"Match Me" Memory Game

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“Match Me” Memory Game

“Match Me” is a game used to test the pupils’ memory and their knowledge on the different ways to
save the Earth. The game consists of six sentence cards and six pictures which were arranged
randomly. This game was played when the teacher was teaching the pupils to recognize some of the
ways to save the Earth. It aims to provide guidance for the low proficiency pupils to construct six
simple and correct sentences on ways to save the Earth in the mini booklet.

In order to play the game, the teacher will first display all the cards with random order. All the
cards were flipped over. Each turn, pupils volunteer to turn over any two cards. Teacher then flips the
cards the pupils chose or asks the pupils to flip in front. If the cards do not match, they are both turned
back face. However, if the cards match, they are left face up.

The benefits to use this game board is that it is big and clear enough for all the pupils to see
and play. Also, each card was given a coordinate, thus, when the pupils wanted to mention the card,
they could just tell the coordinate, such as “A3” and “B4”. Besides, it is colourful and can attract the
pupils’ attention. The sentence cards in the game are also easily understood and it matches the pupils’
level of proficiency. Since it is an online game, pupils can actually come in front and click on the cards
chosen themselves. Hence, it contributed to interactive learning.
Self-Made Musical Instruments

In order to let the pupils to play the musical instruments, teacher has hand made a few musical
instruments, for example the jingle bells and tin can music makers. Instead of the real instruments,
teacher uses the paper plates and tie the bells to the side of the plates and it forms the jingle bell.
Other than that, teacher fills the rice into the plastic bottle and it can become one of the musical

The musical instruments were used when teacher asks the pupils to sing song or jazz a chant.
Instead of playing the music, pupils use the musical instruments to make the music and they can also
follow their own beat and rhythm. The benefits of using these musical instruments is that they are a
creative product and it is more relevant and related to the pupils. Also, the musical instruments can
be used longer time and it is easy to be made. It is simple but useful. The sounds produced also very

The abacus was self-diy because I found out most of the pupils did not have an abacus during the
Mathematics lesson. Thus, in order to enable the pupils to have a clearer view of the structure of
abacus, teacher had made these abacus. In fact, the steps to make the abacus was easy and simple.
The abacus was made of the beads, ice-cream sticks and satay sticks. The frame of the abacus was
made of ice cream sticks, whereas the vertical rods were actually satay sticks or toothpicks. As the
abacus was used by the Year 1 pupils, I purposely made only four rows. This was to differentiate
between the decimal places for the topic “Money”.

Eventually, I found out that the pupils liked the abacus very much. Since the process of making
the abacus was time consuming, hence I only managed to make ten abacus whereby the pupils
shared in pairs. The abacus managed to attract the pupils’ attention because it was cutely made and
colourful. By using the abacus, the pupils managed to learn and know the structure of abacus better.

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