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G.R. No. 141536. February 26, 2001 11) The Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment in Case #C21-00265 dated December 12, 1991 is contrary
to the laws, public policy and canons of morality obtaining in the Philippines and the enforcement of such
GIL MIGUEL T. PUYAT, Petitioner, v. RON ZABARTE, Respondent. judgment in the Philippines would result in the unjust enrichment of [respondent] at the expense of [petitioner]
in this case.
12) The Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment in Case #C21-00265 dated December 12, 1991 is null and
void and unenforceable in the Philippines.

13) In the transaction, which is the subject matter in Case #C21-00265, [petitioner] is not in any way liable, in
Summary judgment in a litigation is resorted to if there is no genuine issue as to any material fact, other than
fact and in law, to [respondent] in this case, as contained in [petitioners] Answer to Complaint in Case #C21-
the amount of damages. If this verity is evident from the pleadings and the supporting affidavits, depositions
00265 dated April 1, 1991, Annex B of [respondents] Complaint dated December 6, 1993.
and admissions on file with the court, the moving party is entitled to such remedy as a matter of course.

14) [Respondent] is guilty of misrepresentation or falsification in the filing of his Complaint in this case dated
The Case
December 6, 1993. Worse, [respondent] has no capacity to sue in the Philippines.

Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, challenging the August 31,
15) Venue has been improperly laid in this case.
1999 Decision 1 of the Court of Appeals (CA), which affirmed the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City, Branch
67 in Civil Case No. 64107; and the January 20, 2000 CA Resolution 2 which denied reconsideration.
(Record, pp. 42-44)
The assailed CA Decision disposed as follows:
On 1 August 1994, [respondent] filed a [M]otion for [S]ummary [J]udgment under Rule 34 of the Rules of
Court alleging that the [A]nswer filed by [petitioner] failed to tender any genuine issue as to the material
WHEREFORE, finding no error in the judgment appealed from, the same is AFFIRMED."3
facts. In his [O]pposition to [respondents] motion, [petitioner] demurred as follows:

The Facts
2) [Petitioner] begs to disagree[;] in support hereof, [he] wishes to mention that in his Answer with Special and
Affirmative Defenses dated March 16, 1994 [petitioner] has interposed that the Judgment on Stipulations for
The facts of this case, as narrated by the Court of Appeals, are as follows: 4cräläwvirtualibräry Entry in Judgment is null and void, fraudulent, illegal and unenforceable, the same having been obtained by
means of fraud, collusion, undue influence and/or clear mistake of fact and law. In addition, [he] has maintained
It appears that on 24 January 1994, [Respondent] Ron Zabarte commenced [an action] to enforce the money that said Judgment on Stipulations for Entry in Judgment was obtained without the assistance of counsel for
judgment rendered by the Superior Court for the State of California, County of Contra Costa, U.S.A. On 18 March [petitioner] and without sufficient notice to him and therefore, was rendered in violation of his constitutional
1994, [petitioner] filed his Answer with the following special and affirmative defenses: rights to substantial and procedural due process.

xxx The [M]otion for [S]ummary [J]udgment was set for hearing on 12 August 1994 during which [respondent]
marked and submitted in evidence the following:
8) The Superior Court for the State of California, County of Contra Costa[,] did not properly acquire jurisdiction
over the subject matter of and over the persons involved in [C]ase #C21-00265. Exhibit A - x x x Judgment on Stipulation For Entry In Judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of
California[,] County of Contra Costa[,] signed by Hon. Ellen James, Judge of the
9) The Judgment on Stipulations for Entry in Judgment in Case #C21-00265 dated December 12, 1991 was Superior Court.
obtained without the assistance of counsel for [petitioner] and without sufficient notice to him and therefore,
was rendered in clear violation of [petitioners] constitutional rights to substantial and procedural due process. Exhibit B - x x x Certificate of Authentication of the [O]rder signed by the Hon. Ellen James, issued by the
Consulate General of the Republic of the Philippines.
10) The Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment in Case #C21-00265 dated December 12, 1991 was
procured by means of fraud or collusion or undue influence and/or based on a clear mistake of fact and law. Exhibit C - [R]eturn of the [W]rit of [E]xecution (writ unsatisfied) issued by the sheriff/marshall, County of
Santa Clara, State of California.

Exhibit D - [W]rit of [E]xecution Citing Ingenohl v. Olsen, 8 the CA also rejected petitioners argument that the RTC should have dismissed the
action for the enforcement of a foreign judgment, on the ground of forum non conveniens. It reasoned out that
Exhibit 'E' [P]roof of [S]ervice of copies of [W]rit of [E]xecution, [N]otice of [L]evy, [M]emorandum of the recognition of the foreign judgment was based on comity, reciprocity and res judicata.
[G]arnishee, [E]xemptions from [E]nforcement of [J]udgment.
Hence, this Petition. 9
Exhibit F - Certification issued by the Secretary of State, State of California that Stephen Weir is the duly
elected, qualified and acting [c]ounty [c]lerk of the County of Contra Costa of the Issue
State of California.
In his Memorandum, petitioner submits this lone but all-embracing issue:
Exhibit G - Certificate of [A]uthentication of the [W]rit of [E]xecution.
Whether or not the Court of Appeals acted in a manner x x x contrary to law when it affirmed the Order of the
On 6 April 1995, the court a quo issued an [O]rder granting [respondents] [M]otion for [S]ummary [J]udgment trial court granting respondents Motion for Summary Judgment and rendering judgment against the
[and] likewise granting [petitioner] ten (10) days to submit opposing affidavits, after which the case would be petitioner.10cräläwvirtualibräry
deemed submitted for resolution (Record, pp. 152-153). [Petitioner] filed a [M]otion for [R]econsideration of the
aforesaid [O]rder and [respondent] filed [C]omment. On 30 June 1995, [petitioner] filed a [M]otion to [D]ismiss In his discussion, petitioner contends that the CA erred in ruling in this wise:
on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case and forum-non-conveniens (Record, pp.
166-170). In his [O]pposition to the [M]otion (Record, pp. 181-182) [respondent] contended that [petitioner
1. That his Answer failed to tender a genuine issue of fact regarding the following:
could] no longer question the jurisdiction of the lower court on the ground that [the latters] Answer had failed
to raise the issue of jurisdiction. [Petitioner] countered by asserting in his Reply that jurisdiction [could] not be
fixed by agreement of the parties. The lower court dismissed [his] [M]otion for [R]econsideration and [M]otion (a) the jurisdiction of a foreign court over the subject matter
[to] [D]ismiss (Record, pp. 196-198), x x x.
(b) the validity of the foreign judgment
The RTC 5 eventually rendered its February 21, 1997 Decision, 6 which disposed as follows:
(c) the judgments conformity to Philippine laws, public policy, canons of morality, and norms against
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering [petitioner] to pay [respondent] the following amounts: unjust enrichment

1. The amount of U.S. dollars $241,991.33, with the interest of legal rate from October 18, 1991, or its peso 2. That the principle of forum non conveniens was inapplicable to the instant case.
equivalent, pursuant to the [J]udgment of [S]tipulation for [E]ntry in [J]udgment dated December 19, 1991;
This Courts Ruling
2. The amount of P30,000.00 as attorneys fees;
The Petition has no merit.
3. To pay the costs of suit.
First Question: Summary Judgment
The claim for moral damages, not having been substantiated, it is hereby denied.7
Petitioner vehemently insists that summary judgment is inappropriate to resolve the case at bar, arguing that his
Ruling of the Court of Appeals Answer allegedly raised genuine and material factual matters which he should have been allowed to prove
during trial.
Affirming the trial court, the Court of Appeals held that petitioner was estopped from assailing the judgment
that had become final and had, in fact, been partially executed. The CA also ruled that summary judgment was On the other hand, respondent argues that the alleged genuine issues of fact raised by petitioner are mere
proper, because petitioner had failed to tender any genuine issue of fact and was merely maneuvering to delay conclusions of law, or propositions arrived at not by any process of natural reasoning from a fact or a
the full effects of the judgment. combination of facts stated but by the application of the artificial rules of law to the facts
pleaded. 11cräläwvirtualibräry

The RTC granted respondents Motion for Summary Judgment because petitioner, in his Answer, admitted the
existence of the Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment. Besides, he had already paid $5,000 to

respondent, as provided in the foreign judgment sought to be enforced. 12 Hence, the trial court ruled that, We disagree. In the absence of proof of California law on the jurisdiction of courts, we presume that such law, if
there being no genuine issue as to any material fact, the case should properly be resolved through summary any, is similar to Philippine law. We base this conclusion on the presumption of identity or similarity, also known
judgment. The CA affirmed this ruling. as processual presumption. 18 The Complaint, 19 which respondent filed with the trial court, was for the
enforcement of a foreign judgment. He alleged therein that the action of the foreign court was for the collection
We concur with the lower courts. Summary judgment is a procedural device for the prompt disposition of of a sum of money, breach of promissory notes, and damages. 20cräläwvirtualibräry
actions in which the pleadings raise only a legal issue, and not a genuine issue as to any material fact.
By genuine issue is meant a question of fact that calls for the presentation of evidence. It should be In our jurisdiction, such a case falls under the jurisdiction of civil courts, not of the Securities and Exchange
distinguished from an issue that is sham, contrived, set in bad faith and patently Commission (SEC). The jurisdiction of the latter is exclusively over matters enumerated in Section 5, PD 902-
unsubstantial. 13cräläwvirtualibräry A, 21 prior to its latest amendment. If the foreign court did not really have jurisdiction over the case, as
petitioner claims, it would have been very easy for him to show this. Since jurisdiction is determined by the
Summary judgment is resorted to in order to avoid long drawn out litigations and useless delays. When allegations in a complaint, he only had to submit a copy of the complaint filed with the foreign court. Clearly,
affidavits, depositions and admissions on file show that there are no genuine issues of fact to be tried, the Rules this issue did not warrant trial.
allow a party to pierce the allegations in the pleadings and to obtain immediate relief by way of summary
judgment. In short, since the facts are not in dispute, the court is allowed to decide the case summarily by Rights to Counsel and to Due Process
applying the law to the material facts.
Petitioner contends that the foreign judgment, which was in the form of a Compromise Agreement, cannot be
Petitioner contends that by allowing summary judgment, the two courts a quo prevented him from presenting executed without the parties being assisted by their chosen lawyers. The reason for this, he points out, is to
evidence to substantiate his claims. We do not agree. Summary judgment is based on facts directly proven by eliminate collusion, undue influence and/or improper exertion of ascendancy by one party over the other. He
affidavits, depositions or admissions. 14 In this case, the CA and the RTC both merely ruled that trial was not alleges that he discharged his counsel during the proceedings, because he felt that the latter was not properly
necessary to resolve the case. Additionally and correctly, the RTC specifically ordered petitioner to submit attending to the case. The judge, however, did not allow him to secure the services of another counsel. Insisting
opposing affidavits to support his contentions that (1) the Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment was that petitioner settle the case with respondent, the judge practically imposed the settlement agreement on him.
procured on the basis of fraud, collusion, undue influence, or a clear mistake of law or fact; and (2) that it was In his Opposing Affidavit, petitioner states:
contrary to public policy or the canons of morality. 15cräläwvirtualibräry
It is true that I was initially represented by a counsel in the proceedings in #C21-00625. I discharged him because
Again, in its Order 16 dated November 29, 1995, the trial court clarified that the opposing affidavits were for I then felt that he was not properly attending to my case or was not competent enough to represent my interest.
[petitioner] to spell out the facts or circumstances [that] would constitute lack of jurisdiction over the subject I asked the Judge for time to secure another counsel but I was practically discouraged from engaging one as the
matter of and over the persons involved in Case No. C21-00265, and that would render the judgment therein Judge was insistent that I settle the case at once with the [respondent]. Being a foreigner and not a lawyer at
null and void. In this light, petitioners contention that he was not allowed to present evidence to substantiate his that I did not know what to do. I felt helpless and the Judge and [respondents] lawyer were the ones telling me
claims is clearly untenable. what to do. Under ordinary circumstances, their directives should have been taken with a grain of salt especially
so [since respondents] counsel, who was telling me what to do, had an interest adverse to mine. But [because]
For summary judgment to be valid, Rule 34, Section 3 of the Rules of Court, requires (a) that there must be no time constraints and undue influence exerted by the Judge and [respondents] counsel on me disturbed and
genuine issue as to any material fact, except for the amount of damages; and (b) that the party presenting the seriously affected my freedom to act according to my best judgment and belief. In point of fact, the terms of the
motion for summary judgment must be entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. 17 As mentioned earlier, settlement were practically imposed on me by the Judge seconded all the time by [respondents] counsel. I was
petitioner admitted that a foreign judgment had been rendered against him and in favor of respondent, and that then helpless as I had no counsel to assist me and the collusion between the Judge and [respondents] counsel
he had paid $5,000 to the latter in partial compliance therewith. Hence, respondent, as the party presenting the was becoming more evident by the way I was treated in the Superior Court of [t]he State of California. I signed
Motion for Summary Judgment, was shown to be entitled to the judgment. the Judgment on Stipulation for Entry in Judgment without any lawyer assisting me at the time and without
being fully aware of its terms and stipulations.22cräläwvirtualibräry
The CA made short shrift of the first requirement. To show that petitioner had raised no genuine issue, it relied
instead on the finality of the foreign judgment which was, in fact, partially executed. Hence, we shall show in the The manifestation of petitioner that the judge and the counsel for the opposing party had pressured him would
following discussion how the defenses presented by petitioner failed to tender any genuine issue of fact, and gain credibility only if he had not been given sufficient time to engage the services of a new lawyer. Respondents
why a full-blown trial was not necessary for the resolution of the issues. Affidavit 23 dated May 23, 1994, clarified, however, that petitioner had sufficient time, but he failed to retain a
counsel. Having dismissed his lawyer as early as June 19, 1991, petitioner directly handled his own defense and
negotiated a settlement with respondent and his counsel in December 1991. Respondent also stated that
petitioner, ignoring the judges reminder of the importance of having a lawyer, argued that he would be the one
to settle the case and pay anyway. Eventually, the Compromise Agreement was presented in court and signed
Petitioner alleges that jurisdiction over Case No. C21-00265, which involved partnership interest, was vested in before Judge Ellen James on January 3, 1992. Hence, petitioners rights to counsel and to due process were not
the Securities and Exchange Commission, not in the Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa. violated.

