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Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City, Philippines

The Factors that Affect Students’ Decision in

Choosing their College Courses


A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the High School Department
Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

English Subject



Alba, Kenneth Eduard Castillo

Bertol, Treesha Beatrice Estañol
De Mesa, Katherine Denise Evangelista
Martin, Fritz Gerald Golamco
Mestosamente, Sharee Sonido
Zaguirre, Ma. Karlson Reyes
IV- St. Timothy
March 2010

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


It is the researchers’ greatest concession to extend their utmost gratitude to several

people for their kind and invaluable assistance in making this study. The researchers

express an ocean of thanks particularly to:

Mrs. Anabelle Enriquez-Peralta, the researchers’ mentor and editor for her

meticulous efforts, persistence and professional way of guiding the researchers

Sr. Felicitas Bernardo SPC, School Head / Principal, for including this thesis

writing scheme in the school curriculum

The Fourth Year High School participants, who tried their very best to answer

accurately the questionnaire and permitted the researchers to know more about them

through interviews

The faculty members of Our Lady of Peace School Antipolo City, who have

shared their knowledge and provided them the encouragement to pursue this work

Friends and relatives, for their prayers and continuous encouragement

Mr. and Mrs. Alba; Mr. Bertol; Mrs. De Mesa; Mr. Martin; Mr. and Mrs.

Mestosamente, and Mr. and Mrs. Zaguirre, the researchers’ parents, for allowing them to

conduct this survey despite of the hardships they might face.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Above all, the Almighty Father, the giver of wisdom, for His love, knowledge,

and blessings bestowed upon the researchers in the completion of this work.

The researchers’ heartfelt thanks!


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Review of Related Literature 8
Synthesis of the Review 26
Statement of the Problem 27
Hypothesis 28
Significance of the Study 29
Definition of Terms 31

Research 33
Participants 34
Instruments 35
Date Gathering Procedure 37

Findings 40

Summary 42
Conclusion 43
Recommendation 44

References 46
Appendices 47
Curriculum Vitae 51

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines



Dreams can be pure make-believe. Dreams may also be based on goals that can

be realized. Fulfilling such dreams requires information and knowledge – information

about the requirements for reaching goals, and knowledge of one’s strengths and


The forefathers of mankind sought to provide individual freedom in a moral

democracy in which different races, creeds, abilities, and interests might exist as a

harmonious whole. Safeguarding that freedom, however, imposes on them a very real

responsibility: First, responsibility to society, for no group is stronger or has higher

purposes than its individual members; and second, responsibility to their own self


Decision-making is the logical way of setting one’s mind to choose amidst the

possibilities to satisfy man’s ease. This is true as stated that good decision-making is an

essential skill for career success generally, and effective leadership particularly. It is true

that for an individual to be successful, the person must possess good decision-making.

Every day we make decisions, whether big or small and these decisions can make huge

impacts in our lives. As the person progresses, his or her ability to decide improve,

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

allowing the individual to make better and wiser decision in life. Failure to make the right

decision often leads to downfall. Methodologically speaking, decision-making is not all

fun and games, some deal with people, others deal with future careers. Graduating high

school students face one of the most crucial decisions in their lives, and that is future

career decision. These students face the fact that this certain adjudication will decide their

future. Deciding on which college to attend to is not a “gut reaction”. It requires mature

and serious discussion, and may not, despite the long run, lead to initial choice. However,

during this crucial stage in each student’s life, there are some factors in which results to

confusion, and further lead to a mistake.

Some parents think that what they suggest to their children in what course to

pursue is better, yet they tend to ignore what their children desire. Other factors include:

financial stability, university prestige and of course, practicality. And because of these,

some students graduate in courses they do not really like. On the other hand, others

pursue their desired course with no doubt, and they were able to graduate with high


One of the suggested elucidations is for the parents to talk with their children.

Then it is up to the child whether they will agree or not. Other solution involves letting

the child decide on their own. Deciding for oneself helps the individual to develop and

progress in life.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

The researchers conducted this study in order to know the factors that affect

student’s decision in choosing their college courses. This study also includes the effect of

these factors to psychological aspect of the youth. And finally, to make the readers

understand the statement, “Put your future in good hands-your own.” – Author Unknown

Review of the Related Literature

Based on Statistics, more than 15,000 typical young people have problems about

school. Surprisingly, most students approve wholeheartedly of their schools. Despite a

certain amount of groaning and grumbling, 79 percent of those polled frankly admit that

they like school. Only 6 percent dislike it so much that they would like to quit. Despite

their general approval, however, many young people complain that their problem is not

knowing how to study effectively. Big majorities mention problems that stand in the way

of getting the most out of school. Here are some of those problems: I would like to do

well I my school work, but I do not know how to study effectively; I could do better if I

had more definite idea of how well I’m doing during the semester; It is the test that worry

me. Even when I “know my stuff” I get so tense and worried that I don’t do as well as I

should; I know exactly what I want to say, but putting it down on paper is what gets me.

(Robert H. Seashore (1962), Your Goals and You: A Guidance Handbook, Science

Research Associates USA)

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Students may have all their school problems neatly solved, but maybe questions about

their plans for the future are baffling them. Perhaps they haven’t yet chosen the career

they would like to follow. They may be uncertain about their future educational plans.

