Histologi Saraf

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cerebral cortex.
(a): Important neurons of the cerebrum are pyramidal neurons (P), which are arranged vertically and interspersed
with numerous glial cells in the eosinophilic neuropil. X200. H&E. (b): From the apical ends of pyramidal neuron, long
dendrites extend in the direction of the cortical surface, which can be best seen in thick silver-stained
sections in which only a few other protoplasmic glial cells are seen. X200. Silver.

(a): The cerebellar cortex is convoluted with many distinctive small folds, each supported at its center by cerebellar medulla (M), which is white
matter consisting of largetracts of axons. X6. Cresyl violet. (b): Immediately surrounding the white matter of the medulla is the granular layer (GL) of
the cortex, which is densely packed with very small, rounded neuronal cell bodies. The outer, "molecular layer" (ML) consists of neuropil with fewer,
more scattered small neurons. X20. H&E. (c): At the interface between the granular and molecular layers is a single layer with very large neuronal
cell bodies of unique Purkinje cells (P), whose axons pass through the granular layer (Gr) to join tracts in the medulla and whose multiple branching
dendrites ramify throughout the molecular layer (Mol). X40. H&E. (d): Although not seen until well after H&E staining, dendrites of Purkinje cells
have hundreds of small branches, each covered with dendritic spines, which can be demonstrated with silver stains. Axons from the small neurons
of the granular layer are unmyelinated and run together into the molecular layer where they form synapses with the dendrites spines of Purkinje
cells. The molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex contains relatively few neurons or other cells. X40. Silver.
Spinal cord.
The spinal cord varies slightly in diameter along its length, but in cross-section always shows bilateral symmetry around the small, CSF-filled
central canal. Unlike the cerebrum and cerebellum, in the spinal cord the gray matter is internal, forming a roughly H-shaped structure that
consists of two posterior (P) horns (sensory) and two anterior (A) (motor) horns all joined by the gray commissure around the central canal.
(a): The gray matter contains abundant astrocytes and large neuronal cell bodies, especially those of motor neurons in the ventral horns.
(b): The white matter surrounds the gray matter and contains primarily oligodendrocytes and tracts of myelinated axons running along the
length of the cord. (c): Micrograph of the large motor neurons of the ventral horns show large nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and cytoplasm rich
in chromatophilic substance (Nissl substance), all of which indicate extensive protein synthesis to maintain the axons of these cells which
extend great distances. (d): In the white commissure ventral to the central canal, tracts run lengthwise along the cord, seen here in cross-
section with empty myelin sheaths surrounding axons, as well as tracts running from one side of the cord to the other, seen here as several
longitudinally sectioned tracts of eosinophilic axons. Center: X5; a–d: X200.; Center, a, b: silver; c, d: H&E.

Pigmented epithelium of retina.

The two distinct layers of the retina are the pigmented epithelium and the photosensitive layer, which are derived from the outer and inner layers of the optic cup
respectively. (a): The light micrograph shows the interface between the two layers. The pigmented epithelium (PE) is of simple cuboidal cells resting on Bruch's
membrane inside the choroid (C). Rod cells and cone cells are neurons with their nuclei collected in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and with axons of one end forming
synapses in an area called the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and modified dendrites at the other end serving as photosensitive structures. These structures have
mitochondria-rich inner segments (IS) and photosensitive outer segments (OS) with stacks of folded membranes where the visual pigments are located. The inner
segments of the rod and cone cells are attached to elongated glial cells called Muller cells, which are modified astrocytes of the retina. The junctional complexes of
these attachments can be seen in light micrographs as the outer limiting layer (OLL). X500. H&E.
(b): The TEM shows an ultrastructural view of the interface between the pigmented epithelial cells and the outer segments of the photoreceptive cells. Junctional
complexes (J) occur between lateral membranes of the epithelial cells. Above these cells are the tips of five outer segments of rod cells that interdigitate with apical
processes (P) of the epithelial cells. The large vacuoles contain folded membrane stacks (arrows) that have been shed from the tips of the rods. Contents of these
vacuoles are digested after fusion with secondary lysosomes (L). Also seen are mitochondria and segments of rough and smooth ER. X24,000.
Layers of the retina.
Between the vitreous body (VB) and the choroid (C), the retina can usually be seen to have ten distinct layers. Following the path of the light, these are: the inner
limiting layer (ILL); the nerve fiber layer (NFL), containing the ganglionic cell axons that converge at the optic disc and form the optic nerve; the ganglionic layer (GL),
containing cell bodies of the ganglion cells and of somewhat variable thickness throughout the retina; the inner plexiform layer (IPL), containing fibers and synapses of
the ganglion cells and the bipolar neurons of the next layer; the inner nuclear layer (INL), with the cell bodies of several types of bipolar neurons which begin to
integrate signals from the rod and cone cells; the outer plexiform layer (OPL), containing fibers and synapses of bipolar neurons and rod and cone cells; the outer
nuclear layer (ONL), with the cell bodies and nuclei of the photosensitive rod and cone cells; the outer limiting layer (OLL), which is a fine line formed by the junctional
complexes holding the rod and cone cells to the intervening glia called Müller cells; the rod and cone cell layer (RCL), which contains the outer segments of these cells
where the photoreceptors are located; and the pigmented layer (PL) which is not sensory, but has several supportive functions important for maintenance of the neural
retina. X150. H&E.
Cochlea and spiral organ.
The auditory portion of the inner ear, the cochlea, has a snail-like spiral shape in
both its bony and membranous labyrinths. (a): A section of the whole cochlea
shows the cochlear duct cut in several places. (b): This diagram shows a more
detailed view of one such turn of the cochlear duct and the adjacent perilymph-filled
spaces, the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. Endolymph is produced in the stria
vascularis, a capillary-rich area of the periosteum associated with the epithelial
lining of the wall. (c): The lower diagram shows the spiral organ in more detail. (d):
The micrograph shows important features, including the basilar membrane (BM) on
which the spiral organ rests and the tectorial membrane (TM) which extends from
cells of the spiral limbus (SL) and contacts the stereocilia of the inner (IHC) and
outer hair cells (OHC). Several types of supporting cells are also present, including
inner phalangeal (IP) and outer phalangeal cells (OP), which are intimately
associated with the hair cells and contribute to the tight epithelium separating
endolymph from perilymph in the scala tympani. Other supporting cells form various
structural features of the organ important for converting vibrations into subtle
stimuli to the hair cells. These include the inner (IPC) and outer pillar cells (OPC)
which surround a space called the inner tunnel (IT) and other supporting cells (SC)
which border the outer tunnel (OT). Afferent nerve fibers from the hair cells
comprise the cochlear nerve (CN), a branch of the eighth cranial nerve. X75. H&E.

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