum and came
ees’ communication skills and strength-
up with many ideas and solutions.
ened their leadership, self-confidence, and
The class content consisted of four parts : sense of responsibility.
 What is the role for front-line leader? The program was followed by a L&D sur-
 Effective Communication & feedback vey to understand the improvement in



New Employee Engagement (NEE) FY17 NEE: Multek Culture Promotion Activity Buddy Teambuilding Activity
Q2 Activity Review
Two NEE Activity sessions were held in FY17’s First Round Buddy Teambuilding
In FY17 Q2, Multek’s Buddy Program re- July and September. A total of 39 new was held to further enhance collabora-
ceived 65 new IDLs and 14 new managers. employees joined the training. tion and reinforce all of Multek’s culture
A review FY17 Q2 NEE activities is given among the entire Buddy community on
below. September 9.
Buddy Body Language Training
IDL Orientation Training
Buddy Body Language Training was held
Two IDL orientation training sessions were

to further enhance all attendees’ commu-

nication skills on August 19th. Buddies
gained relevant knowledge, such as so-
held in August and September, with 58
cial elements, the mirror rule, and three
new employees joining the training. Also,
principles. L&D will continue to hold simi-
2 new courses ( ‘IT security’ and ‘Factory
lar trainings for new Buddies quarterly.
360’) have been added to the IDL orienta-
tion training content since August.
Quarterly Excellent Buddy Awards
In order to thank and encourage excep-
tional Buddies, Multek selected FY17 Q1
Excellent Buddy winners and held an
award-giving activity on September 9 to
recognize their hard work. During this experience sharing session,
Buddies said they would continue to use
the company’s culture when the return
back to work after the training is over.



Effective Communication Training


Effective communication training com-

pleted on Sep. 22nd in a happy atmos-
phere. All trainees realized the im-
portance of communications through
this training.

Various case analysis and four classical

modules covered communication con-
tent, communication principle, commu-
nication skills and communication prac-
tice in workplace. FPA communication
skill made trainees know how to deal
with different situations.

Trainees felt the power of practicing ac-

cording to the effective communication Effective Communication Training Participants
training they received. This course pro-
moted the importance of sensing and Training(Size limit 36) For more photos of this training program
communication skills, which we hope please click on Effective Communication
more employees can learn by joining this 2016/11/11:Effective Communication Training Photos
course in the future.
Training(Size Limit 24)
L&D will give more Effective Communi-
cation trainings based on everyone’s 2016/11/25:Effective Communication
feedback. Multek staff are welcomed to Training(Size Limit 36)
register for the training through the be-
low links. 2016/12/20:Effective Communication
Training(Size Limit 36)
2016/10/26:Effective Communication

B3 Quan Lin Outdoor One Day Trip

B3’s Quan Lin One-Day Outdoor Trip was
held successfully on October 1st. More
than 900 employees took part in various
team building activities. This helped to
enhance department communications
and let everyone recognize the meaning
of teamwork. This was followed by a
delicious barbecue.
Later, some colleagues walked around to
enjoy the beautiful scenery, while others
took advantage of the entertainment
facilities there. All activities were
B3 Quan Outdoor trip participants
wrapped up with laughter and cheers.

Thanks for all the participants, organizers great success.

and the Union for making this activity a



Multek Management Outing

On October 14th, a Multek Man-
agement outing was organized
following the quarterly segment
review meetings in Zhuhai, China.
All the management participants
of the segment review, along with
staff from Multek’s Hong Kong
office, partook in this outing. The
trip began with hiking at Dragon’s
Back, a trail rated by Time Asia as
the best urban hiking trail.
The hike was followed by a Bar-
becue at the scenic Shek-O
beach. After the meal, the partici-
pants enjoyed themselves in vari-
ous beach activities like beach ball
and swimming.
All attendees were very happy to have
such a wonderful team-building activity
which also provided an opportunity to
interact with various colleagues from
around the world, including US, India,
Sweden, Netherlands, and Singapore.
Thanks to the April Chan’s support and all
the participants for making this event
successful, fun, and memorable.


For any article submission mail to

Padmaja D for English /
Lydia Yang for Chinese
For any other queries/ suggestions mail
to Nagarajan Sampathkumar


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