Unjust Enrichment 1) The belief that the matter can be better tried and decided elsewhere, either because the main aspects of the
case transpired in a foreign jurisdiction or the material witnesses have their residence there;
Petitioner avers that the Compromise Agreement violated the norm against unjust enrichment because the
judge made him shoulder all the liabilities in the case, even if there were two other defendants, G.S.P & Sons, 2) The belief that the non-resident plaintiff sought the forum[,] a practice known as forum shopping[,] merely to
Inc. and the Genesis Group. secure procedural advantages or to convey or harass the defendant;

We cannot exonerate petitioner from his obligation under the foreign judgment, even if there are other 3) The unwillingness to extend local judicial facilities to non-residents or aliens when the docket may already be
defendants who are not being held liable together with him. First, the foreign judgment itself does not mention overcrowded;
these other defendants, their participation or their liability to respondent. Second, petitioners undated
Opposing Affidavit states: [A]lthough myself and these entities were initially represented by Atty. Lawrence L. 4) The inadequacy of the local judicial machinery for effectuating the right sought to be maintained; and
Severson of the Law Firm Kouns, Quinlivan & Severson, x x x I discharged x x x said lawyer. Subsequently, I
assumed the representation for myself and these firms and this was allowed by the Superior Court of the State
The difficulty of ascertaining foreign law.27cräläwvirtualibräry
of California without any authorization from G.G.P. & Sons, Inc. and the Genesis Group. 24 Clearly, it was
petitioner who chose to represent the other defendants; hence, he cannot now be allowed to impugn a decision
based on this ground. None of the aforementioned reasons barred the RTC from exercising its jurisdiction. In the present action, there
was no more need for material witnesses, no forum shopping or harassment of petitioner, no inadequacy in the
local machinery to enforce the foreign judgment, and no question raised as to the application of any foreign law.
In any event, contrary to petitioners contention, unjust enrichment or solutio indebiti does not apply to this
case. This doctrine contemplates payment when there is no duty to pay, and the person who receives the
payment has no right to receive it. 25 In this case, petitioner merely argues that the other two defendants whom Authorities agree that the issue of whether a suit should be entertained or dismissed on the basis of the above-
he represented were liable together with him. This is not a case of unjust enrichment. mentioned principle depends largely upon the facts of each case and on the sound discretion of the trial
court. 28 Since the present action lodged in the RTC was for the enforcement of a foreign judgment, there was
no need to ascertain the rights and the obligations of the parties based on foreign laws or contracts. The parties
We do not see, either, how the foreign judgment could be contrary to law, morals, public policy or the canons of
needed only to perform their obligations under the Compromise Agreement they had entered into.
morality obtaining in the country. Petitioner owed money, and the judgment required him to pay it. That is the
long and the short of this case.
Under Section 48, Rule 39 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, a judgment in an action in personam rendered by
a foreign tribunal clothed with jurisdiction is presumptive evidence of a right as between the parties and their
In addition, the maneuverings of petitioner before the trial court reinforce our belief that his claims are
successors-in-interest by a subsequent title. 29cräläwvirtualibräry
unfounded. Instead of filing opposing affidavits to support his affirmative defenses, he filed a Motion for
Reconsideration of the Order allowing summary judgment, as well as a Motion to Dismiss the action on the
ground of forum non conveniens. His opposing affidavits were filed only after the Order of November 29, 1995 Also, under Section 5(n) of Rule 131, a court -- whether in the Philippines or elsewhere -- enjoys the
had denied both Motions. 26 Such actuation was considered by the trial court as a dilatory ploy which justified presumption that it is acting in the lawful exercise of its jurisdiction, and that it is regularly performing its official
the resolution of the action by summary judgment. According to the CA, petitioners allegations sought to delay duty. 30 Its judgment may, however, be assailed if there is evidence of want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the
the full effects of the judgment; hence, summary judgment was proper. On this point, we concur with both party, collusion, fraud or clear mistake of law or fact. But precisely, this possibility signals the need for a local
courts. trial court to exercise jurisdiction. Clearly, the application of forum non coveniens is not called for.

Second Question: Forum Non Conveniens The grounds relied upon by petitioner are contradictory. On the one hand, he insists that the RTC take
jurisdiction over the enforcement case in order to invalidate the foreign judgment; yet, he avers that the trial
court should not exercise jurisdiction over the same case on the basis of forum non conveniens. Not only do
Petitioner argues that the RTC should have refused to entertain the Complaint for enforcement of the foreign
these defenses weaken each other, but they bolster the finding of the lower courts that he was merely
judgment on the principle of forum non conveniens. He claims that the trial court had no jurisdiction, because
maneuvering to avoid or delay payment of his obligation.
the case involved partnership interest, and there was difficulty in ascertaining the applicable law in California. All
the aspects of the transaction took place in a foreign country, and respondent is not even Filipino.
WHEREFORE , the Petition is hereby DENIEDand the assailed Decision and Resolution AFFIRMED. Double costs
against petitioner.
We disagree. Under the principle of forum non conveniens, even if the exercise of jurisdiction is authorized by
law, courts may nonetheless refuse to entertain a case for any of the following practical reasons:

Melo, (Chairman), Vitug, Gonzaga-Reyes, and Sandoval-Gutierrez, JJ., concur.


Before us are three separate petitions from service contractors that question the legality of awarding
government contracts without public bidding.
Republic of the Philippines
SUPREME COURT The first petition, docketed as G.R. Nos. 146184-85, assails the November 24, 2000 Decision1 of the Court of
Manila Appeals (CA) in consolidated cases CA-G.R. SP Nos. 50087 and 50131. The CA affirmed the November 18, 1998
Order2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 119, Pasay City in Civil Case No. 98-1875 entitled Olongapo
SECOND DIVISION Maintenance Services, Inc. v. Manila International Airport Authority and Antonio P. Gana, granting an injunctive
writ to respondent Olongapo Maintenance Services, Inc. (OMSI).
G.R. Nos. 146184-85 January 31, 2008
The same CA Decision likewise upheld the November 19, 1998 Order 3 of the RTC, Branch 113, Pasay City,
granting an injunctive writ to respondent Triple Crown Services, Inc. (TCSI) in Civil Case No. 98-1885
entitled Triple Crown Services, Inc. v. Antonio P. Gana (In his capacity as General Manager of the Manila
International Airport Authority) and Goodline Staffers & Allied Services, Inc.

The second, docketed as G.R. No. 161117,4 assails the November 28, 2003 CA Decision 5 in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092,
which affirmed the Decision6 dated February 1, 2001 of the RTC, Branch 113, Pasay City and its April 16, 2001
Order7 in Civil Case No. 98-1885, extending the November 19, 1998 injunctive writ adverted to earlier, ordering
G.R. No. 161117 January 31, 2008 petitioners to conduct a public bidding for the areas serviced by respondent TCSI, and denying petitioners’
motion for reconsideration, respectively.
ANTONIO P. GANA (in his capacity as Gen. Manager of the Manila International Airport Authority) and
MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY, petitioners, In the third, docketed as G.R. No. 167827,8 TCSI assails the September 9, 2004 CA Decision9 in CA-G.R. SP No.
vs. 76138, as veritably reiterated in the CA’s April 13, 2005 Resolution, 10 which granted Manila International Airport
TRIPLE CROWN SERVICES, INC., respondent. Authority’s (MIAA’s) petition for certiorari charging TCSI with forum shopping. The CA lifted the March 19, 2003
Writ of Mandamus11 issued by the RTC, Branch 115 in Civil Case No. 03-0025 entitled Triple Crown Services, Inc.
x-------------------------------------------x v. Manila International Airport Authority for Mandamus with Damages.

G.R. No. 167827 January 31, 2008 We consolidated G.R. Nos. 146184-85 with G.R. No. 161117 and G.R. No. 167827 as they all arose from the
cancellation of the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI with MIAA. 12
vs. The antecedent facts are as follows:
OMSI and TCSI were among the five contractors of MIAA which had janitorial and maintenance service contracts
x-------------------------------------------x covering various areas in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Before their service contracts expired on
October 31, 1998, the MIAA Board of Directors, through Antonio P. Gana, then General Manager (GM) of MIAA,
DECISION wrote OMSI and TCSI informing them that their contracts would no longer be renewed after October 31, 1998. 13

VELASCO, JR., J.: On September 28, 1998, TCSI, in a letter to Gana, expressed its concern over the award of its concession area to
a new service contractor through a negotiated contract. It said that to award TCSI’s contract by mere negotiation
would violate its right to equal protection of the law. TCSI thus suggested that a public bidding be conducted and
The rationale behind the requirement of a public bidding, as a mode of awarding government contracts, is to that the effectivity of its service contract be meanwhile extended until a winning bid is declared.
ensure that the people get maximum benefits and quality services from the contracts. More significantly, the
strict compliance with the requirements of a public bidding echoes the call for transparency in government
transactions and accountability of public officers. Public biddings are intended to minimize occasions for A similar letter from OMSI to MIAA followed.14
corruption and temptations to abuse of discretion on the part of government authorities in awarding contracts.
In reply, MIAA wrote TCSI and OMSI reiterating its disinclination to renew the latter’s contracts, adding that it
was to the government’s advantage to instead just negotiate with other contractors. The MIAA said that

awarding a contract through negotiation was in accordance with Section 9 of Executive Order No. (EO) 903; Sec. During the pendency of the appeal of the first TCSI case before the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092, MIAA and TCSI
82 of Republic Act No. (RA) 8522, otherwise known as the General Appropriations Act for 1998; and Sec. 417 of engaged in several exchanges regarding payment of TCSI employees’ salaries. It appears that MIAA promised to
the Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM).15 pay TCSI’s employees who were allegedly not paid their salaries on time. According to MIAA, it had not paid TCSI
the monthly billings per contract owing to the non-submission by TCSI, as required in the contract, of the proper
Consequently, OMSI and TCSI instituted civil cases against MIAA to forestall the termination of their contracts billing requirements and proof of actual payment of TCSI’s employees for the payroll period.
and prevent MIAA from negotiating with other service contractors.
On September 9, 2002, TCSI sent a demand letter 24 to MIAA for contract billings since late June 2002. In the
Civil Case Nos. 98-1875 and 98-1885 letter, TCSI also protested MIAA’s unilateral precondition that the former submit proof of actual wage payment
to its employees. TCSI claimed MIAA’s delay in payment resulted in financial losses for TCSI. TCSI reiterated its
demand on October 4, 2002 for the periods covering July to September 2002, TCSI this time accusing MIAA of
On October 26, 1998, OMSI filed with the Pasay City RTC a Complaint for Injunction and Damages with Prayer
deliberately delaying payment which had adversely affected TCSI’s business since it could not increase its
for Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction 16 against MIAA (OMSI case).
manpower nor buy enough janitorial supplies and materials, making it liable to MIAA for liquidated damages.
Docketed as Civil Case No. 98-1875, the case was raffled to Branch 119 of the court.
TCSI appealed to MIAA to waive the liquidated damages it was charging TCSI for the period July to September
Two days after, TCSI filed Civil Case No. 98-1885 (first TCSI case) for Prohibition, Mandamus and Damages with
Prayer for Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and Injunction 17 against Gana and Goodline Staffers & Allied
On October 30, 2002, MIAA informed TCSI that it was terminating the latter’s contract effective 10 days from
Services, Inc. (Goodline), a service contractor that was awarded the contract heretofore pertaining to TCSI. This
receipt of the notice or on November 14, 2002. 25 As reason therefor, MIAA alleged that TCSI’s manpower was
was raffled to the RTC, Branch 113, Pasay City. The OMSI and TCSI cases are now the consolidated cases G.R.
insufficient and, thus, was delinquent in the delivery of supplies—both in violation of paragraph 9.02 26 of the
Nos. 146184-85.
service contract.

Both Branches 113 and 119 granted TROs to OMSI and TCSI. 18 Subsequently, on November 18, 1998, Branch 119
TCSI protested the termination which it viewed as violative of the injunctive writ issued by Branch 113. It blamed
granted a preliminary injunctive writ 19 in favor of OMSI. A day after, Branch 113 also granted a similar writ 20 in
MIAA for deliberately refusing and delaying to pay TCSI, which forced TCSI into a situation where it could not
favor of TCSI.
comply with its contract. TCSI accused MIAA of arbitrarily terminating its contract to replace TCSI with another
outfit and for ignoring Article VIII of the contract, the arbitration clause. It also posited that par. 9.02 was a
Without filing any motion for reconsideration, MIAA assailed as void the issuance of the injunctive writs before clause of adhesion and could not be enforced. On November 11, 2002, TCSI sent a demand letter 27 for PhP
the CA through petitions for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, docketed as CA-G.R. SP Nos. 50087 18,091,957.94 to MIAA, the amount representing, among others, claims for janitorial services, illegal deductions
and 50131.21 made from billing for janitorial services, and arbitrary deductions made for alleged undelivered supplies.

