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Peer Instruction (PI) is a student- NATHANIEL LASRY

Professor of physics
centered educational method de- John Abbott College
veloped at Harvard by physicist
Eric Mazur (Mazur, 1997). In PI, WHAT IS PI?
students use remote-control clickers
that provide teachers with real time
In 1992, a team of physicists published a non-numerical diagnostic test of basic
feedback for modeling the ongoing Newtonian physics concepts called Force Concept Inventory (I. A.Halloun, Hake,
course. The method has been fa- Mosca and Hestenes, 1995; Hestenes, Wells and Swackhammer, 1992). The authors
vourably received by the scientific of FCI designed the test to quantitatively measure the extent of preconceived ideas
– often Aristotelian (DiSessa, 1982) – that students have of the world, in spite of
community and implemented in va- previous training in physics. The FCI, a multiple-choice test, is unique in that it
rious disciplines by a large number poses conceptual questions in simple terms and offers “distractors”, that is, other
of US universities, given its common choices representing the erroneous concepts most frequently provided by students
during interviews (I. Halloun and Estenes, 1985a, 1985b). To begin with, the test
sense and documented effectiveness is easy. Students do not have to resort to memorized calculations or algorithms
(Fagen, Crouch and Mazur, 2002; to answer the FCI questions. They are only required to pick the correct concept
Crouch and Mazur, 2001; Mazur, from among the “distractors”. By bringing these erroneous preconceptions to the
forefront, the FCI makes it clear that students do in fact come to class not without
1997). knowledge but with many preconceptions.

This article has four objectives. The Mazur decided to administer the FCI to his students at the end of the session. He
minimized its importance for fear the students would mock such a rudimentary test.
first is to present the PI method to Quite to the contrary, the test left the students rather perplexed as expressed by the
college teachers. The second is to following question asked by one student: ‘‘Professor Mazur, how should I answer
assess whether or not PI is appli- these questions? According to your teaching or based on my own understanding
of these things?’’ (Mazur, 1997)
cable to the CEGEP environment.
Even though the method has been To Mazur’s great surprise, not only had students failed to understand several
fundamental concepts after one or two years of high school training in physics (which,
used effectively for over 15 years
after all, enables them to enrol in Harvard), but a large number of preconceptions
in US universities, this is the first remained even after a session of his own teaching! Some students with the best
study1 to document its effective- grades had not grasped several basic concepts (Mazur, 1997). Coincidentally, this
proved to be one of the most revealing conclusions of FCI data analysis. In fact, a
ness and applicability to a CEGEP
meta-analysis of over 6,500 participants (Hake, 1998) shows that one traditional
in Quebec. The third objective is didactic session only marginally modifies students’ conceptual understanding.
to determine whether PI is more
effective than traditional CEGEP
To begin with, this test is easy. Students do not have to resort to memorized
teaching. The last objective is to calculations or algorithms to answer the FCI questions.
establish the contribution of clic-
kers to learning.
Mazur developed PI as an explicit response to his students’ preconceptions.
This required some modifications to his traditional teaching method. In PI, the
This study received a grant from the ministère teacher makes a brief presentation to the students (7-10 minutes, within the
de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport as part of the
Programme d’aide à la recherche sur l’enseignement average adult attention span). The content of the presentation is similar to the
et l’apprentissage (PAREA). traditional curriculum except that basic concepts are emphasized to a greater


