Question Bank-Dot Net Framework For Application Development

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Dot Net Framework for Application Development Question Bank

Question Set 1
1) a) What is Namespace? How namespace is used to solve name-clashing problem, Explain
with Example. 5M
b) What is an assembly? Explain with Examples 3M
2) Explain how to create a blank universal windows platform app using visual studio 2015
with example. 8M
3) a) What is definite assignment rule? Explain with an example. Explain the usage of
ToString Method in .NET Framework with Example.4M
b) Describe Method overloading? Explain useful of method overloading with
4) a) What is short circuiting using Boolean operators. Explain with Example .2M
b) Explain how to use Boolean expressions with the if and switch statements to make
decisions in your programs with example.6M
5) Explain how to use while, for, and do statements to execute code repeatedly while some
Boolean condition is true with example. 8M
6) Explain the two things you need write exception-aware programs. Explain with example
how to catch and handle exceptions by using the try and catch constructs. 8M
7) a) How to throw an exception if your code detects an exceptional situation. 5M
b) How to use a finally block to ensure that critical code always runs, even if an
exception occurs.5M
8) a) Explain the purpose of encapsulation with example. 3M
b) What is constructor? Explain necessity of overloading constructors with example.5M
How to use the new keyword to create a new instance of a class and how to define
constructors that can initialize class instances.
9) Explain how we create a with example 8M
1) Sharing field 2) static field by using the const keyword 3)Static Class 4) Anonymous
classes .
How to implement static fields and methods to provide data and operations that are
independent of any specific instance of a class.
10) a) Explain the differences between a value type and a reference type with example.4M
b) What is boxing and unboxing? Explain with examples. 4M
11) Explain how arguments are passed as method parameters by using the ref and out
12) Explain how to Declare, Create and use an enumeration type with Examples. 8M

Question Set 2
1) a) Explain how to declare,create and use a structure type with examples. 5M
b) Explain the differences in behavior between a structure and a class with Examples. 3M
2) a) Write a method to find minimum value in a set of values that can accept any number of
arguments by using the params keyword. 4M
b) Write a method that can accept any number of arguments of any type by using the params
keyword in combination with the object type. 4M
3) Explain how to control method hiding and overriding by using the new, virtual, and override
keywords with example. 8M
4) a) How to limit accessibility within an inheritance hierarchy by using the protected keyword,
explain with example.4M
b) Explain how extension methods used as an alternative mechanism to using inheritance with
examples 4M
5) a) Define an interface specifying the signatures and return types of methods with
b) List out the Interface restriction.3M
6) a)What is abstract class? Write a C# program to implement abstract classes. 4M
b) What is Sealed Classes? Write a C# program to implement sealed classes. 4M
7) Why use the garbage collector? Explain with example and Explain How does the garbage
collector work with recommendations? 8M
8) How the .NET Framework uses it to dispose of objects and reclaim memory. Explain with
examples. 8M
9) a) Implement the IDisposable interface in C# to support exception-safe disposal in a class. 4M
b) Explain how to create interfaces that declare properties with example..4M
10) What are properties? Explain how to create and use properties to provide controlled access to
data in an object with examples. list out properties Restriction? 8M
11) a) Explain how to create interfaces that declare properties with example. 4M
b) Explain how to generate properties automatically based on field definitions with examples.
12) What is an indexer? Lists and explain set of operators provided by c# that you can use to
access and manipulate the individual bits in an int.8M

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