Meanwhile, even as the cases were pending before the CA, Branch 113 continued to hear the first TCSI case. On In its letter-reply28 of November 13, 2002, MIAA asserted that the termination of TCSI’s service contract did not
February 1, 2001, the trial court rendered a Decision declaring as null and void the negotiated contract award to violate the injunctive writ as the writ covered only the extension of the contract period until such time that a
Goodline and the Resolution of the MIAA Board dated October 2, 1998, which authorized Gana to negotiate the new awardee was chosen through public bidding. To MIAA, the writ did not enjoin contract termination for
award of the service contract, and ordered the holding of a public bidding on the janitorial service contract. cause, such as for violation of par. 9.02 of the contract. Moreover, MIAA asserted that TCSI did not comply with
Branch 113 also ordered the writ of preliminary injunction in the case enforced until after a qualified bidder is Art. 1, par. 1.03 of the "status quo contract" which stipulates that TCSI shall strictly and fully comply with the
determined.22 procedures/instructions issued by MIAA, as part of the invitation to bid, and instructions that may be issued by
MIAA from time to time––all integral parts of the contract. According to MIAA, it was TCSI that chose to ignore
In its Decision, the trial court said MIAA and Gana violated TCSI’s right to equal protection and that the authority these instructions and did not present proof of actual payment to TCSI employees.
to negotiate the MIAA Board granted to Gana was tainted with grave abuse of discretion as Gana’s exercise of
the management’s prerogative to choose the awardee of a service contract was done arbitrarily. Gana, the RTC On the eve of November 18, 2002, MIAA refused entry to TCSI employees and took over the janitorial services in
added, should have conducted a public bidding, noting that Gana erred in relying on the law and executive the area serviced by TCSI.
issuances he cited because those do not do away with the required public bidding, as held in National Food
Authority v. Court of Appeals.23

Following the denial of Gana’s motion for reconsideration, MIAA and Gana appealed before the CA, their
recourse docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 67092.

Civil Case Nos. 02-0517 and 03-0025


Subsequently, on November 25, 2002, TCSI filed a Petition for Contempt with Motion to injunctive writ in the first TCSI case appealed before the CA which could not be considered final and executory.
Consolidate,29 impleading Edgardo Manda who took over as GM of MIAA. The petition, entitled Triple Crown Hence, the trial court ruled that the contempt case was prematurely filed and it thus had not acquired
Services, Inc. v. Edgardo Manda, in his capacity as General Manager of the Manila International Airport jurisdiction over it.
Authority and docketed as Civil Case No. 02-0517 (second TCSI case for contempt), was raffled to the RTC,
Branch 108, Pasay City. In it, TCSI mainly alleged that the unilateral termination by MIAA of their service contract The Ruling of the Court of Appeals in the consolidated cases docketed
on alleged contract violation brought about by MIAA’s refusal to pay TCSI was a blatant and contumacious CA-G.R. SP Nos. 50087 and 50131 involving the injunctive writs
violation of the injunctive writ issued by Branch 113. TCSI also prayed that the petition for contempt be issued in the OMSI case and First TCSI case
consolidated with the first TCSI case.
Recall that MIAA assailed the injunctive writs issued by the trial court thru petitions for certiorari under Rule 65
On the same day that the petition for contempt was filed, MIAA sent a reply 30 to TCSI’s demand letter asserting before the CA, docketed as CA-G.R. SP Nos. 50087 and 50131. On November 24, 2000, the CA rendered the
that MIAA could not pay the items TCSI demanded because TCSI had not presented any billings for the period it assailed Decision, denying due course to and dismissing the petitions. 35 The CA stated that respondents-judges
wanted to be paid, among other reasons. did not gravely abuse their discretion in issuing the injunctive writs enjoining MIAA from terminating the service
contracts of OMSI and TCSI. Relying on Manila International Airport Authority v.
Meanwhile, pending resolution of the second TCSI case for contempt, TCSI filed on January 24, 2003 a Petition Mabunay (Mabunay)36 and National Food Authority,37 the CA said that MIAA and Gana failed to satisfactorily
for Mandamus with Damages31 against MIAA entitled Triple Crown Services, Inc. v. Manila International Airport show why the aforementioned cases should not apply. Moreover, the appellate court explained that
Authority, docketed as Civil Case No. 03-0025 (third TCSI case for mandamus) and again raffled to Branch 115, notwithstanding the expiration of the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI, they both have extant interests as
wherein TCSI sought to maintain the status quo order issued by Branch 113 in the first TCSI case and to compel possible applicants. Aggrieved by the CA Decision, MIAA and Gana filed the instant petition docketed as G.R.
MIAA to pay PhP 18 million to TCSI. Nos. 146184-85.

In its Comment, MIAA denied all of TCSI’s allegations and accused TCSI of forum shopping. The Ruling of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092

On March 4, 2003, in the third TCSI case for mandamus, Branch 115 granted 32 the Writ of Mandamus to TCSI and Recall likewise that the RTC in the first TCSI case granted an injunctive writ in favor of TCSI. On appeal, on
ordered MIAA to comply with the Writ of Preliminary Injunction issued by Branch 113 in the first TCSI case. November 28, 2003, the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092 rendered the assailed Decision, affirming that of the
RTC38 and reasoning that Sec. 1(e) of EO 301, series of 1987, entitled Decentralizing Actions on Government
A week after and because MIAA refused to allow TCSI to peacefully continue its contract services, TCSI filed Negotiated Contracts, Lease Contracts and Records Disposal, relied upon by Gana and MIAA, does not apply to
an Urgent Manifestation With Prayer for the Court to Cite Respondent Motu Proprio in Contempt.33 service contracts but only to requisitions of needed supplies. The CA applied our ruling in Kilosbayan,
Incorporated v. Morato (Kilosbayan),39 where we held that the "supplies" mentioned as exceptions in EO 301
refer only to contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment, and do not refer to other
After the trial court denied MIAA’s Motion for Reconsideration, 34 Manda, in compliance with the trial court’s
contracts, such as lease of equipment, and that in the same vein, "supplies" in Sec. 1(e) of EO 301 only include
show cause order, explained that the writ of mandamus had not yet become final and executory and a writ of
materials and equipment and not service contracts, which are included in the general rule of Sec. 1. The CA,
execution was still needed before mandamus could be enforced.
relying on Mabunay40 and National Food Authority, explained that Sec. 9 of EO 903, Sec. 82 of RA 8522, and Sec.
417 of the GAAM must be harmonized with the provisions of EO 301 on public biddings in all government
On March 24, 2003, MIAA assailed the March 4, 2003 and March 19, 2003 Orders of the trial court before the CA contracted services. The rationale for public bidding, the CA said, is to give the public the best possible
through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 in CA-G.R. SP No. 76138, praying for a TRO and/or writ of advantages through open competition.
preliminary injunction for the trial court to desist from further proceedings with the third TCSI case for
Without filing a motion for reconsideration, Gana and MIAA now question the above Decision of the appellate
court in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092 through a Petition for Review on Certiorari docketed as G.R. No. 161117 before
A day after, in the second TCSI case for contempt, the RTC directed the arrest of Manda for his failure to comply us.
with the orders of the court. This did not materialize because two days after, the CA granted a TRO enjoining the
enforcement of the assailed orders and the writ of mandamus and, consequently, lifted the warrant of arrest for
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 76138

On September 9, 2004, the CA rendered the assailed Decision, granting MIAA’s petition for certiorari. It annulled
Thereafter, Manda filed a Manifestation and Motion to Dismiss the second TCSI case for contempt on the ground
and set aside the March 4, 2003 Order and March 19, 2003 Writ of Mandamus and dismissed the third TCSI case
of forum shopping. The trial court denied the motion on the ground that the contempt case was an entirely
for mandamus with prejudice.41 The CA found TCSI guilty of forum shopping when it filed the third TCSI case for
distinct and separate cause of action from the mandamus case pending in another RTC branch. It said the
mandamus while the second TCSI case for contempt was pending. Further, the CA observed that the two cases
contempt case was grounded on the alleged disobedience of Manda of the RTC, Branch 113 Order and
have identical parties, prayed for the same reliefs, and were anchored on the same writ of preliminary injunction

issued in the first TCSI case. Citing Philippine Commercial International Bank v. Court of Appeals,42 the CA Propriety of the issuance of the injunctions
concluded that elements of litis pendentia were present and TCSI was guilty of forum shopping.
We will jointly tackle G.R. Nos. 146184-85 and 161117 since the issues raised are closely interwoven. The
TCSI’s motion for reconsideration was likewise denied in the April 13, 2005 CA Resolution. TCSI now assails the incidents in the two assailed decisions not only arose from the first TCSI case, but also involved the same issue of
above Decision and Resolution before us in a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 docketed as G.R. the propriety of preliminary and permanent injunctions.
No. 167827.
MIAA and Gana strongly assert that OMSI and TCSI have no right to be protected by the injunctive writs as the
The Issues term of their service contracts had already expired on October 31, 1998. Petitioners rely on National Food
Authority, where we held that no court can compel a party to agree to a contract or its extension through an
In G.R. Nos. 146184-85, MIAA and Gana raise the following issues for our consideration: injunctive writ since an extension of a contract is only upon mutual consent of the parties.

1. Whether [or not] the Court of Appeals erred in declaring that respondents had extant interests in MIAA and Gana also argue that OMSI and TCSI are estopped from questioning the validity of a contract acquired
the awarding of the service contracts. through negotiations since the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI with MIAA were also negotiated contracts and
did not undergo public bidding. These negotiated contracts are among the exceptions in Sec. 1 of EO 301. MIAA
and Gana posit that the exceptions in Sec. 1 cover both contracts for public services and contracts for supplies,
2. Whether [or not] the Court of Appeals erred in holding that petitioners had no power to award the
materials, and equipment. And, since TCSI’s contract expired on October 31, 1998, and MIAA refused to extend
service contracts through negotiation.43
the contracts, OMSI and TCSI have no right of renewal or extension of their service contract.

In G.R. No. 161117, Gana and MIAA raise the following issues for our consideration:
We agree with MIAA and Gana.

Whether [or not] the Court of Appeals erred in holding that the exception in Section 1 (e) of [EO] 301
It is undisputed that the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI expired on October 31, 1998 and were not extended
applies only to requisition of needed supplies and not to the contracting of public services.
by MIAA. Hence, all the rights and obligations arising from said contracts were extinguished on the last day of
the term. As a result, OMSI and TCSI had already lost their rights to render janitorial and maintenance services
Whether [or not] the Court of Appeals erred in holding that respondent is not estopped from for MIAA starting November 1, 1998.
questioning the negotiated contract between MIAA and [Goodline].
Such being the case, the Court rules that the TROs and writs of preliminary injunction issued in favor of OMSI
Whether there was a violation of respondent’s right to equal protection. 44 and TCSI are irregular and without legal basis for the following reasons, to wit:

In G.R. No. 167827, TCSI raises the following issues for our consideration: (1) The November 18, 1998 injunctive writ in favor of OMSI in the OMSI case and the November 19, 1998
injunctive writ in favor of TCSI in the first TCSI case were in the nature of writs of mandatory preliminary
I. injunction. In Bautista v. Barcelona,46 we made clear that a mandatory injunction is an extreme remedy and will
be granted only on a showing that (a) the invasion of the right is material and substantial; (b) the right of the
Whether or not the respondent can be compelled by Mandamus to maintain the status quo ante, as complainant is clear and unmistakable; and (c) there is an urgent and paramount necessity for the writ to
earlier ordered by this Honorable Court and be held liable for damages for unilaterally terminating the prevent serious damage.47 It is apparent that OMSI and TCSI have no more legal rights under the service
service contract of the petitioner in violation of said status quo order. contracts and, therefore, they have not met the vital procedural requirement that they must have material and
substantial rights that have to be protected by courts.

(2) The service contracts of OMSI and TCSI may not be extended through the instrumentality of an injunctive
writ. It is a doctrine firmly settled in this jurisdiction that courts have no power to make a contract for the parties
Whether or not the herein petitioner is guilty of forum shopping. nor can they construe contracts in such a manner as to change the terms of the contracts not contemplated by
the parties.48 Verily, under Art. 1308 of the Civil Code, the contract between the parties is the law between
III. them; mutuality being an essential characteristic of contracts giving rise to reciprocal obligations. 49 And under
Art. 1306 of the Code, the parties may establish stipulations mutually acceptable to them for as long as such are
Whether or not the herein private respondent complied with the requisites for the institution of a not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. And where a determinate period for a
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 with the Court of Appeals. 45 contract’s effectivity and expiration has been mutually agreed upon and duly stipulated, the lapse of such period
ends the contract’s effectivity and the parties cease to be bound by the contract.

