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Changes in Efficiency and Quality of Nursing Electronic

Health Record Documentation After Implementation of
an Admission Patient History Essential Data Set
Eva L. Karp, DHA, MBA, RN-C, FACHE, SVP, Rebecca Freeman, PhD, RN, Kit N. Simpson, DrPH, Annie N. Simpson, PhD
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The objective of this quality improvement study was to eval-

uate whether electronic health record system timers and Electronic health record (EHR) nursing documentation of-
event logs can measure the efficiency and quality of a clini- fers a method to record the patient's health status, individual
cal process in an electronic health record. Using an experi- needs, and responses to care, and to support clinical reason-
mental pre– and post–nonrandomized prospective cohort ing regarding the patient's future care.1 Additionally, the EHR
design, the researchers introduced a newly defined admis- has the potential to improve patient care, care team communica-
sion patient history essential data set and examined the tion, and patient experiences through well-designed workflows
electronic health record event files and timers to analyze and clinical content relevant to the role, venue, and patient's clin-
the nursing experience from an efficiency and quality per-
ical status. The objective of this quality improvement study was
spective. The researchers evaluated efficiency by measur-
to evaluate whether EHR system timers and event logs can mea-
ing the time and clicks required to complete an admission
history. The average active time spent documenting the sure the efficiency and quality of a clinical process in an EHR.
admission patient history decreased by 72% from the pre-
intervention measure (mean = 9.30 minutes) to the postin-
tervention measure (mean = 2.55 minutes). The number of
clicks decreased by 76% from the preintervention number Over the last few decades, nurses have increasingly been bur-
of clicks (mean = 151.5) to the postintervention number dened with documentation to meet regulatory and quality
of clicks (mean = 35.93). The quality of documentation reporting requirements. This reporting requires nurses to col-
was measured as the proportion of completed essential lect data not intrinsically linked with knowledge and context
items and the frequency of completing an assessment in of the patient's story and potential risk factors.2,3 Nurses play
one sequence. The capture of essential data elements im- a crucial role in patient care and performance improvement
proved by almost 6%, and admission patient history data in the healthcare system. This role requires documenting
completed in one sequence increased by 24%. These study
and managing patient information through coordinating care
results demonstrate that system timers and event logs can
and communicating with other healthcare professionals.4
measure the preintervention and postintervention changes
in efficiency and quality of a defined clinical workflow into an The nursing profession is striving to standardize care processes
electronic health record. with clinically relevant content while considering the complexity
of care, conditions in the environment, market and regulatory
KEY WORDS: EHR event logs, Electronic health record, changes, and clinician preferences.5,6 These factors increase
Nursing documentation, Nursing efficiency
the need for health information technology (IT) professionals
to have a mechanism to measure the effectiveness, efficiency,
and quality of clinical processes supported within the EHR.
Today's health information systems capture significant data
Author Affiliations: Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, MO (Dr Karp); and Information Services, in event and timer logs. Combined with EHR data, these logs
University of Vermont Health System, Meggett (Dr Freeman); and Department of Healthcare allow examination of temporal patterns of care, including min-
Leadership and Management, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston (Drs K.
Simpson and A. N. Simpson). ing, modeling, and measuring the clinician's experiences within
The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationships with, or financial interest the EHR. Event logs are extracts from EHRs that comprised lists
in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article.
of time-stamped process-steps created as a by-product of operations.7
Corresponding author: Eva L. Karp, DHA, MBA, RN-C, FACHE, SVP, Cerner Corporation, 2800
Rockcreek Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64117 ( Researchers and informatics professionals can use EHR
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non logs to evaluate historical content, workflow design, and uti-
Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and lization patterns, including time and clicks required for
share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used
commercially without permission from the journal. an EHR workflow. Wu et al8 completed a study that used
Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. EHR audit logs, and found that these logs are a valid source
DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000516 for workflow analysis and can provide an objective view of