degree. After the short presentation, students respond to a ConcepTest: a multiple- is also an increase in the level of con-
choice conceptual question. In order to evaluate in real time what students think, fidence expressed by the students for
the students received five flashcards, each displaying a letter (A, B, C, D, and E the correct answer (Crouch and Mazur,
corresponding to the five possible choices). When taking the ConcepTest, students 2001; Fagen et al., 2002; Mazur, 1997).
are required to raise their flashcard (the one corresponding to their answer) so
the teacher can see it.
This enables the teacher to see in real time the approximate proportion of correct RESEARCH QUESTIONS
answers as well as the distribution of preconceptions. To get a more precise idea on
the distribution of answers, Mazur later replaced the flashcards with small wireless This study focuses on the following three
devices like TV remotes. research questions:
1. Is the Harvard PI method
The ability to assess the extent of the group’s understanding in real time makes applicable to CEGEP?
it possible for teachers to make a decision as to the progression of the course. a. Is the method adapted to
the institutional constraints?
To answer a conceptual question, students simply press on the key that corresponds b. Can course structures be
to the number of their answer and the data is instantly transmitted to the teacher’s modified simply and in a
computer. Using clickers also makes it possible for students to state their level of feasible manner?
confidence (3 levels: High=H, Average=A, and Low=L) for each answer. In this way c. How is PI received by
the teacher can instantaneously determine the exact percentage of students with the administrators, fellow
correct answer as well as the distribution (in percentage) of each preconception. teachers and students?
The ability to assess the extent of the group’s understanding in real time makes 2. Is the PI method more
it possible for teachers to make a decision as to the progression of the course. effective than the traditional
If the concept under study is badly understood (<30% correct answers to the didactic teaching methods used
ConcepTest), the teacher will review the concept and explain it in greater detail in CEGEP?
before resubmitting the group to the ConcepTest. However, if the ratio of correct
answers is very high (>80%), then the great majority of students have properly a. Does PI increase
assimilated the concept. The teacher can then explain why the remaining choices conceptual learning?
are erroneous before moving on to the next concept. In most cases, the ratio of b. Does PI reduce traditional
correct answers is neither very high nor very low. When there is a moderate range problem-solving abilities?
of correct answers (30%-80%), the teacher asks the students to try and convince
each other of their choices. This leads to a 2-to-3-minute discussion between the 3. Is PI more effective with clickers
students: Peer Instruction in action. than with flashcards?
a. Does using clickers increase
This discussion forces students to express their thoughts clearly, which leads
the conceptual change?
them to a better representation of the concept. What’s more, a discussion among
students sidesteps the element of authority that could intervene in a discussion b. Does using clickers impact
with the teacher. Students are more likely to take the teacher’s explanation as students` traditional
‘‘fact’’ without developing as elaborate a form of reasoning as they would if they problem-solving abilities
were discussing among peers. In addition to producing a more balanced debate, in any way?
students also argue from conceptual starting points often unfamiliar to expert
teachers. Due to their situation, students are often better equipped than teachers
to understand the erroneous concepts of their peers, and this often facilitates
conceptual modifications. After the discussion, students are submitted to the same DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AND
ConcepTest and asked to vote again. The teacher then reveals the correct answer EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN
and explains why the remaining preconceptions are false.
The following design was used to ans-
According to results obtained in US universities, following a discussion among wer the second and third empirical
peers, not only does the rate of correct answers increase significantly but there questions. Each student participating


in the study was randomly assigned to student, each teacher will only correct one answer, but for the entire cohort (10 to
one of the three following experimental 12 groups or approximately 500 students). Having the same exam for all students,
groups (PI groups and control group): with each question being corrected by a single teacher, ensures the homogeneity
in grading since all groups will have an exam with the same level of difficulty and
• PI group with clickers (n=41) be corrected in similar manner.
• PI group with flashcards (n=42)
• Control group (n=44)
In physics, students may be able to solve certain problems without having mastered
a basic understanding of the underlying physics principles (Kim and Pak, 2002).
The PI groups were taught by the author. The students’ conceptual understanding was therefore measured during the first
The control group teacher was selected and last week of the session using the Force Concept Inventory (I. A. Halloun and
among the physics teachers because he al., 1995; Hestenes and al,. 1992). To avoid any ceiling or floor effects, conceptual
was the closest to the author in terms gains were standardized and compared.
of age (+/-3 years), years of teaching
experience (+/- one year) and sex (M). g = (Post T – Pre T)/ (max T – Pre T) Eq.1

Furthermore, this choice was also mo- This measurement gives us the gross conceptual gain (Post-test – Pre-test) obtained
tivated by the fact that students often between the first and last week of the session in relation to the maximum possible
described these two teachers as having gain. For instance, a gain of 0.4 indicates that 40% of the remaining concepts to be
similar teaching styles. learned were acquired at the end of the course. Avoiding ceiling and floor effects,
this measurement of standardized gain is the most frequently used measurement
To isolate the specific contribution of to express FCI results.
technology in PI, the ‘‘clicker’’ group
was compared to the ‘‘flashcard’’ group.
Teachers in the other departments have also been introduced to the method
However to compare the effectiveness
of PI on a conceptual learning level, the via lectures given in the college and by word of mouth.
two PI groups were merged and com-
pared to the control group. RESULTS