It is undisputed that the service contracts were to terminate on October 31, 1998. Thus, by the lapse of such d. Whenever the supplies under procurement have been unsuccessfully placed on bid for at least two
date, where no contract extension had been mutually agreed upon by the parties, the trial court cannot force consecutive times, either due to lack of bidders or the offers received in each instance were exorbitant
the parties nor substitute their mutual consent to a contract extension through an injunction. or non-conforming to specifications;

Indeed, MIAA’s decision not to extend the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI is a valid exercise of management e. In cases where it is apparent that the requisition of the needed supplies through negotiated
prerogative. Certainly, there is no law that prohibits management discretion, even if it be a governmental agency purchase is most advantageous to the government to be determined by the Department Head
or instrumentality or a government-owned or controlled corporation, from extending or not extending a service concerned; and
contract. Certainly, MIAA’s management can determine, in the exercise of its sound discretion and the options
available, given the factual and economic milieu prevailing, whether or not it is to its interest to extend a service f. Whenever the purchase is made from an agency of the government. (Emphasis supplied.)
contract for janitorial and maintenance services.
In Andres v. Commission on Audit, this Court explained the rationale behind EO 301, upholding the general rule
From the foregoing premises, the RTCs in Civil Case Nos. 98-1875 and 98-1885 have erred in issuing the assailed that contracts shall not be entered into or renewed without public bidding, thus:
writs of mandatory injunction. Hence, these writs must be nullified.
Executive Order No. 301 explicitly permits negotiated contracts in particular identified instances. In its
The next issue to be resolved is whether MIAA, in the context of this case, can be barred from entering into preamble, it adverted to the then existing set-up of "a centralized administrative system . . . for
negotiated contracts after the expiration of the service contracts of OMSI and TCSI on October 31, 1998. reviewing and approving negotiated contracts . . .," and to the unsatisfactory character thereof in
that "such centralized administrative system is not at all ‘facilitative’ particularly in emergency
The answer is in the affirmative. situations, characterized as it is by red tape and too much delay in the processing and final approval
of the required transaction or activity;" hence, the "need to decentralize the processing and final
Exceptions in EO 301 apply to purchase of supplies, approval of negotiated contracts . . . " It then laid down, in its Section 1, "guidelines for negotiated
materials and equipment not to contracts for public services contracts" thenceforth to be followed. While affirming the general policy that contracts shall not be
entered into or renewed without public bidding, x x x. (Emphasis supplied.)50
We cannot agree with the contention of MIAA and Gana that the exceptions to the public bidding rule in Sec. 1
of EO 301 cover both contracts for public services and for supplies, material, and equipment. Their reliance on It is only in the instances enumerated above that public bidding may be dispensed with and a contract closed
Sec. 1(e) of EO 301 for the award of a service contract for janitorial and maintenance services without public through negotiations.
bidding is misplaced.
MIAA and Gana posit the view that Sec. 1(e) of EO 301 includes contracts for public services and is not limited to
For clarity, we quote in full Sec. 1 of EO 301: supplies, materials, or equipment, and applies to all forms of contracts.

Section 1. Guidelines for Negotiated Contracts. Any provision of the law, decree, executive order or We are not convinced.
other issuances to the contrary nothwithstanding, no contract for public services or for furnishing
supplies, materials and equipment to the government or any of its branches, agencies or In Kilosbayan,51 we ruled that Sec. 1 of EO 301 "applies only to the contracts for the purchase of supplies,
instrumentalities shall be renewed or entered into without public bidding, except under any of the materials, and equipment. It does not cover contracts of lease of equipment like the [Equipment Lease
following situations: Agreement]." While the lease of equipment was the subject of Kilosbayan, the ruling therein can very well apply
to the cases at bar. We agree with the apt observation of OMSI and TCSI that Sec. 1 of EO 301 and the exceptions
a. Whenever the supplies are urgently needed to meet an emergency which may involve the loss of, or to the bidding rule enumerated therein only pertain to contracts for the procurement of supplies, materials, and
danger to, life and/or property; equipment. Thus, corollarily, this express enumeration excludes all others in accord with the elemental principle
in legal hermeneutics, expressio unius est exclusio alterius or the express inclusion of one implies the exclusion
of all others. A contract for janitorial and maintenance services, like a contract of lease of equipment, is not
b. Whenever the supplies are to be used in connection with a project or activity which cannot be
included in the exceptions, particularly Sec. 1(e) relied upon by MIAA and Gana.
delayed without causing detriment to the public service;

c. Whenever the materials are sold by an exclusive distributor or manufacturer who does not have
sub-dealers selling at lower prices and for which no suitable substitute can be obtained elsewhere at
more advantageous terms to the government;

Moreover, in Kilosbayan, in denying Kilosbayan Incorporated’s motion for reconsideration and debunking its 5359 of RA 9184 in particular authorizes negotiated procurement, while other alternative methods of
contention that EO 301 covers all types of contracts for public services, this Court, in a Resolution, reiterated its procurement are set forth under Art. XVI 60 of RA 9184. Thus, under the present law, MIAA can enter into
original ruling and held that EO 301 was promulgated merely to decentralize the system of reviewing negotiated negotiated contracts in the exceptional situations allowed by RA 9184.
contracts of purchase for the furnishing of supplies, materials, and equipment as well as lease contracts of
buildings. We concluded: With regard to the prayer for a mandatory preliminary injunction, OMSI and TCSI have amply demonstrated
their right to require the holding of a public bidding for the service contracts with MIAA. While we have
In sum, E.O. No. 301 applies only to contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment , previously explained that OMSI and TCSI have no right to a writ of mandatory injunction to have their service
and it was merely to change the system of administrative review of emergency purchases, as contracts extended by the courts beyond the fixed term, the situation is different with respect to their right to
theretofore prescribed by E.O. No. 298, that E.O. No. 301 was issued on July 26, 1987. Part B of this participate in the public bidding prescribed by law. Since they were the previous service contractors of MIAA and
Executive Order applies to leases of buildings, not of equipment, and therefore does not govern the have manifested their desire to participate in the public bidding for the new contracts, then they have
lease contract in this case. (Emphasis supplied.) 52 satisfactorily shown that they have material and substantial rights to be protected and preserved by a
mandatory injunctive writ against MIAA. Considering that the negotiated contract is contextually illegal under
It is thus clear that the contention of MIAA and Gana that the exceptions in EO 301, particularly Sec. 1(e), EO 301, EO 903, Sec. 82 of RA 8522, and Sec. 417 of the GAAM, then MIAA can be directed to conduct a public
include contracts for public services cannot be sustained. bidding instead of resorting to a negotiated contract.

Further, suffice it to say that Sec. 9 of EO 903, 53 Sec. 82 of RA 8522 or the General Appropriations Act for 1998, MIAA, however, eventually discarded the negotiation of new contracts with prospective service contractors and
and Sec. 417 of the GAAM, likewise relied upon by MIAA and Gana for grant of authority to negotiate service has decided to hire personnel to render janitorial and messengerial services starting July 31, 2005. Clearly, the
contract, do not do away with the general rule on public bidding. In Mabunay, we ruled that RA 7845 or employment of said personnel is within the realm of management prerogatives of MIAA allowed under its
the General Appropriations Act for 1995 cannot be construed to eliminate public bidding in the award of a charter, EO 903, and other existing laws. Since the hiring of said employees dispensed with the need for getting
contract for security services, as RA 7845 "is not the governing law on the award of the service contracts by service contractors, then the relief of requiring MIAA to conduct public bidding is already unavailing and has
government agencies nor does it do away with the general requirement of public bidding" 54 and that become moot and academic.
"administrative discretion may not transcend the statutes" 55 that require public bidding. Thus, RA 8522,
particularly its Sec. 82, does not dispense with the requirement of public bidding to award a contract for On the claim of OMSI and TCSI that their rights to equal protection of laws were violated by the negotiation of
janitorial and maintenance services. the contracts by MIAA with other service contractors, the Court finds no law that is discriminatory against them
in relation to their expired service contracts. EO 301, EO 903, RA 8522, and the GAAM are not discriminatory
Furthermore, our ruling in National Food Authority, cited in Mabunay, is still valid. It directly applies to the legal against them precisely because, as the Court ruled, there has to be public bidding where OMSI and TCSI are
issue in the instant consolidated cases that public bidding is required for the award of service contracts. allowed to participate. At most, what can be discriminatory is the intended negotiation of the new service
contracts by MIAA which prevents OMSI and TCSI from participating in the bidding. We find such act illegal and
irregular because of the wrong application of the laws by MIAA and not because the pertinent laws are
RA 9184 provides for alternative procurement procedures
discriminatory against them.

In sum, we reiterate the legal requirement of competitive public bidding for all government public service
We stressed in Genaro R. Reyes Construction, Inc. v. CA:
contracts and procurement of materials, supplies, and equipment. Competitive public bidding may not be
dispensed with nor circumvented, and alternative modes of procurement for public service contracts and for
supplies, materials, and equipment may only be resorted to in the instances provided for by law. In the instant [A]lthough the law be fair on its face, and impartial in appearance, yet if applied and administered by
case, no express provision of law has granted MIAA the right to forego public bidding in negotiating the award of the public authorities charged with their administration x x x with an evil eye and unequal hand so as
contracts for janitorial and maintenance services. to practically make unjust and illegal determination, the denial of equal justice is still within the
prohibition of the Constitution.61
In Abaya v. Ebdane,56 this Court outlined the history of Philippine procurement laws from the introduction of
American public bidding through Act No. 22, enacted on October 15, 1900, and the subsequent laws and
issuances. On October 8, 2001, President Arroyo issued EO 40 which repealed, amended, or modified all
executive issuances, orders, rules and regulations, or parts inconsistent with her EO. 57

On January 10, 2003, President Arroyo signed into law RA 9184, 58 which expressly repealed, among others, EO
40, EO 262, EO 301, EO 302, and Presidential Decree No. 1594, as amended, and is the current law on
government procurement. This law still requires public bidding as a preferred mode of award. However, RA 9184
allows exceptions to public bidding rule in certain instances, conditions, or extraordinary circumstances. Sec.

Given the antecedent facts of these consolidated cases, we agree with the courts a quo that the constitutional The CA has exercised its discretion in giving due course to MIAA’s petition before it. We will not delve into this
right of OMSI and TCSI to equal protection is violated by MIAA and Gana when no public bidding was called issue to bear on the instant petition. Certainly, TCSI has not shown that the CA has arbitrarily or oppressively
precisely because the latter were going to award the subject service contracts through negotiation. Worse, the exercised its sound discretion. Nor has it shown that the appellate court was not able to or could not go over the
acts of MIAA and Gana smack of arbitrariness and discrimination as they not only did not call for the required pertinent documents in resolving the instant case on review before it. Neither has TCSI shown any manifest bias,
public bidding but also did not even accord OMSI and TCSI the opportunity to submit their proposals in a public fraud, or illegal consideration on the part of the CA to merit reconsideration for the grant of due course.
bidding. What OMSI and TCSI got was a terse reply that their contracts will not be renewed and that MIAA
would negotiate contracts lower than those of OMSI and TCSI without granting them the opportunity to submit Certiorari is a proper remedy for an interlocutory order
their own bids or proposals. On the ground of uneven protection of law, we could grant the prayer for an order granting mandamus (Third TCSI case for Mandamus)
directing a public bidding. Unfortunately, such action is already foreclosed by the decision of MIAA not to hire
any service contractor.
The March 4, 2003 and March 19, 2003 Orders granting mandamus and denying MIAA’s motion for
reconsideration, respectively, are clearly interlocutory orders. What we held in Metropolitan Bank & Trust
The CA has discretion to give due course to the petition Company v. Court of Appeals is instructive, thus:

We now tackle the procedural issues raised in G.R. No. 167827 on whether MIAA complied with the It has been held that "[a]n interlocutory order does not terminate or finally dismiss or finally dispose
requirements of Rule 65 before the CA and whether forum shopping is present. of the case, but leaves something to be done by the court before the case is finally decided on the
merits." It "refers to something between the commencement and end of the suit which decides some
TCSI argues that MIAA’s petition for certiorari under Rule 65 before the CA should have been outrightly point or matter but it is not the final decision on the whole controversy." Conversely, a final order is
dismissed for manifest violation of par. 2, Sec. 1 of Rule 65 in failing to attach the required certified true copies one which leaves to the court nothing more to do to resolve the case. The test to ascertain whether an
of the assailed RTC Orders. Moreover, TCSI contends that MIAA failed to raise any genuine jurisdictional issues order is interlocutory or final is: "Does it leave something to be done in the trial court with respect to
correctable by certiorari, as the issues raised by MIAA were all factual matters which involved questions of error the merits of the case? If it does, it is interlocutory; if it does not, it is final." 62
of judgment and not of jurisdiction.
TCSI argues that since the trial court still has to hear the issue on damages in Civil Case No. 03-0025 for
We are not persuaded. mandamus and no final decision has yet been rendered, the mandamus writ is an interlocutory one, and cannot
be subject of an appeal. However, Rule 41 clearly states that while an interlocutory order cannot be subject of
Sec. 1 of Rule 65 pertinently provides: an appeal and the aggrieved party has to await the decision of the court, still it allows the filing of a special civil
action of certiorari under Rule 65 when there is grave abuse of discretion in the issuance of the order. Moreover,
under the circumstances of the case, MIAA had no other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy other than a
SECTION 1. Petition for certiorari.—When any tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-
petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
judicial functions has acted without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy,
and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby may file a verified MIAA raised issues alleging grave abuse of discretion
petition in the proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that judgment be rendered on the part of the RTC
annulling or modifying the proceedings of such tribunal, board or officer, and granting such incidental
reliefs as law and justice may require. TCSI argues that MIAA only raised factual matters before the CA which the trial court has ruled upon in the
exercise of its jurisdiction and thus are not reviewable by certiorari but only by appeal.
The petition shall be accompanied by a certified true copy of the judgment, order or resolution subject
thereof, copies of all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent thereto, and a sworn Contrary to TCSI’s contention, a close perusal of the issues raised by MIAA in CA-G.R. SP No. 76138 shows that
certification of non-forum shopping as provided in the third paragraph of Section 3, Rule 46. not all the issues the latter raised were factual issues. MIAA assailed the lack or excess of jurisdiction of the RTC
resulting from grave abuse of discretion when it issued the questioned orders. Abuse of discretion is precisely
The above provision clearly vests the CA the authority and discretion to give due course to the petitions before it the thrust in a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
or to dismiss them when they are not sufficient in form and substance, the required pleadings and documents
are not attached to them, and no sworn certificate on non-forum shopping is submitted. This discretion must be Forum shopping exists
exercised, not arbitrarily or oppressively, but in a reasonable manner in consonance with the spirit of the law,
always with the view in mind of seeing to it that justice is served.

TCSI contends that the CA committed reversible error when it held TCSI resorted to forum shopping. TCSI argues claim of non-forum shopping. The fact, however, is the second and third TCSI cases stemmed from the first TCSI
it was not guilty of forum shopping when it filed the second TCSI case for contempt and the third TCSI case for case, anchored as they were on the alleged breach by MIAA of the November 19, 1998 writ of preliminary
mandamus. According to TSCI, as these are two distinct and separate cases, the elements of litis injunction. Such being the case, the court a quo did not err when it ruled that the reliefs in the second and third
pendentia amounting to res judicata do not exist. TCSI cases in effect prayed for the enforcement of the November 19, 1998 injunctive writ. Moreover, the causes
of action in the second and third cases are substantially identical because the basis is the disobedience or breach
TCSI’s contention is devoid of merit. of the writ of injunction.66 Hence, forum shopping is present.