260 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing May 2019

clinician behaviors. Mining process information directly and event logs can measure the preintervention and postin-
extracted from these logs can provide insight into how health- tervention status of a defined clinical workflow, and (2) to
care processes are executed.9 For the event logs to be useful, determine whether introducing a standardized APH ECD
investigators must understand which events and timers are improves nursing efficiency and quality of documentation.
relevant to measure processes related to a clinician's role, We hypothesize that reducing this data set to essential
venue, quality, and sometimes the patient's clinical condition. data elements will (1) increase the proportion of essential items
Chen et al10 found that existing methods were insufficient, completed, (2) decrease the documentation time required to
resource-intensive, and time-consuming in measuring the complete the APH, and (3) reduce the number of mouse clicks
influences of EHRs regarding end-user adoption, efficiency, to complete the APH.
and utilization of workflows. Chen and colleagues introduced
a framework to infer clinical workflows through the utilization MATERIALS AND METHODS
of an EHR. This framework provides a method to generate The research setting was a 600-bed academic medical center
workflows at multiple levels of granularity through data min- in the United States. The study included medical-surgical,
ing of EHR event logs, allowing healthcare systems and health ICU, emergency department, step-down, and telemetry clin-
informatics organizations to evaluate and refine inefficient ical documentation for adult APHs performed by RNs, with a
and unstable workflows. The researchers categorized workflows focus on US-based practices at the federal level. The research
into four classes based on their duration and variance: site's nursing leadership and informatics team compared their
1. stable efficient blocks: a short average duration with baseline APH 215 data elements to the APH ECD 40 data
small variance; elements and adjusted for local and state requirements. This
2. unstable efficient blocks: a short average duration with review resulted in the study site reducing its APH from 215
large variance; data elements to 58 data elements, reflecting a 73% reduc-
3. stable inefficient blocks: a long average duration with tion in its APH ECD.
small variance; and The quality improvement research site integrated the
4. unstable inefficient blocks: a long average duration with APH ECD into their EHR for acute adult inpatient units.
large variance.10 We collected 1 month of data preintervention and postinter-
The researchers selected the nursing admission patient vention to measure nursing efficiency and quality measures
history (APH) for this study because it meets the classification to evaluate the impact of the APH ECD. We utilized timers
of a stable and efficient process. Prior to this quantitative and event logs embedded in the software to capture duration
quality improvement study, a qualitative research team and the number of data elements documented by each RN.
consulted an expert panel of 20 chief nursing officers and Data sets were extracted from the EHR event files that in-
chief nursing informatics officers, which included a doctor cluded timer data. The timers systematically captured the
of nursing practice and PhD to establish an adult APH essen- beginning and end of the APH documentation. The system
tial clinical data set (APH ECD). The panel represented a timer data were validated by an electronic video recording
cross section of 12 healthcare organizations, which accounted of a sample of nurses completing the forms and comparing
for approximately 46 000 acute care beds and 192 hospitals, the system timers to the video recording timers. Event files
including a mix of academic medical centers, integrated deliv- were also utilized to measure the data elements captured.
ery networks, and community hospitals. For the preintervention data set, the investigators ana-
The research team used a modified Delphi approach to lyzed baseline measures for patient admission histories com-
analyze the historical form design and 3 months of utilization pleted over 30 days prior to implementation of the ECD in
patterns for adult APHs. The research team pulled timer September 2017. The timer data were captured for each ep-
and discrete data for APHs of 12 organizations and analyzed isode of care, which was the unit of analysis. The data set in-
each organization's admission history form and the average cluded all data elements in the APH form, the number of
utilization patterns for the nursing documentation of patient data elements documented, and time and number of mouse
histories. Based on Weiskopf and Weng's11 dimensions of qual- clicks required to complete the APH for each encounter.
ity as well as federal regulatory requirements, the research The APH ECD was placed in production (ie, viewable to
team defined an essential standardized data set of 40 elements clinicians) on November 1, 2017. The postimplementation
for the adult APH that met the intended use and were of suffi- period included 30 days of APHs completed from November
cient quality for a patient history assessment on admission. 20, 2017, to December 17, 2017. Data from November 1
This study was intended to measure the quantitative impact to November 19 were excluded to allow nurses to adjust to
of implementing the reduced number of essential data elements the APH ECD.
utilizing EHR timers and event logs. The authors had two ob- To assess quality, the difference in the proportion of each of
jectives for this study: (1) to determine whether system timers the 58 essential data elements captured before and after introducing