Applying new and somewhat costly educational methods in public institutions often
Three different quantitative variables runs into difficulties. However, the John Abbott college administration was behind the
were measured in this study, they are: project from the very start. From the head of the physics department to the academic
traditional problem solving (Exam), dean and the director of the sciences program, each intervener showed a genuine
conceptual learning (FCI) and concept- interest in PI and was more than supportive in helping implement the method.
confidence (Conf).
Since the first test in physics, more than half of full-time members in the physics
EXAM department (8/14) are actually using one form or another of PI in their class (with
Aptitudes in physics have been tra- or without clickers). Teachers in the other departments have also been introduced
ditionally measured by algorithm to the method via lectures given in the college and by word of mouth. One teacher in
problems. In this study, these skills the chemistry department used clickers successfully in his introductory course and
were measured using the final sum- plans on repeating the experience. A nursing teacher is currently using the method
mative exam for the physics department. in her courses. A number of other teachers have inquired about the material and
This exam, designed by a committee of could soon decide to use it in their classrooms. Based on the reception received at
three physics teachers (none of which the different administration levels as well as from the teachers in various fields, we
was involved with this study) required can truly say that PI was warmly received by our CEGEP community.
unanimous approval by all personnel
teaching the course this trimester (10-
12 teachers). In addition, instead of Students were very receptive to using clickers in class. Students in the flashcard
correcting 10 to 12 questions for each section were also satisfied with using flashcards. However, this satisfaction quickly


vanished when these students found out that the other section was using clickers. In Figure 5
order to measure the evaluation of the PI method in both the clicker and flashcard Unsolicited drawings
sections, students were asked to rate their level of agreement (5=totally agree to by students in lab class
1=totally disagree) with each of the seven statements below.

1. PI helped me recognize what I misunderstood.

2. PI showed me that other students had similar preconceptions to mine.
3. I actively discuss problems with classmates.
4. Having to convince other students helps me understand the concepts.
5. The mini presentations help clarify my understanding of the concept.
6. I learn better with PI than with traditional courses.
7. If I had to choose between a PI course and a traditional course, I would choose PI.

The answers were then grouped into three categories: agree/totally agree; neutral;
disagree/totally disagree. To determine if students agreed with the statement
beyond the expected probability, (2/5 or 40%), we calculated a binomial probability
(agree p=0.4; disagree q=0.6; n=30).

Results show that students in the sections using either flashcards or clickers
responded positively to PI by recognizing its advantages as statistically significant
(p<0.05) as an educational approach (Q1-Q5) and by preferring it to traditional
teaching (Q6 and Q7). In addition, 61% of students in the section using flashcards
who were using clickers for the first time agreed that they would have been more
actively involved if they had been given access to clickers rather than flashcards.

Other unsolicited yet interesting student reactions were found in the form of small
computer drawings produced with Microsoft Paint and used as desktop screensavers
on the computers in the physics laboratory. The Figure 5 presents the images that
were found on computer screens in the physics laboratory after being used by PI
students. These images were not present before the students arrived in the lab.


Using PI with clickers in class requires only minimal changes. To administer the
ConcepTests where students vote using a clicker, you can enter or import the
multiple-choice questions in PowerPoint. A number of ConcepTests can be found
on the Internet at Harvard’s Project Galileo website2 or through publishers who
include “clicker questions” in their manuals. Today, there are sufficient resources
available that make using ConcepTests quite feasible.

Another change linked to the clicker technology is the familiarization with clicker
material and software. It is strongly recommended that all interested teachers set
up the clickers and receivers and try them a few times before attempting to use
them in class.

2 [Online]


In response to the first research ques- as PI. One of the concerns put forth is that the time spent explaining simple concepts
tion on applying the method in CEGEP, implicitly takes away time for learning problem solving; an aptitude that must be
the results indicate that PI is quite fea- demonstrated in summative exams. The following table shows the average obtained
sible at CEGEP level. The modifications per group for the final exam.
required to course structures are minor
and achievable and the approach has These results indicate that PI students obtain better exam results, although not
been well received by administrators, significantly (p=21), than their peers in the control group. We can, at the very
teachers and students. least, affirm that the PI conceptual approach does not harm students as regards
problem resolution. This is very likely due to the positive contribution of conceptual
This being said, an educational method knowledge to problem-solving ability.
may be well appreciated without ne-
cessarily being effective. The following Table 1 Table 2
section examines the effectiveness of PI FCI results for the PI group Final exam for the PI group
in CEGEP. and the control group and the control group

