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Q1. Define thermal conductivity and drive its formula.
Answer : "The amount of heat transferred per second across opposite
side of 1 metre cube. When the temperature difference across the opposite
sides of cube is equal to 1 kelvin, is called thermal conductivity of such

Rate of flow of heat = Q


Factors affecting rate of heat :

 Area of cross-section : Rate of flow of heat is directly proportional to
the area of cross-section of solid. Q/t ∝ A
 Length of solid : Rate of flow of heat is inversely proportional to the
length of solid.
Q/t ∝ 1/t
 Temperature difference : The larger is the value of temperature
difference, the larger is the rate of flow of heat. Q/t ∝ ( T₁ - T₂ )
By combining all factors :

Q ∝ A ( T₁ - T₂ )

t. L

Q ∝ K A ( T₁ - T₂ )

t. L

“K “ is constant of proportionality called thermal conductivity.

K=Q × L

t. A ( T₁ - T₂ )

Q2. Write a note on greenhouse effect.

Answer : GREEN HOUSE EFFECT : The radiation coming from the Sun
contain heat radiations, which are of larger wavelength as compared with light. Glass
and thin polythene allowe to pass radiations of larger wavelength. But radiations of
small wavelength cannot pass through them. This is the reason that temperature
inside green house rise due to radiation coming from the Sun. heat radiations inside
the green house cannot escape through glass and polythene walls of green house.
The Earth's atmosphere contain water vapor and carbon dioxide traces. The
temperature of Earth is either maintained or it increases continuously. Due to increase
of percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperature of Earth is
expected to increase. It is reason of "Global Warming".

Give short answers of the following :

Q1. What are three modes of transfer of heat?
Answer :
 Conductor. Convection. Radiation.

2.Define conduction.
Answer : "The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in
solids, from hot to cold part of body is called conduction."

3.Why Styrofoam box is used to keep food hot or ice

cream cold for long time?
Answer : Styrofoam boxes and bad conductors of heat. They does not allow heat
to leave or enter the boxes.

4.Write down uses of conductors.

Answer : Good conductors are used when quick transfer of heat is required
through body. Thus, cookers, cooking plates, boiler, radiated and condensors of
refrigerators are made up of metals.

5.Write down uses of non conductors.

Answer :
 Hot water tanks are insulated by plastic or form legging.
 Wall cavities are filled with plastic form or wool.
 Ceiling of a rooms is covered by insulating materials ( for sealing ).

6.Define convection.
Answer : "Transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules from hot place to
cold place is known as Convection."
Transfer of heat in fluids take place by Convection.

7.What are sea breeze?

Answer : On a hot day, the temperature of land increases more quickly than see.
The air above land gets hot and rises up. Cold air from sea begin to flow towards land.
It is called, sea breeze.

8.what are land breeze?


Answer : At night, the land cools faster than the sea. Therefore, air above sea is
warmer, rises up and the cold air from land begins to move towards sea. It is called
land breeze.

9.What are gliders?

Answer : A glider looks like a small aeroplane without engine. Glider pilots use
upward movement of hot air currents due to Convection of heat. These rising currents
of hot here are called thermals.

10.Which birds are expert thermal climber?

Answer : Eagles , hawks and vultures are expert thermal climber.

11.Define radiation.
Answer : Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat from one place to another
place in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves.

12.On what factors does radiation emission depend?

Answer :
 Color and texture of surface.
 Surface temperature.
 Surface area.

13.How anything in thermos flask maintains its

Answer : In a thermos flask, most of heat is prevented to enter or leave the flask.
This is done by suitable measures to reduce the transfer of heat due to conduction,
convection and radiation. Thus, any thing kept in it, maintains its temperature for long


9.2 Why metals are good conductors of heat?
Answer : Conductor contain free electrons which move throughout the conductor
rapidly. This helps to transfer the heat by conduction.

9.3c. Why double walled glass vessel is used in thermos

Answer : Double walled glass vessel is used in making the thermos flask. This
removes the conduction of heat, because air is bad conductor.

9.3d. Why deserts soon get hot during the day and soon
get cold after Sun set?
Answer : Deserts have sand whose conductivity is large. Therefore temperature
of sand rises rapidly during day. At night, sand conducts heat into surrounding and
becomes cold rapidly.

9.4 Why conduction of heat does not take place in gases?

Answer : Gases are bad conductor, that is why conduction of heat through gases
is very slow.

9.5 What measures do you suggest to conserve energy in

our houses?
Answer : 1.The walls are made double with insulator at the middle.
2.The house is covered with glass or polythene to avoid conduction.
9.6 Why transfer of heat in Fluids take place by
Answer : In case of fluids, molecules have free movement. It is possible to
produce Convection currents. It helps to transfer heat by Convection.

9.7 What is meant by Convection current?


Answer : In Fluids, the molecules can move from hotter to colder parts easily,
because these are free to move. Their movements are called conduction current.

9.9 How does heat reaches us from sun?

Answer : From sun heat reaches to the earth by method of radiation.

9.10 How various surfaces can be compared by a leslie

Answer : The different sides of leslie cube are made different in nature. This is the
reason that transfer of heat from different sides of this cube is of different amount.

9.11 What is greenhouse effect?

Answer : By use of glass or polythene, the infrared radiations are filtered.
therefore, transfer of heat across them becomes zero. This helps to produce
greenhouse effect.

9.12 Explain the impact of greenhouse effect in global

Answer : The presence of carbon dioxide and water vapours in the atmosphere of
earth produces greenhouse effect and there is less transfer of heat radiation across
them to increase the temperature of atmosphere.

What are four faces of leslie cube?

Answer :
 a shining silvered surface
 a dull black surfaces
 a white surface
 a coloured surface

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