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Coral culture and transplantation and restocking of

giant clams in the Philippines

Gomez, Edgardo D.; Cabaitan, Patrick C. & Vicentuan, Kareen C.
Date published: 2006

To cite this document : Gomez, E. D., Cabaitan, P. C., & Vicentuan, K. C. (2006). Coral culture and
transplantation and restocking of giant clams in the Philippines. In J. H. Primavera, E. T.
Quinitio, & M. R. R. Eguia (Eds.), Proceedings of the Regional Technical Consultation on Stock
Enhancement for Threatened Species of International Concern, Iloilo City, Philippines, 13-15
July 2005 (pp. 39-48). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian
Fisheries Development Center.

Keywords : Coral, Coral farming, Coral reefs, Marine aquaculture, Clam culture, Bivalve culture,
Transplantation, Seeding (aquaculture), Stocking (organisms), Artificial reefs, Philippines,
Tridacna gigas, Acropora

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Copyright © 2011-2015 SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.
Coral Culture and Transplantation and Restocking
of Giant Clams in the Philippines

Edgardo D. Gomez, Patrick C. Cabaitan and Kareen C. Vicentuan

The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines

Introduction German Ministry of Environment facili-

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tated by the Tropical Ecology Program of the

Philippine reefs are among the richest German Technical Cooperation (Heeger and
and most diverse in the world with more Sotto 2000). The objectives of the coral farm
than 400 species of scleractinian corals iden- were to serve as a nursery for coral fragments,
tified (Veron 1995). In the 1970s, Philippine maintain biodiversity, and generate income for
reefs started to be degraded and continued fisherfolk by marketing the farm-grown coral
to decline mostly as a result of increasing fragments for rehabilitation and ecotourism.
demands placed on them by humans, and The Caw-oy coral farm was two hectares in
their misuse. Only about 5% of Philippine size with about 275 coral nursery units built by
reefs have excellent cover (Gomez et al members of the Caw-oy Fisherfolk’s Organi-
1994, Wilkinson 2004). zation, containing about 22,000 coral frag-
ments. Unfortunately, legal and sociological
The alarming degradation of coral reefs constraints put an end to this effort.
in many parts of the world has resulted in
growing attention to coral reef rehabilita- Recently, the Pew Project (2001 to 2005) of
tion using transplanted corals and other the senior author entitled “Coral reef habitat
invertebrates (Edwards and Clark 1998, and productivity enhancement through coral
Rinkevich 2005). The idea of planting corals transplantation and giant clam restocking”
and restoring reefs goes back at least 30 was implemented with the aim to improve the
years. Initial activities in the Philippines were biodiversity and productivity of stressed coral
accomplished through the collaborative efforts reef habitats in 10 selected demonstration
between the then UP Marine Sciences Center sites in the Philippines. These were meant
and Silliman University (Alcala et al 1982). to serve as models for other communities.
It was also around this time that other coun- Transplantation of corals and reseeding of giant
tries, like the United States of America in clams were the approaches. Nubbins or small
Hawaii (Maragos 1974) and Australia in fragments from nearby large coral colonies and
the Great Barrier Reef (Harriot and Fisk abundant solitary forms were transplanted to
1988) started their rehabilitation efforts. So the target sites. Care was exercised to avoid
the Philippines is among the countries that or reduce any negative impacts on the natural
pioneered in reef rehabilitation work. source communities. Only cultured giant
clams were used, specifically the threatened
Another local coral transplantation effort Tridacna gigas at sizes that would ensure their
was the Coral Farm Project (CFP) in Caw-oy, chances of survival in the wild (approximately
Cebu (1997 to 2000). It was initiated and 20-30 cm shell length). Following deployment,
supervised by the Marine Biology Section of monitoring activities were undertaken, focusing
the University of San Carlos in Cebu City and on macro-invertebrates and fish, as well as
funded by the Commission on Higher Educa- the assessment of the survival and growth
tion – Center of Development Fund and the of experimental animals. Liaison work was
40 Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines
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Fig. 1. Acropora spp. transplants cemented on dead table Acropora at Masinloc,

Zambales (Dec. 2002 transplants).