Forum shopping exists when the elements of litis pendentia are present, or when a final judgment in one case The Court’s Dispositions
will amount to res judicata in another.63 There is forum shopping when the following elements concur: (1)
identity of the parties or, at least, of the parties who represent the same interest in both actions; (2) identity of G.R. No. 146184 (CA-G.R. SP No. 50087)
the rights asserted and relief prayed for, as the latter is founded on the same set of facts; and (3) identity of the
two preceding particulars, such that any judgment rendered in the other action will amount to res judicata in Civil Case No. 98-1875 entitled OMSI v. MIAA before the Pasay City RTC, Branch 119
the action under consideration or will constitute litis pendentia.64
Re: November 18, 1998 Order granting writ of
We uphold the CA’s finding that TCSI was guilty of forum shopping: preliminary injunction in Civil Case No. 98-1875

An examination of the two petitions filed by [TCSI] reveals that the elements of litis pendentia are (1) We rule to nullify the November 18, 1998 Order granting the injunctive writ for want of any legal right on the
present. Both petitions are based on the alleged violation by petitioner of the writ of preliminary part of OMSI to be entitled to a writ of mandatory injunction.
injunction dated November 19, 1998 issued in Civil Case No. 98-1885 [first TCSI case] enjoining the
latter to maintain the status quo until after a qualified winning bidder is chosen by way of a public
(2) The November 24, 2000 CA Decision in CA-G.R. SP Nos. 50087 and 50131, affirming the aforementioned
bidding. The reliefs prayed for in the two petitions are likewise founded on the same fact, i.e., the
November 18, 1998 Order in Civil Case No. 98-1875, is accordingly reversed and set aside.
alleged disobedience or violation of the writ of preliminary injunction by petitioner.

II. G.R. No. 146185 (CA-G.R. SP No. 50131)

In the assailed Order dated March 4, 2003 granting the writ of mandamus, respondent Judge directed
petitioner to immediately comply with the writ of preliminary injunction. In the Order dated March 12,
2003, respondent Judge directed petitioner’s General Manager, Edgardo Manda, to explain why he Civil Case No. 98-1885 entitled TCSI v. Antonio P. Gana, MIAA and Goodline (first TCSI case) before the Pasay City
should not be cited for contempt for defying the Order dated March 4, 2003. Respondent Judge found RTC, Branch 113
the explanation of Manda devoid of merit and directed the latter to allow private respondent to re-
assume its post at the airport terminal immediately, otherwise, a warrant of arrest shall be issued Re: November 19, 1998 Order granting the injunctive writ
against him, pursuant to Section 8, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court. In fact, a warrant of arrest was issued
against Manda on March 25, 2003 for his failure to comply with the Orders dated March 4, 2003 and (1) We rule to nullify the November 19, 1998 Order granting the writ of mandatory injunction in the absence of
March 19, 2003. In other words, the same penalty could be imposed on Manda in the petition for any real and substantial right on the part of TCSI entitling it to such writ under the rules and applicable
contempt filed by private respondent with the RTC, Branch 108, Pasay City, should the Presiding Judge jurisprudence.
thereof find him guilty of violating the writ of preliminary injunction. Moreover, Section 7, Rule 71 of
the Rules of Court provides that if the contempt consists in the violation of writ of injunction,
temporary restraining order or status quo order, the person adjudged guilty of contempt may also be (2) The November 24, 2000 CA Decision in CA-G.R. SP. Nos. 50087 and 50131, affirming the November 18, 1998
ordered to make complete restitution to the party injured by such violation of the property involved or Order in Civil Case No. 98-1875, is also accordingly reversed and set aside.
such amount as may be alleged and proved. Thus, private respondent could likewise claim damages in
the petition for contempt filed by it with Branch 108. That private respondent did not find the petition III. G.R. No. 161117 (CA-G.R. SP No. 67092)
for contempt to be an adequate and speedy remedy as no action has been taken by Branch 108 as of
the date of the filing of the petition for mandamus with damages only shows that private respondent Civil Case No. 98-1885 entitled TSCI v. Antonio P. Gana, MIAA and Goodline (first TCSI case)
indulged in forum shopping.65
Re: February 1, 2001 Decision in
If the first TCSI case for Prohibition, Mandamus, and Damages with Prayer for TRO and Injunction would not be
considered in determining whether forum shopping was resorted to by TCSI when it subsequently filed the
Civil Case No. 98-1885
second TCSI case for contempt and the third TCSI case for mandamus, then there could have been merit in TCSI’s

(1) We rule that the negotiated contract between MIAA and Goodline and the resolution of the MIAA Board 1. The negotiated contract by and between the respondents and the resolution of the MIAA Board,
dated October 2, 1998, authorizing MIAA’s management and/or GM Gana to negotiate and award service dated October 2, 1998, authorizing MIAA management and/or respondent GM Gana to negotiate and
contracts upon the expiration of the present service contract on October 31, 1998, are null and void. We, award service contracts upon the expiration of the present service contract, on October 31, 1998 are
therefore, affirm par. 1 of the February 1, 2001 Decision of the Pasay City RTC, Branch 113. hereby declared NULL and VOID;

(2) We rule that, in 1998, MIAA was required by EO 301 to conduct public bidding, and the negotiated contract 2. The hiring of employees to render janitorial and maintenance services by GM Gana and/or the
for services with Goodline is prohibited and null and void. However, since MIAA decided against hiring MIAA management is declared VALID and LEGAL. However, should said petitioners decide to procure
contractors for janitorial and maintenance services and instead directly hired employees for the purpose, it the services of a contractor for janitorial and maintenance services, then they are ordered to hold a
would be legally improper to require MIAA to contract out such services by public bidding since this involves public bidding for said services, subject to certain exceptions, set forth in RA 9184 or
management decisions and prerogative. We, therefore, set aside par. 2 of the February 1, 2001 Pasay City RTC, the Government Procurement Act, if applicable;
Branch 113 Decision in Civil Case No. 98-1885, requiring MIAA and Gana to hold a public bidding, for being moot
and academic. 3. The writ of preliminary injunction is RECALLED and NULLIFIED; and

(3) The writ of preliminary injunction is nullified, as TCSI has not shown any legal basis for the grant thereof. We, 4. No pronouncement as to costs and attorney’s fees.
therefore, set aside par. 3 of the February 1, 2001 RTC Decision in Civil Case No. 98-1885. The November 28,
2003 CA Decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 67092, affirming the aforementioned pars. 2 and 3 of said RTC Decision, is
The petition in G.R. No. 167827 is DENIED for lack of merit and the September 9, 2004 Decision in CA-G.R. SP
likewise reversed and set aside.
No. 76138 is AFFIRMED.

No costs. SO ORDERED.

IV. G.R. No. 167827 (CA-G.R. SP No. 76138)

G.R. No. 198587, January 14, 2015

Civil Case No. 03-0025 entitled TCSI v. MIAA (third TCSI case for mandamus) before the Pasay City RTC, Branch

Re: March 19, 2003 Writ of Mandamus in Civil Case No. 03-0025

Since the November 19, 1998 Order of the Pasay City RTC, Branch 115 in Civil Case No. 98-1885 (first TCSI case)
granting the injunctive writ is, for want of legal basis, null and void, it follows that the March 19, 2003 Writ of
Mandamus issued in Civil Case No. 03-0025 is likewise null and void.
All Filipinos are entitled to the protection of the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
WHEREFORE, the petition in G.R. Nos. 146184-85 is GRANTED. The November 24, 2000 CA Decision in CA-G.R.
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari with application for the issuance of a temporary restraining order
SP Nos. 50087 and 50131 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Likewise, both the November 18, 1998 Order of the Pasay
and/or writ of preliminary injunction under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure praying that judgment
City RTC, Branch 119 in Civil Case No. 98-1875 and the November 19, 1998 Order of the Pasay City RTC, Branch
be rendered reversing and setting aside the June 16, 2011 Decision 1 and September 13, 2011 Resolution2 of the
113 in Civil Case No. 98-1885 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Court declares the service contracts of OMSI
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP. No. 113006.
and TCSI to have been legally and validly terminated on October 31, 1998 by virtue of the expiration of the
contracts’ term and their non-renewal. The Pasay City RTC, Branch 119 is ordered to continue with the
Petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) is a foreign corporation established and existing under the laws of
proceedings in Civil Case No. 98-1875.
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a Philippine office located at 4/F, Metro House Building, Sen. Gil J. Puyat
Avenue, Makati City.3 In its Petition filed with this court, Saudia identified itself as follows:
The petition in G.R. No. 161117 is PARTLY GRANTED. The November 28, 2003 CA Decision in CA-G.R. SP No.
67092 and the February 1, 2001 Decision of the Pasay City RTC, Branch 113 in Civil Case No. 98-1885, which was
1. Petitioner SAUDIA is a foreign corporation established and existing under the Royal Decree No. M/24 of
affirmed by the CA, are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS, as follows:
18.07.1385H (10.02.1962G) in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA"). Its Philippine Office is located at 4/F
Metro House Building, Sen, Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City (Philippine Office). It may be served with orders of
WHEREFORE, a decision is hereby rendered, ordering as follows: this Honorable Court through undersigned counsel at 4 th and 6th Floors, Citibank Center Bldg., 8741 Paseo de
Roxas, Makati City.4 (Emphasis supplied)

Respondents (complainants before the Labor Arbiter) were recruited and hired by Saudia as Temporary Flight rejected.25
Attendants with the accreditation and approval of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. 5 After
undergoing seminars required by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration for deployment overseas, Despite these initial rejections, respondents each received calls on the morning of November 6, 2006 from
as well as training modules offered by Saudia (e.g., initial flight attendant/training course and transition Saudia's office secretary informing them that their maternity leaves had been approved. Saudia, however, was
training), and after working as Temporary Flight Attendants, respondents became Permanent Flight Attendants. quick to renege on its approval. On the evening of November 6, 2006, respondents again received calls
They then entered into Cabin Attendant contracts with Saudia: Ma. Jopette M. Rebesencio (Ma. Jopette) on May informing them that it had received notification from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that their maternity leaves had been
16, 1990;6 Montassah B. Sacar-Adiong (Montassah) and Rouen Ruth A. Cristobal (Rouen Ruth) on May 22, disapproved.26
1993;7 and Loraine Schneider-Cruz (Loraine) on August 27, 1995. 8
Faced with the dilemma of resigning or totally losing their benefits, respondents executed handwritten
Respondents continued their employment with Saudia until they were separated from service on various dates resignation letters. In Montassah's and Rouen Ruth's cases, their resignations were executed on Saudia's blank
in 2006.9 letterheads that Saudia had provided. These letterheads already had the word "RESIGNATION" typed on the
subject portions of their headings when these were handed to respondents. 27
Respondents contended that the termination of their employment was illegal. They alleged that the termination
was made solely because they were pregnant.10 On November 8, 2007, respondents filed a Complaint against Saudia and its officers for illegal dismissal and for
underpayment of salary, overtime pay, premium pay for holiday, rest day, premium, service incentive leave pay,
As respondents alleged, they had informed Saudia of their respective pregnancies and had gone through the 13th month pay, separation pay, night shift differentials, medical expense reimbursements, retirement benefits,
necessary procedures to process their maternity leaves. Initially, Saudia had given its approval but later on illegal deduction, lay-over expense and allowances, moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's fees. 28 The
informed respondents that its management in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia had disapproved their maternity leaves. In case was initially assigned to Labor Arbiter Hermino V. Suelo and docketed as NLRC NCR Case No. 00-11-12342-
addition, it required respondents to file their resignation letters. 11 07.

