Project of Intermediate 12 Teacher: Diana Parodi Students: Jean Poul Juscamaita Escalante Victor Luo Liang

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Project of intermediate 12

Teacher : Diana Parodi

Students : Jean Poul
Juscamaita Escalante
Victor Luo Liang
the recent increase in the world's temperature that is believed to be caused by
the increase of certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. In
reality the principal cause of the global warming is the Green house effect


Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is
human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — , that results when the atmosphere
traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. Long-lived gases that
remain semi-permanently in the atmosphere and do not respond physically or
chemically to changes in temperature are described as "forcing" climate change.
Gases, such as water vapor, which respond physically or chemically to changes in
temperature are seen as "feedbacks.

 Water vapor. The most abundant greenhouse gas,

 Carbon dioxide (CO2).

 Methane.
 Nitrous oxide.
 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).


Fact 1: Global warming that is causing extreme weather changes has shown it
implications in the way of forest fires, heat waves and severe tropical storms
throughout the world.

Fact 2: There has been a tremendous increase of water vapor, carbon dioxide,
methane nitrous oxide and especially greenhouse gases due to polluting substances
emitted as a result of industrialization, pollution, deforestation.

Fact 3: Humans are emitting more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, faster than the
absorbing rates of plants and the oceans.
Fact 4: Sea levels have risen about 7 inches in the in the last 100 years, which is more
than the previous 2000 years combined. The rising sea levels due to global warming
could threaten the lives of people living along the coastal areas.

Fact 5: The United States is responsible for 80 % of the total amount of fossil fuel
consumed every year.

Fact 6 : The temperature of the earth will soon become 5.8 degrees higher.
Fact 7 : The level of carbon dioxide in the 20th century has been the highest in
650,000 years.

Fact 8 : People dump carbon dioxide into the environment at 1000 tons per second.

Fact 9 : More than 1 million species have already faced extinction due to global



This report talks about Global warming which is of the most important issue worldwide

but What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that

causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse

This effect is as a consequence of the contamination of our planet which is supporting

a huge emission of C02, deforestation and the misuse of natural resources that today
are scarce
Besides what people are doing now to prevent like the campaign “la hora del planeta”
which promotes people to unplugged every electronic device for almost an hour also
how education encourages children to know the importance to take care of our planet
using resources properly

Finally: Are we on time to control the global warming? Of course we are on time let me
explain you about important events for take care of our planet.


It’s an important campaign which are held of the last Saturday of march. It promotes
people to unplugged any electronical device for almost an hour. It’s like a blackout
volunteering as a result we can be more conscious about reducing the pollution as well
as save energy and let the planet breathe for at least an hour that benefit a lot but this
is not the only campaign that we know, also school encourages children since they are
growing up to use our natural resources properly

Children are trained to know the important of natural resources and the
contamination of our country using simple Models designing work with recycled
materials and marches to emphasize their compromise to the care of the environment
as well as encourage them to join us.

There are also marathons which promote people to run in favor of environment and
recollect amounts of money that is used in ONG to conserve the environment and also
saved animals that are affected as a result of climate changes



To conclude, we have more knowledge about taking care of our planet, because we
learn before what the consequences would be if we don’t do anything about it. We
have to raise awarenesses to handle this important issue which affects our society.

In the end we realized that we are on time to make the difference changing our reality
and improve our environment and also live in a safe place for us and our future
generations they need to live in a place like us with less contamination and more
development that’s why I strongly believe that we are on time of deal with this
important issue that affect our society .

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