(Robert H. Seashore (1962), Your Goals and You: A Guidance Handbook, Science

Research Associates USA)

Getting along with others is in some ways related to the preceding one, because

the way people feel about themselves influences the way others feel. If they feel friendly

and self-confident, others are likely to look at them in the same way. Most young people

want very much to be liked and to be included in activities of the groups that interest

them. (Robert H. Seashore (1962), Your Goals and You: A Guidance Handbook, Science

Research Associates USA)

The researchers found this selection precise since most of the youth today

experience lack of self-esteem when it comes to the fact that they are pressured to do well

in college. Like what is mentioned above, some students find it hard to cope up with

exams when they did not understand the lesson. That is why some young people are

discouraged to continue up to their college degree because of their experiences in high

school. For example, freshmen students who are bullied in their high school days would

become more cautious in all aspects especially in choosing their friends and


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

As said by Seashore, “the way you feel about yourself influences the way others

feel about you” explains that most of the youth today are forced to be like their parents –

to choose the universities that they have been to, to choose the course that they have been

or to continue what they preferred, and still, they are pressured to do well with it.

Ability of an individual as defined by an online dictionary site called, “The Free

Dictionary by Farlex” is: (a) the quality of being able to do something, especially the

physical, mental, financial, or legal power to accomplish something (b) a natural or

acquired skill or talent (c) the quality of being suitable for or receptive to a specified

treatment. (

Relating the given definitions to the researchers’ subject matter, the students’

abilities make a great impact on their decision regarding which course they will go for.

High school students must meet the required average grade of the subjects for their

selection of course. For example, a student who has a vision of being an engineer cannot

take engineering courses if he falls short on trigonometry and mathematics; and a student

cannot take BS Accountancy if he is not fond of Accountancy at all. Thus, the ability and

the performance of a student distress his decision on what course he will take.

Young people’s dreams and ambitions may take many forms and go through

many phases and changes. Some are practical and realistic; some can never go beyond

wishful thinking. But among the main factors that help determine the life they will

eventually have are the kind of schooling they get and the type of work they do. Their

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

abilities, in turn, help determine that they will be able to achieve in the way of education

and a career. (Excerpted from Your goals and You: A Guidance Handbook)

A consideration of their profile of abilities can help them avoid mistakes, too. If

they are very high in physical ability and manual dexterity, but below average in

mechanical comprehension, reasoning, and space ability, it probably would be unrealistic

for them to look forward to a career in engineering, and more practical to try for success

as skilled sheet metal worker or in some other requiring their particular combination of


If a person’s ability does not support the course they like, they need to think for

alternatives that would suit it. It is better to go for a course in which the student is

interested and which his abilities go well rather than going for a course in which the

abilities of the student are not compatible which can results to failure. Choosing a course

is a really tough decision to make but the students must always put on their mind: “Will I

able to manage this course with my abilities whether intellectually or physically?; Am I

confident enough to pursue with this course?; Will I be able to get scores that will make

me pass my subjects?; After studying this course, what career am I going to get and

where can that lead me?; Am I making good decision with whatever course will I go


As students, they are more aware of their abilities and the courses they can cope

with. From that point, after assessing their limits, they can already anticipate if they can

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

qualify to that particular course. The decision can be done based on what field the

student’s excel. It is one of the bases that can be implied. If a student prefers a course

that is not suitable for him, he may not meet the Grade Point Average that in either way

may result to failure or even disqualification. The suggestion of the researchers is it will

be best if the students identify their abilities which they can utilize for the future. It will

also be coherent if they pursue the course they are comfortable with, which holds their

interest and with what can meet the arrangement of their abilities.

The constitution allows parents to bring up their children according to their own

values and beliefs. Parental responsibility includes: Providing a home for their children

and; Choosing and providing for their child’s education.

Parents have the rights to make decisions about their child’s upbringing without

interference. Parenting involves providing a safe environment for their child’s growth,

providing for their basic needs, allowing them to develop their own identity, nurturing

their self-esteem, respecting them, educating them, spending time with them etc. Parents

have a duty to protect their children from abuse and neglect. Having parental

responsibility basically means that as a parent they have the right to make important

decisions. (

Parents are the ones who nurture and raise a child. Being a parent is not that easy,

they have their duties and responsibilities not only to themselves but also to their

children. As their children grow up they have needs that parents should provide. Parents

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

provide them their basic needs, teach moral values, show them what is right and help

them develop their own being. Parents should also provide their child’s education. We all

know that every parent dreams for their child to have a great future. For them, education

is the best treasure they can give to their child. That’s why sometimes they don’t even

care how much money it will cost them just to put their child in a school with high

standard a school they envision to help their child embodiment his skills and flourish it

for him to be a great and successful person as he grow-up. It is also part of their duty not

to abuse their child. As we all know many parents now a day abuse their own child. They

punish them, bit them to death. As parents it is not right to commit such thing, parents

can’t just bit their child because he commit a mistake or didn’t emulate their command.

Children have the right to be protected, to be loved by their parents not to be abused.

