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Introduction to Communication

Definition: The Word Communication comes from Latin word communicare which means to
share, to impart or to commune. Its literal meaning is to giving or sharing information. The Oxford
Dictionary defines Communication as the action of exchanging information or ideas. Communication
is an interactive process that involves the effective transmission, thoughts, feelings, ideas, facts and

Basics of Communication: In an academic environment, we encounter various situations which

involves speech or writing. We have to converse with friends, Professor or Colleagues. We
participate in seminars, group discussions or written tests. We have to submit reports on diverse
topics at colleges and universities. All the above mentioned activities have a common denominator
the sharing of information. This process involves the transmission and interchange of thoughts,
feelings, ideas and courses of action. No Organization in the world can survive without

Objectives and Characteristics of Communication: Usually, Technical Communication has the

following objectives and characteristics:

• To provide organized information that helps in quick decision making.

• To invite corporate joint ventures.
• To provide knowledge in oral or written form.
Technical Communication has to be correct, accurate, appropriate and to the point. He must
brief and arranged sequentially. So that it is easy for a user of product to find the relevant

Process of Communication: For sharing information, two parties are required, the sender and the
receiver. So Communication means exchanging of information and ideas between sender and
receiver through accepted code of signals. The Communication cycle involves various elements
which are discussed below:

The First step is Formulation where in the sender forms the content of the message to be sent.
The content once formed is called Message. The sender encodes message through basic tool of
language used words, signs, objects or a combination of these. The delivery of the message happens
through channels or mode of communication. It can be face-to-face, on paper or through electronic
media or digital media such as internet. The receiver receives the message, decodes it and acts on it.
The transmission of the receiver response to the sender is called Feedback. The Communication is
fully effective when there is desired response from the receiver.

Levels of Communication: There are different levels of communication which are discussed below:

• Extra Personal Communication

• Intra Personal Communication
• Inter Personal Communication
• Organizational Communication
• Mass Communication

(1) Extra Personal Communication: Communication between human beings and non-human
entities is called extra personal communication. For Example, when your pet dog comes to
you wagging its tail as soon as you reach home from work, this is an example of extra
personal communication.

(2) Intra Personal Communication: It takes place in an individual. We know that brain is linked
to all parts of the body by an electrochemical system. When you begin to feel hot, this
information is sent to the brain and you may decide to turn on the cooler.

(3) Inter Personal Communication: This Communication refers to the sharing of information
among people. It differs from other forms of communication in that there are few
participants involved, they are in close proximity (possibility) to each other. Intra Personal
Communication can be formal as well as informal.

(4) Organizational Communication: It takes place in an organization at different hierarchical

levels. It can be further divided into following operations:
(a) Internal Operational: All Communications that occurs in process of operations within an
organization is classified as internal operational.
(b) External Operational: The work-related Communication that an organization has with
the people outside the organization is called external operational.
(c) Personal-Operational: All Communications in an organization other than the official
purposes is known as personal-operational.

(5) Mass Communication: It is meant for large audiences and requires a medium to transmit
information. There are several mass media such as Journals, books, newspapers and
television. The audience is heterogeneous and anonymous and thus the approach is
impersonal. This type of communication is more persuasive in nature than any other form
and requires utmost care on the part of the sender while encoding the message.

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