<Pre-test> <Post-test> g
Exam avg
[...] the results indicate that PI is (%) (%) (norm.
quite feasible at CEGEP level.
PI 68.0
PI 42.6 68.6 0.50
Control 63.0
Control 46.0 63.3 0.33
TRADITIONAL DIDACTIC LEARNING t-test (2-tailed) 0.427 0.283 0.008
t-test (2-tailed) 0.21
In this part of the study, both PI groups
(clickers and flashers) were merged and
their learning measurements were com-
pared with those of the control group.
The following table shows the average To determine the contribution of clickers to learning, the clicker group and the
FCI results obtained per group before flashcard group are compared below:
the course (pre-test) and at the last
week of the session (post-test) as well as Table 3
standardized gains. Differences in problem resolution (exam) and conceptual learning (FCI) between groups

These results demonstrate that even PréFCI PostFCI g Examen

if there was no significant difference /30 /30 (%)
between the groups before teaching Clickers 11,9 19,9 0,486 69,8
(p=0.427), the PI group achieved si- (n = 35)
gnificantly more conceptual gains as Flashcards 13,6 21,3 0,520 71,6
measured by the FCI (p=0.008). This (n = 34)
result confirms that PI is more effective t-test (2-tailed)3 0,209 0,351 0,745 0,630
for conceptual learning rather than p
traditional learning and reproduces as
such the previous results obtained by These results show that in terms of conceptual knowledge, the two groups show
Mazur (1997) and Hake (1998) outside no difference at the beginning (p=0.209) or at the end of the course (0.351) and
American universities. that neither group learns more conceptually than the other (p=0.745). In terms
of problem solving, the average grade for the final exam also shows no difference
TRADITIONAL PROBLEM SOLVING (p=0.630) between both groups. It is therefore possible to conclude that using
Physics teachers are sometimes hesitant clickers neither adds nor takes anything away from learning, whether conceptually
to use non-traditional approaches such or as regards problem solving.


DISCUSSION OF RESULTS sort out useful ConcepTests from those
that do not work as well. ConcepTests
reformulated. Clickers could make it
As expected from results of studies conducted in US colleges and universities, possible for a series of questions to evol-
PI in CEGEP allowed for significantly more conceptual learning than traditional ve from one session to the next. Using
teaching (p=0.008). However, similar results may not be enough to convince certain flashcards does not allow the teacher
teachers to adopt the method. Some will say that given the difficulties students to gather data about the ConcepTest
have in solving quantitative problems, allocating time to work on basic concepts itself. As a result, the same questions
proportionately reduces the time allotted to work on problem-solving activities are recycled from one session to the
and negatively affects the ability of these students to solve traditional problems. In next. In terms of learning, questions
fact, the opposite was found. In terms of traditional problem solving, PI students that have been modified as a result of
who spend more time working on concepts obtained better results than the control data collected should reveal learning
group students. So, even though, less time is spent on solving algorithm problems, differences when compared to a fixed
providing students with a strong conceptual basis allows them to be more effective sequence of questions used with flash-
in matters of problem resolution. cards. Some instructors may be aware
of PI methodology and willing to
LACK OF ADDED EFFECTIVENESS WITH CLICKERS reshape their instruction to provide
greater focus on basic concepts. Yet,
One of the interesting and unexpected conclusions of this study is that using
the capital expense for the purchase of
clickers does not provide students with a learning advantage. Certain previous
clickers and related hardware may not
clicker users in university classes reported advantages such as increased attendance
be available and passing the expense
rates and reduced attrition rates (Lopez-Herrejon and Schulman, 2004; Owens
onto the students may not be possible
and al., 2004). Nevertheless, there is no data in this study to support the claim that
or desirable. In this instance, PI should
clickers increase conceptual learning. PI is an elaborate educational approach that
be implemented with flashcards as
clearly emphasizes basic concepts. It requires that students commit to a conception
it is the PI pedagogy that is effective,
and provides a setting for discussion among peers making it possible to go beyond
not the method students use to report
misconceptions. It is obvious that the technology is not the pedagogy. However,
their answers.
since clickers add nothing to learning, should they not be abandoned?

The answer is no. In fact, we should actively encourage using clickers. Although this In terms of traditional problem
conclusion seems to contradict the previous finding, there are three main reasons solving, PI students who spend
for encouraging the use of clickers.
more time working on concepts
First and foremost, even if there is no difference in the amount of learning, obtained better results than the
appreciable differences exist in terms of teaching. It goes without saying that the control group students.
accurate and automatic compilation of the distribution of answers is much more
practical than having to count flashcards over and over again.

