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Name: Navid S Suthar

Roll No. AU1914009

Topic: Accepting Gifts in an Organizational Structure

Subject: Business Ethics

Date: 10/09/19

Accepting Gifts in an Organizational Structure

The article ‘Patients Bearing Gifts: Are There Strings Attached?’ is authored by Sean A. Spence and is
published in British Medical Journal. The article is all about the process of corporate gifting in an
organization structure. It discuss about the doctor who receives gift from a patients on the charismas
Eve. The main point of discuss in article is “Should any Gift be accepted?” author provides both views in
oppose and in favor by describing certain points. Author opposes the gifting policy by stating that it
influences persons behavior towards the gift giver and in favor author says that the gift of low monetary
value can be accepted. The article gives the detail analysis of the process of gifting from many different

By analysis the article I found some of the real concerns exists in the process of gifting in an
organization. In simple terms gift can be define as any tangible article, benefit, favor, gratification,
occasion, commission, product discount not in the normal cause of business, entertainment or function
that is given to the employee to keep, use or attend at no cost. In simple words gift can be include
anything of value given or received as a result of a business relationship for which the recipient does not
pay fair market value. There are many reasons behind the exchange of gift in an organization. In the
case it has describe that the patient who is suffering from cancer offers a bottle of champagne to his
doctor as a gift on the Christmas Eve, Now here the concerns arises related to gifting. Should the doctor
accept this gift or should reject it? If we talk about the present day situation the gifting is a common
trend among the doctors, as nowadays the third party gifting has increased. The doctors receive lots of
gifts from the sales persons of the pharmaceuticals companies. The gift is something which may come
with some hidden motives. Many times it’s a result of something better you did for a person and it can
also be the result of something better person wants you to do. I firmly believe that the process of gifting
is inappropriate as it affects the person’s behavior as it creates unique memory of gift in the mind of

As quoted in the article ‘The giving of gifts is an ancient and widespread human activity’, in today’s
world also this activity exists as same. The giving of gift in general sense means thanking someone. The
gifts are generally given on occasions, festivals and at a time of celebration. The process of distributing
gifts on the festival doesn’t have any ethical dilemma. The many organizations distributes gift among
there all the employees at a time of any festival. For example, sweets distribution at the time of Diwali.
As here all the employees of the organization will receive gift. Where as if we talk about the concept of
corporate gifting it includes providing gift to someone especially for the some secret motive. Basically
these gifts are given to the professional for some benefits. The logic behind the gift varies from person
to person. In a corporate gifting context giving a gift without any expectation of reward is difficult to
understand. The acceptance of gift in corporate is justifiable if they promote the principle of
beneficence and nonmaleficence. In simple terms this menace to do good without harming anyone. In
many countries there is the culture where gifting is an appropriate act. There if person decline to accept
gift then it may create a negative impact.

According to the article ‘The gift is a tip for more than a standard service’ this indicated that the gift
given by a person may have any hidden objective. In case of doctor the gift from the patient can be to
give a first preference in treatment, spending more time and efforts on patients, etc. Moreover if the
gift is from any pharma sales executive it will have motived to prescribe the medicine which his/her firm
produce and distribute. Whereas if we talk about any company involve in manufacturing for them the
gift from the supplier of raw material will be to get more quantity of order, for freedom in the supply of
quality, etc. Many times the exchange of gift also takes places in organization. It can be for seeking
promotions, exception in any case, preference etc. The main concern in the process of gifting is need of
justice and equity for the others. In case of doctors they have the same responsibility towards any
person who visits the clinic or hospital. But due to gifting this duty gets affected, as due to the gift
received from the person who can afford it get better service whereas other person doesn’t get the
same service. Moreover if we talk about the company involve in manufacturing process there company
has the norms and policies equal for all the suppliers, here a gifts brings some relaxation in the norms
for an particular supplier and not for others. And further if we talk about the gifting in an organization,
the head officer has responsibilities for the each and every person working under him/her. These
responsibilities cannot be changed due to a single gift. Thus we can say that the gifting is creating a
unique importance of the giver in the mind of the receiver which directly affects the other persons in
the same conditions. That results in an inequality on the same ground which is an unethical thing.

The article also talks about the ways which can be use to avoid the gifts. The most suitable advice
according to article is to make a note of a person who is giving gift. The professional should not take
anything on granted and should reflect upon the gift and its timing. Moreover when some gifts are taken
then professional should make a note on it and also share these things with the collages so that it can
remain as transparent. If we talk about the medical as profession then the ethics of medical practice
don’t recommend accepting the gifts from the patients. Thus a doctor can inform about this to patient
and can reject the gift offered by the patient. The gift here in article given to a doctor is on Christmas
Eve so there are more chances that it is given as a note of thanks.

There are different policies formed in organization for acceptance and unacceptance of gifts. Generally
the monetary value is decided above which the gifts are not accepted. More specifically the cash gifts
are avoided in any organization as it can be terms as bribe or an act of corruption. The employees of an
organization should be given training related to identifying the hidden motive behind the gift. Most of
the time in an organization gifts are given for a business favors, for obtaining any direct or indirect
information or to influence the person working in an organization.

In India in the corporate sector the gifting is a matter of social act and courtesy. The organizations
should have the better and full proof policy stating about the acceptance and unacceptance of gifts. The
gifts of minimum value should be accepted, if there are no risks of exploitation, inappropriate
boundaries, or biases in your professional decision making. The gifts are no always given for the hidden
motives they are mostly given as a vote of thanks. In an organization each and every person should be
made aware about the corporate gifting as an unethical practice. The professional should also promptly
follow the ethical code of conducts and should maintain transparence in their profession.


 The ‘Logic of Gifts’: Inspiring Behavior in Organization Beyond the Limits of Duty and
 Corporate Gifts: Acceptable Practice Vs Corruption

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