Balanced Scorecard Institute Course Catalog

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i (ritosimmecloncesscrecars.ora/) | Login (http: /en blancedscorecatd arog eeurnurt=82Franing-Certieation <2PuMP-Catfetion) Ei or rntensetconmaneamen seoncarinamsosteraot |) proven ett fom nee netninenee nto eh) Soar, Home Consuting (titoJiwmelancedscorecartora) (hpi balancedscorecard org/Consutng Consulting. Overview) Train & Creation (tip ww.balancedscorecard.rgTrning-Cerieatin/Ovenem) Software (ttpywww.balancedscorecard.orySottwareCuickScore-8SC-Sotware) Resources (ttpytwuw.balencedscorecad orgResources/aboutne-Balancee- Scorecard), ‘out (ritpstwun balercedscorecad ory/AboutAbout 3S) You aro her: Tearing & Cetiaton (ipa aaencedscorecarariTieig-CenteatanOversen) > PUMP Cerseaton hp ten nlancadzorecaargeing-CefcatonPUMP-Cestcason) Overviow ‘The PuMP® Performance Measure Blueprint Certification (hp balcndsconppsReNS: Ceriicaton Overview) ost poole - whether executives Balanced ‘manages, strategy or aerfomance Scorecard rofesionely, or analysts ~stragsleto Ceriiaton ‘develp KPte and other measurements (itp:/worw baancedscoreaka ramos orcas wo Cehiiceuonaances, ae nerang to ns mening ‘measurement, alan measures to Ceontaton) ee Course 365-2 Oaye a Pree: $2,200 @rPrtessiond TE gtne ran tence sone ction Framework develops by stacey Barr and contact (npn. balancedscoreg ant AEBIKBNy nundreds of 1/ fea sw a.oro/Contact Perfomance erginzatons ner naive ustraeang__(MWDE//Dalancedecorecardora/Contect) Inicatr- wrortn,emphoss son the praca! _SbaWEeinang thle program ona Professional. SSepsneadesto unkan atthe a Ccerfcaton habes that so many ane have tat \ ‘use them to sugle wih perormance pune ‘measurement Cetfiaton Frnt chur >> insane GI Corian PUM Ccertication) Other Courses (hitoi/ww.balancedscorecaréegitaining- sna vy Gat ov resi Ceriication Executive on Cotes? Sue Overview-Courses) Peoamostee ean Rega ‘course Schedule & Regstation {hp wer balancedscorscar.orgTrlnng Ceriication/Course- Sohedl °° careston,oferegin —— — Socaiorwnte tlcausa [ay THE GEORGE Pcs store geass suce RY THEGEORGE Carian apstston UNIVERSITY Policies) WASHINGTON, DC Se (tp:stown.gwu edul-cepitederalbalanced-scorecare-ceifieate- program.htm), demonstrates your ably to develop performance ‘measures tha! are meaning, algned to strategy, implemented ecient and focused on driving porformance improvement. After compating the workshop, paieipans can opt to take tne PuMPB Certfcation exam online, Whats Leamed? ‘The PUMPI Performance Measure Sluoprint Workshop is organized aroune 2 framework to redesign an organization's performance ‘measurement process. The emphasis on practical techniques and templates, real-He case stuses, and time for partpants to pracice what they learn wth support from exper, Participants wi ‘The PuMP® Partnership This course is fered trough a strategie partnership between Stacey Barr, the Performance Measure Specials, and to Balanced Scorecard Inatiute. Stacey has speciatzedin organizational performance ‘measurement since 1993, and this workshop isthe culmination of ll her ‘most practical loarning and innovations, The program reflects her inate sans of praccaliy, approachable communication and presentation sty, and balance between the techical and social sites of performance ‘The Insitute isthe perfect vehicle to expand Stacey's program nto Nort ‘America. The Insitute applies best practices gained fom hundreds of ‘consulting assignments and thousands of ainges in performance ‘management and measurement, balanced scorecard, strategic planning, ‘and change management to help exscutves, managers and analysts transform their o-ganizatons into “performance excellence’ ‘organzations. The Instute has certiied thousands of people in over hundred counties worldwide, Get the Book Get the Newsletter Contact Us Corporate Headquarters Sign up for the case INSTITUTE Balenced can, NO 28 Performance erp anoen Newsletter contro (iStopoductDelataProdutDi) (©1998-2017 Balanced Scorecard Instute,» Strategy Management Group compeny |Privacy Statement (ottprtmmwcbloreedscorecarorgfrvacy) | Terms OF Use http://www blancedscarecardorgTerms)

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