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Renato S. Formentera Jr.


My significant topic is all about my experience during my high school life because my
experience has significantly impact in my beliefs, views and values as a person and
importantly as a student in cor jesu collage because because when i was in high school i
couldn't understand why that happened maybe I'm not in the right frame of mind because
all I can think about is having fun with friends and being out of class but as a student I focus
on student work which is why I passed out. I'm not going to say it all because you don't
understand it either but now it's a little bit easier to understand my mom and dad's
sermons when I was studying at cor jesu collage there is a mindset that really needs to be
focus studied and also I learned in this school to be true to myself and be responsible in
everything and help others.

my significant experience in life as a person and especially as a student when I was still in
high school I did not take my education very seriously I regret what I did but now I collage
more lessons are difficult especially in the major subjects of course I lack the knowledge I
need to learn in high school I can only say that the lectures of the parents is right of course I
was young we just thought we were be happy always but now i am pretty serious because
tuition is so expensive the only thing I've learned in life is that repentance is late .

The experience that shaping as a person right now is I have so many life experiences that
give me inspiration. first in my family which gives me the strength to graduate from college
and it also gives me a lesson in wanting to prove to myself that I can do something in life
that I can help in the country and especially in the world. we all have dreams in life that we
want to achieve but how can we do that if we prove ourselves capable of being successful I
don't think we can do it without our experience.

What motivates me to do this now is the events that are happening around today and
because of the difficulties that have occurred in the country if you finish school you can
easily get to work which is why I study so well today unlike those who have not yet
graduated from school with the difficulty of getting into work and low salaries are the
factors that motivate me to graduate from college.

There are significant relationships with me as a student in cor jesu collage like the laws of
the school and also to cherish one another and have compassion on one another and be
true to yourself is the sacred heart of cor jesu collage that will inspire everyone and inspire
many to do what is right and learn well yet help the family and make the evil good because
cor jesu is a catholic school that uses the name of god to give students a good path to
school and also to avoid the bad things I have learned more than just science but also
Renato S. Formentera Jr. BSECE-2

The context that I choose is all about my life experience during my high school life that
should be responsible as a student who does not think bad as a student should we need to
show our parents that we do not neglect our education because we know they worked hard
for us. If you are a person with a good heart and God-fearing ability to imagine what will
happen to you in the future if you continue your evil deeds you will find nothing good if you
think there is no hope we will never forget that God exists dont forget to say his name.

My dominant emotion as I recall events and experiences in my life I am happy that it

happened in my life because it gives me lessons and it also gives me inspiration that needs
to be responsible and true to self and compassion to others and help those in need. As a
student of cor jesu college I learned to be self-sufficient and to avoid bad habits such as
drinking alcohol and smoking I learned how important education is especially in today's
world where it is difficult to find good jobs and do not have to give up when there is hope
and don't forget that there is a God who is watching over you.

I feel good about everything I went through in life because that is why I am so strong today
and that is why I am so committed to studying to graduate from college if I continue to do
so I don't know if I will ever get there. I'm in my place now because of trusting in God and
worshiping the same lord I had the courage to do things that would not hurt others I thank
God to give me life because for me our life have a purpose in this world for help others and
do the mission the Lord has given you.

The reason for my dominant emotions is that I am happy that I continue to study despite
the hardships of life now that my parents continue to support me. Even though I experience
bad activities in life I know it's a small thing that other people are hurting more than me
because of that I am still unlucky that is why I study hard for my future and for everything
that will happen in the future and especially so that I can help my loved ones and also the

As a cor jesian I have become a better person because of my previous experiences giving
me the necessary lessons not to neglect our education and to help the family and the needy
and God-fearing as a student in cor jesu college we need self-realization so we can easily
achieve our goals in life and become a professional person I overcame my past experiences
because of my faith in God and the love of my family and when I was a Cor Jesian I became
a better person because of the vision and mission of school that you need to have
compassion for you to become a excellence person.
Renato S. Formentera Jr. BSECE-2

This kind of activity is designed to reflect on what we have done wrong in the past that
needs to be the basis that we need to not be negligent in life so that we will not regret the
future. Those events give me the courage to do the things we need to do in life we need to
be strong, hardworking and dignified in life in order to achieve what we need to achieve.
The events that happened in my life greatly help me because I think my life that God has
given me is worth living.

I grew up as a person and cor jesian because of the activity I think we need to value
ourselves more than others and never forget to worship the Lord to give us the courage to
do the hard things as a cor jesian learned to love not only the girlfriend but the family and
especially others and do things that don't hurt others help other people and you have to be
compassionate to others because if you have it you will lose .Let us remember that there is
a god who will give us the right path

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