Respondents were told that if they did not resign, Saudia would terminate them all the same. The threat of Saudia assailed the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. 29 It claimed that all the determining points of contact
termination entailed the loss of benefits, such as separation pay and ticket discount entitlements. 12 referred to foreign law and insisted that the Complaint ought to be dismissed on the ground of forum non
conveniens.30 It added that respondents had no cause of action as they resigned voluntarily. 31
Specifically, Ma. Jopette received a call on October 16, 2006 from Saudia's Base Manager, Abdulmalik Saddik
(Abdulmalik).13 Montassah was informed personally by Abdulmalik and a certain Faisal Hussein on October 20, On December 12, 2008, Executive Labor Arbiter Fatima Jambaro-Franco rendered the Decision 32 dismissing
2006 after being required to report to the office one (1) month into her maternity leave. 14 Rouen Ruth was also respondents' Complaint. The dispositive portion of this Decision reads:
personally informed by Abdulmalik on October 17, 2006 after being required to report to the office by her Group
Supervisor.15 Loraine received a call on October 12, 2006 from her Group Supervisor, Dakila Salvador. 16 WHEREFORE, premises' considered, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING the instant complaint for lack of
Saudia anchored its disapproval of respondents' maternity leaves and demand for their resignation on its
On respondents' appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission's Sixth Division reversed the ruling of
"Unified Employment Contract for Female Cabin Attendants" (Unified Contract). 17 Under the Unified Contract,
Executive Labor Arbiter Jambaro-Franco. It explained that "[considering that complainants-appellants are OFWs,
the employment of a Flight Attendant who becomes pregnant is rendered void. It provides:
the Labor Arbiters and the NLRC has [sic] jurisdiction to hear and decide their complaint for illegal
(H) Due to the essential nature of the Air Hostess functions to be physically fit on board to provide various termination."34 On the matter of forum non conveniens, it noted that there were no special circumstances that
services required in normal or emergency cases on both domestic/international flights beside her role in warranted its abstention from exercising jurisdiction.35 On the issue of whether respondents were validly
maintaining continuous safety and security of passengers, and since she will not be able to maintain the dismissed, it held that there was nothing on record to support Saudia's claim that respondents resigned
required medical fitness while at work in case of pregnancy, accordingly, if the Air Hostess becomes pregnant at voluntarily.
any time during the term of this contract, this shall render her employment contract as void and she will be
terminated due to lack of medical fitness.18 (Emphasis supplied) The dispositive portion of the November 19, 2009 National Labor Relations Commission Decision 36 reads:

In their Comment on the present Petition,19 respondents emphasized that the Unified Contract took effect on WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered finding the appeal impressed with merit. The
September 23, 2006 (the first day of Ramadan),20 well after they had filed and had their maternity leaves respondents-appellees are hereby directed to pay complainants-appellants the aggregate amount of
approved. Ma. Jopette filed her maternity leave application on September 5, 2006. 21 Montassah filed her SR614,001.24 corresponding to their backwages and separation pay plus ten (10%) percent thereof as attorney's
maternity leave application on August 29, 2006, and its approval was already indicated in Saudia's computer fees. The decision of the Labor Arbiter dated December 12, 2008 is hereby VACATED and SET ASIDE. Attached is
system by August 30, 2006.22 Rouen Ruth filed her maternity leave application on September 13, 2006, 23 and the computation prepared by this Commission and made an integral part of this Decision. 37cralawlawlibrary
Loraine filed her maternity leave application on August 22, 2006. 24
In the Resolution dated February 11, 2010,38 the National Labor Relations Commission denied petitioners'
Motion for Reconsideration.
Rather than comply and tender resignation letters, respondents filed separate appeal letters that were all

In the June 16, 2011 Decision,39 the Court of Appeals denied petitioners' Rule 65 Petition and modified the
Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission with respect to the award of separation pay and Saudia is vainly splitting hairs in its effort to absolve itself of liability. Other than its bare allegation, there is no
backwages. basis for concluding that "Saudia Jeddah" is distinct from "Saudia Manila."

The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals Decision reads: What is clear is Saudia's statement in its own Petition that what it has is a "Philippine Office . . . located at 4/F
Metro House Building, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City." 46 Even in the position paper that Saudia submitted
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision dated November 19, 2009 issued by public to the Labor Arbiter,47 what Saudia now refers to as "Saudia Jeddah" was then only referred to as "Saudia Head
respondent, Sixth Division of the National Labor Relations Commission - National Capital Region Office at Jeddah, KSA,"48 while what Saudia now refers to as "Saudia Manila" was then only referred to as
is MODIFIED only insofar as the computation of the award of separation pay and backwages. For greater clarity, "Saudia's office in Manila."49
petitioners are ordered to pay private respondents separation pay which shall be computed from private
respondents' first day of employment up to the finality of this decision, at the rate of one month per year of By its own admission, Saudia, while a foreign corporation, has a Philippine office.
service and backwages which shall be computed from the date the private respondents were illegally terminated
until finality of this decision. Consequently, the ten percent (10%) attorney's fees shall be based on the total Section 3(d) of Republic Act No.. 7042, otherwise known as the Foreign Investments Act of 1991, provides the
amount of the award. The assailed Decision is affirmed in all other respects. following:

The labor arbiter is hereby DIRECTED to make a recomputation based on the foregoing. 40cralawlawlibrary The phrase "doing business" shall include . . . opening offices, whether called "liaison" offices or branches; . . .
and any other act or acts that imply a continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements and contemplate to
In the Resolution dated September 13, 2011,41 the Court of Appeals denied petitioners' Motion for that extent the performance of acts or works, or the exercise of some of the functions normally incident to, and
Reconsideration. in progressive prosecution of commercial gain or of the purpose and object of the business organization.
(Emphasis supplied)
Hence, this Appeal was filed.
A plain application of Section 3(d) of the Foreign Investments Act leads to no other conclusion than that Saudia
The issues for resolution are the following: is a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines. As such, Saudia may be sued in the Philippines and is
subject to the jurisdiction of Philippine tribunals.
First, whether the Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission may exercise jurisdiction over
Saudi Arabian Airlines and apply Philippine law in adjudicating the present dispute; Moreover, since there is no real distinction between "Saudia Jeddah" and "Saudia Manila" — the latter being
nothing more than Saudia's local office — service of summons to Saudia's office in Manila sufficed to vest
Second, whether respondents' voluntarily resigned or were illegally terminated; and jurisdiction over Saudia's person in Philippine tribunals.

Lastly, whether Brenda J. Betia may be held personally liable along with Saudi Arabian Airlines. II

I Saudia asserts that Philippine courts and/or tribunals are not in a position to make an intelligent decision as to
the law and the facts. This is because respondents' Cabin Attendant contracts require the application of the laws
Summons were validly served on Saudia and jurisdiction over it validly acquired. of Saudi Arabia, rather than those of the Philippines. 50 It claims that the difficulty of ascertaining foreign law calls
into operation the principle of forum non conveniens, thereby rendering improper the exercise of jurisdiction by
There is no doubt that the pleadings and summons were served on Saudia through its counsel. 42 Saudia, Philippine tribunals.51
however, claims that the Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission had no jurisdiction over it
because summons were never served on it but on "Saudia Manila." 43 Referring to itself as "Saudia Jeddah," it A choice of law governing the validity of contracts or the interpretation of its provisions dees not necessarily
claims that "Saudia Jeddah" and not "Saudia Manila" was the employer of respondents because: imply forum non conveniens. Choice of law and forum non conveniens are entirely different matters.

First, "Saudia Manila" was never a party to the Cabin Attendant contracts entered into by respondents; Choice of law provisions are an offshoot of the fundamental principle of autonomy of contracts. Article 1306 of
the Civil Code firmly ensconces this:
Second, it was "Saudia Jeddah" that provided the funds to pay for respondents' salaries and benefits; and
Article 1306. The contracting parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may
Lastly, it was with "Saudia Jeddah" that respondents filed their resignations. 44 deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy.

In contrast, forum non conveniens is a device akin to the rule against forum shopping. It is designed to frustrate
Saudia posits that respondents' Complaint was brought against the wrong party because "Saudia Manila," upon
illicit means for securing advantages and vexing litigants that would otherwise be possible if the venue of
which summons was served, was never the employer of respondents. 45
litigation (or dispute resolution) were left entirely to the whim of either party.

intrinsic validity of contracts, and the same civil law traditions from which we draw ours.
Contractual choice of law provisions factor into transnational litigation and dispute resolution in one of or in a
combination of four ways: (1) procedures for settling disputes, e.g., arbitration; (2) forum, i.e., venue; (3) In this jurisdiction, this court, in Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee v. V.P. Eusebio Construction,
governing law; and (4) basis for interpretation. Forum non conveniens relates to, but is not subsumed by, the Inc.,58 manifested preference for allowing the parties to select the law applicable to their contract":
second of these.
No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts is expressly provided for in our laws. The rule followed by most
Likewise, contractual choice of law is not determinative of jurisdiction. Stipulating on the laws of a given legal systems, however, is that the intrinsic validity of a contract must be governed by the lex contractus or
jurisdiction as the governing law of a contract does not preclude the exercise of jurisdiction by tribunals "proper law of the contract." This is the law voluntarily agreed upon by the parties (the lex loci voluntatis) or the
elsewhere. The reverse is equally true: The assumption of jurisdiction by tribunals does not ipso facto mean that law intended by them either expressly or implicitly (the lex loci intentionis). The law selected may be implied
it cannot apply and rule on the basis of the parties' stipulation. In Hasegawa v. Kitamura:52 from such factors as substantial connection with the transaction, or the nationality or domicile of the parties.
Philippine courts would do well to adopt the first and most basic rule in most legal systems, namely, to allow the
Analytically, jurisdiction and choice of law are two distinct concepts. Jurisdiction considers whether it is fair to parties to select the law applicable to their contract, subject to the limitation that it is not against the law,
cause a defendant to travel to this state; choice of law asks the further question whether the application of a morals, or public policy of the forum and that the chosen law must bear a substantive relationship to the
substantive law V'hich will determine the merits of the case is fair to both parties. The power to exercise transaction.59 (Emphasis in the original)
jurisdiction does not automatically give a state constitutional authority to apply forum law. While jurisdiction
and the choice of the lex fori will often, coincide, the "minimum contacts" for one do not always provide the Saudia asserts that stipulations set in the Cabin Attendant contracts require the application of the laws of Saudi
necessary "significant contacts" for the other. The question of whether the law of a state can be applied to a Arabia. It insists that the need to comply with these stipulations calls into operation the doctrine of forum non
transaction is different from the question of whether the courts of that state have jurisdiction to enter a conveniens and, in turn, makes it necessary for Philippine tribunals to refrain from exercising jurisdiction.
As mentioned, contractual choice of laws factors into transnational litigation in any or a combination of four (4)
As various dealings, commercial or otherwise, are facilitated by the progressive ease of communication and ways. Moreover, forum non conveniens relates to one of these: choosing between multiple possible fora.
travel, persons from various jurisdictions find themselves transacting with each other. Contracts involving
foreign elements are, however, nothing new. Conflict of laws situations precipitated by disputes and litigation Nevertheless, the possibility of parallel litigation in multiple fora — along with the host of difficulties it poses —
anchored on these contracts are not totally novel. is not unique to transnational litigation. It is a difficulty that similarly arises in disputes well within the bounds of
a singe jurisdiction.
Transnational transactions entail differing laws on the requirements Q for the validity of the formalities and
substantive provisions of contracts and their interpretation. These transactions inevitably lend themselves to the When parallel litigation arises strictly within the context of a single jurisdiction, such rules as those on forum
possibility of various fora for litigation and dispute resolution. As observed by an eminent expert on shopping, litis pendentia, and res judicata come into operation. Thus, in the Philippines, the 1997 Rules on Civil
transnational law: Procedure provide for willful and deliberate forum shopping as a ground not only for summary dismissal with
prejudice but also for citing parties and counsels in direct contempt, as well as for the imposition of
The more jurisdictions having an interest in, or merely even a point of contact with, a transaction or relationship, administrative sanctions.60 Likewise, the same rules expressly provide that a party may seek the dismissal of a
the greater the number of potential fora for the resolution of disputes arising out of or related to that Complaint or another pleading asserting a claim on the ground "[t]hat there is another action pending between
transaction or relationship. In a world of increased mobility, where business and personal transactions transcend the same parties for the same cause," i.e., litis pendentia, or "[t]hat the cause of action is barred by a prior
national boundaries, the jurisdiction of a number of different fora may easily be invoked in a single or a set of judgment,"61 i.e., res judicata.
related disputes.54cralawlawlibrary
Forum non conveniens, like the rules of forum shopping, litis pendentia, and res judicata, is a means of
Philippine law is definite as to what governs the formal or extrinsic validity of contracts. The first paragraph of
addressing the problem of parallel litigation. While the rules of forum shopping, litis pendentia, and res
Article 17 of the Civil Code provides that "[t]he forms and solemnities of contracts . . . shall be governed by the
judicata are designed to address the problem of parallel litigation within a single jurisdiction, forum non
laws of the country in which they are executed"55 (i.e., lex loci celebrationis).
conveniens is a means devised to address parallel litigation arising in multiple jurisdictions.
In contrast, there is no statutorily established mode of settling conflict of laws situations on matters pertaining
Forum non conveniens literally translates to "the forum is inconvenient." 62 It is a concept in private international
to substantive content of contracts. It has been noted that three (3) modes have emerged: (1) lex loci
law and was devised to combat the "less than honorable" reasons and excuses that litigants use to secure
contractus or the law of the place of the making; (2) lex loci solutionis or the law of the place of performance;
procedural advantages, annoy and harass defendants, avoid overcrowded dockets, and select a "friendlier"
and (3) lex loci intentionis or the law intended by the parties.56
venue.63 Thus, the doctrine of forum non conveniens addresses the same rationale that the rule against forum
shopping does, albeit on a multijurisdictional scale.
Given Saudia's assertions, of particular relevance to resolving the present dispute is lex loci intentionis.
Forum non conveniens, like res judicata,64 is a concept originating in common law.65 However, unlike the rule
An author observed that Spanish jurists and commentators "favor lex loci intentionis."57 These jurists and
on res judicata, as well as those on litis pendentia and forum shopping, forum non conveniens finds no textual
commentators proceed from the Civil Code of Spain, which, like our Civil Code, is silent on what governs the