Secondly, clickers are to some degree responsible for the attention given to the CONCLUSION
PI method. A large part of this attention is due specifically to the use of clickers
(Burnstein and Lederman, 2001, 2003). Many teachers, including yours truly, A number of science teachers still teach
adopted the method thanks to the appeal of using clickers in their classrooms. So, today the way they were taught, that
implementing PI with clickers forces teachers to reconsider their teaching method, is, the way we were taught during the
concentrate on concepts and, consequently, fundamentally reshape their teaching. last century (Beichner and al., 1999).
Given that many teachers would not have given proper attention to PI had it not Thanks to its appeal, the PI method
been for the clickers, it is important to continue encouraging their use. could bring about a change in the way
in which teachers and students perceive
Last but not least, using clickers in a classroom enables teachers to archive the teaching. Its methodology requires ve-
data obtained in their ConcepTest. Beyond data analyses that can be addressed ry little modification to traditional tea-
in a research framework, the data can also be used in an educational context to ching; it implies that greater emphasis


be placed on basic concepts. The me- HALLOUN, I. and D. HESTENES, “The Initial Knowledge State fo College Physics Students”, American Journal of
Physics, vol. 53, 1985b, p. 1043-1055.
thod does not come into conflict with
current institutional constraints since HALLOUN, I. A, R R. HAKE, E. P. MOSCA and D. HESTENES, “Force Concept Inventor”, in E. Mazur (ed.), Peer
it is generally well received by adminis- Instruction: Auser’s Manual, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
trators, fellow teachers and students. HESTENES, D., M. WELLS and G. SWACKHAMMER, “Force Concept Inventory”, The Physics Teacher, vol. 30,
1992, p. 141-158.
Although PI was developed at Harvard,
KIM, E. and S. J. PAK, “Students do not Overcome Conceptual Difficulties after Solving 1000 Traditional
it seems like an educational method Problems”, American Journal of Physics, vol. 70, no 7, 2002, p. 759-765.
that is effective in CEGEP and would
LOPEZ-HERREJON, R. E and M. SCHULMAN, Using Interactive Technology in a Short Java Course: An Experience
benefit from being widely used and Report. Paper presented at the 9th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer
encouraged. The method is simple science education.
enough to allow for a systemic change MAZUR, E., Peer Instruction: A User’s Manual, Upper Saddle River, NJ., Prentice-Hall, 1997.
in a relatively short time. This study al-
so showed that using clickers does not MCDERMOTT, L. C. and E. F. REDISH, “Resource letter: PER-1: Physics Education Research”, American Journal
of Physics, vol. 67, no 9, 1999, p. 755-767.
add anything significant to learning. In
fact, even though using clickers offers OWENS, K., D. A. MCCONNELL, D. STEER, S. VAN HORN, J. KNOTT, W. BOROWSKI and al. (2004). Changing
Pedagogy to Include Conceptests and Peer Instruction in Introductory geoscience coursesthe Impact on instructors and
the teacher many advantages, their students. Paper presented at the The geological Society of America Annual meeting Denver.
use does not increase the effectiveness
of the PI method. The conclusion is SIMON, H. A., “Observations on the Sciences of Science Learning”, dans Paper prepared for the Committee
on Developments in the Science of Learning for the Sciences of Science Learning: An interdisciplinary Discussion,
that pedagogy must be seen as being Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.
distinct from technology.

As a physics teacher at John Abbott College, Nathaniel LASRY has focussed his attention
BEICHNER, R. L. BERNOLD, E. BURNISTON, primarily on the preconceptions of learners in science. His interest in questions relating to
P. DAIL, R. FELDER, J. GASTINEAU and al. “Case learning has earned him a doctorate in education from McGill University. In addition to his
Study of the Physics Component of an Integrated position at John Abbott College, he is also a post-doctorate researcher in the Eric Mazur
Curriculum”, American Journal of Physics, vol. 67, Harvard Group.
1999, p. 16-24.
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Teacher, vol. 39, no 1, 2001, p. 8-11.


“Comparison of Different Commercial Wireless
Keypad Systems”, The Physics Teacher, vol. 41, no 5,
2003, p. 272-275.

CROUCH, C. H. and E. MAZUR, “Peer Instruction:

Ten years of Experience and Results”, American
Journal of Physics, vol. 69, no 9, 2001, p. 970-977.

DISSESSA, A., “Unlearning Aristotelian Physics:

A Study of Knowledge-base Learning”, Cognitive
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FAGEN, A., C. H. CROUCH and E. MAZUR, “Peer

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The Physics Teacher, vol. 40, 2002, p. 206-209.

HAKE, R. R.,”Interactive-engagement versus

Traditional Methods: A six-thousand Student
Survey of Mechanics Test Data for Introductory
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no 1, 1998, p. 64-74.

HALLOUN, I. and D. HESTENES, “Common Sense

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