Thermal Properties of Matter: Long Questions & Answers

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Q1. What is evaporation? On what factors does it depend?
Answer : "Changing of liquid into vapour state without change of temperature is
called evaporation"

When water is taken in a dish then after sometime it disappear. During this process, the
fast moving atoms of liquid leave the surface of liquids. In this way all moving molecules
escape from surface.
Following are the factors on which evaporation is depend :

 Temperature :
The larger is temperature of liquids, the faster is evaporation. In summer, wet clothes dry
up move quickly than in winter.

 Surface Area :
The larger area of surface of liquid, the greater is change for the fast moving molecules
to escape. So, evaporation becomes rapid.

 Wind :
The Wind blowing over the surface of liquid sweeps out of the vapours. This increases
the chance for other molecules of liquid to escape. Hence, evaporation increases.

 Nature of Liquid :
It is experimentally confirmed that rate of evaporation is faster in case of spirit as
compared with water. So, evaporation depends on nature of liquid.

Q2. Explain linear thermal expansion.

Answer : When solids absorb heat then their length increases. This expansion is
nearly uniform over a wide range of increase of temperature.
It is experimentally prove that change in length is directly proportional to the change of
temperature and original length.

∆L ∝ L∘

∆L∝ ∆T

So, ∆L ∝ L∘∆T

∆L = α L∘∆T where, ∆L =L - L∘

L - L∘ = α L∘∆T

L = α L∘∆T + L∘

L = L∘ ( α ∆T + 1 )

Or. α = L - L∘

“α “ is called coefficient of linear thermal expansion and defined as :
“ Fractional change in length per Kelvin change of temperature.” It’s SI unit is “ K “.

Q3. Explain volume thermal expansion.

Answer : When solid absorbs heat, their volume increases. Let a metal rod which
V = original volume

V∘ = changed volume

V - V∘ = ∆V = change in volume

T = changed temperature

T∘ = original temperature

∆T = change in temperature
It is experimentally observed that change in volume is directly proportional to original
volume and change in temperature.

∆V ∝ V∘

∆V ∝ ∆T

∆V ∝ V∘ ∆T

So, ∆V = V∘ β ∆T
Where, β is called coefficient of volume thermal expansion.

β= ∆V

V∘ ∆T

It is defined as : “ Fractional change in volume per kelvin change of temperature is called coefficient of
volume expansion.”


Q1. Differentiate between heat and temperature.
 Temperature : It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
 Heat : It is the form of energy that is transferred from one body to another body
in the thermal contact with each other.

2. What is Crocus flower?

Answer : The Crocus flower is a natural thermometer. It opens when the
temperature is precisely 23°C and closes when temperature drops.

3. Define internal energy.

Answer : The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy associated with the atoms,
molecules and particles of a body, is called its internal energy.

4. What is thermometer?
Answer : A device that is used to measure the temperature of a body is called

5. Write down properties which thermometric liquid should

Answer :
 It should be visible.
 It should have uniform thermal expansion.
 It should have low freezing point.
 It should have high boiling point.
 It should not wet glass.
 It should be a good conductor of heat.
 It should have small specific heat capacity.

6. What are three scales of temperature? Write down

formulas for conversion of temperature.
Answer : There are three scales to measure the temperature :

(1) Kelvin. (2) Celsius. (3) Fahrenheit.

All scales are interconvertable.
 T (K) = 273 + C
 F = 1.8 C + 33

7.Write a short note on clinical thermometer.

Answer : Clinical thermometer is used to measure the temperature of human body.
It has a narrow range from 35°C to 40°C. It has a construction that prevents the Mercury
to return. Thus, it's reading does not change until reset.

8. Define specific heat capacity.

Answer : Specific heat of a substance is amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 1 kg mass of a substance through 1K.
c = ∆Q
m ∆T

9. Define heat capacity.

Answer : Heat capacity of a body is the quantity of thermal energy absorbed by it
for 1 Kelvin increases in its temperature.
heat capacity = ∆Q = mc∆T
∆T ∆T
heat capacity = mc

10. What is latent heat of fusion?

Answer : Heat energy required to change unit mass of a substance from solid to
liquid state at its melting point without change in its temperature is called its latent heat
of fusion.
H = ∆Q
∆Q = m H

11. What is latent heat of vaporization?


Answer : The quantity of heat that changes unit mass of a liquid completely into gas
as its boiling point without any change in its temperature is called latent heat of
H = ∆Q
∆Q = m H

12. What is bimetal strip.

Answer : Bimetallic strip consists of two thin strips of different metals such as brass
and iron joined together. On heating the strip, brass expand more than iron. This unequal
expansion causes the trip to bend.


8.2 Why does heat flow from hot body to cold body?
Answer : The body at higher temperature has molecules of greater kinetic energy
that molecules of colder body. Therefore fast moving on molecules transfer their energy
to other molecules.

8.5 How does heating effect motion of molecules of gas?

Answer : On heating a gas, its molecules begin to move faster and faster. So that
internal energy of gas increases.

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