Diagnostic Exam Date 8-24-19 Urinalysis Resul T Norma L Interpretatio N Clinical Significance Normal

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Date; 8-24-19
Color Yellow Yellowis Normal Normal urine color ranges
h to from pale yellow to deep
Amber amber — the result of a
pigment called urochrome
and how diluted or
concentrated the urine is.
Pigments and other
compounds in certain foods
and medications can
change your urine color.
Beets, berries and fava
beans are among the foods
most likely to affect
the color.
Appearanc Clear Clear to Normal Turbidity and other terms
e Slightly are used to characterize the
Yellow appearance of
a urine specimen. Urine ma
y contain red or white blood
cells, bacteria, fat, or chyle
and may reflect renal
or urinary tract infection.
In urinary tract infections, a
fetid odor commonly is
associated with E. coli.
Sugar negative negative Normal Glucose in
the urine may mean that a
woman has gestational
diabetes. Renal glycosuria: A
rare condition in
which glucose is released from
the kidneys into the urine,
even when
blood glucose levels are norm
Blood Trace Negative Normal Small amounts of blood in
the urine may be due to
certain medicines, intense
exercise, sexual activity, or
menstruation. If larger
amounts of blood are found,
your health care provider may
request further testing.
Increased red blood cells
in urine may indicate: A viral
infection. Inflammation of the
kidney or bladder
Bilirubin Negativ Negative Normal A bilirubin in urine test
e measures the levels
of bilirubin in
your urine. Bilirubin is a
yellowish substance made
during the body's normal
process of breaking down
red blood cells. Bilirubin is
found in bile, a fluid in your
liver that helps you digest
food. Bilirubin in urine may
be a sign of liver disease.
Urobilinoge Normal 0.1-1.0 Normal If there is little or
n no urobilinogen in urine, it
can mean your liver isn't
working correctly. Too
much urobilinogen in
urine can indicate a liver
disease such as hepatitis or
RBC 1 0-11 Normal A high count of red blood
cells in the urine can
indicate infection, trauma,
tumors, or kidney stones.
If red blood cells seen under
microscopy look distorted,
they suggest kidney as the
possible source and may
arise due to kidney
Ketone Negativ Negative Normal Ketone bodies are usually
e absent in urine. The
presence of ketones in
the urine probably indicates
that the body is using fats
rather than carbohydrates
for energy. ... Detecting the
presence of ketones in
the urine is a valuable aid to
managing and monitoring
individuals with diabetes
Nitrite Negativ Negative Normal The presence of nitrites in
e urine most commonly
means there's a bacterial
infection in
your urinary tract. This is
usually called a urinary tract
infection (UTI). This is why
the presence of nitrites in
your urine is an indicator
that you may have a UTI.
Leukocytes + Negative Normal When this test is positive
and/or the WBC count in
urine is high, it may indicate
that there is inflammation in
the urinary tract or kidneys.
The most common cause
for WBCs
in urine (leukocyturia) is a
bacterial urinary tract
infection (UTI), such as a
bladder or kidney infection.
pH Acidic 7.35- Below Normal If a person has a high urine
7.45 pH, meaning that it is more
alkaline, it might signal a
medical condition such as:
kidney stones. urinary tract
infections (UTIs) kidney-
related disorders.
Specific 1.025 1.002 – Normal A urine specific gravity test
gravity 1.030 compares the density of
urine to the density of water.
This quick test can help
determine how well your
kidneys are diluting your
urine. Urine that's too
concentrated could mean
that your kidneys aren't
functioning properly or that
you aren't drinking enough
Pus cells 1 0-11 Normal Pyuria is a condition that
occurs when excess white
blood cells, or pus, are
present in the urine. Pyuria
causes cloudy urine and
frequently indicates the
presence of an urinary tract
infection (UTI). ... Parasites,
kidney stones, tumors and
cysts, and interstitial cystitis
can also lead to pyuria.

Date: 8/24/19
Hemoglobin 119 M: 135- Below normal Hemoglobin is a protein
170 in your red blood cells
F: 120- that carries oxygen to
150 your body's organs and
tissues and transports
carbon dioxide from your
organs and tissues back
to your lungs. If
a hemoglobin test
reveals that
your hemoglobin level is
lower than normal, it
means you have a low
red blood cell count
Erythrocytes 4.33 M: 4.5-5.0 Normal It's also known as
F: 4.0-4.5 an erythrocyte count.
The test is important
because RBCs contain
hemoglobin, which
carries oxygen to your
body's tissues. The
number of RBCs you
have can affect how
much oxygen your
tissues receive. Your
tissues need oxygen to
Leukocyte 8.33 5.0-10.0 Normal A WBC count can detect
hidden infections within
your body and alert
doctors to
undiagnosed medical
conditions, such as
autoimmune diseases,
immune deficiencies, and
blood disorders.
Monocyte 0.04 0.02-0.06 Normal Certain respiratory
illnesses, such as a
whooping cough or
tuberculosis, may cause
the levels of white blood
cells to
increase. Monocytes:
High levels
of monocytes may
indicate the presence of
chronic infection, an
autoimmune or blood
disorder, cancer, or
other medical conditions.
Segmenters 0.48 0.55-0.65 Normal A high neutrophil level
can indicate an acute
bacterial infection,
inflammation, tissue
death (such as after a
heart attack), stress on
the body, or chronic
leukemia. ... Illnesses,
such as myelodysplastic
syndrome, autoimmune
disorders, bone marrow
cancers, and aplastic
anemia can
also cause low
neutrophil counts.
Lymphocytes 0.46 0.25-0.40 Elevated Lymphocytes are a type
of white blood cell. They
play an important role in
your immune system,
helping your body fight
off infection. Many
underlying medical
conditions can cause
High lymphocyte blood
levels indicate your body
is dealing with an
infection or other
inflammatory condition.
Eosinophils 0.02 0.01-0.05 Normal Eosinophils are a type
of disease-fighting white
blood cell. This condition
most often indicates a
parasitic infection, an
allergic reaction or
cancer. You can have
high levels
of eosinophils in your
(blood eosinophilia) or
in tissues at the site of an
infection or inflammation
(tissue eosinophilia).
Basophils 0.00 0.000- Normal Basophils appear in
0.005 many specific kinds of
inflammatory reactions,
particularly those that
cause allergic symptoms.
Basophils contains
anticoagulant heparin,
which prevents blood
from clotting too quickly.
They also contain the
vasodilator histamine,
which promotes blood
flow to tissues.
Hematocrit 0.36 M: 0.40- Below Normal A hematocrit test is part
0.60 of a complete blood
F: 0.38- count (CBC). Measuring
0.45 the proportion of red
blood cells in your blood
can help your doctor
make a diagnosis or
monitor your response to
a treatment. A lower than
normal hematocrit can
indicate: An insufficient
supply of healthy red
blood cells (anemia)
Thrombocyte 286 150.0- Normal A normal platelet
300.0 count ranges from
150,000 to
450,000 platelets per
microliter of blood.
Having more than
450,000 platelets is a
condition called
thrombocytosis; having
less than 150,000 is
known as
thrombocytopenia. You
get your platelet number
from a routine blood test
called a complete
blood count (CBC).

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