College admission counselors need to be sure that the potential student has the

ability to academically successful while at college. The best indicators for success are the

student’s grade point average (GPA) and college entrance exams. The higher the grade

point average and test score, the likelihood that the student has gained the necessary

academic skills to transfer to college level academics. The admission committee will

request class rank information on all applicants. Class rank compares students to the rest

of their class in terms of GPA. This factor assists the committee to learn if the high

school has a grade inflation issue and the competitiveness of the high school. College will

issue additional factors when considering admission status. Examples include minority

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

status, first generation status, recommendations, essays/statements and extenuating


It is true that applying for college requires a lot, one must possess academic

competitiveness and high academic achievement. Sometimes applicants who failed to

meet some of these requirements are often ceded to other colleges which the applicant is

suitable for. Academic competence gives the college a higher edge in development and

also provides the student a better edge in what that individual will face in the upcoming

years, that is why academic committee of different colleges require the applicant’s rank

information in order to determine if the applicant has the potentials or not. As one

competes to survive in college, that person also learns how to struggle in the everyday

challenges one meets in life. In relation to the factors that affect a student’s decision,

higher potential allows the student to widen his or her view in choosing the right

university campus suited for his or her desired course.

College institutes also seek information about the applicant’s status, this also

becomes the basis of the personage’s potentials through recommendations from the

previous school, family status, essays by the applicant and more. In relations, the status of

the student in both the previous school and in the family also becomes a great factor.

College admission counselors will review the student’s high school curriculum to

ensure proper college preparatory courses have been taken. These courses include

English, social studies, math, science, foreign languages, and fine art. Involvement in

sports and clubs shows various character qualities like leadership, honesty, respect, and

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

teamwork. Colleges also want students to continue to participate in college activities

where the student can use these character qualities. Service to the community is a key

factor in today's admission game. Volunteering demonstrates a commitment to bettering

society through unselfish acts. Volunteering activities need to be on the larger scale rather

than multiple small ones.

High School subjects (mainly Science, English, Mathematics and others like

foreign languages, arts, Social Studies) are like the building blocks of the student’s

desired course. Possessing more knowledge in these areas will certainly be an advantage

for the individual, they are more capable of gripping all the lessons they will encounter.

Students who are involved in many curriculum activities like volunteering and active in

the field of sports are more likely to show good qualities like leadership and teamwork in

their team, respect to oneself and to others, devoting oneself to his/her responsibilities

and more.

Overall, colleges want students who demonstrate well roundedness and have gone

the way of holistic admission process. Students who can present themselves on various

personal levels will be more attractive to admission counselors.

A well-mannered and responsible student shows that he or she really is. During

their college life they are trained to become physically and mentally better. If an

individual decided to pursue his or her desired course, then it is more likely that the

individual will show better progress rather than pursuing a course he or she does not like.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

It is true that choosing for a college course requires a lot of thinking. Besides, it

involved evaluation in its genuine and valid sense. One cannot summarize options in one

listing and define circumstances instantaneously. Moreover, if the college course is on the

angle of this predicament; then one factor can never leave this equation: financial




Logistic regression is used to explore the role that peers play in the college-going

decisions of a sample of low-income urban minority public high school graduates drawn

from the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS:88) database.

Peer pressure becomes a factor in career decision making because individuals

who are closely involved with their friends tend to be involved in the decision of their

friends. Take example in career choice, if one person chooses Nursing, other will also be

forced to choose Nursing because they don’t want to be independent from them.

Sometimes peers influence others to take that certain course because they think that it is

better for them to take that particular course. As a result, the choice they made is not

suited for them. (

Andrew Sokatch, Education and Urban Society, (unknown place and name of

publication), 2006

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Advantages of deciding career on own: It makes them more independent, they are

responsible for their actions, they are more aware of the pitfalls in a particular avocation,

they are prepared to face the consequences of a wrong choice in career matters rather

than blame their elders, they choose what they like the most. Disadvantages of deciding

career on own: teenagers are immature, they are impulsive, and indecision can make

them falter in their choice, rash decision, succumb to peer pressures, know in all types.

Teenagers some feel are too young to decide their own career matters. Parents

particularly are very concerned about their affairs. On the other hand in this modern day

and age, teenagers are revolting against too much parental interference and guidance.



In the past, some teenagers feel insecure about themselves and they think that they

are incapable of deciding their careers, since the parents of these individuals care for their

child’s future, they decide for them. But as time pass by, and as modern day dawns

teenagers become more rebellious. These individuals think that they are capable of

handling different situations on their own; they tend to go against their parents’

interference and guidance. Sometimes these revolts cause the individual to be hurt.

Maturity precedes some of these individuals, they feel that they no longer need

guidance in decision making that’s why they tend to ignore school and parent’s guidance

and being affected by peer pressure. This independent action has certain advantages, one

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

of these are making that individual more responsible and making them aware of the

consequences of an action. Some teenagers become successful in life by being

independent, they are capable of handling different situations through the use of their

mental and physical capabilities. But all actions have consequences, one of these

disadvantages is that some individuals become too immature. Their eager desire for

independence leads them to making the wrong decision and leading them to wrong paths

in life. They tend to succumb to life’s challenges because of eagerness and


Today's challenging economy has been very harsh for students who are hoping to

attend higher education to further their studies and hopefully, get better jobs upon

graduating. But often, various obstacles tend to block this route and this challenge often

comes from one object: money. Pursuing your dreams after college will always remain a

possibility, with or without money said Anne Jones in her article in association to college

course decision making. (Read more:


Students/935155#ixzz0efACpbrh. Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No


Studying will not be a question for those with eagerness to earn a college degree.