anchor, whether in statute or in procedural rules, in our civil law system. Nevertheless, jurisprudence has a court should renounce jurisdiction only "after 'vital facts are established, to determine whether special
applied forum non conveniens as basis for a court to decline its exercise of jurisdiction. 66 circumstances' require the court's desistance."73 As the propriety of applying forum non conveniens is contingent
on a factual determination, it is, therefore, a matter of defense. 74
Forum non conveniens is soundly applied not only to address parallel litigation and undermine a litigant's
capacity to vex and secure undue advantages by engaging in forum shopping on an international scale. It is also The second sentence of Rule 9, Section 1 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure is exclusive in its recital of the
grounded on principles of comity and judicial efficiency. grounds for dismissal that are exempt from the omnibus motion rule: (1) lack of jurisdiction over the subject
matter; (2) litis pendentia; (3) res judicata; and (4) prescription. Moreover, dismissal on account offorum non
Consistent with the principle of comity, a tribunal's desistance in exercising jurisdiction on account of forum non conveniens is a fundamentally discretionary matter. It is, therefore, not a matter for a defendant to foist upon
conveniens is a deferential gesture to the tribunals of another sovereign. It is a measure that prevents the the court at his or her own convenience; rather, it must be pleaded at the earliest possible opportunity.
former's having to interfere in affairs which are better and more competently addressed by the latter.
Further, forum non conveniens entails a recognition not only that tribunals elsewhere are better suited to rule on On the matter of pleading forum non conveniens, we state the rule, thus: Forum non conveniens must not only
and resolve a controversy, but also, that these tribunals are better positioned to enforce judgments and, be clearly pleaded as a ground for dismissal; it must be pleaded as such at the earliest possible opportunity.
ultimately, to dispense justice. Forum non conveniens prevents the embarrassment of an awkward situation Otherwise, it shall be deemed waived.
where a tribunal is rendered incompetent in the face of the greater capability — both analytical and practical —
of a tribunal in another jurisdiction. This court notes that in Hasegawa,76 this court stated that forum non conveniens is not a ground for a motion to
dismiss. The factual ambience of this case however does not squarely raise the viability of this doctrine. Until the
The wisdom of avoiding conflicting and unenforceable judgments is as much a matter of efficiency and economy opportunity comes to review the use of motions to dismiss for parallel litigation, Hasegawa remains existing
as it is a matter of international courtesy. A court would effectively be neutering itself if it insists on adjudicating doctrine.
a controversy when it knows full well that it is in no position to enforce its judgment. Doing so is not only an
exercise in futility; it is an act of frivolity. It clogs the dockets of a.tribunal and leaves it to waste its efforts on Consistent with forum non conveniens as fundamentally a factual matter, it is imperative that it proceed from
affairs, which, given transnational exigencies, will be reduced to mere academic, if not trivial, exercises. & factually established basis. It would be improper to dismiss an action pursuant to forum non conveniens based
merely on a perceived, likely, or hypothetical multiplicity of fora. Thus, a defendant must also plead and show
Accordingly, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, "a court, in conflicts of law cases, may refuse that a prior suit has, in fact, been brought in another jurisdiction.
impositions on its jurisdiction where it is not the most 'convenient' or available forum and the parties are not
precluded from seeking remedies elsewhere."67 In Puyat v. Zabarte,68 this court recognized the following The existence of a prior suit makes real the vexation engendered by duplicitous litigation, the embarrassment of
situations as among those that may warrant a court's desistance from exercising jurisdiction: intruding into the affairs of another sovereign, and the squandering of judicial efforts in resolving a dispute
already lodged and better resolved elsewhere. As has been noted:
1) The belief that the matter can be better tried and decided elsewhere, either because the main aspects of
the case transpired in a foreign jurisdiction or the material witnesses have their residence there; A case will not be stayed o dismissed on [forum] non conveniens grounds unless the plaintiff is shown to have an
available alternative forum elsewhere. On this, the moving party bears the burden of proof.
2) The belief that the non-resident plaintiff sought the forum[,] a practice known as forum shopping[,] merely
to secure procedural advantages or to convey or harass the defendant; A number of factors affect the assessment of an alternative forum's adequacy. The statute of limitations abroad
may have run, of the foreign court may lack either subject matter or personal jurisdiction over the
3) The unwillingness to extend local judicial facilities to non residents or aliens when the docket may already defendant. . . . Occasionally, doubts will be raised as to the integrity or impartiality of the foreign court (based,
be overcrowded; for example, on suspicions of corruption or bias in favor of local nationals), as to the fairness of its judicial
procedures, or as to is operational efficiency (due, for example, to lack of resources, congestion and delay, or
4) The inadequacy of the local judicial machinery for effectuating the right sought to be maintained; and
interfering circumstances such as a civil unrest). In one noted case, [it was found] that delays of 'up to a quarter
5) The difficulty of ascertaining foreign law. 69 of a century' rendered the foreign forum... inadequate for these purposes. 77cralawlawlibrary

In Bank of America, NT&SA, Bank of America International, Ltd. v. Court of Appeals,70 this court underscored that We deem it more appropriate and in the greater interest of prudence that a defendant not only allege supposed
a Philippine court may properly assume jurisdiction over a case if it chooses to do so to the extent: "(1) that the dangerous tendencies in litigating in this jurisdiction; the defendant must also show that such danger is real and
Philippine Court is one to which the parties may conveniently resort to; (2) that the Philippine Court is in a present in that litigation or dispute resolution has commenced in another jurisdiction and that a foreign tribunal
position to make an intelligent decision as to the law and the facts; and (3) that the Philippine Court has or is has chosen to exercise jurisdiction.
likely to have power to enforce its decision." 71
The use of the word "may" (i.e., "may refuse impositions on its jurisdiction" ) in the decisions shows that the
matter of jurisdiction rests on the sound discretion of a court. Neither the mere invocation of forum non Forum non conveniens finds no application and does not operate to divest Philippine tribunals of jurisdiction and
conveniens nor the averment of foreign elements operates to automatically divest a court of jurisdiction. Rather, to require the application of foreign law.

considerations of law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy that underlie the contract central to
Saudia invokes forum non conveniens to supposedly effectuate the stipulations of the Cabin Attendant contracts the controversy.
that require the application of the laws of Saudi Arabia.
Specifically with respect to public policy, in Pakistan International Airlines Corporation v. Ople,79 this court
Forum non conveniens relates to forum, not to the choice of governing law. Thai forum non conveniens may explained that:
ultimately result in the application of foreign law is merely an incident of its application. In this strict
sense, forum non conveniens is not applicable. It is not the primarily pivotal consideration in this case. counter-balancing the principle of autonomy of contracting parties is the equally general rule that provisions of
applicable law, especially provisions relating to matters affected with public policy, are deemed written inta the
In any case, even a further consideration of the applicability of forum non conveniens on the incidental matter of contract. Put a little differently, the governing principle is that parties may not contract away applicable
the law governing respondents' relation with Saudia leads to the conclusion that it is improper for Philippine provisions of law especially peremptory provisions dealing with matters heavily impressed with public
tribunals to divest themselves of jurisdiction. interest.80 (Emphasis supplied)

Article II, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution provides that "[t]he State ... shall ensure the fundamental equality
Any evaluation of the propriety of contracting parties' choice of a forum and'its incidents must grapple with two
before the law of women and men." Contrasted with Article II, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution's statement
(2) considerations: first, the availability and adequacy of recourse to a foreign tribunal; and second, the question
that "[n]o person shall ... be denied the equal protection of the laws," Article II, Section 14 exhorts the State to
of where, as between the forum court and a foreign court, the balance of interests inhering in a dispute weighs
"ensure." This does not only mean that the Philippines shall not countenance nor lend legal recognition and
more heavily.
approbation to measures that discriminate on the basis of one's being male or female. It imposes an obligation
to actively engage in securing the fundamental equality of men and women.
The first is a pragmatic matter. It relates to the viability of ceding jurisdiction to a foreign tribunal and can be
resolved by juxtaposing the competencies and practical circumstances of the tribunals in alternative fora.
The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), signed and ratified
Exigencies, like the statute of limitations, capacity to enforce orders and judgments, access to records,
by the Philippines on July 15, 1980, and on August 5, 1981, respectively, 81 is part of the law of the land. In view
requirements for the acquisition of jurisdiction, and even questions relating to the integrity of foreign courts,
of the widespread signing and ratification of, as well as adherence (in practice) to it by states, it may even be said
may render undesirable or even totally unfeasible recourse to a foreign court. As mentioned, we consider it in
that many provisions of the CEDAW may have become customary international law. The CEDAW gives effect to
the greater interest of prudence that a defendant show, in pleading forum non conveniens, that litigation has
the Constitution's policy statement in Article II, Section 14. Article I of the CEDAW defines "discrimination
commenced in another jurisdiction and that a foieign tribunal has, in fact, chosen to exercise jurisdiction.
against women" as:
Two (2) factors weigh into a court's appraisal of the balance of interests inhering in a dispute: first, the vinculum any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or
which the parties and their relation have to a given jurisdiction; and second, the public interest that must nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of
animate a tribunal, in its capacity as an agent of the sovereign, in choosing to assume or decline jurisdiction. The equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social,
first is more concerned with the parties, their personal circumstances, and private interests; the second cultural, civil or any other field.82cralawlawlibrary
concerns itself with the state and the greater social order.
The constitutional exhortation to ensure fundamental equality, as illumined by its enabling law, the CEDAW,
In considering the vinculum, a court must look into the preponderance of linkages which the parties and their must inform and animate all the actions of all personalities acting on behalf of the State. It is, therefore, the
transaction may have to either jurisdiction. In this respect, factors, such as the parties' respective nationalities bounden duty of this court, in rendering judgment on the disputes brought before it, to ensure that no
and places of negotiation, execution, performance, engagement or deployment, come into play. discrimination is heaped upon women on the mere basis of their being women. This is a point so basic and
central that all our discussions and pronouncements — regardless of whatever averments there may be of
In considering public interest, a court proceeds with a consciousness that it is an organ of the state. It must, foreign law — must proceed from this premise.
thus, determine if the interests of the sovereign (which acts through it) are outweighed by those of the
alternative jurisdiction. In this respect, the court delves into a consideration of public policy. Should it find that So informed and animated, we emphasize the glaringly discriminatory nature of Saudia's policy. As argued by
public interest weighs more heavily in favor of its assumption of jurisdiction, it should proceed in adjudicating respondents, Saudia's policy entails the termination of employment of flight attendants who become pregnant.
the dispute, any doubt or .contrary view arising from the preponderance of linkages notwithstanding. At the risk of stating the obvious, pregnancy is an occurrence that pertains specifically to women. Saudia's policy
excludes from and restricts employment on the basis of no other consideration but sex.
Our law on contracts recognizes the validity of contractual choice of law provisions. Where such provisions exist,
Philippine tribunals, acting as the forum court, generally defer to the parties' articulated choice. We do not lose sight of the reality that pregnancy does present physical limitations that may render difficult the
performance of functions associated with being a flight attendant. Nevertheless, it would be the height of
This is consistent with the fundamental principle of autonomy of contracts. Article 1306 of the Civ:l Code iniquity to view pregnancy as a disability so permanent and immutable that, it must entail the termination of
expressly provides that "[t]he contracting parties may establish 'such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions one's employment. It is clear to us that any individual, regardless of gender, may be subject to exigencies that
as they may deem convenient."78 Nevertheless, while a Philippine tribunal (acting as the forum court) is called limit the performance of functions. However, we fail to appreciate how pregnancy could be such an impairing
upon to respect the parties' choice of governing law, such respect must not be so permissive as to lose sight of occurrence that it leaves no other recourse but the complete termination of the means through which a woman

earns a living. conveniens requires a factual determination; and (3) the requisites for assumption of jurisdiction as laid out
in Bank of America, NT&SA90 were all satisfied.
Apart from the constitutional policy on the fundamental equality before the law of men and women, it is settled
that contracts relating to labor and employment are impressed with public interest. Article 1700 of the Civil In contrast, this court ruled in The Manila Hotel Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission91 that the National
Code provides that "[t]he relation between capital and labor are not merely contractual. They are so impressed Labor Relations Q Commission was a seriously inconvenient forum. In that case, private respondent Marcelo G.
with public interest that labor contracts must yield to the common good." Santos was working in the Sultanate of Oman when he received a letter from Palace Hotel recruiting him for
employment in Beijing, China. Santos accepted the offer. Subsequently, however, he was released from
Consistent with this, this court's pronouncements in Pakistan International Airlines Corporation83 are clear and employment supposedly due to business reverses arising from political upheavals in China (i.e., the Tiananmen
unmistakable: Square incidents of 1989). Santos later filed a Complaint for illegal dismissal impleading Palace Hotel's General
Manager, Mr. Gerhard Schmidt, the Manila Hotel International Company Ltd. (which was, responsible for
Petitioner PIA cannot take refuge in paragraph 10 of its employment agreement which specifies, firstly, the law training Palace Hotel's personnel and staff), and the Manila Hotel Corporation (which owned 50% of Manila
of Pakistan as the applicable law of the agreement, and, secondly, lays the venue for settlement of any dispute Hotel International Company Ltd.'s capital stock).
arising out of or in connection with the agreement "only [in] courts of Karachi, Pakistan". The first clause of
paragraph 10 cannot be invoked to prevent the application of Philippine labor laws and'regulations to the In ruling against the National Labor Relations Commission's exercise of jurisdiction, this court noted that the
subject matter of this case, i.e., the employer-employee relationship between petitioner PIA and private main aspects of the case transpired in two (2) foreign jurisdictions, Oman and China, and that the case involved
respondents. We have already pointed out that the relationship is much affected with public interest and that purely foreign elements. Specifically, Santos was directly hired by a foreign employer through correspondence
the otherwise applicable Philippine laws and regulations cannot be rendered illusory by the parties agreeing sent to Oman. Also, the proper defendants were neither Philippine nationals nor engaged in business in the
upon some other law to govern their relationship. . . . Under these circumstances, paragraph 10 of the Philippines, while the main witnesses were not residents of the Philippines. Likewise, this court noted that the
employment agreement cannot be given effect so as to oust Philippine agencies and courts of the jurisdiction National Labor Relations Commission was in no position to conduct the following: first, determine the law
vested upon them by Philippine law.84 (Emphasis supplied) governing the employment contract, as it was entered into in foreign soil; second, determine the facts, as
Santos' employment was terminated in Beijing; and third, enforce its judgment, since Santos' employer, Palace
As the present dispute relates to (what the respondents allege to be) the illegal termination of respondents'
Hotel, was incorporated under the laws of China and was not even served with summons.
employment, this case is immutably a matter of public interest and public policy. Consistent with clear
pronouncements in law and jurisprudence, Philippine laws properly find application in and govern this case.
Contrary to Manila Hotel, the case now before us does not entail a preponderance of linkages that favor a
'Moreover, as this premise for Saudia's insistence on the application forum non conveniens has been shattered, it
foreign jurisdiction.
follows that Philippine tribunals may properly assume jurisdiction over the present controversy. Philippine
jurisprudence provides ample illustrations of when a court's renunciation of jurisdiction on account of forum
Here, the circumstances of the parties and their relation do not approximate the circumstances enumerated
non conveniens is proper or improper.'
in Puyat,92 which this court recognized as possibly justifying the desistance of Philippine tribunals from exercising
In Philsec Investment Corporation v. Court of Appeals,85 this court noted that the trial court failed to consider
that one of the plaintiffs was a domestic corporation, that one of the defendants was a Filipino, and that it was
First, there is no basis for concluding that the case can be more conveniently tried elsewhere. As established
the extinguishment of the latter's debt that was the object of the transaction subject of the litigation. Thus, this
earlier, Saudia is doing business in the Philippines. For their part, all four (4) respondents are Filipino citizens
court held, among others, that the trial court's refusal to assume jurisdiction was not justified by forum non
maintaining residence in the Philippines and, apart from their previous employment with Saudia, have no other
conveniens and remanded the case to the trial court.
connection to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It would even be to respondents' inconvenience if this case were to
be tried elsewhere.
In Raytheon International, Inc. v. Rouzie, Jr.,86 this court sustained the trial court's assumption of jurisdiction
considering that the trial court could properly enforce judgment on the petitioner which was a foreign
Second, the records are bereft of any indication that respondents filed their Complaint in an effort to engage in
corporation licensed to do business in the Philippines.
forum shopping or to vex and inconvenience Saudia.
In Pioneer International, Ltd. v. Guadiz, Jr.,87 this court found no reason to disturb the trial court's assumption of
Third, there is no indication of "unwillingness to extend local judicial facilities to non-residents or aliens." 93 That
jurisdiction over a case in which, as noted by the trial court, "it is more convenient to hear and decide the case
Saudia has managed to bring the present controversy all the way to this court proves this.
in the Philippines because Todaro [the plaintiff] resides in the Philippines and the contract allegedly breached
involve[d] employment in the Philippines."88
Fourth, it cannot be said that the local judicial machinery is inadequate for effectuating the right sought to be
89 maintained. Summons was properly served on Saudia and jurisdiction over its person was validly acquired.
In Pacific Consultants International Asia, Inc. v. Schonfeld, this court held that the fact that the complainant in
an illegal dismissal case was a Canadian citizen and a repatriate did not warrant the application of forum non
Lastly, there is not even room for considering foreign law. Philippine law properly governs the present dispute.
conveniens considering that: (1) the Labor Code does not include forum non conveniens as a ground for the
dismissal of a complaint for illegal dismissal; (2) the propriety of dismissing a case based on forum non
As the question of applicable law has been settled, the supposed difficulty of ascertaining foreign law (which