Volume 37 | Number 5 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 261


the APH ECD was evaluated. This measure was based on the captured from the preintervention measure (mean = 48%
premise that if there are fewer total elements in the patient his- [SD = 0.10]) to the postintervention measure (mean = 54%
tory, the most important elements were likely documented. [SD = 0.11]; t = −10.83, P = <.0001, two-tailed). The percent-
The researchers included all assessments completed in pre- age of capture of data elements considered essential in-
intervention (n = 904) and postintervention periods (n = 805). creased from 48% to 54%. In addition, the number of APHs
To assess efficiency, we measured (1) the time it took, in mi- completed in one sequence, without saving and signing or
nutes; and (2) the number of mouse clicks for nurses to complete modifying later, increased by 24% from the preintervention
an APH before and after implementation of the APH ECD. measure (mean = 62% [SD = 0.48]) to the postintervention
For the efficiency measures, the researchers included all measure (mean = 86% [SD = 0.35]).
assessments completed in one-sequence preintervention (n =
Efficiency Measures
536) and postintervention periods (n = 640), due to limitations
We analyzed the nurses' total time and clicks from start to
of the timer to measure time and clicks for assessments only
completion of an APH for all patients admitted within the
partially completed initially and then completed later.
preintervention and postintervention periods. Only patient
Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the differences
histories completed in a single sequence were included in this
preintervention and postintervention on baseline character-
analysis. If a patient history was partially completed initially
istics, the percentage of essential data elements captured,
and then completed later, the history was excluded from the
and the number of clicks and time to complete the APH.
analysis due to timer data limitations. The time in minutes
The significance of the difference between means was deter-
and the number of clicks to complete the APH were assessed
mined using an independent-samples t test. Descriptive and
using descriptive statistics.
statistical calculations were performed using SAS version
The average active time spent documenting the APH de-
9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). This quality improvement
creased by 72%. Figure 2 shows the decrease in active time
study was deemed nonhuman research by the research site's
from the preintervention measure (mean = 9.30 [SD = 4.66]
institutional review board (IRB); no IRB approval was required.
minutes) to the postintervention measure (mean = 2.55 [SD =
RESULTS 1.65] minutes), resulting in a difference of 6.76 minutes
(t = 31.95, P = <.0001, two-tailed).
Table 1 reflects the descriptive statistics for preintervention
The average number of clicks to document the APH de-
and postintervention quality and efficiency measures. Quality
creased by 76%. We found a statistically significant decrease
is measured by the number and percentage of essential vari-
in the number of clicks from the preintervention number of
ables captured as well as the proportion of APH completed
clicks (mean = 151.51 [SD = 37.35]) to the postintervention
in one sequence. These quality measures included all APHs
number of clicks (mean = 35.93 [SD = 15.01]; t = 67.40,
during the study period. Efficiency measures included the
P = <.0001, two-tailed). The mean decrease in the number
mean number of clicks and the time spent completing an
of clicks was 115.6 with a 95% confidence interval and with
APH, which was performed on the subset of APHs that were
a range of 112.2 to 118.9, P < .0001. The mean differences of both
completed in one sequence.
the time and clicks represent statistically significant changes that
Quality Measures may have a noticeable impact on clinical workflows and efficiency.
To assess quality, the difference in the number of the 58 es-
sential data elements captured for the APH after introducing DISCUSSION
the APH ECD was evaluated. Figure 1 shows a statistically The automation of clinical workflows provides new opportu-
significant increase in the number of essential data elements nities to measure efficiency and quality. Historically, researchers

Table 1. Preintervention and Postintervention Measures

Time Period n Quality Outcomes Mean Median SD
Pre 904 Essential elements captured 48% 48% 0.10
904 Completed in one sequence 62% 0.48
Post 805 Essential elements captured 54% 52% 0.11
805 Completed in one sequence 86% 0.35
Time Period n Efficiency Outcomes Mean Median SD
Pre 536 Active time (min) 9.30 8.33 4.66
640 No. of clicks 151.51 147 37.35
Post 536 Active time (min) 2.55 2.21 1.65
640 No. of clicks 35.93 33.00 15.01

262 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing May 2019

FIGURE 1. Preintervention and postintervention efficiency measures.