However, despite all these eagerness and fervor lies the fact that not all students can

afford the course they primarily want. The problem at hand is that their financial stability

limits their choice which latter led them to a more, said practical course. As cited by

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Anne Jones, “Pursuing your dreams will always remain a possibility, with or without

money.” Positive thinking, yet if the assurance will only key in the decision, then that

student will prefer the one wherein he can find the means to continue rationally. A

glimpse of risks along this part where one decides critically, describes a hesitation of why

pursue that course if the chances are too low for that student to endure anyway; regarding

the expenses that are to be covered. One might disregard his interest over this matter and

end up with a college course he is aware he won’t be able to excel or fit in. This in time

will be a more serious concern, anticipating wasted efforts, finances, opportunities and

time. That, for instance is the situation where the researcher’s wouldn’t assume the

students to engage in if they did not arrive to an appropriate and logical decision.

A simple explanation of the economic facts of life is seldom enough for the desire

to do better for your children when your parents could do for you go even deeper. What

must be done is consistently and over a period of years to compare the private and public

colleges in all aspects, including cost if you seek them out, the facts will speak for

themselves. (Moneywise, 1985) There are several types of solutions you can apply to

your financial aid problems. Scholarships are one of the most common solutions because

students do not have to pay these back and they are often awarded for several semesters

of study. Scholarships are generally based on need, academic transcripts, fields of study

and academic background. There are several scholarships through the government and

private contributors and the school of your choice may even offer their own scholarships.

Grants are another solution to financial aid problems because grants are basically free

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

money. Students must meet certain qualifications (usually full-time status with a “C”

average or better) or else the grant will be revoked. If you do not qualify for scholarships

or grants due to tour family’s financial situation or your academic transcript, you can

check into loans and work-study programs. Work-study programs are ideal for students

who may not have great academic transcripts because these programs are neither loans

nor grants. Students work part-time at the university or at a job related to their course of

study. (

Weighing the consequences of choosing for a college course considering financial

stability determines a complicated mental work. But then as to any other problems came

to arise is a solution. There are student loans, financial grants and assistances and other

ways to pay for college expenses. Though financial aid problems maybe a subject for a

diffidence regarding on what course it is to choose; it will not always reside on the line

that it limits the student’s option and hinders them to pursue that course. As mentioned

from above, there are several ways to support and prepare for college finances.

College admission counselors need to be sure that the potential student has the

ability to academically successful while at college. The best indicators for success are the

student's grade point average (GPA) and college entrance exams. The higher the grade

point average and test score, the likelihood that student has gained the necessary

academic skills to transfer to college level academics. It is true that different colleges

require a certain passing mark to be admitted in the school. Higher marks in college

entrance exams and in their GPAs means that the student is capable of higher academic

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

achievement. Students who didn’t meet the passing marks are alluded to other colleges

which they are suited for.



High school GPAs cannot stand alone. College admission counselors will review

the student's high school curriculum to ensure proper college preparatory courses have

been taken. These courses include English, social studies, math, science, Foreign

languages, and arts. Students can demonstrate mastery in these areas by taking the

courses at an honors or Advanced Placement. Students must be suited to the courses they

take in order to fully advance their knowledge in their desired field. Taking courses not

suitable to the student can lead them to future careers they are not suited in. That is why

some colleges/universities conduct interviews after the student passed the exam in order

to determine whether they are determined to take the course or not. (http://college-

The admission committee will request class rank information on all applicants.

Class rank compares students to the rest of their class in terms of GPA. This factor assists

the committee to learn if the high school has a grade inflation issue and/or the

competitiveness of the high school. Academic competence is a desired characteristic of

colleges/universities. These competent people are capable of higher academic

achievements and better future careers. Students with no competent characteristic are

likely to have a standard life even though they have the brains. Universities with high

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

standards seek individuals with higher ranking in their previous schools and greater

competent ability in academics.



Involvement in sports and clubs shows various character qualities like leadership,

honesty, respect, and teamwork. These qualities directly transfer to the college

community and eventually to the world of work. Colleges also want students to continue

to participate in college activities where the student can use these character qualities.

Common activities include sport teams, intramural sport teams, student clubs, sororities

and fraternities, student newspapers, student council and more. Leadership is a must have

ability for a student, this enables that individual to lead others into success. Honesty,

respect and teamwork are also must have abilities for a student. These traits make a

successful individual and make that person capable of handling different situations that

will come.



Service to the community is a key factor in today's admission game. Volunteering

demonstrates a commitment to bettering society through unselfish acts. Volunteering

activities need to be on the larger scale rather than multiple small ones. For example,

participating in a walk-a-thon to raise money for a cause only takes a few hours of time.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Students need to show their commitment to the cause on a larger scale. An

example could be for the student to set a money goal for the cause and create a walking

team as well as additional fundraisers to meet the goal. Volunteering that solves a

community problem is an attractive attribute in the eyes of the admission committee.

Students who are active in volunteering in different activities for the development of the

society will gain knowledge in handling small and large scale commitments like setting

higher goals in life, or goals that aims to help others to progress as well. Colleges also

aim to have these kinds of student to further their knowledge in volunteerism as well as

developing their determination to achieve.



