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Nick Bones

Edu 214 (spring)

8 March 2019

Lesson Plan Title:

Weather Channel News Report
Concept / Topic to Teach:
How to upload a video to YouTube, how to add that video to PowerPoint, how to add
images to PowerPoint.
General Goal(s):
Be able to operate YouTube, general knowledge and aptitude in PowerPoint.
Specific Objectives:
Be able to identify specific weather anomaly based on an image, and correctly assess
what weather is likely to be caused by that weather pattern
Required Materials:
Phone or Tablet with video function, Computer/ phone/ tablet with access to youtube,
Computer/ tablet with access to PowerPoint.
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
Who wants to become a famous YouTube star today? Well this may not make you
famous, but today you will be learning the basics of YouTube, PowerPoint, and you will
be showing your knowledge of a few of the weather patterns that we have been learning
in the last few weeks. Who is ready to get started?
Step-By-Step Procedures:
This project will be in three different steps. So, get into your groups that we set up last
week and I will go over what each of the steps will include.
Step one:
 Identify the weather pattern that you are assigned.
o There are 4 different unlabeled images for you to choose from, these are
all weather patterns that we have been learning over the last few weeks,
so you should be able to look at them and know what labels go with each
of these patterns.
o As a group you will decide what labels go in the blank sections and label
them, how will you label them? In PowerPoint, and I will show you how to
do that in step 3. For now I want you to write them down on a piece of
paper and set it aside until later.
Step two:
 Step two is going to be the fun one! You will pick one person from the group to
be a weather anchor!
 The “anchor” will be the one relaying the information on the sheet.
o Film one person reading the necessary information that is required by the
o Be creative and have fun with it!
 You will then upload the video of the anchor relaying the information to YouTube.
 Once the video is uploaded copy and save the link from the YouTube
Step Three:
 You will then start a PowerPoint
o Save the file of the image you decided to use for the video.
o You will add this picture to your PowerPoint and use the text box tool to
label the blank image with the proper labels in the proper places
o Either On the same slide as the image (or the slide before if you want) you
will add the YouTube video explaining what the image is showing.

Plan for Independent Practice:

The plan for independent practice will be them making the PowerPoint, using text box’s,
making new slides, and adding a video to one of the slides
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
I will be paying attention to the projects throughout to make sure they are learning what
is expected, but also to make sure the students are enjoying their time working on this
project and being creative with their choices. The information they will be using to make
their video and presentation should have been covered thoroughly enough that the
project is simply a new fun way to review before the test.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
The assessment for this project will be a quiz / Test given the next class period. It will
cover all the information from this project that they have been learning in the weeks
leading up to this project.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
This project could be a great lead in for making more in-depth and detailed PowerPoint
presentations. This project is intended to be a good learning experience for people that
are proficient in PowerPoint as well as students that are using it for the first time.

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