requires the application of forum non conveniens) provides no insurmountable inconvenience or special As the intent to relinquish must concur with the overt act of relinquishment, the acts of the employee before
circumstance that will justify depriving Philippine tribunals of jurisdiction. and after the alleged resignation must be considered in determining whether he or she, in fact, intended, to
sever his or her employment.103 (Emphasis supplied)
Even if we were to assume, for the sake of discussion, that it is the laws of Saudi Arabia which should apply, it
does not follow that Philippine tribunals should refrain from exercising jurisdiction. To. recall our On the other hand, constructive dismissal has been defined as "cessation of work because 'continued
pronouncements in Puyat,94 as well as in Bank of America, NT&SA,95 it is not so much the mere applicability of employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer involving a demotion in rank or a
foreign law which calls into operation forum non conveniens. Rather, what justifies a court's desistance from diminution in pay' and other benefits." 104
exercising jurisdiction is "[t]he difficulty of ascertaining foreign law"96 or the inability of a "Philippine Court to
make an intelligent decision as to the law[.]"97 In Penaflor v. Outdoor Clothing Manufacturing Corporation,105 constructive dismissal has been described as
tantamount to "involuntarily [sic] resignation due to the harsh, hostile, and unfavorable conditions set by the
Consistent with lex loci intentionis, to the extent that it is proper and practicable (i.e., "to make an intelligent employer."106 In the same case, it was noted that "[t]he gauge for constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable
decision"98), Philippine tribunals may apply the foreign law selected by the parties. In fact, (albeit without person in the employee's position would feel compelled to give up his employment under the prevailing
meaning to make a pronouncement on the accuracy and reliability of respondents' citation) in this case, circumstances."107
respondents themselves have made averments as to the laws of Saudi Arabia. In their Comment, respondents
write: Applying the cited standards on resignation and constructive dismissal, it is clear that respondents were
constructively dismissed. Hence, their termination was illegal.
Under the Labor Laws of Saudi Arabia and the Philippines[,] it is illegal and unlawful to terminate the
employment of any woman by virtue of pregnancy. The law in Saudi Arabia is even more harsh and strict [sic] in The termination of respondents' employment happened when they were pregnant and expecting to incur costs
that no employer can terminate the employment of a female worker or give her a warning of the same while on on account of child delivery and infant rearing. As noted by the Court of Appeals, pregnancy is a time when they
Maternity Leave, the specific provision of Saudi Labor Laws on the matter is hereto quoted as follows: need employment to sustain their families.108 Indeed, it goes against normal and reasonable human behavior to
abandon one's livelihood in a time of great financial need.
"An employer may not terminate the employment of a female worker or give her a warning of the same while
on maternity leave." (Article 155, Labor Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Royal Decree No. It is clear that respondents intended to remain employed with Saudia. All they did was avail of their maternity
M/51.)99cralawlawlibrary leaves. Evidently, the very nature of a maternity leave means that a pregnant employee will not report for
work only temporarily and that she will resume the performance of her duties as soon as the leave allowance
All told, the considerations for assumption of jurisdiction by Philippine tribunals as outlined in Bank of America,
NT&SA100 have been satisfied. First, all the parties are based in the Philippines and all the material incidents
transpired in this jurisdiction. Thus, the parties may conveniently seek relief from Philippine tribunals. Second,
It is also clear that respondents exerted all efforts to' remain employed with Saudia. Each of them repeatedly
Philippine tribunals are in a position to make an intelligent decision as to the law and the facts. Third, Philippine
filed appeal letters (as much as five [5] letters in the case of Rebesencio 109) asking Saudia to reconsider the
tribunals are in a position to enforce their decisions. There is no compelling basis for ceding jurisdiction to a
ultimatum that they resign or be terminated along with the forfeiture of their benefits. Some of them even went
foreign tribunal. Quite the contrary, the immense public policy considerations attendant to this case behoove
to Saudia's office to personally seek reconsideration.110
Philippine tribunals to not shy away from their duty to rule on the case.
Respondents also adduced a copy of the "Unified Employment Contract for Female Cabin Attendants." 111 This
contract deemed void the employment of a flight attendant who becomes pregnant and threatened termination
due to lack of medical fitness.112 The threat of termination (and the forfeiture of benefits that it entailed) is
Respondents were illegally terminated.
enough to compel a reasonable person in respondents' position to give up his or her employment.
In Bilbao v. Saudi Arabian Airlines,101 this court defined voluntary resignation as "the voluntary act of an
Saudia draws attention to how respondents' resignation letters were supposedly made in their own handwriting.
employee who is in a situation where one believes that personal reasons cannot be sacrificed in favor of the
This minutia fails to surmount all the other indications negating any voluntariness on respondents' part. If at all,
exigency of the service, and one has no other choice but to dissociate oneself from employment. It is a formal
these same resignation letters are proof of how any supposed resignation did not arise from respondents' own
pronouncement or relinquishment of an office, with the intention of relinquishing the office accompanied by the
initiative. As earlier pointed out, respondents' resignations were executed on Saudia's blank letterheads that
act of relinquishment."102 Thus, essential to the act of resignation is voluntariness. It must be the result of an
Saudia had provided. These letterheads already had the word "RESIGNATION" typed on the subject portion of
employee's exercise of his or her own will.
their respective headings when these were handed to respondents. 113
In the same case of Bilbao, this court advanced a means for determining whether an employee resigned
"In termination cases, the burden of proving just or valid cause for dismissing an employee rests on the
employer."114 In this case, Saudia makes much of how respondents supposedly completed their exit interviews,
executed quitclaims, received their separation pay, and took more than a year to file their Complaint. 115 If at all,
however, these circumstances prove only the fact of their occurrence, nothing more. The voluntariness of

respondents' departure from Saudia is non sequitur. medical condition due to the employer's own violation of the employment contract, 125 and lodging of a
Complaint against the employer.126 Exemplary damages were also awarded to employees who were deemed
Mere compliance with standard procedures or processes, such as the completion of their exit interviews, neither illegally dismissed by an employer in an attempt to evade compliance with statutorily established employee
negates compulsion nor indicates voluntariness. benefits.127 Likewise, employees dismissed for supposedly just causes, but in violation of due process
requirements, were awarded exemplary damages.128
As with respondent's resignation letters, their exit interview forms even support their claim of illegal dismissal
and militates against Saudia's arguments. These exit interview forms, as reproduced by Saudia in its own These examples pale in comparison to the present controversy. Stripped of all unnecessary complexities,
Petition, confirms the unfavorable conditions as regards respondents' maternity leaves. Ma. Jopette's and respondents were dismissed for no other reason than simply that they were pregnant. This is as wanton,
Loraine's exit interview forms are particularly telling: oppressive, and tainted with bad faith as any reason for termination of employment can be. This is no ordinary
case of illegal dismissal. This is a case of manifest gender discrimination. It is an affront not only to our statutes
a. From Ma. Jopette's exit interview form: and policies on employees' security of tenure, but more so, to the Constitution's dictum of fundamental equality
between men and women.129
3. In what respects has the job met or failed to meet your expectations?
THE SUDDEN TWIST OF DECISION REGARDING THE MATERNITY LEAVE. 116 The award of exemplary damages is, therefore, warranted, not only to remind employers of the need to adhere
to the requirements of procedural and substantive due process in termination of employment, but more
b. From Loraine's exit interview form: importantly, to demonstrate that gender discrimination should in no case be countenanced.

1. What are your main reasons for leaving Saudia? What company are you joining? Having been compelled to litigate to seek reliefs for their illegal and unjust dismissal, respondents are likewise
xxx xxx xxx entitled to attorney's fees in the amount of 10% of the total monetary award. 130

As to respondents' quitclaims, in Phil. Employ Services and Resources, Inc. v. Paramio,118 this court noted that
"[i]f (a) there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an unsuspecting or gullible person; or (b) the VI
terms of the settlement are unconscionable, and on their face invalid, such quitclaims must be struck down as
invalid or illegal."119 Respondents executed their quitclaims after having been unfairly given an ultimatum to Petitioner Brenda J. Betia may not be held liable.
resign or be terminated (and forfeit their benefits).
A corporation has a personality separate and distinct from those of the persons composing it. Thus, as a rule,
V corporate directors and officers are not liable for the illegal termination of a corporation's employees. It is only
when they acted in bad faith or with malice that they become solidarity liable with the corporation. 131
Having been illegally and unjustly dismissed, respondents are entitled to full backwages and benefits from the
time of their termination until the finality of this Decision. They are likewise entitled to separation pay in the In Ever Electrical Manufacturing, Inc. (EEMI) v. Samahang Manggagawa ng Ever Electrical,132 this court clarified
amount of one (1) month's salary for every year of service until the fmality of this Decision, with a fraction of a that "[b]ad faith does not connote bad judgment or negligence; it imports a dishonest purpose or some moral
year of at least six (6) months being counted as one (1) whole year. obliquity and conscious doing of wrong; it means breach of a known duty through some motive or interest or ill
will; it partakes of the nature of fraud."133
Moreover, "[m]oral damages are awarded in termination cases where the employee's dismissal was attended by
bad faith, malice or fraud, or where it constitutes an act oppressive to labor, or where it was done in a manner Respondents have not produced proof to show that Brenda J. Betia acted in bad faith or with malice as regards
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy."120 In this case, Saudia terminated respondents' employment their termination. Thus, she may not be held solidarity liable with Saudia.cralawred
in a manner that is patently discriminatory and running afoul of the public interest that underlies employer-
employee relationships. As such, respondents are entitled to moral damages. WHEREFORE, with the MODIFICATIONS that first, petitioner Brenda J. Betia is not solidarity liable with
petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines, and second, that petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines is liable for moral and
To provide an "example or correction for the public good" 121 as against such discriminatory and callous schemes, exemplary damages. The June 16, 2011 Decision and the September 13, 2011 Resolution of the Court of Appeals
respondents are likewise entitled to exemplary damages. in CA-G.R. SP. No. 113006 are hereby AFFIRMED in all other respects. Accordingly, petitioner Saudi Arabian
Airlines is ordered to pay respondents:
In a long line of cases, this court awarded exemplary damages to illegally dismissed employees whose
"dismissal[s were] effected in a wanton, oppressive or malevolent manner." 122 This court has awarded exemplary (1) Full backwages and all other benefits computed from the respective dates in which each of the
damages to employees who were terminated on such frivolous, arbitrary, and unjust grounds as membership in respondents were illegally terminated until the finality of this Decision;
or involvement with labor unions,123 injuries sustained in the course of employment, 124 development of a

(2) Separation pay computed from the respective dates in which each of the respondents commenced
employment until the finality of this Decision at the rate of one (1) month's salary for every year of service, with
a fraction of a year of at least six (6) months being counted as one (1) whole year;
(3) Moral damages in the amount of P100,000.00 per respondent;
(4) Exemplary damages in the amount of P200,000.00 per respondent; and
(5) Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total award.
Interest of 6% per annum shall likewise be imposed on the total judgment award from the finality of this
Decision until full satisfaction thereof.

This case is REMANDED to the Labor Arbiter to make a detailed computation of the amounts due to
respondents which petitioner Saudi Arabian Airlines should pay without delay.


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