Colleges will use additional factors when considering admission status. Examples

include minority status, first generation status, recommendations, essays/statements, and

extenuating circumstances. The students’ status serves also as a foundation in their

standings in both their school and college. But that doesn’t mean that more money means

the person is smart, sometimes person will less income have the brains. Previous school

records also become the basis of their admission in the university. (http://college-

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Overall, colleges want students who demonstrate well roundedness and have gone

the way of holistic admission process. Students who can present themselves on various

personal levels will be more attractive to admission counselors. On the same level,

students who can separate themselves from the mass of other applicants are desired. If

students can do this, they become attractive to college admission committees. This is true,

stating that students who present themselves are more likely be admired by the university

they are entering. Students who show determination, perseverance and has high standards

in their school have higher chance of achieving success. Its important to have these traits

in order to become a model to others striving success. (http://college-

Deciding on which college to attend is not a gut reaction. It requires mature and

serious discussion and may not, in the long run, lead to the initial choice. Considered the

cost facts, all parties involved in the discussion come away from very fired decision

feeling comfortable. If at the end of the freshmen semester, the decision needs to be

revisited, undergraduates can always consider transferring.

There are many decisions to be made when selecting the type of education and

training you will need when completing high school like many other choices you will

make in life, there are positives and negatives tat need to be considered. One major factor

why its hard for students to choose which school they would attend to during college is

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

the prestige of the school. They consider its reputation, popularity and quality of

education. Their future relies on the school they choose but it is still based on their

capability. That's why students should be well trained and practical. When graduates

become experts and have been recognized, it's the school's honor. The institution's

standards increase. Thus making the school's ratings higher as the students execute

superb performance

A good way to assess the academic focus of a college is to consider the most

popular majors and percentages of students in those majors. A college where most of the

students major in engineering obviously has different strength and focus than a college

where most of the students major in arts or humanities. With that said, do not eliminate a

college simply because your intended major is not one of the top three, as long as you

understand what the college' most popular subjects are.


Since some colleges offer courses which are not their top of the line, it is a must

for the students to choose schools that excel with what course they prefer. It should be

carefully examined. Nevertheless, if the student passed in one of the best school in the

country but didn't qualify in the course he really wants, second thoughts might arrive. It is

up to the student whether to choose that best school or proceed to the school where he

passed and met the qualifications for his real choice. Every factor must be carefully

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

weighed. It's all about grabbing the opportunity and taking the risks in finding a place

where one student feels like he belongs.

Synthesis of the Review

The preceding pages convey a resemblance that decision-making is the logical

way of setting one’s mind to choose amidst the possibilities to satisfy man’s ease.

Thousands of typical young people have problems about school. Relating the given

definition to the researchers’ subject matter, the students’ abilities make a great impact on

their decision regarding which course they will go for. Thus, it requires critical decision-

making more than anything else. The researchers found this true since most of the youth

today experience lack of self-esteem when it comes to the fact that they are pressured to

do well in college.

The law allows parents to bring up their children according to their own values

and beliefs. Parental responsibility includes: Providing a home for their children and;

Choosing and providing for their child’s education. There are times in which the parents

interfere in the college course decision making because of problems such as financial

stability and the university they have been to. Their concern is much relevant in a way

that they give assessment to their children. But sometimes, their mode of doing so is

incorrect. (

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Statement of the Problem

The Factors that Affect Student’s Decision Making in choosing their College


1. What are the factors that affect graduating students’ decision in choosing their

college courses?

1.1 Do parents dictate what their children MUST choose?

1.2 Does financial stability affect (or support) the availability and duration of the


1.2.1 for example, medical courses need above average financial support

since it is subjected for 8-10 years and includes laboratory equipment

and surgery apparatus

1.3 Are teenagers concerned of the practicality of the course?

1.3.1 Many people (especially the youth) demand for jobs right after


1.3.2 The youth today wants to secure a stable job after taking the course.

1.4 Does “bandwagon effect” influence much of the youth’s mind especially

when it is confused in choosing the right path?

1.4.1 For example, teenagers today take accountancy because their friends

take it too.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

1.4.2 Many teenagers take nursing because the T.V. Advertisements states

that some people abroad demand for nurse and caregivers thus giving

them the security after graduation.

2. What are the experiences of college students after they are influenced by the

factors mentioned above?

2.1 Do they experience boredom or they want to quit as soon as possible?

2.2 Do they experience difficulties?

2.3 Do they experience changes and discrimination?

2.4 Do they just continue it since they don’t like to disappoint their parents?

3. In the present time, how are those who graduated/ completed the course that they

like? How about those whom they didn’t?

3.1 Are they successful or not?

3.2 What are their experiences?


The researchers hypothesized that:

Ho1: There are significant differences between the factors that affect college

decision-making in percent of the participants.

Ho2: There are significant relationships between the factors that affect college

decision-making in percent of the participants.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Ho3: Among all the factors that affect students’ decision in choosing their college

course, parents and financial stability have the most impact on them.

Significance of the Study

In various ways every study has its own importance and implication. Earlier, the

importance of critical thinking which results to a good-decision when it comes in

choosing college courses were laid. Pursuing this study will serve and give the readers a

number of purposes. The researchers believe that this study will benefit the following:

Administrators. This study would serve as a reading that will enable them to work

with the teachers in helping a student choose the career path they are about to take. It will

also help them in conducting workshops and seminars in alignment with decision


Teachers. The information gathered disclose the possibilities that the teachers

would be able to give appropriate recommendations regarding the students’ abilities.