done with local communities to raise their Approaches to Transplanting

environmental awareness and to ensure their Corals
cooperation. This manuscript draws principally
from results of the Pew Project. Direct transplantation on natural
At present, two other restoration proj-
ects supported by the European Union and Cementing on dead reefal substrate
the Global Environment Facility Coral Reef
Targeted Research Project are being imple- Cementing was the major method used
mented at the Bolinao Marine Laboratory in the Pew Project. This technique allows
of the University of the Philippines–Marine immediate firm attachment of corals on the
Science Institute (UP-MSI) in Pangasinan. natural substrate (Fig. 1). In collecting corals,
These projects are testing the efficiency of natural broken fragments were picked up
floating and standing coral nurseries in grow- first before nubbins or small fragments were
ing coral nubbins in addition to transplanting taken from locally occurring abundant,
fragments or branches of corals to restore large coral colonies. Care was exercised
degraded coral reefs. to avoid or reduce any negative impacts on
the natural communities by limiting harvest
to only about 10% of the donor colony.
Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines 41

Months after the fragmentation, the source tion underwater. Prior to application to the
colonies were showing signs of recovery substrate, a small hole is torn off one corner
with new polyps forming and broken parts of the bag just large enough to squeeze out the
growing back (Fig. 2). To further check for cement (like toothpaste). Depressions on
collateral damage, the reproductive status bare, hard substrates with no living organisms
of source colonies should also be monitored is selected.
(Epstein et al 2001).
When a mound of cement is in place,
For cement preparation, a 1:3 ratio of the coral branch or fragment can then be
cement to sand is usually mixed on shore. embedded in the cement mound, and the
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Then the final mixing with fresh water is cement molded gently around the coral
conveniently done on the boat while on site. base to form a good bond. The actual size
After adding enough fresh water to make of the cement mound depends on the size
a thick cement paste, the mixture is then of the coral fragment with larger fragments
requiring bigger mounds for firmer attach-
placed inside plastic bags. Each plastic bag
ment, especially when using branching frag-
should be tightly tied, leaving no air inside
and minimizing the entrance of seawater
that may alter the semisolid property of the In transplanting corals, fragments should
mixed cement during the actual transplanta- be positioned upright towards the sunlight, so

Fig. 2. Source coral colony at Alabat, Quezon showing recovery after fragmentation.
42 Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines

that they will grow naturally. It may be useful in the Hundred Islands National Park in
to brace the coral base by embedding some Pangasinan province had been colonized by
rocks or small pieces of rubble around the corals. The clams also offer a natural substrate
base. The cement base of the planted coral for other invertebrates, in addition to corals
will become stable in about one hour after and marine plants which subsequently attract
being placed underwater and will fully harden grazers. Clams provide relief and structure,
within 1-2 days. where fish and other invertebrates can
take refuge and plants can grow. The most
The highest survival of coral transplants important reason for the use of clams in reef
of about 84% was achieved in the site of rehabilitation is to reestablish their breeding
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Alcoy, Cebu, while the Camotes Is., Cebu populations in strategic sites and eventually
site 1 obtained the lowest survival of 8% allow natural recruitment of juveniles to the
(Fig. 3). Mortality of coral fragments could reefs.
be attributed to various causes such as
predation by the crown-of-thorns starfish Transplantation on artificial
Acanthaster planci, burying of corals by sand, substrates
and dislodgment of transplants after a typhoon.
Tying to terracotta tiles and marble chips
Tying to dead standing corals
If suitable natural surfaces are limited,
Coral transplants may be tied directly to coral transplantation may be done on
dead standing corals with the use of insu- artificial substrates. One approach used in
lated copper wire (solid, #22). Dead corals the project “Rehabilitation of the Hundred
should be large enough to support the coral Islands National Park” was tying of coral
fragment. This method reduces the distur- fragments to marble chip rejects with the
bance brought about by sedimentation. use of insulated copper wire. The marble
chips were then fastened onto the natural
Relocation of solitary corals and substrate with concrete nails for permanent
of sub-colonies of staghorn thickets attachment. In the Coral Farm Project,
corals were tied to terracotta tiles for
Some reefs have areas where large mono- restocking purposes (Heeger and Sotto
specific thickets of corals are growing and 2000). Mortality among corals fastened to
clusters of solitary corals (fungiids) are tiles often resulted from detachment or over-
found. Relocation of some of these corals turning.
on degraded reefs will minimize the spatial
competition in the source areas. Thick Attachment to introduced boulders
branches of staghorn corals may be trans-
planted on sand where they are sometimes Coral fragments may be transplanted
found naturally. On the other hand, the to introduced boulders in areas such as
mushroom corals should preferably be relo- extensive sand patches where hard substrate
cated on hard substrates. is limited. This approach was employed in
Infanta, Quezon where some patch reefs
Use of giant clams are buried by sand from river run-off.
Deployed boulders can stabilize the substrate
Using large tridacnid clams in the reef and can also provide substrate for other
rehabilitation activities is a novel approach. fauna (Fox et al 2005). In Infanta, coral
This idea was derived from the observa- transplants were arranged around each
tion that some of the giant clams restocked boulder using nylon nets to hold them in
Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines 43
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Fig. 3. Representative sites of the Pew Project showing highest (Alcoy:

