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Once upon a time, a boy was abandoned by his mother in a beautiful forest that is protected by
magical creatures. This forest was called the Forest of beast, it was once said that there’s a creature not from
this world live on a cave in the forest of beast. The boy who was left in the forest was found and raised by
fairies; these fairies was the guardian of the beautiful flowers that is found only in the forest of beast.
The boy was named by the fairies “Alkohaveh” that means “The Protector”. As the years past the
boy turned 16 and got curious in the world that he lived in. One day the boy asked the fairies if he can wander
the forest, the fairies grant the boy’s wish and give him the permission to wander the forest but the fairies
warned him that he mustn’t go to the cave near the Targonian falls. It was Once said that this falls was once
an enchanted place but got cursed by a powerful warlock named Zhakashul, he cursed this falls because he
was defeated by the Targonian Tribe that was once live here. As the boy explore the forest, he saw a raven
with a beautiful color, its feather was white and red. The boy got curious and followed the creature, as the boy
followed it, he heard the trembling thunder of the sky, the skies goes dark and the forest was covered by the
mist. The boy wanted to go back in the village but he lost his track, as the heavy rain started to fall, the boy
ran and wanted to look for shelter, but he tumbled and hit his head on a rock. The boy lost his consciousness
and he heard loud footsteps coming towards him, when he woke up it’s already morning and what he saw was
a face of a beautiful girl. The girl wakes the boy, the girl said “hey wake up” and the boy replied, “where am
I? The girl said that he found him in the forest unconscious so she dragged him in this place, as the boy look
around, he saw a waterfall and a cave near it. The boy thanked the girl for saving his life and he wanted to
know the girl’s name. The girl’s name was Luna .. …………………... (in progress XD)

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