They also become one of the important factors in the realization of a student’s goals and

vision. This may help them understand the significance of knowing on how to motivate

students in picking a goal cause for a better future.

Guidance Counselors. As part of guidance counselors’ expertise regarding career

orientation, this study would help them assess the students prolifically. With this study,

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

they will have wider reviews and ideas on how to handle or counsel students who needs

guidance about what course fits their interests and God-given talents and abilities..

Parents. The research aims to help the parents understand their child’s endeavor.

They would be also innovated to work and support the teachers in giving assistance to

their children. Moreover, they will be informed the great role they will play in fostering

decision making towards the students’ future and in setting their goal.

Pupils. Particularly graduating high school students. The object of learning and

direct benefactors of the advantages of the study. They would be more aware of their

interests and more certain of what they want to become in the near future.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is limited to determine the effects of the factors that affect the students'

decision in choosing their college course. This study includes the fourth year students of

Our Lady of Peace School, Antipolo City; college students; and alumni of Our Lady of

Peace School, Antipolo City.

The study was conducted during the first two months of the last semester,

academic year 2009-2010. Out of the two-hundred eighty (280) candidates for graduation

of the high school students of Our Lady of Peace School, the researchers only chose

forty-five (45) to answer the questionnaires.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Certain variables were included by the researchers to determine the effect of the

factors that affect the students' decision in their college course. These variables includes

the students' family income, place in the family and reasons that made that student choose

the college course.

Definition of Terms

The following major keywords used in this study were defined in the purpose of

better understanding and clarity in the context of the research.

Ability. Refers to the students’ competence in an activity or occupation because of

one's skill, training, or other qualification. (

Academic Progress. It is the measure of an individual’s academic advancement

when it comes to his commitment at school.

Bandwagon. A cause or party that attracts increasing numbers of adherents.


College Course Decision-Making. Refers to the critical state in which young

individuals decide which path are they in to.

Financial Stability. The capacity of which each household has a monetary balance

Grade Point Average (GPA). It is the weighted average grade of students and is

used by universities as a mode of reference for admission.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Gut Reaction. A basic and immediate response to something.


Parents’ Responsibilities. Refers to the contractual obligation of the parents to

their offspring.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines



This chapter includes the research design used, the participants involved, the

instruments used, the process of data gathering method and the procedure in data


Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive-survey method. This method determines or

describes the nature of an object. The process of descriptive research goes beyond mere

gathering and tabulation of data. It involves the elements of interpretations of the

meaning or significance of what is described. Thus, description is often combined with

comparison and contrast involving measurements, classifications, interpretation and

evaluation. In this study, it described the profile of the participants and it looked into the

significant difference and relationship in the factors that affect students’ decision in

choosing their college course.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


The study was accomplished in Our Lady of Peace School, one of the Catholic

Schools in the City of Antipolo. It was a former Parochial School but was now altered

into a Cathedral School beside the National Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good

Voyage in P. Oliveros St., Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo City.

The participants in this study were the Fourth Year students of the said school and

were enrolled for the academic year 2009-2010. The researchers decided to choose only

forty-five (45) students among all six sections of the Fourth Year level. The investigators

used total enumeration of the fourth year students of all six sections. The student

population of the Fourth Year Students of Our Lady of Peace School is composed of two-

hundred eighty (280) and the researchers found it more accurate to choose only forty-five


In identifying the included participants, the researchers used simple random

technique or known as the fishbowl technique. The school registrar provided a list of

names of all seniors, cut it down one by one, and placed on a small box. The first forty-

five (45) drawn served as the participants. Table 1 shows the distribution of the


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Table 1. Distribution of the Participants According to Section

Section Population %

St. Timothy 11 24.44

Pere Chauvet 6 13.33

Angel Raphael 5 11.11

St. Florence 7 15.56

Angel Michael 8 17.78

Angel Gabriel 8 17.78

Total 45 100.00


The main instrument used in this study was the questionnaire, which consisted of

three parts: Part I was the profile of the participants; Part II was the survey; and Part III

was the interview part.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Profile Questionnaire. It was the first part of the questionnaire. It asked for the

participants’ background including name, year and section, sex, academic performance,

family monthly income, parents’ highest educational attainment, and the number of

family member studying.

Survey. The survey-type was the second part of the questionnaire. It was designed

to determine the preference of the participants when it comes to the factors that affect

their decision-making process. It is composed of five items that discussed five relevant

issues to college course decision-making: Parents, Financial Stability, Practicality,

Course, and University.

Interview. This was the third and last part of the questionnaire. It was a question

and answer type designed to verify the problems of the youth today when it comes to

various problems, obstacles, assets, possible solutions, and probable results.

In preparing the survey questionnaire, the researchers reviewed several readings

and revision from certain Psychology books, articles about career counseling, and online

resources as bases of the concepts to be tested relative to the study. With the permission

of the researchers’ mentor, the questionnaires were distributed among the participants

composed of forty-five students.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Data Gathering Procedure

After a meticulous revision, the study was administered to the selected to the

pupil participants of the fourth year high school students in Our Lady of Peace School

during the fourth quarter of the academic year.

Prior to the administration of the survey, the researchers first sought permission

from the authors’ mentor in Communication Arts English as a matter of courtesy. Upon

the approval of the request, the researchers personally oriented the participants with

regard on how they will answer the profile questionnaire and the survey-interview part.