84%) and lowest (Camotes 1: 8%) survival of coral transplants
obtained. (Legend: coral = plots with coral transplants only; corcl
= plots with corals and clams).
44 Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines

place until they could attach to the boulders. coral nursery units where they were left
Alternate means of attachment such as under- to regenerate and attach to the substrate.
water epoxy might also be tried. The use of After three to four weeks, fragments were
boulders can add relief and structure to the observed to have securely attached to the
reef where marine organisms can attach or substrate. Monitoring and cleaning of sedi-
take shelter. ment and algae from the coral nursery units
were done regularly to obtain a higher survival
Meshed grids for substrate stabilization rate of the transplants.
Another technique in substrate stabili- Another coral faming initiative at present
zation is the use of meshed grids. Stabilizing
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is in Silaki Island, Bolinao, Pangasinan. Coral

the substrate is a prerequisite to actual coral nubbins with a maximum size of 2 cm diameter
recruitment because unstable substrates can or height were used. Nubbins were attached
decrease the survival of both transplants and
onto plastic meshed nets or plastic tubing,
natural recruits. One collaborator in the Pew
depending on the lifeforms, using cyano-
Project (L. Raymundo) used meshed plastic
acrylate adhesive. The method employed
grids with cemented rock piles to stabilize
is similar to that described by Shafir et al
rubble substrates. Preliminary results showed
(2006). The plastic meshed nets and plastic
that the mesh remained fixed during stormy
tubing with corals are then secured to the
weather, though rock piles required addi-
floating or standing coral nursery platforms.
tional cementing. Coral transplants showed
These field-reared coral nubbins will be
91% survival after one month. After 3
used to rehabilitate damaged reefs in the
mo, obvious growth, natural attachment
future. The nursery method also has great
to the base and fusion between adjacent
corals were observed. Coral recruits (1-2 cm potential for the culture of corals for the
diameter) also appeared on rock piles 4 mo aquarium trade. In addition to the use of
after placement. nubbins, future nurseries may also use coral
planulae produced by spawning induction
Coral farming or collected from the wild (Heyward et al
The inherent pressure on the source
colonies during collection and the need Restocking of Giant Clams
for mass production of coral fragments for
restoration create a need for coral farming. Giant clams (Family Tridacnidae) are
The first significant coral farming effort in essential components of the coral reef
the Philippines was the Coral Farm Project ecosystem and contribute to reef produc-
in Caw-oy, Cebu as earlier mentioned. Frag- tion. They are primary producers because
ments were carefully chosen and cut from the of the presence of their algal symbionts,
donor colonies using pliers (for branching supporting various marine organisms by
types) or hammer and chisel (for encrusting serving as nursery grounds of numerous
and massive types). The donor site was near invertebrates and fishes when present in
the farm allowing the close monitoring of large numbers. Their calcified shells are
the health and impact on donor colonies good substrata for sedentary organisms thus
after fragment collection and minimizing contributing to reef diversity. Tridacnids
stress on the coral fragments caused by are exploited for their meat and shells to
long transport. The collected fragments various degrees in the Indo-Pacific region,
were tied firmly to terracotta tiles with their distribution range. In the Philippines,
galvanized iron wire, then transported to giant clam meat is utilized as food and is
Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines 45
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Fig. 4. Location map of the Pew Project demonstration sites for coral transplants, the
Hundred Islands National Park, and sites of giant clam culture.
46 Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines

being sold in local markets. Overexploita- Between 1989 and 1994, the UP–MSI
tion has resulted in the scarcity of most of the was able to collect adequate numbers of
indigenous species. H. hippopus, T. squamosa, T. maxima and
T. crocea for experiments on spawning. Of
The remaining giant clam populations the rare species, three cohorts of T. derasa
are threatened by commercial exploitation, seed were imported from Palau between
poaching, illegal fishing practices that de- 1984 and 1985; and seven cohorts of cul-
grade their habitats, bleaching, disease, and tured T. gigas were imported from the
pollution (Mingoa-Licuanan and Gomez Solomon Islands (as pediveligers) and from
2002). Due to intense use of giant clams, Australia (as juveniles) and between 1987
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harvesting natural clam stocks is no longer and 1995.