have used time and motion studies, observations, surveys, retro- content within an EHR nursing process. Health systems
spective chart reviews, and structured and semistructured inter- and researchers are striving to standardize processes while con-
views to measure the effect of technology on the nursing process, sidering the complexity of care, conditions of the environ-
documentation quality, and workflow.12–15 This study supports ment, and clinician preferences.
Wu and colleagues'8 and Chen and colleagues'10 findings that This study demonstrates that an analytical framework
today's health information systems have significant data cap- maximizing the use of EHR event files can provide practice-
tured in event and timer logs that could research the influ- based insights into clinical workflows and interventions, with
ences of EHRs regarding end-user adoption, efficiency, and added insight into the context of data collected during clinical
utilization of workflows. care and the impact on clinical decision making. This frame-
This study demonstrates that, by analyzing EHR event work can support a health system's ability to use EHR data for
files, health systems could discover whether automated clinical discoveries, creating data-driven contextual intelligence to de-
processes are meeting the intended objectives from a quality velop strategies to optimize and advance knowledge related
and efficiency perspective.10 This study also demonstrates that to clinical practice in an EHR environment.
EHR event files are an additional source to support an objec- Future studies could advance knowledge for healthcare in-
tive analysis of workflow, clinicians' behaviors related to EHR formatics professionals and researchers about the evolution
use, and efficiency measures. This information can support of EHR event logs and timers to measure end-user adoption,
quality and efficiency initiatives and increase knowledge and process, and outcome measures. Additional factors that could
understanding of the clinician's experience. be measured include clinician experience as it relates to commu-
This approach has not been used to evaluate the quality nication between nursing and other care providers, measurable
and efficiency of nursing documentation, so we cannot com- secondary use of the data, and the impact on patient outcomes.
pare it to previous studies. However, we found it very effective Further research should include the downstream use of
to measure the impact of quality and efficiency of changing clinical documentation by other members of the care team

FIGURE 2. Preintervention and postintervention percentage capture of the essential data elements.

Volume 37 | Number 5 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 263


to support team-wide clinical reasoning and decision making communications and collaboration and warrant further
and to improve patient outcomes. In future studies, we will study. Future studies should address the multiple factors that
include physical assessment documentation and how the affect nursing efficiency so hospital systems can maximize
care team utilizes the information. Documentation is a com- the benefits of EHRs.
munication method with care team members; a mixed-
methods study would add additional information related to CONCLUSION
the value the care team assigns to documentation as an effec-
Both the literature and anecdotal evidence from nurses indi-
tive method to support communication, collaboration, and
cate that EHR systems must be revised to reduce the time
coordination of care.
spent on documentation so nurses can spend more time on
LIMITATIONS patient care. The first step is to assess the characteristics of
EHR systems and redesign them to optimize nursing pro-
The results of this study may not be generalizable, especially
cesses by including only essential documentation to support
if a health system has no EHR with timers and event
clinical practice.11 Automation of clinical workflows in EHRs
logs to measure quality and efficiency. However, this work
has created new opportunities for clinical informaticists to
will inform future research to determine the impact and
measure and evaluate the impact of health IT on clinical
feasibility of an optimized approach to documentation,
workflow effectiveness, efficiency, utilization, and quality of
using system timers and event logs for preintervention and
workflows within an EHR.
postintervention measurements.
Changing an EHR clinical workflow is a multifactorial
This study occurred in an organization that used an EHR
process. The outcome could be influenced by staff training,
with embedded timers and event logs capable of discrete
years of experience of staff, the acuity of the patients, the
data capture. All EHRs may not have the same features em-
physical environment of the study, and the organizational
bedded into the clinical workflows. Additionally, if the event
culture of the study site. While patterns and trends can be
logs exist, they may have limitations. For example, for this re-
measured, proving cause and effect may be influenced by more
search project, the event logs did not allow the researchers to
than the changes in content. Clinical informatics professionals
measure time and clicks if the provider documented, saved
should consider the use of EHR event files and timers to gain
the form, then returned later to complete/sign the form.
insight into process and workflow changes. The use of system
The internal timers could not collect the actual duration of
data can substantiate the transformational value of informat-
intermittent documentation episodes. Due to this technical
ics practice and inform future optimization efforts. The re-
limitation, only uninterrupted documentation instances were
sults may be the first step toward achieving the early promise
included in the analysis of efficiency. Future research should
regarding the value of EHRs from more than 20 years ago.
examine whether timers can be adapted to capture breaks
in time and ensure storage of that data.
Conditional logic needs to be considered when measuring Acknowledgments
quality. The essential data elements in an EHR event file The authors thank Amy Peters and Cathy McFarland from the study site
might be relevant for a particular patient and not others. for their total support and belief that this study will make a difference to
This functionality is called conditional logic, and it stream- clinicians and patients. Also, they thank Darinda Sutton, Cameron Johnson,
lines documentation by not displaying or requiring docu- Carly Evans, and Lindsey Jarrett for their partnership on this study.
mentation of data elements unless relevant. For example,
when nurses document patient belongings, a patient may References
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