The participants were given questionnaire and allotted five minutes to fill out. A one-on-

one interview was conducted immediately right after the filling out the questionnaires in

order to further explain their answers. The questionnaires were retrieved, tallied,

tabulated and interpreted.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines



This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered. The Presentation
follows the sequence of the problem posed in chapter 1.

Profile of the Participant

Presented in Table 2 is the frequency count and percentage distribution of the
participants according to the selected profile variables.

As seen on Table 2, majority of the participants are female with a total of 31 or

68.69 percent as compared to male participants with a total of 14 or 31.11 percent. This is
possible since most of the fourth year high school students of Our Lady of Peace School
are comprised of female students.

Table 2. Distribution of the Participants According to the Selected Demographic


Variables # of Participants Percentage

Male 14 31.11
Female 31 68.69
90 & above 11 24.45
85-89 18 40.00
80-84 14 31.11
75-79 2 4.44
Family Income
A 25 55.56
B 4 8.89
C 7 15.56
D 6 13.33
E 2 4.44
F 1 2.22

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Highest Educational
A. Mother

High School Undergraduate 0 00.00

High School Graduate 6 13.33
College Undergraduate 7 15.56
College Graduate 30 66.67
With MA Units 1 2.22
Doctorate Degree Holder 1 2.22
B. Father

High School Undergraduate 1 2.22

High School Graduate 4 8.89
College Undergraduate 5 11.11
College Graduate 31 68.69
With MA Units 2 4.44
Doctorate Degree Holder 2 4.44
Number of Family
Members (Studying)

0 3 6.67
1 12 62.67
2 23 51.10
3 4 8.59
4 3 6.67

Survey Part Yes Percentage No Percentage

Question # 1 11 24.44 34 75.56

Question # 2 35 77.78 10 22.22
Question # 3 39 86.67 6 13.33

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

In terms of family monthly income, 25 or 55.56 percent of have a family income

of P30,000 above while only 1 or 2.22 percent has a family income of P10,000 below.

With this it can be attributed that most of the participants belong to high-income earners.

When it comes to the number of family members studying, Table 2 shows that

most of the participants have 2 family members studying than of 15 attributed from only

1 family member who is currently studying. While 3 of them answered that they have 4

family members studying. This finding implies that most of the families today still

prioritize education above all necessities.

The survey part implies that most of the participants’ parents do not dictate their

college course with a number of 34 or 75.56 percent than of 11 or 24.44 percent who

dictate what they must take. Most of the participants stated that their family income

supports their course with 35 or 77.78 percent than those of 10 or 22.22 percent who

answered that their income cannot sustain. And lastly, most of the participants answered

that they are practical with regards to their course with 39 or 86.67 percent than those

who are not with a number of 6 or 13.33 percent.


Based on the analysis and interpretations done on the data gathered, several

findings divulged in this perspective of its statement of the problems are summarized:

1. Seeing that the profile of the participant, the majority are female(31 or

68.69%), obtain an average of 80-89(18 or 40%) and belong to a family of

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

high-income earners(25 or 55.56%) most of the participants belonged to a

family of 2 members studying(23 or 62.67%) whose parents are college

graduates(30 or 66.67% for mothers and 31 or 68.69% for fathers).

2. In terms of the factors that affect the graduating students’ decision choosing

their college courses, it was found out that:

2.1 Most of the participants’ parents(34 or 75.46%) do not interfere with what

course their child wants.

2.2 Most of the participants(35 or 77.78%) are not cited financial stability as

the main hindrance in choosing the course they like.

2.3 In the concept of the course’s practicality, 39 or 86.67% of the participants

are concerned with.

3. In terms of how the students chose their course, it was shown that:

3.1 Several of the participants(23 or 51.10%) considered their capability on

the course they chose.

3.2 Most of the participants(27 or 60%) were informed due to the university’s


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines



This division provides the summary of the research, presents the conclusion

drawn based on the findings of the study and offers recommendation for teaching-

learning improvement and further studies.


This research aimed to evaluate the factors that affect students’ decision in

choosing their college courses of the fourth year high school students of Our Lady of

Peace School in Antipolo City. Particularly it sought answers to describe the profile of

the participants in terms of their sex, academic performance, family monthly income,

parents’ highest educational attainment and the number of family members studying. It

determined the factors that affect the participants’ decision-making process with respect

to their personal attainment and family background. It verified the the participants’

decision across factors which affects them. Finally, it proposed a plan of action to help

graduating students determine their college path ahead of time.

This study utilized the descriptive-survey method of research. The main

instrument used in this study was the questionnaire, which consisted of three parts: Part I

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

was the profile of the participants; Part II was the survey; and Part III was the interview

part. These three parts aimed to determine the factors that affect students’ decision in

choosing their college courses.


The researchers conclude that:

1. One of the biggest problems of a particular graduating high school student is

to decide on what course they will take in college. Accepting the fact that

there are mere factors that affects their decisions. The factor that affects the

most with regards to college course decision-making is the financial stability

of the family. With this, the student finds it complicated to decide whether to

go for the course that he or she desires or to go for the course that his or her

family can afford.

2. Money is the greatest obstacle that serves as a hindrance on the path of a

student. As said before, most of the students motivate themselves to take a

specific course by their trust on themselves and their family members that

they can really achieve it. Moreover, this trust serves as their inspiration as

they build up their foundation of their future.