sustainable. As a result, there is a need to
culture these bivalves to supply clam seeds The UP–MSI has been able to culture
for restocking purposes and to provide alter- the six species mentioned above. Lack of
native source of clams for the demands of H. porcellanus broodstock did not allow
commercial trade. It is important that the UP–MSI to culture this species successfully,
remaining wild stocks should be allowed to though the technology is available.
recover, either naturally or by restocking of
When funding from ACIAR terminated
cultured seed stocks.
in 1992, MSI continued work on the culture
Conservation efforts to restore giant of giant clams with support from the Inter-
clam populations are being practiced in the national Development Research Centre
Philippines by the UP-MSI. In the 1980s, (IDRC) of Canada. Its objectives were to mass
the WorldFish Center (then ICLARM, the produce juveniles for restocking purposes
International Center for Living Aquatic and to create livelihood programs through
Resources Management) and the Austra- giant clam farming. With the success of giant
lian Centre for International Agricultural clam rearing, UP-MSI started to restock in
Research (ACIAR) organized a regional various parts of the country focusing on the
collaborative research program whose key largest tridacnid, T. gigas.
objectives were to establish tridacnid brood- In 2001, the program received significant
stocks and develop mariculture technology. support through the Pew Marine Conserva-
The ensuing six-year program involved Aus- tion Fellowship for the senior author. The
tralia, several South Pacific island nations, project “Coral Reef Habitat and Productivity
and the Philippines with the UP–MSI as one Enhancement” aimed to improve the biodiver-
of two participating academic institutions in sity and productivity of degraded coral reef
the country. A publication from this program habitats in ten selected demonstration sites
(Copland and Lucas 1988) provides an over- in the Philippines through coral transplanta-
view of giant clam biology and culture. tion and giant clam reseeding, particularly the
threatened T. gigas. A total of 1,125 sub-adult
Obtaining broodstock was not easy
clams were deployed in 11 demonstration
because the three largest species, Tridacna
sites (one site added to the 10 sites originally
gigas, T. derasa and Hippopus porcellanus,
proposed) and about 10,145 juvenile clams
were uncommon. The small burrowing were transported to other sites for rearing
species, T. maxima and T. crocea were still (Table 1 and Fig. 4).
abundant while T. squamosa and H. hippopus,
could be found in good numbers only in An earlier clam restocking project in the
certain localities (Juinio et al 1989). Hundred Islands National Park funded and
Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines 47

Table 1. Tridacna gigas and Hippopus hippopus clams distributed through the Pew
Project, 2002-2004.

Demonstration sites Other sites

Quantity Quantity
(sub-adult clams) (juvenile clams)
Northern Philippines
Anda, Pangasinan 225
Masinloc, Zambales 225
Infanta, Quezon 75
Alabat, Quezon 75
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Central Philippines
Alcoy, Cebu 75 Tigbauan, Iloilo 500
Camotes, Cebu 150 Danjugan, Negros Occ. 500
Calape, Bohol 75 Dumaguete, Negros Or. 5000
Lawaan, Eastern Olango, Cebu 1250
Samar 75 Lawaan, Eastern Samar 2350
Southern Philippines Sinacaban, Misamis Occ.
Samal Island, Davao 150 (sub-adults) 25
Samal Island, Davao 520
Total (all T. gigas) 1125 Total (all T. gigas + 40
H. hippopus) 10145
Approx. survival of Approx. survival of
sub-adults 92% juveniles 15%

supported the Philippine Tourism Authority It is noteworthy that other countries,