3. Students’ advantage that they have to work with is their own skill. The

students have the potential to pursue their career because the skill they have is

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

appropriate for their course. Their skills are cultivated in their homes and as

well in their school.

4. The most precise possible solution that a student can do to get what they want

is to study hard. Finishing high school is a one-step ahead for them in

reaching their goals. In college, the students’ goal is to study harder for them

to graduate and to have a good job right after they graduate.

5. Nearly everyone, if they do it, they landed at the same probable results: to

have their own business or work for a company. Students’ believe that they

can do it. If they all have this much enthusiasm to pursue their career, the

researchers can conclude that all students will be successful, thus, so will our



After a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby made:

The study centers on decision making for graduating high school students, it represents

the idea given that students encounter a crossroad that in either way may impact their


1. The improved scope of hypothesis and researches. The researchers must try to

comply with the nature of the participants in order to accomplish the

completeness of the study in its deepest sense.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

2. Direct interview from the participants is might as well encouraged to prepare

and wring the consistency of their answers.

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


 Andrew Sokatch, Education and Urban Society, (unknown place and name of
publication), 2006









 Moneywise, 1985

 Robert H. Seashore (1962), Your Goals and You: A Guidance Handbook, Science
Research Associates USA

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines




Thesis Writing
The Factors that Affect Students’ Decision in
Choosing their College Courses

Questionnaire for Pupils

(High School Graduating Students of
Our Lady of Peace School)
February 2010

Part I: Profile of the Participant

Name: _____________________________________ Year and Section: _________
Sex: ____ Male ____ Female

Average: 90 above 85-89 80-84 75-79
Family Monthly Income:
a. ________ P 30, 000 above d. ________ P 15,000 – P 19,999
b. ________ P 25, 000 – P 29,999 e. ________ P 10,000 – P 14,999
c. ________ P 20,000 – P 24,999 f. ________ P 10,000 below

Parents Highest Educational Attainment

Mother Father
______ Elementary Undergraduate _____
______ Elementary Graduate _____
______ High School Undergraduate _____
______ High School Graduate _____
______ College Undergraduate _____
______ College Graduate _____
______ With MA units _____
______ MA Degree Holder _____
______ With Doctorate Degree Unit _____
______ Doctorate Degree Holder _____

No. of family members studying: _______

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Part II: Answer the following questions.

1. Do your parents dictate what course you must take?
2. Does financial stability support the duration and availability of your desired
3. Are you concerned with the practicality of the course?

Encircle your answer(You can choose as many as you can).

4. How were you able to choose your course?
a. My parents says so. d. My friends prefer it.
b. Because there are jobs secured for e. It is in demand in the country and
me after graduation. abroad.
c. Because I’m good at it.

5. How were you able to choose your university?

a. TV advertisements d. Parents
b. Flyers e. Reputation of the university
c. Friends f. Courses offered

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines

Part III: Answer the following questions.

(If I do it, what may
(What bothers you
in difficulties (What advantages do SOLUTION be the results?)
choosing your college
seem to be in my I have? e.g. my
(What can I do to get
course?) way?) Parents trust me; I
what I want?)
excel in academics)

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Kenneth Eduard Castillo Alba

Address: Blk 15 Lot 13 Jefferson St, Cuesta Verde, Antipolo City,
Date of Birth: June 11, 1993
Place of Birth: City of Manila
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Jun Eduardo Alba
- Mother: Maribeth Castillo-Alba

Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–

Elementary: Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Treesha Beatrice E. Bertol

Address: #17 Swan St., Marville Park subd., Antipolo City
Date of Birth: May 27, 1993
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Antonio Maninang Bertol III
- Mother: Ma. Regina Gallego Estañol

Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–

Elementary: Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Katherine Denise E. De Mesa

Address: Masagana Village, Angono Rizal
Date of Birth: February 14, 1994
Place of Birth: Antipolo city
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Michael Legaspi De Mesa
- Mother: Katherine Denise E. De Mesa

Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–

Elementary: Lady of the Rosary School

Antipolo City

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Fritz Gerald Golamco Martin

Address: NFA, Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City 1870
Date of Birth: July 22, 1993
Place of Birth: City of Manila
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Virgilio Baquizal Martin III
- Mother: Rebecca Lorenzo Golamco-Martin
Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–
Entertainment Editor of the OLPSian Times (School Paper)
Community Extension Services Head (Students’
Coordinating Team)
Flag Advocate
Ginoong Agham 2009

Elementary: Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City
Children’s Learning Center
Antipolo City

Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Sharee Sonido Mestosamente

Address: 5010 Rosal St., Solid Cement Compound, Antipolo City
Date of Birth: March 28, 1994
Place of Birth: Tondo, Manila
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Renato Vera Mestosamente
- Mother: Susan Sonido

Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–

Elementary: Marian School Foundation of Antipolo Inc.


Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City, Philippines


Name: Ma. Karlson Reyes Zaguirre

Address: 134 Waling-waling St., San Antonio Village, Antipolo City
Date of Birth: March 14, 1993
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Parents- Father: Ramon Elento Zaguirre
- Mother: Elsa Montemayor Reyes

Secondary: Our Lady of Peace School
Antipolo City
ESC Scholar (Fund for Assistance to Private Education–

Elementary: Our Lady of Peace School

Antipolo City


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