had for its main objective the establishment notably Indonesia, trade both wild collected
of giant clam ocean nurseries as demon- and cultured corals, while other countries
stration sites for clam conservation. At the such as the Solomon Islands and the Marshall
end of that project in 2002, about 10,000 Islands trade cultured clams in the interna-
giant clams of various sizes had been tional market. This simply means that the
deployed in different sites in the park. See Philippines is missing an opportunity to
Gomez and Licuanan (in press) for a full help coastal inhabitants develop an alterna-
account of this effort. tive livelihood, unless the laws and regula-
tions are modified. There is no valid reason
Constraints for countries not to engage in appropriate
coral and giant clam culture and trade.
In the Philippines, it is unfortunate that
present government policies do not allow There is a need to improve the techniques
commercial production of corals and the export briefly described here. A few manuals already
of both corals and giant clams for the aquarium exist for coral restoration (e.g., Omori and
trade, even if they are cultured. This results Fujiwara 2004) which outline some of the
from a misunderstanding of CITES regulations. culture approaches. Fortunately, there are
Both scleractinian corals and giant clams are two ongoing initiatives on coral restora-
listed in Appendix II of the Convention, which tion that are being funded by the Global
means that their international trade should be Environment Facility and the European
managed, but not prohibited. Union. In a few years, the state of the art in
48 Coral Culture and Transplantation, Philippines

coral culture and transplantation should be Harriott VJ and Fisk, DA. 1988. Coral trans-
significantly improved. For giant clams, the plantation as a reef management option.
culture techniques have been in existence Proc. Sixth Intl. Coral Reef Sym. 2:
for the past two decades. 375-379
Heeger T and Sotto F (eds). 2000. Coral
Acknowledgements Farming: A tool for reef rehabilita-
tion and community ecotourism. German
We wish to thank SEAFDEC/AQD for the Ministry of Environment (BMU)/German
invitation to the senior author to participate Technical Cooperation and the Tropical
in the workshop on stock enhancement. Ecology Program (GTZ-TOB), Frankfurt.
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Much of this work is derived from the 94 p.

project, “Coral reef habitat and productivity Heyward AJ, Smith LD, Rees M and Field
enhancement through coral transplanta- SN. 2002. Enhancement of coral recruit-
tion and giant clam restocking”, of the senior ment by in situ mass culture of coral larvae.
author, a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 230: 113-118
This paper is UP–MSI Contribution No. 348. Juinio MAR, Meñez LAB, Villanoy CL and
Gomez ED. 1989. Status of giant clam
References resources in the Philippines. J. Mollusc.
Alcala AC, Gomez ED and Alcala LC. 1982. Studies 55: 431-440
Survival and growth of coral transplants Maragos JE. 1974. Coral transplantation:
in Central Philippines. Kalikasan, Philipp. a method to create, preserve, and manage
J. Biol. 11(1): 136-147 coral reefs. University of Hawaii Sea Grant
Copland JW and Lucas JS. 1988. Giant clams Program, AR-74-03, Honolulu. 29 p.
in Asia and the Pacific. ACIAR Mono- Mingoa-Licuanan S and Gomez ED. 2002.
graph No. 9, Canberra. 274 p. Giant clam conservation in Southeast
Edwards AJ and Clark S. 1998. Coral trans- Asia. Tropic. Coasts 9(2): 24-31
plantation: a useful management tool Omori M and Fujiwara S. 2004. Manual for
or misguided meddling? Mar. Poll. Bull. restoration and remediation of coral reefs.
37: 8-12 Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of
Epstein N, Bak RPM and Rinkevich B. 2001. the Environment, Japan. 84 p.
Strategies for gardening denuded coral Rinkevich B. 2005. Conservation of coral
reef areas: the applicability of using reefs through active restoration measures:
different types of coral material for reef recent approaches and last decade
restoration. Restor. Ecol. 4:432-442 progress. Environ. Sci. Tech. 39: 4333-
Fox HE, Mous PJ, Pet JS, Muljadi AH 4342
and Caldwell RL. 2005. Experimental Shafir S, Rijn JV and Rinkevich B. 2006.
assessment of coral reef rehabilitation Steps in the construction of underwater
following blast fishing. Conserv. Biol. coral nursery, an essential component in
19(1): 98-107 reef restoration acts. Mar. Biol. 149: 679-
Gomez ED and Mingoa-Licuanan SS. 2006. 687
Achievements and lessons learned in re- Veron JEN. 1995. Corals in space and
stocking giant clams in the Philippines. time: biogeography and evolution of
Fish. Res. 80: 46-52 the Scleractinia. UNSW Press, Sydney.
Gomez ED, Aliño PM, Yap HT and Licuanan 321 p.
WY. 1994. A review of the status of the Wilkinson C. 2004. Status of coral reefs of
Philippine reefs. Mar. Poll. Bull. 29 (1- the world: 2004. Australian Institute of
3): 62-68 Marine Science, Townsville. 557 p.

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